developing%20 livelihood%20skills%20of%20women%20in%20chitral%20district


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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Developing Livelihood Skills of Women in Chitral District

Training on Advance Dress Designing and making of Baby Garments

Under the Programme for Economic Advancement and Community Empowerment (PEACE),

funded by European Union, SRSP organized Ten days trainings on advance dress designing and

making of outfits for babies. A total of 25 poor women from Chitral district underwent the

capacity building event. The purpose of the training was to equip poor women with livelihood

skills and provide them with a platform and foundation to start and run their own enterprises

from very limited resources. During the training, participants were exposed to the scope and

economic benefits of garment industry. On successful completion of training, participants were

awarded with certificates and sewing machines as a tool kit. The closing ceremony was attended

by Member Provincial Assessmbly, Ms. Fouzia, who expressed her satisfaction and appreciated

the efforts of SRSP in enhancing socio-economic conditions of women community members.

SRSP had also invited female representative of Micro Finance Bank to aware the participants of

various services and packages for expansion of enterprises and running business.

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