design parameters and environmental factors affecting ... · gim international feature design...

GIM International Feature Design Parameters and Environmental Factors Affecting Feasibility Deformation Monitoring by Satellite Interferometry TIle introdu ction of illwging radar ha s been a very important developlll ent in rel/IDte se nsing sill ce th e early 1960s. It has opened up IIInlly new appli c ation s in geo sc ience and astron olllY and provides an alte Yllati ve to optical illlaging, which needs solar illulllination nlld cloudl ess skies. Ill/a ging radar lIIay be elllpl oyed for lIIea suring spatial variation s in th e distan ce to the eartl/Jor e xampl e those c aus ed by relief, using two ill/ages obtained by Interferometric Sy nthetic Apertllre Radar (/nSAR ). Th e feasibility of deforlllation monitoring by InSAR lIIay be quickly evaluated by c on sidering a limited number of des ign parameters and environmental factor s. The allthors treat these parameters and factors in greater detail. By dr. Raman F. Hanssen, Oetft University of Technology. The Netherlands and dr. Alessandro Ferretti, Tete- Rilevamento Europa - T.RE. S. d, tta ty Figure 1, Maill parnlllders affectillg tile fea sibility of de f ormatioll mO llit orillg Ilsillg sa tellite radar illterferometry 52 September 2002 lnSA R applied on board of a sa tellite is ab le to image, with a one mo nth revisit period, any given area on ea rth. Tempo ral va riations in the satellite-ea rth di stance du e to deformations such as s ubsidence, earthquakes a nd volcanoes may also be mea- s ured, with acc uracy s ta rting at the s ub -c m leve l. When is inSAR feasible for a pa r- ticular project on deforma ti on monitoring? This depend s on two main gro ups of pa rameters (Fi g- ure 1): • design parameters, mainly con- sisting of radar wavelength A (3-24 cm), p erpe nd ic ular base- line B.L (effective distance between the satellites), tempo- ra l baseline Br, , whk h is the ti me interval betwee n the image ac qu isi ti ons, a nd the total number of images • environmental factors, consist- ing of earth's atmosphere A, the characte ri stics of the deforma- tion D, a nd the s ur face S Radar Wavelength The Lin e-Of- Sight (LOS) defor- mation be tween t wo images is meas ured as a frac ti on of the (semi) wave length. Depe ndin g on the Signal-to- No i se Ratio (SN R), the accura cy of the phase meas ureme nt direc tl y affects the acc uracy of the deforma ti on. This calls fo r sho rt wave lengths with high SNRs. However, a short wavelength (3 cm) is reRected by sma ll objects like tree leaves. In fact, th e radar return is the s um of the contributions of a ll the sma ll objects within the resolution cell. Return is sum of contributions of all s mall objects within the r esolution ce ll Ra nd o m move ments of sma ll obj ects d is turb the analysis of the phase Signa l. Therefore, o ft en a larger wavelength is preferred. A wave l eng th of 24 cm is re fl ected more significantly by lar ge r objects, pe netrates through fo lia ge and re fl ects cl oser to the gro und bene ath trees. Sta ti sti- ca ll y, there is less movement or va ri a ti on in these larger objects, wh ich limits d is turb ance in the phase sig nal an alys is. Wave- lengths large r than 24 cm w ill

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Page 1: Design Parameters and Environmental Factors Affecting ... · GIM International Feature Design Parameters and Environmental Factors Affecting Feasibility Deformation Monitoring by

GIM International


Design Parameters and Environmental Factors Affecting Feasibility

Deformation Monitoring by Satellite Interferometry

TIle introduction of illwging radar has been a very important developlllent in

rel/IDte sensing sillce the early 1960s. It has opened up IIInlly new applications

in geoscience and astronolllY and provides an alteYllative to optical illlaging,

which needs solar illulllination nlld cloudless skies. Ill/aging radar lIIay be

elllployed for lIIeasuring spatial variations in the distance to the eartl/Jor

example those caused by relief, using two ill/ages obtained by Interferometric

Synthetic Apertllre Radar (/nSAR). The feasibility of deforlllation monitoring

by InSAR lIIay be quickly evaluated by considering a limited number of design

parameters and environmental factors. The allthors treat these parameters and

factors in greater detail.

