development of gene therapy for...

Development of Gene Therapy for Thalassemia Arthur W. Nienhuis and Derek A. Persons Department of Hematology, Division of Experimental Hematology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee 38105 Correspondence: [email protected] Retroviral vector–mediated gene transfer into hematopoietic stem cells provides a potential- ly curative therapy for severe b-thalassemia. Lentiviral vectors based on human immuno- deficiency virus have been developed for this purpose and have been shown to be effective in curing thalassemia in mouse models. One participant in an ongoing clinical trial has achieved transfusion independence after gene transfer into bone marrow stem cells owing, in part, to a genetically modified, dominant clone. Ongoing efforts are focused on improving the efficiency of lentiviral vector–mediated gene transfer into stem cells so that the curative potential of gene transfer can be consistently achieved. T he development of gene transfer for the treatment of thalassemia has been a goal for more than three decades (Mercola and Cline 1980). The anticipated targets for gene transfer are hematopoietic stem cells (Naldini 2011; Ri- vie `re et al. 2012). Stem and progenitor cells are to be harvested from patient bone marrow or peripheral blood following cytokine mobiliza- tion, purified by immunoselection, transduced, and returned to the patient (Fig. 1). Various types of vectors have been considered for gene transfer into stem cells, with integrating retro- viruses being the leading candidate. Recently, one participant in an ongoing gene transfer trial for severe b-thalassemia has achieved clinical benefit with elimination of his transfusion re- quirement (Cavazzana-Calvo et al. 2010). Overall, the field of gene therapy evolved slowly over the last three decades (Weatherall 1988). In 1995, the NIH Director convened a panel of experts to evaluate the field (Orkin and Motulsky 1995). Numerous, early clinical trials had been unsuccessful and uninformative. The panel, while noting that well-designed clin- ical trials are necessary to advance a new thera- py, concluded that the methodology of gene transfer had not yet evolved to justify wide- spread attempts at clinical trials. Proof of effi- cacy in relevant preclinical models was judged to be necessary before attempting additional clinical trials. Although some academic investi- gators remained committed to preclinical re- search and ultimately to clinical trials, commer- cial interest declined, and there was a general sense of pessimism that pervaded the field. SUCCESSFUL GENE THERAPY FOR IMMUNODEFICIENCIES Success initially came with the report of ex vivo gene therapy trials of gene transfer into hema- topoietic stem cells performed in patients with Editors: David Weatherall, Alan N. Schechter, and David G. Nathan Additional Perspectives on Hemoglobin and Its Diseases available at Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011833 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a011833 1 on July 15, 2018 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Downloaded from

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Development of Gene Therapy for Thalassemia

Arthur W. Nienhuis and Derek A. Persons

Department of Hematology, Division of Experimental Hematology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital,Memphis, Tennessee 38105

Correspondence: [email protected]

Retroviral vector–mediated gene transfer into hematopoietic stem cells provides a potential-ly curative therapy for severe b-thalassemia. Lentiviral vectors based on human immuno-deficiency virus have been developed for this purpose and have been shown to be effective incuring thalassemia in mouse models. One participant in an ongoing clinical trial hasachieved transfusion independence after gene transfer into bone marrow stem cells owing,in part, to a genetically modified, dominant clone. Ongoing efforts are focused on improvingthe efficiency of lentiviral vector–mediated gene transfer into stem cells so that the curativepotential of gene transfer can be consistently achieved.

The development of gene transfer for thetreatment of thalassemia has been a goal

for more than three decades (Mercola and Cline1980). The anticipated targets for gene transferare hematopoietic stem cells (Naldini 2011; Ri-viere et al. 2012). Stem and progenitor cells areto be harvested from patient bone marrow orperipheral blood following cytokine mobiliza-tion, purified by immunoselection, transduced,and returned to the patient (Fig. 1). Varioustypes of vectors have been considered for genetransfer into stem cells, with integrating retro-viruses being the leading candidate. Recently,one participant in an ongoing gene transfer trialfor severe b-thalassemia has achieved clinicalbenefit with elimination of his transfusion re-quirement (Cavazzana-Calvo et al. 2010).

Overall, the field of gene therapy evolvedslowly over the last three decades (Weatherall1988). In 1995, the NIH Director convened apanel of experts to evaluate the field (Orkin

and Motulsky 1995). Numerous, early clinicaltrials had been unsuccessful and uninformative.The panel, while noting that well-designed clin-ical trials are necessary to advance a new thera-py, concluded that the methodology of genetransfer had not yet evolved to justify wide-spread attempts at clinical trials. Proof of effi-cacy in relevant preclinical models was judgedto be necessary before attempting additionalclinical trials. Although some academic investi-gators remained committed to preclinical re-search and ultimately to clinical trials, commer-cial interest declined, and there was a generalsense of pessimism that pervaded the field.


