dharmadwar ip dadeldhura

Government of Nepal Ministry of Irrigation Department of Irrigation Far Western Regional Irrigation Directorate Dhangadhi, Kailali. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SURVEY Name of Project : Dharmadwar Irrigation Sub - Project

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His Majesty's Government

Dharmadwar Irrigation Sub Project, Jogabuda VDC- 4, Dadeldhura

Government of NepalMinistry of IrrigationDepartment of Irrigation

Far Western Regional Irrigation Directorate

Dhangadhi, Kailali.


Name of Project: Dharmadwar Irrigation Sub - Project


: Jogabuda VDC-4, DadeldhuraYear

: 2070/0711.Background:

Irrigation plays important role in increasing the productivity, cropping intensity and crop diversification of the crop. Production of agriculture sectors depend on irrigation system. Growth of GDP of the agricultural country largely rely on farming system, is again depended on availability of year round and dependent irrigation. In case of Nepal, agriculture is the major part of the national economy generating about 40% of the GDP and 80% of the economically active population in Nepal. Irrigation, good variety of seed and fertilizer, insecticides and improved advance technology are very essential for increasing the productivity of the crop in order to feed the country's growing population. Department of Irrigation (DOI) is the prime agency having responsibility of carrying out sustainable maintenance and operation of the existing irrigation schemes and developing more irrigated areas. DOI has been continuously engaged in the development of irrigation through different policies.

Dharmadwar Irrigation Subproject is situated in Jogabuda V.D.C. Ward No 4, Dadeldhura District. Geographically the project area is confined within 29 06.106' N ( 29 06.278' N , latitude and 80 14.855' E - 80 15.213' E longitude..

The project covers 28.7 hectares of command area within the Jogabuda V.D.C. Ward No 4 and has 324 beneficiaries from 46 households. The source of this project is Dharmdwar khola. This is perennial source. The minimum discharge is 120l/sec at the time of visit (2070-08-19).

1.1Implementation Stages of an Irrigation Project:

Department of Irrigation has developed a policy for the implementation stages of an irrigation project which starts with the study and survey. The different stages used for an irrigation project are:

A. Study and Survey

a. Conceptualization

b. Project Information Dissemination

c. Request collection and screening

d. Identification Study

e. Pre-feasibility Study

f. Feasibility Study

B. Scheme Planning

C. Detail Study

D. Design, Drawing and Cost Estimate

E. Implementation

F. Operation and Maintenance

G. Evaluation

H. Lesson Learned

I. Application to Future Projects

1.2Identification Study of an Irrigation Project:This is the primary stage of information generation of an irrigation project. After screening genuine projects obtained from different farmers groups and area, through request form, identification study is carried out. During screening of farmers' request, consideration is given to select genuine request with maximum number of farmers' commitment and ensuring the set principle and criteria to be met. The basic criteria to be met by the project for identification study are:

All the beneficiary household should sign the request form

There should be good water source

There should be commitment from the farmers to take future operation and maintenance responsibilities.

There should be no water right disputes.

2.Objective of the Study:

The main objective of the study is to verify the request made by the farmers and recommend whether the project to be undertaken for further study or not. The specific objectives of the study are:

To verify whether the data submitted by the farmers in their request letter is correct and demand is genuine.

To collect additional information regarding physical and social status of the scheme To provide a firm basis for further processing and detail design.

To access whether the project should be carried out to the pre-feasibility or feasibility study or rejected.

3.Study Approach and Methodology:

After studying the request form from different farmers group, the selection of the study area was made on the basis of criteria stated before. The data and information required for the study were obtained from both the primary and the secondary sources. For primary data collection, field survey and measurement was carried out, whereas secondary data were obtained from the study of topo-sheet. Desk study was carried out on the 1:25,000 scale topographic maps to locate the project and calculate the command area and catchment area. The field study was carried out in two stages:

3.1Interaction with the farmers:

An interaction program with the farmers with maximum participation was carried out during the study. The social and agricultural information was obtained from the discussion with the farmers. Similarly, information regarding why the farmers requested the project was also obtained during the interaction and their interest on the project was studied.

