developing a meal-planning exchange list for traditional dishes in jordan

RESEARCH Perspectives in Practice Developing a Meal-Planning Exchange List for Traditional Dishes in Jordan HIBA AHMAD BAWADI, PhD, FACN; SAFA’A ADEL AL-SAHAWNEH, MSc ABSTRACT This study was conducted to develop a meal-planning exchange list for traditional combination dishes in Jor- dan. A total of 80 traditional dishes were selected from local cookbooks and through interviews with housewives. To minimize individual variations in preparation meth- ods, five different recipes for each dish were collected and averaged. Dishes were cooked according to the averaged recipe. The weight of each ingredient and dish’s net weight were documented in both kitchen and standard measures to be later used in dishes fitting into the exchange list. Samples from each prepared dish were analyzed for their macronutrient content following the Association of Official Analytical Chemists procedures. Correlation analysis was performed between macronu- trient content of prepared dishes and that published in food composition tables for the use in the Middle East or analyzed using food analysis software. Exchange lists were then developed using an approximation method suggested in the literature. Significant correlation was found between carbohydrate, protein, and fat amounts obtained in this study and that previously published or obtained by food analysis software. Meal-planning ex- change list for combination dishes is now available and ready to be used by food and nutrition professionals and health care providers in Jordan. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:840-846. N utrition-related chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity have be- come epidemic worldwide and in Jordan (1,2).A healthful diet has long been considered essential in pre- vention, or at least reducing the risk, of developing these diseases (3-5). Planning a healthful diet is not a simple task. The plan should obey many principles, including adequacy, balance, energy control, nutrient density, mod- eration, and variety (6). Factors influencing food choices provide a substantial answer to the question, Why do we eat the way we eat? Food choice is a function of many factors, including personal preferences, habits, ethnic heritage, and tradition (6). Considering these factors when planning a diet may increase the commitment of clients for whom the diet has been planned. Hence, hav- ing a planning tool that is culturally sensitive and con- siders all previously mentioned factors is a must in pro- moting better nutrition in a community. In 1950, a joint effort was undertaken by the American Dietetic Association, the American Diabetes Association, and the US Public Health Service to develop a system that permits trading foods without disturbing energy in- take or macronutrient distribution of a diet. In Jordan, the absence of a national food exchange list has made it difficult for food and nutrition profes- sionals to include traditional dishes in meal plans. Despite the existence of regional food composition ta- bles for Middle Eastern countries that include dishes common in Jordanian cuisine, ingredients and prepa- ration methods differ substantially between countries. This research offers a chance for Jordanian practitio- ners to plan culturally sensitive meal plans that guar- antee higher commitment. Practitioners outside Jor- dan working with Jordanian immigrants may also benefit from this research. METHODS Selection of Dishes Twenty housewives from different areas in Jordan were randomly selected and asked to name 20 dishes they usually prepare at home. Housewives were advised to refer to cookbooks they use in cooking to better recall dishes. Most frequently mentioned dishes (N80) were selected to be included in the exchange list. Recipe Collection To minimize the variation in food preparation methods among individuals, five women (from southern, northern, and central Jordan) were asked to provide a detailed recipe for each dish. The quantity of each ingredient was averaged (ie, summation of ingredients quantities di- vided by five). Every item in the average recipe was documented in both kitchen (eg, standard cups and spoons) and standard measurements (eg, grams, milli- grams, liters, and milliliters). To decrease the variation H. A. Bawadi is an assistant professor of human nutri- tion in epidemiology and S. A. Al-Sahawaneh is a grad- uate student, Department of Nutrition and Food Tech- nology, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Iribid, Jordan. Address correspondence to: Hiba Ahmad Bawadi, PhD, FACN, Department of Nutrition and Food Technol- ogy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, PO Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan. E-mail: hbawadi@just. Manuscript accepted: July 19, 2007. Copyright © 2008 by the American Dietetic Association. 0002-8223/08/10805-0002$34.00/0 doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2008.02.016 840 Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION © 2008 by the American Dietetic Association