Success initially came with the report of ex vivogene therapy trials of gene transfer into hema-topoietic stem cells performed in patients with

Editors: David Weatherall, Alan N. Schechter, and David G. Nathan

Additional Perspectives on Hemoglobin and Its Diseases available at

Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011833

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severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)secondary to deficiency in the common g-chain(X-SCID) (Hacein-Bey-Abina et al. 2002, 2010;Gaspar et al. 2004, 2011b) or adenosine deam-inase deficiency (ADA-SCID) (Aiuti et al. 2002,2009; Gaspar et al. 2011b). Gene-corrected lym-phoid cells in these disorders have a growth ad-vantage compared with uncorrected cells andfully repopulate the lymphoid tissues. Gam-maretroviral vectors, based on a mouse tumorvirus, were used with the coding sequences forthe missing protein encoded by a cDNA underthe control of the enhancer/promoter elementsin the long terminal repeats (LTRs). This initialexperience with successful gene therapy has re-cently been reviewed (Naldini 2011; Riviere et al.2012). Twenty patients with X-SCID and 40 pa-tients with ADA deficiency have undergone thegene transfer procedure. Generally, the proce-dure has been successful with recovery of lym-phoid elements and correction of the immuno-

deficiency, although the procedure has failedin a few older patients with ADA deficiency(Thrasher et al. 2005; Gaspar et al. 2011a). Asimilar vector was used to treat three individualswith chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)(Ott et al. 2006). Although clinical improvementoccurred in two patients initially, complica-tions—to be described below—limited the over-all outcome. Recently, a successful gene therapytrial has also been reported for Wiskott–Aldrichsyndrome (WAS), with 10 participants showingevidence of clinical improvement (Boztug et al.2010; Braun et al. 2011; C Klein, pers. comm.).These trials provided proof-of-principle thatstem cell–targeted gene transfer can achieve atherapeutic benefit.

The gene therapy trials that used a gamma-retroviral vector with intact LTRs have beencomplicated by insertional mutagenesis andproto-oncogene activation (Hacein-Bey-Abinaet al. 2003, 2008; Howe et al. 2008). Five of the

Lentiviralvector particles

Geneticallymodified HSCs




Figure 1. Gene therapy procedures: Cells were collected from the bone marrow of a patient with b-thalassemia(Cavazzano-Calvo et al. 2010). After purification, the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) were maintained inculture for 34 h. Lentiviral vector particles containing a functional b-globin gene were added, and culture wascontinued for 18 h. The patient underwent chemotherapy to eradicate the remaining HSCs and make room forthe genetically modified cells. The transduced HSCs were then transplanted into the patient by infusion into aperipheral vein. (Adapted from Persons 2010; reprinted, with permission, from the author.)

A.W. Nienhuis and D.A. Persons

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20 participants in the trials for X-SCID havedeveloped T-cell leukemia. Recently, four ofthe 10 participants in the trial for WAS havealso developed leukemia (Braun et al. 2011; CKlein, pers. comm.). Three patients with CGDdeveloped myelodysplastic syndrome, and onehas died of acute myeloid leukemia (Stein et al.2010). Although the risk of insertional muta-genesis with proto-oncogene activation was rec-ognized when the trials were initiated, this com-plication was not observed in murine models orin large animal studies over the years (Kiem etal. 2004; Nienhuis et al. 2006). Only one mon-key developed myeloid leukemia 5 yr after thegene transfer procedure, thought secondary tovector-mediated inactivation of an anti-apo-ptotic gene (Seggewiss et al. 2006).

Studies of the pattern of vector integrationin patients from the gene therapy trials has un-covered a skewed pattern with preferential inte-gration near or within transcriptionally activegenes (Cattoglio et al. 2007; Deichmann et al.2007, 2011; Schwarzwaelder et al. 2007; Biascoet al. 2012). Remarkably, the majority of pa-tients with leukemia in both the X-SCID andWAS trials had an insertion near or within theLM02 gene, suggesting that its activation wasthe initiating event in the development of leu-kemia (Hacein-Bey-Abina et al. 2003, 2008;Schwarzwaelder et al. 2007; Braun et al. 2011;C Klein, pers. comm.). Integrations in the CGDpatients were found in the MDS-EVI1, PRDM1,and SETB1 loci (Stein et al. 2010). None of thepatients with ADA deficiency has developedleukemia despite vector integration near orwithin proto-oncogenes including the LM02gene (Aiuti et al. 2007). The basis for the differ-ent outcomes for X-SCID versus ADA-SCID isnot understood. A recent review discusses thevarious possibilities (Shaw and Kohn 2011).


The occurrence of leukemia in the trials for X-SCID, WAS, and CGD has prompted a searchfor safer vectors, as recently reviewed compre-hensively (Wu and Dunbar 2011; Cooray et al.2012). A self-inactivating (SIN) design involves

removal of the enhancer/promoter from the 30

LTR. During retroviral integration, a portion ofthe 50 LTR is copied from the 30 LTR so that bothLTRs lack the enhancer/promoter in the inte-grated SIN vector genome, thereby reducing therisk for proto-oncogene activation (Yu et al.1986; Zufferey et al. 1998). The SIN design re-quires the use of an internal promoter, eitherretroviral or cellular, to achieve expression ofthe therapeutic transgene. A SIN design hasbeen applied to deriving a gammaretroviral vec-tor that is now in clinical trials for X-SCID inthe United States and Europe (Thornhill et al.2008). Success in the first patient treated withthe new vector (Pai et al. 2011) was reported atthe most recent meeting of the American Soci-ety of Hematology.

