
DIABETES By David and Shane

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Post on 04-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Diabetes


By David and Shane

Page 2: Diabetes

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is the disease caused by high blood sugar or the individuals pancreas cannot produce enough insulin.

There are two types of Diabetes Type 1 results from the body's failure to

produce insulin Type 2 Diabetes is where the Diabetes

builds a resistance to insulin

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Diabetes affects all the systems in the body

The immune system is affected making diabetics less able to fend off viruses and infections

The cardio vascular system is affected causing hardening of the arteries, heart disease, poor circulation and the potential

for stroke

The nervous system is affected in the form of neuropathy, which is pain and numbness along any nerve in the body.

The muscular skeletal system is affected, diabetics are prone to more tendon injuries, tendonitis etc.

Even the skin is affected through the reduction of efficiency in the immune system, making topical infections more likely.


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HOW TO PREVENT IT• Eat Breakfast

• If you’re obese lose weight

• Seven servings of fruits and vegetables every day

• Cut back on soda pop

• Daily Physical Activity

• Less fast food

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When a person has high blood sugarWhen the body doesn’t produce insulinBeing over weight or obeseThe body doesn’t react to insulin as it should

What Causes Diabetes?

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What Diabetes can cause

O In Diabetics who have high blood sugar it can cause increased urination, thirst and hunger.

O Increases the risk of people with type 2 diabetes to have a stroke or other heart problems

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People with type 1 diabetes will have to take

insulin injections for the rest of their life People with type 2 diabetes will have to use

an insulin pump regularly
