designing for words: elements of typography style for the web

Designing for Words Elements of Typographic Style for the Web Luke Murphy-Wearmouth @lurkmoophy

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An introduction to typography and the thinking behind typographic choices, as well as how we can implement these rules and guides on the web. Delivered at Second Wednesday (#secwed) on Wednesday 13th August, 2014


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Designing for Words

Elements of Typographic Style for the Web

Luke Murphy-Wearmouth @lurkmoophy

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I am not an expert. I am an enthusiast.

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leave the road when you wish.

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break the rules, break them beautifully, deliberately and well.

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The sections: 1. An Introduction to Type 2. Choosing the Right Tool 3. Typesetting for the Web 4. Typesetting for RWD

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An Introduction to Type

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Typeface vs Font 1. Typeface — the overall design of a collection

Helvetica is a typeface

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Typeface vs Font 1. Typeface — the overall design of a collection

Helvetica is a typeface 2. Font — The physical embodiment of a collection of

letters, numbers, symbols etc. Helvetica Bold is a font

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Typeface vs Font !

font is what you use Typeface is what you see

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Typesetting 1. Typesetting is the composition of text by means of

arranging physical types or the digital equivalents.

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Anatomy of a character 1. x-height — the space between the baseline and the

mean line. The height of a lowercase x.

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Anatomy of a character 1. x-height — the space between the baseline and the

mean line. The height of a lowercase x. 2. ascenders and descenders — the tops and bottoms of

letters like b, d, j, q

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bascender qdescender

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Anatomy of a character 1. x-height — the space between the baseline and the

mean line. The height of a lowercase x. 2. ascenders and descenders — the tops and bottoms of

letters like b, d, j, q 3. cap-height — height of a capital letter

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Anatomy of a character 4. counter — the open space within a letter, both partially

closed (c) and closed (o)

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d counter

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Anatomy of a character 4. counter — the open space within a letter, both partially

closed (c) and closed (o) 5. serif — a little stroke found at the end of main vertical

and horizontal strokes of some letterforms

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Kerning 1. adjusting the space between characters in a

proportional font to achieve a visually pleasing result

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Leading 1. The space between baselines

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Choosing the Right Tool

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A type that stops you in the middle of a sentence and asks you to admire its smartness is a bad type

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Legibility & Beauty

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The way we read

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process detail register sharpness

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detect movement sensitive in low light


process detail register sharpness

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foveal parafoveal

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foveal parafoveal peripheral

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this is a sentence made of words


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this is a sentence made of wordsfixation point

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The morning had dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer. They set forth at daybreak to see a man beheaded, twenty in all, and Bran rode among them, nervous with excitement. This was the first time he had been deemed old enough to go with his lord father and his brothers to see the king's justice done. It was the ninth year of summer, and the seventh of Bran's life. !

The man had been taken outside a small holdfast in the hills. Robb thought he was a wildling, his sword sworn to Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-Wall. It made Bran's skin prickle to think of it. He remembered the hearth tales Old Nan told them. The wildlings were cruel men, she said, slavers and slayers and thieves. They consorted with giants and ghouls, stole girl children in the dead of night, and drank blood from polished horns. And their women lay with the Others in the Long Night to sire terrible half-human children.

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Testing 1. greater understanding > speed

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the Rules 1. Read the text before designing it

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the Rules 1. Read the text before designing it 2. Work out the inner logic of the text

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the Rules 1. Read the text before designing it 2. Work out the inner logic of the text 3. Consider the other elements

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the Rules 1. Read the text before designing it 2. Work out the inner logic of the text 3. Consider the other elements 4. Honour and elucidate the character of the text

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the Rules 1. Read the text before designing it 2. Work out the inner logic of the text 3. Consider the other elements 4. Honour and elucidate the character of the text 5. Shape the page

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the Rules 1. Read the text before designing it 2. Work out the inner logic of the text 3. Consider the other elements 4. Honour and elucidate the character of the text 5. Shape the page 6. Give full attention to incidental details

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Learn the basics of identification

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3 contexts 1. Technical

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What was the original intended use?

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Special effects

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Consider usage

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3 contexts 1. Technical 2. Thematic

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Suit the task as well as the subject

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3 contexts 1. Technical 2. Thematic 3. Historical

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the natural idiom

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Echos & associations

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Webfonts 1. Rendering

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Type Rendering Mix

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Webfonts 1. Rendering 2. FOUT !

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Typesetting for the Web

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Modular scale

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Use ems not pt 1. EU law

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Use ems not pt 1. EU law 2. It keeps everything relative and scalable

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Use ems not pt 1. EU law 2. It keeps everything relative and scalable 3. ems vs rems

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Choosing your scale !

0.75 0.83 1 1.1667 1.333 1.5 1.75 2 3 4 5

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Choosing your scale !

0.75 0.83 1 1.1667 1.333 1.5 1.75 2 3 4 5 p h4 h3 h2 h1

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Choosing your scale !

body { font-size: 16px; } !

p { font-size: 1em; } !

h1 { font-size: 3em; }

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Margins 1. Lock the text block

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Margins 1. Lock the text block 2. Frame the text block

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Margins 1. Lock the text block 2. Frame the text block 3. Protect the text block

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Margins !

Rule of thumb: 5% either way

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Margins !

p { font-size: 1em; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; }

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Measure 1. Ideal line length is 45-75 characters

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Measure 1. Ideal line length is 45-75 characters 2. Dependent on the font, alignment etc.

