devils lake inter-ocean (devils lake, ramsey co., dakota ...€¦ · smith, of verndale, mton. is....

V- _*« mws&w&r SSffiSiSI .-S^ftSi' JCffi'W''«if-~*ir»«? , s'i- ,t. c— .-• -?•, -n.-. -. _. -'^v » $ ~ -• jgr*£t r*>, «r * '^' V DAKOTA ^»WTPT. ilHimiml OOUNTT JKrtltleal agorim- oHM4.marioaa mitlng-Mr. UM noml' Mad that portion of Oil latterln fUehrlht. great "reformer" mostslWttiataaedoiHlterm k no loiig«K '>;ina|t serious danger tocal ddibtntt and intelligent political ." Aod what will the "old Soman" bare to say about a •eoond-term being "merely a personal privilege and means of rewarding parasites andpartisansand maintaining a partyt" ^J Tleket. •ssa,^-". OC' CONVENTION. will be held at Aotacatetft NlllTllI taoae dilnrti—rili torn jfcep*opat *3£SS£za^™~ •boo... if CiWalah Walworth «r«Uk.. wait flTaakfam...... fflhi is a leading editorial from the London Olobe on American polities, The Globe is the leading free trade Jour- nal or Qreet Britain: . As a rale the presidential contest has very little interest'for the Old World. Onthe presebt oocasiou, however, an Israels involved whioh veryclosely con- oerns Europe, mare particularly Great Kifjiiinr Mr. Cleveland has taken his stand ori free trade, and, he is univer- sally reoognised in the states as pleged to initate a new departure in flscaV pol- icy. Nor can there be any doubt that he would act up to - this -understanding were he elected. The central issue :of the contest lies .between tlje main ten anceof thejpresent fiscal system intact audits modification in the direction of free trade. And on that broad question Mr. Gtanflaodfa candidature nuuarally and necessarily carries English sym- pathy. ! v ' ifSiSil aa* hp ha taciitocW B-aMloaa 4**»mBiSwSS** AfifctaitoMhsa,uST ' •AKUBDH AlUW, - Oaia.1." " ' ? ®»WUU> MDBFHY, son of Francis Murphy, the famous apoetle of temp- ?*w«Mih win take the stump in Indiana t'tuc Htoiioo and ifortdn: Wfn toye never had iri extremely low fintMsooontry that we didn't also . ^haraapaaio. . W<e haye never,, hid; an' «c moderately hUh tariff tini;haven^ also had prosperity, nooratie Me trade demagogue ^woaMnfher have a panio than not to ve 'dBoe. »< f Tu&epablloaaaof the house voted to nduoe the tariff on sugar to «o»4ialf the present rate and the Dem- 'OOtats voted aoBdlr against the.proposi- tion. 8a*ar iiaprodaot of "the' solid Senio!(m|toaotitbl aiid the Democratic istoprotect it, Thja fully iUiiB- ttaies te sincerity of Mr. Cleveland's fpii^f on the question of tariff reform. Tbx Democratic convention Jamestown wiwwinatiwf John J. Harnden lor delegate to congress. The oonven< tiOn indoned the St. Lonislplatform, de dared in favor ot single statehood for f^Mcota and otherwise went on reoord in tavorofthe "time-honored principles of Peaaoerao^'^iiri^eh, briefly Mated, are nnl w <l~* , '—| ~ tn "' " f rebel flag^ no pensions for Union soldiers, frse trade, ; thered bandana and general Ix ls a pleasure to note the admbsion made in the Bottineau Pioneer that its editor is in the habit of indulging in Fkendi metapbors. His recent refer- > eoOe to James G. Blaine as the "blao* beast" was not intended, he aays, to mean that the gfeat Ameridbi states- awn ie an animal of dark hoe,bat that he is simply a Uu nUr. Now if Bro. IISHIIBII will kindly translate his free trade articles, he will deeerve the grati- tude ot Usjmfetified readers. ^ figures the stocks of now in elevators and farmers vnwweaaaller than at any previous date itf fhi wheat growing history of the ?aoiinlqr.itsays: "With stooks in farm- ^«ii^ : 'iwa4i Ipmr than before for the time shwe Minnesota became in wheat growing, with eiesfirtor stooks smaller than ptia^ with no more than the ordinary ' "' in store in-Minneapolis and the late, there is no surplus. On S ocotraqr, the looal demand is likely bMpaoftveas to enrtail, on account h(^t priess, the amount that can be aoC Obit otOBiftlmii aiiel It'' is jono*d«d ; on all:^banda ttiat W county In the terrltory^i%ow M " "" |he evto*(tl&Mdas Fetfrtli waseelebrated amonnt oir money inresUd-aa Bamss^ »Pproprtat« manner at « K.t_ ITk* BNI I POt" JWtllWMl IM OdeSSS. A_ DIOM Connty. The 'handsome''atrietUre and theconvenienee and completeness of its arrangement are ikrorably commented* upon by all unpri|)udioed peraona jrho are ftmtliar with the taeta. Strangere ^vhb are aaked to gusas the cost of the build- ing. etc., plao«Itatto>m|W,000toV50,000, and not a few of them refoae/to believe that the total cost is bntilttle aboye •22,000. For ihe laformatlon of the 'tax- payers, the IifraB-Oca&ir applied to the proper offlcers this week for an exact aiatement of the cost of Bamsey county's oourt house, and herewith are the ttg- It would be a good idea for all thoae intereated in the supremacy of the truth to cut thla out md paste it in their hate, so that the political 'dema- gog who ia how lying and will continue until Nov. 0 to lle«bout the managment and cost of the oourt house mar be con- fronted with the figures: N4»rSkul «7Md 0. A L. BalM* u par oaatnat. tlT,#S$ tt WM B VSkwlM tor aim « Mlm- fliotili pUe Soonif is «mh tasa OM 00 'i<f,sx UtarMSaMwklailowm. »»5«S FlUtakkkiMawout colorad «0 00 rtu'Wifthpeton Globeauggeals Editor Hansbrough k of the Devils Lake I KTMB Ooux, as a possible candidate for dele- gateAo congress on the Bepublican tick- et. Hansbrough is a man, every'ihch of him, and a worse selection nugh t be made.—Minto Journal. Thanks, gentlemen, but permit us to say that the editor of the I HTBB- OCKAH is not a candidate for any office under any circumstances. M. X. Distriot OonfOrenoe. The distriot conference of the Grand Forks district North Dakota conference has been in session during the present ;,l>egiimta on Tueeday and ad- Jouri^ig otijTklsy noon. The open- ing sennon Was preached by Bev. D. M, iPtok« ^«ra(ton, followed by the sac- rament of the Lord's supper and wedding, the marriage of C. B. Shells and Miss M. Grant of Bartlett. Oh Wedneediay morning at 9 o'olook the regular business session was opened and the case of T. B. Tope was called and consumed the entire day and until 2:80 o'clo^c Thursdar. The case is briefly this: The law of the Methodist church forbids" divorce on any other jgrounds than adultery. Mr. Tppe had teen separated from jbia wife for munber of yean, the yalleged cause of separation being that his wife was un- true; after a lapse of seven or eight years Mr. Tope became engaged to another lady. Before he could marry again it was neceesary to procure divorce' to make it legal in the right of the oivil law. If he could have pro- cured the divorce on the grounds of adultery it would have been legal in the sight of eoolesisstical law, but as the divorce was to be procured in Minne- sota and as the statutes of Minnesota limited aotion for adultrv to three years from time of separation, he was compelled, the defendant claimed, to procure it on the grounds of deeertion. The conference felt that the law of the ohuroh' could not be set asside and consequently Mr. Tepe was deposed from the ministry and ex- pelled from membership. An appeal was taken to the annual supreme con- ference whioh meets at Jamestown (kit: 11. Mr. Cook of Bismarck and TreglaW' ney ofPembina appeared for the fendant and Mr. Foster of St. Thomas and Mr. Harris of Hillsboro for the proseoution. A large number of ministers oomended for admission and trial to trayeling connection, Following laalist of the ministers in attendance: D. tJ. Flannette, presiding elder of the distriot. ' W. B. Uorrlaon, Bathgate. J. W. Barton, Hamilton. -—Valentine, Hamilton. . A. B. Foster, St. Thomas. D. H. Parker, Grafton. O. H. Treglawney, Pembina. O. J. Baker, Acton. •-,,, J. A. Hovis, Hillsboro. l ' J. O. Deets, Hillsboro. C. A. MacNamara, Grandln. . J. O. Struthsrs, Mouse Rtyar. 