designing with the tablet consumer in mind

Designing with the Tablet Consumer in Mind Stephen Burke Resource Interactive

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Designing with the Tablet Consumer in Mind

Stephen BurkeResource Interactive

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Independent digital marketing agency

Founded in 1981, Apple as first client

Named top workplace by The Wall Street Journal

375 associates; 60 client brands

Offices in Columbus, Cincinnati , Palo Alto & Chicago

#4 on Advertising Age’s Agency A-List

Stephen Burke

VP, Mobile Practice leading team of 20+

20 years in Global Mobile industry (US, Japan, EMEA)

Delivered 65 mobile projects in 2011

Retail clients include Kohls, Limited Brands, Sherwin-Williams

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Rapid Emergence of the Tablet Consumer

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1 out of 5 People in US Intend to Purchase A Tablet in the Next 6 Months

Current ownership and intended purchase of a tablet (%) – USA

J2/J3: Ownership and intention to buy devicesBases: All mobile users in 29777 / 10183 / 2201 / 1382 / 678 / 704 / 240/ 277 / 321 / 290 / 254 Source: GTI, 2011

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IBM reported:

iPad accounted for an astonishing 7% of total online sales on Christmas day and 6% of all online mobile device traffic on December 26, 2011

Shoppers using iPad often bought more items, more often. Those using Apple’s tablet had a purchase conversion rate of 4.6%, which was almost double the average mobile conversion rate of 2.8%.

Source: IBM Coremetrics 12/27/2011

Impressive Traffic from Tablets (iPad) Holiday 2011

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22% of Tablet owners say shopping is one of their leading iPad activities (RJI, University of Missouri, Q2 2011)

86% of iPad 2 owners make purchases via their devices (

70% of tablet owners say either the couch or their bed is their favorite location for shopping (Equation Research for Zmags)

Tablet “Lean and Glean” Functionality Makes It Ideal Shopping Device

Tablet Shopping Activities

Source: ComScore Nov. 2011

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Tablets Win out over Phones for Purchases—is PC next?

Source: PayPal/IPSOS Oct. 2011

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Majority of US Tablet Owners Consider Their Tablet as Additional Device, Rather Than Replacement for Their


Reasons for buying a Tablet (Tablet owners and intenders) – USA

J4 & J5: Reasons for buying a tabletBases: All tablet owners 6209 / 373 / 208 / 165

Source: GTI, 2011

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E-books: the Gateway Drug to Tablet Dependence

Preferred devices for activities – USA

J6: Device preferencesBases: All mobile users: 1382 Source: GTI, 2011

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They’re Doin’ it on the Couch: Couch Commerce and the Acceleration of

Instant Gratification

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The Advent of Couch Commerce

“…Computer users are sitting right in front of their screen, highly focused on their task (finding the best deals) “

“…Tablet users are relaxing on the couch, enjoying nice content (pictures, videos, stories). This context can be called couch-browsing, and by extension describe the act of browsing a catalogue or shopping through a tablet app as Couch Commerce.”

Tablet Transforms Context from Desktop to Couch

-Fred Cavazza, Forbes

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Tablet Users are Glued to Their Devices

Source: Nielsen, Q3 2011

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Some Retailers Are Starting to Make it Work

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Ralph Lauren

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Sherwin Williams Stir Magazine

Dynamic Content for B2B

Lower Cost of Distribution

Provides Access to a Broader Audience

Monitor How Content is Being Consumed


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Design with Tablet Consumer in Mind

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4 Tablet Design Principles

Engaging Shareable

Shoppable Extendable

The tablet is Physical and tactile and affords a sense of “Control” by consumers that no other form factor possesses. It also is used simultaneously with consumption of TV programming and ads, as well as print consumption.

Unlike smartphones or PCs, a tablet is often shared and passed around among multiple family members. From a social media and messaging standpoint, the tablet makes it extremely easy to share ideas, thoughts or even products.

The tablet provides a highly visual experience in which everything, from ads to videos, can lead to a commerce opportunity. Unlike smartphones, where designers need to “Get to the Cart” in 2-3 clicks, a tablet consumer can be engaged and wooed while being led to purchase, resulting in bigger baskets.

The tablet provides a vehicle for brand stories and product immersion. Content can be tailored to respond and add value to rapidly changing campaigns in new ways, keeping the consumer loyal.

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Sherwin Williams ColorSnap: from Smartphone to Tablet

Built on a very successful iPhone App Experience

Able to leverage user/usage/traffic data to evolve the experience

Takes advantage of the iPad’s larger screen by adding and focusing on large, rich imagery

Emphasis on Exploration and Creative Combination

Added new functions based on user feedback and additional device functionality


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Consider Using “Responsive Design”




Logic CSS

A site that is designed to adapt, or react, to the user, their device and its operating system.

• Site layout can be optimized for specific mobile device resolutions• Can leverage HTML5 to provide extended functionality• Independent from .com limitations• Site content, imagery and navigation can be tailored to match the

device form factor and capabilities

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