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7/31/2019 Df 25632640 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/df-25632640 1/9 C .Guru Sunanda, Guide: K. Ishthaq Ahamed / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 632 | P age Structured Data Extraction from Deepnet C .Guru Sunanda Guide: K. Ishthaq Ahamed (M.Tech) Department of CSE, Associate Professor G.Pulla Reddy Engg. College, CSE Department, G.Pulla Reddy Engg. College, Kurnool. Andhra Pradesh. Kurnool. Andhra Pradesh. Abstract: Deep Web contents are accessed by queries submitted to Web databases and the returned data records are enwrapped in dynamically generated Web pages (they will be called deep Web pages in this paper). Extracting structured data from deep Web pages is a challenging problem due to the underlying intricate structures of such pages. Until now, a large number of techniques have been proposed to address this problem, but all of them have inherent limitations because they are Web-page- programming-language dependent. As the popular two-dimensional media, the contents on Web pages are always displayed regularly for users to browse. This motivates us to seek a different way for deep Web data extraction to overcome the limitations of previous works by utilizing some interesting common visual features on the deep Web pages. In this paper, a novel vision- based approach that is Web-page programming language-independent is proposed. This approach primarily utilizes the visual features on the deep Web pages to implement deep Web data extraction, including data record extraction and data item extraction. We also propose a new evaluation measure revision to capture the amount of human effort needed to produce perfect extraction. Our experiments on a large set of Web databases show that the proposed vision-based approach is highly effective for deep Web data extraction.  Keywords: Web mining, Web data extraction, visual features of deep Web pages, wrapper generation, Clustering, Regrouping, Visual matching. 1. INTRODUCTION Data mining refers to extracting hidden and valuable Knowledge and information from large data bases. It involves method s and algorithms to extract knowledge from different data repositories such as transactional databases, data warehouses text files, and www etc (as sources of data).World Wide Web (WWW) is a vast repository of interlinked hypertext documents known as web pages. A hypertext document consists of both, the contents and the hyperlinks to related documents. Users access these hypertext documents via software known as web browser. It is used to view the web pages that may contain information in form of text, images, videos and other multimedia. The documents are navigated using hyperlinks, also known as Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). It is very difficult to search information from such a huge collection of web documents on World Wide Web as the web pages/documents are not organized as books on shelves in a library, nor are web pages completely catalogued at one central location. It is not guaranteed that users will be able to extract information even after knowing where to look for information by knowing its URLs as Web is constantly changing. Therefore, there was a need to develop information extraction tools to search the required information from WWW. Web Information Extraction: The amount of Web information has been increasing rapidly, especially with the emergence of Web 2.0 environments, where users are encouraged to contribute rich content. Much Web information is presented in the form of a Web record which exists in both detail and list pages The task of web information extraction (WIE) or information retrieval of records from web pages is usually implemented by programs called wrappers. The process of leaning a wrapper from a group of similar pages is called wrapper induction. Due to its high extraction accuracy, wrapper induction is one of the most popular methods of web information extraction and it is extensively used by many commercial information systems including major search engines. Figure shows the method for extracting information from webpage. Wrapper induction is involving the deduction Rules and is semi automatic. Besides there are automatic Extraction methods are proposed.

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C .Guru Sunanda, Guide: K. Ishthaq Ahamed / International Journal of Engineering Research

and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

632 | P a g e

Structured Data Extraction from Deepnet

C .Guru Sunanda  Guide: K. Ishthaq Ahamed(M.Tech) Department of CSE, Associate Professor

G.Pulla Reddy Engg. College, CSE Department, G.Pulla Reddy Engg.

College, Kurnool. Andhra Pradesh. Kurnool. Andhra Pradesh.


Deep Web contents are accessed by

queries submitted to Web databases and the

returned data records are enwrapped in

dynamically generated Web pages (they will becalled deep Web pages in this paper). Extracting

structured data from deep Web pages is a

challenging problem due to the underlying

intricate structures of such pages. Until now, a

large number of techniques have been proposedto address this problem, but all of them have

inherent limitations because they are Web-page-

programming-language dependent. As the

popular two-dimensional media, the contents on

Web pages are always displayed regularly for

users to browse.