0. F. Greene, Churchs Ferry. H, <3. Bllbie, Fargo. •W.T. Oook, BIamarok.^-«5 f •.'M.Gordon, Lakota. *&?<!>* D. E.- Baldwin, Mlehlgan City. E. P. Hall, Larlmore. r 1 Or. W. KUvarTEoierado. B. O. Sarvls.Edlnburgh. 0. M. Beea. Miller. . 8. M. Newlove, Lansdon. 0. G. Falrbanu^ Qanna. ( - •&%£ ' ' A. G. Washington. WSlhalla. - - - j,Vi " , SoutliMst bonier.. fpMUl 09>n«oadaBM otllMlinma^ouji.' peifeotday was never seen, and thepic- atpkeia eqjoyed it '.to the fall. There were atwut twenty teams at Odessa and probably seventy-five or more at Jeru- salem. Mr. IJamoreanx has painted his store 1>uUdlnK in a tasteful manner, bnilt a' porch on;4he -front, and made sandry; other improvements that render , the "New Jerusalem" much more attractive in anpearanoe than formerly. Tfifs weather was probably never qx-' celled in this country for '"growing weather." Onr early aown wheat, has [town by acttud measurement over four nches in the past forty-eight hours. The present dry .spell winds up one of the, finest breaking aeaaons we ever saw; 1 and It is Safe to say that more breaking has been done In the county this year than in any one year slnoe 'St. Henry Medeunan has ropfod and shingled his barn: a much needed im- E rovement. H., E. Stevens IS paintlrig is barn and has added a enpola to ; the roof, all of whioh give thebuilding a fine -»nce. . Carrier has bought the Sheparil Ida later on Ibnlita of oo«rt Walk saAanmiallipteclarvult 'MOfl Work aad nitwUl on taManit Willi.,,. Eiat otautptaoou «mr<raoa. . 1«I 76 < «10 H SO 1870 SB Tftelooot ofttat oomrt koVM. tll^M to otel oo«t of' " WfoagUinn Totol oo«t of JftilM Mlowi— doon, Jftll Wit sewi fMfbt.. AnhttMfT. D. Alloa.. BaMriatndoot L. Oraat. AdTMTtWlC tl,U7 M 1,7*0 00 S7» 60 652 35 111 00 Oraat total... appearance. 0. A. Carrier nas bougl place at Odeaaaand haa broken up most i quarter vlck of it. PhlUp Kelley bought a section in aeotlon 8 .from Ira Vicketw.' This gives Phil a half aeotlon and Yick.-' iry still has a farm in the western pirt >r the township. Bev. E. II. Smith, of Verndale, MtOn. is. expected here Thursday evening, _ meeting. The held In the sehoolhoi ilace in Stv ..4tt,<7SM a * '• lip C... v. •• Bohooi Matters. The new school board of Lake school township—Bev. L. E. Danka, Frank W. Priest, W. D.'Prescott and I. E. Shelley, representing the city, and Jbseph Gra- ham from west of the bay, Mr, LaRue from Bock Island, and- Mr. Eldridge from the northwest portion of the dist riot—hss been in session several times this week. Mr. Shelley was choaen chairman and A. "W. Cogswell clerk.' T. S. Cordner accepted the position and qualified In (6000 bonds as treasurer. The first business of the board was to fix the grades and salaries of teachers, FN^| I . B. Faneher, of MayvlUe, was ohciett'as prlnoipal. Prof Fanoher ls a graduate of the Madkato Normal school and brings the very best of reeomenda- tlons from that Institution and also from the leading professors of'Hamlino Unl veralty. He is a married man and will remove his family to this city. The board established grades as follows: First grade teaohers to receive not less than |S0; second grade not less than 945, and third grade not less than |3fi. Miss Etta Lewis wss chosen assistant principal, Miss Mpry Bowers for the intermediate, and Miss Marlon Beaton for the primary department, Miss Lewis is a graduate of the Indiana stste normal school. The term will be- gin Sept. 8 and oontinue nine montha, with two " intermissions of two weeks eaoh. The I KTSB- OOBAN is informed by one of the board that so far as the grade and ability of the teaohers In the Devils Lake Bohool are conoerned, that neither Fargo, Grand Forka nor any. other , plaoe of im- portance in Dakota is ahead of this city; that in these particulars our school is fully up to the standard of the best schools.' .- " •"* WOOHA.IT ITOTISH. : . An Enjoyable Sohool Entertain- ment—Various Items. OoRMpondtBM of th* Iiru>Ooui(. The evening of July 29 witnessed the largest gathering that ever assembled at the Henley school house in Noonan Bohool township. The oecaslon Was a sohool exhibition given by Miss Llzsle Kennefio and the pupils. The recitations were well learned and exceptionally well delivered, the universal expression of the audience be- ing, "It was a success, and reflects great credit upOn the teacher; you have been very fortunate in aeourlng so able and so sifted an lnstruetresS for the ohildren In attendenoe at sohool." It was only well merited praise, for the success of the entertainment was doe solely to Miss Kennefio and her happy faculty In train- ing pupils. Some or the ladies and K ntlemen of the neighborhood assisted musical selections. The following is the program: A Weloome... Xetll* Bantihf K id)..-... Ha* PMnrlBf Itttton- Iu Sjatko SOBZ—8W1O(IM In tbo Lui .Fnplli ThoBan-tbot Bo5.,..„_ Joha Twetioa Skloctu—The LiMIO Store,-........ »..PupU> 8MNB ...... 0«rtl« Renin IHIITWBMT AN tho Wild WITH SARINS 7 Mr, and Hn. SacklDihun Ourhw Knit MotUnc To-nl(fat May Baatica BeoltaUon. .Llbbto F parka Solo—Oomo, Blidlo, Ooma,^ ..Mra. Joha flonlay Tho Qnot Socnt Minnie Bparka Womana Work Sarah Tram Spa««li.i Iela Bucklntham lo —.Mr.WlUtaW eanof Kay. ............. Pnrlla 19th, to hold services will be at V. E. Oalderwood's^ _ township. Preaching Thursday and Pri' day eveninga and Saturday afternoon'at 2:30. ' On Sunday there will be services at 10 a, m., 6 p. m. and In the evening.. Mr. Smith is so well known to the peo- ple of this vicinity that agood attendance ia aaaured without the cordial Invitation which he extenda to all'to attend'and participateiu the^xerclsss. B. . Bavdon Denied. : ' B ISIUSOK, July 6.—Gov. Church .to- day denied pardon to John Oswald, nephew of the- well known St. Panl liquor man of the same name. Oswald murdered Pat MoQueny as Devils Lake.- y ———m »"»• ' Ghioago and St. Louis. Two prominent cities west are whose names head this paragraph. Chicago, the chief marvel of the olty growth In Amerloa, fifty yeara ago only a small fort on the frontier—an Inplan trading, post in a swamp—now known all. over the world as a wonderful emporium ot commerce and a busy hive of industry, whenoe nearly a million workers send out their produots to be used of all natlops. St. Louis founded in the his, torio "early days" when .the lillies of France claimed, dominion oyer the Mississippi Valley—now sitting a com- mercial queen, the centre of a' vast river commerce, and sentinel at the gateway of the great and growing southwest, a city of wealth, intelligence ' and solid worth, much talked of as a future loca- tion of the national oapltal. These are worth a pilgrimage—they draw thou ssnds of visitors, and "The Burlington" has its own line into both of them, so buy your tlokets by that line, or write to W. J. 0, Kenyon, General Passenger Agents C., B.