details of sugarcane juice machine with prices in rs

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  • 8/12/2019 Details of Sugarcane Juice Machine With Prices in Rs.


    Dear Customer,

    Thanks for your valuable enquiry.

    Juice N Juice Sugarcane juice machines which have 3 years warranty, are one of the best available in themarket today. These observations are of our customers, ho are s!read both in "ndia # abroad.

    $bservation are based on the follo ing salient features of the machines%&

    1. High Standard performance of machines 2. Best quality of Stainless steel used.3. THREE year warranty on all parts. Spares will e pro!ided free of cost" only freight charges to

    e orne on actual asis. #. $%&SE'ESS and $% 'u rication required.(. )ield pro!en machines*. +ompact , Slee- design. )/'' 0 '/E )%R R&+E . 4ear 5ri!en6. Simple , easy to operate17. 0ery low maintenance cost

    Brief description of our working & organization are as under :-

    'ight from the beginning ,our motto has been to manufacture The (est machines and not to enter !rice ar.No doubt lo cost !roducts sell faster but such !roducts do not meet the requirements of the customer, hichin turn means com!laints to manufacturer, ho because of high frequency of com!laint remain unable toattend the same. )ll this results in frustration and dissatisfaction.

    )ll our customers ne or old in "ndia or abroad are fully satisfied and hence e get re!eat orders confirming

    to the above.

    *e are in manufacturing business for the last + years and are enjoying the great re!utation of -ualitymanufacturer.

    or making !roducts, e are having best in house qualified ' # D engineers having combined e/!erience of0 years ho attended to every !roblem of customers and solved it !ermanently. $ur design are original, infact our earlier design had been co!ied in many countries . )ll our !resent designs are registered ith 1atentoffice.

    )!art from robust and attractive design, e are using the best available material. )ll the com!onents usedare of international re!uted com!anies like motors 2odrej 3a kin , 4igh torque geared drive from "taly , SS+ 5 for all com!onents hich comes in contact ith juice, )ll other !arts are made from SS6 6 to avoid rust .The gears inside the machines are made of the material hich is used in making tractor7s engine . )bove allthe com!atibility of different !arts is of such high engineering quality that the efficiency of the machine is bestas com!ared to other this kind of machines.

    (ecause of above reason you ill get a machine hich is %&

    Field proven, 100% Safe, Presentable, Noiseless, Does not require lubrication and above all co es with 3 years warranty on all parts ! Though unlikely if any !arts becomes defective in + years e ill shi!it free of cost . $nly shi!!ing8freight as actual is charged .

  • 8/12/2019 Details of Sugarcane Juice Machine With Prices in Rs.


    Quality Certification: All our products designs are registered with Patent Office ,Government of India,CRISIL Certified and manufactures in ISO certified factor !

    P"#$ &'#S( )

    The Juice n Juice 9achines comes in : variants you can select the models according to yourusage i.e. No. of glasses ;6< m l&+ ml = !er day requirements .

    *uice n *uice Su+arcane *uice achine(able (op , odel ) S-(1 Speed "# $%g of Sugarcane in One minute &otor "# ' hp motor or ()* watt Capacit " upto (**#+** glass per da ield " -*. /uice in Single Crush 0depends on the

    1ualit of sugarcane2 3rive # 3rive Geared Gear4o5 " Ital made 6i 7or1ue drive s stem Construction "# All Stainless Steel 8oiseless /uice e5traction

    Compact and slee9 can 4e placed on 9itchen shelf Attractive graphics :uice untouched 4 hand, ;isi4le :uice e5traction All stainless steel 4od ensures dura4ilit < kg.Di ensions ) ?> / 6? / 6< "nch)vailable in 66 @8 < 4A, ?? @8 : 4A, 66 @8 :4A

    Rs. 78,000-00Ex-factory

    *uice n *uice Su+arcane *uice achine.ith waste bin , odel ) S-&1 Speed "# $%g of Sugarcane in One minute &otor "# ' hp motor or ()* watt Capacit " upto (**#+** glass per da ield " -*. /uice in Single Crush 0depends on the

    1ualit of sugarcane2 3rive # 3rive Geared Gear4o5 " Ital made 6i 7or1ue drive s stem Construction "# All Stainless Steel 8oiseless /uice e5traction Covered waste 4in to collect the waste Attractive graphics :uice untouched 4 hand, ;isi4le :uice e5traction All stainless steel 4od ensures dura4ilit

  • 8/12/2019 Details of Sugarcane Juice Machine With Prices in Rs.


    *uice n *uice Su+arcane *uice achineediu eavy duty odel, (able top odelodel no D(!

