designing virtual music instruments with touch...

Designing Virtual Instruments with Touch-Enabled Interface Zhimin Ren University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Jason Coposky Renaissance Computing Institute Ravish Mehra University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Ming C. Lin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Figure 1: System Setup: Two users collaboratively performing music with our virtual musical instruments. Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). CHI’12, May 5-10, 2012, Austin, Texas, USA. ACM 978-1-4503-1016-1/12/05. Abstract We present and discuss the design of a virtual musical instrument system that can be used by a collaborative group of users to emulate playing percussive music. An optical multi-touch tabletop serves as the input device for multiple users, and an algorithmic pipeline interprets users’ interactions with this touch-sensing table and provides control signals to activate the coupled physics-based sound simulation system. The musical tunes can be modulated by our numerical acoustic simulator to create believable acoustic effects generated due to cavity in instruments such as drums. It further allows the users to change the materials, shapes, and sizes of the instruments, thereby offering the capability for both rapid prototyping and active exploration of sound effects by altering various physical parameters. We discuss some of key design principles and what such a system can offer. Keywords Multi-touch tabletop; music; multi-modal interaction ACM Classification Keywords H.5.5 [Information interfaces and presentation]: Sound and Music Computing;; H.5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: User Interfaces.

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Page 1: Designing Virtual Music Instruments with Touch … · physics-based sound simulation system. ... the pre-digital musical

Designing Virtual Instrumentswith Touch-Enabled Interface

Zhimin RenUniversity of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill

Jason CoposkyRenaissance ComputingInstitute

Ravish MehraUniversity of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill

Ming C. LinUniversity of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill

Figure 1: System Setup: Two users collaborativelyperforming music with our virtual musical instruments.

Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).CHI’12, May 5-10, 2012, Austin, Texas, USA.ACM 978-1-4503-1016-1/12/05.

AbstractWe present and discuss the design of a virtual musicalinstrument system that can be used by a collaborativegroup of users to emulate playing percussive music. Anoptical multi-touch tabletop serves as the input device formultiple users, and an algorithmic pipeline interpretsusers’ interactions with this touch-sensing table andprovides control signals to activate the coupledphysics-based sound simulation system. The musical tunescan be modulated by our numerical acoustic simulator tocreate believable acoustic effects generated due to cavityin instruments such as drums. It further allows the usersto change the materials, shapes, and sizes of theinstruments, thereby offering the capability for both rapidprototyping and active exploration of sound effects byaltering various physical parameters. We discuss some ofkey design principles and what such a system can offer.

KeywordsMulti-touch tabletop; music; multi-modal interaction

ACM Classification KeywordsH.5.5 [Information interfaces and presentation]:Sound and Music Computing;; H.5.2 [Informationinterfaces and presentation]: User Interfaces.

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IntroductionIn this case study, we present a virtual instrument systemusing multi-touch interfaces coupled with physically-basedsound simulation techniques to offer an alternativeparadigm for playing several different virtual instrumentssimultaneously on the same platform with no overhead.Users’ interaction with a multi-touch tabletop naturallyrepresents strike actions, which makes this input devicewell-suited for percussion instruments. We discuss the keyprinciple considerations in the design of this virtualinstrument system that automatically generates realisticaudio, directly controlled by users’ striking position,playing velocity, striking vigors, and time of impact on thetabletop. In addition, the size of this tabletop systemenables multiple users to collaboratively participate in themusical performance simultaneously. Figure 1 shows twousers playing virtual percussion instruments on oursystem. A xylophone of various sounding materials and aset of drums of various sizes and shapes are implementedto demonstrate our results.

This system offers the following unique characteristicsover traditional digital instruments:

• A Reconfigurable Platform for DifferentInstruments and Multiple Players

• Physically-Based Sound Generation

• Direct, Intuitive, Simple Multi-Modal Interfaces

We describe some early user experiences with this systemand discuss initial user feedback and suggestions wereceive for this virtual instrument system.

Previous WorkOur paper integrates two large bodies of work. We brieflydiscuss each area next.

User Interface for Virtual Musical InstrumentsResearchers have shown that the integration ofmulti-modal information is essential for musicalperformance. Chuchacz et al. [2] designed an electronicpercussion synthesizer, and Hsiao and Paradiso [4]developed a musical controller using wireless magnetictags. Both tools are targeted towards amateur users andboth include new hardware for a performer to use asmusical interface. These two papers explored thepossibility of representing musical gestures in virtualreality in a novel way. Miranda and Wanderley [5] assessdigital musical instruments with the definition that it is aninstrument with a separate control surface from soundproduction surface. Recently, much work has been doneon creating new tools for representing musical gestures invirtual reality to allow control of a music instrument.Some work has been done on analyzing available userinterfaces and evaluating the gestural controllers. Poepeland Overhold [6] showed that it is important that gesturesbe intuitive, powerful, and perceptive. Our work mimicsthe pre-digital musical instrument era by allowing users touse traditional musical gestures on our virtual instrumentsas if the control surface is the real sound productionsurface. This approach enables the user to use natural,intuitive gestures, instead of having to learn new gestures,while providing the advantages of a virtual instrument.

