destination uk october 2011

Issue 42 September/October 2011 £2.75 By Christina Eccles VISITBRITAIN has unveiled the sec- ond phase of its global You’re Invited campaign, with 10 unique artworks leaving London for a world- wide tour promoting Britain all over the world. 3D street artists Joe and Max were commissioned to create the interactive artworks for VisitBritain, which allow members of the public to insert themselves virtually into some of Britain’s most iconic land- marks. The artworks will be dis- played in 10 key locations around the world, with those who have their photo taken on the canvas entering into a competition that will include a pair of British Airways Club World return flights to the UK. Chief executive Sandie Dawe said: “Great Britain 3D is the first ever global tour of 3D art with the sole purpose of promoting a destination to an overseas audience. This is a fun, engaging and effective way of taking some of Britain’s most famous icons right into the heart of cities around the world. “This marks an important new phase of our ‘You’re Invited’ cam- paign that is an open invitation to the world to come and join us before, during and after 2012. “Working in partnership with the industry, our aim over the next four years is to secure £2b of extra spending by overseas visitors across Britain. That will see a whole range of great deals and new prod- ucts launched to encourage those considering a visit to Britain that now is the time to do so and turn their plans into actions.” Tourism Minister John Penrose added: “The tourism industry is leading the way in growing our econ- omy, but the best is yet to come. “VisitBritain’s ‘You’re Invited’ cam- paign is a brilliant way of promoting our country to overseas visitors, and I’m really pleased that the Abbey Road zebra crossing – which I recently gave ‘listed building’ status to – is one of the iconic images cho- sen. The Olympics and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee will put us centre stage next year, but it’s good to remind visitors of all the other amaz- ing things that Britain has to offer.” Picture, Page 3 OVER half of Brits believe theme parks are too expen- sive, according to research from 54 per cent of those sur- veyed said a trip to a theme park has become a very expensive holiday treat and less than one in 20 thought they offered good value for money. Aside from the cost of getting through the entrance gate, families are also feeling stung by the high cost of food and drink once they're inside – and 61 per cent of Brits feel the prices charged by theme park restaurants, cafés and drinks stalls are a rip off.'s head of travel Jeremy Cryer said: "Our research shows that most visitors to theme parks come away with a less than glowing view of their day out. Expensive tickets, overpriced food, and hours spent queuing for rides seem to be how most Brits remember their day out. "Alton Towers emerged as the UK's favourite theme park but operators clearly have some work to do when it comes to customer satisfaction." Theme parks are ‘too dear’ say 54% A host of Hollywood stars descended on a Warwickshire art gallery to film scenes for new movie Gambit. Actors including Cameron Diaz (pictured), Oscar winner Colin Firth and BAFTA winner Alan Rickman used Compton Verney as the backdrop for the film, which is due to be released next year. Compton Verney’s director Dr Steven Parissien said: “We are delighted to have been chosen as a location for this film. It has been a great experience for us and a pleasure to work with such a prestigious and professional team.” For more from The Heart of England, see our dedicated feature on Page 25 Artworks in global promotion

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Page 1: Destination Uk October 2011

Issue 42 September/October 2011 £2.75

By Christina Eccles

VISITBRITAIN has unveiled the sec-ond phase of its global You’reInvited campaign, with 10 uniqueartworks leaving London for a world-wide tour promoting Britain all overthe world.

3D street artists Joe and Maxwere commissioned to create theinteractive artworks for VisitBritain,which allow members of the publicto insert themselves virtually intosome of Britain’s most iconic land-marks. The artworks will be dis-played in 10 key locations aroundthe world, with those who have theirphoto taken on the canvas enteringinto a competition that will include apair of British Airways Club Worldreturn flights to the UK.

Chief executive Sandie Dawe said:“Great Britain 3D is the first everglobal tour of 3D art with the solepurpose of promoting a destinationto an overseas audience. This is afun, engaging and effective way oftaking some of Britain’s mostfamous icons right into the heart ofcities around the world.

“This marks an important new

phase of our ‘You’re Invited’ cam-paign that is an open invitation tothe world to come and join usbefore, during and after 2012.

“Working in partnership with theindustry, our aim over the next fouryears is to secure £2b of extraspending by overseas visitorsacross Britain. That will see a wholerange of great deals and new prod-ucts launched to encourage thoseconsidering a visit to Britain thatnow is the time to do so and turntheir plans into actions.”

Tourism Minister John Penroseadded: “The tourism industry isleading the way in growing our econ-omy, but the best is yet to come.

“VisitBritain’s ‘You’re Invited’ cam-paign is a brilliant way of promotingour country to overseas visitors, andI’m really pleased that the AbbeyRoad zebra crossing – which Irecently gave ‘listed building’ statusto – is one of the iconic images cho-sen. The Olympics and the Queen’sDiamond Jubilee will put us centrestage next year, but it’s good toremind visitors of all the other amaz-ing things that Britain has to offer.”� PPiiccttuurree,, PPaaggee 33

OVER half of Brits believetheme parks are too expen-sive, according to researchfrom

54 per cent of those sur-veyed said a trip to atheme park has become avery expensive holidaytreat and less than one in20 thought they offeredgood value for money.

Aside from the cost ofgetting through theentrance gate, families arealso feeling stung by thehigh cost of food and drinkonce they're inside – and61 per cent of Brits feelthe prices charged bytheme park restaurants,cafés and drinks stalls area rip off.'s headof travel Jeremy Cryer said:"Our research shows thatmost visitors to themeparks come away with aless than glowing view oftheir day out. Expensivetickets, overpriced food,and hours spent queuingfor rides seem to be howmost Brits remember theirday out.

"Alton Towers emerged asthe UK's favourite themepark but operators clearlyhave some work to dowhen it comes to customersatisfaction."

Themeparks are‘too dear’say 54%

AA hhoosstt ooff HHoollllyywwoooodd ssttaarrss ddeesscceennddeedd oonn aaWWaarrwwiicckksshhiirree aarrtt ggaalllleerryy ttoo ffiillmm sscceenneess ffoorrnneeww mmoovviiee GGaammbbiitt.. AAccttoorrss iinncclluuddiinnggCCaammeerroonn DDiiaazz ((ppiiccttuurreedd)),, OOssccaarr wwiinnnneerrCCoolliinn FFiirrtthh aanndd BBAAFFTTAA wwiinnnneerr AAllaannRRiicckkmmaann uusseedd CCoommppttoonn VVeerrnneeyy aass tthheebbaacckkddrroopp ffoorr tthhee ffiillmm,, wwhhiicchh iiss dduuee ttoo bbeerreelleeaasseedd nneexxtt yyeeaarr.. CCoommppttoonn VVeerrnneeyy’’ssddiirreeccttoorr DDrr SStteevveenn PPaarriissssiieenn ssaaiidd:: ““WWee aarreeddeelliigghhtteedd ttoo hhaavvee bbeeeenn cchhoosseenn aass aa llooccaattiioonn ffoorr tthhiiss ffiillmm.. IItt hhaass bbeeeenn aa ggrreeaatteexxppeerriieennccee ffoorr uuss aanndd aa pplleeaassuurree ttoo wwoorrkkwwiitthh ssuucchh aa pprreessttiiggiioouuss aanndd pprrooffeessssiioonnaalltteeaamm..”” � FFoorr mmoorree ffrroomm TThhee HHeeaarrtt ooff EEnnggllaanndd,,sseeee oouurr ddeeddiiccaatteedd ffeeaattuurree oonn PPaaggee 2255

Artworksin globalpromotion

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Hotel visitsthe pastwith leafletBy Christina Eccles

A SCOTTISH hotel has been given aglimpse into its past after beinghanded a publicity leaflet publishedmore than 45 years ago to promoteit.

The publication, for RaemoirHouse Hotel, was unearthed by awoman from Brighton who found thebrochure in a box of oddmentsbought at an auction, and hints atan era prior to 1966 when Britain'srailway system was dismantled.

Neil Rae, who owns the hotel withwife Julie, said: “We can't put anexact date on the pamphlet otherthan it must have been before thedismantling of some of Britain's railnetwork under the direction of Dr.Richard Beeching, the chairman ofBritish Rail in those days.

“We know that because the leafletstates that a taxi or the hotelshooting brake, the old-fashionedname for an estate car, would beavailable to collect guests from

Banchory Station and ferry them tothe hotel.”

Julie added: “The other intriguingfact to emerge was that visitors'servants were charged at around30 shillings a day and that mealsranged from six shillings and sixpence, around £5 today, forbreakfast, to seventeen shillingsand six pence (£12) for dinner.

“There were charges, too, forguests to garage their vehicles andfrom three shillings (£2) a day, thehotel would house your dog.

“The leaflet offers us a fascinatinginsight into the life of a countryhouse hotel in those days and,remarkably, it boasted that thepremises was centrally heated.”

The couple, who bought Raemoirlast September, have already seenit win the Scottish Country HouseHotel of the Year for 2011, appointfour Grampian Chefs of the Yearand be awarded three Star and twoRosette status by the AA.

BBrraadd PPiitttt aanndd AAnnggeelliinnaa JJoolliiee PPiiccttuurree:: cciinneemmaaffeessttiivvaall//SShhuutttteerrssttoocckk..ccoomm

BRAD Pitt’s recent visit to Glasgowhas sparked a boom in visitornumbers hoping to catch a glimpseof the Hollywood star.

The actor and his partner AngelinaJolie visited the city ahead ofcommencing filming there for a newblockbuster World War Z – and hotelvisitors seem to be following suit.

According to discount hotelsspecialist, theScottish city is growing in popularity,with hotel rooms being booked up inadvance, causing a leap of almost20 per cent in bookings compared

to this time last’s offline

marketing manager Lynda Matthewssaid: “Glasgow has no shortage offantastic accommodation, and weare proud to offer some spectaculardiscounts for people to come and‘Brad watch’.

“The city is a beautiful part ofScotland with a great range ofrestaurants, sights to see andculture to absorb. We customers willenjoy their stay there as much asAngelina and Brad!”

‘Brad watch’ leads toboom in city visitors

Northerners ‘most likelyto holiday in the UK’NORTHERNERS are the biggestcontributors to the UK holidaymarket, according to statisticswhich reveal the North has thehighest percentage of peoplechoosing to holiday at home thisyear.

47 per cent of Northerners aretaking their holidays in the UK thisyear, ahead of people living inWales (41 per cent) and just 28 percent of people living in GreaterLondon. Londoners were found tobe the most likely to travel abroadfor their holidays this year (72 percent) compared to just 53 per centof Northerners, making them theleast likely to holiday abroad.

The online survey by SMS (Surveyand Marketing Services), asked UKresidents about their holiday plansfor this year and next, and foundNortherners are also most likely tobe taking a holiday in general thisyear whether at home or abroad,

along with people living in GreaterLondon.

Head of quantitative research atSMS Lesley Wright said: “Theresearch shows that Northernersvalue a work/life balance and willensure that they save money andmake time for a holiday, whetherit’s abroad or at home in the UK.

“With travel costs continuing torise, and more limited flight destin-ations and choice of airports com-pared to those found in the South,certain holidaymakers in the Northare being priced out of a foreignholiday abroad this year. Travel patt-erns are also changing with thetraditional two week holiday no long-er the case. Many people are cho-osing to spread annual leave andthe results show a variety of holidaydurations indicating that people arepreferring more shorter breaksacross the year, as opposed to justthe one annual fortnightly getaway.”

More regional flights take offEASTERN Airways is introducingmore regional flights from LeedsBradford International Airport toAberdeen and Bristol.

The Humberside-based airline,the UK’s second largest regionalcarrier, will increase Leeds Brad-ford services from to two threeeach weekday to both Aberdeen

and Bristol from October 3.Eastern Airways’ commercial

director Kay Ryan said: “We’reproviding Yorkshire businesstravellers with greater choice andflexibility by offering more flightsto Aberdeen and Bristol. Passen-gers will be able to maximise dayvisits, saving valuable time.”