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Measure 1. Ideal line length is 45-75 characters 2. Dependent on the font, alignment etc. 3. Use ems not pxs/percentages

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Measure !

p { font-size: 1em; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 33em; }

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Letterspacing 1. Don’t letterspace lowercase letters without a reason

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Letterspacing 1. Don’t letterspace lowercase letters without a reason 2. Letterspace strings of capitals, small caps and

strings of digits

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letter-spacing: 1. You can use positive and negative values 2. It’s animatable 3. Sub-pixel values aren’t cross-browser

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letter-spacing: !

h1 { font-size: 3em; letter-spacing: 1em; } !

.string-of-digits { letter-spacing: 0.05em; }

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letter-spacing: !

$( document ).ready( function() { var rex = new RegExp( "([0-9]{3,})", “gm" ); $( “*” ).each( function(){    var $this = $( this );     var content = $this.html();    $this.html( content.replace( rex, “<span class= “string-of-digits”>$1</span>” ) ); });});

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Leading 1. Music is the space between notes

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Leading 1. Music is the space between notes 2. It’s about vertical rhythm and feel

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Leading 1. Music is the space between notes 2. It’s about vertical rhythm and feel 3. My rule of thumb: 140%

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Leading !

p { font-size: 1em; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 33em; line-height: 1.4em; }

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Kerning 1. Kern consistently or not at all 2. It’s more about font choice than technical solutions

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text-rendering: 1. auto

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text-rendering: 1. auto 2. optimizeSpeed

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text-rendering: 1. auto 2. optimizeSpeed 3. optimizeLegibility

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text-rendering: 1. auto 2. optimizeSpeed 3. optimizeLegibility 4. geometricPrecision

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text-rendering: !

p { font-size: 1em; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 33em; line-height: 1.4em; /*probably not a good idea yet */ text-rendering: optimizeLegibility }

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Kerning 1. Kern consistently or not at all 2. It’s more about font choice than technical solutions 3. kerning.js (if you’re a control freak)

#pixel-perfect { -letter-kern: 1px 1px 0 0 0   1px 0 2px 0 0   0 0 0; } !

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Vertical space and rhythm 1. Tempo should not change arbitrarily in music

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Vertical space and rhythm 1. Tempo should not change arbitrarily in music 2. Even multiples of the basic leading

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Vertical space and rhythm !

p { font-size: 1em; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 33em; line-height: 1.4em; margin-bottom: 0.7em; }

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Vertical space and rhythm !

p { font-size: 1em; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto 0.7em auto; max-width: 33em; line-height: 1.4em; }

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Vertical space and rhythm 1. Tempo should not change arbitrarily in music 2. Even multiples of the basic leading 3. Don’t interrupt the rhythm of the page

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Vertical space and rhythm !

p { font-size: 1em; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto 0.7em auto; max-width: 33em; line-height: 1.4em; hanging-punctuation: first; }

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Vertical space and rhythm !

blockquote p, .hanging-punctuation { text-indent: -0.5em; }

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Vertical space and rhythm !

ul, ol { padding-left: 0; overflow: visible; }

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Types of dashes 1. Pedantry at its finest

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Types of dashes !

subtraction sign/hyphen - en dash – &ndash; em dash — &mdash;

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Types of dashes 1. Pedantry at its finest 2. Use an en dashes with space either side in copy,

or a close set em dash

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Types of dashes 1. Pedantry at its finest 2. Use an en dashes with space either side in copy,

or a close set em dash 3. Use a close set en dash for ranges

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Hyphenation 1. Leave at least two characters behind 2. Take at least three forward 3. Avoid more than three hyphenated lines 4. Hyphenate according to conventions of language

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Quotation marks 1. " — straight quotes 2. &lsquo; &rsquo; and &ldquo; &rdquo;

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Quotation marks !

str = str.replace(/"(?=\w|$)/g, "&#8220;"); str = str.replace(/(?<=\w|^)"/g, "&#8221;"); str = str.replace(/(?<=[\w,.?!\)]|^)"/g, "&#8221;");

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Columns 1. Now possible with CSS3 and column-count:

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Columns !

p { font-size: 1em; width: 90%; margin: 0 auto 0.7em auto; max-width: 33em; line-height: 1.4em; column-count: 3; column-gap: 1.4em; -moz-column-count: 3; -moz-column-gap: 1.4em; -webkit-column-count: 3; -webkit-column-gap: 1.4em; }

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Columns 1. Now possible with CSS3 and column-count: 2. A word of caution…

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Rivers 1. Still manual

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Widows & orphans 1. Widows still manual, using &nbsp;

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Widows & orphans 1. Widows still manual, using &nbsp; 2. There are other solutions, but they come with a price

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Widows & orphans 1. Widows still manual, using &nbsp; 2. There are other solutions, but they come with a price 3. Orphans apparently sorted by the column algorithm

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Widows & orphans 1. Widows still manual, using &nbsp; 2. There are other solutions, but they come with a price 3. Orphans apparently sorted by the column algorithm 4. Don’t forget print

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Widows & orphans !

@media print { p { orphans: 3; } }

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Typesetting and Responsive Web Design

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The things that don’t matter !

(don’t hit me)

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Aim for consistency in quality

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The things that do matter

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Typographic scale

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The rabbit hole

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colophon !

The body text was set in Minion Pro Medium, Medium Italic, Semibold and Semibold Italic !

The code text was set in Lucida Console Regular.

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Designing for Words

Elements of Typographic Style for the Web

Luke Murphy-Wearmouth @lurkmoophy