This motivates us to seek a differentway for deep Web data extraction to overcome

the limitations of previous works by utilizing

some interesting common visual features on the

deep Web pages. In this paper, a novel vision-

based approach that is Web-page programming

language-independent is proposed. Thisapproach primarily utilizes the visual features

on the deep Web pages to implement deep Web

data extraction, including data record extraction

and data item extraction. We also propose a new

evaluation measure revision to capture theamount of human effort needed to produce

perfect extraction. Our experiments on a large

set of Web databases show that the proposed

vision-based approach is highly effective for

deep Web data extraction.

 Keywords: Web mining, Web data extraction,

visual features of deep Web pages, wrappergeneration, Clustering, Regrouping, Visualmatching.

1. INTRODUCTIONData mining refers to extracting hidden andvaluable Knowledge and information from large

data bases. It involves method s and algorithms toextract knowledge from different data repositoriessuch as transactional databases, data warehouses

text files, and www etc (as sources of data).WorldWide Web (WWW) is a vast repository of interlinked hypertext documents known as web

pages. A hypertext document consists of both, the

contents and the hyperlinks to related documents.

Users access these hypertext documents via

software known as web browser. It is used to viewthe web pages that may contain information in formof text, images, videos and other multimedia. The

documents are navigated using hyperlinks, alsoknown as Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).

It is very difficult to search informationfrom such a huge collection of web documents onWorld Wide Web as the web pages/documents arenot organized as books on shelves in a library, nor

are web pages completely catalogued at one centrallocation. It is not guaranteed that users will be ableto extract information even after knowing where tolook for information by knowing its URLs as Webis constantly changing. Therefore, there was a needto develop information extraction tools to searchthe required information from WWW.

Web Information Extraction: The amount of Web information has been increasing rapidly,

especially with the emergence of Web 2.0environments, where users are encouraged tocontribute rich content. Much Web information ispresented in the form of a Web record which existsin both detail and list pages

The task of web information extraction

(WIE) or information retrieval of records from webpages is usually implemented by programs calledwrappers. The process of leaning a wrapper from a

group of similar pages is called wrapper induction.

Due to its high extraction accuracy, wrapperinduction is one of the most popular methods of web information extraction and it is extensivelyused by many commercial information systemsincluding major search engines. Figure shows the

method for extracting information from webpage.Wrapper induction is involving the deduction Rulesand is semi automatic. Besides there are automaticExtraction methods are proposed.

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C .Guru Sunanda, Guide: K. Ishthaq Ahamed / International Journal of Engineering Research

and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

633 | P a g e

Fig. A Procedure of Wrapper Induction  

It is difficult to extract a record from a page,specifically in the case of cross records. For

example, Figure 2 is a part of web page taken fromwww.justdial.com .In this example two records arepresented, the names of two TV dealers arepresented together in the first part , while their

location are shown in the second part ,their phonenumbers are shown in third part in each record.Those two records’ HTML sources are crossed witheach other. Many shopping websites(e.g.,www.amazon.com,www.bestbuy.com,www.diamond.com, www.costco.com, etc.) also

list some of their products in a similar way as inFigure. In Most of the web information methodsHTML page is converted in to the document object

model (DOM) .This is done by parsing the HTMLpage.

Fig. Web Record Presentations

2. PROPOSED DESIGNThe World Wide Web has more and more

online Web databases which can be searchedthrough their Web query interfaces. All the Webdatabases make up the deep Web (hidden Web orinvisible Web). Often the retrieved information

(query results) is enwrapped in Web pages in theform of data records. These special Web pages aregenerated dynamically and are hard to index by

traditional crawler based search engines, such asGoogle and Yahoo. This kind of special Web pageis called as deep Web pages. Each data record on

the deep Web pages corresponds to an object. Inorder to ease the consumption by human users,most Web databases display data records and data

items regularly on Web browsers. However, to

make the data records and data items in themmachine processable, which is needed in manyapplications such as deep Web crawling and

metasearching, the structured data need to beextracted from the deep Web pages. The problem

of automatically extracting the structured data,including data records and data items, from the

deep Web pages can be solved by using VisionBased Approach.

Vision-Based Data Extractor (Vide):

Vision-based Data Extractor (ViDE), to extract

structured results from deep Web pagesautomatically. ViDE is primarily based on thevisual features human users can capture on the deep

Web pages while also utilizing some simple non-visual information such as data types and frequentsymbols to make the solution more robust. ViDE

consists of two main components, Vision basedData Record extractor (ViDRE) and Vision-basedData Item extractor (ViDIE). By using visualfeatures for data extraction, ViDE avoids thelimitations of those solutions that need to analyzecomplex Web page source files.

