developing greater impact with high-impact practices: internships and civic engagement

Developing Greater Impact with HighImpact Practices: Internships and Civic Engagement Jillian Kinzie, Indiana University Gregory M. Weight, Washington Internship Institute Ariane Hoy, Bonner Foundation

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Page 1: Developing Greater Impact with High-Impact Practices: Internships and Civic Engagement

Developing  Greater  Impact  with  High-­‐Impact  Practices:  Internships  and  Civic  Engagement

Jillian  Kinzie,  Indiana  UniversityGregory  M.  Weight,  Washington  Internship  Institute

Ariane  Hoy,  Bonner  Foundation

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• What  are  High-­‐Impact  Practices?• What  is  liberal  education?• How  can  we  better  integrate  the  

two?★ especially  internships  and  

civic  engagement

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Why  the  Interest  in  HIPs?HIPs  are…  • Positively  associated  with  learning  &  student  success

• Respected  pedagogies• Beneficial  to  all  students• Valued  by  employers• Important  to  faculty• Enjoyable  for  students!  

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  Growing  evidence  that  “high-­‐impact  practices”  provide  substantial  educational  benefits  to  students[High-­‐Impact  Educational  Practices:  What  They  Are,  Who  Has  Access  To  Them,  and  Why  They  Matter  (2008)  AAC&U]

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High  Impact  Activities

★  First-­‐Year  Seminars  and  Experiences  ★  Common  Intellectual  Experiences★  Learning  Communities★  Writing-­‐Intensive  Courses★  Collaborative  Assignments  and  Projects★  Undergraduate  Research★  Diversity/Global  Learning★  Service  Learning,                                                                                        Community-­‐Based  Learning★  Internships★  Capstone  Courses/                                                                                  Projects

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Reflect  to  yourself

★Think  about  what’s  happening  right  now  on  your  campus.    

★What  are  your  strongest  HIPs  on  your  campus  right  now?  

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HIPs  Put  Student  Learning  at  the  Center

➢High  Engagement  (Peers,  Mentors,  Unscripted  Questions)

➢High  Effort  (by  Students)

➢High  Reward  (for  Learning)

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What  Makes  HIP  Effective?“HIP  Hallmarks”  6  elements  that—when  employed

—make  the  practices  high  impact:

✓They  are  effortful✓They  help  students  build  substantive  relationships  ✓They  help  students  engage  across  differences  ✓They  provide  students  with  rich  feedback  ✓They  help  students  apply  and  test  what  they  are  learning  in  new  situations  

✓They  provide  opportunities  for  students  to  reflect  on  the  people  they  are  becoming    

                                                             (Kuh,  2008;  excerpts  from  O’Neill,  Peer  Review,  2010)

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Lessons:  High  Impact  Practices

1.  Associated  with  desirable  learning  and  personal  development  outcomes.

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2.  Features  Make  a  DifferenceInternships

• Value  of  real  world,  applied  experience• Best  when  linked  to  curriculum,  and  involves  critical  reflection• Attend  to  Inequities…Difficult  for  first-­‐generation,  low  income  students  if  experience  is  unpaid

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HIPs:  Differences  by  Race-­‐Ethnicity

3.  Not  all  students  take  part  in  HIPs…  Across  ALL  institutions…

• 48%  Seniors  “have  done”  Internships

Source: “Assessment of High-Impact Practices: Using Findings to Drive Change in the Compass Project,” by Ashley Finley, Spring 2011,, Peer Review.

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High  Impact  Practices  by  Race/Ethnicity


(NSSE 2014 results)

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What  do  First  Year  Students  Expect?  (NSSE  2014  results)

• 76%  expect  to  do  an  Internship• 43%  expect  to  study  abroad• 56%  plan  to  do  a  capstone  • 35%  expect  to  do  research  with  faculty

What  informs  student  expectations?