By dr. Raman F. Hanssen, Oetft University of Technology. The Netherlands and dr. Alessandro Ferretti, Tete­

Rilevamento Europa - T.RE. S.d , ttaty

Figure 1, Maill parnlllders

affectillg tile feasibility of deformatioll

mOllitorillg Ilsillg satellite radar illterferometry

52 September 2002

l nSA R applied on boa rd of a sa tellite is able to image, with a one month rev is it period , any g iven area on ea rth. Temporal va riations in the satellite-ea rth dis tance due to deformations such as subsidence, earthquakes a nd volcanoes may also be mea-

sured, with accuracy s ta rting at the sub-cm level. When is inSAR feasible for a par­ticular p rojec t on deformation monito ring? This depends on two main groups of parameters (Fig­ure 1): • des ign parameters, mainly con-

sisting of radar wavelength A (3-24 cm), p erpendicular base­line B.L (effective dis tance between the sa tellites), tempo­ra l baseline Br, , whk h is the ti me interval be tween the image acqu isi tions, and the total number of images

• environmental factors, consist­ing of earth 's atmosphere A, the characteristics of the deforma­tion D, and the surface S

Radar Wavelength

The Line-Of-Sight (LOS) defor­mation between two images is measured as a fraction of the (semi) wavelength. Depending on the Sign al-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), the accuracy of the phase measurement directly affec ts the accuracy of the deformation. This calls fo r short waveleng ths wi th high SNRs. However, a sho rt wavelength (3 cm) is reRected by small objects like tree leaves. In fact, the rada r return is the sum of the contribu tions of all the small objects within the resolution cell.

Return is sum of contributions of all small objects within the

resolution cell

Ra nd om movements of sma ll objects d isturb the analys is o f the phase Signal. Therefore, often a larger waveleng th is preferred . A wavelength o f 24 cm is reflected more significantly by larger objects, penetrates th rough fo liage and reflects closer to the g round beneath trees. Sta ti sti­ca ll y, there is less movement or va ria tion in these larger objects, which limits d isturbance in the phase signa l analys is. Wave­lengths larger than 24 cm will

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have disturbance increased by the ionosphere and rad io inter­ference.


The perpendicular baseline, 81., introd uces the interferometric geometry resulting in sensi tivity to topographic height differences. The absolute leng th varies be tween 0 (no inAuence on topo­graphic height) and 1-2 km (large influence on topographic height) depending on the radar wave­length and terra in inclinat ion. Idea ll y, d efo rmation measure-

G IM Internationa l


Mission Slart-End i Revisit Interval (days) Wavelength (cm)

ER5-1 1991 ·2000 35/ 3 5 .6 ER5-2 1995· . 35 5.6 ER5-1 fER5-2 1995·1996 5.6 JERS 1992·1998 44 23 .6 Rodorsal 1995· .. 24 5 .6 Envisot 2002· .. 35 5 .6

Table 1, List of past al1d present IIISAR missiolls capable of deformatioll mOl1itoring

ments a re performed us ing a ze ro-baseline, which excludes all influence of topography. Unfor­tunately, sa tellite orbi ts drift w ith respect to their nomina l o rbits, resul ting in non-zero baselines. Ex ternal topographic information (DEMs) or high-qua lity InSAR images without deforma tion sig­nal are commonly used for cor­rec tion of the topographic influ­ence. A second effect of a non-zero baseline is the introduc­tion of phase noise increasing with the baseline length. The temporal baseline, BT, is a multiple of the orbi t revisit inter­va l (Table 1) and depends on acquiSition planning, subject to power consumption and possible

Azimuth Direction

confl icting scientific or commer­cial interests rega rding the satelli te or instrument. The temporal base­line should be long enough to detect deformation phenomenon of interest. On the other hand, noise usua ll y increases consider­ably proportional to time.

Rain, clouds and fronts result in error up to several centimetres

Many images allow for alterna­ti ve ways of recognis ing high­quali ty pixels in the image and for optimising the ratio be tween the deformat ion signal and atmospheric error s igna l.

