detailed class analysis of music magazine nme

Detailed class analysis of music magazine on NME

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Page 1: Detailed class analysis of music magazine NME

Detailed class analysis of music magazine on NME

Page 2: Detailed class analysis of music magazine NME

The masthead is bold so it catches the reader attention in a shop environment because it is visually attractive. The masthead is in red font which is a bright primary colour that connotes excitement that implies the magazine is stimulating read. NME does not follow the conventions of mastheads that the name stretches across from one side to the other but NME breaks this convention. This could be because is it an established brand that is recognisable to the target audience. The masthead of “NME” does not refer to music but the mise en scene of the front cover implies the genre of music magazine.

The cover lines refers to music artists like Muse and Blur , included in articles in the magazine, who are not rap artists like Dizzee Rascal. Therefore, it shows that NME is not a music magazine of just the rap genre but is more varied. This means that NME appeals to a wider target audience that just a niche rap market. This means that NME can appeal to a large amount of people so it establishes a brand quicker.

The main cover line refer to the music artist Dizzee Rascal who is a famous rapper. This is the main selling point of the issue because the main cover line usually denotes to the main article. The main cover line also implies the genre is music because Dizzee rascal is recognisable music artist. The target audience therefore would be fans of Dizzee Rascal and his music because the main cover line refers to an interview. I know this as a pull quote “I’m spreading joy around the world, man!” is used to show that the magazine as got a personal interview with the artist. This statement is inspiring so portrays Dizzee rascal as a positive figure so he is represented to be someone that is interesting to interview. The quote in the main cover line is used to attract the target audience as it shows the artist in an optimistic light. The main cover line is used as an anchorage for the main image as it show the significance of the model being on the front cover , to advertise the interview with Dizzee Rascal.

The main image using the model of the well-known rap artist Dizzee Rascal. The magazine is appealing to fans of Dizzee Rascal because they will recognise him easily on the main image. Dizzee Rascal is an icon so he is used as the main selling point of the magazine. The shot used is a long shot as it includes all of Dizzee Rascal’s body and the background. This is unconventional for a main image of a magazine, as usually a medium shot is used. Dizzee Rascal looks like he is reaching out of the page as his hand is cut of at the end. The use of this technique attract the audience because it gives the impression Dizzee Rascal himself is trying to reach out and pull in the reader. The camera angle is eye level creating a personal feel to the magazine as the audience feel like they are on the same level as the famous rap artist. Also, direct address is used as Dizzee Rascal is looking down the camera Len. This connotes the interview will be personal meaning his fans will want to buy the magazine. The main image connotes to a rap genre mise-en-scene because is uses stereotypical tropes of the genre as there is graffiti is used in the backgorund of the image. Graffiti is used in images relating to rap music as both rap music and graffiti are represented as rebellious and outrageous.

The target audience for the edition of NME is 15-27 stereotypically males because this issue of uses a rap artist as it’s main selling point. The fans of Dizzee rascal will want to read the magazine. The profile of fans of Dizzee rascal is 15-27 males who have a college education not no further degrees. They are of the social class of C1 as they would have to a stable job like office work to fund their digital music collection and regular gig tickets. They would probably be in a relationship but not marriage and have no children.. Their lifestyle would include going out with friends on night out to events like music gigs often and keeping up to date with the new technology and social media.

The font used is bold and squared which connotes to the indented target audience of music lovers that the magazine with be like their music taste. As it will be blunt, to the point with the information included, similar to the squared lettering and an exciting read like the bold font. The reason this is like music is because music is bold and thrilling.

Page 3: Detailed class analysis of music magazine NME

A puff is used to attract the target audience because it visually stands out to the reader. The word “news” is used to entice the audience in to thinking they need to read the magazine to find out this new information. To remain update with current events in the music world.

The buzz word “special” is used on the top stripe to appeal to the reader as it makes them think that this issue is specifically important. Due to the fact it is a “special” edition so will be different from all the rest.

The bottom strapline refers to other well-known music artists also included in the magazine. This is an attractive feature because it gives the impression to the magazine is bursting with information so is worth addition, it connotes to the genre being more than just rap music as some of the music artists on the bottom stripe are not rap stars.The mode of address is formal because

it never uses the second person to address the reader. This implies the NME is a factual magazine about music so attracts music lovers as they just want to read about music artists and their work.

The layout is ordered because all the text is positioned in columns towards the sides ;expect for “Dizzee Rascal” and the puff. This gives the magazine a professional feel and implies that it is straight to the point. However the use of angling “Dizzee Rascal” and the puff makes them more noticeable. This lures the reader in because they focus on the main selling point, “Dizzee Rascal”.

The barcode is located in the bottom right corners so it does not distract the readers’ attention from e selling point. It is small so it is not visually off-putting.

The mainly red colour scheme used is not usually a colour linked to males or females. This connotes the magazine is not aimed at either gender specifically.

Page 4: Detailed class analysis of music magazine NME

Rule of thirds

The rule of third is used on the front cover of NME to attract the readers’ attention to the model Dizzee Rascal’s face and to his name. This use of three hot stops is to advertise the magazine’s main focus on Dizzee Rascal. This attracts the target audience because he is easily recognisable rap star. This denotes that NME is aiming directly towards the fans of Dizzee Rascal for this issue.

