developing the service marketing mix of azerbaijan

VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT MARKETING DEPARTMENT FARID VALIZADA DEVELOPING THE SERVICE MARKETING MIX OF AZERBAIJAN AIRLINES USING 7P’S Master Diploma Paper Programme: Marketing and International Commerce, State code 621N50005 Study Field: Marketing Advisor: prof. Arvydas Bakanauskas (degree, academic position, name, surname) (signature) (date) Defended: doc. dr. Rita Bendaravičienė Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (signature) (date) Kaunas, 2016

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Master Diploma Paper

Programme: Marketing and International Commerce, State code 621N50005

Study Field: Marketing

Advisor: prof. Arvydas Bakanauskas

(degree, academic position, name, surname) (signature) (date)

Defended: doc. dr. Rita Bendaravičienė

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (signature) (date)

Kaunas, 2016



SANTRAUKA……………………………………………………………………………………... 3

ABSRTACT………………………………………………………………………………………... 4

GLOSSARY OF TERMS………………………………………………………………………….. 5

INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………. 7


1.1. Definition and characteristics of services………………………………………………… 9

1.2. Differences between goods and services……………………………………………….... 13

1.3. Service Marketing Mix – 7Ps of marketing……………………………………………... 15


2.1. Methodology of researches……………………………………………………………… 21

2.2. The overview of the company…………………………………………………………… 23

2.3. AZAL’s position on the global, regional and local markets…………………………….. 26

2.4. Analysis of AZAL;s marketing in customer’s opinion………………………………….. 28


3.1.Product…………………………………………………………………………………….. 39

3.2.Price……………………………………………………………………………………….. 42

3.3.Place………………………………………………………………………………………. 46

3.4.Promotion…………………………………………………………………………………. 48

3.5.People……………………………………………………………………………………... 50

3.6.Process…………………………………………………………………………………….. 52

3.7.Physical evidence…………………………………………………………………………. 53


REFERENCES………..…………………………………………………………………………... 56

ANNEXES………………………………………………………………………………………… 61

Annex 1………………………………………………………………………………………. 62



Baigiamojo darbo autorius: Farid Valizada

Pilnas baigiamojo darbo


Azerbaidžano linijų paslaugų tobulinimas,

naudojant 7P marketingo modelį

Baigiamojo darbo vadovas: Prof. Arvydas Bakanauskas

Baigiamojo darbo atlikimo vieta ir


Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, Ekonomikos ir

vadybos fakultetas, Kaunas, 2016

Puslapių skaičius: 68

Lentelių skaičius: 3

Paveikslų skaičius: 27

Priedų skaičius: 1

Pagrindinis baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra pateikti Azerbaidžano oro linijų paslaugų tobulinimo

pasiūlymų naudojant 7P marketingo modelį.

Teorinėje darbo dalyje yra analizuojama mokslinė literatūra, pateikiami paslaugų marketingo

apibrėžimai, atskleidžiami skirtumai ir specifinės prekių ir paslaugų charakteristikos bei nagrinėjamas

7P modelis, kaip įmonės marketingo efektyvumo didinimo priemonė.

Analitinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje aprašoma Azerbaidžano oro linijų įmonė bei

išanalizuojama jos vieta vietinėje, regioninėje ir pasaulinėje rinkoje. Naudojant vartotojų apklausos

metodą nustatytos pagrindinės Azerbaidžano oro linijų marketingo problemos.

Projektinėje darbo dalyje, remiantis įmonės vartotojų tyrimu, suformuluoti Azerbaidžano oro

linijų paslaugų kokybės tobulinimo pasiūlymai naudojant 7P marketingo komplekso modelį.

Baigiamasis darbas apibendrinamas pateiktomis išvadomis ir rekomendacijomis.



Author of diploma paper: Farid Valizada

Full title of diploma paper: Developing the service marketing mix of Azerbaijan

Airlines using 7Ps

Diploma paper advisor: prof. Arvydas Bakanauskas

Presented at: Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Economics and

Management, Kaunas, 2016

Number of pages: 68

Number of tables: 3

Number of figures: 27

Number of annexes: 1

The main aim of the diploma paper is to make the proposals for service marketing mix for

Azerbaijan Airlines using model of 7Ps in marketing. The first chapter represent the theoretical

analysis of the scientific issues that include the overview of definitions of service marketing,

underlining the differences between some specific characteristics of goods and services and analyzing

the mechanisms and features of 7Ps model in the service marketing mix as an efficient instrument for

company‘s marketing. Second chapter include the overview of the company and identifying its place

on the domestic, regional and global market, and followed by market researches using survey method

to define the current problem Azerbaijan Airlines has to deal. The third chapter provides proposals for

the service marketing mix for Azerbaijan Airlines in the frame of 7Ps and basing on the researches

made among the passengers of the airline. The diploma paper is summarized by conclusions and




Service - service is “any act or performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially

intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. (Kotler, 2013).

Intangibility - is used in marketing to describe the inability to assess the value gained from engaging

in an activity using any tangible evidence. It is often used to describe services where there isn't a

tangible product that the customer can purchase, that can be seen, tasted or touched. (Bowman, 2009)

Perishability - one of the four fundamental characteristics of a service, it refers to the fact that (in

general) services cannot be produced and stockpiled (inventoried) before consumption: they exist only

at the time of their production. (Bowman, 2009)

Variability of services associated with inability of their standardization. Also due to the big share of

the human factor the quality control can becoming very difficult. (Huotari, 2012).

The marketing mix - is a business tool used in marketing and by marketers. The marketing mix is

often crucial when determining a product or brand's offer, and is often associated with the four Ps:

price, product, promotion, and place. Now 3 more elements are added: process, people, and physical

evidence. (Kotler, 2013).

The service marketing mix is also known as an extended marketing mix and is an integral part of a

service blueprint design. The service marketing mix consists of 7 P’s as compared to the 4 P’s of a

product marketing mix. Simply said, the service marketing mix assumes the service as a product itself.

However it adds 3 more P’s which are required for optimum service delivery. (Bryson. 2011)

Survey research is a method of collecting information by asking questions. Sometimes interviews are

done face-to-face with people at home, in school, or at work. (Hague, 2012).

Questionnaire - a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes

of a survey or statistical study. (Hague, 2012)

Airline - an organization providing a regular public service of air transport on one or more routes.

(Hoffamn, 2010).

Aircraft - an airplane, helicopter, or other machine capable of flight. (McCarthy, 2010)

Customer - is the recipient of a good or a service, or a product, or an idea, obtained from a seller,

vendor, or supplier via a financial transaction or exchange for money or some other valuable

consideration. (Bolton, 2010)


Product - is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. In retailing,

products are called merchandise. (Kotler, 2013)

Price - is the quantity of payment or compensation given by one party to another in return for goods or

services. (Christopher, 2012)

Marketing channel - is a set of practices or activities necessary to transfer the ownership of goods

from the point of production to the point of consumption. It is the way products and services get to the

end-user, the consumer; and is also known as a distribution channel. (Bryson. 2011)

Distribution - is the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a

consumer or business user, using direct means, or using indirect means with intermediaries. (Bowman,


Customer support - is a range of customer services to assist customers in making cost effective and

correct use of a product. It includes assistance in planning, installation, training, troubleshooting,

maintenance, upgrading, and disposal of a product. (McCarthy, 2010)



Nowadays air transport is rapidly growing branch of service sector. Its development

interdependently determined by general changes and progress trends of the global economy. At the

same time the growth rate of air transportation industry and its market has a strong impact on the

economic development of the world economy. It is based on complex means of locomotion, navigation

and ground handling, and requires the involvement of large capital and highly skilled personnel. Air

transport together with information technology is referred to as basic infrastructure of globalization.

From the other side globalization has big influence on this kind of transport and make all airline

companies act in the conditions of global competition. This fact means that companies providing air

transportation services has to operate on many markets at the same time and deal with constantly

changing business environment that require creating strong and flexible marketing strategies with the

help of different marketing tools.

Relevance of the topic. Air transport is very capital-intensive and complicated in managing

branch of economy. To be efficient and attractive for investments airline companies has to make many

efforts to match the demand with supply, to create and use their competitiveness for increasing their

market share and getting new customers. People began to use air transport more and more often what is

connected with the growth of people’s income and understanding such main advantages of this mode of

transportation as speed, comfort and safety. However, at the time when travelling by plane is not

something new and unusual any more, customers became more demanding to the services they get.

Availability of the information on the Internet and experience helps people to find the most appropriate

means of transport for them with acceptable prices and services. In such situation airline companies

should become more customer-oriented, offer the comprehensive, variable product that will meet the

customer’s requirements. For creating such product, special marketing tools are needed. One of such

tools that considered as effective and corresponds to the characteristics of service sector is marketing

mix used by managers and marketers all over the world.

Despite the leaders in air transport are usually the companies form big developed countries, on

the regional and even continental level there are companies that play significant role in providing

transport services and becoming more than complementary for the regional transport communication

networks. The example of such company is Azerbaijan Airlines that works on its marketing policy to

improve its services and to gain a foothold in the air transportation market.


Scientific problem. Azerbaijan Airlines wants to increase its market share and competitive

position by getting new loyal customers with the help of improving features of its services and ways

they are provided. To do this the matching of consumer’s needs and offered product is needed.

Object of the work – Azerbaijan Airline’s marketing mix components (product, price, place,

promotion, people, process, physical evidence.

Aim of the work - using model of 7Ps in marketing make the proposals for service marketing

mix for Azerbaijan Airlines.

Main objectives:

1. To identify the meaning of service and importance of services marketing,

2. To analyze the core of 7Ps marketing mix model and its place in services marketing of

transport companies,

3. To make an overview of Azerbaijan Airlines and identify its key issues that influence on

marketing operations,

4. To make the proposals for Azerbaijan Airlines service marketing using marketing mix.

Logical structure of the work. The work includes three main chapters. The first chapter is

presentation of theoretical background of service marketing that refers to identifying the meaning of

services and the particular qualities of marketing services with an emphasis on the service and

especially transport sector. The second chapter intended to analyze the present state of the company, its

position on the market, main factors this position is affected by and problems that company has to deal

with. The third chapter contain proposal for service marketing mix for Azerbaijan Airlines with the

using of &Ps model.

Methods and techniques – analysis of the scientific literature, journals and Internet sources,

survey, analytical methods of inductive and deductive thinking.



1.1.Definition and characteristics of services

During the second half of 20th century, there was a significant increase of service sector (tertiary

sector) in almost all economies. Especially intensively, service sector was progressing in developing

countries where it now takes around 70% of economies. The highest share of tertiary sector according

to the last data is in Hong Kong – 92, 8%, on the second place is United Kingdom and Netherlands –

79, 6%, and on the third place is France – 79% (fig. 1). China has the rate 48, 4% that had been grown

by 109% over the last quarter of the century (McDonald et al, 2011)

Figure 1 Size of service sector (% of GNP for different countries) in 2015

Source: the figure has been created by the author, based on the data from CIA World Factbook (2016)

Increasing of service’s significance in the economy related to gradual changes in the structure of

consumption, income growth and changes in the relative labor productivity (Waters, 2010). Firstly,

growth of population’s income causes the growth of consumption of agricultural and industrial

products. Later further growth of people’s income and amount of free time leads to their interest in

different services such as for example entertainment and leisure, travelling, health care etc. Likewise,






















Hong kong

United Kingdom



United States










New Zealand




South Korea




with the economy’s development such sectors as banking, insurance, investment, accountancy and

legal services becoming an essential and indispensable part of life. In the whole world people are

becoming more and more engaged in the production of "intangible" goods that should satisfy the

demand for traditional services (medicine, education, public governance) and for new services

(computers, information, communication, business) (Hoffman, 2010). To understand the growing

meaning of the services and their core the author will try to analyze what definitions different scholars

give to that term.