&K.R. S.,St. Paul,Minn. FheCigars and Tobaccos F. A. Hawke, Mr.and Mrs.J; B. Daniel Hlnee, James MHNJ-S or "MNOIIHTY.' Ia l8n Allen G. Thurtnan made a srhioh he ne(^:. title langnsge D the Jtm»4em bostnees. ; It awMft mkmA isrm earn- B'vrtm^DeliBMitats were, without i^to dqi i theBepubhcans in adfanoe r one then'eon- i Jo baiNiitaUa. The "dd Bo- !*»avsd his wd tandfaa and satf'. issrvlee until , prindple in As long as for e seoond of •f Thursday the ministopi were ^takOn on the lake for an exourstan tenderiadby the people of De vils Lake; '• large aumbw of citizens aocompanied th^,f lnolud- ing. the cornet band and our ctf ebrated' quartet. Muslo ' and speech 'making, served to epeed the hours, and yet tode- lay the craft, and it was midnight when the Minnie. H. retnriied to her dook. Nearly all-theministers tooktheir de- parture yeeterday, delightsdyrttii^iylls Ldte end Ma people. ^ O.Tf.D The WpIoott JUlkir. MmnuKHOi Jaiy^ll.—It now begins to look very much as'though the credi- tors of C. C. Woloott, the insolvent «le- vator man, who were wuting so hope- fully for a slioe of thedo^bo he was ,>pwed to own, have waited in vain. Mr Woloott is in Europe and the pnm- erty m|pit as wdi be were for aU the good it will do the creditors, for it ap- pears that Mr. Woloott now owns none of it. He transferred it, infact, toother partiee soeae months sgo. The only claim which amounts to anything, how- ever, is that of Mr. Doty, of Doty A Co, vhossr^jplaim firiguMOy amounted ... .MS orf7,000fr;om theibaiUc on so to bitty, abont jo^nu/or HshO^ : «Me or «^bO busbels of fannets Mr.Dotv&Co. "win _ the jauA an to wlthtptm dttMU •Mitl . itation Wkftt'rd'iflMtob#... goppo" •; Minnie ^rka ibVudMn.Csineke^u .Vln llule (irS ..Halter Twoedaa MoUter'a Love... A Woehalar In aeawh of a Wife, 'oho BaBtinr, .ckerln Slok DoUlo.. Una Piok« Mn. Buckingham ...Mv Bunting .Hl.WhltUj July2.—Copious •. l weather are aoinegji the growth of cBva. ;- WW ............ Mr. WhltUr Good litght ...Quartet The audience enloyed a great treat when Miss Kennefio stepped* upon the itsge just before the. olounir sonjr'and Muted, "Dashing. Bide^Teniw Mc- Neal," In her usual bapp^tyle. .andwarm linhjMtwiing oflT very quist- iool offloers were jMaii - VN.Tveten, John ili'tNssurer, Andrew . .. .ofyPlsinfield, Wis., was rsbewitlg'oId' Ume aoaualntanoe with C. B,'PiakMlU( and E. E. Sparks, alWwdayaago. ' It isto beregretted that N. N. Tveten haa had the muforlone to lose a value- able ox. I understand that a post-offloe will soon be in running order at the farm residenee'of James Henley; it will be known as the Fox Lake poet-oAee. Qeo. Hahnawalt and wills of Mlnto. Walahooanty, are here making Improve- ments en their claims. Mr. Bound, after spending several days with relatives and friends in this vlolnlty, hsa returned to his home In Grlgns county. Bono. Ho advanoe has been made in price' of lota by Meson of onr business aetlvlt v and growth. Investors oertalnlv can hot loan money, butdeelrablelOcatiOna are beooming acaroe. . IStf ; '• i e •• ( - *. " . A Boy Bangi Himwlfr ' - - Piano Oout? TrUtue. Last Satordsy at te &betr, while in the field alone wi^ %4eam, a fourteen year old son of .Lwls Larson hanged Dimself.irith awhip Jashundera wsgon. life was quite-extfWt wh^n he -wi| lonad.' The pAees ".aw not as yet known. '•a*, ' FOR HORSEMEN. Choi^FrnitBaily '• fs. CORDNBR'S. WMKLT AT CORDNBR'S / t l % r 1 nrv «£j- 1 -ret) ^ ; >K 5,3 iy| K- « jM Xp 4 1 . -£Ut—' v ! V CORDNBR'S. •-&MM Best Milk Shake - A T CORDNBR'S. Toys, Notions, '£•; Blank Books, Stationery, CORDNER'S •X KELLY AVE., W. U. TELEGRAPH OITIOE. SbU ly Bmgtbti md Deatari AMriiMiM Che Obarlos A. Toaolot Oo« Bait on Wt> SHERIFF'S SALE. Sftniel Leo and H D Anderson, Defendant*. Ketloe is herebjr giren, that by •Irtne ofan «zeon* ttontomedireotad-and dellTeretL and sow Iknur hands, lamed out ef the clerk's 'office of the dldal district oonrt, Territory of Dakota, In and for the conntr of Bamsey. upon. judgment render# justice's court In favor of feldjplaintiffand against' defendants, on the tOth day of Jane, 1888, a transerlpt of which was filed in the.offlpe of the elerk of the said distriot oourt lor feald 'county of Bauaey on tte iYth dsyof June, 1688, at 3 o'clock p. for the purchase money of a HoCormlck mower, I have levied npoo-the following deeoribed personal ofsafd deCmd> anta,to*wlt: One (1) McOormick mower. And that I shall, on Wednesdaythe 25th day of July A. D.,1868, at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m. of «U day,at the nontdo<*rtttiaeoart'house, in the dty of Devils Lake, In said county and territory, prooeed to sell all the right, title and interest of the above named Daniel Leo and H. D. Anderson, in and to the above defcrlbed~property to satisfy said Jndg» ment and ooits, amounting to. fortynalne dollars and fourteen cents, QM9.14) together with all accruing costs 6f sale, and interest on the same from the 26A day of June 1888 at the rate of 7 per oent per annual at pfablio auction, to the highest bidder *- WAGIOBH, flhsriff. W. W. Wishart, PlaintlffVi Attorney. - g Dated Devils Lake, D. T., July 18,1888. 18-16 ELECTION NOTICE. Vattoais hereby given, that« special election wtO be bald In the Third ward of the city of Devils Lake, D.T^oftTuceday. j£yttLl888,T»r the purpose of electing one alderman to flu the vacancy causes ly the ehaage of residence of Alderman Jamleeoa. The voting place in eajd Third ward will be at the Benham house on Kelly avenue. Judges ef election, J > Drtu, A W Griggs and 0 L Taylor. SaMsiectlonwUlSe opened at 9.o*dock am.and continue until 4 o'clock p m. Dated July 10,1888. By order of the council. H.C. HAN8BBOCGH, Mayor. ' 0. U. rums, Olty Auditor. M-SCSvIM EMU ABILBERT, Devils Lake Y [IMCOBPORATKD.] -OF- Lake, Rimsef Co., Dak, are now in full Operation.. Parties desirous Of selling cream are requested to send in their names and place of res . idence. Arrangement hav- ing been made with the railroad company for the transportation of cream, orders along the lineare . r.. solicited. '}r i- ip*s > 0£;ns<2iaiRy -WHOLESALE DXALEK IN- FARGO. FOR East Grand forks : BREWERY. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Having purchased the well known stable < P. J. Wooafl, we respectfully ask the patronage of old and new friends. The very best of attention given to horses entrusted to our care, and special attention given to gentlemen'* road horses. " 1^-v.M. H. LYNCH. j_ g KENT . t). ^ : ^ ..