design the ipad lesson: focus on the learning not the app

Design the iPad Lesson: Focus on the Learning Not the App

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Design the iPad Lesson: Focus on the Learning Not the App. Agenda- also available from webpage. Welcome Assign iPad for use during the training only Targeted Tech Standards for teachers- Scan QR codes for message - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Design the iPad Lesson: Focus on the Learning Not the App

Page 2: Design the iPad Lesson: Focus on the Learning Not the App

Agenda-also available from

webpage Welcome Assign iPad for use during the training only

Targeted Tech Standards for teachers- Scan QR codes for message

Google survey- What type of access will you have at your school?

12 tips for initial Use- Refer to Document in files or hard copy provided

What is Effective Mobile learning? Mobile Learning Defined

Bloom's Taxonomy Part 1- Remembering to Applying Break/ Your definition of iPad...-Use Socrative

Enter note in Evernote

Blooms Taxonomy Part 2- Analyzing to CreatingUse Socrative to submit response

Enter notes in Evernote

Tech-Based Formative Assessment- benefits both Teacher and Student Ideas for Grouping Tips for Maintenance and File Management Final Evaluation and Exit Ticket

Liink webpage for this PD

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CheckPoint- Brief description: describe type of access students

will have to mobile devices. ( ie: cart of ipads shared with multiple teachers, 6 ipads for one classroom, one iPad for one classroom etc)

Locate Google Survey by typing in URL Scan QR CodeEnter only• First Name, • Brief Description

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Basics/Initial Use of the iPad

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12 Tips Need to Know/Initial Use

1. Turning it on and Closing2. Screenshot3. Multitasking Status Bar-View and Launch Apps4. Multitasking Status Bar- screen rotation,

brightness,media,sound5. Rearrange Apps-Folders , deleting, moving apps to pages or

menu bar6. Search- "Spotlight"7. Restrictions8. Volume Basics9. Volume Extras- lock volume10. Camera Basics- Focus, Zoom,Toggle Camera/Video11. Keyboard Options- Split Keyboard, hide keyboard12. Keyboard -Extra Characters & Shortcuts

Link To Handout

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What Is Mobile Learning?

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Mobile Learning is...• On-the-Go- Learners have the ability to carry the

device with them wherever they go. • Handheld- Learners can hold these devices in

their hands. The trend is for mobile devices to become easier to carry around.

• Portable- Learners can carry the devices in a bag or pocket and recharge the device at various locations.

• lightweight- Learners find the device light in weight

Some example are..e cellphones, smartphones, iPods, iPads, tablets, handheld computers, media players, e-book readers and more.

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Mobile Learning is Effective When...

Tip 1. Learners choose the learning content.Tip 2. Learners are integrating artifacts, realia, objects, and experiences

that surround theirdaily lives (real world learning).Tip 3. Learners are moving around/ with the device.Tip 4. Learners are motivated by expand the learning outside the

classroom walls.Tip 5. Learners work collaboratively to explore the world around them.Tip 6. Learners are motivated to search for several possible options,

solutions, and answers to problems.Tip 7. Learners are presented with problems in which they must find many

possible solutions and are able to test out these solutions.

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This list of tips is very similar to what constitutes overall effective learning.

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Technology integration not about the iPad or the device

If Focus is on the Learning Objectives, title for this session changed to...

Designing iPad Lessons: Focus on the Objective not the App

Title for this session started as...

iPad Use in the Classroom

Hmmm.. I think that is a better Title.

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Checkpoint: What is an iPAd ...

iPad is... category that I can use ...touch device

mobile device

communication tool


to track my deviceto listen to my music

Work in partners to complete this defining chart. At the end, each partner will be asked to share one sentence in response to this question. What is an iPad?

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Designing the Lesson Plan-Part 1

Focus on Learning, Planning the workflow, Bloom's Taxonomy, applying lesson plan framework

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Bloom's Taxonomy ResourcesResources to learn more about Bloom's Taxonomy

Edorigami Bloom’s Taxonomy

Edutopia (Diane Darrow) iPad Apps as excellent resource

Kathy Schrock: Bloomin’ iPad

Appitic: Bloom’s Taxonomy of Apps (some are free, but not all)

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Other ResourcesiBook- Hot Apps 4 HOTS

TechChef4U App - free 500+ database of apps sort by grade or

content area

Appy Hours 4 U radio podcast archived in iTunes, review apps for

students to use in the classroom, special interest in featuring free apps

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Checkpoint: What is an iPAd ...

iPad is... category that I can use ...touch device

mobile device

communication tool


to track my deviceto listen to my music

Work in partners to complete this defining chart. At the end, each partner will be asked to share one sentence in response to this question. What is an iPad?