    Speed $!>9g cane?minute $?@ 6p motor, All stainless steel Capacit " upto >** glass per da Yield " - . /uice in Single Crush 0depends on the

    1ualit of sugarcane2 Gearbox : Ital made 6i 7or1ue drive s stem 8oiseless /uice e5traction 3esigned for sugarcane with dia up to @!@ inch, even

    two sugarcane can 4e inserted with smaller dia Gear 3riven, 8o need of lu4rication Compact and slee9 Availa4le with Attractive graphics :uice untouched 4 hand, All stainless steel 4od ensures dura4ilit Control Panel Borward ? Reverse, overload protection,

    emergenc stop Single Phase =lectricit

    Dimensions @( D @* D@*eight B 9g cane?minute $?@ 6p motor, All stainless steel Capacit " upto >** glass per da Yield " - . /uice in Single Crush 0depends on the

    1ualit of sugarcane2 Gearbox : Ital made 6i 7or1ue drive s stem 8oiseless /uice e5traction 3esigned for sugarcane with dia up to @!@ inch, even

    two sugarcane can 4e inserted with smaller dia Gear 3riven, Covered waste 4in to collect the waste 8o need of lu4rication Compact and slee9 Availa4le with Attractive graphics :uice untouched 4 hand, All stainless steel 4od ensures dura4ilit Single

    Phase =lectricit &otor Cooling One e5tra Ban Provided Control Panel Borward ? Reverse, overload protection,

    emergenc stop

    Dimensions " @( D @* D@ 0>E>D>$*D >>mm2

  • 8/12/2019 Details of Sugarcane Juice Machine With Prices in Rs.


    *uice n *uice Su+arcane *uice achineeavy duty odel, (able (op,odel no D(!1

    Speed @!>9g cane?minute $ 6p motor, All stainless steel Capacit " upto $*** # @*** glass per da Yield " - . /uice in Single Crush 0depends on the

    1ualit of sugarcane2 Gearbox : Ital made 6i 7or1ue drive s stem 8oiseless /uice e5traction 3esigned for sugarcane with dia up to @!@ inch, even

    two sugarcane can 4e inserted with smaller dia Gear 3riven, 8o need of lu4rication Compact and slee9 Availa4le with Attractive graphics :uice untouched 4 hand, All stainless steel 4od ensures dura4ilit Single Phase =lectricit &otor Cooling One e5tra Ban Provided Control Panel Borward ? Reverse, overload protection,

    emergenc stop

    Di ensions % 6: ;*= / 6: ;4= / ? ;D=;inch=.ei+ht % ??6 g)vailable in 66 @ < 4A or ?? @ : 4A or 66 @ :4A

    Rs. , 0,000-00Ex-Factory

    *uice n *uice Su+arcane *uice achineeavy duty odel, with waste binodel no D.2!1

    Speed @!>9g cane?minute $ 6p motor, All stainless steel Capacit " upto $*** # @*** glass per da Yield " - . /uice in Single Crush 0depends on the

    1ualit of sugarcane2 Gearbox : Ital made 6i 7or1ue drive s stem 8oiseless /uice e5traction 3esigned for sugarcane with dia up to @!@ inch, even

    two sugarcane can 4e inserted with smaller dia Gear 3riven, 8o need of lu4rication Covered waste 4in to collect the waste Availa4le with Attractive graphics :uice untouched 4 hand, All stainless steel 4od ensures dura4ilit Single

    Phase =lectricit &otor Cooling One e5tra Ban Provided Control Panel Borward ? Reverse, overload protection,

    emergenc stop

    Di ension % ? EF6G ;5F:+6 F:: F05 mm=

    .ei+ht % ?

  • 8/12/2019 Details of Sugarcane Juice Machine With Prices in Rs.


    erms & Conditions of Business

    (a 45at @)T 8 Ta/ ill be charged e/tra as a!!licable.

    Dispatch (i e *e dis!atch machine from factory ithin > to& ? orking days from the recei!tof confirmed order ith !ayment.

    Pay ent (er s ? H advance ith order. $r < H advance ith order and < H thru D$D basis.;Draft on delivery to the (lue Dart=.

    (ransportationCharges ; or "ndia=

    "*e normally dis!atch through re!uted couriers like (lue Dart, 2ati $r Safee/!ress on I reight to !ay basis . The freight varies bet een 's. ? to's.+ de!ending u!on machine # destination.

    #nstallation *e !rovide "nstallation CD ith easy to follo instructions ith machine. )nyother su!!ort is available on tele!hone8sky!e8e&mail etc.

    .arranty 6 7fter Sales Service )&

    *e give ( " 8 7" warranty on our achines! "f any !art required ithinThree KL)' of SM113K, e !rovide it free of cost, only shi!!ing charges as actualshall be charged.

    4o ever our e/!erience and customer e/!erience tells us that these machinesrequires minimum after sales service because of the follo ing reasons%&

    $! 7he 4earings are well protected from :uice water

    @! 7he drive is through a sealed oil filled geared 4o5! Since RP& is ver low, the oil

    does not get 4urnt!

    (! 7here is no chain or 4elt which are alwa s cause pro4lems!

    +! 7he material is stainless steel which does not get rusted!

    >! Overload protection is there for motor

    ! 7he graphics are laminated and printed with ultra violet resistance in9! So no fading

    Because of a o!e the machine ha!e ecome relia le and ringing repeat

    orders.The !roblem hich e have faced

    Some time electrical switch get damaged !

  • 8/12/2019 Details of Sugarcane Juice Machine With Prices in Rs.