Another modification designed to improvesafety is the incorporation of an insulator ele-ment into the vector. The insulator element isusually placed in the 30 LTR of a SIN vector sothat it is copied over into the 50 LTR upon vectorintegration, resulting in flanking of the trans-gene with insulator elements (Emery 2011;Cooray et al. 2012). The most well studied ofinsulator elements is that located in the 50 hy-persensitive site 4 (HS4) of the chickenb-globingene locus (Fig. 2) (Chung et al. 1993, 1997;Giles et al. 2010). This insulator has two sepa-rable activities; it protects integrated transgenesfrom silencing by nearby heterochromatin, a so-called barrier activity, and it also blocks inter-action between linked enhancer and promoterelements when located between the two (Recil-las-Targa et al. 2002). As a barrier element, theinsulator prevents spread of silencing histonemodifications into the transcribed locus andCpG methylation of the protected promoter se-quences (Pikaart et al. 1998). Experimentally,the erythroid-specific LCR elements includedin globin gene lentiviral vectors did not activatethe proto-oncogene LM02 in human T-cellsas expected (Ryu et al. 2008), and the cHS4insulator reduced gene activation by LCR ele-ments in human erythroleukemia cells (Ryuet al. 2007).

The activities of HS4 have been mapped to a275-bp core element, which includes five pro-tein-binding sites as determined by DNase I

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footprinting (Fig. 2) (Chung et al. 1997; Gileset al. 2010). The sites have been designatedfootprint I through footprint V (FI, FII, FIII,FIV, and FV). FII binds the protein CTCF, andthis protein is sufficient for enhancer blockingthrough its interaction with other proteins andintracellular membranes (Bell et al. 1999; Gileset al. 2010; Ghirlando et al. 2012). CTCF andassociated proteins anchor the insulator to nu-clear structures including the nucleolus, creat-ing a chromatin loop that is thought to in-hibit enhancer–promoter interactions. FIV isrequired for barrier activity and has been shownto bind USF proteins that recruit histone-mod-ifying enzymes associated with transcription-ally active chromatin (West et al. 2004). Suchrecruitment appears to block encroachmentof transcriptionally repressive chromatin intothe transcribed region. The remaining pro-tein-binding sites (F1, FIII, and FV) have allbeen shown to bind the protein VEZF1, which,in the context of recruiting other proteins, pro-tects downstream DNA within the transcribedregion from DNA methylation, particularly ofpromoter elements (Dickson et al. 2010). Over-all, insulators are involved in the organization ofchromatin domains and in maintaining bound-aries, specifically those between repressed chro-matin and transcriptionally active chromatinstructure (Ghirlando et al. 2012; Kolovos et al.2012). Other insulators have been consideredfor vector development, and a limited numberhave been tested (Emery 2011). For example, acombination of FII from the chicken HS4 and ahomologous region from the T-cell receptor, a/

d BEAD-1 insulator greatly reduced the trans-forming potential of retroviral vectors (Rame-zani et al. 2008).


Gammaretroviral Vectors

Early studies explored the use of DNA virusesincluding SV40 (Mulligan et al. 1979), adeno-virus (Karlsson et al. 1986), and adeno-associ-ated viral vectors (Walsh et al. 1992; Maina et al.2008) for transfer of globin-encoding sequenc-es. However, integrating gammaretroviral vec-tors was judged to be potentially more suitablefor achieving permanent genetic modificationof hematopoietic cells. With evolving knowl-edge of the b-globin gene locus, retroviral vec-tors were constructed that incorporated the nat-ural promoter sequences, the introns, and the30-untranslated sequences in an effort to en-hance expression (Cone et al. 1987). Transferof the complete globin gene into murine stemcells could be accomplished, but the level ofexpression remained relatively low (Cone et al.1987; Karlsson et al. 1987; Dzierzak et al. 1988;Sadelain et al. 1995).

Locus Control Region

Only with the discovery of the locus controlregion (LCR) upstream from the b-globingene cluster did it become feasible to designvectors that achieved higher levels of expression.


FR15 kb condensed


5′ HS sites3′ HS


5 kb



4 3 2 1

ρ βH βA



Figure 2. Schematic representation of the chicken b-globin cluster and surrounding loci. Boxes represent thefolate receptor (FR), b-globin (r, bH, bA, and 1), and chicken olfactory receptor (COR) genes (not to scale).(Arrows) DNase I hypersensitive sites. The core of the HS4 element is expanded to show the positions of the fivein vitro footprinted sequences (Chung et al. 1997).