04 7/9/11 09:32 Page 1

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EEnntteerrttaaiinnmmeennttnneewwss iinnCCeennttrreessttaaggeessttaarrttiinngg oonn PPaaggee 1177

LLiivveerrppooooll PPaaggeess 88--1144

CChhrriissttmmaass PPaaggee 1155--1166

ContactsEDITORIALAAnnddrreeww HHaarrrroodd group editor 01226 734639 [email protected] EEcccclleess reporter 01226 734463 [email protected] MMuussggrraavvee reporter 01226 734407 [email protected]

PPRROODDUUCCTTIIOONNJJuuddiitthh HHaallkkeerrssttoonn – group deputyeditor – [email protected] HHoolltt – studio manager –[email protected] BBllaacckkbbuurrnn – graphic [email protected]


AAnnddrreeww LLooaaddeessassistant product manager01226 734482TToonnyy BBaarrrryysales and marketing director01226 734605/01226 734333


KKeellllyy TTaarrffff01226 734695 [email protected]:: 0011222266 773344447777

WWeebb:: wwwwww..ddeessttiinnaattiioonn..uukk..ccoomm


PPeeooppllee ffrroomm aallll oovveerr tthhee wwoorrlldd hhaavvee bbeeeenn iinnvviitteedd ttoo vviissiitt BBrriittaaiinn aass ppaarrtt ooff tthhee nnaattiioonnaall ttoouurriissmm aaggeennccyy’’ssllaatteesstt gglloobbaall ccaammppaaiiggnn.. 33DD aarrttwwoorrkkss ddeettaaiilliinngg BBrriittaaiinn’’ss iiccoonniicc llaannddmmaarrkkss hhaavvee lleefftt LLoonnddoonn,, eenn rroouuttee ttoo tthheeiirrnneeww hhoommeess iinn cciittiieess ssuucchh aass SSiinnggaappoorree,, SSttoocckkhhoollmm aanndd MMiillaann wwhheerree tthheeyy wwiillll bbee uusseedd ttoo pprroommoottee wwhhaatt tthheeccoouunnttrryy hhaass ttoo ooffffeerr.. VViissiitt BBrriittaaiinn cchhiieeff eexxeeccuuttiivvee SSaannddiiee DDaawwee llaauunncchheedd tthhee ccaammppaaiiggnn wwiitthh ppaarrttnneerrssiinncclluuddiinngg BBAA,, HHiillttoonn,, PP&&OO aanndd RRaaddEEdd..

Research reveals new opportunitiesfor Kent businessesTOURISM accommodation in Kentand Medway could be missing outon opportunities in the growingvisitor, friends and relatives market,according to research by Visit Kent.

According to existing nationaldata, the VFR market in Kentgenerates just short of 2.3m tripseach year – 88 per cent from theUK and 12 per cent from overseas.

It also accounts for more than halfof all trips to the county – a farmore significant proportion of thetourism market than found in manyother areas of the UK.

Previously, traditional researchinto this market focused exclusivelyon the spending by visitors duringtheir stay, calculating its value inKent at approximately £202m.

But this approach only took intoconsideration the spending ofvisitors and not their hosts during

their day trip, overnight stay orlonger holiday.

Visit Kent’s new research,reviewing national data andconducting extensive online surveysand focus groups, has now revealedthe spending by hosts onentertaining their guests at pubsand restaurants, visiting attractionsand other forms of entertainmentmay well equal or even exceedvisitor spending.

Research manager Tracey Parkersaid: “It has been incrediblyilluminating and suggests that thereare many marketing opportunitiesthat businesses may be missing bynot promoting themselves directlyto local residents.

“For example, our online surveysand focus groups have shown thatmany people would actually preferto stay in serviced accommodation

while visiting and not be a burdenon their hosts or because space islimited.

“This could open the door formore hotels and B&Bs to link upwith local people to raiseawareness of where guests couldstay in their area.

“But they would also have to takeinto account that perceived value,discounts and special offers arekey in this market.

“On our VFR satisfaction surveys,Kent scored highly for the overallexperience, scenery and hospitalityvenues but scored lower on valuefor money.

“Drilling down into the responsesand statistics suggests thataccommodation providers andattractions presenting special dealsfor local people entertaining guestscould do really well.”

Scottish Surprise Yourself campaign successA MARKETING campaignencouraging people to surprisethemselves in Scotland hascaptured the public’s imagination,new figures have shown.

VisitScotland’s Surprise Yourselfactivity, which targets the UK andIreland market and is fronted by aseries of TV adverts voiced bytelevision historian Neil Oliver, hasoutperformed many of its previouscampaigns.

The advert, which features iconicScottish imagery such as EdinburghCastle and Eilean Donan Castle, aswell as more “surprising” elementsof Scottish life, such as BelhavenFire Festival and a seaplane taking

off in Glasgow and landing on Mull,was first screened throughout theUK in March.

From a total of nearly 2,000respondents to VisitScotland’sbrand tracking questionnaire, eightout of ten people thought themessage from the advert wasrelevant to them, while four in tensaid it told them something they didnot know about Scotland. The threeversions of the advert encouragedpeople to enjoy holidays or shortbreaks in Scotland, with a quarterof the respondents saying they were“highly motivated” to consider afuture break in the country.

Respondents considered the new

adverts more emotionally engagingthan previous VisitScotlandcampaigns, with a score of nearlyseven out of ten.

Overall, Surprise Yourself, whichincludes a website and, for the firsttime in a VisitScotland campaign,money-off vouchers, alsooutperforms previous campaigns interms of advertising awareness.

The spontaneous advertisingawareness figure post launchshowed 43 per cent of respondentsclaimed to have seen someadvertising for Scotland. This is thehighest level to date, beating the42 per cent scored byVisitScotland’s Autumn Moments in

September 2010. Chief executive Malcolm Roughead

said: “We are delighted that ourSurprise Yourself campaign hasproved so successful in terms ofengaging potential visitors. Thecampaign is in response toextensive consumer research whichshowed that, although people lovedthe previous ‘Senses’ advert, itdidn’t make them want to bookimmediately. We know that peoplewant to visit Scotland – this isabout persuading them to booknow, and these brand trackerresults are a good indication thatSurprise Yourself is having thedesired effect.”

Going interactiveCITYJET has become the first airlinein the UK to launch an interactiveconcierge service via its Twitterfeed. The tool, available on Twitter@cityjet, will aim to help allpassengers with their travel-relatedqueries as well as being on hand tobook hotel rooms and restaurantsor organise taxi pick ups. It willinitially run as a trial service for twohours a day to gauge customerfeedback and uptake.

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THE Christmas Showboat will beoperating Monday to Saturdayevening throughout December.

Guests will be welcomed onboardwith a drink and as they cruisedown to the Thames Barrier theywill enjoy a four-course meal withwine. On the way back to Westmin-ster Pier, there will be a liveentertainment and plenty of time fordancing. The price of £75 includeshalf a bottle of wine per person.

The Christmas Day Lunch Cruiseoffers a carefree way of celebratingthe special day. During the two andthree quarter hour cruise along theThames guests can enjoy an aperitiffollowed by a sumptuous fourcourse meal complete with all theChristmas trimmings. The price ofthis cruise is £105 per person.

All the New Year's Eve cruisesoffer a grandstand position atWestminster from which to hear BigBen striking midnight. Guests will

be welcomed onboard the NewYear's Eve Buffet and Dance Cruisewith a glass of sparkling wine andenjoy a tasty buffet followed bydancing before celebrating thearrival of 2012.

On the New Year's Eve GalaDinner and Dance Cruise,passengers will have a chance tocelebrate in style with a five coursesit-down dinner with wine followedby dancing and a glass ofchampagne as midnight strikes.Prices start from £150 per person.

The Galaxy and Stargazer NewYear's Eve Cruises offer two moreeconomical options. On these twoand a half hour evening cruises,guests will be able to enjoy thestunning views of London betweenTower and Westminster piers. Agoody bag packed full of food anddrink is included in the price, whichis £99 and £69 per personrespectively.

Christmas on the water

Holme is where the vineyard isA HUSBAND and wife team havecreated Yorkshire’s next big touristattraction in the heart of the HolmeValley.

When Ian and Rebecca Shevelingfirst launched Holmfirth Vineyard,they had no intention of evenopening it up to the public.

But increasing interest from localsled to them introducing vineyardtours, which proved so popular thepair have now opened a new visitorcentre – including a winery andrestaurant serving locally sourcedproduce – with spectacular views

across the area.

Ian explained: “Originally it wasgoing to be more of a hobby and wewere going to make wine to sell it.

“But people kept asking what wewere doing and we decided to doour first tour in 2009. We ended updoing three tours a day for fourdays and it was heaving.”

Another successful weekend oftours later that year confirmed therewas a gap in the market for thistype of attraction and they decidedto think more seriously about

turning it into a business.

This set the ball rolling for thevisitor centre, which opened in Maythis year, and so far business isbooming – with tours every weekendsince fully booked.

Rebecca added: “The responsehas been fantastic and we aregetting people coming from all over.The local council is also rightbehind us as they believe it’s agreat tourist attraction.

“People are coming to see us andthen going into Holmfirth. And we

are trying to push that wealtharound so everyone benefits.”

Following the success of therestaurant, Ian and Rebecca havedecided to expand the businesseven further and are currentlybuilding seven five star eco friendlylodges, which are due to open nextyear.

The lodges, which will also includetreatment rooms, Jacuzzi andsaunas, will allow the couple toextend their offering into full winetasting weekends and capitalise onthe short breaks market.

05 7/9/11 09:33 Page 1

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VISITOR numbers to attractionsacross the West Midlandsincreased by two per cent in2010, figures from VisitEnglandhave revealed.

Birmingham Museum and ArtGallery remained in the list of top20 free attractions nationwide,enjoying a significant increase of13.2 per cent between 2009 and2010, whilst consistent visitornumbers to Ironbridge’s VisitorCentre ensured the Shropshireattraction retained a place in thetop 20 paid for attractions.

Operations and policy directorat Marketing Birmingham TimManson said: “VisitEngland’sreport follows the news earlierthis year that visitor numbers toBirmingham rose significantlybetween 2009-2010.

“The economic climate hasresulted in more people seekingout free or low costentertainment opportunitiescloser to home.

“Birmingham attracts a diversemix of visitors and offers leisureopportunities to suit all tastesand budgets – from freemuseums and art galleries tolarger attractions, the city catersfor a vast array of local, nationaland international visitors. We arecontinually working with ourpartners to raise awareness ofthe city’s offering to visitors – theFood Fest in October will includeapproximately 100 fringe events,many of which will be takingplace at existing attractionsaround the city.”

The region’s paid for attractionsalso fared well, with IronbridgeVisitor Centre retaining thenumber one spot in the WestMidlands visitor numbers rating.

Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trustchief executive Steve Miller said:“2010 was a record year for theIronbridge Gorge Museums, with

well over half a million visitsacross our ten museums situatedthroughout the World HeritageSite.

“With a combination of excellentcoverage on television, a new£12m development at Blists HillVictorian Town and a successionof prestigious awards, we wereable to make the best of a

buoyant regional market.”Visit England’s annual

attractions report, based on asurvey of 1,802 England visitorattractions that provided visitfigures for 2009 and 2010,showed an average increase ofthree per cent nationwide, mainlydriven by destinations offeringfree admission.

More visitorsto attractions

Travellers‘thinkingtwice’ overtrain costsTHE SOARING cost of train travel isdiscouraging Brits from taking shortbreaks in the UK, research hasclaimed.

A study by car sharing websiteBlablaCar found 78 per cent ofpeople think UK rail fares forjourneys over 100 miles are tooexpensive – with 66 per cent sayingthe cost is putting them off bookinga short break.

Co founder of BlablaCar NicolasBrusson said: “The high cost of railtravel means that people arethinking twice before taking shortbreaks in the UK.

“With fares set to rise significantly,this is predicted to have an evenbigger effect on UK tourism in thenext year.

“Petrol prices are also having animpact on our purse strings. It isbecoming more and morenecessary for people to consideralternative, more cost efficient,ways of reducing their travel costs.”

The One Poll survey of 2,000people also revealed 72 per centwould go on more weekend breaksif the cost of travel was lower.

And to highlight the cost oftravelling by train, BlablaCarcompared the prices on popularweekend rail routes compared with carpooling – discovering prices offered on its site work outon average 63 per cent cheaperthan those offered by trainoperators.