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Page 1: Developing a Meal-Planning Exchange List for Traditional Dishes in Jordan










erspectives in Practice

eveloping a Meal-Planning Exchange List forraditional Dishes in Jordan







BSTRACThis study was conducted to develop a meal-planningxchange list for traditional combination dishes in Jor-an. A total of 80 traditional dishes were selected fromocal cookbooks and through interviews with housewives.o minimize individual variations in preparation meth-ds, five different recipes for each dish were collected andveraged. Dishes were cooked according to the averagedecipe. The weight of each ingredient and dish’s neteight were documented in both kitchen and standardeasures to be later used in dishes fitting into the

xchange list. Samples from each prepared dish werenalyzed for their macronutrient content following thessociation of Official Analytical Chemists procedures.orrelation analysis was performed between macronu-

rient content of prepared dishes and that published inood composition tables for the use in the Middle Eastr analyzed using food analysis software. Exchangeists were then developed using an approximation methoduggested in the literature. Significant correlation wasound between carbohydrate, protein, and fat amountsbtained in this study and that previously published orbtained by food analysis software. Meal-planning ex-hange list for combination dishes is now available andeady to be used by food and nutrition professionals andealth care providers in Jordan. Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:840-846.

utrition-related chronic diseases such as diabetes,cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity have be-come epidemic worldwide and in Jordan (1,2). A

ealthful diet has long been considered essential in pre-ention, or at least reducing the risk, of developing these

. A. Bawadi is an assistant professor of human nutri-ion in epidemiology and S. A. Al-Sahawaneh is a grad-ate student, Department of Nutrition and Food Tech-ology, Jordan University of Science and Technology,ribid, Jordan.

Address correspondence to: Hiba Ahmad Bawadi,hD, FACN, Department of Nutrition and Food Technol-gy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, POox 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan. E-mail: [email protected]

Manuscript accepted: July 19, 2007.Copyright © 2008 by the American Dietetic


gdoi: 10.1016/j.jada.2008.02.016


iseases (3-5). Planning a healthful diet is not a simpleask. The plan should obey many principles, includingdequacy, balance, energy control, nutrient density, mod-ration, and variety (6). Factors influencing food choicesrovide a substantial answer to the question, Why do weat the way we eat? Food choice is a function of manyactors, including personal preferences, habits, ethniceritage, and tradition (6). Considering these factorshen planning a diet may increase the commitment of

lients for whom the diet has been planned. Hence, hav-ng a planning tool that is culturally sensitive and con-iders all previously mentioned factors is a must in pro-oting better nutrition in a community.In 1950, a joint effort was undertaken by the Americanietetic Association, the American Diabetes Association,nd the US Public Health Service to develop a systemhat permits trading foods without disturbing energy in-ake or macronutrient distribution of a diet.

In Jordan, the absence of a national food exchangeist has made it difficult for food and nutrition profes-ionals to include traditional dishes in meal plans.espite the existence of regional food composition ta-les for Middle Eastern countries that include dishesommon in Jordanian cuisine, ingredients and prepa-ation methods differ substantially between countries.his research offers a chance for Jordanian practitio-ers to plan culturally sensitive meal plans that guar-ntee higher commitment. Practitioners outside Jor-an working with Jordanian immigrants may alsoenefit from this research.

ETHODSelection of Disheswenty housewives from different areas in Jordan wereandomly selected and asked to name 20 dishes theysually prepare at home. Housewives were advised toefer to cookbooks they use in cooking to better recallishes. Most frequently mentioned dishes (N�80) wereelected to be included in the exchange list.

ecipe Collectiono minimize the variation in food preparation methodsmong individuals, five women (from southern, northern,nd central Jordan) were asked to provide a detailedecipe for each dish. The quantity of each ingredient wasveraged (ie, summation of ingredients quantities di-ided by five). Every item in the average recipe wasocumented in both kitchen (eg, standard cups andpoons) and standard measurements (eg, grams, milli-

rams, liters, and milliliters). To decrease the variation

© 2008 by the American Dietetic Association

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etween given recipes, a main food component (Y) in aish (X) was selected, and participants were asked torovide a recipe of how to prepare dish X with givenmount of component Y. For example, when recipes forbab hindy were collected, every housewife was asked torovide a recipe for kbab hindy calling for 0.5 kg meat.