A.W. Nienhuis and D.A. Persons

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The LCR was discovered by virtue of its func-tional activity in providing copy number–de-pendent, integration site–independent globingene expression in erythroid cells in transgenicmice (Grosveld et al. 1987). Four DNase I hyper-sensitive (HS) sites are distributed over �20 kbupstream from the human b-globin gene locus(Tuan and London 1984; Tuan et al. 1985; For-rester et al. 1987). Each HS site marks a 200- to400-bp core element of exposed DNA that in-cludes binding sites for many erythroid or ubiq-uitously expressed transcriptional factors. TheLCR is thought to function by forming a foldedstructure whereby multiple proteins bound toHS sites interact in forming a holocomplex,which by virtue of loop formation is broughtinto contact with a promoter within a transcrip-tion factory within the nucleus, thereby activat-ing that promoter (Palstra et al. 2008; Schoen-felder et al. 2010; Edelman and Fraser 2012).

Gammaretroviral Vectors Continued

The series of HS sites upstream from the 1-glo-bin gene has been tailored to minimize the sizeof vectors by focusing on the core, HS elementsfor use in gene transfer vectors (Plavec et al.1993; Emery et al. 1998). Unfortunately, theseelements often resulted in gammaretroviral vec-tor instability with low titer. Various strategieswere attempted to overcome these limitations,but none was fully successful (Novak et al. 1990;Chang et al. 1992; Takekoshi et al. 1995; Renet al. 1996; Sabatino et al. 2000; Fragkos et al.2005). Extensive mutagenesis was required toachieve adequate titers with vectors containingmultiple HS sites from the b-globin locus toremove potential splice or polyadenylation sitesand to eliminate sequences in the b-globin genethat were unnecessary and reduced titer (Le-boulch et al. 1994). Another approach thatgave results that were somewhat encouragingwas the screening of many vectors to identifyone that gave a fairly high titer despite the pres-ence of multiple HS fragments. However, highlyvariable expression was found in mouse eryth-roleukemia cell clones containing the vectorthat had been selected based on titer (Sadelainet al. 1995). Addition of an insulator improved

expression (Emery et al. 2000) as did othermodifications designed to increase globin geneexpression (Li et al. 1999). Efforts continuedthrough 2002 to adapt gammaretroviral vectorsfor transfer of a globin gene with high expres-sion (Nicolini et al. 2002; Emory et al. 2002).Such vectors were also tested for their abilityeither to correctb-thalassemia in a mouse mod-el (Nishino et al. 2006) or to express an anti-sickling b-globin in human cells from patientswith sickle cell disease (Oh et al. 2004). Overall,the extensive efforts over nearly two decades todevelop gammaretroviral vectors for globingene transfer had limited success (Ellis and Pan-nell 2001), and ultimately committed investiga-tors migrated to the use of lentiviral vectors be-cause of the advantages discussed in the nextsection.

Lentiviral Vectors

Lentiviral vectors based on the genome of hu-man immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have sev-eral inherent advantages for stem cell–targetedgene transfer (Naldini et al. 1996). HIV-basedvectors are able to transduce non-mitotic cellsbecause of the ability of the preintegration com-plex (PIC) to traverse the intact nuclear mem-brane, a property that is dependent on the in-clusion of specific viral sequences within thegene transfer vector (Follenzi et al. 2000; Sirvenet al. 2000; Zennou et al. 2000; Cooray et al.2012). In addition, the PIC of HIV-based vec-tors persists in the nucleus much longer thanthe PIC of gammaretroviral vectors, thereby ex-tending the window during which vector inte-gration may occur (Hass et al. 2000). Activationof the quiescent hematopoietic cells to the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle is required for lentivi-ral vector transduction (Uchida et al. 1998; Caseet al. 1999; Sutton et al. 1999). Lentiviral vectorscan be packaged with a variety of envelope pro-teins (Naldini and Verma 2000). Historically,the envelope protein from vesicular stomatitisvirus (VSV-G) has been used to pseudotypelentiviral vector particles for experimental use.A recent study confirms that particles having theVSV-G envelope protein are superior at trans-ducing CD34þ cells relative to the envelope

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proteins of several gammaretroviruses (Kim etal. 2010).

The chicken HS4 insulator has also beentested within the LTRs of a SIN lentiviral globinvector. Its incorporation into the vector mayreduce titer (Urbinati et al 2009), but optimiza-tion has been found to improve titer and trans-gene expression (Arumugam et al. 2007; Ha-nawa et al. 2009). The core 250-bp element ofthe cHS4 insulator has been extended with se-quences immediately downstream (Aker et al.2007) or with sequences from the 30 end ofthe cHS4 fragment (Arumugam et al. 2009) inefforts to improve vector expression. Overall re-sults suggest that the use of chromatin insula-tors may improve the expression and safety ofintegrating gene transfer vectors as summarizedin a recent review (Emery 2011).

