detection and disabling digital cameras

 1 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 MOTIVATION AND OVERVIEW Digital cameras differ from traditional cameras in many ways. But the basic difference is that they use solid state image sensors to convert light to digital pictures rather than capturing the image on film. Digital imaging has actually been around for a long period of time, but it has been used for other purposes. The history of digital technology began very early. NASA began dealing with digital imaging technology as far back as the 1960s, just as it did with many inventions that have become public domain, and NASA used it to convert signals from analogue to digital. Very soon, other governmental sectors saw the opportunities and advantages of this emerging digital technology and they began a similar program involving spy satellites. Today similar applications are available for free to anyone with internet access. For example Google's  satellite maps show the whole world and even the moon. 1.12 DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL CAMERAS The true digital cameras did not simply emerge as a new consumer product. There was several other products developed fist, which led to its creation. Digital cameras as we know them today first became available for consumers around the mid-70s. At that time, Kodak developed a number of solid state image sensors which converted available light into digital images. The target customers for the new Kodak digital cameras were both professionals and hobbyists. From that point on the camera industry began to develop faster and the ability to connect to the home computer to download pictures was introduced. The development

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detection and disabling digital cameras


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    Digital cameras differ from traditional cameras in many ways. But the basic

    difference is that they use solid state image sensors to convert light to digital pictures

    rather than capturing the image on film. Digital imaging has actually been around for

    a long period of time, but it has been used for other purposes.

    The history of digital technology began very early. NASA began dealing with digital

    imaging technology as far back as the 1960s, just as it did with many inventions that

    have become public domain, and NASA used it to convert signals from analogue to

    digital. Very soon, other governmental sectors saw the opportunities and advantages

    of this emerging digital technology and they began a similar program involving spy

    satellites. Today similar applications are available for free to anyone with internet

    access. For example Google's satellite maps show the whole world and even the



    The true digital cameras did not simply emerge as a new consumer product. There

    was several other products developed fist, which led to its creation.

    Digital cameras as we know them today first became available for consumers around

    the mid-70s. At that time, Kodak developed a number of solid state image sensors

    which converted available light into digital images. The target customers for the new

    Kodak digital cameras were both professionals and hobbyists.

    From that point on the camera industry began to develop faster and the ability to

    connect to the home computer to download pictures was introduced. The development

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    was combined with software to manipulate and edit pictures, and special printers

    dedicated to digital photography.


    In the digital world, data, or information, is represented by strings of 1's and 0's. In

    this case these digits translate to the individual pixels or basic units that combine to

    make up the image you see. When the capture button on the camera is pressed, a

    charge coupled device (also known as a CCD) creates an electron equivalent of the

    captured light which in turn ends up converting the pixel value into a digital value.

    Each picture is stored in the camera's memory until it is downloaded to its destination,

    usually a computer or a CD. Usually, the form of camera memory is a memory card

    which can be replaced. Indeed, this is one of the great advantages over traditional

    cameras you dont have to buy films.


    Resolution is one of the most important features and in many cases it is one of the

    top features that determine a camera's price. Resolution is a measure of detail that a

    specific camera will capture. The basic unit of measurement when referring to digital

    camera resolution is the pixel. The higher the number of pixels the better the is

    camera, because a higher level of detail is captured.

    Digital cameras are rated in megapixels (millions of pixels). A 1.0 megapixel camera

    is considered not to be of quality while a 5.0 megapixel camera is often used in

    professional digital photography when creating studio grade portraits or taking

    pictures. The lens is very important when it comes to digital cameras because it

    focuses directly into what you intend to use the digital camera for. A lens that has a

    fixed focus and fixed zoom should just be used for simple snapshots. Zoom lenses

    come in two forms: the optical zoom lens and the digital zoom lens. The optical

    zoom is preferable because it zooms by changing the actual focal length of the lens

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    whereas the digital zoom uses an interpolation algorithm to zoom; it infers

    information by evaluating neighbor information. This results in a grainy photo.

    Replaceable lenses are found on many higher end cameras. The good thing about

    them is that they increase the camera's versatility. There can be found: zoom lenses,

    close-up lenses, color lenses for effects, and panoramic lenses.

    How many useful digital camera accessories are available for a particular model? As

    already mentioned above, some cameras, like Kodak, offer a docking system which

    not only is the interface to the computer but also doubles as a battery charger when

    the camera is not in use, ensuring that it starts off with a full charge when needed.

    Choosing a digital camera is not easy, but if you have decided which particular

    model you need, you will enjoy taking digital pictures wherever you go to: on

    vacation, at a family dinner, at a party with friends, at school, etc.


