designer babies

Kaitlin Yancey P.1 English Designer Babies by Patricia Smith “Designer Babies” written by Patricia Smith, examines science allowing embryos to be genetically modifies and the controversy on it. Many say it’s a wonderful idea, but there are just as many who disagree with this proposal. It is believed that genetically modifying embryos can create unforeseen genetic abnormalities. Jeremy Gruber, president council of Responsible Genetics states “You care conducting an activity that permanently alters the genome individually” (Smith) Genetically modify traits and DNA in a human is very complex. Scientists are constantly trying to create the perfect human, but no one is perfect. When genetically modifying traits and creating superhumans, you are playing god.

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Page 1: Designer Babies

Kaitlin Yancey



Designer Babies by Patricia Smith

“Designer Babies” written by Patricia Smith, examines science allowing embryos to be

genetically modifies and the controversy on it. Many say it’s a wonderful idea, but there are just

as many who disagree with this proposal. It is believed that genetically modifying embryos can

create unforeseen genetic abnormalities. Jeremy Gruber, president council of Responsible

Genetics states “You care conducting an activity that permanently alters the genome

individually” (Smith) Genetically modify traits and DNA in a human is very complex. Scientists

are constantly trying to create the perfect human, but no one is perfect. When genetically

modifying traits and creating superhumans, you are playing god.