According to American classic of marketing science Philip Kotler (2013) service is “any act or

performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible and does not result in the

ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product”. A service can be

also defined as “an activity or series of activities of more or less intangible nature that normally, but not

necessarily, take place in interactions between customer and service employees and/or physical

resources or goods and/or systems of service provider, which are provided as solutions to customer

problems” (Gronroos, 2015). A. Payne (McDonald et al, 2011, p. 27) underline that the service is any

activity that contains an element of immateriality, which consists in influencing on customer or object

or property in his possession, but that does not provide to the transfer of ownership rights.

Most of definitions that describe service may be divided on three types: exhaustive, negative and

constructive (Kapoor et al. 2011). Exhaustive definitions are based on the counting business activities

that refers to service sector. Negative definitions say that service activities is everything but the

producing of material goods. Constructive definitions base on potential (the ability of people and

machines to provide services), service delivery (steps), the result (product material). (Hoffman et al.,

2010) In this way, services usually considered as an intangible product, a special kind of value in use,

which is produced by human labor.

List of economic services is quiet big, it includes, for example: banking, consulting, accounting,

dispute resolutions and prevention, construction, education, construction, transport, health care,

information services, communication, insurance, tourism, personal grooming and so on.

Depending on the recipient and the character of the services, they can be divided into 4 basic types

(Harris, 2013): consumer services, business services, public services and other complementary

services. Consumer services provide services to individual consumers in case they want to consume it

and have possibility to buy it (e.g. education, health, retail, leisure). Business services aims to simplify

other businesses and in the main include professional, financial and transportation services. Public

services are provided by government in order to supply a commodity (as electricity or gas) or service


(as transportation) to any or all members of a community (Needham, 2011).

There are four characteristics of services offered by Kotler and Keller (2007): intangibility,

inseparability, variability and perishability. Intangibility often means that the consumers have

difficulties to assess and to compare them. Services cannot be stored or easily presented. Usually

consumers assess services with the help of the price or delivery time of that service. There is bigger

risk and bigger importance of personal sources of information during the process of decision making

then when consumers have to deal with the material goods (Berry L. et al., 2011). In many cases the

service provider uses tangible products together with intangible and also they can be complementary.

For example, quickly working and modern computer will be associated with quick qualitative Internet

connection or good-working computer games. Hospital with modern equipment is perceived as the

place with good healthcare services. Beautiful renovated university building with laboratories, gardens,

and sports centers will be associated with proper education. Sometimes there is no possibility to show

the service before buying it, no possibility to see or to check it before using. Buying the ticket to the

plane customer buy a promise that will get the service offered by company. For making a decision

people are guided by the opinion about the company, price, and material conditions of providing that

service. And only after purchase and consumptions customers may share their expectations about

consumed service.

As services are intangible, there is a unity in place, size and time of service’s production and

consumption, which define the service’s inseparability (Bryson, 2011). Additionally services are

inseparable from their means of production and from the customer's experience connected with them

(U.S. International Trade Commission, 2015). This characteristic require that a consumer interact with

its producer to receive its benefits. For example, haircut cannot be made without customer’s

participation or communication service cannot be provided without people who want to communicate.

The process of providing the service also depends on the place it is produced, what increase the

importance of producer’s location and its equipment (as an exception telecommunication, television,

information services (Kamin, 2006). The unity of the place, time of producing and consumption causes

the situations when consumer establishes contact directly with its producer and sometimes make a

decision about buying some services only when he knows that it will be realized by certain company or

person (doctor, lawyer, musician, actor etc.).

Variability of services associated with inability of their standardization. Also due to the big share

of the human factor the quality control can becoming very difficult (Huotari, 2012). If the customer

partly decide about the content of the service then the services with the same name may differ


depending on staff qualifications and time of producing (Mohamad, 2010). The bigger participation of

consumer and staff during the time of service’s realization leads to bigger variability and uniqueness of

the service. Despite the difficulty of service’s standardization, there are attempts to do it in hotel

business, transport and commerce.

Perishability related to inability to spare services as the consequence of their immateriality

(Bolton, 2009). Producers cannot store the services, because their production exists only in the service

process. An important feature is the space determination – arrangement of certain service’s demand and

supply due to natural conditions, climate, border limitation and so on (Harris, 2013). Supply and

demand can change relating to the seasons, months, holidays or working days, hours etc. Services has

different demand elasticity (e.g., bank, tourism, entertainment services have high elasticity and

transport services has low elasticity). Services are characterized by a diversity of supply and demand as

well as their substitutability and complementarity. The mobile nature of the supply is associated with

the possibility of adjusting supply to changes in demand. Services are "pure", but there are also those

that occur with a certain degree of material factor, or even lie on the border between services and

industry (e.g. construction services).

As field analyze in the second chapter will be connected with the company that provides transport

services it is important to know some specific characteristics of transport services. Technical and

technological specifics of transport of transport service influence on the features of marketing strategy

on the transport market. There is some characteristics of transport service that are linked with its

intangibility (Zeithmol et al., 2010): impermanence, the integrity of the process of production and

consumption, failure to store this specific product, heterogeneity, inseparability with the producer,

limited possibilities for standardizing. Mentioned characteristics are important for marketing activities

and use of marketing-mix instruments. In marketing activities connected with transport service

specialists should (Zeithmol et al., 2010):

- pay more attention on human resources then tangible ones;

- put a strong emphasis on the proper selection and training of staff in contact with customers;

- realize on both sides of the market (demand and supply) adjustment activities.

For marketing name and brand of transport service is also important. Those factors increase the

customer’s confidence in the company that produces services (Coyle et al., 2009). That confidence

plays a special role in transport sector. Transport service can be defined as product produced and

offered by carriers and forwarding companies, travel agencies and other subjects that cooperate with

them (Christopher et al., 2012).


Additionally services provided by other agents are also significant. For example, travel agencies

gives to the potential passengers recommendations and information about possibilities and types of

travel, book the places for them, sell tickets, organize transfer form and to airport and so on.

Summarizing services are becoming crucial in a country's development, including for the

achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, such as poverty reduction and access to basic

services, including education, water and health services (UNCTAD, 2015). Understanding the meaning

of services companies began to pay more attention on service marketing.

In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, a handful of marketing scholars started forming a new school

of thought for marketing concentrating on services because the classical marketing axioms were based

on the exchange of physical goods, which could not provide a sufficient understanding on services

(Grönroos, 2007). Researches in service marketing were provided independently from the main science

and later marketing theory adopted to services began to be used for goods marketing.

For effective and appropriate marketing, it is important to distinguish difference between goods

and services within analyzing and using similarities between them.

1.2. Differences between goods and services

Goods and services has many significance differences that are important in management and

marketing activities. Kotler (2007) identified 4 categories that represent the difference between “pure”

service and “pure” product. First category is “a pure tangible products” when no services are bought

with the service (e.g. milk, eggs or iron). Second category is “a tangible product with accompanying

services such as commissioning, training, maintenance” when the offer has built-in services to enhance

its customer appeal (e.g. computers, cars) (Hendrickson, 2012). Third category is “a service with

accompanying minor goods (or services)” when the offer is basically a service but has a product

element (e.g. airlines offer inflight meals, or entertainment). The fourth category is “a pure service,

where one buys expertise” when the offer is a stand-alone service such as psychoanalysis (Ward,

2008). The basic features that shows the difference between goods and services are represented in the

table 1.

Table 1

List of goods and services features

Services Goods

A set of economical intangible and functional


A set of economical tangible products


Cannot be stored, it is a stream of economical


Either stream or resource; can be stored

Exists as an abstract product (result) at the

output of the production system; service

delivery has productive character

Occurs as objectified tangible product (result)

at the output of the production system; a

process of producing products has productive


There are no property rights to the services,

services cannot be the subject of contracts of

sale, acts of inheritance, donation

There are property rights: goods may be sold

and purchased

Consumption is usually separated from


Consumption often happens at the same

moment as production

Diversified Identical

Cannot be returned Can be returned

Source: the table has been created by the author, based on Mendel, 2012

Despite variant nature sometimes the difference between goods and services becomes less discrete.

The distinction between services and manufactured products has become increasingly blurred as many

manufacturing companies have seen the opportunity to add services to their portfolios (Moeller, 2010).

For example, the company BMW that produce cars also produce for its customers the service of

transportation. Also some products has characteristics that make impossible assign them only to goods

or to services (Waters, 2010): data is intangible but can be stored at the same time and except this its

consumption is usually separated form production.

Marketing of goods and marketing of services are based on different rudiments, but nowadays

marketing of services seems to be appropriate also for the marketing of goods. Such statement is linked

with new service-dominant logic. Authors of service-dominant logic, S. Vargo and R. Lusch (2008), try

to prove that “services are more prevalent than goods and goods need to be considered as a ‘medium’

for a firm’s service”. According to their theory all firms provides services. Even those that produce

typical goods indirectly always produce some service. The possibility of using service marketing

approaches for marketing of the goods is explained by two important concepts – customer as co-

producer and value-in-use (McDonald, 2011). Customer may acts as a co-producer not only in service

sector, but also in other material sectors, as by using goods and giving feedback customers may help to

change, adopt and improve some goods. Value-in-use model Company’s role in the value creation is to

support the customers’ processes by offering resources into them. Resources can refer e.g. to personnel,


machinery, service setting, or to available information sources.

Still a lot of economists underline that there is a difference in tools used for good marketing for

the companies that produce services or that ones that produce goods. Such tools that are used by

marketers throughout the world will be described in the next subsector.

1.3. Service Marketing Mix – 7Ps of marketing

Nowadays consumer has the central importance in the economy. Companies knows that if they

want to sell their goods or services they should produce something that will meet the needs of the

consumer. To match the organization’s capabilities with the needs of customers in order to achieve the

objectives of both parties is the purpose of marketing (McDonald et al., 2011). Important thing is to

provide consumer satisfaction by the nature of produced service or by its using. It is impossible to

create goods or services that will be good for all types of consumers, but at least company can find the

group of customers whose needs are most compatible with the organization’s strengths and future

ambitions (Bowman, 2009). As the business environment is changing all time the matching that was

mentioned before and that compose the core of marketing is very complicated and needs continual

researches and actions. The set of instruments that help to match organization’s capabilities with the

needs of customers and “to the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time” is


First using of the term “marketing-mix” was offered by Borden (1965) and consisted of 12

elements: product planning, pricing, branding, channels of distribution, personal selling, advertising,

promotions, packaging, display, servicing, physical handling, fact finding and analysis. In 1960

McCarthy offered the model of marketing-mix consisted from 4 controllable variables the company

puts together to satisfy a target market: product, price, place and promotion (first letters of those

variables made the often used synonym of marketing-mix – 4Ps).

