developing distributed semantic systems

Building Distributed Semantic Systems Antonio Garrote Hernández Monday, December 21, 2009

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Page 1: Developing Distributed Semantic Systems

Building Distributed Semantic Systems

Antonio Garrote Hernández

Monday, December 21, 2009

Page 2: Developing Distributed Semantic Systems


• Distributed processes

• Semantic meta data exposed as resources

• Triple space operations

• RESTful interface

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Different abstraction levels

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Sample application

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• Sensor processes monitoring generation of exceptions in different nodes and languages/platforms

• Aggregator processes retrieving the exceptions and creating Exception resources

• Exception RESTful semantic web service

• Web client displaying generated exceptions

Exception logging system

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Monday, December 21, 2009

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4 step process

1. Knowledge modeling

2. Formal description

3. Implementation of RESTful semantic services

4. Implementation of client processes

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1.Knowledge modeling

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1.Knowledge modeling

• Building of an ontology for the problem domain

• Ontology = TBox in Description Logics

• Use of W3C’s standard languages: RDFS or OWL

• Assistance of graphical tools like Protégé

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level message createdAt

ipAddress domain dc:title formatPattern

Node Language

Sample application ontology

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Developing the sample application ontology with Protégé

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Declaration(Class(Exception))SubClassOf(Exception owl:Thing)Declaration(Class(Node))SubClassOf(Node owl:Thing)Declaration(Class(ProgrammingLanguage))SubClassOf(ProgrammingLanguage owl:Thing)

Declaration(ObjectProperty(platform))ObjectPropertyDomain(platform Exception)ObjectPropertyRange(platform ProgrammingLanguage)

Declaration(ObjectProperty(generatedIn))ObjectPropertyDomain(generatedIn Exception)ObjectPropertyRange(generatedIn Node)

Declaration(DataProperty(level))DataPropertyDomain(level Exception)DataPropertyRange(level rdfs:Literal)

Declaration(DataProperty(ipAddress))DataPropertyDomain(ipAddress Node)DataPropertyRange(ipAddress xsd:string)

Declaration(DataProperty(formatPattern))DataPropertyDomain(formatPattern Exception)DataPropertyRange(formatPattern xsd:string)

Declaration(DataProperty(createdAt))DataPropertyDomain(createdAt Exception)DataPropertyRange(createdAt xsd:dateTime)

Declaration(DataProperty(content))DataPropertyDomain(content Exception)DataPropertyRange(content xsd:string)

Declaration(DataProperty(domain))DataPropertyDomain(domain Node)DataPropertyRange(domain rdfs:Literal))

Resulting ontologyusing OWL

Functional Notation

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2.Formal description

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• Formal description of the whole distributed system

• Concerned with ‘dynamic’ aspects of the system

• Use of an extended version of the Pi-Calculus

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TEAEWGET subscribe n POST n

Formal description of the sample application

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Formal description of the sample application

Processes equations:

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3.Implementation of RESTful semantic


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• 1 RESTful semantic service per OWL/RDFS class in the ontology

• Use of the Plaza Framework developed for building RESTful semantic web services

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• OWL/RDFS class triples

• Exposed as a RESTful resource

• Conceptually equivalent to a Linda triple space

RESTful Semantic Web Service

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Service’s InterfaceCreate POST

Read GET

Blocking read GET + xblocking header

Subscribe • GET + xsubscribe header• Websockets

Update PUT

Destroy DELETE

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REST Resource

HTTP request

triple space op.

RDF Graph

SPARQL query



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Plaza Framework

Monday, December 21, 2009

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Plaza Framework

• Manages ‘Plaza Applications’: OWL ontolgy + configuration module + resources modules

• Declarative: almost no coding required

• Support for different Java RDF repositories

• Automatic managing of triples through the concepts of write-tree and read-tree for the resources

• Support for the subscribe operation through chunked HTTP responses and websockets

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Sample application configuration module

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Sample application exceptions resource module

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4.Implementation of client processes

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• Client processes are just REST clients

• Required libraries: HTTP and triples format parser (RDF/XML, Turtle, JSON)

• Optional support for Websockets

• Clojure library included as part of the Plaza Framework

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Clojure implementation of the sensor and aggregator processes

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Javascript web client using websockets

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Web client execution

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• Semantic technologies enable rich description of problem domains vs. relational modeling

• Formal description of distributed systems enables reasoning about its validity and correctness

• RESTful semantic web services enable easy access to semantic data

• Building RESTful semantic web services clients is trivial due to the use of well known HTTP standard

• Triple Space operations are powerful coordination mechanisms for distributed processes


Monday, December 21, 2009