This approach employs a four-stepstrategy. First, given a sample deep Web page from

a Web database, obtain its visual representation andtransform it into a Visual Block tree which will beintroduced later; second, extract data records from

the Visual Block tree; third, partition extracted datarecords into data items and align the data items of 

the same semantic together; and fourth, generatevisual wrappers (a set of visual extraction rules) for

the Web database based on sample deep Web pagessuch that both data record extraction and data item

extraction for new deep Web pages that are fromthe same Web database can be carried out moreefficiently using the visual wrappers.

ViDE is independent of any specific Web

page programming language. Although our currentimplementation uses the VIPS algorithm to obtain adeep Web page’s Visual Block tree and VIPS needs

to analyze the HTML source code of the page, oursolution is independent of any specific method used

to obtain the Visual Block tree in the sense that anytool that can segment the Web pages into a tree

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and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

634 | P a g e

structure based on the visual information, not

HTML source code, can be used to replace VIPS inthe implementation of ViDE.

3. Visual Block Tree and Visual Features:3.1Visual Information of Web Pages

The information on Web pages consists of both texts and images (static pictures, flash, video,etc.). The visual information of Web pages used inthis paper includes mostly information related toWeb page layout (location and size) and font.

3.1.1 Web Page LayoutA coordinate system can be built for every

Web page. The origin locates at the top left cornerof the Web page. The X-axis is horizontal left-

right, and the Y-axis is vertical topdown. Supposeeach text/image is contained in a minimumbounding rectangle with sides parallel to the axes.

Then, a text/image can have an exact coordinate (x,

y) on the Web page. Here, x refers to the horizontaldistance between the origin and the left side of its

corresponding rectangle, while y refers to thevertical distance between the origin and the upperside of its corresponding box. The size of atext/image is its height and width. The coordinates

and sizes of texts/images on the Web page make upthe Web page layout.

3.1.2 FontThe fonts of the texts on a Web page are

also very useful visual information, which aredetermined by many attributes. Two fonts are

considered to be the same only if they have the

same value under each attribute.

Font Attributes and Examples

3.2 Deep Web Page RepresentationThe visual information of Web pages,

which has been introduced above, can be obtained

through the programming interface provided byWeb browsers (i.e., IE). In this paper, we employ

the VIPS algorithm to transform a deep Web pageinto a Visual Block tree and extract the visualinformation. A Visual Block tree is actually asegmentation of a Web page. The root block 

represents the whole page, and each block in thetree corresponds to a rectangular region on the Webpage. The leaf blocks are the blocks that cannot be

segmented further, and they represent the minimumsemantic units, such as continuous texts or images.

An actual Visual Block tree of a deep Web pagemay contain hundreds even thousands of blocks.

Visual Block tree has three interesting properties.

First, block a contains block b if a is an ancestor of b. Second, a and b do not overlap if they do notsatisfy property one. Third, the blocks with the

same parent are arranged in the tree according tothe order of the corresponding nodes appearing on

the page.(a) The presentation structure and

(b) its Visual Block tree. 

Visual Features of Deep Web PagesVisual features are important for identifying

special information on Web pages. Deep Webpages are special Web pages that contain datarecords retrieved from Web databases, and wehypothesize that there are some distinct visualfeatures for data records and data items.

 Position features (PFs). These features indicate thelocation of the data region on a deep Web page.

PF1: Data regions are always centeredhorizontally.PF2: The size of the data region is usually largerelative to the area size of the whole page.Since the data records are the contents in focus on

deep Web pages, Web page designers always havethe region containing the data records centrally andconspicuously placed on pages to capture the user’sattention. The two interesting facts. First, data

regions are always located in the middle sectionhorizontally on deep Web pages. Second, the size

of a data region is usually large when there areenough data records in the data region. The actual

size of a data region may change greatly because itis not only influenced by the number of data

records retrieved, but also by what information isincluded in each data record. Therefore, thisapproach uses the ratio of the size of the data

region to the size of whole deep Web page insteadof the actual size.

 Layout features (LFs). These features indicate howthe data records in the data region are typically

arranged.LF1: The data records are usually aligned flush leftin the data region.LF2: All data records are adjoining.