Later economists began to criticize 4Ps model and underline that that there is a high degree of

dissatisfaction with the 4Ps framework (Rafiq and Ahmed, 1995) as according to scientists it was more

production-oriented than customer oriented model. The rethinking of 4Ps showed that service

marketing needs different decisions than product marketing.

Three new elements were added to 4Ps marketing mix: people, physical assets and process

(Kubicki, 2015). In such way new model that is in a better way adopted to service marketing appeared

– 7Ps marketing mix. According to diploma’s objects author will characterize all those seven elements

that will be used lately during researches. Marketing mix 7Ps consists of product, price, place,

promotion, people, process, physical (evidence) (Lin, 2011) (fig. 2)


Figure 2. 7Ps marketing-mix model

Source: Lin (2011)

Product involves introducing new products or improving the existing ones (Zimuto, 2012).

Company has to offer the product that will meet the needs of the consumers. In aim to do this marketer

should make an extensive research on the life cycle of the product.

The importing thing is to care about the quality if the products. Marketing people should

research about their service quality level in relation to needs and demands of customers and how much

they can pay (Alipour and Darabi, 2011). Marketers should make the consumers familiar with the

(service) product level by the service marketing informative media or tools. But what is the need and

demand of customers are should be considered as the (service) product with good quality in a suitable

and proper situation and in a reasonable price the contemporary marketing people are trying to discover

the new ways to improve the (service) product, situation, price and its enhancement and also for

gaining the customers satisfaction from their product quality (Gillespie, 2014).

Every transport service is consist from the next components (Lauterbach, 2009):

The area of transport (e.g., urban, suburban, local, interregional, international);

Distance of transportation;

Rapid of transportation (e.g., ordinary, express)


Nature of transport (e.g., individual, collective, corporate, specialized)

Other quality parameters requested by the passengers (e.g., the level of comfort and


Transportation services have their value in use and the value expressed in money. Buyer that

estimate offered transport services, make a deliberate choice of a trip that meets their expectations

(Bowman, 2009). Auxiliary services also have significance meaning.

Price determines firm’s profit and survival, but also be competitive on the market. Setting the

price of the product influences on the efficiency of the whole marketing strategy (Blythe, 2009). The

perceived value that the product offer should be considered, especially if the company is new on the


The price for transport service can be the price that was negotiated freely - determined as a

result of an agreement between the seller and the buyer (Zeithmol, 2010). Additionally the price can be

established as the rate of transport tariffs – the one that is determined and published in the list of

existing prices for services provided by the transport company For example, on the market of airline

services IATA tariff system with wide range of special fares dominates. Tariff rates are differentiated

by the transport distances or the weight and value of shipped goods.

Process of price setting should take into the account the reaction of the consumers on the

relation between service’s characteristics and its price (Goi, 2009).

Prices are a key positioning factor and must be decided in relation to the target market, the

product and service assortment mix, and the competition (Lauterbach, 2009). All retailers would like

high turns x earns (high volumes and high gross margins), but the two don’t usually go together. Most

retailers fall into the high-markup, lower volume group (fine specialty stores) or the low-markup,

higher-volume group (mass merchandisers and discount stores) (Waters, 2010)

Place refers to the certain place where the potential customers can buy the product and how the

product reaches out to that place (Kotler, 2007). At this stage it is very important to find and analyze

appropriate target markets.

Transport services should be enabled for purchase for potential customers with the help of

distribution channels. The following elements impact the forming of distribution channels (Williams

and Fair, 2011):

temporal and spatial distribution of demand in the transport market;

structure, size and dynamics of demand for different modes of transport, represented by

carriers and companies organizing transport processes


the preferences of buyers of transport services, tourism, shipping, etc., and the real

possibility of acquiring those services;

system of competitive relations and the strength of the market impacts individual

instruments of price and non-price competition, including advertising and innovations.

Distribution channel in the transport sector is an organization of services sales that covers all

objects offering these services to the buyers (Hughes et al., 2014). These objects, depending on their

role, are grouped in different kinds of combinations. They are connected in a definite manner and occur

in a specific order, creating different links of the distribution channels.

Offering transport services to the buyers requires taking into consideration such factors as the

location of the sale, the size and type of sales; forms of operations, range of additional services

(Christopher, 2012).

The transport service itself does not create market offer, this service must be available to buyers

- there should be possibilities of purchase at the time and place appropriate to customer's needs and

requirements (Coyle, 2009).

For transport service’s producer price is one of the most important economical factor that

impact on their revenue (Williams and Fair, 2011). Producers and sellers of transport services are

strongly limited in increasing of their revenues by usual increasing of the price as price elasticity on the

transportation market is very significant (Ross, 2014). For consumers the price is the factor that forms

the size of expenses according to consumer’s transport needs.

Promotion is connected with different ways of communicating with the customers to inform

their about the product’s characteristics, uniqueness, advantages of purchase that product. Promotion is

comprised with sales organization, public relations, advertising, sales promotion. (Kapoor,

2011).Combination of promotional strategies and how the company act depends on its budget, the

message it wants to communicate, and the target market has.

Promotion of transport services is based on the impact on their customers, giving them the

information about the characteristics, quality and benefits arising from the acquisition of these services,

reminding and encouraging purchase (Dethloff et al., 2013). It is also a way of company's

communication with the environment in order to create for him a competitive advantage in the market.

The purpose of the promotion of transport services is to overcome resistances and prejudices of their

customers, as well as the creation of demand for new services (Moller, 2010).

Diversified promotional purposes on the transport services market requires careful selection of

promotional tools, which include: advertising, acquisition, public relations and publicity, sales


promotions, sponsorship (Lauterbach, 2009). The use of that forms and promotion's techniques depends

on the promotional purposes of a transport company and the specifics of the various promotional tools:

the type of market, life cycle of services and promotion budget (Berry, 2011). The specificity of

advertising on the market of transport services is caused by their immateriality and lack of presentation

of the service before consumption. Offering sales idea or concept is a difficult task, so transport

services are advertised in an indirect way often by promoting the benefits associated with the

acquisition of services (Richter, 2011).

People linked with the customers, employees, management and other persons that take part in

service production and consumption. In many cases customers doesn’t separate goods or services form

the stuff that provide them with certain products, so the reputation of company’s brand sometimes very

strongly depends on the personnel (Armstrong, 2013).

In transport services choice of transport workers who have direct contact with consumers

should take place by taking into account certain criteria (Williams and Fair, 2011): psychophysical

qualities of the candidate, vocational preparation guaranteeing high professionalism, competences and

presence. The scope of training includes not only knowledge of the services provided, but also the

ability of professional negotiations. Workers should have positive attitude to customers.

Process refers to the methods and process of providing a service. The process of delivering the

product or service, and the behavior of those who deliver it, are crucial to customer satisfaction

(Kubicki, 2015).

Physical evidence is connected with experience of using a product or service (Shanker, 2008).

The customer doesn’t know how good the product will be. It will be revealed after purchase, with

condition of taking a risk. Uncertainty of the potential customers can be reduced by showing them the

references of other customers, presenting portfolio or creating a special image of the product.

Though, many scientists use marketing-mix as an effective and tested marketing tool there is

some criticism about it. A. Möller, (2010) underline that marketing-mix is internally oriented and

doesn’t take under the consideration the customer behavior. Moreover this model regards consumers as

passive, what reduces interaction between customer and buyer. Marketing-mix is based more on

management experience, attention and sometimes ignore theoretical background. Also it does not offer

help for personification of marketing activities.

Airline industry has its own special components of marketing-mix (Charoensettasilp and Wu,


1. Product – ground and inflight services, design, quality, range, brand name and features.


2. Place - distribution channels, methods of distribution, coverage, location, online 24 hour

reservation system, consolidation, tour operator/travel agent,

3. List price, discounts, commissions, surcharges, extras, premium pricing, value for money

pricing, cheap value pricing, low cost pricing and apex fares,

4. Advertising, airlines advertisements needs to keep in mind the image of the country, the

scenic beauty, tourist attractions, rich cultural heritages or places that would attract a

number of tourists, advertisements, receptionist, travel agents and media.

5. People - competence, reliability, caring attitude, responsiveness, initiative, problem solving

ability, goodwill,

6. Process - reservation, flight information, facilities at the airport, baggage handling, meal

service, flight entertainment and deliver quality service,

7. Physical Evidence on the ground - booking offices or ticket counter, paperwork, brand logos

and tickets. In-flight: aircraft, seating configuration, good inner-exteriors, cleanliness,

uniforms, ambience, baggage and labels or tag.

Summarizing, marketing mix is considered by marketers and managers all over the world as a

basic tool for targeting the market, creating strategic plans and promoting their products. This model is

changing as new important components appear that should be taken under consideration in order to

provide successful and perspective business activities. Airlines companies as representatives of

transport service sector have very complicated market conditions what make them to do significant

efforts to act on that market and to lead. Complexity of airlines service is explained by intricacy of

services they provide as they obtain sometimes very big spatial range can be dangerous for people’s life

and demand high-cost and high technological machines within high qualified personal. Basing on

service marketing rudiments companies should be also very consumer-oriented and understand the

needs of their customers to be successful. Next chapters will show more fully the possibilities of using

7Ps marketing mix in airline industry.




2.1. Methodology of researches

Before creating proposals for the service marketing mix for Azerbaijan Airlines that should be

the tool for increasing market share of the company by getting new customers and improving its

services, it is important to reveal through objective and systematic analysis the current problematical

issues that company has to deal with. For the solving of the scientific problem, that author determined

in the introduction of the master thesis, certain research methods will be used.

Market research is a vital component in many marketing processes and decision-making. For

effective marketing it is not enough for managers and marketers to base in their actions on intuition and

hunch – they should have additionally data that shows actual situation on the market. As author in

creating marketing mix will deal with existing product on existing markets, market research may help

to measure customer satisfaction to find out how to maintain competitive advantage. Usually two types

of methods are used to collect and analyze primary and secondary data – quantitative and qualitative.

Qualitative methods offer a diagnostic understanding of what is wrong while quantitative methods

provide hard data across different respondent groups that can lead to specific recommendations with

measures that may be used as controls to determine the effectiveness of actions (Hague et al., 2012).

Secondary market research is based on analyzing already available information from different

sources (e.g. internet, government data, office data, newspapers, magazines etc.). The internet sources

play here a significance role because only there we can find the actual information about AZAL, its

products, market, and competitors and so on. Primary market research is made by the author himself

and based on gathering new data with the help of such quantitative method as online survey.

