diabetes mellitus

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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DIABETES MELLITUS. An Emerging Disaster. Session Objectives. Identify the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the Saudi community. Discuss the classification of DM . Discuss the diagnostic criteria for DM. Identify the patho -physiological changes in a diabetic patient. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



An Emerging Disaster

DIABETES MELLITUS1Session ObjectivesIdentify the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the Saudi community.Discuss the classification of DM .Discuss the diagnostic criteria for DM.Identify the patho-physiological changes in a diabetic patient. Enumerate and discuss the importance presenting signs & symptoms of DM.

Session Objectives (cont...)Investigate appropriately a patient with DM.Advice initial management plan for a patient diagnosed first with DM.Discuss different medication used in DM management .Identify importance of life style changes in diabetic patients. Discuss screening criteria for DM.

Genetic predispositionIGTInsulin Resistance(Hyperinsulinemia) Cell DefectUsually 50% of cells are functioning at time of diagnosisType 2 DiabetesPrevalence of DM in Saudi Arabia

A community based study of 17232 subjects conducted between 1995 and 2000 in KSA.

The examining age group, 30-70 years of selected households during 5-year period

MansourM.Al-Nozha et al,The prevalence of CAD among Saudis of both sexes, in rural as well as urban communities, as well as modifiable risk factors for CAD. Saudi Medical Journal 2004;Vol.25(9):1165-1171 5Prevalence of DM in Saudi ArabiaThe overall prevalence of DM obtained from this study is 23.7% in KSA.

The prevalence in males and females were 26.2% and 21.5% respectively (p