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Designing the Lesson PlanPart 2

Top 3 levels of Bloom's, Tech-based Formative Assessment, Grouping Models

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Types of Formative Assessment1. Q & A in the lesson2. Short test and

Quizzes3. Photo/video as

evidence of student Performance

4. Digital Assignments5. Multi media -

Projects6. Written Question

Surveys7. Oral responses in

class discussions8. Simulation9. Conferencing

You may recognize in the form of >>>Turn and TalkHand SignalsOne minute essayMisconcepetion CheckFinal reflectionExit ticketPerformance assessmentAnticipatory set of questionsetc.

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Tech-Based Formative AssessmentExamples:Google formsSocrativeClass DojoMedia Files-Student produced Content,

valuable evidence for assessmentDiscussion ForumsGames of simulations with built in

analytics (ie: quizlet)

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Ideas for Grouping and Work FlowTable talk

How do you? o Schedule use

Will you be the only class using the devices?

How long will you need the devices before someone else get them?

o Share with students Enough for every student? Partner projects? Team projects? Timed use? (Joe get 15 mins passes to


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Checkpoint:Answer one of four questionsSubmit your response in Socrative

• What have you learned?• What do you want to know

more about? • What are your concerns? • What are you excited about? Submit your response in SocrativeEnter Room #64982Or do this in Evernote

Use app for studentsOr Go to website for Student Log in

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Considerations for Use,Maintenance,

and File Management

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Consider District Policy About…Twitter and Facebook- district policy

Blocked by filter?Raises the issues of Privacy and user responsibility

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act-( FERPA )responsibility for obtaining media release forms from students if you intend to share in the Cloud/Internet

District Board Policy and Procedures recently posted

Student Network Use Agreement- link to district student Form , ideas for covering the wording of this document

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About Settings on Devicelock screen - slide to unlock - no code required for student use


*four digit code required if teacher using to access email. Student should never touch this device if teacher teacher has activate Active Sync with SPS email

Enabled Restriction- iPads from Cart are enabled! Others need to check who configured devices, and how restrictions set. Ask school Program Facilitator for 4 digit code if end user is allowed to customize.

12 tips need to know for Initial Use

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Use Generic eMail

Why?• Utilize cloud stprage (Dropbox,

Evernote, )• Email report when apps allow• Utilize web-based application

(counterpart to the iOS app) when available

• Access to email required to create account for applications like Dropbox, Evernote, BrainPop, Voicethread, Posterous etc

What?• email for student use of apps

([email protected])• Only teacher has the Password for

this email account• Student can use the password for

iPad applications

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WifiSetup wifi

o Already done for students devices during initial configuration. Set up to connect to school WAP

o How to check signal? If no connection, check WAP ethernet cable. power, green light indicator

Can iPads be check out for take home use?

o Check with your school about Policy to release equipment

o If checkout is allowed - link to direction for adding home network wireless access point- show steps and check for available access. Note: Cannot add apps only explore what is already installed.

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Find my iPhone

Why is this Important?

How do I used it when I need it?

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File Transfer - Overview

I. Transfer of Photos and VideoA. Transfer from computer to multiple devicessolution: iPhoto /iTunes, Dropbox,

B. Transfer from device to computera) iExplore 3 b)Evernote, c) dropbox, d) iPhoto/iTunes E) Image Capture

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Photo and Video TransferiPhoto and iTunesTransfer from computer to device

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File Transfer- Con’t

II. Transfer of Other ( PPT, PDF, Doc)A. Transfer from computer to device:Solution: Google Docs, Dropbox, Evernote, File Sharing feature in iTunes, iExplore 3 ( New)

B. Transfer from device to computer depends on the app. Options provided for saving are examples of apps that allow this like dropbox, evernote, Educreation, Good Reader,

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File Management- Other filesHow will you manage the files once they are on the

MacBook/internet/Cloud? How will you backup data and files from your

designated Computer station?Solution to consider:

External hard driveMac has Time Machine- set to backup your files Transfer to school serverOnline storage - Google Docs, Dropbox

Do you have other options?New option released- iExplorer- $35 for Mac

or PC

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Updates/Downloading Apps• Apple Configurator used on a Mac-