ish Preparation and Analysisne batch of the average recipe was cooked. Cooking

onditions were under best possible control; all cookingas done by the same researcher using the same kitchennd facilities. The purpose of cooking was to get a preciseeight of the ingredients and the net weight of the pre-ared dish. Food proximate analysis according to Associ-tion of Official Analytical Chemists procedures was con-ucted to determine the amount of protein, fat, andarbohydrates (7). Analysis was conducted in the feednalysis lab in the Department of Animal Production atordan University of Science and Technology. Duplicateomogenized samples (300 g) from each dish wereaken and coded. Samples were desiccated in an ovenmodel NR 200F, Carbolite, Derbyshire, England) for 3ays, and then were ground. Moisture content wasalculated by the difference in wet and dry sampleeights. Ash content was determined using a furnace

model CSF 11/7, Carbolite, Derbyshire, UK). Nitrogenontent was determined using the Kjeldahl method andKjeletec system (model 1026, Tecator, Hoganas, Swe-en). Protein content was then estimated by multiply-ng the nitrogen content by 6.25. Total fat (ether ex-ract) was analyzed using a Soxtec system (model HT043, Tecator, Hoganas, Sweden). Total carbohydrateontent was estimated by difference in sample weightoisture, ash, protein, and ether extract.

erving Size Determinations mentioned, the net weight of the whole dish waseasured and reported in both standard measures (kilo-

rams) and kitchen measure (cups). The amount thatives the best fit in the exchange system was chosen to beserving.After the proximate analysis for the whole amounts of

he prepared dish were obtained, the same data werebtained for each serving by dividing the amounts ofarbohydrates, protein, and fat by the number of serv-ngs. For example, after the analysis of kbab hindy, it wasound that the whole dish contains 145.2 g carbohydrate,66.5 g protein, and 123.3 g fat. If one serving of kbabindy equals 1/3 c (75 g), 1 serving should contain 5.8 garbohydrate, 6.7 g protein, and 4.9 g fat.

ishes Fitting in the Exchange Listn this study, we followed the rounding-off method (de-cribed below) of Wheeler and colleagues (8) to get bestossible precision when fitting dishes into the exchangeist.or Carbohydrate Exchange. If food portion had 1 to 5 garbohydrate, it was not counted as a serving. If it had 6o 10 g carbohydrates, it was counted as half a serving.nd if it had 11 to 20 g carbohydrates, it was counted as

ne serving. v

or Fat Exchange. If food portion had 0 to 2 g fat, it was notounted as a serving. If it had 3 g fat, it was counted asalf a serving. And if it had 4 to 7 g fat, it was counted asne serving.or Protein Exchange. If food portion had 0 to 3 g proteinrom the meat and meat substitutes list, it was notounted as a serving. If it had 4 to 10 g protein, it wasounted as one serving.

omparison with Food Composition Table of the Regione conducted a search to determine if dishes included in

ur list were included in the previously published foodomposition tables for use in the Middle East prepared byellet and Shadervian (9). Twenty-four dishes out of 80ere found in the work by Pellet and Shadervian. The

omposition of the 24 items was compared to that foundn the proximate analysis conducted by the researcher,ontrolling for serving size.Because the food composition tables by Pellet and

hadervian (9) do not include many of the traditionalombination foods common in Jordan, we wanted to test ifne can use food analysis software not for the purpose ofiet analysis, but dish analysis. Ingredients of each dishnd their weights were entered into Food Processor soft-are (version 7.71, 2001, ESHA Research Inc, Salem,R) for analysis. Amounts entered were edible parts ac-

ually used in cooking. Because the database in Foodrocessor software does not include all items that aresed in the preparation of traditional dishes, such as

ameed and kishk, these items were subjected to proxi-ate analysis and then were added to the Food Processor

oftware database for later use. A list of these items andheir lab analysis is presented in Table 1. Unfortunately,ne item highly used in the Jordanian cuisine, samnehaladeeh, could not be analyzed either by Food Processoroftware nor laboratory proximate analysis because of theigh fat content. Samneh baladeeh is the solid animal fatubjected to home processing and storage and used inooking. Because the total fat content was our point ofnterest, samneh baladeeh was replaced with vegetablehee.

