design template

 POP Design Template Electro Mechanica l Mechanical Design HVAC & Heat calculation: Racks to be arranged in a Hot Aisle – Cold Aisle scenario. (ront to ront and back to back! Heat re"ection per Rack sho#ld be e$#al to the amo#nt o po%e r. &n this case' the po%er per rack is )* thereore the heat dissipation per rack sho#ld be )* . The Air s#ppl+ rom the CC, sho#ld be rom #nder raised loor' and the ret#rn sho#ld be thro#gh a d#ct i-ed on top o the hot Aisle. The cable tra+ arrangement sho#ld be enorced to hae the data cable tra+ #nder the hot aisle at high leel near the raised loor and the po%er cable tra+ to be #nder the cold aisle i-ed to the gro#nd slab a%a+ rom the raised loor .  /o cable tra+ to be i-ed perpendic#lar to the Air l o% #nless its i-ed ater the last rack o all ro%s on the ar end rom the air s#ppl+. Heat re"ection rom the ,P0 is to be considered as 123 o#t o the total capacit+ . 0pace Heat load calc#lation to be done in addition to points 1 4 5 to get the total cooling capacit+ taking #nder consideration the %alls 4 %indo%s , al#es . Actie E$#ipment AC #nits to be Closed Control ,nits CC, %hich sho#ld be D#al Circ#it (6oth D7! associated %ith H#midiiers ' Deh#midiiers 4 Motori8ed Dampers %hich is integrated to ire alarm s+stem . All Air conditioning E$#ipment to be associated %ith Mechanical 9ire Dampers . All Ai r conditioning e$#ipment to be integrated to 9ire alarm s+stem  . Raised 9loor perorated panels to be calc#lated b+ the AC contractor based on the ma-im#m Air 9lo% rate o the CC, taking #nder consideration the Air 9lo% elocit+ o s#ch an ind#strial application . ,P0 ' :; Room ' CC, ' <enerator Room 4 an+ other acilit+ room to be Air Conditioned b+ Package ,nits installed o#t side the acilit+ %ith 1223 red#ndanc+  . Air Conditioning #nits selection to be selected on the basis o 11 =9 Ambient temperat#re ' on coil temperat#re >2 =9 Dr+ 6#lb ? @ =9 *e t 6#lb . 0pace Enironment inside the Actie Te lecom E$#ipment Room to be maintained rom 1 To 5B =C 4 2 3 To @2 3 Relatie H#midit+ . Fire Fighting: 9ire ighting s+stem is to be a ire s#ppression s+stem o &nergin <as. The Design o the 9ire Alarm s+stem 4 the 9ire 9ighting s+stem are to be done b+ the cons#ltant.  /o 9alseCeiling %ith the A ctie E$#ipment Room or an+ ElectroMechanical room . General Mechanical: The room shall not located ad"acent to a bathroom' or an+ pantr+' kitchen or an+ so#rce o %ater.

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Page 1: Design Template

7/18/2019 Design Template 1/3

POP Design Template

Electro Mechanical

Mechanical Design

HVAC & Heat calculation:

• Racks to be arranged in a Hot Aisle – Cold Aisle scenario. (ront to ront and back to back!

• Heat re"ection per Rack sho#ld be e$#al to the amo#nt o po%er. &n this case' the po%er per rack

is )* thereore the heat dissipation per rack sho#ld be )*.

• The Air s#ppl+ rom the CC, sho#ld be rom #nder raised loor' and the ret#rn sho#ld be thro#gh

a d#ct i-ed on top o the hot Aisle.

• The cable tra+ arrangement sho#ld be enorced to hae the data cable tra+ #nder the hot aisle at

high leel near the raised loor and the po%er cable tra+ to be #nder the cold aisle i-ed to thegro#nd slab a%a+ rom the raised loor .

•  /o cable tra+ to be i-ed perpendic#lar to the Air lo% #nless its i-ed ater the last rack o all

ro%s on the ar end rom the air s#ppl+.

• Heat re"ection rom the ,P0 is to be considered as 123 o#t o the total capacit+ .