Survey is usually determined as method of gathering information from a sample of individuals

(ASA, accessed on 12-03-2016). Isaac and Michael (2008) underline that survey research is used “to

answer questions that have been raised, to solve problems that have been posed or observed, to assess

needs and set goals, to determine whether or not specific objectives have been met, to establish base

lines against which future comparisons can be made, to analyze trends across time, and generally, to

describe what exists, in what amount, and in what context”. According to K. Kraemer (2011) survey is

used to quantitatively describe specific aspects of a given population. Surveys helps to make

generalizations, to evaluate attitudes, but still they provide estimation for the real population, not exact



Different scientists (Polland 2005, Kraemer 2011, Glasow 2010) describe from four up to eight

stages of survey research process. The model author found appropriate to the needs of the research and

that was used for collecting primary data is model with nine steps (S. Guyette, 2006). Those steps are:

1. Define Purpose of Study,

2. Locating previously conducted surveys in similar topic,

3. Deciding on the type of survey design,

4. Select the sampling method,

5. Deciding on a method of collecting the data,

6. Conducting of the pretest,

7. Collecting the data,

8. Follow-up,

9. The analysis of the data.

First step on way to effective research is defining its purpose. All collected data should relate to

specific purpose and, in this case, the purpose is to find out what problems Azerbaijan Airlines’ product

has and that should be solved by creating proposals for 7P marketing mix. The goal of the survey is to

evaluate different elements of the AZAL’s services (product, place, promotions, price and others) and

the objective is to measure customer’s satisfaction of those services.

Second step is locating previously conducted surveys. This step helps to check similar surveys

and to understand the logic of questions and kind of questions asked to obtain similar purposes as the

current research has. Before designing the questionnaire author analyzed first of all surveys conducted

by different airlines in order to organize feedback and measure customer’s satisfaction.

Next important step to accomplish the goals and objectives of the research is deciding on the

type of survey design. On this stage appropriate survey design should be chosen. As in this research

author plan to explore the current problems of the company a cross-sectional survey was used. The

cross-sectional study is a type of observational study that involves the analysis of data collected from a

population, or a representative subset, at one specific point in time (Schmidt & Kohlmann, 2008). But

usually measuring of customer satisfaction is connected with longitudinal survey that is repeating every

certain period of time and helps to monitor the effectiveness of marketing strategy and its


Fourth step is selecting the sampling methods. This step should rely on logic and judgment and

also be related with the type of survey design. The target population in the research is people who ever

purchased Azerbaijan Airlines services so they have experience to evaluate different elements of the


company’s product. As the way of the selecting from the population the respondents is not random, it is

a nonprobability method (Yin 2014).

Fifth step is deciding on a method of collecting data. To reach as many respondents as possible

especially when the research is realized far from the main target audience of the company the best way

to collect data is the questionnaire. The questionnaire is a set of questions that are answered directly on

paper or online by the respondent (Polland, 2005). Questions are represented by highly structured

responses in closed form. Most of questions are close-ended with unordered choices (multiply choice

questions) – respondent offered to compare responses and choose one of them. There are also questions

that evaluate different objects and events by using numerical scale (1-5) and questions that measure

responses to analyses or proposals – the respondent compare its own views to the ideas presented in the

question statement (Flower and Floyd, 2009).

To reduce possibility of problems before the actual data collection the next step is needed –

pretest. Questionnaire was read by the author, consulted with the teacher and given to some

respondents to see if questions are clear and complete.

The seventh step includes the process of collecting the data. Author used online Google surveys

to make the questionnaire and to send it to chosen target population. This tool is very convenient in use,

allow to design different types of questions, easy in sending by post or social media by using lists.

Additionally Google surveys help to analyze collected data. It helps to realize the eighth step – follow-

up thanks to the counting of fulfilled questionnaires. It is important to explain to the respondents the

purpose of the research and maintaining its confidentiality. The survey took place in March 2016.

There were sent 364 questionnaire and get 246 responses.

The last step is analysis of the data in order to make certain summaries. The data was collected

mostly in numerical format (percentage of responses) and represented with description and analysis

with the help of diagrams in the last subsector of the second chapter.

2.2. The overview of the company

The history of the company is tightly connected with the history of Baku Airport and the

development of the aviation in Azerbaijan. The first plane flew over the Baku took place over one

hundred years ago in 1910 and 13 years later aviation transport got official status - the Caucasus Joint

Stock Company of Civil Aviation ZAKAVIA was founded by the Mughan Melioration Construction,

the Caspian Shipping Company and AzNeft (Azerbaijan Airlines, 2016). In the beginning the

objectives of the company was aerial photography, delivering of the emergency loads and mail.


First passenger flight was committed on the route Baku-Tbilisi-Baku in April 1923, but regular

flights began after building the Kishly Airport in 1926 and had the aim to connect recreation and

tourists places on Caucasus: Mineralniye Vody – Grozniy – Makhachkala – Baku – Yevlakh – Tbilisi.

In 1929 new international route appeared Kharkov – Baku – Pehlevi, later in 1933 first flights to

Moscow and afterwards to Rostov and Astrakhan took place (Azerbaijan Airlines, 2016). Thanks to the

fast grow of air transportation the Baku airport received the status of a separate economic unit. Before

II World War the development of aviation in Azerbaijan was accelerated by the finding new oil fields

in the sea.

New stage in the history of Azerbaijan’s civil aviation fleet began in the 1970-80s form the

building new airports in Ganja, Yevlakh Naftalan, Nakhchivan, Zagatala, Lenkoran, Agdam, Agstafa

and Sheki (Azerbaijan Airlines, 2016). So all big cities and all regions were connected with the capital

by air routes. But the collapse of the Soviet Union caused hard times: cooperation links were lost,

hardware supplies were cut off, aircraft were aging and becoming outworn, good specialists with bug

experience were leaving the sector and there was no possibility to train new ones.

Subsequently the situation changed when President Heydar Aliyev invested 200 million $ in

civil aviation. New aircrafts were bought (e.g.: Boeing-757), the air traffic control equipment was

updated, new system of education and personnel training appeared. But the biggest incentive was the

opening of the international airport terminal in Baku that now accommodates planes from around 60

airline companies from all over the world.

In 2008 according to presidential decree the governmental company “Azərbaycan Hava Yolları”

was changed to Closed Joint Stock Company “Azərbaycan Hava Yolları” (eng. Azerbaijan Airlines or

AZAL) (Azerbaijan Airlines, 2016). Company was actively engaged in fleet renewal and increasing the

quality of its services. In 2010 exchanged two Boeings 757 to one 767-300ER with more extended

range and refused to use all planes of Russian production (, 2016). In 2011, 2013 and 2014 the

air fleet replenished with new aircrafts - Boeing 767-300ER, Airbus A340, Boeing 787 Dreamliner

(Vesti Kavkaza, 2016). For initial training, retraining and advanced training of members of the crews

and ground personnel in 2010 the aviation training center (AZAL Training) was established (AZAL

Flight Training Center, 2016).

The company owns 6 (Baku Heydar Aliyev international airport, The Nakhchivan airport, The

Ganja international airport, The Lankaran airport, The Zaqatala airport, The Gabala airport, fig. 3) from

11 airports (not including 4 military airports) in Azerbaijan and all of them has the status of

international airports (Azeraijan Airlinrs, 2016). The biggest and the most modern airport is Baku


Heydar Aliyev international airport that serves approximately 1 million passengers over a year

(terminal building area is 12 000 m², complete apron area is 163 000m². Baku Airport is the base hub

of the Azerbaijan Airlines national flag carrier and Silk Way Airlines (Baku Airport, 2016).

Figure 3. Airports of Azerbaijan

Sours: Maps of the World, accessed 15.03.2016


Azerbaijan Airlines carries out flights to 36 cities in Europe (London, Paris, Frankfurt,

Barcelona, Kiev and others), Asia (Bishkek, Being, Tehran, Dubai and others) and North America (New

York) (fig. 4).

Figure 4. Map of AZAL’s flights


Source: Azerbaijan Airlines, Map of Flights, accessed 15.03.2016

Big investments and ongoing development and improving of aircraft, infrastructure and

personnel was noticed and awarded by influential and well-known in the airline industry British

consulting company Skytrax. National carrier AZAL got prestigious "4 Star" rating (scale is from 1 to

5) (Azerbaijan Airlines, 2016). The rating was made by judging more than 800 criteria. There are only

38 airlines in the world that got such rate what underline the progress AZAL had for last years.

The company has a wide range of services. It provides catering services offering different menu

that depend on the class (economy, business, VIP), duration of the flight and destinations. Also there is

possibilities of special orders for vegetarians and children. Aircrafts has passenger entertainment

system – common for economy class and personal for business and VIP class. In common there are 4

classes that varies by the type of seats, priority of check-in, access to special lounges in the airport,

availability of personal assistance services, allowance of additional luggage, and type of meals: VIP-

club, Comfort-club, Business class and Economy class (Azerbaijan Airlines, 2016). Additionally

AZAL publishes a magazine 6 times per year.

. As many other airlines AZAL has its own Frequent Flyer Program – “AZAL Miles”

(Azerbaijan Airlines, 2016). Customer may get additional services or benefits if he is a member of the

program. To do this customer has to collect certain amount of points every of which has its value

depends on the flight, agent the used during purchase and so on.

Summarizing Azerbaijan Airlines is fast growing national company that works on it image and

continuous improvement of services investing in modern aircrafts, airport infrastructure and training

on-board and airport personal and follow its mission “ to make flight unforgettable”. All that factors

helps it to play a significance role on local and regional market of air transportation services.

2.3. AZAL’s position on global, regional and local markets

Azerbaijan Airlines is the main airline company in Azerbaijan and the main “player” on the

local market. For a long period of time it was public company and even after it became closed joint

stock company the influence and support of government is still significant. Two companies Turan Air

(charters) and Imair Airlines has ceased to exist first one in 2009 and second one in 2012 (Airline-

Inform, 2016). So AZAL became a monopolist on the Azerbaijan market, especially in flights inside

the country.

Mass media very often accuse AZAL of seeking to limit the activities of other airlines by

increasing airport taxes (especially it impairs low-cost carriers) (Azerbaijan News Network, 2016). For

example, Wizzair stopped to realize flights from and to Baku explaining it by the unacceptable changes


in the contract from the side of AZAL’s representatives (Mediafax, 2016). Despite this fact, many

airline companies choose Baku airport as one of the best and the safest in the region, high airport taxes

limit their number or cause increasing of their services. In such a way AZAL control 60% of air

transportations in Azerbaijan. Being a monopolist has its advantages and disadvantages. AZAL as a

monopolist rises the prices and customers still buy the tickets as they don’t have another choice.

Nevertheless, raising of prices without increasing in demand for the product destabilizes the economy.

In the long term, a company can get the losses because of the incorrect politics of the prices. Customers

also looking for cheaper places pay attention on the airlines of neighbor countries – Georgia and


To analyze the position of AZAL on the regional and global market author will use ratings

made by Skytrax that prepare annual Worlds Airline Awards for airline industry using the airline

passenger satisfaction survey (World Airline Awards, 2016). AZAL refers to the World’s Top Airlines

and was on 69th place in 2012 and 2013, on 72th place in 2014 and on 66th place in 2015. The

neighbors of the company in the rating list are Alaska Airlines (USA). Southwest Airlines (USA),

Transareo (Russia).

Azerbaijan Airlines got 2nd place as World’s Most Improved Airlines after Air France that is on

the 1st place (World Airline Award, 2016). This award represents the change in the rating among the

airlines and refer to companies that achieved the highest upward rating improvement across the

different survey categories.

