developing educational system for sustainable development -chubu university and esd- reita furusawa...

Developing Educational System for Sustainable Development -Chubu University and ESD- Reita Furusawa Researcher, -Chubu Institute for Advanced Studies -International ESD Center Chubu University 7/June/2010 Hokkaido University

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Developing Educational System for Sustainable Development

-Chubu University and ESD-

Reita FurusawaResearcher, -Chubu Institute for Advanced Studies -International ESD CenterChubu University

7/June/2010Hokkaido University


ACTA, NONVERBASpirit of Chubu University

Chubu University

Chubu University and the Campus

Chubu University and Students

Chubu University has 7 colleges and 24 departments. About 9000 students

Chubu University and ESD (Back ground)

• 2007/6 applied for RCE• 2007/10 Acknowledged as RCE Chubu by UNU• 2008/4 Chubu Institute for Advanced Studies

started ESD Research workshop• 2009/4 International ESD Center was

established• 2009/6 Joined ProSPER.NET

Chubu University and ESD (3 Dimensions)

Sustainability Science

Sustainability Science

Mutual learning (education) for SDMutual learning

(education) for SD

Formal Education

In-formal Education*Trans-boundary Learning

Application to and Linkage with Community

Application to and Linkage with Community

1. Sustainability Science and Chubu U.

-Superconducting DC Power Transmission Cables:

Development of a system using   superconducting cables for long-distance electric power transmission and   stabilization of electricity grids, with linkage to new energy sources.

1. Sustainability Science and Chubu U.

-Chubu University Satoyama Project:

Aichi Prefectural Government and the College   (and Graduate School) of Bioscience and Biotechnology in Chubu University has   created a model site of Satoyama on Chubu University’s Kasugai Campus, used for  experiments and educational purposes, such as developing thinning system in the forest.

2. Mutual learning and Chubu U.-“Jizokugaku no Susume” Project; Sustainability Lecture Series

Lectures from 5 different departments for the 2nd year students, called “Basic Education for Sustainability Course” is open (2010). The new series called “Action for Community Course” will be open for 3rd and 4th year students (2011).

2. Mutual learning and Chubu U.-Campus Eco Museum Project (CEMP) and symposium:

CEMP aims to promote ESD on campus showcasing the University’s cutting edge sustainability science researches such as the applied superconductivity and sustainable energy research, Chubu University Satoyama Project, the production of useful substances from Cellulosic Substances,and so on.

1st. Chubu University ESD Research and Activity Workshop

13 May 2010

2. Mutual learning and Chubu U.

1 グリーン・ニューディールの未来社会The Green New Deal and Our Future Life

2 間伐材を活用したアートプロジェクトThe art project of using a thinned timber (timber from forest thinning)

3 災害時出動用飛行船のデータ通信アンテナに関する研究Research about antenna engineering for apply to emergency airship.

4 カーボン薄膜太陽電池の開発5 障害者スポーツ活動報告

Report on student activity in sports for the disabled6 2009年度フレンドシップ活動の展開と成果

‐地域の子どもとのふれあい活動を通した子ども理解と実践的指導力の向上‐The Development and its success of Friendship Project 2009: Understanding community children, and students ‘professional development

7 外国籍市民のための子育て自立支援と持続可能なまちづくりEmpowerment of foreign citizens for Sustainable multicultural community building

8 土岐川・庄内川源流 森の健康診断の 5 年間の活動・研究紹介Introduction of the Project on Physical Checkup of Forests at the Origin of the Toki-Shonai River for Water Source Conservation in these five years

9 大学で取り組んでいるキャンパスマネーの取り組みThe trial of campus money at Chubu University

10 アジア 太平洋における・ ESD の若者ネットワーク構築の活動The Activity of ESD youth network development in Asia-Pacific

10 Presentations at 1st. Chubu University ESD Research and Activity Workshop

Art object using forest thinnings

Mutual Learning and Communication among the Students

2. Mutual learning and Chubu U.-Publishing News Letter, “Chubu University ESD NEWS”.

“Chubu University ESD NEWS” is published for the information sharing within the campus and to the community. The contents are, ESD Campus news, ESD X Research, ESD X Students, ESD and community, ESD X International Collaboration.