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C .Guru Sunanda, Guide: K. Ishthaq Ahamed / International Journal of Engineering Research

and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

635 | P a g e

LF3: Adjoining data records do not overlap, and

the space between any two adjoining records is thesame.Layout models of data records on deep Web pages.

Data records are usually presented in one of the twolayout models. In Model 1, the data records arearranged in a single column evenly, though they

may be different in width and height. LF1 impliesthat the data records have the same distance to the

left boundary of the data region. In Model 2, datarecords are arranged in multiple columns, and thedata records in the same column have the samedistance to the left boundary of the data region.

 Appearance features (AFs). These features capture

the visual features within data records.AF1: Data records are very similar in theirappearances, and the similarity includes the sizes of 

the images they contain and the fonts they use.AF2: The data items of the same semantic indifferent data records have similar presentationswith respect to position, size (image data item), andfont (text data item).

AF3: The neighboring text data items of differentsemantics often (not always) use distinguishable

fonts.AF1 describes the visual similarity at the datarecord level. Generally, there are three types of datacontents in data records, i.e., images, plain texts

(the texts without hyperlinks), and link texts (thetexts with hyperlinks).

The Statistics on the Visual Features

AF2 and AF3 describe the visual similarity at thedata item level. The text data items of the same

semantic always use the same font, and the imagedata items of the same semantic are often similar in

size. The positions of data items in their respectivedata records can be classified into two kinds:

absolute position and relative position. The former

means that the positions of the data items of certainsemantic are fixed in the line they belong to, whilethe latter refers to the position of a data item

relative to the data item ahead of it. Furthermore,the items of the same semantic from different data

records share the same kind of position.AF3 indicates that the neighboring text data items

of different semantics often use distinguishablefonts. However, AF3 is not a robust feature becausesome neighboring data items may use the same

font. Neighboring data items with the same font aretreated as a composite data item.Composite data items have very simple stringpatterns and the real data items in them can often

be separated by a limited number of symbols, suchas “,”, “/,” etc. In addition, the composite data

items of the same semantics share the same string pattern. Hence, it’s easy to break composite data

items into real data items using some predefinedseparating symbols

Content feature (CF). These features hint the

regularity of the contents in data records.CF1: The first data item in each data record isalways of a mandatory type.CF2: The presentation of data items in data records

follows a fixed order.CF3: There are often some fixed static texts in datarecords, which are not from the underlying Web

database.The data records correspond to the entities

in real world, and they consist of data items withdifferent semantics that describe the attribute

values of the entities. The data items can beclassified into two kinds: mandatory and optional.Mandatory data items appear in all data records. In

contrast, optional items may be missing in somedata records.

This deep Web data extraction solution isdeveloped mainly based on the above four types of visual features. PF is used to locate the regioncontaining all the data records on a deep Web page;

LF and AF are combined together to extract thedata records and data items.

3.4 Special Supplementary Information Several types of simple nonvisual information are

also used in our approach in this paper. They aresame text, frequent symbol, and data type.

Non visual Information Used

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and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

636 | P a g e

4. Data Records Extraction:Data record extraction aims to discover theboundary of data records and extract them from thedeep Web pages. An ideal record extractor should

achieve the following:1) all data records in the data region are extracted

and2) for each extracted data record, no data item ismissed and no incorrect data item is included.Instead of extracting data records from the deepWeb page directly, we first locate the data region,

and then, extract data records from the data region.PF1 and PF2 indicate that the data records are theprimary content on the deep Web pages and thedata region is centrally located on these pages. The

data region corresponds to a block in the VisualBlock tree. We locate the data region by finding theblock that satisfies the two position features. Each

feature can be considered as a rule or a

requirement. The first rule can be applied directly,while the second rule can be represented by

(areab/areapage) > Tregion, where areab is the areaof block b, areapage is the area of the whole deepWeb page, and Tregion is a threshold. Thethreshold is trained from sample deep Web pages.

If more than one block satisfies both rules, weselect the block with the smallest area. Though verysimple, this method can find the data region in theVisual Block tree accurately and efficiently.Each data record corresponds to one or more subtrees in the Visual Block tree, which are just the

child blocks of the data region. So, we only need to

focus on the child blocks of the data region. Inorder to extract data records from the data regionaccurately, two facts must be considered. First,

there may be blocks that do not belong to any datarecord, such as the statistical information (e.g.about 2,038 matching results for java) and

annotation about data records (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5(Next)). These blocks are called noise blocks.Fig.. A general case of data region.