Museum setto showcasegroup offeringNNAATTIIOONNAALL MMuusseeuumm WWaalleess hhaass ppuubblliisshheedd aa nneeww bbrroocchhuurree ttoo sshhoowwccaassee iittss ooffffeerriinngg ttoo ggrroouuppss..

TThhee bbrroocchhuurree ccoonnttaaiinnss iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnaabboouutt aallll tthhee iinnddiivviidduuaall ssiitteess aannddtthheeiirr ccoolllleeccttiioonnss aass wweellll aass ssppeecciiaallooffffeerrss aanndd ssaavviinnggss ffoorr ggrroouupp vviissiittssbbooookkeedd iinn aaddvvaannccee..

HHeeaadd ooff mmaarrkkeettiinngg JJuunnee FFrraannccooiissssaaiidd:: ““GGrroouupp vviissiittss ccaann eennjjooyy aaggrreeaatt ddaayy oouutt aatt oouurr mmuusseeuummss –– aass wweellll aass eennjjooyyiinngg tthhee mmaaggnniiffiicceennttccoolllleeccttiioonnss aanndd aa ffuullll pprrooggrraammmmee ooff eevveennttss aanndd aaccttiivviittiieess,, tthheerree aarree aallssoo ggrreeaatt ooffffeerrss aatt oouurr sshhooppss aanndd ffoooodd aanndd ddrriinnkkeessttaabblliisshhmmeennttss..

““GGrroouupp vviissiittss aarree vveerryy wweellccoommee ttooaallll oouurr mmuusseeuummss aanndd wwee ddoo aasskk ffoorrtthheemm ttoo bbooookk iinn aaddvvaannccee ddiirreeccttwwiitthh eeaacchh mmuusseeuumm ssoo wwee ccaanneennssuurree tthheeyy hhaavvee tthhee mmoosstt oouutt oofftthheeiirr vviissiitt aanndd hhaavvee aann eennjjooyyaabblleeeexxppeerriieennccee..””

06 7/9/11 09:34 Page 1

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Henry VIII continues to hold court daily at Hampton Court, where groupsenter a living Tudor world and can participate in life at Henry’s palacefrom special Tudor cookery weekends to everyday court life.

From 31 October 2011, the ever-popular Ghost Tours return. Each tourvisits a variety of haunted sites where visitors walk nervously through thehalf-light and hear about its own ghostly story. Will your group have thecourage to walk down the infamous haunted gallery where QueenCatherine Howard’s ghost has been seen on many occasions screamingfor Henry’s mercy?

Outside, explore the glorious formal gardens of William III and Mary IIbefore you disappear into the maze where whispers of the past willaccompany every step to the centre of this topiary puzzle.

While all this is happening, the palace will be on tenterhooks awaiting theimpending birth of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour’s first child. Will it be aboy? Will it survive? Will there be joy or sorrow? Join the court and be thefirst to hear the eagerly anticipated news!

If you’re feeling hungry after exploring the palace, theTudor cooks will also be on hand to satisfy therequirements of the court with typical Tudor delicacies inthe great kitchens or, for those seeking tranquillity, astroll through the gardens will build up an appetite for asnack or lunch in the Tiltyard Café, where arrangementsfor groups can also be made.

For your groups opportunity to meet Henry VIII’s wives ortake part in any of the Tudor events, call our contactcentre on 0844 482 7770 or e-mail [email protected]. Please quote “Destination UKSeptember” when contacting us.

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Thousandshead forflower showMORE than 16,000 visitors flockedto this year’s Knowsley Flower Show– the North West’s largest freehorticultural event.

Eventgoers enjoyed displays ofcolourful fruit, vegetables andflowers, as well as entertainmentfrom a daring dog display team andseaside-themed fun for children.

Foodies could also enjoy afarmers’ market and food marquee,while a panel of judges had the hardtask of picking winners from over500 entries in a range ofcategories.

Knowsley Council’s cabinetmember for leisure, community andculture coun Eddie Connor said:“The Knowsley Flower Show is areally important date in ourcalendar, and over the years theevent has grown considerably innumber – and no wonder, it rightlydeserves its reputation as a reallyfantastic day out.

“There are so many activities forfamilies but it is also an eventwhich gardening enthusiasts fromright across the region look forwardto attending.

“The standard of entries this yearwas extremely high as always,congratulations to all the winnersand to everyone who took part.”

TMP has launched a host ofmarketing initiatives, costing morethan £350,000, designed toboost the number of short breakvisitors to Liverpool City Region.

Activity includes an advertisingcampaign on the London Under-ground and in national mediatitles, an online campaign, anevents guide and visitor public-ations, plus specific initiatives toattract midweek visitors.

TMP chief executive LorraineRogers said: “This host ofmarketing initiatives plays to theunique strengths of our visitoreconomy – strong architecturaland cultural heritage, music, thearts and sport. It is has been

timed to attract even greaternumbers of visitors to the CityRegion for short breaks over thesummer and autumn. By workingwith many of our key membersand partners, we are able to co-ordinate and deliver successful,high-profile initiatives to driveextra business to the destination.Economic growth is the key focusfor TMP and it’s our aim to main-tain our commitment to promotingthe visitor economy, given thepotential to create new jobs andattract wealth in the City Region.”

Director of tourism at the North-west Regional Development Agen-cy Nick Brooks-Sykes added:“This is a really exciting time for

tourism in Liverpool – the city’svisitor economy continues to growwith the opening of many newattractions, exhibitions and placesto stay.

“It is absolutely appropriate forTMP to rally together the supportof the tourism industry tocollectively promote the city to anational and internationalaudience. This activity willencourage more people to cometo Liverpool, boosting the visitoreconomy. The fantastic new visitorguide showcases the bestLiverpool has to offer and itprovides the inspiration andinformation that will make peoplewant to visit the City Region.”

Liverpool spreads wordon London underground

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Liverpool isvoted UK’sfriendliest cityREADERS of leading leisure magazine CondéNast Traveller have voted Liverpool as theUK’s Friendliest City for the second yearrunning.

The award was handed out at the CondéNast Traveller 14th Annual Readers’ TravelAwards, which took place at the RoyalInstitution of Great Britain in London.

The awards also saw Liverpool retain itsposition as the fourth favourite UK city for thesecond successive year, ranking only behindLondon, Edinburgh and Bath.

TMP chief executive Lorraine Rogers said:“This is a fantastic acknowledgment forLiverpool. Anecdotally Liverpool is oftenknown for its friendly welcome and thewarmth of its people – but for this to beofficially recognised by readers of one of theleading and most discerning travel magazinesfor the second year running is a majoraccolade for the destination.

“This is a tribute to the taxi drivers, tourguides, hoteliers and everyone who works inthe visitor economy.

“We have a great range of world classvenues, attractions and hotels which appealto leisure and business visitors and thisasset combined with the warmth of thepeople and the welcome we give visitorswhich encourages them to spread the wordabout what a great time they’ve had.

“The people of Liverpool are one of ourimportant assets and this award is a veryspecial endorsement.”

MORE than 250,000 peoplevisited the new Museum ofLiverpool in just four weeks of itopening.

On average, 8,300 people aday have come through thedoors of the free attraction,

which tells the story of the cityand its people.

Director Janet Dugdale said:”The visitor figures arestaggering. We are thrilled withthe success of the newmuseum.

“To get a quarter of a millionpeople through the doors in thefirst month is fantastic. There isa real buzz of excitement in themuseum and it’s so nice to seeso many people enjoyingthemselves.”

Museum welcomes quarter of amillion visitors in first four weeks

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TAKE a turn around the snow-dustedvillage and make your way into PortSunlight’s very own winterwonderland this December 3 and 4at Hulme Hall.

Filled to the brim with festivedelights, the fayre will capture theChristmas cheer in even the mostdecided of Scrooges.

Peruse over 100 local producerstalls to fill those Christmasstockings and watch chefdemonstrations that will have youroasting chestnuts to perfectionwhile the little elves enjoy ourfairground rides.

Whether it’s gift hunting you’re

after, a chance to relax and enjoygood food and drink or a day outwith the family, Port Sunlight haseverything you need for the perfectChristmas day in 2011.

A food festival with addedyuletide charm this December

THE Floral PavilionTheatre, New Brightonis now regarded asone of Merseyside’spremier entertainmentvenues, the idealplace for a group visit.

The brand new hightech theatre has anartistic programmewhich includes largescale musicals,challenging drama, livemusic (from rock toopera) comedy and aspectacular familypantomime.

Highlights of thecurrent season include

Bill Kenwright’sproduction of BloodBrothers, Bill Wyman,Puccini’s operaMadam Butterfly andthe pantomime Aladdinstarring Kelsey-BethCrossley (Scarlett fromEmmerdale) andAndrew Agnew (PCPlum from Balamory).

Pre show meals areserved in the Floral’sPanoramic Lounge, anopen airy space withbreath taking views ofthe Mersey Estuary, orin the large conferencecentre with facilities to

cater for groups of anysize. With free parkingfor coaches andconsiderable localaccommodation this isthe perfect venue for aday trip or longer.

Ideal venue for group visits

Maritime festivalreturns to MerseyONE of the UK’s biggest maritimefestivals is returning to Liverpoollater this month.

River Festival – On the Waterfrontwill be a week long celebration inthe city, kicking off with theinaugural visit from the new QueenElizabeth cruise liner.

Another highlight of the event willbe a free concert by MOBO awardwinning singer Beverley Knight,which takes place at Pier Head, and the city’s famous waterfront will also come alive with aerobaticdisplays, street theatre, a bistro village and rustic farmersmarket.

Liverpool City Council’s cabinetmember for culture and tourism,coun Wendy Simon said: “TheMersey River Festival was alwayshugely popular, and attractedhundreds of thousands of peopleevery year.

“Since the last festival took placein 2005, our iconic waterfront hasbeen transformed and is nowlooking more majestic than ever andthe river festival will be a greatoccasion to showcase it to visitorsfrom all over the world.

“This year’s event will be just aspopular as it has something to suitall tastes, from soul music to

sailing! In July, the opening of theMuseum of Liverpool and theReflection on the Waterfront event attracted tens of thousandsof people to the Pier Head and I’m sure we’ll see just as many people out celebrating the return of this much-lovedfestival.”

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LIVERPOOL Biennial is the largestand one of the most excitingcontemporary visual arts events inthe UK, with 628,000 visitors and834,000 visits in 2010.

Since its inception in 1999, theBiennial exhibition at the heart ofthe Biennial has always been shownin multiple gallery and non-galleryspaces across the city.

In 2012 the festival runs fromSeptember 15 – November 25offering a concentration of qualitycontemporary art unprecedented inthe UK, built on newlycommissioned works from theworld’s most challenging andambitious artists.

It commissions and presents artof international quality and for eachfestival, dozens of internationalartists are invited to create newworks in locations throughoutLiverpool, hundreds of the bestBritish artists compete for accoladethrough the John Moores prize forcontemporary painting and NewContemporaries exhibitions andtens of international artists are partof the exhibitions that will form CityStates.

Additional exhibitions, presentedthrough a thriving independentscene, mean that for 10 weeks every two years Liverpool is the focus for contemporary art in Britain.

Liverpool – recently voted the UK’sfriendliest city for the second time

by Condé Nast Traveller – is a citywith an edge – sharp and creative –and has a reputation for pushingthe boundaries.

DDoo HHoo SSuuhh,, BBrriiddggiinngg HHoommee,, 22001100IImmaaggee ccoouurrtteessyy ooff LLiivveerrppoooollBBiieennnniiaall 22001100PPiiccttuurree:: TThhiieerrrryy BBaall

Biennial festival built onnewly-commissioned works

TThhee AACCCC LLiivveerrppooooll hhaass hhoosstteedd tthhee lliivvee XX FFaaccttoorr aauuddiittiioonnss ffoorr tthhee ffiirrssttttiimmee.. TThhee XX FFaaccttoorr tteeaamm ttooookk oovveerr tthhee EEcchhoo AArreennaa ffoorr tthhee rreeccoorrddiinngg oofftthhee lliivvee aauuddiittiioonnss aanndd tthhee BBTT CCoonnvveennttiioonn CCeennttrree wwaass uuttiilliisseedd ffoorrhhoollddiinngg rroooommss,, ddrreessssiinngg rroooommss aanndd bbeehhiinndd tthhee sscceenneess aarreeaass..