*> . < » »i f- PASO LINE BEST IN THE WORLD, W. HOPE HOnilU SHORT WL When trnTeUn^evsiy OM ahonld ilifi rider well the qneBUona of eocooajr, comfort, »>fety and •peed.thieeqoMttoM beingoftlie8«ineimpoitaaoeis»joQlM]f ofanhonraalnonaofMrenldaj^rkle. An exanlaatfoo of the nu^iriQ cointBM anyone that thia la the mailt diiect nat* to and from all the principal potato la ggggai^a; Dakota and Hootana. Onr eprilptrwnt and time are excellent. Oolr ntea ate fiie lowest, bat thla Act ia anmetlilTig which apeika for itaelC. Deflnltaflgnea and map* can be obtained by applying to any Agent of the Company, or the Gen- eral Monger Agent. the following are a few of the Principal Polnta reached ria thla TJne: I ST. CLOUD, BAUK Cnrru, FBKH» Taxjm, CBOOKSTOV, Sr. Tiscavx, Himamaow, PATsnriLLn,. Mosaic Amazon BaiiainiM^llnKjWfaiwKlhv Dsax, ELLXxsAUa^WA^BMnr, F1100, Q UID FoBxa,\Ghurro)i,> DARAA LU^ Botmouo 4SD. BAout lluorii Oua- Sow, DAW* (FR.BKJAITF),, Fr. BXMTOH, TAAJIUII Bona, i Mqjiix»At\Wman IUN> ALL PACCTIO Ooiar.Fpnr WPartiea aeeking* farmaor brwlnew laea Bona will find nnnaaal'<mportnnitiea for both on tiiia line in Northern Dakota and Montana,'alio InllCinneaota whaie the Company haa for aale at low|»ioea and pn bvorable terma 2,000,000acreaof ex- napaMd ^ KWALTaf ~ BLttiOUIBnt. " 'tCVLarrML, W.B. Ahzam*, "SMl'l tUMMft. Ow'l' FLOUR AND AT Grand Forks Head quartan for Northern Grown Forest, Fruit and Ornamental Treee, Shrubs, white willow outtinea and tree seeds of Minnesota and Dakota. None but the hardier varieties supplied,, and with nine years', experience in tree cul- ture in the Bad Biver vallc> ,my motto haa been, to giTe.Moeral satii Action. a*taloc<m udpeto.Utti rnt tni ou HfUwaoa. E. W. HASELUNB, oaam TOEKS, PAKOTA. WlSSoSl, Pirn- rtaa, BI mM mIH Bunhum and m A few applioatioas will Mate On moetitabbonily rad skin ao<^ assoeth and riAa Viol* Oraawi not a paict at powder teeoferdrfHta, bat areniady to core, ttla ioperiarto aU <A«r ptepuaton bgoMantoedtoglTesatiaftolNo. At tiittornallad fe BO centm. PMaiedfir ao. nrgwMB ftTio; FOR SUE BY BENHEtT BROS. RICHLY ••WABDBD an fhoM who ml thia -oltaMliltar iBM twntl. «llia—il that ill M tak* Ikaa |»»a>»awlaMaaa*««r»lbr«w«y IMiHlumimua. Kaaykm aaa. aad an aauac ami baatol del- •araaamth. Itia —f iucaajaiw toaik.tSaai avwartifardlv vkolavtuiactovotk. Bteu, >ilHWiH<eM»ii»lilli^irnl«t>oi. Wnry- tkl«( •»: as «MW .MUbr raqulrad; 7<n, rMiWr, QUI BoltMTWiailyflM. Wiitotoaa atoac to Ml —•—wktakmnaUtea. Adctrw HMt ManrglaBoaUMtfeaworM laf «« mt amtnr. Wat halt ••nas tt. wn«m «( «a- awfaf'w«ktlal r— -a. awfrnail an awtba aofBsallon of a 4cm oC.ioinea. vMi la the UtUe PlUa. ^ They CALLAIB ooniiosi Aeyoeaeaneetbeeeetielmer hWaafc»>ll> mWM2*" mon OiiatfW iWmMk Mill 2K55R ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Nampapar AdTartiaino Bureau. *10 Spnna it, Haw Yotk. •end lOota.: to '• lQ»B«aa .Flimphlel. i'| A*D imf JStora""*" J Albert Lea Route. TWO THROUGH TKA1H8 DAILY tKOM ST. PAUL AHD XINNKAFOLIB TO CHICAGO EAST ami Tke Direct aad DES MOINES, IOWA, . TIA ALBmuausion ioDQi. Dkact U II to TitMtnn, Dak. HSOUB fBBQPOB tBAZU- MINNEAPOLIS aBd St LOUIS. HW*BTI •Ha UDalon Sant 80UTH ud 80CT1 IMIY HOURS StVEOK^ TWO TRAINS DAILT TO UAYXMWOKTH ud AT- CHI80N, irfiUni coDSMtfow wun «•• vai md Atchtoon, Top.k>* Saata Pa laU*i9a. .4^0loaaeoa»otioa>aada la Valih dltaaiaanrtha St raid. •lanMpoUa a ftdSc; St. Pul a Dnlsth ~ " and to all poiata HOBTH AND with RggfgBgjlipitailor »a 1 StLoala BaUnyan AT OOACHK, HkOMmCXtT HBMM|aito|aMi|w / P«KE iiromm tOinrOBTABLK HAT OOAl PUuuuxBumiro OHAIB GABS and ov jutlj celebrated .«rlOO LBS. or BAOOAO^C Free. lira always as low aa tke t0w«at r > 1WUea»Thiovfh llekata. «le>«all« tiefcet a|«Bt or write to 8.T. e«iikt*n«aam- H. O. MAW CHMPIGNE FOP, giLTanwAxxa; omcra^ AUL Qrtara by MM rnrnfOf ilmlil «• wotk that aa ka Soa. wkO. Urimi at haaw •haaMatoaoaaaadthate aMraaa to BUIait Oa. Ijfjrtlaa*. Main., ail tacaiw ftaa tan la«»—ltiia >w 4thar aaz, a( aU aaaa, eaa aaaa fkaat It to IK par 4a« and apwaria mkrnmr tkn Un. Taa an alartai ftaa. Ghfital aotiaMiai. SaaMkaraaMda UaatajladarattMaTOtL jUlaaaawa ltobaST; Carjemte ^i Builder riwufc SpeellMttMU JmtikU Store Fronts and Brackets a Specialty. A to the uW,'iKfa'«l»3n? MadaoareaaaanlafaaM CUMM,aaMar paMia.ia . . _ . . .«», UMkalMaa«Mat Snfli tafa^MM oa AacaatM^M at M aUoak a. ML. af J. a. OOXBVT, ®T.'aaa P1, oa Aagaat ^aMfla^M, to U. UM- t.jtmkai. taalml Imfi, of kk elate, aad tkataaid aaaaf win MmcMaffniaiaeeait at . » JOMH BriRBSDS Ka ilMS wH«fcg<aadwM<iraaX«faaaUaa U>tmaM»iM waaafclilfitii wllaaaaite - »• "Pja,HdraMTMtDa 5, aM CalSSS B qijeWoad, Oaa H * H Sadr. aSSfei T 1% IMar, aU oC ttjfck. h«a .(h% «ta aa J. M. oouxT. alll>i iJZ* s •we taeewaftte llililiI nait l^irYiiFi] H«aMaaa>«fcUowlac.llaiBiitapror. kla am- ww.»m4. tiat "nas SUiRONS. DAKOTA—oacxrr or u«. 1 " T "- e i w _ J. OObart, Tfca Taottiir aC Dakota ta Tna an twain aaMwad anil laaaliad tu aaaww' ri«|'jlal «<*aplami«lal>aaaiw» aatttlad aa-: ttonwUohvaaaiadtatha o«ea «T tkaalaifc oftk. dlaMetaoan aftha thMlodloial datitet. la aad toe 2? 'SiL'Sl ltM < aad toaarr. a oopr «*•> joor aniw to th# MM ao^nMrt *M tka J atkia.aaaalaliiaeilrarDaillalakaLla aaM soaatr tannan, «HhlaW ttTSrSSTS till. aBBMOM npoe yon mliiw of U. ttj aKh acrrio^aad If joa Ml to Iff jrtUtt-tta tlaTa rtnaaaM, tt. iMatlHa ttl. aaMaa^ - * la *a* , wmawtrtotfeaeauttothanUaf Dated Ibj Slat A D 1M*. _ . n. i. koaaav, IMabra UktMf. DnUa laka^D *. 1S-1T LiLL j i »j 'pMmlTOtf OT DAKOTA—OOPNTT or MAM- 1 a»jr. SMMOMitlhKdJadMallHaMi*. 8a8M4 r. ft *1.7, Halatur, I TW Twritowy «f Pitata to tha ttom ami to- ^orjmaanrartotkaaaldcaatlalBtoatkaaab. ; . aoiilMr at hla o*ea la Otado. la tha coaabr of TOWMT . ' SUMHORS. ^ & f f;,' - 7 J/ *. f- 4 .'"•J^ " J-f £*W J t * 1 % Zj /Hz T •a-fcat V r at hla odba In Oaado, la tha ooaatr of Towaw *°° afcraaalt. omia thlitp «va altar tha MtTieaotU&aniBoaauoa jom. oduira tt th. dajofaaghaaritcataad irjaa fciltoa - - oomplalatvtthlatha tia. allaaaalil tl thla arttea will app^to tha «oa»t for th." wwwn lath. anapUat. Datad May7, AS18M. H. W. DICKINSON, 'Ml nalatm Attoiaay, Oaado, D T •fti £ i* M3 v. r t M h ,• a >4- 1 & 0 p%i ti iORTGAGESALE. T^MAULT HA* BBn MAD1 IN TBB OONDI- a-f ttnaafaaaalala aort(ac* anratadaaddallT. «d bT Hnrr Xankr,' aa aaamM aaa to Oaona HDan.Staphan H Ataold. aad Oaaar J lathhaC * !• r»lM haailM SatiIhilirt durofjuaaiy.A'Dia*r,aad#lr raaortad la tho <«Ha«(th« Battel ofBaada la aad to tha aaaalr ot ' '••i) aaJ Tatrltocy or Batata, thai lift da Mi £,^™u7 A D18S7,« 600 ^eloafc p n, la haokT ft Moatcuaa, oa pagam.: n . S«idMtsa(.eoatalaaa duta wklck th. aalppaa oo datak Maa «ai *T th Mor!n(hapaanaant<ftha Baaaf thatala aae*rad, raw priadpal or Intaraat, whan tha aaaaa ahatfd i daa, to dadara tha whola Ban of MM/ rA%. "'I u K § I: w", (• 4 n Tbata ia dalaaad ta ha daa aad oapdd oa i mpat.tho data of thla aotio. th. aaai at ana nadiadaad Ciartaaaaad 46-1W dollaia OIIdMI. aad lawjia i Ijai i jtBSi hara,<aatal"«a,. aad da ! ^irail|Mpy t >laiaa SUSLSS bj «aU rfflanUiwit (mi •) Mi tha aad ftftjr du«e (t - V 7V, » M ~XAr ( %- % ; t to tha DoitedStataa lonranMt |tna la' —. Joaatp aad Tacrttory ot Bahataj nHh tha" m .11 1 .— "-tm" nl llll " - M1 *" aMata.j'a hm, aa ttlgatatad, wadaby flM ttariB of aa IUBMV nnt* M M. dap^j dalyaathaclMd, at the ftatdow of th. ooart late la aald Owatv ndr : Tmitaar.oallaadv.thaeih dar of Aacaat,A AIMS,, » vadaaptloB day at " ? at 2 oUack p m at that dw, aaUwt lUdaoaajarboaa tha aay tteaviu pnilM br Uw. Datad J OB. 80, AO 1MB. OKOBOS E. DAR. ' J MIHIUI H. MOLD, OBCAB J. MATHBU*, W. W. WLAHJTISANIVJD^RIW' NOi'iwt»:-' r REPORT OF THB CONDMOH 't /; vi . A J* IMBII *uM*m QayHalatodtpaldia IMJMU YM»9» njmu aoas