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Participation  in  HIPs  Varies  by  Major


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Faculty  Perception  of  HIPs• How  important  is  it  to  faculty  that  undergraduates  do  HIPs  (“very  important  +  important”)  :–  Culminating  Exp/Capstone   86%                –  Internships       82%  –  Community  Service       58%–  Research  with  faculty     57%–  Learning  comm.(FY)       46%–  Study  Abroad       41%

»FSSE  2014  Upper  Division  Faculty  results

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High  Impact  Practices

★  First-­‐Year  Experiences  ★  Common  Intellectual  Experiences★  Learning  Communities★  Writing-­‐Intensive  Courses★  Collaborative  Projects★  Undergraduate  Research★  Diversity/Global  Learning★  Service  Learning,  CBL★  Internships★  Capstone  Courses/Projects

Couldn’t  they  all  be  tied  to  community  engagement?

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Relevance  of  a  Liberal  Education

We  need  to  think  about  deeper  restructuring  of  scholarship  and  teaching  so  that  it  provides  more  of  what  ciZzens  need:  values,  facts,  and  strategies  that  they  can  use  to  make  the  world  beRer.  Some  of  that  teaching  and  research  should  be  experienZal  and  community-­‐based,  but  I  think  almost  as  important  is  to  reorient  our  reading  and  wriZng  and  classroom  discussions  so  that  they  are  more  integrated  and  relevant  to  ciSzens’  problems.  ~  Peter  Levine  “A  Defense  of  Higher  EducaSon  and  

its  Civic  Mission”  (2013,  p.  5)hRp://

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What  Education  Can  Be

...We  want  an  educaZonal  future  that  draws  on,  and  draws  out,  the  implicaZons  of  the  new,  high-­‐impact  pracjces  like  [community  engagement].  It  would  provide  students  with  an  arc  of  learning  experiences—acZve,  collaboraZve,  boundary-­‐crossing,  and  integraZve—that  interweave  intellectual,  professional,  civic,  and  personal  growth.

 ~  David  Scobey,  “A  Copernican  Moment”(2012,  p.  13)

hnp://  or  

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Reality  Check:    Student’s  Perspective

Students’  perspectives  from  large-­‐scale  study  by  Ashley  Finley  and  Tia  McNair  (2013)

Report:      Finley  &  McNair,  Assessing  Underserved  Students’  Engagement  in  High-­‐Impact  Practices,

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A  Deeper  Look  at  What  Students  Are  Doing

“...I  have  teachers  that  take  us  out  of  the  building.  I  don't  know  what  it's  called.  It's  called-­‐-­‐it's  called  something  here.  They  take  you  out  of  the  building,  and  you  go  learn  about  like  the  vegetable  gardens  that  they  have  growing  here,  among  the  Hmong  society...So  there's  a  lot  of  professors  here  that  teach  differently.”  ~  Student,  Wisconsin  

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Reality Check: Student’s Perspective

“I think projects with real world implications. I was really lucky enough to have more than a couple of classes where we did group work, where the outcomes of our projects at the end of the term made a real world difference where we were working at the nonprofit, at the library, and all the research that we did actually went to publication. All of the systems that we had researched and designed actually went someplace and that was incredible.”

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“I recently..took an anthropology class and it was uh, water systems… good class. And the research project I chose was a little creek around here, and this little creek used to be horribly polluted… like bad... It’s not that way today. But I got to go out and find out that there are actually people who care, people trying to make a real difference for the whole world- city workers...I got to interview these people and talk with them and it changed my perspective on the world...