Figure 2, Area of Allcolla, Italy. (a ) £RS SAR image. (b) High col/erellce illterferogram gellerated by all ER S 'talldem pai,: two ill/ages gatltered 24l1ollrs aparl . Tlte f rillge pallem resembles lite cOlllollr lilies of tlte relief. (c) Low cohere lice illterferogralll. The

perpClldiCIIlar /mse/ille IS small (slI/allerthall10 metre) bllt /I/e temporal baselille is more t!tml 0111' year

September 2002 53

Page 3: Design Parameters and Environmental Factors Affecting ... · GIM International Feature Design Parameters and Environmental Factors Affecting Feasibility Deformation Monitoring by

GIM International


[mm/yr) -I

100 200 "" 400

500 soo 700 Azimulh Direction [pIxell

.... Aver e LOS VeIo<;ij o!!IIe Nwesl PS Section AA'

.... " ........ ".... .. ...... .... " ....... "" ...... "

200 400 Azimuth Direction (pixel]

600 800 1000 100 200 300 400 Azimu1t1 Direction [pIxell '" 500 700

Figure 3, Permanent Scatterers (PS) techlliqlle applied to radar images of Raymolld Fault , CA, USA. For explmmtioll see paragraph 'Example'


Although radar waves are not hindered by clouds, the atmos­phere delays rad io waves non­homogeneously, resulting in spa­tially varying errors in distance measurements. The degree of dis­turbance depends on climatic conditions and the local weather situation. Weather processes associated with rain, convective clouds and fronts usually result in a significant signal error, up to several centimetres. Since a potential deformation signal is measured relatively between points in the image, a larger dis­tance between points results in an increase in the atmospheric error signa l.

Deformation Characteristics

Inaccuracies in sa tell ite orbit result in large-scale trends and atmospheric signal in smooth phase va riability over a wide range of scales. Deformation, which has similar characteristics, spatial as well as in magnitude, wi ll be difficult to distinguish

from the signal error. For inter­ferometry using only two images this excludes, for example, earth tides or s low land subsidence over extended areas. Kinematic characteristics of deformation play an important role - a sudden deformation associated with an earthquake will be more easy to monitor than tectonic creep, although a methodology to mea­sure the latter has also been developed. Spatial defo rma tion gradients between neighbouring pixels need to be less than the radar wavelength.

Surfoce Reflections

By far the most important envi­ronmenta l parameter is the reflective surface. Deformation measures can only be derived in the case of coherent scattering. (The degree of interferometric correlation between the images is known as coherence.) This implies that fo r every interfero­gram the phase information per pixel should mainly be based on geometry. As a result, interfero­metric measurements cannot be

ca rried out when the local reflec­tivity of the terrain changes in time. Changing reflection charac­teristics over time within a reso­lution cell should, therefore, be avoided. This effectively makes water useless for inter ferometry, s ince it changes its physica l shape within milliseconds. For temporal baselines of severa l weeks, this same factor also often excludes agricultura l and heavily

Measurements cannot be carried out when reflectivity of the terrain changes in time

vegetated lands, as well as areas of human activity such as con­struction works. A coherent inter­ferogram results in a smooth fringe-pattern (Figure 28). Areas of low-coherence correspond to a noisy fringe pattern (Figme 2C). Since the coherence is an impor­tant quality measure, it needs to be estimated per pixe.l. For this, repeated measurements under identical conditions are princi­pa lly needed. However, in the

September 2002 55

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conventional approach this is impossible because only two images are used, resulting in no redundancy. Spatia l averages

Recognition of pixels with stable scattering

characteristics is very hard

within a window centred at the pixel are therefore com monly used, assuming ergodicity. Al­though this assumption holds in many situations, especially when the terrain charac teristics are homogeneous and short tempo­ral baselines are used (Figure 2B), it fails in interferograms w ith spatially vary ing scatter ing con­d itions. Consequently, many interferograms with a long tem­poral baseline are considerably decorrela ted, especia lly in vege­tated reg ions (Figure 2C). Build­ings, rocks or infrastructural works maintain their scattering cha racterist ics over long time periods and under va rying view­ing geometries. Recognition of pixels with stable scattering char­acte ristics (both in amplitude and phase) is very difficult, especia lly when these pixels are isolated amids t decorrelated areas.