New Liverpool app passes10,000 download markA NEW app which helps visitors toLiverpool find their way around haspassed the 10,000 download markless than a month after its release.

The Liverpool Tourism Guide Apphas been ranked number 16 in theworld in the travel apps category onthe App Store, receiving an averagefour star rating from customers.

Creator of the app and founderand director of App Tours UK, LarryMurphy said: “I’m very pleased to

have built up a great momentum interms of downloads. Withdownloads from all continentstaking us into the top 20 in theworld and great feedback, I am veryproud.

“The fact that so many people arenow using our guide to access firstclass information and directthemselves around our city justmakes the experience of releasingthe app even more rewarding.”

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Rock ‘n’ roll pantohits the PlayhouseGET your spandex, glitter and partypants on as the legendary rock ‘n’roll panto will shake, rattle and rollat the Liverpool Playhouse.

It’s sure to be a ball as well –literally – with Cinderella: Mop! Inthe Name of Love, at the WilliamsonSquare venue from SaturdayDecember 3 2011 to SaturdayJanuary 21 2012.

The rock ‘n’ roll panto is always agreat night out for all the family.With music, dancing and lots of

cheeky laughs there’s something foreveryone.

Unlike any other panto around, themulti-talented cast sing, dance,entertain, play music and are sureto make Cinderella the best rock ’n’roll ball in town.

If you’re planning a work party orgroup outing, the Playhouse offersvery attractive ticket discounts forgroups of over 10 people withflexible booking terms and nobooking fees.

LLiivveerrppooooll hhaass cceelleebbrraatteedd tthhee 110000tthh bbiirrtthhddaayy ooff iittss lleeggeennddaarryy LLiivveerrBBuuiillddiinngg wwiitthh aa ssppeeccttaaccuullaarr 33DD eevveenntt.. TThhee lliigghhtt sshhooww wwaass tthheecclliimmaaxx ooff aa wweeeekk ooff cceelleebbrraattiioonnss iinn tthhee cciittyy aanndd aanniimmaatteedd tthheebbuuiillddiinngg aanndd nneewwllyy--ooppeenneedd MMuusseeuumm ooff LLiivveerrppooooll wwiitthh aann 880000--yyeeaarrcchhrroonniiccllee ooff LLiivveerrppooooll’’ss hhiissttoorryy.. TThhee pprroojjeecctt wwaass tthhee UUKK ddeebbuutt ffoorrCCzzeecchh RReeppuubblliicc ccoommppaannyy TThhee MMaaccuullaa wwhhoo hhaavvee pprreevviioouussllyy wwoowweeddccrroowwddss iinn DDuubbaaii aanndd PPrraagguuee wwiitthh aarrcchhiitteeccttuurraall pprroojjeeccttiioonnss..PPiiccttuurree:: LLiivveerrppooooll CCiittyy CCoouunncciill

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BRING your group and hop aboardone of our daily River ExplorerCruises for stunning views,fascinating history and unlimitedsea air.

An iconic Mersey Ferry will takeyour group on a 50-minute journeywith a commentary that lets visitorsexplore the River Mersey’s rich past... and present.

Mersey Ferries’ Manchester ShipCanal Cruises are also extremely

popular for group day trips. Cruisesrun between Liverpool and SalfordQuays from April to October. Youcan drop your group at one end ofthe canal and pick up six hourslater at the other end.

Mersey Ferries new Group Guide isnow available which featuresexample itineraries and suggestionsfor incorporating Mersey Ferries aspart of a trip to Liverpool or theNorth West.

Explore River Mersey’srich past ... and present

In association with:

LIVERPOOL’S leading visitorattraction, The Beatles Story, andElvis Presley Enterprises have joinedforces to curate a new globallysignificant exhibition that willexplore how The Fab Four wereinspired by the King of Rock ‘n’Roll.

Elvis and Us will be unveiled onOctober 5 and will run for two yearsat Beatles Story Pier Head,Liverpool. This exclusive exhibitionwill include rare artefacts from boththe Graceland archives, many ofwhich have never before beenexhibited publicly.

Elvis and Us will allow visitors toexperience the power of both Elvisand The Beatles along with their

explosive impact on music andpopular culture – from hit albumsthat still top the charts to movies,books, and plays, both Elvis andThe Beatles are celebrated aroundthe world.

The Beatles Story is one of theUK’s leading attractions, receivinghundreds of thousands of visitorsfrom all over the world every year.Now in its 22nd year, it is one ofBritain’s best-loved experiences,winning countless tourism awards. In recent years, TheBeatles Story has tripled in size toinclude a themed Starbucks coffeehouse, a fantastic discovery zone –an interactive children’s area – andthe Fab 4D cinema.

PPhhoottooggrraapphhyy ccooppyyrriigghhtt:: EEllvviiss PPrreesslleeyy EEnntteerrpprriisseess

The Beatles and the KingA RECORD number of visitorshave flocked to Liverpool in thefirst half of this year, figureshave revealed.

According to the region’s touristboard, TMP, July 2011 was arecord month with 222,000 hotelrooms sold across the city region–12,000 more than the previoushighest recorded month ofOctober 2010.

The jump is being attributed toa number of factors includingrecent new hotel openings forHotel Indigo Liverpool andTravelodge in New Brighton; anexciting events programmefeaturing the opening of the newMuseum of Liverpool and a newexhibition at Tate Liverpool, plusinvestment in a national

advertising campaign to promotethe destination

TMP chief executive LorraineRogers said: “These figures areencouraging news for the visitor economy, especially duringthis challenging economicclimate – and are a very strong indication that we are notonly maintaining our momentumbut moving in the right direction and becoming one ofthe top international destinationsto visit.

“It’s a challenging time forbusinesses in terms of marginsand yields but the underlyingtrend shows that thedestination’s appeal is growingat an impressive rate.”

Record visitor numbers

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TThhee HHeeaarrtt OOff RRoobbiinn HHoooodd,,RRooyyaall SShhaakkeessppeeaarree TThheeaattrree,, SSttrraattffoorrdd--UUppoonn--AAvvoonnNNoovveemmbbeerr 1188 22001111 ––JJaannuuaarryy 77 22001122A SPECTACULAR newproduction of a great Englishlegend is coming to Stratford-upon-Avon from the RoyalShakespeare Company. Thenotorious Robin Hood and hisband of outlaws steal from therich, creating a fearsomereputation amongst those whodare to travel through themighty forest of Sherwood. Butthey do not share their spoilswith the poor and are unlovedby the people, who must alsopay unfair taxes to the evilPrince John as he plots tosteal his brother’s crown.

In this time of chaos and fear, it isdown to Marion to boldly protect thepoor and convince Robin that hemust listen to his heart if they areto save the country.

Written by RSC associate directorDavid Farr and directed by Gisli ÖrnGardarsson, the artistic teambehind Metamorphosis, currentlytouring worldwide.

The RSC offers groups a range ofoptions when visiting Stratford-upon-

Avon. As well as theatre, you canenjoy the breathtaking views ofShakespeare’s home town from thetop of the tower, discover theatricalsecrets on a theatre tour or explorethe free exhibitions. The theatrealso boasts a great venue for groupdining in the stunning RooftopRestaurant and Bar, serving modernBritish food in unique surroundings.

Groups ticket discounts areavailable for parties of eight ormore.

Robin Hood headsfor Stratford

IIlllluussttrraattiioonn:: PPiieerrrree DDoouucciinn aatt DDÉÉBBUUTT AARRTT

BBaatthh’’ss ppooppuullaarr CChhrriissttmmaass MMaarrkkeett hhaass bbeeeenn eexxtteennddeedd ffoorr tthhee sseeccoonnddyyeeaarr rruunnnniinngg ttoo mmeeeett ddeemmaanndd ffrroomm vviissiittoorrss.. TThhee eevveenntt,, oorrggaanniisseedd bbyyBBaatthh ttoouurriissmm PPlluuss,, wwiillll ttaakkee ppllaaccee ffrroomm NNoovveemmbbeerr 2244 ttoo DDeecceemmbbeerr 1111,,sseett bbeettwweeeenn tthhee wwoorrlldd--rreennoowwnneedd RRoommaann BBaatthhss aanndd ssttrriikkiinngg bbaacckkddrrooppooff BBaatthh AAbbbbeeyy.. TThhee CChhrriissttmmaass MMaarrkkeett sshhoowwccaasseess aa rraannggee ooffhhaannddmmaaddee aanndd llooccaall pprroodduuccttss iinn oovveerr 112200 ttrraaddiittiioonnaall wwooooddeenn cchhaalleettssaanndd llaasstt yyeeaarr’’ss eevveenntt aattttrraacctteedd aabboouutt 330000,,000000 vviissiittoorrss oovveerr 1188 ddaayyss..

PPoorrttssmmoouutthh’’ss iiccoonniicc SSppiinnnnaakkeerr TToowweerr hhaass llaauunncchheedd aa nneeww CChhrriissttmmaassaanndd NNeeww YYeeaarr ooffffeerr ffoorr ggrroouuppss.. FFrroomm DDeecceemmbbeerr 11 ttoo FFeebbrruuaarryy 2299,, tthheeaattttrraaccttiioonn wwiillll bbee ooffffeerriinngg aa 2255 ppeerr cceenntt ddiissccoouunntt ffrroomm tthhee uussuuaall ggrroouuppaaddmmiissssiioonn cchhaarrggeess,, aass wweellll aass aa ffrreeee ppaarrkkiinngg vvoouucchheerr ffoorr aannyy ppaarrttiieessttrraavveelllliinngg bbyy ccooaacchh..

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Record-breaking14th year forThe SnowmanCHRISTMAS just wouldn’t beChristmas in London without a tripto see The Snowman at thePeacock Theatre, Sadler’s Wells’home in the West End.

Now in its record-breaking 14thyear, The Snowman continues todelight children everywhere with itsmagical mix of stagecraft, danceand live music.

When a young boy’s snowmancomes to life on Christmas Eve, thetwo set off on a night-time quest foradventure.

On their travels, they meet dancingpenguins, reindeer and, of course,Father Christmas!

Now celebrating its 20thanniversary, Matthew Bourne’sNutcracker! is one of the mostpopular dance productions everstaged in the UK, and is the perfecttreat as it heads to Sadler’s Wellsfor the Christmas season.

This delicious theatrical feast hasfamily-sized helpings of MatthewBourne’s trademark wit, pathos andmagical fantasy. Nutcracker! followsClara’s bittersweet journey from a

hilariously bleak Christmas Eve at Dr Dross’ Orphanage,through a shimmering, ice-skatingwinter wonderland to thescrumptious candy kingdom ofSweetieland.

PPiiccttuurree bbyy BBiillll CCooooppeerr

FESTIVE visitors to Colchester Zoowill be able to enjoy a magicalbreakfast with Santa experience,complete with a gift for children andexclusive pre entry into the zoo.

At the beginning of the experience,Santa’s elves will take all of thechildren to his house where he willshow everyone around hisenchanted grotto before introducingthe children to his assistants – reallive reindeer.

The morning will also includebreakfast for kids and parents – andthe rest of the day can be spentenjoying the zoo.

Breakfastwith Santa

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SUPERBREAK is urging agents toget behind its London theatrebreaks to see the smash hitmusical Wicked, just as the showgets ready to celebrate its fifthbirthday on September 27 beforeflying into its sixth spellbinding yearat the Apollo Victoria Theatre.

With half-term and Halloween onthe way, a break in a London hotelwith tickets to see the show is theperfect way to entertain youngpeople of all ages.

With Wicked now booking throughuntil October 27 2012, agents havean even greater opportunity togenerate sales and boost revenues.

And there’s more: any customerswho head down to London cancombine an overnight stay withWicked Day on Sunday October 30,the show's annual free event for allthe family that celebrates all thingsWicked in order to raise funds forThe Woodland Trust's national tree-planting campaign, "More TreesMore Good".

Featuring a host of Wicked andHalloween-themed events, WickedDay offers activities suitable for allages including live performancesfrom cast members, face-paintingplus very special Wickedworkshops.

