despina kannaourou pdf portfolio

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  • 8/14/2019 Despina Kannaourou pdf portfolio





    Despina Kannaourou

    The title o this project consists o two words pho-

    netics and typography. I link the two disciplines and

    use the Roman alphabet to illustrate the sounds o

    the English language, in particular British accents.

    Fonotaip is a system that attempts a typographic in-

    terpretation o phonetics through illustrating and de-scribing the theoretical assumption o speech produc-

    tion. The aesthetic quality o the letterorms derives

    rom a grid system that represents a cross-section

    o the mouth. The system indicates the articulatory

    eatures that are believed to determine the quality o

    spoken vowels and consonants.

    BOOK 1: Introduction to the FONOTAIP SYSTEM

    as well as basic phonetics.

    BOOK 2: Spelling and pronunciation. Index o

    word pronunciation in dierent cities.

    POSTERS: Detail rom posters Mapping two

    speakers (rst) and The System (second)


    Despina at rst studied graphic design at the

    Stroganov University in Moscow graduating in 2003

    rom an institution that previously cultivated Russian

    Constructivist art. She then returned to her home

    town in Cyprus where she worked in a design studio

    or a year, beore moving to London. On her rst year

    in London she worked at the design museum while

    maintaining proessional ties with Cyprus. A year

    later in 2005 she begun her studies at Central Saint

    Martins where she studied on MA Communication

    Design and specialised in Typography. Ater her

    graduation she worked at a small design studio in

    Shoreditch, as well as worked on several reelance


    FONOTAIP/feUnetaIpMA DEGREE PROJECT (Completed in June 2007)

    Published in 2007 by Gaa Ltd, with the help o the

    ISTD Lead Between the Lines is a publication that

    oers a platorm or discussion about the useulness

    and necessity o academic and practice-based

    research in the eld o typography. In this book, I took

    part as one o the key instigators and designers o the

    project, as well as being one o teen students who

    contributed with research.

    RESEARCH: The ollowing images show spreads

    with onotaip in stages o research.

    LEAD BETWEEN THE LINES (Published in April 2007)

    The designed pixel-vowel system attempts to pin-

    point the place o articulation in Greek, Russian

    and English. This investigation has been visualised

    through a series o poems that have been inspired by

    phonetics. Such where some poems by Mayakovsky,

    Khlebnikov and their Futurist contemporaries, or the

    Jaberwocky, by Lewis Carol.


    MENU is a design proposal or a magazine that

    covers dierent themes monthly. A fexible but

    homogenous grid is used throughout the issues,

    bringing the incorporation o new type-aces and

    colour to work with the new subject area, The identity

    o the magazine remains recognisable even with

    subjects as dierent as art, ashion and sport.

    ARCHITECTURE: Starters, Main, Deserts

    MENU (Proposal or monthly publication. BA nal project 2003) (under construction)

    Other Work//////////////////////////////////////////// (2008)













    This book was designed or Invest in Hackney with

    the intention o attracting new businesses into the

    Borough. The book is separated into 7 sections which

    are colour coded by the area. The titles or each

    opening page, are composed rom photographs o

    letters taken rom shop ronts o the area, to refect

    the distinctive eel o the streets.

    HACKNEY STREETS AHEAD (November 2007)

    FASHION: News, Main, Deserts

    Identity or photographer Nadia Kazolides (2007)

    Proposal or identity and packaging o Fiji sparkling juice drink (Bumblebee, Cyprus 2004)