Noise blocks may appear in the data region

because they are often close to the data records.According to LF2, noise blocks cannot appearbetween data records. They always appear at the

top or the bottom of the data region. Second, onedata record may correspond to one or more blocksin the Visual Block tree, and the total number of blocks in which one data record contains is not

fixed.In Fig, block b1 (statistical information)

and b9 (annotation) are noise blocks; there are threedata records (b2 and b3 form data record 1; b4, b5,and b6 form data record 2; b7 and b8 form datarecord 3), and the dashed boxes are the boundaries

of data records. Data record extraction is todiscover the boundary of data records based on theLF and AF features. That is, we attempt todetermine which blocks belong to the same data

record.We achieve this in the following three

phases:1. Phase 1: Filter out some noise blocks.

2.Phase 2: Cluster the remaining blocks bycomputing their appearance similarity.3.Phase 3: Discover data record boundary by

regrouping blocks.

 Fig.. An illustration of data record extraction. 

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C .Guru Sunanda, Guide: K. Ishthaq Ahamed / International Journal of Engineering Research

and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

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5. Data Item Extraction:A data record can be regarded as the description of its corresponding object, which consists of a groupof data items and some static template texts. In realapplications, these extracted structured data recordsare stored (often in relational tables) at data item

level and the data items of the same semantic mustbe placed under the same column.

There are three types of data items in data records:

mandatory data items, optional data items, andstatic data items. We extract all three types of dataitems. Note that static data items are often

annotations to data and are useful for futureapplications, such as Web data annotation. And

even that data item extraction is different from datarecord extraction; the former focuses on the leaf 

nodes of the Visual Block tree, while the latterfocuses on the child blocks of the data region in theVisual Block tree.

 5.1 Data Record SegmentationAF3 indicates that composite data items

cannot be segmented any more in the Visual Block 

tree. So, given a data record, we can collect its leaf nodes in the Visual Block tree in left to right orderto carry out data record segmentation. Eachcomposite data item also corresponds to a leaf 

node. We can treat it as a regular data item initially,and then, segment it into the real data items with

the heuristic rules mentioned in AF3 after the initialdata item alignment.

 5.2 Data Item AlignmentCF1 indicates that we cannot align data

items directly due to the existence of optional dataitems. It is natural for data records to miss some

data items in some domains. Every data record hasbeen turned into a sequence of data items throughdata record segmentation. Data item alignmentfocuses on the problem of how to align the data

items of the same semantic together and also keepthe order of the data items in each data record. Inthe following, we first define visual matching of 

data items, and then, propose an algorithm for dataitem alignment.

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and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

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5 .2.1 Visual Matching of Data Items AF2 indicates that if two data items from

different data records belong to the same semantic,they must have consistent font and position,

including both absolute position and relativeposition

 Example for data item alignment.

Explains the process of data item alignment.Suppose there are three data records fr1; r2; r3g andeach row is a data record. We use simple geometric

shapes (rectangle, circle, triangle, etc.) to denotethe data items. The data items represented by thesame shape are visually matched data items. Wealso use item

 ji to denote the jth data item of the ith

data record. Initially (Fig.a), all current unaligned

data items {item11; item12; item13} of the inputdata records are placed into one cluster, i.e., theyare aligned as the first column. Next (Fig. 10b), the

current unaligned data items item21; item22;item23 are matched into two clusters C1 = {item21;

item23} and C2 = {item22}. Thus, we need tofurther decide which cluster should form the next

column. The data items in C1 can match item4 2,and the position value 2 is logged (lines 6-12),which means that item42 is the third of the

unaligned data items of r2. The data items in C2can match item31 and item33, and the positionvalue 1 is logged. Because 1 is smaller than 2, thedata items in C1 should be ahead of the data items

in C2 and form the next column by inserting theblank item into other records at the currentpositions. The remaining data items can be alignedin the same way (Figs. 10c and 10d).