I was amazed at the willingness of these people to talk to me for a silly little research paper, but they had passion and wanted to talk about this stuff…

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A  Developmental  Approach

Series  of  scaffolded  opportunities  in  community  engagement  that  build  skills,  knowledge,  competencies  =“SIGNATURE”

★Freshmen  Year

★Senior  Year

★Sophomore  Year

★Junior  Year

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A  sequence  of  real-­‐world  internships

★First  Year  Experience/Learning  Community

★Summer  Internship

★Second  Year  (School  Year  Internship)           Project-­‐Based  Learning

★Summer  Internship

★Third  Year:  Research  Project         Service-­‐Learning

★Fourth  Year:  Capstone           Project  &  Presentation

★Summer  Internship

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And,  It’s  What  Employers  Want

Skills and Abilities Wanted by EmployersSkills and Abilities Wanted by EmployersSkill/Quality Weighted average

rating* Ability to verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the organization


Ability to work in a team structure 4.60

Ability to make decisions and solve problems 4.51

Ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work 4.46

Ability to obtain and process information 4.43

These skills were rated above analyzing quantitative data, technical job knowledge, and proficiency with computer software, the next on the list.

2012 Survey “What Employers Want” by the National Association of Career Educators (NACE)

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So,  why  add  civic?

★Public  mission

★Real-­‐world  learning

★Lifelong  knowledge,  habits,  skills,  &  flourishing!

★Our  communities  want  our  engagement  -­‐  inqualities  demand  it

★Contribute  &  make  an  impact  ~  now!

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High-­‐Impact  Community  Engagement

CE  Internships  can  use  proven  practices:

• Cohorts/Teams• Mentors  (Collaboration  between  “educator”  -­‐  including  the  partner  -­‐  and  “student”)

• Place• Inquiry• Depth• Sequence• Reflection• Impact

(Hoy  &  Johnson,  2013;  Battistoni,  Mitchell,  &  Keene,  2013)

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Connecting  the  dots...

★Where  is  (deep)  community  engagement  happening?

★Are  the  HIPs  on  your  campus  connected  with  community  engagement?

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So  How  Can  Internships  &  CE  Connect?

Building  Capacity  for  Non-­‐Profits,  Schools,  Government,  and  Communities

• Volunteer/Staff  Management  

• Training,  Curriculum  and  Program  Development

• Communications

• Research  and  Evaluation

• Resource  Development

• Public  Policy

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It starts with a simple ask...

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Example: The College of New Jersey

Had  core  community  partners  (multi-­‐year)  complete  capacity  building  survey.    

Distilled  their  wants  into  internships  that  could  be  connected  with  students.

Developed  50  community-­‐based  academic  internships  with  30  partners!

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Appeals to students!

Hot topics!

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Builds agencies’capacity and students’ future


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Lots of majors and disciplines

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Similar Examples Happening at

★Rutgers University - Policy Research Internships

★Siena College - School of Business multi-year undergraduate program [NEXT ] where students consult on teams

★University of Richmond - engaged students to “apply” to non-profits for their school year internship

★Davidson College - catalog of community-based internships for students, drawing on non-profits capacity-building opportunities


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Internship  Quality  and  Integration

★ Connecting  to  a  student’s  academic  work

★ Providing  opportunities  for  reflection  and  critical  inquiry

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The  Best  Internships

★ Develop  skills  and  habits  of  mind  that  are  crucial  to  developing  lifelong  learners  and  professionals

★ Produce  real-­‐world  results  for  students  during  rather  than  after  their  education

★ Develop  qualities  vital  to  citizenship  and  professionalism

★ Connect  students  to  others—off  and  on  campus—who  can  become  peer  connections  and  who  can  become  mentors

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★ Lack  of  communication

★ Faculty  reward  structures

★ Technology:  can  high-­‐quality  experiential  learning  be  virtual?

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★ How  can  your  strongest  HIPs  be  leveraged  to  strengthen  civic  engagement  and/or  internships?

★ How  can  we  address  the  challenges  to  building  high-­‐quality  HIPs?

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Contact  Us

Jillian  Kinzie,  Indiana  Universityhttp://[email protected]

Gregory  M.  Weight,  Washington  Internship  [email protected]

Ariane  Hoy,  Bonner  [email protected]