tatistical Analysisearson’s correlation coefficient was used as indicator for

Table 1. Proximate analysis of ingredients of combination foodsnot found in the database of Food Processor softwarea

Food componentCarbohydrate(g) /100 g

Protein(g) /100 g

Fat(g) /100 g

Gundelia 3.47 1.66 0.22Jameed 3.4 57.02 22.25Kishk 33.45 35.27 11.25Dry maftoul 43.66 9.04 1.15Dry friekeh 73.67 13.39 2.41Jew’s mallow, raw 5.56 5.14 0.54Mallow 5.52 5.84 0.88

aVersion 7.71, 2001, ESHA Research Inc, Salem, OR.

alidity. To broaden the application of this work, and

May 2008 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 841

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Table 2. Macronutrient content (in grams) of main combination dishes common in Jordanian cuisine

Dish name g Carbohydrates Protein Fat

Addas ma’ Ruz 115 13.4 4.6 1.7Akoob b’ zait 190 8.4 3.2 8.8Araees 80 24.6 11.8 10.1Badhinjan makli 50 4.9 0.9 7.1Badhinjan mihshi 120 22.9 6.4 5.6Bamieh b’ thom 100 27.3 8 9.6Banadoura b’ baid 120 5.4 1.9 12.1Banadoura b’ batata 125 15.1 3 2.6Banadoura b’ lahm 100 6.2 8.1 6.4Banadoura mihshi 150 17.4 4 3.4Batata mihshi 150 23.3 1.9 2.7Cha’acheel 95 7.7 7.9 2.8Djaj ma’ batata 100 15.5 7.2 8Djaj mhamar 100 9.2 7.4 6.5Djaj mihshi 75 12.6 10 6.1fassoulia khadra b’ banadoura 210 15 4 6.2Fattet makdos 100 10.2 6.7 11.5Fattet himmos 75 12.2 7.8 4.4Fetr b’ zait 80 11.6 3.1 7.4Friekeh 150 25 7.6 4.9Foul akhdar b’ zait 200 21 8.4 16.6Fulful akhdar mihshi 220 17.3 8.3 6.2Gedreh 220 27.7 12.3 6.9Kabseh 180 27.3 10.6 5.1Kafta b’ bandoura 150 3.5 8.2 2.7Kafta b’ tehineh 80 1.4 14.3 9.9Karnabeet b’ laban 170 6.2 10.9 16.6Karnabeet b’ tehineh 100 10 8.1 17.9Karnabeet makli 150 4 4.6 20.6Kishkieh 115 11 6.5 3.8Kussa b’ laban 220 6 13.2 7Khobaizh b’ zait 170 8.8 6.8 12.3Kibbeh b’ batata 60 10.7 7.2 5.5Kibbeh b’ burghol 50 11.6 7.1 6.7Kibbeh b’ laban 100 16 11 12.2Kibbeh makli 50 12.2 7.4 8.7Kbab hindy 75 5.8 6.7 4.9Kussa ma’ bandoura 200 10.5 4 4.9Kussa makli 100 9.2 4.8 11.1Kussa mihshi 150 13.9 2.2 4.9Macaroni ma’ laban 200 30.7 3.2 11.2Macaroni ma’ lahm 200 26.2 13 5.4Maftoul 150 12.1 9.8 4.4Makloubet badhinjan 150 15.7 8.1 11.1Makloubet batata 150 31.2 12.4 6.7Makloubet foul 150 28.1 13.8 5.9Makloubet karnabeet (Zahra) 150 12.1 8.1 9.9Makmora 75 15.8 8.7 4.6Malfouf mihshy 125 18.2 4.8 5.1Mansaf (1) 120 0.3 12.1 4.8Mansaf (2) 130 2.5 14.6 8.8Mjaddara b’ Burghol 90 13.7 5.6 4.3Mjaddara b’ Laban 100 16.3 7.1 0.8Mjaddara b’ Ruz 100 23.6 4.8 3.5Mjaddara hamra 100 19.8 6.3 8.6Msakhan 115 17.1 9.2 7.1Mshat karnabeet 90 13.6 1.2 12.5Mufarraket batata 75 12.3 1.7 6.9