National sales manager atSuperbreak Graham Balmforth said:“This show is hugely popular and as

we approach its fifth birthday andHalloween, agents have a realopportunity to do some quirkymarketing and push our great valuetheatre break packages. Theultimate break, customers cancome to London to see the showand spend the day doing all thingsWicked on October 30 – magical.”

Prices for a Superbreak theatrebreak to see Wicked lead in at£103 pp including one night’s b/baccommodation in a three star hoteland a ticket to the show.

Superbreak offers quirkymarketing opportunity

NNaattiioonnaall ssaalleess mmaannaaggeerr GGrraahhaamm BBaallmmffoorrtthh

BASED on the acclaimed novelby Gregory Maguire that re-imagined the stories andcharacters created by L. FrankBaum in 'The WonderfulWizard of Oz', Wicked tells theincredible untold story of anunlikely but profoundfriendship between two girlswho first meet as sorcerystudents. Their extraordinaryadventures in Oz will ultim-ately see them fulfil their dest-inies as Glinda The Good andthe Wicked Witch of the West.

Wicked first dazzledBroadway in October 2003.Now Stephen Schwartz’spowerful songs, a visuallystunning production and astory full of surprises, wit andemotion has been described

as ''OOnnee ooff tthhee bbiiggggeesstt hhiittss ooffoouurr aaggee'' (The Observer),captivating audiences inLondon and all around theworld.

Voted by audiences as““MMoosstt PPooppuullaarr SShhooww”” (2010Olivier Audience Award) and““BBeesstt WWeesstt EEnndd SShhooww”” (2011and 2010 Whatsonstage.comAwards), Wicked’s Londonproduction recently celebratedits landmark 2000th perform-ance and has grossed inexcess of £135m at the UKbox office since its West Endpremiere in 2006. ‘‘TThhee hhiittmmuussiiccaall wwiitthh bbrraaiinnss,, hheeaarrttaanndd ccoouurraaggee’’ (The SundayTelegraph) now prepares to flyinto its sixth spellbinding yearat the Apollo Victoria Theatre.

Experience thisunforgettable,award-winningmusical anddiscover thatyou’ve not beentold the wholestory about theland of Oz …

‘A wicked and wonderful vision of Oz’ EEvveenniinngg SSttaannddaarrdd

GGiirrllss AAlloouudd ssiinnggeerrKKiimmbbeerrlleeyy WWaallsshh iissjjooiinniinngg tthhee ccaasstt ooffSShhrreekk TThhee MMuussiiccaall,,ttaakkiinngg oovveerr tthhee rroollee ooffPPrriinncceessss FFiioonnaa ffrroommAAmmaannddaa HHoollddeenn..KKiimmbbeerrlleeyy’’ss ffiirrssttppeerrffoorrmmaannccee wwiillll bbeeoonn OOccttoobbeerr 55 wwhheennsshhee wwiillll jjooiinn tthhee ootthheerrssttaarrss ooff tthhee sshhooww,,iinncclluuddiinngg NNiiggeellLLiinnddssaayy aass SShhrreekk,,RRiicchhaarrdd BBllaacckkwwoooodd aassDDoonnkkeeyy aanndd NNiiggeellHHaarrmmaann aass LLoorrddFFaarrqquuaaaadd.. PPiiccttuurree bbyy HHeelleennMMaayybbaannkkss

LLeeggeennddaarryyeenntteerrttaaiinneerr RRoollffHHaarrrriiss iiss ttoo ppeerrffoorrmmaa ssppeecciiaall oonnee ooffffsshhooww ttoo ccooiinncciiddeewwiitthh tthhee 110000tthhbbiirrtthhddaayy ooff LLoonnddoonn’’ssVViiccttoorriiaa PPaallaacceeTThheeaattrree.. RRoollff wwiillllaappppeeaarr aatt tthhee vveennuueeoonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1188 ffoorroonnee nniigghhtt oonnllyy,,ggiivviinngg tthhee aauuddiieenncceeaann ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ttoohheeaarr hhiiss ccllaassssiiccssoonnggss wwiitthh bbaacckkiinnggffrroomm aa lliivvee bbaanndd..

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WEST End star Jodie Prenger willpresent and perform at theLancashire and Blackpool TourismAwards, taking place at Blackpool’sPleasure Beach Resort onSeptember 22.

Blackpool-born Jodie shot to fameon the BBC TV programme I’d DoAnything, winning the coveted roleof Nancy in Cameron Mackintosh’srevival of Oliver! She has alsoperformed in the UK tour ofSpamalot and has made regular TV,

radio and concert appearances.Cabinet member for tourism and

culture at Blackpool Council counGraham Cain said: “We aredelighted to announce that local girlJodie Prenger will be hosting thisyear’s Lancashire and BlackpoolTourism Awards. Lancashire lassJodie is a fantastic performer and agreat ambassador for the town, andI'm sure she will make a wonderfuland entertaining host for theawards.”

West End star Jodie topresent tourism awards

TThhee RRooyyaall SShhaakkeessppeeaarree CCoommppaannyy’’ss wwoorrlldd pprreemmiieerree pprroodduuccttiioonn ooffMMaattiillddaa TThhee MMuussiiccaall iiss ttrraannssffeerrrriinngg ttoo LLoonnddoonn’’ss CCaammbbrriiddggee TThheeaattrree,,pprreevviieewwiinngg ffrroomm TTuueessddaayy OOccttoobbeerr 1188.. RRooaalldd DDaahhll’’ss mmaaggiiccaall ssttoorryyaabboouutt aa ggiirrll wwiitthh eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy ppoowweerrss hhaass bbeeeenn aa ffaavvoouurriittee nnoovveell ffoorrmmiilllliioonnss ooff ppeeooppllee aaccrroossss tthhee wwoorrlldd ssiinnccee iitt wwaass ppuubblliisshheedd iinn 11998888..TThhee sshhooww pprreevviioouussllyy ppllaayyeedd ttoo ssoolldd--oouutt aauuddiieenncceess aatt tthhee RRSSCC’’ssCCoouurrttyyaarrdd TThheeaattrree iinn SSttrraattffoorrdd--uuppoonn--AAvvoonn ffoorr 1122 wweeeekkss ffrroomm NNoovveemmbbeerr22001100 ttoo JJaannuuaarryy 22001111..

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HISTORIC Royal Palaceshas a line up of neverbefore seen exhibitions intime for the Queen’sDiamond Jubilee next year.

It’s an unrivalled year ofactivities, exhibitions andevents to celebrate HerMajesty’s 60 years on thethrone.

Kensington Palace hasundergone a £12mrefurbishment and will re-open on March 26 with apermanent exhibitioncalled Victoria Revealed.Set within the palace andin the very rooms whereQueen Victoria lived,visitors can see herpersonal collection ofdresses, diaries, paintingand wedding gifts.

The Crown Jewels will benewly displayed fromEaster at the Tower ofLondon

Henry VIII’s Tudor crownhas been re-created andwill be on show in the newCrown and Dynastyexhibition at HamptonCourt Palace

Kew Palace opens itsGeorgian kitchens for thefirst time in over 200years with hosted tours ofthe kitchens available tovisitors of the palace.

In addition to thesepermanent exhibitions,Historic Royal Palaceshave announced twotemporary exhibitions for2012 only.

Jubilee – a view from thecrowd at KensingtonPalace from May 24 willexplore the DiamondJubilee of Queen Victoria.

At Hampton CourtPalace, The Wild, TheBeautiful and TheDamned, explores the lovestory of Charles II, JamesII, William III and Mary IIand Anne, commonlyknown as the Baroqueperiod.

Historic Royal Palaceswill be at the World TravelMarket in November, standno UK1 103 and we lookforward to assisting youwith your Diamond JubileeYear plans.

Unrivalled year to markQueen’s Diamond Jubilee

Geoff readyto guideguestson tour ...GUESTS at a London hotel can nowexplore the history of the City ofLondon by taking a walking tour witha qualified local guide.

Visitors to the Mint Hotel Tower ofLondon can walk around the areawith guide Geoff Boyd, whopromises to show them buildingsand locations that reflect life in theCity over the past 2,000 years andtalk about the historical figures whohelped shape it.

Highlights of the 90-minute tourinclude All Hallows by the Tower –the oldest church in the City ofLondon, Leadenhall Market which isused as a location in the HarryPotter films and London’s firstcoffee house.

The hotel’s general managerPatrick O’Connell said: “Mint HotelTower of London is always looking toprovide special extra touches for ourguests and these new walking toursare a perfect example of that.

“Geoff is a well-known, well-respected City of London guide andhe really brings the history of thelocal area alive.”

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Groups will get even more value for their visit from spring 2011when the incredible story of the Tower of London’s menageriewill be revealed as it is brought to life through a selection ofspecially commissioned animal sculptures installed around theFortress.

Wild and exotic animals were kept at the Tower for theentertainment and curiosity of the royal household and visitorsfor over 600 years. Kings and queens kept these extraordinarycreatures as symbols of power. Visitors can discover theamazing tales of how animals were fed, watered and housed,and compare how animals and prisoners were kept at the Tower.The experience will include displays along the recently restored

and opened north wall walk and Brick Tower where numerousinteresting exhibits will be included.

The Tower of London is the world’s most famous Fortressand Britain’s most visited paid for historic site. Home to seethe priceless Crown Jewels and legendary ravens that strut inthe grounds, the Tower also has a stunning new permanentexhibition showcasing 500 years of royal arms and armour -Fit for a King: making this a truly unique visit and great valuefor money.

For help and advice in organising group visits to any of thehistoric royal palaces, contact the Groups and Travel TradeTeam on +44 (0) 20 3166 6311 or e-mail [email protected]. Please quote “Destination UKSeptember” when contacting us.

Royal Beasts return to the Tower of London

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Tourism canbenefit fromGames’ legacyBy Christina EcclesWITH less than one year to go toLondon 2012, VisitBritain hasemphasised the important roletourism can play in the OlympicGames’ legacy.

With a potential global televisionaudience of around 4b peopletuning in to coverage of the eventnext summer, the national tourismagency claims London 2012 will be an ideal opportunity to help put Britain on the destinationwish list for visitors around theworld.

Chief executive Sandie Dawe said:“London 2012 is an event withglobal reach that will allow us tohighlight the diversity of whatvisitors can experience acrossBritain – our history and heritage,our countryside and natural beauty,our culture, fashion, sports, foodand drink, and of course the warmthof our welcome.

“Around the world VisitBritain will

be joining in the celebrations withevents in key tourism markets suchas the USA, India, Russia and theUAE.

“This is going to be a uniqueGames, juxtaposing old and new.Some of our best known sportingvenues such as Wimbledon,Wembley, Lords, Hampden Park andthe Millennium Stadium will hostevents, while iconic landscapes,buildings and parks – the JurassicCoast at Weymouth, Greenwich,Windsor and Eton, Hyde Park andHorse Guards Parade will form thebackdrop to the sportingcompetition.

"We believe that hosting the 2012Games will have a positive impacton how we are perceived byoverseas visitors and VisitBritain iscommitted to ensuring the tourismbenefits are felt right across thecountry – before, during and afterthe main event.”

THE great British seaside holiday ismaking a comeback, according tofigures from, whichreveal bookings for traditionallocations are up.

Old favourites such as Blackpool,Bognor Regis and Scarborough haveseen huge rises in hotel bookingsthis summer, the website hasclaimed, overtaking more recentlypopular destinations such asBrighton, Cornwall and the Isle ofWight.

Blackpool is now one of the top seaside destinations in the UK on the site, withScarborough and Great Yarmouthalso seeing surges in bookings year-on-year.

Offline marketing manager LyndaMatthews said: “It’s great to seethat British holidaymakers arelooking to return to the Britishseaside and enjoy the traditionalattractions of the pier andcandyfloss on a donkey again.”

TTrraaddiittiioonnaall BBrriittiisshh sseeaassiiddee rreessoorrttss aarree mmaakkiinngg aa ccoommeebbaacckk,, aaccccoorrddiinnggttoo ffiigguurreess..

Seaside holidaysmaking a comeback

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THE New Alexandra Theatre ispainting the town pink this autumnwith two of the best feel-goodmusicals around.