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Post on 09-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Devils Lake inter-ocean (Devils Lake, Ramsey Co., Dakota ...€¦ · Smith, of Verndale, MtOn. is. expected here Thursday evening, _ meeting. The held In the sehoolhoi ilace in Stv

• V- _*«




JCffi'W''«if-~*ir»«?,s'i- ,t. c— .-• -?•, -n.-. -. _.

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^»WTPT. ilHimiml


JKrtltleal agorim-

oHM4.marioaa mitlng-Mr. UM noml'

Mad that portion of Oil latterln • fUehrlht. great "reformer" mostslWttiataaedoiHlterm k no loiig«K '>;ina|t serious danger tocal ddibtntt and intelligent political

." Aod what will the "old Soman" bare to say about a •eoond-term being "merely a personal privilege and means of rewarding parasites andpartisansand maintaining a partyt"

^J Tleket.

•ssa, -". OC'

CONVENTION. will be held at

Aotacatetft NlllTllI

taoae dilnrti—rili torn jfcep*opat *3£SS£za^™~



CiWalah Walworth «r«Uk.. wait


fflhi is a leading editorial from the London Olobe on American polities, The Globe is the leading free trade Jour­nal or Qreet Britain: . As a rale the presidential contest has very little interest'for the Old World. Onthe presebt oocasiou, however, an Israels involved whioh veryclosely con-oerns Europe, mare particularly Great Kifjiiinr Mr. Cleveland has taken his stand ori free trade, and, he is univer­sally reoognised in the states as pleged to initate a new departure in flscaV pol­icy. Nor can there be any doubt that he would act up to- this -understanding were he elected. The central issue :of the contest lies .between tlje main ten anceof thejpresent fiscal system intact audits modification in the direction of free trade. And on that broad question Mr. Gtanflaodfa candidature nuuarally and necessarily carries English sym­pathy. ! v '

ifSiSil aa* hp ha taciitocW B-aMloaa 4**»mBiSwSS** AfifctaitoMhsa,uST

' •AKUBDH AlUW, -Oaia.1." " '

? ®»WUU> MDBFHY, son of Francis Murphy, the famous apoetle of temp-

?*w«Mih win take the stump in Indiana t'tuc Htoiioo and ifortdn:

Wfn toye never had iri extremely low fintMsooontry that we didn't also

. ^haraapaaio. . W<e haye never,, hid; an' «c moderately hUh tariff

tini;haven also had prosperity, nooratie Me trade demagogue

^woaMnfher have a panio than not to ve 'dBoe. »< f

Tu&epablloaaaof the house voted to nduoe the tariff on sugar to

«o»4ialf the present rate and the Dem-'OOtats voted aoBdlr against the.proposi­

tion. 8a*ar iiaprodaot of "the' solid Senio!(m|toaotitbl aiid the Democratic

istoprotect it, Thja fully iUiiB-ttaies te sincerity of Mr. Cleveland's

fpii f on the question of tariff reform.

Tbx Democratic convention Jamestown wiwwinatiwf John J. Harnden lor delegate to congress. The oonven< tiOn indoned the St. Lonislplatform, de dared in favor ot single statehood for

f^Mcota and otherwise went on reoord in tavorofthe "time-honored principles of Peaaoerao ' iiri eh, briefly Mated, are nnlw<l~*,'—| ~tn"' "f rebel flag no pensions for Union soldiers, frse trade, ;thered bandana and general

Ix ls a pleasure to note the admbsion made in the Bottineau Pioneer that its editor is in the habit of indulging in Fkendi metapbors. His recent refer-

> eoOe to James G. Blaine as the "blao* beast" was not intended, he aays, to mean that the gfeat Ameridbi states-awn ie an animal of dark hoe,bat that he is simply a Uu nUr. Now if Bro. IISHIIBII will kindly translate his free trade articles, he will deeerve the grati­tude ot Usjmfetified readers.

figures the stocks of now in elevators and farmers

vnwweaaaller than at any previous date itf fhi wheat growing history of the

?aoiinlqr.itsays: "With stooks in farm-^«ii :'iwa4i Ipmr than before for the

time shwe Minnesota became in wheat growing, with

eiesfirtor stooks smaller than ptia with no more than the ordinary ' "' in store in-Minneapolis and the

late, there is no surplus. On S ocotraqr, the looal demand is likely bMpaoftveas to enrtail, on account h( t priess, the amount that can be

aoC •

Obit otOBiftlmii aiiel It'' is jono*d«d ; on all:^banda ttiat W

county In the terrltory^i%ow M " "" |he evto*(tl&Mdas Fetfrtli waseelebrated

amonnt oir money inresUd-aa Bamss »Pproprtat« manner at «K.t_ ITk* BNII POt" JWtllWMl IM OdeSSS. A_ DIOM Connty. The 'handsome''atrietUre and theconvenienee and completeness of its arrangement are ikrorably commented* upon by all unpri|)udioed peraona jrho are ftmtliar with the taeta. Strangere vhb are aaked to gusas the cost of the build­ing. etc., plao«Itatto>m|W,000toV50,000, and not a few of them refoae/to believe that the total cost is bntilttle aboye •22,000. For ihe laformatlon of the 'tax­payers, the IifraB-Oca&ir applied to the proper offlcers this week for an exact aiatement of the cost of Bamsey county's oourt house, and herewith are the ttg-

It would be a good idea for all thoae intereated in the supremacy of the truth to cut thla out md paste it in their hate, so that the political 'dema­gog who ia how lying and will continue until Nov. 0 to lle«bout the managment and cost of the oourt house mar be con­fronted with the figures: N4»rSkul«7Md 0. A L. BalM* u

par oaatnat. tlT,#S$ tt WM B VSkwlM tor aim « Mlm-

fliotili pUe Soonif is «mh tasa OM 00 'i<f,sx UtarMSaMwklailowm. »»5«S FlUtakkkiMawout colorad

«0 00

rtu'Wifthpeton Globeauggeals Editor Hansbroughkof the Devils Lake IKTMB Ooux, as a possible candidate for dele-gateAo congress on the Bepublican tick­et. Hansbrough is a man, every'ihch of him, and a worse selection nugh t be made.—Minto Journal.

Thanks, gentlemen, but permit us to say that the editor of the IHTBB-OCKAH is not a candidate for any office under any circumstances.

M. X. Distriot OonfOrenoe. The distriot conference of the Grand

Forks district North Dakota conference has been in session during the present

;,l>egiimta on Tueeday and ad-Jouri ig otijTklsy noon. The open­ing sennon Was preached by Bev. D. M, iPtok« «ra(ton, followed by the sac-rament of the Lord's supper and wedding, the marriage of C. B. Shells and Miss M. Grant of Bartlett.

Oh Wedneediay morning at 9 o'olook the regular business session was opened and the case of T. B. Tope was called and consumed the entire day and until 2:80 o'clo^c Thursdar. The case is briefly this: The law of the Methodist church forbids" divorce on any other jgrounds than adultery. Mr. Tppe had teen separated from jbia wife for munber of yean, the yalleged cause of separation being that his wife was un­true; after a lapse of seven or eight years Mr. Tope became engaged to another lady. Before he could marry again it was neceesary to procure divorce' to make it legal in the right of the oivil law. If he could have pro­cured the divorce on the grounds of adultery it would have been legal in the sight of eoolesisstical law, but as the divorce was to be procured in Minne-sota and as the statutes of Minnesota limited aotion for adultrv to three years from time of separation, he was compelled, the defendant claimed, to procure it on the grounds of deeertion. The conference felt that the law of the ohuroh' could not be set asside and consequently Mr. Tepe was deposed from the ministry and ex-pelled from membership. An appeal was taken to the annual supreme con­ference whioh meets at Jamestown (kit: 11. Mr. Cook of Bismarck and TreglaW' ney ofPembina appeared for the d» fendant and Mr. Foster of St. Thomas and Mr. Harris of Hillsboro for the proseoution.