Although gammaretroviral vectors have apredilection to integrate near transcriptionalstart sites (Wu et al. 2003), HIV-based lentiviralvector genomes are more uniformly distributedthroughout transcribed genes (Schroder et al.2002). Preferential intragenic integration hasalso been shown for a b-globin gene vector inhuman and murine hematopoietic cells (Imrenet al. 2004; Ronen et al. 2011). This is only arelative advantage because inactivation of a tu-mor suppressor gene may occur with intragenicintegration. In addition, some lentiviral vectorintegrations do indeed occur near a transcrip-tion start site. Nonetheless, direct comparison ina tumor-prone mouse model suggests that SINlentiviral vectors with an internal promoter aresignificantly less genotoxic than standard gam-maretroviral vectors with intact LTRs (Montiniet al. 2006). Aberrant splicing events are muchreduced by use of SIN lentiviral vector designcompared with vectors having intact LTRs (Ce-sana et al. 2012). Recent data also suggest thatthe lentiviral vector integration profile in pre-clinical models and in a clinical trial is inherentlyless oncogenic than that of gammaretroviralvectors (Biffi et al. 2011). However, insertionalmutagenesis and gene activation have been doc-umented with lentiviral vectors (Hargrove et al.2008; Modlich et al. 2009; Montini et al. 2009),which has led to the development of leukemiain a murine model (Heckl et al. 2012). Thus, use

of lentiviral vectors will likely mitigate, but noteliminate, the risk of insertional mutagenesis.

HIV-based vectors having a SIN design arein clinical trials for metachromatic leukodystro-phy (MLD) (Biffi and Naldini 2007), adrenoleu-kodystrophy (ALD) (Cartier et al. 2009, 2012),WAS (Galy and Thrasher 2011; Scaramuzzaet al. 2012), and indeed for b-thalassemia (Ca-vazzana-Calvo et al. 2010). The results in fourpatients with MLD are particularly striking inthat expression of the therapeutic transgene oc-curred in .50% of hematopoietic cells follow-ing stem cell transduction and autologoustransplantation with major clinical benefit (ABiffi and L Naldini, pers. comm.). Thus, thegreater efficiency of gene transfer into stem cellsthat had been predicted for lentiviral vectors hasapparently been achieved in these early clinicaltrials.

Another advantage of lentiviral vectors istheir well-developed mechanism for nuclear-to-cytoplasmic transfer of unspliced mRNA,which facilitated the inclusion of globin geneswith intact introns, LCR fragments, and insula-tor elements (May et al. 2000; Pawliuk et al.2001). Globin vectors were envisioned as poten-tially being therapeutically useful both for thal-assemia and sickle cell disease. Accordingly, ananti-sickling variant (Oh et al. 2004) or the nat-ural g-globin gene (Pestina et al. 2009) has beenused to facilitate their ultimate use in treatmentof sickle cell disease.

Correction of Mouse Models

Transgenic mouse strains having either severeb-thalassemia (Ciavatta et al. 1995; Yang et al.1995) or sickle cell disease (Paszty et al. 1997)have been derived by the standard transgenicand/or homologous recombination methodol-ogies. Globin vectors have been tested for theirability to correct these phenotypes. Quantita-tive studies using various transgenic mousestrains had suggested that expression of a trans-gene in 20% of the erythroid precursors alongwith achievement of expression at 20% of thelevel of the normal b-globin gene was likelyto be sufficient to correct the phenotype ofb-thalassemia intermedia in the mouse model

A.W. Nienhuis and D.A. Persons

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(Persons et al. 2001). Similar studies were per-formed in the sickle mouse model and suggest-ed that 9%–16% HbF significantly improvedthe sickle phenotype (Blouin et al. 2000). Col-lectively, these studies supported the therapeu-tic potential of available globin gene vectors forcorrecting hemoglobin disorders.

Several studies have shown that lentiviralvector–mediated globin gene transfer will ame-liorate the phenotype of murine thalassemia in-termedia (Imren et al. 2002; May et al. 2002;Persons et al. 2003a; Hanawa et al. 2004; Negreet al. 2011). A mouse model of thalassemia ma-jor was developed by transplanting adult mice,following lethal irradiation, with fetal liver cellstaken from homozygous, b-globin-null mice.These animals developed severe anemia andmassive splenomegaly as well as extramedulla-ry hematopoiesis by 60 d of age (Rivella et al.2003). The phenotype could be rescued by len-tiviral vector–mediated, globin gene transferinto the fetal liver cells before transplantation.Significant correction of the erythroid pheno-type occurred in animals in which .95% of thehemoglobin contained a human b-globin chain(Rivella et al. 2003). Several studies have alsodocumented the ability of lentiviral vectors toameliorate or correct the phenotype of sicklecell disease in the mouse model (Pawliuk et al.2001; Levasseru et al. 2003; Perumbeti et al.2009; Pestina et al. 2009).

Correction of Human ThalassemicErythroid Cells

Lentiviral vectors will also correct the pheno-type of b-thalassemia major in cultured ery-throid cells derived from patients with this dis-order. Production of normal amounts of b-globin has been achieved in erythroid cultureswith correction of ineffective erythropoiesis anda reduction in apoptosis (Puthenveetil et al.2004). Gene-corrected primitive cells weretransplanted into immune-deficient mice, andeffective human erythropoiesis was document-ed 3–4 mo after transplantation (Puthenveetilet al. 2004). A recent study that used cells from alarge number of patients provided additionalevidence that the b-thalassemia major pheno-

type may be corrected by gene transfer (Roselliet al. 2010). Therapeutic levels of fetal hemoglo-bin have also been achieved in erythroid progenyofb-thalassemic CD34þ cells after lentiviral vec-tor–mediated g-globin gene transfer in a two-stage culture system (Fig. 3) (Wilberet al. 2011a).