    The technology that is being used in this topic is image processing. This topic

    mainly deals with the method to detect a hidden camera and the ways by which we

    can neutralize it. An image can be defined as a two dimensional

    function,f(x,y),where x and y are spatial coordinates and amplitude of f at any

    points(x, y) is called intensity. The field of image processing refers to processing

    refers to processing digital images by means of a digital computer. Image

    processing can be used in the field like x-ray imaging, gamma imaging, imaging in

    the microwave band etc.


    Segmentation is a process that partitions an image into regions. If we wish to segment

    an image based on color, and, in addition,we want to carry out the process on

    individual planes ,it is natural to think first of HSI color space because color is

    conveniently represented in the hue image. Segmentation is one area in which better

    results can be obtained by using RGB color vectors.

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    Because of its intuitive properties, simplicity of implementation, and computational

    speed, image Thresholding enjoys a central position in applications of image

    segmentation . Consider an image f(x, y), composed of light objects on a dark back

    ground, in such a way that object and background pixels have intensity values grouped

    into two dominant modes. At any point (x, y) in the image at which f(x, y)>T is called

    an object point ; otherwise the point is called a background point. When T is a constant

    applicable over an entire image ,the process given in this is referred to as global

    Thresholding. When the value of T changes over an image, we use the tem variable

    Thresholding. The term local or regional Thresholding is used sometimes to denote

    variable Thresholding in which value of T at any point (x,y) in aimage depends on

    properties of a neighborhood of (x,y).

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    A new method for the problem of digital camera identification from its images based

    on the sensors pattern noise. For each camera under investigation, we first determine

    its reference pattern noise, which serves as a unique identification fingerprint. This is

    achieved by averaging the noise obtained from multiple images using a denoising

    filter. To identify the camera from a given image, we consider the reference pattern

    noise as a spread spectrum watermark, whose presence in the image is established

    using a correlation detector. Experiments on approximately 320 images taken with

    9consumer digital cameras are used to estimate false alarm rates and false rejection

    rates. Additionally, we study how the error rates change with common image

    processing, such as JPEG compression or gamma correction.


    As digital images and video continue to replace their analogcounterparts, the

    importance of reliable, inexpensive, and fast identification of digital image origin

    will only increase. Reliable identification of the device used to acquire particular

    digital image would especially prove useful in the court for establishing the origin of

    images presented as evidence. In the same manner as bullet scratches allow forensic

    examiners to match a bullet to a particular barrel with reliability high enough to be

    accepted in courts, a digital equivalent of bullet scratches should allow reliable

    matching of a digital image to a sensor. In this paper, we propose to use the sensor

    pattern noise as the tell-tale scratches and show that identification is possible even

    from processed images.

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    We have developed a new approach to the problem of camera identification from

    images. Our identification method uses the pixel non-uniformity noise which is a

    stochastic component of the pattern noise common to all digital imaging sensors

    (CCD, CMOS, including Fovea X3, and JFET).The presence of this noise is

    established using correlation as in detection of spread spectrum watermarks. We

    investigated the reliability of camera identification from images processed using

    JPEG compression, gamma correction, and a combination of JPEG compression and

    in-camera resampling. Experimental results were evaluated using FAR and FRR error

    rates. We note that the proposed method was successful in distinguishing between two

    cameras ofthesame brand andmodel.Techniques, are described here may help

    usalleviate the computational complexity of brute force searches by retrieving some

    information about applied geometrical Operations. The searches will, however,

    inevitably increase the FAR. We would like to point out that the problem of camera

    identification should be approached from multiple directions, combining the evidence

    from other methods, such as the feature-based identification , which is less likely to be

    influenced by geometrical transformations.


    Since camera identification techniques are likely to be used in the court, we need to

    address malicious attacks intended to fool the identification algorithm, such as

    intentionally removing the pattern noise from an image to prevent identification or

    extracting the noise and copying it to another image to make it appear as if the image

    Was taken with a particular camera. We distinguish two situations: 1) the attacker is

    informed and has either the camera or many images taken by the camera or 2) the

    attacker is uninformed in the sense that he only has access to one image.

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    The system locates the camera, and then neutralizes it. Every digital camera has an

    image sensor known as a CCD, which is retro reflective and sends light backing

    directly to its original source at the same angle. Using this property and algorithms of

    image processing the camera is detected. Once identified, the device would beam an

    invisible infrared laser into the camera's lens, in effect overexposing the photo and

    rendering it useless. Low levels of energy neutralize cameras but are neither a health

    danger to operators nor a physical risk to cameras. Digital cameras differ from

    traditional cameras in many ways. But the basic difference is that they use solid state

    image sensors to convert light to digital pictures rather than capturing the image on

    film. Digital imaging has actually been around for a long period of time, but it has

    been used for other purposes.