A large number of ministers for admission and trial to trayeling connection,

Following laalist of the ministers in attendance:

D. tJ. Flannette, presiding elder of the distriot. ' W. B. Uorrlaon, Bathgate. J. W. Barton, Hamilton. -—Valentine, Hamilton. . A. B. Foster, St. Thomas. D. H. Parker, Grafton. O. H. Treglawney, Pembina. O. J. Baker, Acton. •-,,, J. A. Hovis, Hillsboro. l' J. O. Deets, Hillsboro. C. A. MacNamara, Grandln. . J. O. Struthsrs, Mouse Rtyar. 0. F. Greene, Churchs Ferry. H, <3. Bllbie, Fargo.

•W.T. Oook, BIamarok. -«5 f •.'M.Gordon, Lakota. *&?<!>* D. E.- Baldwin, Mlehlgan City. • E. P. Hall, Larlmore. r 1 Or. W. KUvarTEoierado. B. O. Sarvls.Edlnburgh. 0. M. Beea. Miller. . 8. M. Newlove, Lansdon. 0. G. Falrbanu Qanna.(- •&%£ ' ' • A. G. Washington. WSlhalla. - • - - j,Vi "

, SoutliMst bonier.. fpMUl 09>n«oadaBM otllMlinma^ouji.'

peifeotday was never seen, and thepic-atpkeia eqjoyed it '.to the fall. There were atwut twenty teams at Odessa and probably seventy-five or more at Jeru­salem.

Mr. IJamoreanx has painted his store 1>uUdlnK in a tasteful manner, bnilt a' porch on;4he -front, and made sandry; other improvements that render , the "New Jerusalem" much more attractive in anpearanoe than formerly.

Tfifs weather was probably never qx-' celled in this country for '"growing weather." Onr early aown wheat, has [town by acttud measurement over four nches in the past forty-eight hours. The present dry .spell winds up one of

the, finest breaking aeaaons we ever saw;1

and It is Safe to say that more breaking has been done In the county this year than in any one year slnoe 'St.

Henry Medeunan has ropfod and shingled his barn: a much needed im-

Erovement. H., E. Stevens IS paintlrig is barn and has added a enpola to ; the

roof, all of whioh give thebuilding a fine -»nce. . Carrier has bought the Sheparil

Ida later on Ibnlita of oo«rt Walk saAanmiallipteclarvult •

'MOfl Work aad nitwUl on taManit

Willi.,,. Eiat otautptaoou «mr<raoa.

. 1«I 76 <

«10 H SO

1870 SB Tftelooot ofttat oomrt koVM. tll^M to otel oo«t of' " —

WfoagUinn Totol oo«t of JftilM Mlowi—

doon, Jftll Wit sewi fMfbt..

AnhttMfT. D. Alloa.. BaMriatndoot L. Oraat. AdTMTtWlC

tl,U7 M 1,7*0 00

S7» 60 652 35 111 00

Oraat total...

appearance. 0. A. Carrier nas bougl

place at Odeaaaand haa broken up most i quarter vlck

of it. PhlUp Kelley bought a section in aeotlon 8 .from Ira Vicketw.' This gives Phil a half aeotlon and Yick.-' iry still has a farm in the western pirt >r the township. Bev. E. II. Smith, of Verndale, MtOn.

is. expected here Thursday evening, _ meeting. The

held In the sehoolhoi ilace in Stv

..4tt,<7SM a * '• lip

C... v. •• Bohooi Matters. The new school board of Lake school

township—Bev. L. E. Danka, Frank W. Priest, W. D.'Prescott and I. E. Shelley, representing the city, and Jbseph Gra­ham from west of the bay, Mr, LaRue from Bock Island, and- Mr. Eldridge from the northwest portion of the dist riot—hss been in session several times this week. Mr. Shelley was choaen chairman and A. "W. Cogswell clerk.' T. S. Cordner accepted the position and qualified In (6000 bonds as treasurer.

The first business of the board was to fix the grades and salaries of teachers, FN |I. B. Faneher, of MayvlUe, was ohciett'as prlnoipal. Prof Fanoher ls a graduate of the Madkato Normal school and brings the very best of reeomenda-tlons from that Institution and also from the leading professors of'Hamlino Unl veralty. He is a married man and will remove his family to this city. The board established grades as follows: First grade teaohers to receive not less than |S0; second grade not less than 945, and third grade not less than |3fi. Miss Etta Lewis wss chosen assistant principal, Miss Mpry Bowers for the intermediate, and Miss Marlon Beaton for the primary department, Miss Lewis is a graduate of the Indiana stste normal school. The term will be­gin Sept. 8 and oontinue nine montha, with two " intermissions of two weeks eaoh.

The IKTSB-OOBAN is informed by one of the board that so far as the grade and ability of the teaohers In the Devils Lake Bohool are conoerned, that neither Fargo, Grand Forka nor any. other , plaoe of im­portance in Dakota is ahead of this city; that in these particulars our school is fully up to the standard of the best schools.' • .-

— " —


An Enjoyable Sohool Entertain­ment—Various Items.

OoRMpondtBM of th* Iiru>Ooui(. The evening of July 29 witnessed the

largest gathering that ever assembled at the Henley school house in Noonan Bohool township.

The oecaslon Was a sohool exhibition given by Miss Llzsle Kennefio and the pupils. The recitations were well learned and exceptionally well delivered, the universal expression of the audience be­ing, "It was a success, and reflects great credit upOn the teacher; you have been very fortunate in aeourlng so able and so sifted an lnstruetresS for the ohildren In attendenoe at sohool." It was only well merited praise, for the success of the entertainment was doe solely to Miss Kennefio and her happy faculty In train­ing pupils. Some or the ladies and

Kntlemen of the neighborhood assisted musical selections.

The following is the program: A Weloome... Xetll* Bantihf Kid)..-... Ha* PMnrlBf Itttton- Iu Sjatko SOBZ—8W1O(IM In tbo Lui .Fnplli ThoBan-tbot Bo5.,..„_ Joha Twetioa Skloctu—The LiMIO Store,-........ »..PupU> 8MNB ......0«rtl« Renin IHIIT—WBMT AN tho Wild WITH SARINS 7

Mr, and Hn. SacklDihun Ourhw Knit MotUnc To-nl(fat May Baatica BeoltaUon. .Llbbto F parka Solo—Oomo, Blidlo, Ooma, ..Mra. Joha flonlay Tho Qnot Socnt Minnie Bparka Womana Work Sarah Tram Spa««li.i Iela Bucklntham

lo —.Mr.WlUtaW eanof Kay. .............Pnrlla

19th, to hold services will be at V. E. Oalderwood's _ township. Preaching Thursday and Pri' day eveninga and Saturday afternoon'at 2:30. ' On Sunday there will be services at 10 a, m., 6 p. m. and In the evening.. Mr. Smith is so well known to the peo­ple of this vicinity that agood attendance ia aaaured without the cordial Invitation which he extenda to all'to attend'and participateiu the^xerclsss. B.

. Bavdon Denied. : ' BISIUSOK, July 6.—Gov. Church .to­

day denied pardon to John Oswald, nephew of the- well known St. Panl liquor man of the same name. Oswald murdered Pat MoQueny as Devils Lake.-

y ———m »"»• ' Ghioago and St. Louis.

Two prominent cities west are whose names head this paragraph. Chicago, the chief marvel of the olty growth In Amerloa, fifty yeara ago only a small fort on the frontier—an Inplan trading, post in a swamp—now known all. over the world as a wonderful emporium ot commerce and a busy hive of industry, whenoe nearly a million workers send out their produots to be used of all natlops. St. Louis founded in the his, torio "early days" when .the lillies of France claimed, dominion oyer the Mississippi Valley—now sitting a com­mercial queen, the centre of a' vast river commerce, and sentinel at the gateway of the great and growing southwest, a city of wealth, intelligence ' and • solid worth, much talked of as a future loca­tion of the national oapltal. These are worth a pilgrimage—they draw thou ssnds of visitors, and "The Burlington" has its own line into both of them, so buy your tlokets by that line, or write to W. J. 0, Kenyon, General Passenger Agents C., B.&K.R. S.,St. Paul,Minn.


and Tobaccos

F. A. Hawke, Mr.and Mrs.J; B.

Daniel Hlnee, James

MHNJ-S or "MNOIIHTY.' Ia l8n Allen G. Thurtnan made a

srhioh he ne( :. title langnsge D the Jtm»4em bostnees.; It

awMft mkmA isrm earn-B'vrtm^DeliBMitats were, without

i to dqi i theBepubhcans in adfanoe

r one then'eon-i Jo baiNiitaUa. The "dd Bo-

!*»avsd his wd tandfaa and satf'.

issrvlee until , prindple in

As long as for e seoond

of •f

Thursday the ministopi were takOn on the lake for an exourstan tenderiadby the people of De vils Lake; '• large aumbw of citizens aocompanied th ,f lnolud-ing. the cornet band and our ctf ebrated' quartet. Muslo ' and speech 'making, served to epeed the hours, and yet tode-lay the craft, and it was midnight when the Minnie. H. retnriied to her dook.