In Vivo Selection

Of concern with regard to the development offuture clinical trials for treatment of severe b-thalassemia is the level of stem cell transductionthat can be achieved. Strategies have been ex-plored to amplify the genetically modifiedstem cell pool in vivo to increase its contribu-tion to hematopoiesis relative to the contribu-tion of non-transduced stem cells. A dual genevector encoding g-globin with associated LCRelements and a variant methylguanine methyl-transferase, driven by a constitutive promoter,has been used to transduce repopulating cellsin the mouse model. On initial reconstitution,animals had subtherapeutic levels of g-globin-expressing cells, but in vivo drug selection am-plified the genetically modified population,leading to correction of the b-thalassemia in-termedia phenotype in the murine model (Per-sons et al. 2003b; Zhao et al. 2009). Selectiveamplification of genetically modified cells bydrug selection has also been achieved in non-human primate models (Larochelle et al. 2009;Beard et al. 2010).


Plans for the first clinical trial using a lentiviralvector to transfer a globin gene into bone mar-row cells from patients with b-thalassemia wereannounced in 2005 (Bank et al. 2005). The len-tiviral vector that was used is a self-inactivatingvariant that included large segments of the b-locus control region as well as 250-bp core ele-ments from the chicken HS4 insulator in theLTRs (Fig. 4). To date, three participants havebeen enrolled on the clinical trial, which isopen in Paris (Cavazzana-Calvo et al. 2010; PLeboulch, pers. comm.). The vector encodes amutated adult b-globin [bA(T87Q)] that has

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anti-sickling properties and can be distin-guished from normal adult b-globin by highperformance liquid chromatography. The firstpatient failed to engraft because the purifiedCD34þ cells had been compromised technicallywithout relation to the gene therapy vector. Thesecond participant has now been followed for5 yr after the gene transfer procedure. His clin-

ical course is described in detail below. Thethird patient was transplanted �2 mo ago with-out complication. Hematopoietic reconstitu-tion is ongoing, and the variant b-globin canbe detected in blood reticulocytes.

The second participant in the clinical trialwas 18 yr old at the time of treatment and hasnow been followed for nearly 5 yr following the


2 stopcodons in


2 x [250-bp]cHS4 insulators

400-bp deletionin U3 of HIV LTR




1153 bp845 bp645 bp365 bp

3′ enhancerβK17M


Human β-globin gene


~8.5 kb

2.7 kb β-LCR


Figure 4. Diagram of the lentiglobin vector showing the 30 b-globin enhancer, the 372-bp IVS2 deletion, thebA-T87Q mutation [ACA(Thr) to CAG(Gln)], and the DNase I hypersensitive sites (HS) 2, HS3, and HS4 of thehuman b-globin locus control region (LCR). Safety modifications including the two stop codons in the Cþsignal, the 400-bp deletion in the U3 of the right HIV LTR, the rabbit b-globin poly(A) signal, and the two 250-bp cHS4 chromatin insulator core fragments are indicated. (HIV LTR) Human immunodeficiency type-1 viruslong terminal repeat; (Cþ) packaging signal; (cPPT/FLAP) central polypurine tract/DNA FLAP; (RRE) Rev-responsive element; (bp) human b-globin promoter; (ppt) polypurine tract. Southern blot analysis of trans-duced cells indicates that up to about one-third of integrated vector copies contain a deletion of one of the cHS4cores within the right U3, and about two-thirds of integrated vector copies contain a deletion of one of the cHS4cores within the left U3 (Cavazzana-Calvo et al. 2010).

Erythroid differentiationExpand

CD34+ cells Erythroblast(early stage)

Erythroblast(late stage)



Differentiate TerminateTransduce


Expand Infect

Figure 3. Two-stage culture model of human erythropoiesis. CD34þ cells from normal or thalassemic individ-uals are initiated into culture in medium designed to expand erythroid progenitors. The CD34þ cells aretransduced with a retroviral vector between days 2 and 4 of the expansion phase of the culture. After 8 d, theculture medium is changed to one that favors erythroid differentiation. Full hemoglobinization and oftenenucleation of the red cells can be achieved, indicating significant maturation. Aliquots were taken at variousintervals and at the end of culture to analyze the pattern of hemoglobin production.

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gene transfer procedure (Cavazzana-Calvo et al.2010). He has severebE/b0-thalassemia and be-gan on regular transfusion therapy at age 3 be-cause of severe and poorly tolerated anemia andsignificant enlargement of the liver and spleen.Splenectomy was performed at age 6. The par-ticipant was conditioned with intravenous Bu-sulfex (3.2 mg/kg per day). His transducedbone marrow CD34þ cells were found to have0.6 vector genomes/transduced cell. The pa-tient received the transduced bone marrow cellsin early June of 2007 and was last transfused inearly June of 2008. His Hb level has remainedbetween 9 and 10 g/dL. Approximately one-third of the total hemoglobin is composed ofthe therapeutic hemoglobin Hb-bA(T87Q),one-third of which is HbE and one-third isHbF. The ratio of g to bE globin did not changefollowing the transplant procedure, suggestingthat enhancement of HbF production was not asignificant factor in the patient’s clinical im-provement. The patient has undergone frequentphlebotomies to accelerate the clearance of ironthat had accumulated during the several yearsthat he was transfusion dependent.

