developing integrated strategies for historic neighbourhoods (conference in larnaca, 08.02.2011)

1st Study Visit of Sure network, Larnaca, Cyprus Developing integrated strategies for the Developing integrated strategies for the regeneration of historic regeneration of historic neighbourhoods neighbourhoods Nils Scheffler [email protected]

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Page 1: Developing integrated strategies for historic neighbourhoods (conference in Larnaca, 08.02.2011)

1st Study Visit of Sure network, Larnaca, Cyprus

Developing integrated strategies for the Developing integrated strategies for the

regeneration of historic regeneration of historic neighbourhoodsneighbourhoods

Nils [email protected]

Page 2: Developing integrated strategies for historic neighbourhoods (conference in Larnaca, 08.02.2011)

1st study visit of SURE network in Larnaca | 8th February 2011 I Page 2


1. Challenges for the development of historic neighbourhoods

2. HerO approach: Integrated strategies for historic neighbourhoods

3. Conclusion

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Challenges for the development

of historic neighbourhoods

1. Safeguarding the cultural heritage and the visual integrity of the neighbourhood

2. Keeping a multifunctional neighbourhood

“for all”

3. Balancing the demands and needs placed on the neighbourhood

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Challenges for the development

of historic neighbourhoods

1. Safeguarding the cultural heritage and the visual integrity of the neighbourhood

a) Interest of protection vs.

interests of utilisation and exploitation;

- Awareness raising

- Design guides

- Offering alternatives

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b) Lack of resources and knowledge

of property owners;

Challenges for the development

of historic neighbourhoods

1. Safeguarding the cultural heritage and the visual integrity of the neighbourhood

- Information material and contact person

- Funds for the proper rehabilitation

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c) Lack of adequate instruments and structures

of public administration;

Challenges for the development

of historic neighbourhoods

1. Safeguarding the cultural heritage and the visual integrity of the neighbourhood

- Requirements, bans and rules

- Economic incentives

- Public relation and awareness raising

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Challenges for the development

of historic neighbourhoods

2. Keeping a multifunctional neighbourhood “for all”

a) Replacement of functions

b) Frictions between functions

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Challenges for the development

of historic neighbourhoods

3. Balancing the demands and needs placed on historic neighbourhoods

a) Different, partly conflicting demands by the

multitude of stakeholders

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Challenges for the development

of historic neighbourhoods


It can

a) lead to the erosion or destruction of cultural


b) undermine both the sense of place and

cultural identity

c) create changes in the social fabric and loss of


d) endanger the local economy by fostering


e) led to haphazard and unplanned


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HerO approach: Integrated strategies

for historic neighbourhoods Contribution

to safeguarding

Contribution to












Cultural Heritage


multifunctional historic urban areas

Management of demands + interests

Link the safeguarding of the cultural heritage Link the safeguarding of the cultural heritage

with the sustainable development of the area!with the sustainable development of the area!

Integrated approach!Integrated approach!

Participative approach!Participative approach!

Target and implementation Target and implementation

orientedoriented approach!approach!

ManagementManagement approach!approach!

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Developing a historic neighbourhood

1. Combine the safeguarding of the cultural heritage

with the sustainable development of the historic


2. Identify the key challenges and opportunities

of the area and the key needs of the stakeholders

and the cultural heritage;

3. Develop an integrated strategy with concrete

objectives, actions and management structures, which

- coordinates the challenges, opportunities and needs

- links the cultural heritage with related sector fields;

4. Involve the relevant stakeholders

in the development process;

Page 12: Developing integrated strategies for historic neighbourhoods (conference in Larnaca, 08.02.2011)

Nils [email protected]