(Ideal)o allows for multiple devices configured and named at

the same time o update apps once and then sync to multiple deviceso tracks licenses for each device- (supervised only)

• iTunes used if only PC available-(not desirable)o must be done by connecting one device to computer

with USB cable.o After devices are named and configured, downloads

and iOS updates done from iTunes. For this method, must touch each device and go through the process one at a time. Track licenses through bookkeeping on spreadsheet by PF

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Lesson Plan Framework/Template

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Planning Structure supported by CCS

Common Core Standards

• CCS promotes seamless integration of technology

• Recognizes flexibility required in application of variety of tech tools. Provides what students should be able to do but leaves it up to the teacher to determine How?

• Assuming teacher has enough technological knowledge to discern what technology is best to apply,

Activity Content Potential technology to support standard

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Workflow if Using EduCreation• PrePlanning- student outlines what

they know about a topic

• Student writes their draft about they know about a topic.,draws or takes pictures illustrating topic chosen. Teacher can have preloaded pictures of student drawings and writing drafts and save to dropbox.

• Student use the pictures stored in dropbox to read and record writing entries using Educreation

• Students Save to my student library (must be logged in with account for this work to upload to cloud account in Educreation or upload school library All share work thru Educreation web-based interface



Save work

Share work

Pencil and Paper

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Title of Lesson/Actovity: math tutorial concepts learned in last unit

Part 1-Content Focus:What are students able to do? orWhat is the purpose of the activity?

Math Geometry unit-for 4th grade class analyze and identify properties of a geometirc shape

Assessment:: Quality of Content , accuracy of calcualton, clarity of explanation

Part 2- Access to Tech:Who and how much is each Type of user using the Tech tool?Teacher=T, Student=S

100% student 100% use by S

Student GroupingEach student creates a how to screencast - individual work will be assessed

Part 3- sketch procedure to follow:must include direction for...PreplannningContent-Saving work in ProgressSharing with intended audience

use words numbers and drawing to explain workflow for this activityStudents distinguish properties of 2D shapes, using educreation student show and explain properties of two different 2 dimensional shapes

Math Tutorials created by 4th to 12th graders

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Your Turn!

1. Sign up for a Dropbox account and Evernote account:

2. Prewrite an idea for activity- use template to create sketch of lesson plan or activity to build toward lessona. Use one of the brainstorming apps on your

deviceb. Take screenshot c. Create new note in Evernote d. Add photo from photo library to notee. Record or type text with additional thoughts

or plans for your lesson

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Title of Actovity:

Part 1-Content Focus:What are students able to do? orWhat is the purpose of the activity?

Assessment:: Quality of Content , accuracy of calcualton, clarity of explanation

Part 2- Access to Tech:Who and how much is each Type of user using the Tech tool?Teacher=T, Student=S

Student Grouping

Part 3- sketch procedure to follow:must include direction for...PreplannningContent-Saving work in ProgressSharing with intended audience

use words numbers and drawing to explain workflow for this activity

Lesson Plan Framework/ Template

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Final ThoughtsClean-up - Please delete ALL

photosFinal Evaluation/Exit Ticket(use i-inigma App to read QR code)

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Producers of contentSample tutorials created by students

•• Example Prime Factorization• Simple Interest• Percents to Fractions• Multiplication• featured in Video Tab - Converting to


• samples from Educreation

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Resources used for this Lesson

•Dropbox•Explain Everything•Educreation•ScreenChomp•Mathtrain.TV- Converting to Kilograms•Form to make a recommendation of an ideas - used Socrative but will post ideas in google•Google collection of shared ideas from participants

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Choices:Tools for Creating Tutorials

• EduCreation (free browser based interfaceand app version available)

• Screen Chomp (free)

• iMovieApp (part of the Apple Suite -$4.99)

• Explain Everything App ($2.99)

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Workflow if Using iMovie

•Planning- students outline what they know and prepare script, practice script

•Create in iMovie ( create video using video footage or still shots in camera roll)

Save rendered movie into camera roll or send directly to YouTube.

Open dropbox and transfer video from camera roll into dropbox folder. Transfer video from dropbox to YouTube or post on a website

Create content


Save work

Share work

Teacher Classpage

pencil and paper

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Sharing with Intended Audiences

iMovie • Share YouTube • share in email• iCloud• Camera Roll

Educreation• Within the tool browser based

interface, share among students registered in class, keep private, or share among school community