Sound Simulation for Virtual InstrumentsFor real-time, physically-based sound synthesis, Van denDoel and Pai [9] introduced a general framework usingresonance modes, i.e. modal synthesis ([1, 8]), togenerate sound dependent on the materials, shapes, andstrike positions of the simulated sounding objects. Thereis also abundant research on sound synthesis for digitalinstruments. Most methods concentrate on simulatingdigital instruments through various types of digital signal

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processing, modal synthesis applied to simple shapes (e.g.strings, tubes, membranes, and more), etc. Cook [3]provided an excellent review on this topic.

System Overview

Figure 2: Pipeline: User input isdetected by multi-touch tableand processed to generateexcitation to sound synthesis andpropagation engines accordingly.Realistic music soundscorresponding to user inputs areautomatically simulated.

Figure 2 outlines the major components in our system.

Multi-Touch SensingOur application is developed on top a custom-builtmulti-touch table by Renaissance Computing Institute.The table allows us to track multiple (up to 20 or so)touches on the table, by both objects and fingers. Thetable uses diffuse side illumination for touch detection. Ithas a 62” diagonal work surface and is 40” tall (seepicture in Fig. 2) and comfortably allows 4-6 people towork at the table, as well as allowing a dozen people tostand around it. This optical multi-touch table onlydetects user inputs as occluded area on the tabletop.Contact pressure or the velocity at which users are hittingcannot be detected. However, these parameters are criticalto music performance modeling which requires informationlike how rigorous the user is hitting the instrument.

Input Processing and InterpretationWe propose to use deformable bodies to convey pressureand hitting velocity through optical multi-touch surfaces.Specifically we use the hitting velocity as the indicator ofhow hard users are striking the instruments. We choosevelocity over pressure, because pressure at one instancedoes not necessarily reflect how hard users are hitting thesurface, e.g. users can be statically pressing against thesurface, and this should not excite the virtual soundingobjects. Registering velocity through an optical device ismore challenging and less straightforward than pressure.We create buffers to record a sequence of occlusioninformation of the deformable strikers registered by the

multi-touch system. The record information including thecenter position, the occluded area, and the time stamp ofan occlusion event. One buffer is created for all occlusiondata centered within a small position range, as they areconsidered as one strike. By looking through the occlusionvariation over time in one particular buffer, we can derivethe average contact velocity representing how fast the softbody is hitting the hard surface in one touch. With thisapproach, we can easily track many simultaneous touchesfrom multiple fingers and users to generate correspondingexcitation to our sound simulation engine.

Sound SimulationModal analysis and modal synthesis techniques areadopted for physically-based approximating vibrations ofsounding components in the simulated instruments. Thisenables creating virtual instruments of various materialsand shapes in preprocessing and also generating richlyvarying and interaction-dependent audio at run-time.Precomputed wave simulation methods proposed byRaghuvanshi et al. [7] is used in our system to simulateacoustic effects in instrument cavity.

Discussion and ConclusionOne of the key considerations in designing this virtualinstrument system is the types of instruments that canbest take advantages of the interaction offered by amulti-touch tabletop. We focused the implementation ofour system around percussion musical instruments, as themechanism and skills to play such instruments are similarto the interaction with a multi-touch system. This iscritical in providing users similar experiences as the realinstruments, which minimizes the learning curve for usingthe system.

We invited people of different age groups and various

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music playing backgrounds, from novice music players toprofessional musicians, to play our virtual instrumentsystem. All users were able to start generating music rightaway by striking the simulated xylophone and drum setwith mallets or fingers without any significantfamiliarization with the setup. When up to six users arestanding around the table and interacting with the virtualinstruments simultaneously, the system can stillsuccessfully handle all user inputs and generatecorresponding music sounds in real-time. In cases whereexperienced music players use the system, they cancollaborate and create music pieces easily with themulti-instrument setup as they do with real percussioninstruments. Some example performances can be foundon this web page.

In conclusion, we present a virtual instrument system thatenables multiple users to collaboratively perform musicsimultaneously. It uses an efficient and responsiveapproach that interprets the user input from an opticalmulti-touch interface and generates excitation informationfor real-time sound simulation that creates realistic soundsdepending on striking position, impact vigor, and theshape, material, and cavity of instruments. While ourcurrent hardware setup suits collaborative purposes inscenarios like museums and schools, these designprinciples can be easily adopted to run on other inputdevices, such as multiple tablet PCs, iPads, or othermulti-touch displays. Based on early user feedback, thismulti-modal system is intuitive, easy-to-use, and fun toplay with for novice users and experienced musicians alike.In future, we can also offer users to change instruments’material and shape to create customized virtualpercussion instruments. Further investigation can be donetowards building systems that handle interactions forother types of musical instruments, e.g. string and reeds.

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[3] P. Cook. Real sound synthesis for interactiveapplications. AK Peters, Ltd., 2002.

[4] K. Hsiao and J. Paradiso. A new continuousmultimodal musical controller using wireless magnetictags. In Proc. of the 1999 International ComputerMusic Conference, pages 24–27. Citeseer, 1999.

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