Insertion site analysis detected a dominantclone in which the vector was integrated into thehigh-mobility group AT-Hook2 (HMGA2) lo-cus in granulocytes, monocytes, and erythro-blasts (Cavazzana-Calvo et al. 2010). This inte-gration site was not found in lymphoid cells.The proportion of genetically modified cells inwhole blood increased gradually over time, butthe clone having the HMGA2 integration siteremained stable at �2% total blood cells. Mo-lecular analysis indicated that the HMGA2 genethat had been disrupted by vector integrationwas actively expressed. All three exons were con-tained within a truncated RNA product thatarose by alternate splicing of the third exoninto a cryptic 30 splice signal located withinthe insulator core and cleavage/polyadenylationwithin the adjacent LTR. The disrupted locusencodes a chimeric protein in that the first 83amino acids are encoded by the three HMGA2exons fused to 52 amino acids from the read-through transcript. Missing from this chimericRNA is the normal 30 untranslated region, whichincludes two binding sites for LET7 microRNA,

which is thought to decrease stability of thetranscript within the cytoplasm. Analysis of ery-throid cells suggested that the HMGA2 integra-tion site was not particularly favorable for highexpression of the transferred globin gene.

A multicenter phase I clinical trial to evalu-ate globin gene transfer in b-thalassemia isbeing developed and led by Michel Sadelainof Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center(Sadelain et al. 2010). A collaboration betweeninvestigators in Greece and in Seattle has alsobeen established to begin preparation for a clin-ical trial. These investigators have comparedmobilization of stem cells with G-CSF alone,mobilization with G-CSF after 1 mo of pre-treatment with hydroxyurea to prevent hyper-leukocytosis and splenic enlargement, and mo-bilization with plerixafor. Plerixafor resulted inrapid and effective mobilization in both sple-nectomized and unsplectomized patients andwas well tolerated (Yannaki et al. 2012). We arealso planning a trial at St. Jude Children’s Re-search Hospital.

In summary, gene therapy trials for b-thal-assemia are underway or soon to begin. Onepatient clearly benefited from the gene transferprocedure but in the context of clonal domi-nance secondary to proto-oncogene activation.This outcome is reminiscent of experience withgammaretroviral gene transfer for the treatmentof CGD (Grez et al. 2011). In general, although aclinical benefit has been achieved in severalCGD patients, the presence of genetically mod-ified cells has been transient and nearly unde-tectable in most after a few months followingthe transplant procedure. Of the 12 patients withCGD who have been treated by gene therapy,only three engrafted with high levels of gene-modified cells long term, and in all three cases,clonal expansion was triggered by insertionalactivation of the proto-oncogene EVI1 (Grezet al. 2011). On the other hand, the outcomeswith lentiviral vectors for metachromatic leuko-dystrophy (A Biffi and L Naldini, pers. comm.)and adrenoleukodystrophy (Cartier et al. 2009,2012) have generally been more favorable, withpersistence of high levels of genetically modifiedcells for months to years following gene transfer.Only further clinical experience will determine

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which outcome is most likely for most patientswith b-thalassemia.


Compared in Table 1 are the transduction con-ditions and outcomes in the lentiviral clinicaltrials conducted to date. Incorporated into theconditions used for transduction for the meta-chromatic leukodystrophy trial are strategies toreduce proteasome activity (Santoni de Sio et al.2008, 2009). Prior studies had shown that len-tiviral vector–mediated gene transfer into mo-bilized peripheral blood stem cells is restrictedby proteasome activity and that such activity is

down-regulated by early active cytokines thatenhance transduction. A period of 12 h restwas incorporated into the transduction proto-col to allow cells to recover with reduced pro-teasome activity, and a proteasome inhibitorwas included in the culture medium.

Various other strategies have also been pro-posed to increase the proliferative potential ofprimitive cells and to enhance theirengraftment.These include transient silencing of PTEN(phosphatase tensin homolog deleted on chro-mosome 10) (Kim et al. 2012); inhibition ofaldehyde dehydrogenase, which increased ra-dioprotective capacity in the murine model(Muramoto et al. 2010); and addition of nico-tinamide, an inhibitor of various ribosylases,