Additionally AZAL was recognized as one of the best companies in air industry in Central Asia

and India – it got 3rd place after Air Astana (Kazakhstan) and IndigGo (India). The same award

company got in nomination „The Best Airline Staff” (World Airline Award, 2016).

Azerbaijan Airlines and Azerbaijan airports have very big potential and meet all modern

requirements in civil aviation that is why it has strong position on local and regional market and also

noticed by international awards. But being monopolist in Azerbaijan and trying to decrease the number

of the competitors on the market AZAL may have certain problems in the future. It is important to

understand the advantages of competition and market laws. Still AZAL according to the official

information and world ranking is rapidly growing company with many positive characteristics. To

confirm or refute this fact, the analysis of AZAL’s activities and strategies will be made by using

customer’s survey.

2.4. Analysis of AZAL’s marketing in customer’s opinion


Before making proposal for the service marketing mix using 7Ps model it is important to define

the problems company has to deal collecting and analyzing primary data. Customer’s opinion about

AZAL’s product, prices, distribution, promotion, personnel, physical evidence and process will show if

current marketing strategy meet the needs of customers and reveal the issues that should be changed in

order to increase effectiveness of company’s activities and customer’s satisfaction.

During research it was collected 246 responses form the persons that ever flew with Azerbaijan

Airlines. 75% of respondent were male and 25% were female predominantly in the age younger than

25 years (68,8%) and 25-35 years old (31,3%). Most of respondents are employed (42,5%) or students

(46,3%) originate from Azerbaijan (83%), Russian Federation (5%), Ukraine (4,5%), Lithuania (3,5%),

Georgia (2%) and Poland (2%), and currently living in Azerbaijan (65%), Lithuania (10%), Estonia

(6,5%), Great Britain (4%), Turkey (3%) , Russian Federation (3,5%), Poland (3%, Germany (2%),

Italy (2%), USA (1%).

Respondent that were offered to fill in the questionnaire mostly traveled in the economy class

and only small percentage in the business and first class (fig. 5), so it should be taken into consideration

that evaluation given by them will concern first of all the services in the economy class. 50% of the

audience use AZAL as a carrier at least once per year, 30% less than once per year and only small

percentage of respondents once per half a year (12%) or even more frequently once per 3 month (4%)

and more than once per 3 month (4%)(fig. 6). Men in the age 25-35 years has the highest frequently of

flying with AZAL (85% of the respondents that fly once per 3 month).



Economy class Business class First Class


Figure 5. Types of classes’ respondents flew in with AZAL

Figure 6. Frequency of respondent’s flights with AZAL

Substantially customers remain neutral to the AZAL’s services (41, 8% of respondents) or

somewhat satisfied (32, 9%). The most satisfied category of respondent are employed women in the

age of 35-45 years – 74% of them are somewhat satisfied. Just 11, 4% of respondents are extremely

satisfied and 6, 3% are extremely unsatisfied (fig. 7). Such situation indicates that while the majority

has positive attitude to the company and its services there are factors that impede the full satisfaction of

the purchase. Nevertheless, 37, 5% of people are sure that they will fly with this company again and

40% will most probably will fly with Azerbaijan Airlines again.

According to research 21, 3% of respondents will definitely recommend AZAL to their friend

and relatives, 43, 8% will most probably do it and only 5% will not definitely do it.

Figure 7.The level of respondents’ satisfaction from flying with AZAL





less than once per year

once per year

once per half a year

once per 3 month

more than once per 3 month





extremly satisfied

somewhat satisfied


somewhat dissatisfied

extremly dissatisfied


Below results of the research will be analyzed according to model of 7P.

Product. Respondents chose four most significant for them factors that influence on their

choice of airlines (fig. 8): schedule (time and dates of flights play significant role, because they are

chosen by customers according to their needs and possibilities), ticket price (most of persons are aware

of low-cost companies, hot offers, so they become very demanding and always look for better offer),

punctuality (if the customer pay big sum for flight to get somewhere in-time and in comfortable

conditions he appreciate the lack of delays) and in-flight catering (concerns first of all long flights).

Figure 8. The factors that have the biggest influence on choosing airline

AZAL’s customers in common evaluate its in-flight and on-ground services more or less

satisfied (4 or 5 according to 5 scale). Respondents are very satisfied by the safety, ambience and

comfort of the flight and less satisfied by in-flight connectivity, catering and on-board entertainment

(fig. 9). In case of on-ground services most liked by respondents are checking and transportation of the

luggage and transportation of the luggage - these services totally satisfied the customers (fig. 10). Less

positive assessments got waiting lounges, check-in time and transportation to the aircraft. Billing and

payment and duty free shopping got the biggest amount of negative ratings (fig. 10).

0 10 20 30 40 50 60



In-flight catering

In-flight internet

In-flight entertainment

Frequent flyer programme

Ticket price

Airline image



Figure 9. Evaluating of in-flight services of AZAL

Figure 10. Evaluating of on-ground services of AZAL

According to respondent opinions the most important factors that effect on their perception of

the AZAL are first of all aircraft quality and interior (45,5% of respondents confess it as one that made

the biggest positive impression), on-time performance (29,9%) and customer interaction (24,7%).

Aircraft quality and interior is more important for young people 15-25 years old – 91% of them choose

that factor. Employed men 35-45 years old mainly appreciate on-time performance (76% of them chose

that factor).

As it turned out half of respondent are aware of AZAL’s Frequent Flyer Program, but 36% does

not have a need to use it as they fly with that company not so often to have possibility to get benefits









Catering On-boardentertainment


Safety Ambience andcomfort


1- totally unsatisfied. 5 - very satisfied













Check-in time Checking andtransportation of

the luggage

Transportation tothe aircraft

Billing andpayment

Waiting lounges Duty freeshopping


1-totally unsatisfied, 5 - very satisfied

1 2 3 4 5


from the membership (fig. 11). Another half of the respondents have never heard about this program,

but still 25% of them claim that membership in it will not effect on their choice of Azerbaijan Airlines.

Figure 11. Awareness of AZAL’s Frequent Flyer program among respondents

Similar situation concerns another product of the company - AZAL Miles Mobile App is used

only by 6, 4% of respondents, 39, 7% don’t have a need to use it and 53, 8% have never heard about

this application. The low awareness of company’s products points on insufficient efforts in their


Price. As it was represented before price is one of the most important factors that affect the

choice of airlines and that was confirmed by 55% of respondents (fig. 12). 35% of them think that it is

important when price correspond to quality and can be higher if the quality of services is appropriate

(fig. 12). Only for 2% the price doesn’t have matter – the most important is to get to desired

destination. For 57, 7% of peoples’ price is very high and for 29, 5% is high. Evaluating the prices

respondents shared their opinion about the competitiveness of the AZAL’s prices – for 47, 4% of them

they are not competitive and for 34, 6% they are more than competitive. This opinion is very subjective

as it depends on the process of airlines respondent usually use.




Programme is known byrespondent

The respondent doesn't needto use it

Programme is unknown byrespondent


Figure 12. The importance of the price for respondents

As most of respondents assess prices as too high 65% underline that process should be lower for

the provided services and 24% are ready to deal with those prices in case if they will obtain more

additional services (fig. 13). Only 7% think that prices correspond to the provided services and do not

have to be significantly changed (fig. 13).

Figure 13. Respondent’s opinion about price changing

Place. Planning a purchase respondent prefer to do it on AZAL’s website (42% of them usually

buy tickets on official website) (fig. 14). Nevertheless significant part of the persons (17%) buy tickets

through usual and online travel agents trying to simplify the process of purchase and looking for

additional benefits as, for example, discount for hotel’s stay or parking facilities. 11% buy tickets or get




the most influencing factor

price should correspond toquality

the main factor is the qualityof services and availabledestinations

price doesn't have matter,the main thing is to get todesired destination




prices should obtaine moreservices for the same price

prices should be lower thanfor the provided services

prices can be higher but withmore additional services

prices correspond to theprovided services


them in the travel department of the companies they employed, 9% use airline sale office and only 4%

do it at the airline desk in the airport (fig. 14).

Figure 14. Places of purchasing AZAL’s services by the respondents

Airport is important element in all process of transportation service and has big impact on

customer’s satisfaction. Respondents evaluating the airports they departure and arrive are

predominantly satisfied by their infrastructure. Most appreciated elements that brought the biggest

satisfaction are flight information screens, availability of baggage carts and trolleys, short waiting time

in checking queue and Internet access (fig. 15). Less satisfying for respondents are ease of finding the

way in the airport, courtesy and helpfulness of airport staff. Parking and eating facilities, internet access

was unsatisfied for the biggest amount of respondents (fig. 15).

Figure 15. Places of purchasing AZAL’s services by the respondents







airline sale office

company travel department

airline desk at the airport

travel agent

airline website

online travel agents


























g ti




ng q







g th

e w



gh a












sy a





s of




rt s





ts a





g fa





















1 - totally unsatisfied, 5 - very satisfied







Promotion. The main source of information about the company, its services and promotions is

Internet (37% of respondents, fig. 16) and foremost webpage of the company, where customers can

find complete information about the carrier, its fleet, safety, panel of reservations. 27% of respondents

knew about the company from friends and listen to their opinion (fig. 16). Alternative sources are travel

agencies (12%), poster and banners (15%) and television (9%) (Fig. 16).

Figure 16. Sources of the information about AZAL

Research showed that respondent are interested in such forms of promotion as price reduction

(36%), competitions and price draws (29,3%), bonus pack deal (25,3%), free products or gifts (8%) and

cause-related and fair-trade products/services (1,3%). More detailed the possibility of implementing

them in the AZAL’s strategy will be described in the third chapter.

People. Evaluation of the personnel on different stages of service’s purchasing shows that

respondents highly assess all type of staff, but especially crew staff (25% assesse it as very

professional) and airport staff (24% assessed it as highly professional) (Fig.17) . High evaluated were

personnel of sales offices (31% assessed it as professional), online and telephone support (26 and 24%

of respondent assesse it as professional) (Fig 17). Still the biggest amount of the negative assesses

refers to telephone support and airport staff. Characteristics that were attributed to personnel

friendliness (56, 2% of responses), hospitality (53, 4% of responses) and enthusiasm (20, 5%) (Fig. 18).








Travel agencies andtravel portals

Posters and banners onthe streets and in theairports



Figure 17. Evaluation of the staff during purchasing process

Figure 18. Staff’s characteristics according to respondents’ opinion

Process. Assessing the whole process of realizing services produced by AZAL respondents

underline first of all the process of buying is easy, but slow (46, 7%) or satisfied them totally (32%).

The customer support is every evaluated as average by 40% of respondents, as very satisfactory – by

36% and as excellent by 12% (Fig. 19). Similar assess concerns the promptness and accuracy of

baggage: 37, 3% - very satisfactory, 36% - about average, excellent (18,7%).









sales office crew staff airport staff on-line support telephonesupport


(1-incompetent, 5 - very professional)

1 2 3 4 5








0 10 20 30 40 50 60









Figure 19. Evaluation of customer support

Physical evidence. Important role for creating the feeling of the comfort and safety plays the

aircraft. All offered to the respondents characteristics of the AZAL’s airplanes were highly assessed,

especially seats (29% of responses “very satisfied”), illumination and temperature (30% of very

satisfied respondents) and ease of movement (30%) (Fig. 20). From another side the less satisfying

elements of aircraft according to a significant part of aircraft were seats and multimedia (Fig. 20).