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    Test Image



    Infrared Emitter


    Processing Unit

    Camera Locator

    Infrared Laser




    IR Laser Beam

    Timing and Control





    A retro reflector is a device or surface that reflects light back to its source with a

    minimum scattering of light and at same angle. An electromagnetic wave front is

    reflected back along a vector that is parallel to but opposite in direction from the

    wave's source. The device or surface's angle of incidence is greater than zero. The

    CCD of the camera exhibits this property due to its shape. This forms the principle for

    this device.

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    Fig 3.2: Retro reflection by CCD



    The entire area to be protected is scanned by using infrared light. Infrared LED is

    used for producing them. The circuitry required for producing infrared beams are

    simple and cheap in nature. The scanning beams sweep through the vertical and

    horizontal direction of the area, to ensure no camera escapes from the device.

    3.4.2 WAVELENGTH

    The infrared beam used here has the center wavelength of 800-900 nm. This

    wavelength falls under the near infrared classification. The reason for choosing near

    infrared are the molar absorptivity in the near IR region is typically quite small and it

    typically penetrate much farther into a sample than mid infrared radiation so that the

    retro reflections would be of high intensity. The generation of NIR is achieved using

    IR LED. Due to the retro reflective property of the CCD the part of the light gets retro

    reflected by it and the infrared beam does not have any effect on the other objects hit

    the area other than the CCD.

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    Fig 3.3: Plot of Reflectance vs. Wavelength of Near IR Standard


    The area being scanned by the infrared beams are simultaneously recorded. The

    preprocessing image being acquired is called as the test image. It forms the basis of

    the further steps of the process. The test image is obtained by use of high resolution

    camcorders. The response of the test image capture should be very fast in order to

    sense even a small change of position of the camera. The camcorder should have a

    wide angle of capture so that it can capture a wide test image to cover the entire area.

    The retro reflected beams also have the same properties of the near IR. Therefore,

    they are visible to the camcorders and invisible to human eyes.


    It is most important aspect of the device. The raw image for image processing is the

    test image being streamed lively. The detection of the camera is accomplished in this

    stage only. The image processing for detection can be done in two steps.

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    We have coded an algorithm in Mat lab software to perform the image processing



    The camera is detected by the differentiation of the retro reflecting area from the rest

    of the test image. The camera lens also appears red in color and the rest part appears

    normal. This key point is used for differentiation.


    During the Thresholding process, individual pixels in an image are marked as

    object pixels if their value is greater than some threshold value (assuming an object

    to be brighter than the background) and as background pixels otherwise. The

    separate RGB Components are determined and a threshold value is set.

    1. An initial threshold (T) is chosen; this can be done randomly or according to

    any other method desired.

    2. The image is segmented into object and background pixels as described above,

    creating two sets:

    1. G1 = {f(m , n):f(m ,n)>T} (object pixels)

    2. G2 = {f(m ,n):f(m ,n)T} (background pixels) (note, f(m ,n) is the value

    of the pixel located in the m th

    column, nth


    3. The average of each set is computed.

    1. m1 = average value of G1

    2. m2 = average value of G2

    4. A new threshold is created that is the average of m1 and m2

    1. T = (m1 + m2)/2

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    5. Go back to step two, now using the new threshold computed in step four, keep

    repeating until the new threshold matches the one before it (i.e. until

    convergence has been reached).

    This iterative algorithm is a special one-dimensional case of the k-means clustering

    algorithm, which has been proven to converge at a local minimummeaning that a

    different initial threshold may give a different final result.

    K-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal

    processing, that is popular for cluster analysis in data mining. K-means clustering

    aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to

    the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the cluster. This results in

    a partitioning of the data space into Voronoi cells. K-means clustering tends to find

    clusters of comparable spatial extent, while the expectation-maximization mechanism

    allows clusters to have different shapes.

    Demonstration of the standard algorithm

    Fig 3.4: K initial "means" (in this case k=3) are randomly generated within the data

    domain (shown in color).

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    Fig 3.5: K clusters are created by associating every observation with the nearest mean.

    The partitions here represent theVoronoi diagram generated by the means.

    Fig 3.6: The centroid of each of thek clusters becomes the new mean.

    Fig 3.7: figure of convergence.