Page 5: Detailed class analysis of music magazine NME

The layout used in the NME contents page is not a conventional chronological order in structured columns. The contents is towards the right the side of the page however normal it is place on the left side because writing goes from left to right. In addition, the main image and the editor’s letter famed by brackets which could be a reference to signs used at gigs. This subtle reference will be appreciated by the target audience as they would go to gigs often. The NME approach is a modern and stylist format, which implies to the young target audience that the magazine is about current music artist that they will be interested in.

The front , colour scheme and masthead are the same as the front cover to show a identifiable brand. The common house style means that the magazine has a similar mise-en-scene through out the issue ;so this makes the magazine professional therefore pleasing to read.

The main image is of a medium shot of a young woman, in her twenties, dressed in clothes that are stereotypically wore by regular festival goers. Therefore, this is a subtle hint to the target audience that the information in the magazine applies to them because the clothes and background are familiar to the young target audience. The main image is anchored by the “Touring Special” title of the editor’s letter. This anchorage explains that the picture is a reference to the 16 page special on touring. The picture correlates with “Touring Special” is because there tour bus in the main image, which the model is pointing towards.

The rule of thirds is used on the NME contents page to focus the reader’s attention to the main image and the editor’s letter about the “Touring Special”. This is because the special feature of this edition is an other main feature, along with the Dizzee Rascal interview. Therefore, it is important to direct the reader’s attention to the special feature first and further show the genre of music.

The article titles are small, brief statements that entices the reader in to the articles to find out more. There is a “Band Index” left hand side as a quick guide to information about each band included in the magazine. this is an unique technique of contents to show the target audience that the magazine caters towards many different genre of music as all the bands are of diverse music genres.

Page 6: Detailed class analysis of music magazine NME

The main headings of the contents are basic and orders the contents in to categorical groups, such as “News” and “Feature”. This helps the reader to navigate to the articles they want to read.

The article titles are small, brief statements that entices the reader in to the articles to find out more. There is a “Band Index” left hand side as a quick guide to information about each band included in the magazine. this is an unique technique of contents to show the target audience that the magazine caters towards many different genre of music as all the bands are of diverse music genres.

The date is clearly placed under the main page title to the right. This is located there so the reader can find out quickly that all the information used in the magazine is up to date so they will want to read the articles.

The mode of address used in the editor’s letter is the third person “we”. This implies a conversational tone to the contents page ,furthermore the magazine. The use of the third person is inviting and friendly to the reader. However, “we” is less personal and relaxed than direct address - “you” so the magazine shows it is more focused on the music content included.The language used is similar to the mode of address as it has a colloquial tone because “eh?” is used in the editor's letter. This use of common slang makes the tone of the magazine appear welcoming and relaxed. This attracts a young target audience because they would use term like this in their everyday speech.

Page 7: Detailed class analysis of music magazine NME

The fans of Dizzee Rascal will want to read this article. The target profile of Dizzee Rascal’ s fans is 15-27 year old males. They would have a relationship but would not be marriage and have no children. Their social class would C1 so they would be employed in jobs like office work full time. They would have a college education but no university degrees. The lifestyle of the fans would be listening to rap music often, staying up date with the music artist and purchasing tickets to see Dizzee Rascal live.

There are four small columns of text. The text is blocked in to one forth of the page with tightly packed columns. This is to appear a more enjoyable and quick read to the audience.The font and the subtle use of red colours , Dizzee’s jacket, are the same as the front cover and the contents page so creates a house style for the magazine.The page numbers are not visible on the page so not to distract attention from article.

The layout of the page is a main image with the text positioned to the right and small. The impression of the article is that it is focused on Dizzee Rascal himself as the picture of him is large. The main image is the main focus of the page, not the text. This layout attract the target audience of Dizzee Rascal fans because they know the article is focused completely on him.

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The pull quote used on the double page spread is “From rags to riches”. This implies that the article is about Dizzee Rascal having to go through a struggle to get where he is now as a famous rap artist. This pull quote makes the article feel personal. Also, the struggle element is relatable for the target audience , of Dizzee Rascal fans, so they are more excited to read the article to find out how their ideal got to his goal of fame.

The drop cap “y” is used in the Dizzee Rascal double page spread. This may be a clear language technique of using the sound “y” to connote the word “why” . This might be to get the audience to question “Why” and how Dizzee Rascal has got where he has if he came from “Rags to riches.

The design of the page includes graffiti and empty beer bottles. This is a reference to common tropes that are stereotypical associated with rap music. This gives the article an impression to the reader that they are seeing Dizzee Rascal in his natural environment. This gives the article a personal feel for the reader as they feel they are getting to see more clear view of Dizzee Rascal and his personality. The beer bottles and graffiti are associated with rebellious behaviour so this is a clear reference to rap and the persona of the rap artist Dizzee Rascal.

The text and image are integrated as the texts almost blends in with the background. This is because graffiti is used on the background of the main image, to refer the rap genre, but this makes the text look like a part of the graffiti. This is a good way to integrate the text and image as they blend well visually on the double page spread.

Page 9: Detailed class analysis of music magazine NME

Similarities between MNE’s front cover, contents page and double

page spread• There is a constant house-style through the NME magazine of

squared, bold squared font used through out the magazine and along with the red, white and black colour scheme.• The layout is very similar on each page. The is orderly columns

used but there is a focal point which is usually highlighted by slanted writing so the main cover line “ Dizzee Rascal” on the front cover and the title on the double page spread. • The genre is reference on every page through the images used

because they all connote the genre of music . As the main image from the front cover and the double page spread is of the music artist Dizzee Rascal and the image on the contents page is sometime commonly seen at music festivals, a tour bus.