development of a right-to-know website presenting estimated cancer risks for air emissions of...

Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1 , Mark A.J. Huijbregts 1 , Eric H. van Kaathoven 2 , Johan H. Wolsink 2 and Jeroen Wemmenhove 3 1 Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2 Gelderse Milieufederatie, Arhem, The Netherlands 3 KamKonsult, Arnhem, The Netherlands

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Page 1: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

Development of a Right-to-Know Website presentingEstimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities

Ad M.J. Ragas1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts1, Eric H. van Kaathoven2,Johan H. Wolsink2 and Jeroen Wemmenhove3

1Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands2Gelderse Milieufederatie, Arhem, The Netherlands

3KamKonsult, Arnhem, The Netherlands

Page 2: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Public Disclosure of Environmental Information

• USA: Community Right-to-Know Act (1986)

• EU: Aarhus Convention (1998)

• Motives:

o Public has the Right-to-Know

o Stimulates Environmental Performance

Page 3: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Examples of Public Disclosure Programs

USEPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI; 1987):

• emission data• 23,675 facilities• ± 650 substances• ZIP code access

Page 4: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Examples of Public Disclosure Programs

EU’s EPER (2001):

• emission data• 9,124 facilities• ± 50 substances• map-based access

Page 5: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Examples of Public Disclosure Programs

US Scorecard (1998):

•TRI emission data•ZIP code & map-based

access•emissions &

installations prioritised based toxicity

Page 6: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Examples of Public Disclosure Programs

Friesland Risk Map (2001):

•explosion & accident risks• industrial installations,

transport activities & vulnerable objects

•map-based access

Page 7: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

HypothesisData about industrial emissions can be disclosed to the general public in a more meaningful way, i.e. in terms of location-specific risks.

AimDemonstrate the potential usefulness of a publicly accessible website that quantifies the location-specific extra cancer risk due to air emissions of local industrial installations.

Parties Involved• Environmental NGO (initiative)• University (scientific work)• SME (website)• Ministry of Environment (funding)

Page 8: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Methods & Data

1. Selection of Case Study Areas*

2. Selection of Carcinogenic Substances

3. Carcinogenic Potency Factors

4. Emission & Stack Data*

5. Dispersion Calculations

6. Location-Specific Risk per Substance

7. Location-Specific Cumulative Risk*

8. Interpretation Framework*

Page 9: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Case Study Areas

Rijnmond Rotterdam:• 20 x 20 km• 15 facilities• petrochemical industry

Nijmegen West:• 10 x 10 km• 14 facilities• unrest cancer incidence

IJmond:• 10 x 10 km• 7 facilities• iron melting plant

Page 10: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Emission Data

• 18 Carcinogenic Substances selected

• Emission Data gathered fromo Dutch Emission Registrationo Permits and Annual Reportso Government Agencieso Industrial Facilities

• Data Gathering & Quality Check was a Hell of a Job!

Page 11: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

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Right-to-Know website





70RL = total annual cancer risk on location LCL,i = concentration of substance i on location LURFi = unit risk factor (lifetime cancer risk for 1 μg/m3)70 = life expectancy

Cumulative Risk

Page 12: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Risk Maps

NV Afvalverwerking Rijnmond

DSM Special Products Rotterdam BV

Air Products BV (Botlek)

Shin Etsu BV

AKZO Nobel Chemical BV

VOPAK BotlekOdfjell

Aluminium & Chemie Rotterdam BV

Shell Nederland Chemie BV - Botlek

Shell Nederland Raffinaderijen BV


1-2 in 10 million

2-3 in 10 million

3-4 in 10 million

4-5 in 10 million

5-6 in 10 million

6-7 in 10 million

Yearly Risk

Page 13: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Interpretation Framework

• Comparison with Dutch Risk Standards

• Comparison with Background Risk:• Rural Area• City Area• City Area near busy Traffic Road

• Comparison with Common Risks, e.g.• Smoking• Car Accident• Hit by Lightning

• Extensive Overview of Uncertainties

Page 14: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Calculated Yearly Cancer Risks

• IJmond: 1.9 to 56·10-8

• Rijnmond: 1.3 to 83·10-8

• Nijmegen: 1.6 to 71·10-9

Reference values

• Dutch maximum standard: 1·10-5

• Dutch long term aim: 1·10-7

• Background Risk City Area: 2.5·10-6

Page 15: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website


Page 16: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website


• Visits:o 1st month: 33,000 visitso 5 months: 77,000 visitso current demo: 100 visits/day

• Media response: newspapers, radio, TV

• Mentioned in Dutch parliament

• Fierce discussion between opponents and proponents on website forum

• No obvious unrest among general public!

Page 17: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

Lessons Learned

• Right-to-Know is a political issue

• Risk information triggers fierce debate but does not cause obvious unrest

• Risk comparisons are used in debates

• Initiative should be extended & adopted by government or independent body

• Strict guidelines for maintenance of emission data required

• Additional risk communication & perception research is required

Page 18: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website


Page 19: Development of a Right-to-Know Website presenting Estimated Cancer Risks for Air Emissions of Industrial Facilities Ad M.J. Ragas 1, Mark A.J. Huijbregts

DisclosureAimMethods & DataWebsiteResponsesLessons

Right-to-Know website

How to present risks?