Nearly all-theministers tooktheir de­parture yeeterday, delightsdyrttii^iylls Ldte end Ma people.


The WpIoott JUlkir. MmnuKHOi Jaiy ll.—It now begins

to look very much as'though the credi­tors of C. C. Woloott, the insolvent «le-vator man, who were wuting so hope-fully for a slioe of thedo^bo he was

,>pwed to own, have waited in vain. Mr Woloott is in Europe and the pnm-erty m|pit as wdi be were for aU the good it will do the creditors, for it ap­pears that Mr. Woloott now owns none of it. He transferred it, infact, toother partiee soeae months sgo. The only claim which amounts to anything, how­ever, is that of Mr. Doty, of Doty A Co, vhossr jplaim firiguMOy amounted

... .MS orf7,000fr;om theibaiUc on

so to bitty, abont jo^nu/or • HshO :«Me

or «^bO busbels of fannets

Mr.Dotv&Co. "win _

the jauA an

to wlthtptm

dttMU •Mitl . itation

Wkftt'rd'iflMtob#... goppo"

•; Minnie rka ibVudMn.Csineke^u

.Vln llule (irS ..Halter Twoedaa

MoUter'a Love... A Woehalar In aeawh of a Wife,

'oho BaBtinr, .ckerln Slok DoUlo.. Una Piok«

Mn. Buckingham ...Mv Bunting


July2.—Copious •. l weather are aoinegji the growth of cBva. ;-

WW —............Mr. WhltUr Good litght ...Quartet

The audience enloyed a great treat when Miss Kennefio stepped* upon the itsge just before the. olounir sonjr'and Muted, "Dashing. Bide^Teniw Mc-Neal," In her usual bapp^tyle.

.andwarm linhjMtwiing

oflT very quist-iool offloers were jMaii -VN.Tveten, John

ili'tNssurer, Andrew

. .. .ofyPlsinfield, Wis., was rsbewitlg'oId' Ume aoaualntanoe with C. B,'PiakMlU( and E. E. Sparks, alWwdayaago. ' It is to beregretted that N. N. Tveten

haa had the muforlone to lose a value-able ox.

I understand that a post-offloe will soon be in running order at the farm residenee'of James Henley; it will be known as the Fox Lake poet-oAee.

Qeo. Hahnawalt and wills of Mlnto. Walahooanty, are here making Improve-ments en their claims.

Mr. Bound, after spending several days with relatives and friends in this vlolnlty, hsa returned to his home In Grlgns county. Bono.

Ho advanoe has been made in price' of lota by Meson of onr business aetlvlt v and growth. Investors oertalnlv can hot loan money, butdeelrablelOcatiOna are beooming acaroe. . IStf

; '• i e •• ( - *. • " . A Boy Bangi Himwlfr ' - -

Piano Oout? TrUtue. Last Satordsy at te &betr, while in

the field alone wi %4eam, a fourteen year old son of .Lwls Larson hanged Dimself.irith awhip Jashundera wsgon. life was quite-extfWt wh^n he -wi| lonad.' The pAees ".aw not as yet known. '•a*, '


Choi^FrnitBaily ' • f s .



CORDNBR'S / t l % r 1 nrv «£j-

1 -ret) ;>K5,3iy|

K- « jM Xp 41 .

-£Ut—' v ! V


Best Milk Shake - A T — •


Toys, Notions, '£•;

Blank Books,




SbU ly Bmgtbti md Deatari AMriiMiM Che Obarlos A. Toaolot Oo« Bait on Wt>


Sftniel Leo and H D Anderson, Defendant*. Ketloe is herebjr giren, that by •Irtne ofan «zeon*

ttontomedireotad-and dellTeretL and sow Iknur hands, lamed out ef the clerk's 'office of the dldal district oonrt, Territory of Dakota, In and for the conntr of Bamsey. upon. • judgment render# justice's court In favor of feldjplaintiffand against' defendants, on the tOth day of Jane, 1888, a transerlpt of which was filed in the.offlpe of the elerk of the said distriot oourt lor feald 'county of Bauaey on tte iYth dsyof June, 1688, at 3 o'clock p. for the purchase money of a HoCormlck mower, I have levied npoo-the following deeoribed personal ofsafd deCmd> anta,to*wlt: One (1) McOormick mower.

And that I shall, on Wednesdaythe 25th day of July A. D.,1868, at the hour of 10 o'clock a, m. of «U day,at the nontdo<*rtttiaeoart'house, in the dty of Devils Lake, In said county and territory, prooeed to sell all the right, title and interest of the above named Daniel Leo and H. D. Anderson, in and to the above defcrlbed~property to satisfy said Jndg» ment and ooits, amounting to. fortynalne dollars and fourteen cents, QM9.14) together with all accruing costs 6f sale, and interest on the same from the 26A day of June 1888 at the rate of 7 per oent per annual at pfablio auction, to the highest bidder *-

WAGIOBH, flhsriff. W. W. Wishart, PlaintlffVi Attorney. -

g Dated Devils Lake, D. T., July 18,1888. 18-16

ELECTION NOTICE. Vattoais hereby given, that« special election wtO

be bald In the Third ward of the city of Devils Lake, D.T^oftTuceday. j£yttLl888,T»r the purpose of electing one alderman to flu the vacancy causes ly the ehaage of residence of Alderman Jamleeoa.

The voting place in eajd Third ward will be at the Benham house on Kelly avenue. Judges ef election, J > Drtu, A W Griggs and 0 L Taylor.

SaMsiectlonwUlSe opened at 9.o*dock am.and continue until 4 o'clock p m.

Dated July 10,1888. By order of the council.

H.C. HAN8BBOCGH, Mayor. ' 0. U. rums, Olty Auditor.



Devils Lake




Lake, Rimsef Co., Dak,

are now in full Operation..

Parties desirous Of selling cream are requested to send in their names and place of res

. idence.

Arrangement hav­ing been made with the railroad company for the transportation of cream, orders along the lineare

. r..

solicited. '}r

i- ip*s >




East Grand forks : BREWERY.

Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Having purchased the well known stable <

P. J. Wooafl, we respectfully ask the patronage of old and new friends. The very best of attention given to horses entrusted to our care, and special attention given to gentlemen'* road horses.

" 1^-v.M. H. LYNCH. j_ g KENT

. t ) . : ^

. . * > . < » » i f -




HOnilU SHORT WL When trnTeUn^evsiy OM ahonld ilifi

rider well the qneBUona of eocooajr, comfort, »>fety and •peed.thieeqoMttoM beingoftlie8«ineimpoitaaoeis»joQlM]f ofanhonraalnonaofMrenldaj rkle. An exanlaatfoo of the nu iriQ cointBM anyone that thia la the mailt diiect nat* to and from all the principal potato la

ggggai a;

Dakota and Hootana. Onr eprilptrwnt and time are excellent. Oolr ntea ate fiie lowest, bat thla Act ia anmetlilTig which apeika for itaelC. Deflnltaflgnea and map* can be obtained by applying to any Agent of the Company, or the Gen­eral P« Monger Agent. the following are a few of the Principal

Polnta reached ria thla TJne: I ST. CLOUD, BAUK Cnrru, FBKH» Taxjm, CBOOKSTOV, Sr. Tiscavx, Himamaow, PATsnriLLn,. Mosaic Amazon BaiiainiM^llnKjWfaiwKlhv Dsax, ELLXxsAUa^WA^BMnr, F1100, QUID FoBxa,\Ghurro)i,> DARAA LU Botmouo 4SD. BAout lluorii Oua-Sow, DAW* (FR.BKJAITF),, Fr. BXMTOH, TAAJIUII Bona, i Mqjiix»At\Wman IUN> ALL PACCTIO Ooiar.Fpnr WPartiea aeeking* farmaor brwlnew laea Bona will find nnnaaal'<mportnnitiea for both on tiiia line in Northern Dakota and Montana,'alio InllCinneaota whaie the Company haa for aale at low|»ioea and pn bvorable terma 2,000,000acreaof ex-

napaMd KWALTaf

~ BLttiOUIBnt. " 'tCVLarrML, W.B. Ahzam*, "SMl'l tUMMft. Ow'l'





Head quartan for Northern Grown Forest, Fruit and Ornamental Treee, Shrubs, white willow outtinea and tree seeds of Minnesota and Dakota. None but the hardier varieties supplied,, and with nine years', experience in tree cul­ture in the Bad Biver vallc> ,my motto haa been, to giTe.Moeral satiiAction.

a*taloc<m udpeto.Utti rnt tni ou HfUwaoa.