West End star Claire Sweeneycomes to the Alex this October inthe award-winning smash hit LegallyBlonde, then it’s the all-time classicmusical Grease for the Christmas

season with skating star RobinCousins in the role of ‘Teen Angel’.

Taking us into the beginning ofnext year, the brand new tour ofSouth Pacific arrives, followed bythe chaotic Knights of the RoundTable in the hilarious Monty Pythonmusical Spamalot.

Musical double for theatre

Cheesy times at attractionVISITORS to a Warwickshireattraction have been encouraged totry their hand at carving cheese, aspart of a celebration of NationalCheese Week.

The competition at National Trustproperty Coughton Court forms partof the attraction’s cheese andpickle festival, which will showcaselocal produce and makers and issupported by Aga and local cheesemakers, Fowlers Cheese.

Visitor experience officer SarahKinnersley said: “We are veryexcited about the event anddelighted to be working with a local

family of cheese makers, who arenow incredibly on their 14thgeneration. It’s such an unusualchallenge, I am hoping thateveryone will be inspired to create awork of art in cheese and enter itinto our competition.

“I am reliably informed that all youneed is a small block of hardcheese and then all the family canhave a go! The carved cheeses willbe judged on the final day of ourCheese and Pickle Festival, sothere’s plenty of time to get thinkingup a brilliant design and startpractising.”

AAddrriiaann aanndd PPaatt FFoowwlleerr ooff FFoowwlleerrss CChheeeessee wwiitthh tthheeiirr cchheeeessee ccaarrvviinngg oofftthhee TThhrroocckkmmoorrttoonn ccooaatt ooff aarrmmss.. PPiiccttuurree:: NNaattiioonnaall TTrruusstt//SSaarraahhKKiinnnneerrsslleeyy..

A HOTEL in Stratford-upon-Avon hasa new spa manager, PhilipWakefield.

Philip has joined the team at theMenzies Welcombe Hotel Spa andGolf Club, which is set in 157 acresof parkland and boasts facilitiesincluding a swimming pool, state ofthe art gym and all weather, floodlittennis courts.

Philip said: “I’m very excited tohave joined the team at theWelcombe Spa and am lookingforward to the new challenges andworking within a chain of top classfour star hotels and a Spa thatoffers some of the best, high classfacilities in the area.”

Spa role for Philip





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Website showcases best of areaA NEW website has been createdto showcase the best of what thePeak District and Derbyshire hasto offer tourists.

Visit Peak District and Derbyshireand web experts NVG have joinedforces to create a clearer, moreinteractive internet portal – with anew link straight to nationaltourist board VisitEngland’swebsite and key internationalmarkets in 40 countriesworldwide.

Improvements include: � An improved ‘where to stay’landing page.� More video content to bring thearea to life.� A new heritage and historypage, including videos from theDerwent Valley Mills WorldHeritage Site.� A virtual library, where touristscan browse guides and bookletsonline and order selected ones bypost.� More links to other touristorganisations, holiday, operatorand travel websites, so visitors

can access all the details theyneed quickly and easily.

Chief executive of Visit PeakDistrict and Derbyshire DavidJames said: “The main aim of ourrevamped website is to persuadepeople all over the world that thePeak District and Derbyshire is afabulous place to spend a holiday– so there’s much more emphasison stunning images and videofootage.

“Instead of bombarding peoplewith too much information, it isdesigned to capture their attentionand then direct them quickly andseamlessly to all the details theyneed to plan a stress-free andenjoyable break.

“The new web pages have afresher, contemporary feel tomake browsing a pleasure, andwe’ll be adding new content andsections as time goes on tocontinue to capitalise on our mainassets – including themed shortbreaks in film and TV locationsand romantic and city breaks inDerby and Sheffield.”

PPiiccttuurree sshhoowwss DDaavviidd JJaammeess aanndd PPeenneellooppee,, VViissccoouunntteessss CCoobbhhaamm,,cchhaaiirrmmaann ooff VViissiittEEnnggllaanndd,, lloogg iinn ttoo tthhee ooffffiicciiaall ttoouurriisstt bbooaarrdd’’ss nneeww--llooookk wweebbssiittee iinn ffrroonntt ooff oonnee ooff tthhee aarreeaa’’ss mmoosstt ddiissttiinnccttiivveebbuuiillddiinnggss,, tthhee GGrraaddee II CCrreesscceenntt iinn BBuuxxttoonn

OOvveerr 2200 ssccuullppttuurreess bbyy SSeeaann HHeennrryy aarree oonnddiissppllaayy ttoo vviissiittoorrss aatt SSaalliissbbuurryy CCaatthheeddrraalluunnttiill tthhee eenndd ooff OOccttoobbeerr.. CCoonnfflluuxx:: AA UUnniioonn oofftthhee SSaaccrreedd aanndd tthhee AAnnoonnyymmoouuss iiss tthheellaarrggeesstt eexxhhiibbiittiioonn ttoo ddaattee ooff hhiiss wwoorrkk aannddtthhee ffiigguurreess aarree ppoossiittiioonneedd aalloonnggssiiddee tthheeccaatthheeddrraall’’ss eeaarrlliieerr ssccuullppttuurreess bbootthh iinnssiiddeeaanndd oouuttssiiddee tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg..

Come to Spookyshire for a devil of a good time ...TTOOUURRIISSMM bboosssseess iinn tthhee PPeeaakkDDiissttrriicctt aanndd DDeerrbbyysshhiirree hhaavveeaannnnoouunncceedd ddeettaaiillss ooff tthhee aarreeaa’’ss aannnnuuaall aauuttuummnn ffeessttiivvaall ooffffuunn..

FFoorr tthhee aauuttuummnn sseeaassoonn,, tthheerreeggiioonn wwiillll bbee rreennaammeedd SSppooookkyysshhiirreettoo rreefflleecctt tthhee eevveennttss oonn ooffffeerr ttoovviissiittoorrss oovveerr HHaalllloowweeeenn aanndd bboonnffiirreenniigghhtt..

AAttttrraaccttiioonnss wwiillll iinncclluuddee aa

ffoorrttnniigghhtt--lloonngg SSccaarreeffeesstt aatt AAllttoonn TToowweerrss RReessoorrtt aanndd aabbeewwiittcchhiinngg GGaarrddeenn ooff LLiigghhtt iinnCChheesstteerrffiieelldd’’ss aawwaarrdd--wwiinnnniinnggQQuueeeenn’’ss PPaarrkk..

HHeeaadd ooff mmaarrkkeettiinngg aanndd ddeeppuuttyycchhiieeff eexxeeccuuttiivvee ooff VViissiitt PPeeaakkDDiissttrriicctt aanndd DDeerrbbyysshhiirree DDaavviiddTThhoorrnnttoonn ssaaiidd::

““TThhee lliivveellyy aanndd vvaarriieedd pprrooggrraammmmeeooff eevveennttss ppllaannnneedd ffoorr tthhiiss yyeeaarr’’ss

SSppooookkyysshhiirree ffeessttiivvaall ooffffeerrss aa ggrreeaatteexxccuussee ttoo sspprreeaadd mmiirrtthh aannddmmaayyhheemm aaccrroossss tthhee aarreeaa,, aasscchhiillddrreenn aanndd aadduullttss aalliikkee ggeettiinnvvoollvveedd iinn ssoommee ffiieennddiisshhllyy eexxcciittiinnggcceelleebbrraattiioonnss..

““TThhee ffiirrsstt wweeeekk--lloonngg ffeessttiivvaall ttwwooyyeeaarrss aaggoo pprroovveedd ssoo ppooppuullaarr tthhaattllaasstt yyeeaarr wwee ddeecciiddeedd ttoo pprroolloonngg tthheeffuunn tthhrroouugghhoouutt OOccttoobbeerr –– aanndd wwhhiilleetthhee mmaaiinn ffooccuuss ffoorr tthhiiss yyeeaarr’’ss eevveenntt

wwiillll bbee dduurriinngg tthhee hhaallff--tteerrmm sscchhoooollhhoolliiddaayy,, tthhiiss ttiimmee wwee aarree llooookkiinngg ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo aann eeqquuaallllyyssuucccceessssffuull eevveenntt tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthheeaauuttuummnn..

““BByy eexxtteennddiinngg iitt ttoo iinncclluuddee aanneevveenn wwiiddeerr ssppeeccttrruumm ooff eevveennttss,, wweeaaiimm ttoo aappppeeaall ttoo bbootthh ppeeooppllee wwhhoolliivvee iinn tthhee aarreeaa aanndd vviissiittoorrss ffrroommeellsseewwhheerree ppllaannnniinngg aann eexxcciittiinnggsshhoorrtt bbrreeaakk..””

AA hhootteell ggrroouupp hhaass ddeessiiggnneedd tthhrreeee nneeww ccoocckkttaaiillsswwhhiicchh ppaayy hhoommaaggee ttoo ssoommee ooff ttooddaayy’’ss bbiiggggeessttssttyyllee iiccoonnss.. TToo mmaarrkk LLoonnddoonn FFaasshhiioonn WWeeeekk,, PPaarrkkPPllaazzaa HHootteellss aanndd RReessoorrttss hhaass ccrreeaatteedd ddrriinnkkssiinnssppiirreedd bbyy LLaaddyy GGaaggaa,, GGwweenn SStteeffaannii ((ppiiccttuurreedd))aanndd RRiihhaannnnaa,, wwhhiicchh aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee tthhrroouugghhoouuttSSeepptteemmbbeerr aatt aallll ssiixx ooff iittss hhootteellss iinn tthhee CCaappiittaall..

Chefs backBirminghamFood FestBy Christina Eccles

A HOST of award-winning chefs have backedBirmingham’s Food Fest, which takes place inthe city in October.

Great British Menu reigning champion andwinner of Gordon Ramsay’s F Word Aktar Islamof Lasan Restaurant and Michelin star awardwinner Richard Turner, chef patron of Turners ofHarborne, are supporting Visit Birmingham’sfestival, which includes over 100 food-relatedevents.

Director of marketing services at VisitBirmingham Emma Gray said: “Working withhundreds of partners throughout Birminghamwe are building a truly unique festival that reflects the many different tastes in thecity.

“The festival will bring together key culturalattractions, a wide range of restaurants,independent eateries and local producers toshowcase Birmingham’s authentic food anddrink offering, along with its wider visitorappeal.”

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ORGANISERS of the Group Leisure and TravelTrade Show (GLTT) are encouraging grouptravel organisers, coach operators and thewider travel trade to visit this importantindustry event this September at the NEC, bypre-registering now.

Britain’s biggest event for group travel isnow in its 15th successive year andcontinues to receive strong support with bothexhibitor and visitor pre-registration figures upon this time last year.

The GLTT takes place over the two days ofSeptember 21 and 22, in Hall 11 of the NECBirmingham. Admittance is free of charge andall visitors can now pre-register for fast trackentry by visiting orusing the pre-registration ticket included inthis edition of Destination UK.

Although entry is also free on the day, pre-registered attendees to the show alsoautomatically qualify to be entered into aprize draw to win £600 holiday vouchers,sponsored by Newmarket Travel Service.Visitors must be pre-registered to qualify.

Emma Cash of YPL Exhibitions said: “TheGLTT provides the very latest information,stimulates ideas and provides solutions forgroup travel in the UK, Europe and furtherafield and is an important two days of face toface networking for group travelprofessionals, coach operators and traveltrade executives. We have around 250exhibiting companies ranging from destinationspecialists, accommodation providers, coachoperators, tour operators, attractions,theatres and tourist boards to name just afew. The GLTT is cost-effective and relevantand for those serious about the group travelmarket; it should not be missed.”

As well as a wide ranging selection ofexhibitors, visitors will also find a coachdisplay area and the Premier Lounge.

The exhibition also provides visitors with afree bacon butty breakfast on arrival for thefirst part of the day and also offers freecoach transport from various locations withinthe UK.

Free car parking for bona-fide group travelorganisers, coach operators and travel tradeexecutives is available however visitors mustpre-register before September 16 to qualify,saving the £8.00 NEC parking fee.