Table 1. Transduction conditions and outcome in lentiviral clinical trials



leukodystrophy Adrenoleukodystrophy b-Thalassemia

Age of patient 7 or 7.5 yr 19 yrSource of CD34þ cells G-CSF mobilization

Peripheral bloodG-CSF mobilization

Peripheral bloodBone marrow

Medium X-vivo 15 X-vivo 20 X-vivo 20Cell density/viral

density1 � 106 mL 2.0 � 106 mL21/

5.0 � 107 mL212.0 � 106 mL21 /

1.1 � 108 mL21

Cytokines (ng/mL) SCF, 300TPO, 100FlT3L, 300IL3, 60

SCF, 100TPO, 100FlT-3, 100IL3, 60

SCF, 300TPO, 10FlT3L, 300IL3, 100


4 mg/mL / 50 mg/mL 4 mg/mL / 50 mg/mL

Prestimulation 24 h 19 h/no retro 34 hTransduction 12 h wash/rest

12 h/12 hproteasomeinhibitor MG132

16 h 18 h

Cells recovered 4.6 � 106 or 7.2 � 106 cells/kg 3 � 108 totalLabeling—bulk—

CFU50% or 33% 0.6 vg/cell

In vivo labeling .50% 23%–13%–10%a

25%–17%–10%a70% RBCs11% Erythroid

19% granulocyte9% B-lymphoid

Myeloablation Cytoxan þ busulfan BusulfanClinical outcome Polyclonal/prevention

of neurologicaldeterioration

Sustained polyclonalhematopoiesis/clinicalimprovement

Polyclonal with dominantclone/transfusionindependent

G-CSF, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor; CFU, colony-forming unit; RBCs, red blood cells.aValues obtained over 16 mo following gene transfer procedure.

A.W. Nienhuis and D.A. Persons

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which enhances hematopoietic stem cell activityin the context of ex vivo expansion of functionalCD34þ cells (Peled et al. 2012). Whether any ofthese strategies will ultimately be applicable tothe in vitro transduction of hematopoietic stemcells with therapeutic vectors remains to be de-termined. Efforts are also focused on under-standing homing and engraftment with the ul-timate goal of improving the outcome of thegene transfer procedure (Larochelle et al. 2012).

Rather than transferring a globin gene, an-other approach would involve the activationof the endogenous g-globin genes to compen-sate for the lack of b-globin synthesis (Wilberet al. 2011b). Future prospects include the de-velopment of targeted vectors with improvedefficiency of gene transfer into stem cells(Verhoeyen et al. 2012). Ongoing efforts arealso directed toward achieving targeted correc-tion of the causative mutation in repopulat-ing stem cells by homologous recombination(Lombardo et al. 2011). Recently, alternativetargets for gene transfer including induced plu-ripotent stem cells derived from patients’ so-matic cells have been proposed, although thedevelopment of this strategy is far more distantthan stem cell–targeted gene transfer (Papape-trou et al. 2011).


Three decades of effort to achieve therapeuticglobin gene transfer has ultimately proved pro-ductive despite periods in which success seemedquite distant. Basic discoveries such as the de-velopment of lentiviral vectors and the charac-terization of the b-globin LCR were essentialmilestones on the road to potential success.One patient with a severe form of b-thalasse-mia has clearly benefitted, with achievement oftransfusion independence albeit with clonaldominance. Ongoing trials for metachromaticleukodystrophy and adrenoleukodystrophy sug-gest that therapeutic levels of gene transfer intorepopulating stem cells can be achieved. Furtherrefinements in the methodology for gene trans-fer is likely to bring more definite success for thetreatment of b-thalassemia.


We thank Pat Streich for expert assistance inpreparation of the manuscript.


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2012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a011833Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Arthur W. Nienhuis and Derek A. Persons Development of Gene Therapy for Thalassemia

Subject Collection Hemoglobin and Its Diseases

The Natural History of Sickle Cell DiseaseGraham R. Serjeant Hemoglobin Synthesis

Transcriptional Mechanisms Underlying

Nathaniel J. Pope, et al.Koichi R. Katsumura, Andrew W. DeVilbiss,

Current Management of Sickle Cell Anemia

WarePatrick T. McGann, Alecia C. Nero and Russell E. Disease

Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Common and Curable

Jeffery L. Miller

TherapiesTargetedNew Disease Models Leading the Way to

Cell-Free Hemoglobin and Its Scavenger Proteins:

Dominik J. Schaer and Paul W. Buehler

Management of the ThalassemiasNancy F. Olivieri and Gary M. Brittenham

-ThalassemiaαClinical Manifestations of Elliott P. Vichinsky

-ThalassemiaβThe Molecular Basis of Swee Lay Thein

Erythroid Heme Biosynthesis and Its DisordersHarry A. Dailey and Peter N. Meissner

Erythropoiesis: Development and DifferentiationElaine Dzierzak and Sjaak Philipsen

Clinical CorrelatesHemoglobin Variants: Biochemical Properties and

Gell, et al.Christopher S. Thom, Claire F. Dickson, David A.

ErythropoietinH. Franklin Bunn

The Prevention of ThalassemiaAntonio Cao and Yuet Wai Kan

Classification of the Disorders of HemoglobinBernard G. Forget and H. Franklin Bunn

The Switch from Fetal to Adult HemoglobinVijay G. Sankaran and Stuart H. Orkin

-ThalassemiaαThe Molecular Basis of Douglas R. Higgs For additional articles in this collection, see

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