3.2Field Inspection and Measurement:

A field visit was carried to observe the water source, command area and main canal alignment. Measurement of the discharge of the source and condition of the proposed intake was carried out. Similarly, condition of the catchment, area of the command area and length of idle canal and main canal were measured and studied. The discharge measurement was carried out with Area Velocity method or bucket method depending upon the stream or spring sources. The length of the canal was measured through GPS observations. 4.Project Introduction and Recommendation:

Dharmadwar Irrigation System is located in Jogabuda VDC of Dadeldhura District. It is located within 29 06.106' N ( 29 06.278' N and 80 14.855' E - 80 15.213' E. It is a Rehab. project with a command area of 28.7 ha. The source of water is perennial with measured discharge of 120lps (2070-08-19). The idle length of the canal is 2 km and the total length is 2.5km. The area is a food deficit area; there is the great use of water application through irrigation.Therefore, it is recommended to carry out further study of the project at pre or detail feasibility level based on following points: Good Farmer Reponses i.e. had committed to take future operation and maintenance responsibilities and wanted to contribute as users group as per rule and regulation of irrigation. Good potential for increasing agricultural production,

Almost not short canal length but less technical difficulties,

The intake site is in stable area due with rocky and stony , shows good intake site,


: IdentificationName of the Project

: Dharmadwar ISPType

: ImproventsVDC

: Jogabuda VDC- 4District

: DadeldhuraZone

: MahakaliRegion

: Far-WesternGeographical Coordinates

: Latitude 29 06.106' N ( 29 06.278' N

Longitude 80 14.855' E - 80 15.213' E Access

: JogabudaGross Command Area

: 32 haCulturable Command Area

: 28.7 haSource

: Dharmdwar kholaCatchment Area

: 6 km2Discharge

: 120lps (2070-08-19)Water Right Problem

: NoIntake Type

: Side Intake Idle Length

: 2 kmTotal Length

: 2.5 kmNumber of Cross Drainage Work

: 5Road Crossing

: 1Total Cost

: NRs Cost Per Ha

: NRs Recommendation


This questionnaire has been developed for use by a team consisting of an engineer and a sub engineer based in the Regional Directorate. The data collected during the course of a brief visit to the proposed project site should be sufficient to identify a potential project for further study at feasibility level, or to reject the project where feasibility seems unlikely due to technical, economical or social reasons. A representative group of farmers should assist with the data collection. The nature and purpose of the visit, and that the visit is no guarantee of a future project should be clearly explained to the farmers.

The persons making the identification visit should have with them, the 1:25 000 scale topographic map the proposed project area and preferably a GPS instrument.

Project Name:Dharmdwar Irrigation Sub Project1.Project Location


: Far WesternDevelopment


: MahakaliDistrict

: DadeldhuraVillage Development Committee

: Jogabuda

Ward No

: 4Latitude (0N-S)

: 29 06.106' N ( 29 06.278' N

Longitude (0E-W)

: 80 14.855' E - 80 15.213' E Elevation

: 378mTopographic Sheet No

: 2980-14C2.Project Status


: Improvements3.History of Project (if existing)

When Built

: 2052B. S.By Whom

: WUGIs there a WUG? (Yes/No)

: Yes.Are there any Shallow Tube wells in the Project Area: No.

4.Type of Project

Surface water/Ground water/Lift

: Surface Irrigation System

5.Command Area (ha)

Total Area

: 28.7 ha

Type (Tar, Terrace, Plain etc)

: Terrace6.Water Source

River Name (Surface or Lift Scheme)

: Pantura riverFlow at time of visit (m3/s or l/s)

: 120lps (Measured on 2070-08-19) Estimated minimum discharge (m3/s or l/s)

: 120lpsIs there any groundwater potential?

: No(Shallow or deep tube wells or conjunctive use)

7.Prior Water Rights

No potential water right problem8.Catchment Condition

Pine dense forest and small shrubs, cover the catchment area. Huge rocks area also found in the catchment's areas. 9.HeadworkThe riverbed has 10% bed slope, width = 30m, huge stone materials and a good stability at the intake site. 10.Canal System

Approximate length of main canal (km)


: 2 kmTotal

: 2.5 kmNumber of Natural Drain Crossings

Large (>10m span)

: 1 Nos.Small (