42 May 2008 Volume 108 Number 5

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ecause there are many other combination dishes in Jor-an, we performed linear regression to enable best pre-iction of carbohydrate, protein, and fat when using foodnalysis software. Data were analyzed using the regres-ion procedure of SAS for Windows (version 6.0, 1991,AS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). Unless otherwise stated,ignificance was declared at P�0.05.

ESULTS AND DISCUSSIONarbohydrate, protein, and fat content of the traditionalishes included in this study are presented in Table 2.ased on the data in Table 2, exchange list for traditionalishes common in Jordanian cuisine is now available andeady for use by professionals and the public. Table 3resents the exchanges of the study dishes. Serving sizesre presented in standard measures and kitchen mea-ures.Very strong correlation was found between our proxi-ate analysis and that published in the Pellet and Sha-

arevian food composition tables (9) regarding carbohy-rate (r�0.74) and protein (r�0.70) content. Significantorrelation was found for fat (r�0. 47), yet not as strongs that found for carbohydrate and protein. When weompared our average recipe and the matched one pub-ished by Pellet and Shadarevian (9), we found that thereere considerable differences in the amounts of oils, eggs,nd meat used.In the case of Food Processor software analysis, the

orrelation was strong for carbohydrate (r�0.72) and fatr�0.82). Less strong correlation, yet significant, wasound for protein content (r�0.44). The reason why theorrelation for protein was not as strong as that found in

Table 2. Macronutrient content (in grams) of main combination dish

Dish name g

Oozy 75Rashoof 115Rushtaeeh 110Ruz b’ sheereh 60Ruz mfalfal 60Sayadieh 100Shakreeh 420Sheikh - el - mihshi 100Shelfato 200Shoshbarak 250Shourbat friekeh 210Shourbat il addas 220Tabakh roho 200Torfan 150Warak inab mihshi 140Yakhnet bamieh 200Yakhnet fassoulia baida 110Yakhnet fassoulia khadra 200Yakhnet khoudra mshakalh 230Yakhnet Mulukhiyah 440Yakhnet Sabanekh 500Yalangy 150

arbohydrate and fat is not fully understood. It is worth p

oting that in the Food Processor software analysis itemsntered were in raw, uncooked form; whereas in labroximate analysis results were obtained from theooked dishes. In other words, in Food Processor soft-are analysis, analysis and the net weight was basedn the summation of the weight of raw materials. Thiss may be different from the net weight after cooking.his is may be a main limitation of using Food Proces-or software in dish analysis. Table 4 represents re-ression equations for estimating carbohydrate, pro-ein, and fat content of combination dishes using Foodrocessor software.

ONCLUSIONSfood exchange list of 80 combination foods common in

ordan is now available. Based on this work, the analysisf any dish not listed in Table 2 can be predicted usingood analysis software and the prediction equations inable 4.The application of this work can be viewed by the

ublic, food and nutrition professionals, and researchers.he ultimate goal of nutrition counseling is to make

ndividuals in the community self-sufficient. Exchangeists like this one are essential to achieving this goal.xchange lists are user-friendly guides that enable

ndividuals to exchange foods without upsetting energyr macronutrient contents. They also can compareishes for their macronutrient contents to make betterhoices. Food and nutrition professionals can also usehis guide to plan culturally sensitive meal plans. Foodxchange lists are a good guide for meal planning forealthy individuals or for those with diabetes, weight

mmon in Jordanian cuisine (continued)

Carbohydrates Protein Fat

18.1 5.9 5.517.6 7.2 5.512.8 6.4 117.3 2.1 2.720.1 2 2.616.1 10.3 6.314.1 8.2 10.80.7 10.4 4.9