Figure 20. Evaluation of airplane facilities

Most of respondents positively evaluate the design and informativeness of tickets and printed

material: 40% - about average, 42% - very satisfactory, excellent (12%) and services are less satisfying

for 6% of respondents (Fig. 21)





very satisfactory

about average


very poor









seats multimedia WC Illumination &temperature

Ease ofmovement

Place of handluggage


1 - totally unsatsfied, 5 - very satisfied

1 2 3 4 5


Figure 21. Evaluation of design and informativeness of AZAL’s ticket and printed materials

Performed research helped to analyze weaknesses and strengths of the Azerbaijan Airlines

defined from the consumer side. The basic issues that should be taken into consideration during the

building of marketing mix for AZAL are:

- as ticket price is an important factor that strongly effect on the choice of airline company, very

high prices of AZAL are not attractive for customers and they evaluate them as non-competitive

comparing to other companies; from another side AZAL is a monopolist on Azerbaijan market and

very often consumers don’t have a choice. Besides the common satisfaction by AZAL’s services

customers offer to provide more services for the exciting prices or provide sales promotions and reduce


- some products of AZAL such as Frequent Flyer Program and Miles Mobile App are very

badly known by the customers and assessed as useless for those who heard about them; that fact signals

about the need to modify those products and promote them in a way to persuade customers in their


- on-board entertainment was evaluated by customers as less satisfied than another services

(refers first of all economy class) and the improving should be considered,

- despite the positive rating of AZAL’s staff (on-board and on-ground) low satisfaction by crew

personnel and customer support shows the gaps in customer service.

AZAL is a strong rapidly developing company with a strong position on local and regional

markets that takes into account new technologies and high international standards of air transportation.

But still modifying of marketing strategies according to market researches is important step for

expansion and progress.




3% 3%


very satisfactory

about average

somewhat unsatisfactory

very poor




3.1. Product

As it was stated before the aim of the work is to make the proposals for service marketing mix

for Azerbaijan Airlines using model of 7Ps. Previous researches of customer’s opinion about AZAL on

the base of survey method helped to identify main problems that the company has to deal with now. So

the results of the researches of AZAL‘s customers opinion will be used by the author to make such

proposals for service marketing that will help to make the work of the company more efficient and

increase its competitive position on domestic and abroad markets. 7P marketing mix is used as

appropriate model for allocating the resources among the various competitive devices in the company.

Customers are mostly satisfied by the services of Azerbaijan Airlines or has neutral attitude.

That fact shows that the product that the company created meets the requirements of the customers, but

in order to make the level of satisfaction higher and to enhance the repurchase some changes should be


According to results made by the author during the analysis of customer’s opinion of

Azerbaijan Airlines, one of the most important factors that influence on the choosing airline is schedule

that represent the time and directions of the flight. Looking for the flight people try to find the most

optimal option to save time, money and to get good services. AZAL works mainly on the market of

Europe and Central Asia. Citizens of Azerbaijan has a limited choice of airlines to and from Baku,

because, as it was mentioned before, AZAL is monopolist on its domestic market. From one side it

leads to significant market share, but from another side leads to unsatisfying the customers, because

they don’t have another choice and forced to adjust to company offer. Still various directions allow to

get to most popular destination in Europe, Asia and even North America (New York). AZAL should

work on opening new destinations. Airport Council International (2016) published the ranking of the

busiest airports in 2015 that also represent the most popular directions in the world (fig. 22). AZAL

has flights to 5 of those directions: Frankfurt, Istanbul, Paris, Dubai, Beijing (fig. 4, 22). As fig. 4

shows very perspective for the company can be such directions as Amsterdam, Singapore, Shanghai,

Hong Kong and Tokyo especially the last four as centers of world economics and considering the

increasing cooperation between the Near East, Central Asia and Western Asia. The entering on


American market is irrational as AZAL is too small company for it and the market is overfilled by big

local and European companies.

Figure 22. The world airport traffic ranking

Source: the figure has been created by the author on the base of Airport Council International (2016)

Passengers appreciate the comfort, ambience and safety of the flight, but are not completely

satisfied by in-flight connectivity and on-board entertainment. Of course, the level of satisfaction is

often depends on the class people choose and researches made by the author in the second chapter

shows in a greater extent opinion of passengers that used economy class. Business class is equipped in

personal, portable media players, but economy class has only some common screens and magazines.

To meet the needs of passengers in entertainment AZAL can implement the on-board Wi-Fi and

popular now among leaders of airline industry - wireless inflight entertainment portals. Such portals are

about expanding the “standard” product with services such as online shopping and reservations,

destination information, real-time travel information and seat-to-seat chat (Airline Trends, 2016). The

standard of economy class doesn’t include the necessity of personal devices, but company should meet

the needs, satisfy their customers and provide them with digital content such as movies, books,

magazines, that will be available 24h before and during the flight. AZAL should equip seats in

charging devices, which are in high demand. In the era of dependence on electronic devices offered

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

 Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport…

Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK)

Dubai International Airport (DXB)

Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD)

Tokyo International Airport (HND)

Heathrow International Airport (LHR)

 Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)

Hong Kong International Airport (HKG)

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG)

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)

 Istanbul Ataturk Airport (IST)

Frankfurt Airport (FRA)

Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG)

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)

John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)

Singapore Changi Airport (SIN)

















Number of passengers, million





changes will increase the passengers’ satisfaction and consequently enhance to buy AZAL’s product


Important element of AZAL’s product is Frequent Flyer Program called AZAL Miles Program.

Frequent Flyer Programs has their advantages and disadvantages that AZAL should take into

consideration (fig. 23).

Figure 23. Advantages and disadvantages of Frequent Flyer Programs

To increase the awareness of the program and make it more useful for the passengers AZAL

should work on improving its Frequent Flyer Program. Next changes are proposed by the author for

this purpose:

1. Replace the way of awarding travel points – now points are given for every 1€, but

experience of many companies shows that more liked by the customers and more useful is

giving points for certain amount of miles. Especially this system is appropriate for AZAL,

because it provides flight for long distances,

2. Gathered points can be used only for free tickets and upgraded in membership. AZAL can

offer exchanging points for additional services and products – discount for hotels, car

renting, entrance tickets to museums or theaters, discounts for food services. This will

interest the customers and bring to the company additional income form cooperating with

certain companies and promoting them among their passengers,


3. Allow to share the points with another people (perhaps with extra fees), what will enhance

for joining the program even people that do not fly very often and influence on

recommending AZAL to friends and relatives,

4. Allow exchanging points to electronic money and purchasing not only airline’s services.

Even small purchases can satisfy the customer and make possible to use the points for

another needs if the expire date is close,

5. Giving extra points for special events or dates as birthday or marriage, what will show that

company is taking care of its passengers.

If mentioned changes will be implemented the popularity of another AZAL’s product – AZAL

Miles Mobile App - will increase. This application also has to be connected with wireless inflight

entertainment portals.

Managing the development of the product of AZAL such special features of the services as

intangibility, inseparability and variability should be take into consideration. As services are intangible

and inseparable, the customer can evaluate the quality of services by using them and there is no

possibility of producing these services without customer. Air transportation services are very complex

and their evaluation begin from the moment of buying tickets and entering the airport till the flight and

leaving the airport, so product of airlines consists of tangible and intangible elements and their

marketing has to be in accordance with their features. Marketing professionals in the company should

constantly look for tangible signals to indicate service quality. One of such signals is opinion of the

passengers that helped the author to make proposals of improving the product of AZAL basing on the

results of the survey. Additionally services are variable, so product should be changed to more

appropriate to customer needs even with low costs of changes. Choosing from the variable options

AZAL should offer more services to existing prices and programs.

3.2. Price

Price is one of the most important factor that affect the choice of airline and also significant for

the company to get it profits and be cost-effective. AZAL’s prices are perceived by its customers as

high. Despite the services of good quality, too high prices are unsatisfying for the customers.

Pricing strategies of airlines are very complicated and current globalization led to appearing of

many factors that influence on the price of flight ticket: length of the flight, serves airports, fuel

surcharge, using of additional services, day of the week, how far in advance the trip is planned, length

of the trip (fig. 24). These factors, from one side, allow to make a matching variable offer for customers

by using elaborate algorithms, and from another side, can be risky for airlines and not fare.


Figure 24. Factors affecting price strategy

Defined factors are used by AZAL to implement the pricing strategy offered by International

Air Transport Association. This strategy is aimed to create process on the base of personal data of the

customer. AZAL has to use data from the members of AZAL Miles Program or other sources to offer

more personalized deals with certain discounts (different prices for the same flights for people with

different history of searches and using the AZAL’s services). Using of such strategy make almost

impossible to analyze or monitor the prices, because they can become different during the day or e.g.

be different at the same time for people Before offering own changes of the price last reductions made

by the Azerbaijan Airlines in 2015 were represented in table 2. Those changes together with further

calculations shows how big modifications of the price are permissible.

Table 2

Average prices and discounts of AZAL in 2015





































Antalya 436 350 86 20 Prague 503 389 114 23

Price strategy

length of the flight

serves airports

how far in advance the booking is


length of the trip

day of week (weekend,

holiday, etc.)

using of additional services

Fuel surcharge


Bodrum 436 350 86 20 New York 755 597 158 21

Izmir 436 350 86 20 Bejing 505 389 116 23

Dalaman 436 350 86 20 Tel-Aviv 445 434 102 23

Ankara 366 278 88 24 Paris 525 413 112 21

Istanbul 277 219 58 21 Tehran 236 182 54 23

Moscow 406 321 85 21 Rostov-on-


319 247 72 23

Dubai 272 216 56 21 Barcelona 494 382 112 23

Kiev 352 256 96 27 Bishkek 390 296 94 24

Rome 509 397 112 22 Novosibirsk 377 285 92 24

Tbilisi 183 147 36 20 Krasnoyarsk 361 275 86 24

Aktau 222 172 50 23 Perm 401 305 96 25

Lvov 478 337 141 30 Nizhniy


381 287 84 25



239 185 54 23 Kazan 316 236 80 25



403 307 96 24 Yekaterinburg 311 249 62 20

London 464 366 98 21 Minsk 372 280 92 25

Milan 500 388 112 22 Berlin 475 371 104 22

Source: Azernews, 2016

AZAL should continue to use different booking classes to maximize profits. Such strategy will

help to decrease the prices in the table for certain customers up to 40% (table 3). Airlines make lower

prices for traveler that plan their trip in advance, and closer to the date of flight increase prices. In such

way, they AZAL will earn even more revenue. Additionally the type of traveler should be taken to

consideration. Leisure traveler is more or less flexible and can look for different dates and routes

searching for better price, so the risk that he will prefer another airline is bigger. Business traveler very

often has to travel at certain day and time, so he is ready to pay more and usually his company is pay


for it – the main thing is to get at certain place in time. The example of discounts and price’s reduction

for AZAL for some directions based on the data from the table 2 are represented in the table 3.