6. Visual Wrapper Generation:ViDE has two components: ViDRE and

ViDIE. There are two problems with them. First,the complex extraction processes are too slow insupporting real-time applications. Second, the

extraction processes would fail if there is only onedata record on the page. Since all deep Web pagesfrom the same Web database share the same visualtemplate, once the data records and data items on adeep Web page have been extracted, we can usethese extracted data records and data items to

generate the extraction wrapper for the Web

database so that new deep Web pages from thesame Web database can be processed using thewrappers quickly without reapplying the entire

extraction process. Our wrappers include datarecord wrapper and data item wrapper. They are theprograms that do data record extraction and data

item extraction with a set of parameter obtainedfrom sample pages. For each Web database, we usea normal deep Web page containing the maximum

number of data records to generate the wrappers.The wrappers of previous works mainly depend onthe structures or the locations of the data recordsand data items in the tag tree, such as tag path. In

contrast, we mainly use the visual information togenerate our wrappers.

6.1 Vision-Based Data Record WrapperGiven a deep Web page, vision-based data

record wrapper first locates the data region in theVisual Block tree, and then, extracts the datarecords from the child blocks of the data region.

 Data region location. After the data region R on asample deep Web page P from site S is located byViDRE, we save five parameters values (x; y; w; h;l), where (x; y) form the coordinate of R on P, w

and h are the width and height of R, and l is thelevel of R in the Visual Block tree. Given a new

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and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

639 | P a g e

deep Web page P_ from S, we first check the

blocks at level l in the Visual Block tree for P_.The data region on P_ should be the block with thelargest area overlap with R on P_. The overlap area

can be computed using the coordinates andwidth/height information.

 Data record extraction. For each record, ourvisual data record wrapper aims to find the first

block of each record and the last block of the lastdata record (denoted as blast). To achieve this goal,we save the visual format (the same as the

information used in (1)) of the first block of eachdata record extracted from the sample page and thedistance (denoted as d) between two data records.For the child blocks of the data region in a new

page, we find the first block of each data record bythe visual similarity with the saved visualinformation. Next, blast on the new page needs tobe located. Based on our observation, in order to

help the users differentiate data records easily, thevertical distance between any two neighboring

blocks in one data record is always smaller than dand the vertical distance between blast and its nextblock is not smaller than d. Therefore, werecognize the first block whose distance with its

next block is larger than d as blast.

Vision-Based Data Item WrapperThe basic idea of our vision-based data itemwrapper is described as follows: Given a sequenceof attributes {a1; a2; . . . ; an} obtained from thesample page and a sequence of data items {item1;

item2; . . . ; item} obtained from a new data record,the wrapper processes the data items in order todecide which attribute the current data item can be

matched to. For itemi and aj, if they are the sameon f, l, and d, their match is recognized. Thewrapper then judges whether itemi+1 and aj+1 arematched next, and if not, it judges itemi and aj+1.

Repeat this process until all data items are matchedto their right attribute

 Explanation for (f; l; d) 

7. Conclusion:In general, the desired information is embedded inthe deep Web pages in the form of data recordsreturned by Web databases when they respond tousers’ queries. Therefore, it is an important task to

extract the structured data from the deep Webpages for later processing.

The main trait of this vision-basedapproach is that it primarily utilizes the visual

features of deep Web pages. This approach consists

of four primary steps: Visual Block tree building,data record extraction, data item extraction, andvisual wrapper generation. Visual Block tree

building is to build the Visual Block tree for agiven sample deep page using the VIPS algorithm.

With the Visual Block tree, data record extractionand data item extraction are carried out based on

our proposed visual features. Visual wrappergeneration is to generate the wrappers that canimprove the efficiency of both data record

extraction and data item extraction. Highly accurateexperimental results provide strong evidence thatrich visual features on deep Web pages can be usedas the basis to design highly effective data

extraction algorithms.

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Author Biographies

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C .Guru Sunanda, Guide: K. Ishthaq Ahamed / International Journal of Engineering Research

and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 www.ijera.com 

Vol. 2, Issue 5, September- October 2012, pp.632-640 

640 | P a g e

C.Guru Sunanda received herB.Tech., degree in Computer science andinformation technology from G.Pulla Reddy

Engineering College, Kurnool in 2010. She  ispursuing her M.Tech in Computer scince andengineering inG.Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool. Her

area of interest is in the field of data mining

Mr.K.Ishthaq Ahamed receivedhis B.Tech., degree in Mechanical Engineeringfrom G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College, KurnoolIndia, in 2000, M.tech in CSE from INDIANSCHOOL OF MINES, DHANBAD in 2002, and

currently pursuing Ph.D. in MANET. He iscurrently working as Associate professor in G.PullaReddy Engineering College, Kurnool. .His research

interests include Computer Networks.