30.4 7.4 6.929.2 9.6 5.820.7 1.4 2.722.1 11.9 5.58.2 3.3 20.1

28.7 38.3 8.433.5 8.9 7.621 7.3 1513 10.4 5.17.4 9.8 6.3

20.5 12.8 9.56.4 7.9 10.38.2 9.1 9.9

27.3 4.4 9.3

es co

roblems, and any obesity-related disease (10). Food

May 2008 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 843

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Table 3. Exchange list for main combination dishes common in Jordanian cuisine

Exchanges per servingServingweight (g)

Servingsize Food item

1 starch 115 1⁄2 c Addas ma’ ruz ( thick soup of rice and lentil)1.5 vegetable, 1.5 fat 190 1 c Akoob b’ zait (stir-fired gundelia with olive oil)1.5 starch, 1 MFa meat, 1 fat 80 1 each Araees (baked pita bread filled with minced beef)1 fat, 1 vegetable 50 2 slices Badhinjan makli (fried eggplant)1.5 starch, 1 fat 120 1 each Badhinjan mihshi (eggplant stuffed with rice and minced beef)1 starch, 2 vegetable, 2 fat 100 1 c Bamya b’ thom (stir-fried okra with garlic)1 vegetable, 2 fat 120 1⁄2 c Banadoura b’ baid (stir-fried tomatoes with scrambled eggs)1 starch 125 1⁄2 c Banadoura b’ batata (stir-fried tomatoes and potatoes )1 vegetable, 1 MF meat 100 1⁄2 c Banadoura b’ lahm (diced tomatoes cooked with minced beef)1 starch. 0.5 vegetable, 1 fat 150 1 each Banadoura mihshi (tomatoes stuffed with rice and minced

beef)1.5 starch 150 1 each Batata mihshi (potatoes stuffed with rice and minced beef)0.5 starch, 1 lean meat 95 1⁄2 c Cha’acheel (dough cooked with lentil and jameed b)1 starch, 1 lean meat, 1 fat 100 1/3 c Djaj ma’ batata (broiled chicken and potatoes)0.5 starch, 1 lean meat, 0.5 fat 100 1/3 c Djaj mhamar (roasted chicken with onions)1 starch, 1 MF meat 75 1⁄2 c Djaj mihshi (whole chicken stuffed with rice and minced beef)3 vegetable, 1 fat 210 1 c Fassoulia khadra b’ banadoura (stir-fried green beans with

tomatoes)0.5 other carbohydrate, 1 vegetable, 2 fat 100 1⁄2 c Fattet makdos (bread soaked with chicken broth added to

fried eggplant and yogurt)1 starch, 0.5 VLc meat, 1 fat 75 1⁄2 c Fattet hummus (bread soaked with chickpeas extract added

to chickpeas paste, sesame paste, yogurt and minced beef)2 vegetables, 1.5 fat 80 1⁄2 c Fetr b’ zait (stir-fried mushroom with olive oil)1.5 starch, 0.5 HFd meat 150 1 c Freekeh (roasted green wheat cooked with chicken)1 starch, 2 vegetable, 3 fat 200 1 c Foul akhdar b’ zait (cooked fava bean with olive oil)1 starch, 0.5 vegetable, 0.5 HF meat 220 2 each Fulful akhdar mihshi (stuffed bell pepper)2 starch, 1 VL meat, 1 fat 180 1 c Gedreh (cooked rice with chickpeas and chicken)1.5 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 MF meat 150 1 c Kabseh (cooked spiced rice with chicken, onion, garlic, and