Table 3

Example of reducing the prices for AZAL (in case of 85% of occupancy of the plane)

Direction Average price,€ Differentiated

prices ,€




Antalya 350

350*85seats = 29750


250*50 = 12500

500*35 = 17500



250*50 = 12500

500*20 = 10000

600*15 =9000



Istanbul 219

219*85seats = 18615



350*35 =12250



150 *50 = 7500

350*20 = 7000

370 *15 = 5550



London 366



250*50 = 12500

530 *35=18550



250*50 = 12500

530*20 = 10600




Moscow 321

321*85seats = 27285


240*50 = 12000

440*35 = 15400



240*50 = 12000

440*20 = 8800

450 *15 = 6750



Calculations in table 3 shows that the reduction of the price may have positive results and

maximize the profit. The company will not lose in its revenues, but will for sure get more clients and

satisfied passengers that will become regular customers.

AZAL has three classes in each aircraft and should reduce process for economy class by

increasing them in some extent for business and first class. According to the experience of such

companies as Emirates, Air France and Lufthansa (fig. 25) 1-3% of seats in the first class give 13-14%

of the revenue, 12-25% of seats in the business class give 29-50% of the revenue and 69-85% of the

seats in economy class gives 30-35% of the revenue.


Figure 25. Example of allocation of classes and revenues in the leading airlines companies

Source: Airline Industry Overview, 2016

AZAL does not refer to any alliance and does not have to adjust to member’s prices, but it has

to make them competitive. Regular modification of the prices and their matching to the needs of

different types of travelers together with appropriate to that price quality of services will give AZAL

more competitive position on the regional and global market.

3.3. Place

Developed channels of distribution are one of the most important basics of regulating sales.

Azerbaijan Airlines uses different marketing channels. Researches of AZAL’s customers’ opinion

show that customers prefer its webpage for making purchase, so “zero level” channel is well

developed. Direct sales from the internet and in the ticket counters helps to decrease the costs of

distribution as company doesn’t have to pay commissions to the agents.

In order to improve the mechanism of buying tickets through the web-page of AZAL next

changes should be made:

1. Adding of the additional services panel. Implementation of additional services that were

described in 3.1. Should be followed by the appropriate changes on the web-page of the

company (hotels booking, car renting, touristic discounts). As Internet is the most popular

source of information for most of people it is also the best place for presentation of the new


2. Adding panel with promoting discounts and low-cost flights.


Azerbaijan Airlines actively uses “one level” marketing channels cooperating with different

intermediaries such as travel agencies and various metasearches for cheap flights (like Kayak,

Skyscanner and Momondo). Provisions offered by IATA are 9% for international sector and 5% for

domestic sector. AZAL should set up a separate shopping engine to handle its whole metasearch


AZAL should positioning its direct channels and make them more attractive by giving customer

additional benefits for using them. Monitoring of the prices by the author showed that prices on the

portals with option of searching cheap flights are much lower than the web page of AZAL.

Heydar Aliyev International Airport in Baku is the base hub of the Azerbaijan Airlines and both

of them are identified very often as one whole and influence on the image of each other. Airport

provide services and its marketing should fits the characteristics of the services. Next proposals, based

on the characteristics of services that distinguish them from typical goods, are made for the

improvement of the airport’s services:

Airport’s services are inseparable - they are produced and consumed simultaneously and

through the interaction with many departments and other companies (transfers, hotels, food

services etc.). The organization of the work of the airport should ensure coordinated and

integrated functioning of all the constituent elements,

Airport should reinforce brand identity and encourage loyalty what is possible only by

providing services of the high quality,

The same as for product of the airline the airport management has to use tangible signals to

evaluate and improve the intangible services – passenger’s feedback should be provided and

analyzed constantly to identify the problems and to solve them.

Constant control of the quality should take place. For example, food services and access to high

speed Internet were determined one of the most unsatisfying and need to be examined and


Airport products and services generally cannot be stored for later sale or use, so it is important

to predict the demand for certain services and the changing of passengers’ needs to save its


Just rebuilt Baku airport meets all current requirements and became popular among airlines thank to

its safety ad strategical position. However, investment of its building were very high and to recoup all

implemented innovations company offer fees which sometimes are very high. Rich airlines may allow

themselves to pay high landing fees but be sure of the quality of the served services. Oppositely low-


cost companies left Azerbaijan because of increasing of those fees, because they made their flights to

Baku unprofitable. Contracts and fees should be reviewed to guarantee the occupancy of the airport and

revenues in the future.

3.4. Promotion

Offered changes of the product, price and place for Azerbaijan Airlines took to consideration

preferred by the passengers forms of promotion such as price reduction, bonuses, free products or gifts,

- and they should be followed by appropriate changes in promotional strategies.

AZAL uses standard ways of promotions – published materials (magazine, information brochures,

and posters in the airport, in the big cities in Azerbaijan and abroad), Internet (first of all its webpage

and positioned ads), catalogues of the domestic and some foreign travel agencies and so on.

Advertising become more and more importunate and usually customer ignore messages the

company try to deliver. That is why to break through the advertising clutter airlines are looking for the

new ways of promotion. AZAL should try to implement the onboard events that will be safe,

interesting, and interactive and will make better the image of the company and at the same time

promoting its products.

Good way to form the loyalty is small branded gifts that will not be costly, but will make a

pleasure to the passengers, especially for families or tourists – it will increase the emotional connection

between the customer and the company.

Another form of promotion AZAL should develop in order to improve public relations and brand

perception is sponsorship. AZAL successfully sponsors perspective Spanish football team Atlético

Madrid using the slogan “Land of Fire”. This sponsorship include shirt sponsorship and also socially

oriented events – company planned the Atlético took part in the program of training young footballers

in Madrid and Baku. Azerbaijan Airlines was also a partner of The European Games in Baku in 2015

that helped them to promote its brand to wide and international audience. AZAL also sponsor the

football team – AZAL PFK (prev. Olimpik-Shuvalan Baku) that is the member of European Club


AZAL may manage significant changes for its brand perception and position on the market by

sponsoring the fields represented on the fig. 26.


Figure 26. Perspective fields for sponsorship for AZAL

Defined spheres for sponsorship are first of all perspective, because of their popularity (wrestling,

gymnastics, and football) and access to big amount of people (Baku Expo Center, Opera and Theatre).

The sponsored events or objects should underline some features of the company – high quality, speed

and comfort of flights, diversity of the services and so on.

Important to use social media for promotion. Variety of social media allows to get to many

potential customers all around the world and to represent the information about the company and its

product in an unobtrusive way and underline the fact that company is in touch with people on a more

personal level. Also it’s a perfect tool for feedback and collecting opinions and suggestions from the

passengers to increase the quality of the services. The most popular social media are Facebook, Twitter,

YouTube, and LinkedIn (fig. 27). Using them company will rapidly and in easier way inform its

customers about important changes, new sales promotions, new flight’s direction etc.


fields for

sponsorship for AZAL

freestyle wrestling


Baku Expo


Azerbaijan State

Academic Opera and

Ballet Theater


Figure 27. Example of AZAL’s message in the social media

Source: Facebook, 2016

AZAL as a national carrier should focus on dual strategy of promoting its services and touristic

potential of Azerbaijan. Reasonable prices and using of the effective promotion tools can make

Azerbaijan attractive destination for tourists that are always looking for unique, authentic and exotic

places to visit with good, comfortable and fast transportation channels.

3.5. People

The award for Best Airline Staff in Central Asia and India (3rd place) given by Skytrax to AZAL

says about good training of the personnel and good customer services. Aircraft staff and personnel of

the sales office completely satisfy the passengers and only for some extent airport staff and telephone

support is not enough satisfying.

Constant training and improving the skills of the on-board and on-ground staff is a key to good

customer service. Customer should be happy and satisfied by all services, which are included in the

price he paid for the flight ticket. To provide such customer service employers should be patient (be

ready to listen to the customer and its complains), attentive (notice the obvious needs and suspicious

behavior), has clear communication skills (be able to represent the information about the company and

its services in a clear and understandable way), have good knowledge of the product (be ready to

answer various questions and to make passengers fill that they are in the safe hands especially in

extraordinary situations) , use “positive” language, have time managing skills (be able to do everything

in time), empathy and understanding (guess the mood and wishes of clients), work in stressful

situations (safety of the airports and aircrafts is not always can take place, so personnel should be


informed about behavior in different dangerous situations) and others. For bigger effect trainings of the

personnel should be provided by the external company as for example company “Provide Support”.

Also AZAL should make steps to improving the system of payments and rewards for its employees

to motivate them for high qualified customer support and providing appropriate services in common.

Company has to ensure remuneration dependent on length of work, age of the worker, which

corresponds to the promotion of the career ladder, contribute to employees’ stable employment and

development of their skills. AZAL should implement the system of rewards in the form of additional

payments to the main salary that will depends on the researches of customer’s satisfaction of the

separate departments and services in common.

All efforts of the personnel should be focused also on the saving of the time of the passengers. Any

unnecessary delays, formalities and procedures that consume the time of the customer arouse the best

impatience - sometimes it ends in annoyance and frustration, which does not build good associations

with the company. The goal of all personnel is to provide conditions for stress-free and enjoyable trip.

Important to develop psychological skills that helps to identify the needs of the customer and offer

appropriate decision. Modern technologies and access to the Internet make possible to the passenger do

many by themselves and get needed information. Still there are always questions on which only

competent workers can give answer. At the airport of Baku should be workers that freely move across

the airport and provide services that are more flexible. Using tablets with certain database will be

appropriate for such workers in order to give actual and full information. Mobile service staff, who will

change the paradigm of traditional customer support to a more specific approach to customer service.

Permanent examination of quality customer service should take place among on-board and on-

ground staff. AZAL and manager Heydar Aliyev International Airport should use such simple but

effective method as mystery shopping. According to this method specially trained auditor (mystery

shopper) will play the role of an ordinary customer who during the process of the purchase carry out

observation and saves the observations in a special questionnaire. Mystery shopper does not have to

disclose the employees of his role, so in that way he will give an insight into the actual process of

service (actual process operation). Observations should be made on the base of certain scenario.

Flexible and constantly improved customer support process and trainings will help AZAL to hold

its leading place in the region in the category of “best aircraft staff” and form competent on-ground

staff that will satisfy the passengers.


3.6. Process

The process of the flight is very complex and multilayered. It consists of many visible and not

visible for the passenger elements that all together influence on the success and good quality of the


The main problems that were revealed during the researches are: slow process of buying the tickets

(first of all for customers that used AZAL’s web-page), average customer support, average services of

promptness and accuracy of the luggage delivering. Those problems are not significant, but require the

company to pay attention on them and make some modifications:

1. Optimization and simplification of the buying process using AZAL’s system of on-line

bookings. Frequent Flyer Program plays here significant role as saved data decrease the time of

purchase, the possibility of making mistakes and offering the best offer corresponded to

previous purchases and passenger’s preferences,

2. Providing quick and effective customer support beginning form the searching for the flight and

ending the boarding and feedback. Passenger should fill the care of the personnel and see their

competence to have feeling of safety and satisfaction of the value he got,

3. Providing entertainment for the passengers that will meet their requirements described in

previous chapters. Important to make the process of the flight comfort, fast-lasting and


4. Guarantee the safety of the passenger in the airport and on the board of the aircraft using

security screening and providing all needed equipment and help in case of technical problems

on the board of the aircraft or other life-threatening situations,

5. Improving of the existing operational system or implementation of the new information system.

AZAL try to follow all world trends in airline industry and use modern technologies. One of the

systems that is used by many leading airlines is ALDIS – Airport Landing Dues Information

System. It consists of three main elements:

Airport Data Management System,

Credit or Cash Billing and Invoicing Engine,

Financial and Statistical Information System.