Coach operators who bring their own groupscan also receive free coach parking if theypre-book with the organisers. Moreinformation on the coach routes and freeparking offers can be found

EExxhhiibbiittoorrss aanndd ssttaanndd nnuummbbeerrss::AAddvvaannttaaggee NNooww –– 332222AAkkkkeerroonn HHootteellss –– 220077AAmmsstteerrddaamm CCaannaall CCrruuiisseess –– 332277AArriisstteell HHootteellss –– 332244AAssccoott RRaacceeccoouurrssee –– 661133AAttttiinngghhaamm PPaarrkk –– 225500AAwwaayy RReessoorrttss –– 222255AAzzaammaarraa CCrruuiisseess –– 444411BBaammbbuurrgghh CCaassttllee –– 336633BBeeaauulliieeuu EEnntteerrpprriisseess LLttdd ––221188BBeeaacchhccrroofftt HHootteell –– 221155BBeekkoonnssccoott MMooddeell VViillllaaggee aannddRRaaiillwwaayy –– 770011BBeesstt WWeesstteerrnn HHootteellss –– 553333BBeesstt WWeesstteerrnn SSoouutthh EEaasstt CClluusstteerr–– 221155TThhee BBiigg SSlleeeepp HHootteell GGrroouupp –– 225533BBllaacckk CCoouunnttrryy LLiivviinngg MMuusseeuumm ––334477BBlleennhheeiimm PPaallaaccee –– 770055BBlluuee FFuunnnneell –– 331133BBoouurrnnee HHaallll HHootteell –– TTrraavveell RRoowwBBoouurrnneemmoouutthh TToouurriissmm –– 552255BBoowweenn GGrroouupp TTrraavveell –– ccooaacchhssppaacceeBBrreenndd HHootteellss –– 331155BBrriigghhttwwaatteerr HHoolliiddaayyss –– 332211BBrriittaannnniiaa HHootteellss –– 224433BBuucckkiinngghhaammsshhiirree RRaaiillwwaayy CCeennttrree–– 552299BBuurrnn HHaallll HHootteell –– 220055VViissiitt CCaammbbrriiddggeesshhiirree –– TTrraavveellRRoowwCCeeddaarr CCoouurrtt HHootteell GGrroouupp –– 771199CCeelleebbrriittyy CCrruuiisseess –– 444411CChheeddddaarr GGoorrggee –– 771133CChhooiiccee HHootteellss EEuurrooppee –– 552277CCiittyy SSiigghhttsseeeeiinngg –– 771177CCllaassssiicc BBrriittaaiinn –– 332255CCllaassssiicc LLooddggeess –– 334411CCoolllleettttee WWoorrllddwwiiddee HHoolliiddaayyss ––440099CCoonnddoorr FFeerrrriieess –– 220011CCoottsswwoollddss AAttttrraaccttiioonn GGrroouupp ––443377CCoottsswwoolldd CCoouunnttrryy –– 443377CCoottsswwoolldd WWiillddlliiffee PPaarrkk aannddGGaarrddeennss –– 443377CCoovveennttrryy TTrraannssppoorrtt MMuusseeuumm ––334455CCrriicchh TTrraammwwaayy MMuusseeuumm –– 441155CCrrooiissiiEEuurrooppee –– 330055CCrruuiissee ffoorr GGrroouuppss –– 444411CCuunnaarrdd –– 444411DDaaiisshh’’ss HHoolliiddaayyss –– 440077DDaarrttmmoouutthh SStteeaamm RRaaiillwwaayy aannddRRiivveerrbbooaatt CCoommppaannyy –– 553399DDaavviidd UUrrqquuhhaarrtt ((TTrraavveell)) LLttdd ––331177DDBB PPrroommoottiioonnss//DDiissnneeyy oonn IIccee ––443300DDee VVeerree HHootteellss –– 335599DDeessttiinnaattiioonn BBrriissttooll –– 331111DDeessttiinnaattiioonn SSkkiippttoonn –– 222299DDeessttiinnaattiioonn UUKK –– 551177DDiirreecctt TTrraavveelllleerr –– 333399DDoovvee CCoottttaaggee aanndd WWoorrddsswwoorrtthhMMuusseeuumm –– 223333DDuuddlleeyy CCaannaall TTrruusstt –– TTrraavveell RRoowwDDuunnwwoooodd TTrraavveell –– ccooaacchh ssppaacceeDDuurrlleeyy DDeeaann HHootteell –– 553311eeaassyy--bbrreeaakkss..ccoomm –– 221177TThhee EEddeenn PPrroojjeecctt –– TTrraavveell RRoowwEEffffee TTrraavveell –– 553355EEnnccoorree TTiicckkeettss –– 224477EEnngglliisshh HHeerriittaaggee –– 223399EEuurrooccaammpp –– 330011EExxbbuurryy GGaarrddeennss –– 771111EExxpplloorree tthhee LLaakkee DDiissttrriicctt,,CCuummbbrriiaa –– 223333FFiieellddwwaayy AAddvveerrttiissiinngg –– 220022FFlleeeettwwoooodd MMaarrkkeett –– 220022FFlleettcchheerr HHootteellss –– 330099FFoouurr PPiillllaarrss –– 336611FFrreenncchh AAttttrraaccttiioonnss –– 220099GGaarrddeennss ttoo VViissiitt –– 225511GGlloouucceesstteerr AAnnttiiqquueess CCeennttrree ––443355GGlloouucceesstteerr QQuuaayyss –– 443355GGlloouucceesstteerrsshhiirree AAiirrppoorrtt –– 443377GGoo WWiinnddeerrmmeerree –– 443333GGoonnddoollaa -- TThhee NNaattiioonnaall TTrruusstt ––223333TThhee GGrreeeenn HHootteell –– 331199aaGGrroossvveennoorr HHootteell –– 110077GGrroouupp LLeeiissuurree mmaaggaazziinnee –– 553377GGrroouupp LLiinnee –– 440055GGTTOOAA –– 221111HHaarrrryy SShhaaww GGrroouupp TTrraavveell ––CCooaacchh SSppaacceeHHeeaarrttllaannddss CCoorrnnwwaallll –– 551155TThhee HHeeiigghhttss HHootteell –– 550055HHeennrrii WWiilllliigg –– 332277HHeerriittaaggee iinn BBrriittaaiinn –– 223399HHeerriittaaggee RRaaiillwwaayy AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ––TTrraavveell RRoowwTThhee HHeeppwwoorrtthh WWaakkeeffiieelldd –– TTrraavveellRRoowwHHoollllaanndd CCllaassssiiccss –– 332277HHoolliiddaayy oonn IIccee –– 550099HHuurrttiiggrruutteenn –– 444411IInn FFllaannddeerrss FFiieellddss MMuusseeuumm ––222277IInnddiiaa TToouurriisstt OOffffiiccee –– 334433IInntteerrCChhooiiccee HHoolliiddaayyss –– 880011IIsslleess ooff SScciillllyy –– 552233IIssrraaeell TToouurriisstt OOffffiiccee –– 333377JJaacc TTrraavveell –– 335533

JJeerrsseeyy TToouurriissmm –– 220011JJeett22..ccoomm –– 223311JJoohhnnssoonnss CCooaacchheess –– 110011jjuusstt ffoorr ggrroouuppss!! –– 552211KKaattaarriinnaa LLiinnee –– 771155KKeennssiinnggttoonn SSppeecciiaalliittiieess aannddCChhrriissttmmaass CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss –– 550033KKeeuukkeennhhooff GGaarrddeennss –– 332277LLaakkee DDiissttrriicctt NNaattiioonnaall PPaarrkk ––443333LLaakkeellaanndd MMoottoorr MMuusseeuumm –– 443333LLaakkeess AAqquuaarriiuumm –– 443333LLaakkeessiiddee aanndd HHaatthheerrtthhwwaaiitteeRRaaiillwwaayy –– 443333LLeeeeddss aanndd PPeennnniinnee YYoorrkksshhiirree ––441111LLoonngglleeaatt –– 771133TThhee LLuuxxuurryy CCrruuiissee CCoommppaannyy ––660099MMaacckkeennzziiee HHootteellss –– 441133MMaajjeessttiicc TToouurrss –– 330077MMaarrttyynn LLeeiissuurree RReessoorrttss aannddHHootteellss –– 442255MMeemmoorriiaall ddee CCaaeenn –– 220099MMeerrcciieerr –– 220099MMeerrsseeyy FFeerrrriieess –– 332299MMeetthhooddiisstt HHeerriittaaggee –– 554411MMoonnttppaarrnnaassssee 5566 –– 220099MMSSCC CCrruuiisseess –– 444411TThhee NNaattiioonnaall TTrruusstt –– 223399NNeewwmmaarrkkeett RRaacceeccoouurrsseess –– 440033NNeewwmmaarrkkeett TTrraavveell SSeerrvviiccee –– 662211NNoorrffoollkk LLaavveennddeerr –– 224499NNoorrmmaann AAlllleenn GGrroouupp TTrraavveell ––551111NNoorrtthheerrnn PPrriinntt DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonnKKeennddaall –– 440000NNoorrwweeggiiaann CCrruuiissee LLiinnee –– 441177TThhee OOllddee WWaatteerrmmiillll DDiicckkeennssiiaannSShhooppppiinngg VViillllaaggee –– TTrraavveell RRoowwOOrrbbiiss IInnssuurraannccee –– 772211OOxxffoorrdd CCaassttllee –– 770055TThhee OOxxffoorrddsshhiirree CCoottsswwoollddss ––443377PPaaggee aanndd MMooyy –– 662233PPaarrcc AAsstteerriixx –– 220099PPaarrkk IInnnn –– 551133PPeettcchheeyy LLeeiissuurree –– 442277PP&&OO CCrruuiisseess –– 444411PPoorrtt SSuunnlliigghhtt TTrruusstt –– 333311PPootttteerrss LLeeiissuurree –– 662255PPrriinncceessss CCrruuiisseess –– 444411RRaammaaddaa JJaarrvviiss –– 441199RRaammbblleerrss WWoorrllddwwiiddee HHoolliiddaayyss ––221133RRaavveennggllaassss aanndd EEsskkddaallee RRaaiillwwaayy–– 223333RReennddeezzvvoouuss HHootteell –– 222299RRiicchhaarrddssoonn’’ss GGrroouupp –– 550077TThhee RRiivveerr CCrruuiissee LLiinnee –– 550011RRiivviieerraa HHootteellss TToorrqquuaayy –– TTrraavveellRRoowwRRoonnddoo TTrraavveell –– 660055RRoouunnccyy MMeeddiiaa –– 770033RRooyyaall BBoottaanniicc GGaarrddeennss -- KKeeww ––223399RRooyyaall CCaarriibbbbeeaann CCrruuiisseess –– 444411RRuutthhiinn CCaassttllee HHootteell –– 110033SSaaggaa HHoolliiddaayyss –– 443399SSccoottRRaaiill –– 224455SSeeaatt LLiivvee TTiicckkeettiinngg SSeerrvviicceess ––442233SSeevveerrnn VVaalllleeyy RRaaiillwwaayy –– 334499SShhaakkeessppeeaarree’’ss EEnnggllaanndd –– 335522SShheeaarriinnggss HHoolliiddaayyss –– 222233SShhrreewwssbbuurryy FFlloowweerr SShhooww –– 221199SSiimmoonneehhooeevvee CChheeeessee aanndd CCllooggss––330099SSoolleenntt WWiigghhtt LLiinneess –– 331133SSoouutthh QQuuaayy TTrraavveell aanndd LLeeiissuurree ––333355SSoouutthh LLaakkeellaanndd HHoolliiddaayyss –– 551199SStt MMeelllliioonn IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall RReessoorrtt ––TTrraavveell RRoowwSStteevvee RReeeedd TToouurriissmm –– 332266SSuucccceessss TToouurrss –– 660011SSwwiittzzeerrllaanndd TToouurriissmm –– TTrraavveellRRoowwTTaakkeeMMeeTToooo –– 330099TThhee TTiicckkeett FFaaccttoorryy –– 443311TThheeaattrree WWoorrkkoouutt –– 443322TThhuurrssffoorrdd CChhrriissttmmaass SSppeeccttaaccuullaarr–– 332233TToopp AAttttrraaccttiioonnss –– 223377TToorrbbaayy HHoossppiittaalliittyy AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ––554400TToouurriissmm SSoouutthh EEaasstt –– 771111TTrraavveellsspphheerree –– 662233TTrreeaassuurree PPaarrkk –– TTrraavveell RRoowwUUllllsswwaatteerr SStteeaammeerrss –– 223333UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff YYoorrkk –– 330033TThhee VViinnddoollaannddaa TTrruusstt –– 336633vviissiittBBllaacckkppooooll –– 222211VViissiitt HHuullll aanndd EEaasstt YYoorrkksshhiirree ––333333VViissiittLLiivveerrppooooll –– 223355VViissiitt OOxxffoorrddsshhiirree –– 770055VViissiitt YYoorrkk –– 441111WWaarrnneerr LLeeiissuurree HHootteellss –– 440011WWaarrwwiicckk CCaassttllee –– 335522WWaatteerrppeerrrryy GGaarrddeennss –– 770055WWeesstt SSoommeerrsseett RRaaiillwwaayy –– 335511WWhhiittee HHootteell GGrroouupp –– 224411WWiinnddeerrmmeerree LLaakkee CCrruuiisseess –– 443333WWooooddss CCooaacchheess –– 661155TThhee WWoorrddsswwoorrtthh TTrruusstt –– 223333TThhee WWoorrlldd ooff BBeeaattrriixx PPootttteerrAAttttrraaccttiioonn –– 443333YYoorrkk CCoonnffeerreenncceess –– 330033

Exhibitors’ list

Group Leisure &Travel Trade Show– not to be missed

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WELCOME to Yorkshire has unveiled a new tea trailwhich highlights the best places in the county to stopfor a traditional English cuppa.