tomato sauce)0.5 vegetable, 1 lean meat 80 1⁄2 c Kafta b’ bandoura (broiled kabab with tomatoes)2 MF meat 85 1⁄2 c Kafta b’ tehineh (broiled kabab with sesame paste)0.5 whole-fat milk, 1 HF meat, 1 fat 170 1 c Karnabeet b’ laban (cooked cauliflower in yogurt soup)2 vegetable, 0.5 MF meat, 3 fat 100 1⁄2 c Karnabeet b’ tehineh (cooked cauliflower in sesame paste)1 vegetable, 4 fat 150 5 pieces Karnabeet makli (fried cauliflower)1 vegetable, 0.5 VL meat, 1 fat 75 1/3 c Kbab hindy (meatballs and potatoes cooked in tomato sauce)1 starch, 0.5 lean meat 115 1⁄2 c Kishkieh (kishike cooked with lentil and chickpeas)0.5 low-fat milk, 1 lean meat 220 1 c Kussa b’ laban (cooked squash with yogurt)2 vegetable, 2 fat 170 1 c Khobaizh b’ zait (stir-fried mallow with olive oil)0.5 starch, 1 MF meat 60 1 each Kibbeh b’ batata (baked layers of mashed potatoes, minced

beef)1 starch, 0.5 lean meat, 1 fat 50 1 each Kibbeh b’ burghol (baked layers of ground bulgur and minced

beef)1 starch, 1 MF meat, 1 fat 100 1⁄2 c Kibbeh b’ laban (stuffed balls of minced beef and ground

bulgur cooked in yogurt)1 starch, 0.5 MF meat, 1 fat 50 1 each Kibbeh makli (fried stuffed balls of minced beef and ground

bulgur)2 vegetable, 1 fat 200 1 c Kussa ma’ bandoura (cooked squash and tomatoes)2 vegetable, 2 fat 100 1 c Kussa makli (fried squash)1 starch, 1 fat 150 2 each Kussa mihshi (squash stuffed with rice and minced beef)2 starch, 2 fat 200 1 c Macaroni ma’ laban (pasta and yogurt sauce)2 starch, 1 lean meat 200 1 c Macaroni ma’ lahm (pasta in tomato sauce and minced beef)1 starch, 1 lean meat 150 1 c Maftoul (cooked couscous with chicken)1 starch, 1 MF meat, 1 fat 150 1 c Makloubet badhinjan (cooked rice with fried eggplant and

chicken)2 starch, 1 MF meat 150 1 c Makloubet batata (cooked rice with fried potatoes and



44 May 2008 Volume 108 Number 5

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nd nutrition professionals outside Jordan who workith Jordanian populations may also find this studyeneficial. Researchers in the field of nutrition may

Table 3. Exchange list for main combination dishes common in Jor

Exchanges per servingServingweight (g)


2 starch, 1 lean meat 150 1 c1 starch, 1 lean meat, 1 fat 150 1 c

1 starch, 1 lean meat 75 1⁄2 c

1 starch, 0.5 vegetable, 1 fat 125 5 pie

2 lean meat 120 1⁄2 c2 MF meat 130 1⁄2 c

1 starch, 0.5 VL meat, 0.5 fat 90 1⁄2 c1 starch, 0.5 VL meat 100 1⁄2 c1.5 starch, 0.5 fat 100 1⁄2 c1 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 fat 100 1⁄2 c1 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 lean meat, 1 fat 100 1 pie1 other carbohydrate, 2 fat 90 2 ea

1 starch, 1 fat 75 1⁄2 c1 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 fat 75 1⁄2 c

1 starch, 1 VL meat, 1 fat 115 1⁄2 c1 other carbohydrate, 1 VL meat 110 1⁄2 c1 starch 60 1/3 c1 starch 60 1/3 c1 starch, 1 MF meat 100 1⁄2 c1 low-fat milk, 1 vegetable, 1 fat 420 2 c1 .5 VL meat 100 1⁄2 c

1.5 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 fat 200 1 c1 starch, 1 low-fat milk 250 1 c1.5 starch 210 1 c1.5 starch, 1 VL meat, 1 fat 220 1 c1 vegetable, 4 fat 200 1 c

2 starch, 5 VL meat, 1 fat 150 1 ea1.5 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 fat 140 10 p1 vegetable,1 starch, 3 fat 200 1 c2 vegetable, 1 VL meat, 1 fat 110 1⁄2 c