    As it is a heuristic algorithm, there is no guarantee that it will converge to the global

    optimum, and the result may depend on the initial clusters. As the algorithm is usually

    very fast, it is common to run it multiple times with different starting conditions.

    However, in the worst case, k-means can be very slow to converge: in particular it has

    been shown that there exist certain point sets, even in 2 dimensions, on which k-

    means takes exponential time, that is 2(n)

    , to converge. These point sets do not seem

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    to arise in practice: this is corroborated by the fact that the smoothed running time

    of k-means is polynomial.

    The "assignment" step is also referred to as expectation step, the "update step"

    as maximization step, making this algorithm a variant of the generalized expectation-

    maximization algorithm.

    3.5.3 COMPLEXITY

    Regarding computational complexity, finding the optimal solution to the k-means

    clustering problem for observations in d dimensions is:

    NP-hard in general Euclidean space d even for 2 clusters

    NP-hard for a general number of clusters k even in the plane

    If k and d (the dimension) are fixed, the problem can be exactly solved in

    time O(ndk+1

    log n), where n is the number of entities to be clustered


    We need to detect only the red infrared part of the image. This is done by means of

    color segmentation. The RGB Components are filtered separately and finally the red

    area is detected. The following algorithm was used for the purpose









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    Once the camera lens has been located it has to be over exposed. A photograph may

    be described as overexposed when it has a loss of highlight detail, i.e. when the bright

    parts of an image are effectively all white, known as "blown out highlights". Since the

    infrared beam is of high intensity rather than the other light incident on the lens from

    the image, the camera tends to be overexposed. The auto focusing mechanism of the

    camera adjusts the position of the lens to focus on the infrared beam. This causes non-

    focusing of the camera on the image that is to be prevented from capturing.

    Example of overexposure by infrared laser

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    Fig 3.9 : Effect of over-exposure


    The wavelength of the infrared beam being emitted intermittently is not constant. The

    wavelength is altered according to the lighting nature of the environment. This is

    achieved by using a sensor which is based on photo detector. If the surrounding is

    dark the beam of center wavelength of 900-980 nm is emitted. . If the surrounding is

    bright the beam of center wavelength of 800-900 nm is emitted.

    Fig3.8 : Normal exposure

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    Fig 3.10:shows the photo captured normally without using the camera disabling


    Fig 3.11: shows the photo captured after using the camera disabling device

    It is observed that the image quality has been decreased to a great extent. This could

    be used to diminish the clarity and the visibility of the image being captured.

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    Fig 4.1:Design used in theatre

    The film industry losses about 3 billion dollar a year due to movie piracy. This is the

    method that can deployed to prevent piracy.Infra-red light emitting diodes are placed

    behind the theatre screen. The beams are emitted intermittently. The wavelength of

    the beam and the timing is varied continuously using the timing and control unit. This

    beam can be detected by the camera CCD sensors. Since the beams is of high

    intensity and narrow the auto focusing feature the camera gets detoriated . So the

    video which is being tried to capture on the camera falls out of focus. The quality of

    the image therefore obtained is of poor clarity. Thereby, the aim of pirating the movie

    is destructed. Thence the infrared beam does not fall within the visible range of the

    human sight it remains invisible to the human eyes. Therefore, the overexposure beam

    does not affect the movie being played on the screen.

    1 Camera Disabling Device

    2- Theatre Screen

    3- Camera used for piracy

    4- Theatre Projector

    4.2 Merits

    The circuitry and devices used for this technique are simple in nature. The type of

    radiation is proven to be not harmful to humans. It can be implemented easily in any

    type of rooms, buildings, theatres etc. without any alteration to the existing area.

    Since the method uses a low cost technology it can be implemented at a

    comparatively less expense.

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    The device explained above can thus be used to disable and detect hidden cameras

    and provides protection to all surroundings. The device explained above can prove to

    be essential to all environments like theatres, lockers, private areas, anti-espionage

    systems, defense secrecy etc. This technology if developed to a good extent it would

    be of great help prevents piracy, maintain national secrecy in etc.

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    [1]. Optical principles and technology for engineers - James EStewart

    [2]. Infrared optics and zoom lenses By Allen Mann

    [3]. Digital image processing using MatlabBy Rafael C.Gonzlez, Richard

    Eugene Wood

    [4]. Blythe, P. and Fridrich, J: Secure Digital Camera, Digital Forensic.

    [5]. Digital Image processing: algorithms and systems San Jose,Jaakko Astola,

    Karen Egiazarian, Edward R. Dougherty