The trail features a taste of Yorkshire's tearoomoffering and where to enjoy some of the best brewsaround – from historic halls and hotels to heritagerailways and attractions.

The guide, complete with map, also features thecounty's famed tea companies and producers andincludes tea-based recipes from Yorkshire's Michelinstar chefs.

Chief executive Gary Verity said: "Afternoon tea inthe great county is as popular now as it ever was, andour businesses and attractions have excelledthemselves in proudly providing some of the finestaround.

"We have some of the best tea to be enjoyed in thebest places and this trail is not only a celebration ofthat, but also a guide."� PPiiccttuurreedd:: PPiicckkeerriinngg BBeedd aanndd BBrreeaakkffaasstt 1177BBuurrggaattee iiss oonnee ooff tthhee ssttoopp ooffffss oonn tthhee tteeaa ttrraaiill..

Anyone for tea trail?

AAnn ooppeerraattiioonnss ddiirreeccttoorr wwiitthh oovveerr3300 yyeeaarrss’’ eexxppeerriieennccee iinn tthheehhoossppiittaalliittyy iinndduussttrryy hhaass ttaakkeenn uuppaa nneeww rroollee aatt aann eexxppaannddiinngg hhootteellggrroouupp.. MMeellaanniiee TTwweeddddllee wwiillll bbeerreessppoonnssiibbllee ffoorr ffiivvee vveennuueesstthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee UUKK aafftteerr bbeeiinnggaappppooiinntteedd rreeggiioonnaall ooppeerraattiioonnssddiirreeccttoorr aatt LLeeggaaccyy HHootteellss aannddRReessoorrttss.. SShhee wwiillll oovveerrsseeee TThheeLLeeggaaccyy FFaallccoonn HHootteell iinn SSttrraattffoorrdd--uuppoonn--AAvvoonn,, TThhee LLeeggaaccyy RRoossee aannddCCrroowwnn iinn SSaalliissbbuurryy,, TThhee LLeeggaaccyyPPllyymmoouutthh IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall HHootteell iinnPPllyymmoouutthh aanndd TThhee LLeeggaaccyy WWhhiitteeHHaarrtt HHootteell aanndd TThhee LLeeggaaccyyBBoosshhiipp FFaarrmm HHootteell iinn EEaassttSSuusssseexx..

AA ggrroouupp ooff nneeww aarrrriivvaallss hhaavveebbeeeenn eenntteerrttaaiinniinngg vviissiittoorrss aattBBllaacckkppooooll ZZoooo..IItt’’ss bbeeeenn aa yyeeaarr ooff mmoonnkkeeyy mmaaggiiccaatt tthhee aattttrraaccttiioonn,, wwiitthh aannaammaazziinngg 1111 pprriimmaattee bbiirrtthhss aanndd aabbrraanndd nneeww ssppeecciieess aallll rreecceennttllyyaarrrriivviinngg..PPRR aanndd mmaarrkkeettiinngg ccoo--oorrddiinnaattoorrJJuuddee RRootthhwweellll ssaaiidd:: ““IItt hhaass bbeeeennaa hhuuggeellyy eexxcciittiinngg ttiimmee wwiitthh tthheebbiirrtthh ooff ssoo mmaannyy bbaabbiieess..““BBllaacckkppooooll ZZoooo hhaass aa vveerryy lloonnggaanndd ssuucccceessssffuull hhiissttoorryy ooffbbrreeeeddiinngg pprriimmaatteess aanndd tthhiiss yyeeaarriiss cceerrttaaiinnllyy nnoo eexxcceeppttiioonn..””

BATH Tourism Plus has organised thecity’s first Twitter Trip to generateonline interest and boost its profile onsocial networking sites.

Nine journalists and bloggers,as well as this year’s Masterchefwinner Tim Anderson, visited Bathand explored the city according to‘tweets’ they received throughout theday.

The participants sampled localproduce, dined in cafes andrestaurants and discovered shops andattractions – in total visiting almost 60different local businesses throughoutthe day.

The event reached an audience of200,000 Twitter followers andsuccessfully generated over1,000 tweets with recommendationson places to explore in the city.

As well as activity on Twitter, theconcept also attracted much attentionin the media with the local TV newsand radio stations running storiesabout the TwiTrip.TTiimm AAnnddeerrssoonn,, MMaasstteerrcchheeff wwiinnnneerr 22001111 aatt GGuuiillddhhaallll MMaarrkkeett..

TwitterTrip is acity first

New loyaltyschemeTHE Apex Hotels group has createda new corporate loyalty scheme forits Scottish hotels.

Corporate guests can register viathe group’s website to earn onepoint for every £1 spent.

Points can then be redeemedagainst items such as iPads, musicand retail vouchers.

Marketing director Lorna Lee said:“It gives us a competitive edge andprovides a tangible benefit to ourguests, many who have justredeemed their points for the latestiPad2. Ease of access, functionalityand choice is key in providing ourguests with a worthwhile loyaltyprogramme.”

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By Andrew Burnham MTS

COVERAGE of the recent UK riotstravelled around the globe but,with the Olympics under a yearaway, what impact will the imageshave on the tourism industry? Toget an idea, we analysed thelatest data, spoke to our clientsand examined the impact of otherriots to better understand thepotential impact.

All the data and commentary westudied suggested there was littleimpact. Our clients reportedoccasional concern, but notcancellations, a sentiment backedby the European Tour OperatorAssociation, (ETOA) whichreported a cancellation rate ofjust 0.17 per cent. The ETOA saida ‘sick dog’ or a ‘floodedbathroom’ could be as much toblame for the cancellations as theriots and there is evidence that anumber of the cancellations hadalready rebooked.

Experts suggested a number offactors for such a low rate. Two of

the most intriguing were: nofamous landmarks were picturedsuggesting to inbound touriststhat the riots occurred inanonymous locations and theperceived low-key police responsewas, unlike domestically, viewedpositively abroad as no peoplewere damaged, “just” buildings.

With the immediate impactminimal, are there any longerterm implications for the sector?

While the images of destructionhave seemingly not dentedinbound trade, the reporting ofthe riots in important sourcedestinations such as Germany,France and the US have allfocused on the sociologicalaspects of the riots. Whether youagree with the robust sentencingstrategy or not, tackling the issue

head on is sound in terms ofreputation management bydrawing a line under the trouble,discouraging future troublemakersand moving on. Researching otherdisturbances in Paris 2005, LA1992, Vancouver 2011 and evenThailand 2010 highlighted thatwhile the immediate impact wasdramatic, within three to sixmonths of the riots, inboundtourism had rebounded toprevious levels.

In conclusion, the evidence isencouraging in that both shortand long term impact is marginal.That said, there are,unfortunately, plenty of tourismcompanies already on a knifeedge where even a 90 day dipcan tip the balance and once anyshort-term impact has passed,the current economic climateremains challenging. MacIntyreHudson advises a number ofclients in such a position andhave been assisting them with avariety of issues around improvingoperational efficiencies andcashflow.

� Andrew Burnham MTS isprincipal and head of traveland tourism, MacIntyreHudson LLP and a memberof the Tourism Society

I predict the riot ... has littleimpact on UK tourism industry

Andrew Burnham

By Kurt Janson

ON May 10 2011, the Irish financeminister Michael Noonan gaveprobably one of the most importantspeeches in his career.

It was a speech to the Irishparliament outlining what the newGovernment was going to do torebuild the Irish economy.

A not inconsiderable taskconsidering that Ireland had had toseek an IMF/EU loan of 85bn Euros(this is half the value of the entireIrish economy), had seen itseconomy contract by over 10 percent, and unemployment grow tojust under 15 per cent. To allintents and purposes the economywas a basket case that made theUKeconomy look the picture ofhealth.

What was needed was boldincisive measures that would graspthe nettle and provide growth andemployment, and provide it as soonas possible. It therefore came asno real surprise that one of thesectors that he identified as beingable to provide that growth wastourism and in his speech heannounced three measures to boostIreland’s tourism earnings.

These were;11. Remove Air Passenger Duty inorder to reduce the cost of travel toIreland22.. Decrease VAT for theaccommodation, attractions and

restaurants from 13.5 per cent tonine per cent.33.. Remove the need for overseasvisitors who need a visa to enterthe UK to acquire a separate visa tovisit Ireland

A fourth measure, not included inthe speech itself, was that despitethe “austerity budget” that aimed tocut 4bn euros of Governmentspending (the equivalent would bethe UK Government cutting publicexpenditure by £50bn) themarketing budget for Visit Irelandwas maintained more or less at itsprevious high level.

The result, when compared to theongoing cuts in funding forVisitBritain is that Ireland isspending more on marketing in theUK this year than VisitBritain has forits entire overseas marketingcampaign across the 26 countriesin which it operates.

The main point to note here is thatdespite the IMF/EU bailout, the115bn euro public debt and theneed to slash public spending, theGovernment has recognised thatexpenditure on tourism is part ofthe answer, not part of the problem.Although, of course, it is only partof the answer if the measures takento boost tourism are effective. Sothere was significant interest whenthe tourism figures for the secondquarter of 2011 were announcedlast week.

These figures certainly suggest

that the bold measures announceby Michael Noonan are starting tobear fruit. Total tourism numberswere up a not inconsiderable 15 percent. If this carries on for the restof the year, it will bring in anadditional 450m euros for the Irisheconomy and generate over 8000new jobs. Using CBI figures on thecost of unemployment, creating thismany new jobs will provide the IrishGovernment with a net benefit ofaround 135m euros.

At the market by market level, thisincrease in tourism figures isparticularly impressive.

For example, the number ofvisitors from the UK rose by almosteight per cent while outboundtourism from the UK decreased bytwo per cent. Even more impressivewere the 17 per cent increase intourism from the USA and the 21per cent increase in tourism fromEurope.

Compare this to UK inboundtourism figures for the same period– visitors from America are up 12per cent and from Europe are up sixper cent – and it suggests that themeasure taken by the IrishGovernment have led to Irelandoutperforming the UK.

The more disturbing point is thatIreland is comfortably outperformingthe UK during a period where thepound and the US dollar are both athistoric lows against the euro.

If there is one time when we

should be outperforming othercountries in the European andAmerican markets it is now.

These figures certainly don’t bodewell for when the pound starts toappreciate in value again.

They also suggest that thereneeds to be a fundamental reviewof the UK’s competitiveness in theglobal tourism market and that weneed measures as bold as thosetaken by Michael Noonan if tourismis going provide revenue and jobsfor the UK economy.

We need to follow Ireland ...

KKuurrtt JJaannssoonn

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