1.5 vegetable, 1 VL meat, 1 fat 200 1 c

4 vegetable, 0.5 lean meat, 1.5 fat 230 1 c

1 vegetable, 1 MF meat, 1 fat 440 2 c1 vegetable, 1 MF meat, 1 fat 500 2 c1.5 starch, 1 vegetable, 1 fat 150 8 pie

aMF�medium fat.bJameed is a hard dry yogurt made from whey.cVL�very lean.dHF�high fat.eKishik is a dry mixture of wheat, bulgur, and whey.

enefit from this work, as well. Most nutrition epide- t

iology research takes into account individuals’ foodntake. This study helps with analyzing data and in-erpreting results in the context of carbohydrate, pro-

n cuisine (continued)

Food item

Makloubet foul (cooked rice with fava beans and chicken)Makloubet karnabeet (cooked rice with fried cauliflower and

chicken)Makmora (layers of cooked dough covered by onion and

chicken)Malfouf mihshy (cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and minced

beef)Mansaf- jameed soup (lamb broth with jameed)Mansaf-jameed/yogurt soup (lamb broth with jameed and

yogurt)Mjaddara b’ burghol (cooked bulgur and lentil)Mjaddara b’ laban (cooked lentil, rice, and yogurt)Mjaddara b’ ruz (cooked rice and lentil)Mjaddara hamra (cooked rice and lentil in tomato sauce)Msakhan (bread covered by onion, olive oil, and chicken)Mshat karnabeet (fried dough made of flour, cauliflower, and

eggs)Mufarraket batata (fried potato cubes and eggs)Oozy (cooked rice with peas, carrots, mushroom, and minced

beef)Rashoof (lentil, bulgur, and chickpeas cooked in whey)Rushtaeeh (lentil cooked with flour and jameed)Ruz b’ sheereh (fried rice with mini macaroni)Ruz mfalfal (fried rice)Sayadieh (rice cooked with fish pieces)Shakrieh (chicken cooked in yogurt soup)Sheikh-el-mihshi (stuffed squash with minced beef cooked in

yogurt)Shelfato (bulgur cooked in tomato sauce)Shoshbarak (dough stuffed with beef and cooked in jameed)Freekeh soup (chicken broth with roasted green wheat)Addas soup (lentil soup)Tabakh roho (fried eggplant cooked with minced beef and

tomatoes)Karshat/torfan (cow stomach and intestine stuffed with rice)Warak inab mihshi (stuffed grapes leaves with rice and beef)Yakhnet bamieh (okra cooked with tomatoes)Yakhnet fassoulia baida with beef (dry lima beans and beef

cooked in tomato soup)Yakhnet fassoulia khadra (green beans and beef cooked in

tomato soup)Yakhnet khoudra mshakalh (mixed vegetables and beef

cooked in tomato soup)Yakhnet mulukhiyah (Jew’s mallow soup with chicken)Yakhnet sabanekh (spinach soup with chicken)Yalangy (stuffed grapes leaves with rice and vegetables)







ein, and fat content.

May 2008 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 845

Page 7: Developing a Meal-Planning Exchange List for Traditional Dishes in Jordan






his research was funded by the Deanship of Research atordan University of Science and Technology project No./2006.The authors thank the Deanship of Research at Jordanniversity of Science and Technology for financial sup-ort (project No. 2/2006), and Majdi Abu-Shmais for lab-

Table 4. Macronutrient content prediction equations using macro-nutrients content data from Food Processor softwarea as explana-tory variables

Macronutrient (g) Regression equation

Carbohydrate CHOLABb�3.19�0.64*CHOESHAc

Protein PROLABd�2.8�0.42*PROESHAe

Fat FATLABf�1.4�0.48*FATESHAg

aVersion 7.71, 2001, ESHA Research Inc, Salem, OR.bCHOLAB�predicted lab analysis of carbohydrate content.cCHOESHA�carbohydrate content obtained from Food Processor software analysis.dPROLAB�predicted lab analysis of protein content.ePROESHA�protein content obtained from Food Processor software analysis.fFATLAB�predicted lab analysis of fat content.gFATESHA�fat content obtained from Food Processor software analysis.

ratory assistance.

46 May 2008 Volume 108 Number 5

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