3. Chubu U. ESD and the community

-Chubu University and RCE Chubu

For each of the river basins that comprise the vertical, spatial axis of the scheme, there will be a horizontal axis drawn from a wide range of thematic content. Information exchange and coordination will be fostered with a focus on local activities relating to sustainable development, which will be put into expanded practice through the project nodes. The themes to be taken up will include manufacturing, energy, forest conservation, river and tideland conservation, and multicultural harmony. The initial activities are as followings. - Toki-Shonai River Watershed Database project - Ise-Mikawa Bay Watershed Research project

3. Chubu U. ESD and the community

-Forest Health Check-up:

A survey and study project on the forests at the headwaters of the Toki-Toki-Shonaigawa riverShonaigawa river, relying on the efforts of local residents, with the aim of grasping current forest conditions in a scientific and region-wide manner.

Chubu University’s Challenge for ESD (Synergy of 3 Dimensions)

Sustainability Science

Sustainability Science

Mutual learning (education) for SDMutual learning

(education) for SD

Application to and Linkage with Community

Application to and Linkage with Community

Formal Education

In-formal Education

Chubu University’sChubu University’sEducational System for Educational System for Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Development

Chubu University and International Collaboration on ESD

-International Expert Meeting on Environmental Human Resource Development (Sep/2009)

- ESD Symposium at Shanghai EXPO in September 2010 International SymposiumSeptember 4 and 5, 2010 Shanghai EXPO (DEV.NET Pavilion,Chubu University Week 1~7 Sep) Title: International Cooperation for ESD: Education for Sustainable Development Discussion will focus on inter-university collaboration in Asian-Pacific region with target audience of MA level and junior/senior level. Information will be exchanged about the on-going curriculum in each participating university and discussion will be held on the feasibility of joint curriculum, joint degrees, faculty exchange, and joint research.

1年 2 年 3 年 4 年

持続学の基礎教育「地球規模で考える」力を養う講義型科目5 学部の教員と地域の企業や行政人材によるリレー講義

持続学の実践教育「足元から行動する」力を養う実践型科目 地域の課題に取り組む、文理融合型プロジェクト (2011 年度開講 )


未来を創造するためには、さまざまな専門知識を融合させ、多様化する課題を解決していかなければなりません。その重責を担うのは、私たち人間です。人間同士が協力し合うことで社会を構築していくことができるのです。 そのため、文理融合の総合大学である本学は、各領域の知識を幅広く学習できる(地球規模で考え :Think Globally )講義を設置し、さらに他の領域の学生や地域の人材と協力できる(足元から実行する :Act Locally )実践教育を推進します。


本学では、「持続学」を推進するため、新たに 2 科目( 4 単位)を開講します。

体制取組の実現に向けた実施体制は、学長をリーダーとする教育改革推進プログラム運営委員会を設けます。授業実践も含め最終的には 70 名の教員が参加します。なお、本取組の評価体制には、学外からの有識者を含め、学内の関連する委員会のメンバーを加え、学内の教育改善・評価システムを運用、改善して行きます。

- ESD Symposium at Shanghai EXPO in September 2010

International SymposiumShanghai EXPO, September 4 and 5, 2010 Title: International Cooperation for ESD: Education for Sustainable Development Discussion will focus on international collaboration with target audience of MA level and junior/senior level. Information will be exchanged about the on-going curriculum in each participating university and discussion will be held on the feasibility of joint curriculum, joint degrees, faculty exchange, and joint research. Relevant information will be presented by a projector.  Based on the outcomes of a symposium held at Chubu University in September 2009, Chubu University has instituted visiting professorship from the participating universities starting in 2010.   Chubu University is also pledged to continue the symposium on annual basis. For the planned symposium in Shanghai, China, top-class participants will be invited from China (Fudan University, East China Normal University, Beijing University, and others), India (TERI, TERI University, University of Pune, and others), South East Asia (AIT, ASEAN, among others), and the Pacific (University of the South Pacific) with whom Chubu University maintains contacts. Chubu University has three working groups that promote information exchange under the auspice of Vice President of the University.(1) Environmental Management (Implementing a project under the scheme “Environmental Leadership Initiatives for Asian Sustainability” supported by Ministry of the Environment.(2) Disaster Management (engaged in curriculum development to start implementing in April 2010).(3) Geographic Information System (in charge of Digital Asia Server).