New technologies and optimized processes of the flight, security and airport’s facilities helps to

minimize the time of all processes enhancing the passengers to do many things by themselves (online

check-in, printing boarding passes), and maximize the value of the services.


3.7. Physical evidence

It is hard for consumer to assess the services, they buy because of its one main characteristic –

intangibility. To simplify the process of positioning new offers AZAL as many other companies try to

“tangibilize” their offers. Physical evidence in case of airline companies includes such aspects as

airport facilities, staff appearance, aircraft, uniform, printed brochures, magazines, branded souvenirs

and others. As physical evidence is mainly the environment, where services are delivered, two main

tangible components can be defined – aircraft and airport (ambience).

Airport facilities were more detailed described in the chapter 3.3, but aircraft as the most

important tangible element will be described. AZAL has very modern aircraft fleet and continue to

increase and renew it. That’s why passengers are very satisfied by the comfort of the seats, the ease of

movement, the quality of multimedia devices and conditioning.

In order to save and increase the high satisfaction of the ambience AZAL should control the

aircrafts to be customer-friendly, maintain the condition and aesthetic appearance of all equipment.

This will determine the extent of overall customer satisfaction and loyalty to the AZAL’s services.

Smooth take-off and landing, and ambient music tunes in the aircraft, departure and arrival halls, the

condition of facilities for use in emergency situations, the provision high standard conveniences, good

refreshments, and how they are served the seats and sitting arrangements facilities to allow air

passengers have front, side, and rear views of the outside environment in the course of the journey, and

neatness of the aircraft are all important contributors to an aircraft ambience.

Summarizing, the marketing mix is useful and almost indispensable business tool. Using the

theoretical analysis and conducted market research author make an attempt to propose the marketing

strategy on the base of 7Ps that will help AZAL to increase their competitive advantages on the

domestic and international markets and provide constant passenger’s flows. Having modern aircraft

fleet and airport in Baku that meets all modern requirements AZAL should first of all pay attention on

pricing strategies and improving customer service to increase the satisfaction of the customers.



After provided theoretical and field analyses following conclusions were made:

Theoretical analysis helped to summarize certain theoretical definitions and concepts. Most of

scientists determine service as any act or performance that one party can offer to another that is

essentially intangible, inseparable, variable, and perishable and does not result in the ownership

of anything. Listed characteristics of services vary them from the goods and influence on

forming special features of marketing,

Consumer has the central importance in the economy and product of the company has to meet

the needs of the consumer in order to make this company profitable,

Marketing mix is considered by marketers and managers all over the world as a basic tool for

targeting the market, creating strategic plans and promoting their products. Marketing mix help

to allocate available resources between defined 4 or 7 components in order to optimize the

production of services and maximize profit,

Complexity of airlines service is explained by complexity of services they provide as they

obtain sometimes very big spatial range, can be dangerous for people’s life and demand high-

cost and high technological machines within high qualified personal,

Azerbaijan Airlines thanks to investments of Azerbaijan’s President became a rapidly growing

company with modern aircraft and high quality services. Nevertheless the developing of the

company is limited by its monopolistic policy.

Azerbaijan Airlines and Azerbaijan airports have very big potential and meet all modern

requirements in civil aviation that is why it has strong position on local and regional market and

also noticed by international awards.

Researches of AZAL’s customers’ opinion were the base for identification of the main problem.

Issues Company has to deal with: low level of awareness of AZAL’s products, unsatisfied

quality of some services (e.g. on-board entertainment), average low of satisfaction of customer

support and personnel, too high prices comparing to its competitive.

Proposals for AZAL on the base of provided researches and analyses:

Product. Expend the net of directions offering new flights mainly to world business centers in

Western Asia - Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Taking into consideration


Azerbaijan’s international relations and touristic attractiveness of those destination new routes

can be in demand among citizens of Azerbaijan and foreigners. Company has to change The

Frequent Flyer Program adding new services available for passengers and new system of

gathering points on the base of miles, not price,

Price. Use pricing strategies based on booing classes and offer good and appropriate prices for

different types of traveler. Discounts form the average price may be up to 40% without losing

the revenue. AZAL should increase the price for first and business class that has significance

share in the revenue and very small share in the amount of seats in the aircraft,

Place. Improve the internet on-line booking in the AZAL’s web-page with possibility of

booking additional services as hotel rooms, car rental, and entrance tickets and so on. Company

proposed to work on sponsorship in sport as the perspective form of promotions and less

obtrusive as traditional advertising,

People. Develop the Customer Support by training personnel that will understand the needs of

the customers and solve any problem in a flexible way. Permanent examination using method of

mystery shopping should be used. There should be mobile and competent workers on the airport

that will help to solve not standard problems,

Process. Implement Airport Landing Dues Information System (ALDIS) to optimize the

process of delivering services,

Physical evidence. As aircrafts are the main physical evidence of Azerbaijan Airlines – its

technological control should be a foreground task. Company should continue to renew aircraft

fleet and maintain the good conditions in the current one.



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Annex 1

Questionnaire used during market research

Part I Personal Information

1) What’s your gender?

a) Male

b) Female

2) What’s your age?



c) 35-45

d) 45-55

e) 55+

3) What's your employment current status?

a) Student




4) What class you choose flying by planes?

a) Economy

b) Business

c) First class

4) Place of Birth _____________________

5) Current residence___________________

Part II General attitude of customers to the company

1. How often do you fly with AZAL?

a) Less than once per year


b) Once per year

c) Once per half a year

d) Once per 3 month

e) More than once per 3 month

2. Rate your level of satisfaction with the service

a) extremely satisfied

b) somewhat satisfied neutral

c) somewhat dissatisfied

d) extremely dissatisfied

3. Would you recommend this product to a friend or relative?

a) yes, definitely

b) maybe yes

c) not sure

d) not really

e) no, definitely not

4. Will you fly with AZAL again?

a) Yes, of course

b) Maybe

c) Don’t know

d) Rather no

e) Definitely no

5. What are the most influential factors that affect your choice of airlines?

a) Schedule

b) Punctuality

c) In-flight catering

d) In-flight internet

e) In-flight telephony

f) In-flight mobile telephony

g) In-flight entertainment

h) Frequent flyer program

i) Ticket price

j) Airline image


Part III Product

6. Please evaluate the in-flight services of AZAL (1 – totally unsatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)

1 2 3 4 5


On-board entertainment

In-flight connectivity


Ambience and comfort

7. Please evaluate the on-ground services of AZAL (1 – totally unsatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)

1 2 3 4 5

Check-in time

Checking and transportation

of the luggage

Transportation to the


Billing and payment

Waiting lounges

Duty free shopping

8. What factors impact the most on your perception of Azerbaijan Airlines brand?

a) on-time performance

b) aircraft quality and interior

c) customer interaction

9. Are you satisfied by luggage services?

a) Completely satisfied

b) somewhat satisfied

c) neutral

d) somewhat unsatisfied

e) totally unsatisfied

10. Do you use AZAL’s Frequent Flyer Program?



b) no, I don’t have such need

c) I don’t know about it

11. Does your membership affect your choice of airlines?

a) Strongly agree

b) Agree

c) Disagree

d) Strongly disagree

e) Not applicable

12. Do you use AZAL Miles Mobile App?


b) no, I don’t have such need

c) I don’t know about it

Part IV Price

13. What meaning the price have for you during the choice of the airlines?

a) It is the most influencing factor

b) Price should correspond to quality

c) The main factor is quality of services and available destinations

d) Price doesn’t have matter, the main thing is to get to desired destination

14. Please evaluate AZAL’s prices:

a) Two high

b) High

c) Average

d) Low

15. From your point of you AZAL’s prices comparing to other airlines are:

a) Very competitive

b) More than competitive

c) Not competitive

16. Do you think the AZAL’s prices:

a) Should obtain more services for the same prices

b) Should be lower for the provided services

c) Can be higher but with more additional services

d) Correspond to provided services


Part V Place

17. Where did you purchase your ticket?

a) Airline sales office

b) Company travel department

c) Airline desk at the airport

d) Travel agent

e) Airline website

f) Online travel agents

g) Others_____

18. Please rate the airport of your departure and arrival using AZAL on each service item (1 –

totally unsatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)

1 2 3 4 5

Parking facilities

Availability of baggage


Waiting time in check-in


Ease of finding your way

through airport

Flight information screens

Courtesy and helpfulness of

airport staff

Restaurant/Eating facilities

Availability of bank/ATM

facilities/money changers

Internet access/Wi-Fi

Part VI Promotion

19. Where did you first find the Information about AZAL?

a) Internet

b) Friends


c) Travel agencies or travel portals

d) Posters and banners on the streets and in the airport

e) Television

20. What it is your opinion about AZAL’s Frequent Flyer Program?

a) I didn’t use it

b) It is beneficial program I use

c) It is beneficial program I would like use

d) I don’t know anything about this program

21. What kind of sale promotions would you like AZAL to use:

a) Price reduction

b) Free products/gifts

c) Bonus packs deal

d) Competitions and prize draws

e) Cause-related and fair-trade products/services

Part VII People

22. Please evaluate the professionalism of staff (1 – incompetent, 5 – very professional)

1 2 3 4 5

Sales offices

Crew staff

Airport staff

On-line support

Telephone support

23. Choose the characteristics you can give to crew staff of AZAL

a) Hospitality

b) Enthusiasm

c) attitude and friendliness

d) well-educated

e) ignorant

f) unfriendly

g) caddish

Part VIII Process

24. Evaluate the easiness and quickness of purchasing the tickets for AZAL flights:


a) Very easy and quick

b) Easy, but slow

c) Complicated and slow

d) Cannot evaluate

25. Evaluate the customer support:

a) Excellent

b) Very satisfactory

c) About average

d) Somewhat unsatisfactory

e) Very poor

26. Please evaluate the promptness and accuracy of baggage delivery:

a) excellent

b) very satisfactory

c) about average

d) somewhat unsatisfactory

e) very poor

27. Please evaluate the process of the flight with AZAL in total:

a) Excellent

b) Very satisfactory

c) About average

d) Somewhat unsatisfactory

e) Very poor

Part IX Physical evidence

28. Please evaluate the airplane facilities (1 – totally unsatisfied, 5 – very satisfied)

1 2 3 4 5




Illumination & temperature

control systems

Ease of movement

Place for hand luggage


29. Please evaluate the design and informativeness of AZAL’s tickets and other printed materials:

a) Excellent

b) Very satisfactory

c) About average

d) Somewhat unsatisfactory

e) Very poor