• WlSSoSl, Pirn-rtaa, BImMmIH Bunhum and m A few applioatioas will Mate On moetitabbonily rad skin ao< assoeth and riAa Viol* Oraawi 1« not a paict at powder teeoferdrfHta, bat areniady to core, ttla ioperiarto aU <A«r ptepuaton bgoMantoedtoglTesatiaftolNo. At tiittornallad fe BO centm. PMaiedfir ao. nrgwMB ftTio;


RICHLY ••WABDBD an fhoM who ml thia -oltaMliltar iBM twntl. «llia—il that ill M tak* Ikaa

|»»a>»awlaMaaa*««r»lbr«w«y IMiHlumimua. Kaaykm aaa. aad an aauac ami baatol del-•araaamth. Itia —f iucaajaiw toaik.tSaai avwartifardlv vkolavtuiactovotk. Bteu, >ilHWiH<eM»ii»lilli irnl«t>oi. Wnry-tkl«( •»: as «MW .MUbr raqulrad; 7<n, rMiWr, QUI BoltMTWiailyflM. Wiitotoaa atoac to Ml —•—wktakmnaUtea. Adctrw HMt

ManrglaBoaUMtfeaworM laf «« mt amtnr. Wat halt ••nas tt. wn«m «( «a-

awfaf'w«ktlal r— -a. awfrnail an awtba aofBsallon

of a 4cm oC.ioinea. vMi la the UtUe

PlUa. They

CALLAIB ooniiosi


hWaafc»>ll> mWM2*" mon OiiatfW


Mill 2K55R

ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,

Nampapar AdTartiaino Bureau. *10 Spnna it, Haw Yotk.

•end lOota.: to '• lQ»B«aa .Flimphlel.

i'| • A*D imf JStora""*" J




EAST ami Tke Direct aad

DES MOINES, IOWA, . TIA ALBmuausion ioDQi.

Dkact UII to TitMtnn, Dak.



HW*BTI •Ha UDalon Sant

80UTH ud 80CT1

IMIY HOURS StVEOK TWO TRAINS DAILT TO UAYXMWOKTH ud AT- „ CHI80N, irfiUni coDSMtfow wun «•• vai md Atchtoon, Top.k>* Saata Pa laU*i9a. .4^0loaaeoa»otioa>aada la Valih

dltaaiaanrtha St raid. •lanMpoUa a ftdSc; St. Pul a Dnlsth ~ " and to all poiata HOBTH AND


RggfgBgjlipitailor »a 1 StLoala BaUnyan AT OOACHK, HkOMmCXtT HBMM|aito|aMi|w / P«KE iiromm

tOinrOBTABLK HAT OOAl PUuuuxBumiro OHAIB GABS and — ov jutlj celebrated .«rlOO LBS. or BAOOAO^C Free. lira always as low aa tke t0w«at r > 1WUea»Thiovfh llekata. «le>«all« tiefcet a|«Bt or write to

8.T. e«iikt*n«aam-


CHMPIGNE FOP, giLTanwAxxa; omcra AUL

Qrtara by MM rnrnfOf ilmlil «•

wotk that aa ka Soa. wkO. Urimi at haaw •haaMatoaoaaaadthate aMraaa to BUIait • Oa. Ijfjrtlaa*. Main., ail tacaiw ftaa tan la«»—ltiia >w 4thar aaz, a( aU aaaa, eaa aaaa fkaat It to IK par 4a« and apwaria mkrnmr tkn Un. Taa an alartai ftaa. Ghfital aotiaMiai. SaaMkaraaMda UaatajladarattMaTOtL jUlaaaawa


Carjemte i Builder riwufc SpeellMttMU JmtikU

Store Fronts and Brackets a Specialty.


to the

uW,'iKfa'«l»3n? MadaoareaaaanlafaaM

CUMM,aaMar paMia.ia . . _ . . .«», UMkalMaa«Mat Snfli tafa^MM oa AacaatM^M at M aUoak a. ML. af



P1, oa Aagaat

^aMfla^M, to U. UM-


taalml Imfi, of kk elate, aad tkataaid aaaaf win MmcMaffniaiaeeait at„ . » JOMH BriRBSDS Ka ilMS wH«fcg<aadwM<iraaX«faaaUaa U>tmaM»iM waaafclilfitii wllaaaaite -

»• "Pja,HdraMTMtDa 5, aM CalSSS B qijeWoad, Oaa H * H Sadr. aSSfei T 1% IMar, aU oC ttjfck. h«a .(h% «ta aa

J. M. oouxT.


iJZ* s

•we taeewaftte llililiI nait l^irYiiFi]

H«aMaaa>«fcUowlac.llaiBiitapror. kla am-

ww.»m4.tiat "nas

SUiRONS. DAKOTA—oacxrr or u«.

1 "T"-

ei w

_ J. OObart, Tfca Taottiir aC Dakota ta Tna an twain aaMwad anil laaaliad tu aaaww'

ri«|'jlal «<*aplami«lal>aaaiw» aatttlad aa-: ttonwUohvaaaiadtatha o«ea «T tkaalaifc oftk. dlaMetaoan aftha thMlodloial datitet. la aad toe 2? 'SiL'Sl f® ltM< aad toaarr. a oopr «*•> joor aniw to th# MM ao^nMrt *M tka J atkia.aaaalaliiaeilrarDaillalakaLla aaM soaatr

tannan, «HhlaW ttTSrSSTS till. aBBMOM npoe yon mliiw of U. ttj aKh acrrio^aad If joa Ml to


jrtUtt-tta tlaTa rtnaaaM, tt. iMatlHa ttl. aaMaa - * la *a* , wmawtrtotfeaeauttothanUaf

Dated Ibj Slat A D 1M*. _ . n. i. koaaav, IMabra UktMf. DnUa laka^D *. 1S-1T

LiLL • j i »j 'pMmlTOtf OT DAKOTA—OOPNTT or MAM- • 1 a»jr. SMMOMitlhKdJadMallHaMi*.

8a8M4 r. ft*1.7, Halatur,

I TW Twritowy «f Pitata to tha ttom ami to-

^orjmaanrartotkaaaldcaatlalBtoatkaaab. ; . aoiilMr at hla o*ea la Otado. la tha coaabr of TOWMT . '


^ & f f;,'


7 J/ *.



J - f

£*W J t * 1 %

Z j / H z T •a-fcat


r at hla odba In Oaado, la tha ooaatr of Towaw *°° afcraaalt. omia thlitp «va altar tha MtTieaotU&aniBoaauoa jom. oduira tt th. dajofaaghaaritcataad irjaa fciltoa - -oomplalatvtthlatha tia. allaaaalil tl thla arttea will app^to tha «oa»t for th." wwwn lath. anapUat.

Datad May7, AS18M. H. W. DICKINSON,

'Ml nalatm Attoiaay, Oaado, D T

• f t i



M3 v. r

t M

h ,•

a >4-


& 0



iORTGAGESALE. T^MAULT HA* BBn MAD1 IN TBB OONDI-a-f ttnaafaaaalala aort(ac* anratadaaddallT. «d bT Hnrr Xankr,' aa aaamM aaa to Oaona HDan.Staphan H Ataold. aad Oaaar J lathhaC

* !• r»lM haailM SatiIhilirt durofjuaaiy.A'Dia*r,aad#lr raaortad la tho <«Ha«(th« Battel ofBaada la aad to tha aaaalr ot ' '••i) aaJ Tatrltocy or Batata, o« thai lift da Mi £, ™u7 A D18S7,« 600 eloafc p n, la haokT ft Moatcuaa, oa pagam.: • n . S«idMtsa(.eoatalaaa duta wklck th. aalppaa oo datak Maa «ai *T th Mor!n(hapaanaant<ftha Baaaf thatala aae*rad, raw priadpal or Intaraat, whan tha aaaaa ahatfd i

daa, to dadara tha whola Ban of MM/


"'I u K § I:

w", ( •

4 n

Tbata ia dalaaad ta ha daa aad oapdd oa i mpat.tho data of thla aotio. th. aaai at ana nadiadaad Ciartaaaaad 46-1W dollaia OIIdMI. aad

lawjia i Ijai i jtBSi • hara,<aatal"«a,. aad da ! irail|Mpyt>laiaa


bj «aU rfflanUiwit (mi•) Mi tha

aad ftftjr du«e (t

- V

7V, »



( %-

% ;

t to tha DoitedStataa lonranMt |tna la' —. Joaatp aad Tacrttory ot Bahataj nHh tha"

m .11 • 1 • .— "-tm" nl llll " -

M1*" aMata.j'a hm, aa ttlgatatad,

wadaby flM ttariB of aa IUBMV nnt* M M. dap^j dalyaathaclMd, at the ftatdow of th. ooart late la aald Owatv ndr: Tmitaar.oallaadv.thaeih dar of Aacaat,A AIMS,,

» vadaaptloB a» day at "


at 2 oUack p m at that dw, aaUwt lUdaoaajarboaa tha aay tteaviu

pnilM br Uw. Datad JOB.80, AO 1MB.




' t / ;

• vi .

A J*




IMJMU YM»9» njmu