• 0pace Heat load calc#lation to be done in addition to points 1 4 5 to get the total cooling capacit+

taking #nder consideration the %alls 4 %indo%s , al#es .

• Actie E$#ipment AC #nits to be Closed Control ,nits CC, %hich sho#ld be D#al Circ#it (6oth

D7! associated %ith H#midiiers ' Deh#midiiers 4 Motori8ed Dampers %hich is integrated to

ire alarm s+stem .

• All Air conditioning E$#ipment to be associated %ith Mechanical 9ire Dampers .

• All Air conditioning e$#ipment to be integrated to 9ire alarm s+stem .

• Raised 9loor perorated panels to be calc#lated b+ the AC contractor based on the ma-im#m Air

9lo% rate o the CC, taking #nder consideration the Air 9lo% elocit+ o s#ch an ind#strial

application .

• ,P0 ' :; Room ' CC, ' <enerator Room 4 an+ other acilit+ room to be Air Conditioned b+

Package ,nits installed o#t side the acilit+ %ith 1223 red#ndanc+ .

• Air Conditioning #nits selection to be selected on the basis o 11=9 Ambient temperat#re ' on

coil temperat#re >2 =9 Dr+ 6#lb ? @ =9 *et 6#lb .

• 0pace Enironment inside the Actie Telecom E$#ipment Room to be maintained rom 1 To 5B

=C 4 2 3 To @2 3 Relatie H#midit+ .

Fire Fighting:9ire ighting s+stem is to be a ire s#ppression s+stem o &nergin <as.The Design o the 9ire Alarm s+stem 4 the 9ire 9ighting s+stem are to be done b+ the cons#ltant.

•  /o 9alseCeiling %ith the Actie E$#ipment Room or an+ ElectroMechanical room .

General Mechanical:

• The room shall not located ad"acent to a bathroom' or an+ pantr+' kitchen or an+ so#rce o %ater.

Page 2: Design Template

7/18/2019 Design Template 2/3

• Ethernet leak detection s+stem to be proided in all the rooms 4 acilities %hich has an+ lie e$#ipment

or ElectroMechanical E$#ipment .

•  /o e-posed P;C Cond#it ' Onl+ e-posed <.& cond#it is allo%ed i necessar+ and approed b+ D# .

Electrical design

• Po%er energ+ re$#ired or each rack o e$#ipment shall be calc#lated on an aerage o )* per rack.

This is to be #sed or calc#lating the total po%er re$#ired.

• ,P0 to be in A6 set #p. Each ,P0 to eed dierent D6Fs.

• Each D6 is to be o BPhase incomer.

• 6ack #p time or each ,P0 s+stem is 1 Hr on #ll load.

• Each POP is to be designed %ith t%o <enerators red#ndanc+. R#n time to be designed or 5hrs.

•DC rectiiers to be in A6 set#p. Each s+stem to hae its separate D6.

• Each Rack shall be ed b+ t%o 1@A sockets and t%o single 1BA sockets. Each o the 1@A to be ed rom a

dierent D6 o a dierent ,P0' same or the 1BA sockets.

• Distrib#tion 6oards eeding the Telecom e$#ipment sho#ld not hae an+ E:C6 and each D.6 sho#ld be

e$#ipped %ith Earth :eak Detector ( A#dio 4 ;is#al ! .

• Cable tra+ position 4dimension to be as sho%n and sho#ld be it n#mber o cables as per d# g#ideline.

• Ade$#ate :ight distrib#tion ' E-it :ighting 4 Emergenc+ :ighting to be designed or the %hole acilit+.

Cons#ltant to prepare.

General Electrical requirements:

• Dedicated Rooms or the ollo%ing G

1. Actie E$#ipment Room .

5. ,P0 4 6atter+ Room .

B. <enerator Room .

. 9ire 0#ppression 0+stem Room .• The room sho#ld not be located beside transormer room :; room or an+ EM& reso#rces.

• Raised loor height sho#ld be @22mm.

Page 3: Design Template

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Environment control:

Details o Monitoring s+stem to be proided at a later stage %hen the design has been inali8ed. D# %ill adice

on a case b+ case basis till design is inali8ed.