deutsch ii notizen einheit: kochen the imperative form commands


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Page 1: DEUTSCH II NOTIZEN EINHEIT: KOCHEN The Imperative Form Commands


The Imperative Form“Commands”

Page 2: DEUTSCH II NOTIZEN EINHEIT: KOCHEN The Imperative Form Commands

Formal Command

Formal command = the “Sie” command

Used when you address one OR several people in a formal manner

Verb takes the –en ending of the Sie form

The pronoun Sie is always placed immediately after the verb

Kommen Sie hier!

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Formal Command

Examples:Nehmen Sie das

Buch!Kaufen Sie es!Finden Sie einen

Bleistift!Schälen Sie die

Kartoffeln, bitte.

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Familiar Command - Singular

Used when you are on a du basis with someone

Formed by removing the –st ending from the present tense of the du form

With MOST verbs (except funky ones), this leaves just the basic stem of the verb

NO pronoun used – just the verb itself

I’d say these two are on a du basis with

each other.

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Familiar Command - Singular


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Familiar Command - Singular

NOTE: Verbs whose stems end in a –t, -d, or a consonant cluster like –fn, keep the additional –e we’d add in the du form for pronunciation purposes

Examples: antworten Antworte! reden Rede! öffnen Öffne!

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Familiar Command - Singular

You may also see an –e ending on other verbs in the familiar singular command form – especially in conversational German

This is optional – Germans usually add it in there while talking for “flow” purposes

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Familiar Command - Singular

NOTE: On stem-changing verbs (funky verbs) verbs that have a vowel change from e > i or e >ie keep this change in the familiar singular command

Examples: essen isst Iss! geben gibst Gib! sehen siehst Sieh!

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Familiar Command - Singular

However: verbs whose stem vowel changes from a > ä do NOT retain this change in the imperative

Examples: fahren fährst Fahr! laufen läufst Lauf!

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Familiar Command - Plural

When you address several people with whom you are on a du basis, the familiar plural command is used

This form has exactly the same form as the ihr conjugation (-t ending)

No pronoun used

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Familiar Command - Plural


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Mild Commands

When expressing the phrase “let us” (let’s eat!) – the wir form of the verb is used

Verb = immediately followed by the pronoun wir

Examples: Gehen wir jetzt! Gehen wir ins Kino! Essen wir den Kuchen! Trinken wir den Wein!

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Command Forms of SEIN

Command forms of SEIN = slightly irregular

Formal = Seien Sie!Familiar (singular) = Sei!Familiar (plural) = Seid!Mild Command = Seien


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Separable Prefix Verbs

If there is a separable prefix attached to the verb, it gets “kicked” to the end in ALL verb forms

Examples:Steh auf!Kommen Sie bitte mit!