developing your professional brand

Keys to establishing Your Professional Brand By Adrienne Bitoy Jackson, MS. Ed., PMP 1

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Keys to establishing Your Professional

BrandBy Adrienne Bitoy Jackson, MS. Ed., PMP


Why Do you Need a Brand?

The brand ambassador is meant to embody the corporate identity in appearance, demeanor, values and ethics.


Brand Ambassadors


What is Your Brand?


My brand is….


Award Winning Public Administrator, Inventive, Resourceful, Effective Thought Leader, Writer, Entrepreneur & Change Agent

Adrienne Bitoy Jackson


What is Your Brand?


Your PUBLIC IMAGE should reflect who you are and for what you stand, i.e. self impression + professional reputation+

personal values = PUBLIC IMAGE

PUBLIC IMAGE = Professional Brand.

Can Your Public Image Impact Your Professional Brand?


You are a brand. A brand can start with nothing more than a name.

Exercise 1 Google “your name”…


Q: What are your passions personal values, interests why would people recruit or enlist you?

Q: Who is your target audience/those that you want to impress or engage?

Q: What are your skills, how do they translate to the value you can provide (in other words, what does the world need you to do, which problems do you solve)?

key 1 - Define Your Values, Expertise, and Audience.


key 2 - Create A Professional Brand Statement.

A. Your brand statement is essential to your business identity & reputation.

B. Your brand should define:1. what you excel at,

2. which audience you serve, and 3. what makes you stand out among your

competition, your unique value promise.

C. The statement should be uniquely yours; credible and consistent with what you actually are known to do.


Your brand statement should encompass…

68% of people spend time reading about brands that interest them!


Remember a brand is nothing more than a name. Your brand statement is….

Exercise 2 Write Your Professional Brand Statement.


A. Create a profile

key 2 – Use Tools to Develop Your Professional Brand Strategy.


B. Create a business card an electronic business

card exchangeable through www, IM or email.

a paper business card

key 2 – Use Tools to Develop Your Professional Brand Strategy.


C. Create a Graphic Resume

key 2 – Use Tools to Develop Your Professional Brand Strategy.


D. Create a portfolio

key 2 – Use Tools to Develop Your Professional Brand Strategy.


F. Build a Web Site.

key 2– Use Tools to Develop Your Professional Brand Strategy.

56% of all hiring managers are more impressed by a candidate’s personal website than any other personal branding tool.


G. Create a presence

key 2 – Use Tools to Develop Your Professional Brand Strategy.


key 3+- Build Your Network.

Which Social



key 4- Position Your Brand for Recognition


Identity Durability Consistency

Monitor Your Professional Brand’s…

"Whenever you are to do a thing, although it can never be known but to yourself ask yourself how you would act were all the world looking at you, and act accordingly" ~Thomas Jefferson


Keep your social media profiles

congruent with each other. Link your profiles together.

key 5 – Maintain Consistency.

Whether a printed resume, online profile, or blog, use the same basic elements, photos, & content; and people will identify you with your brand.


All lot of work goes into building a brand, so don’t lose

momentum after launching yours.

Intranets, portals, wikis, and password protected sites on the NET work great.

Don’t forget to get the word out by promoting your brand, keep networking and consulting with your resources.

key 6 – Use Your Resources.


A. Assess your brand regularly.

Ask people whose opinion you value, e.g. Professors, Professional Mentors, Colleagues, Mentees what THEY think and/or value about you professionally.

Ask them to critique your branding and how it makes them feel or more importantly – if it compels action.

Ask them to become YOUR brand ambassadors.

key 7– Keep Your Brand Fresh and Professionally Pristine.


B. Keep a current inventory of your digital properties.

C. Manage your brand strategy.

D. Make modifications for improvement. A well established professional brand can last 5-10 years or a lifetime.

key 7– Keep Your Brand Fresh and Professionally Pristine.


With foresight, planning and focus, your brand can create value and recognition for years to come.

Have fun developing and sharing your professional brand with the world; take pride in your accomplishments!

key 8 – Enjoy Your Brand; Make It Fun.



PUBLIC IMAGE = Professional brand.

Brand statement is uniquely YOU.

Brand is credible, consistent & congruent in

all forms.

Network for brand exposure.

Use brand ambassadors and sponsors

Keep brand fresh and fun.




For more information contact Adrienne Bitoy Jackson, Heuristics Marketing Consultant, at [email protected]

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.