    .e answer 7ll your questions pro ptly! .e provide you references in abroad!

    .or9in+ 'in9 ) @ideo 3ink % http)44www!youtube!co 4watch v:D*;hl ; D F?>7@w6feature:plcp

    Kou can see interesting !hotos at www!flic9r!co 4photos4Auiceindia

    4o!e that the above information ill be useful to you .

    3ooking for ard for your esteemed order.

    Kours Sincerely,

    $hanchal *it $hawla BC1 C 1E01 E0EPopular Steel #ndustriesPlot No! GE, #ndustrial Focal Point, Phase @,ohali & 1G00 CHPunAabI #ndia !

    (el ) 01

  • 8/12/2019 Details of Sugarcane Juice Machine With Prices in Rs.


    Some of our !restigious Customers are%& 4otel Taj 1resident ,9umbai 4otel 2reen 1ark, 4yderabad J * 9arriott, Chandigarh The Lmerald, Juhu Tara 'oad, 9umbai (ona Sera 4otels 3td, 9umbaiChitra 1atil, 93)., )libagh( J N 4otels, (angalore

    4otel )nand @ihar, ort , (angalore 4otel (abylon "nternational, 'ai!ur 4otel Trident ;$beroi 2rou!= Nariman !oint, 9umbai. Chandigarh 2rou! of Colleges, 3andran.'$(MST 4$TL3S 1'"@)TL 3"9"TLD, Chennai 4otel )gra 'esidency, 4yderabad 4otel D)S1)33),4yderabad 4$TL3 3L)STL', 2M'2)$N ingdom of Dream, 2urgaonSrinivas 1alace, Lternal 9e ar, The City 1alace Com!le/, Mdai!ur

    )kshardham Tem!le ;Ne Delhi= Jakhar arms, )bohar, 1unjab The Tribune, Chandigarh Darshan 'estaurant,1une S ati Snacks, 9umbai The *illingdon S!orts Club, 9umbai 1iramal 2rou! ; or the residence of Dr. Sa ati 1iramal = 'eliance "nfrastructure 3td . ; or the residence of 9r. 9ukesh )mbani= haja Cho k ;Shasha oods= 2urgaon Taj @illage, 2oa )lila 2rou! of 4otles ;Seabird 'esorts=, 2oa

    9ahindra 4olidays 'esorts 3eonoras 'estaurant, 2oa C)NLF1'LSS, 4yderabad ortune 4otel , (angalore, 2okuls ; olkatta= (JN 4otels ;"ndia= De!arture 3ounge, )ir!ort, 1une Mdan hatola ;Cable Car= at 9ata 9ansa Devi Tem!le9ata Chandi Devi Tem!le by Msha (reco ltd. ;4ard ar=

    "C"C" 3$9()'D 2"C 3TD., 9umbai 1an "ndia foods ;"ndia= Suvidha @ividhoddesha Souharda Sahakari Niyamita,Shimoga

    (rand 9atri/ ood # (everages 1vt. 3td., Delhi 4igh 1oint ;9umbai= Seven Seas Caterers ;Ne Delhi= > Star (anquets ;Ne Delhi= The (eer Cafe, Delhi

  • 8/12/2019 Details of Sugarcane Juice Machine With Prices in Rs.


    Jumbo Juice, arnal Navdanya, Delhi 4aat ;Ne Delhi= Chetanya 4os!ital ;Chandigarh= un 'e!ublic ;Chandigarh= Chabhai Juice Centre, (havnagar )nsal 1laAa ;3udhiana= Sukhna 3ake ;Chandigarh= *elhams (oys School Dehradun 4ardyEs *orld 3udhiana K'2 C)'L @4S Charitable Cam!us, Chennai The Country "nn # Suites, Sahibabad Seema Suraksha (al, 9ansar. 1innacle Consume/ 1vt. 3td., 1une Desi 2anna, (arnala,2lobal itchen 9umbai

    1ee @ee Te/tiles 3td.,*ardha Shreemaya 2rou! of 4otels, "ndore L')3) )2'"CM3TM')3 MN"@L'S"TK , )33MN )3. Sky Juices, M. . D) 2)9) 'LST)M')NT 33C., 2)'4$MD, DM()" Ne "ndia (aAar, Santa Clara, California , 2oCool, 1aramatta , Sydney, )ustralia Chai 1ani, 3ondonCorn ing, "reland "rish @illage, Dubai M9$S 1ty."nc. 1anama, 9r. afar han, (angladesh 1astery 1ro Sdn. (hd., 9alaysia 9r. Dicky, "ndonesia 9s. 'o bena, 9ala i 9r. 9urat, Turkey 9r.9aAen Ll 9otaga el, Lgy!t

    9r. Sargunan 9ohandas, Singa!ore9r.)lan Chatty, South )frica 9s. lorance, Nairobi9s. 3indee Kannello, Califronia,9r. )roon 9 anAa, TanAania,9r. )Aad, 1akisan9s. 3amia arhat, Lgy!t2')CL )33"LD ) '"C) 3TDMganda9r. Dany John

    )nd many moreOOOOOO..