designing my animation media

Designing My Animation’s Main Character I have used Adobe Flash Professional here to design my main character: Because my animation is about a school teacher with a Mr Bean type personality I decided to make his clothes very dull and basic with a wacky light brown hair cut and a bright face. I made his head large so that the audiences’ attention is drawn to his different facial expressions as he tries to deal with different situations. I wanted him to be a likable character who as well as being a slightly crazy man is also a formal teacher which is why I think this appearance suits him very well.

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Designing my animation media

Designing My Animation’s Main Character

I have used Adobe Flash Professional here to design my main character:

Because my animation is about a school teacher with a Mr Bean type personality I decided to make his clothes very dull and basic with a wacky light brown hair cut and a bright face. I made his head large so that the audiences’ attention is drawn to his different facial expressions as he tries to deal with different situations. I wanted him to be a likable character who as well as being a slightly crazy man is also a formal teacher which is why I think this appearance suits him very well.