Permanent Scatterers

The design parameters under dis­cuss ion may be obtained from databases made avai lable by the space agencies exploiting sa tel­li tes. Environmental parameters are often more difficult to pred ict and need to be modelled stochas­tically. Although these facto rs were previously considered to be limiting factors, new develop­ments such as the Permanent Scat­terers (PS) technique have broad­ened the range of applicabili ty. PS was developed to detect iso­la ted coheren t targets and to tack le the problem of atmos­pheric de lay errors at the expense of many images (over twenty) and a spa rse, pixel-by-pixel based eva luation. Point targets, which are not affected by tempora l changes, are recognised by a sta­tistical analys is of their amplitude in all SAR images (Figure 3). The contribution of topography and atmosphere may be es timated

and removed by carefully exploit­ing their different time-space beha viour. This increases the measurement accuracy from cen­timetre to millimetre leve l. The combinat ion of all permanent scatterers resembles a standard geodetic network, although the positions of the pOints are found by chance and cannot be opti­mised. Nonetheless, although the average point density for urban areas is generally between 0.5 and 2.5 of the original number of pixels, this corresponds to 50-300 po ints per kilometre - far more than typica l levelling or GPS sur­veys - making optimisation less important than it is in standard geodetic network design. The accuracy of PS deformation mea­surements lies in the etre range, for linear deformation even higher than 0.1 mill imetre per yea r. The high repea t rate of new acquisitions leads to a timely identification of changing defor­mation characte ris ti cs. This is important, for example, in moni­toring the stability of individual build ings.


An example of the results that can be achieved by means of the PS technique is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3a shows the LOS velocity field across Raymond Fault in Cali fo rnia , estimated from 55 ERS acquisi tions. The PS density is ve ry high (more than 200 PS/ km2

), so that the estimated LOS velocity fi eld looks continu­ous. The estimated accuracy of the velocity va lues is better than 0.5 millimetre per year. Figure 3b shows a close-up on cross section AA'. Here loca tion and velocity of the PS (colour-coded) have been highlighted and their density may be better appreciated. Figure 3c shows LOS displacement rates relative to the PS along section AA'. The stepwise discontinuity of about 2 mi ll imetre per year may be easily identified and the hanging wall of the fault can be loca ted with an accuracy of a few tens of metres.


Dedica ted InSA R sa tell ite mis­sions are currently proposed to allow for long time ser ies of inter-

GIM International


fe rometric data ove r areas of deforma tion, for example for earthquake, volcano, glacier and subsidence monitoring.

Further Reading

• Ferretti, A., Prati, C. and Rocca, F. (2001), Permanent Scatterers in SAR Interferometry, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39(1 ):8-20

• Gabriel, A.K. and Goldstein, R.M. (1988), Crossed orbit inter­ferometry: theory and experi­mental results from SIR-B, lnt.). Remote Sensing, 9(5):857-872

• Hanssen, R.E (2001), Radar Interferometry: Data Interpre­tation and Error Ana lysis, Kluwer Academic Publ ishers, Dord recht

• Massonnet, D. and Feig l, K.L. (1998), Radar interferometry and its applica tion to changes in the earth 's surface, Reviews of Geophysics, 36(4):441-500

• Rosen, P., Hensley, 5., Joughin, I. R., Li, F.K., Madsen, 5., Rodriguez, E. and Goldstein, R. (2000), Synthetic Aperture Radar lnterferometry, Proceed­ings of the IEEE, 88(3):333-382.

Biography of the Authors

Dr. Raman Hanssen received an MSc degree in geodesy in 1993 and a PhD degree in 2000, both from the Delft University of Technology, where he is currently aSSistant-professor in geosla lis­tics, remote sensing and radar. Between 1995 and 2000 he car­ried out research in the field of InSAR at the Delft University of Technology, Stanford UniverSity, the German Aerospace Center, Stuttgart University, and Scripps Institu tion of Oceanography.

Dr. Alessandro Ferretti received an MSc degree in Information Technology in 1993 and a Ph.D. degree in electrica l engineering in 1997 from the Politecnico di Mi lano. Presently he is mana­ging director of the company 'Tele-Ri levamento Europa·T.r.E.', a commercia l spin.ofF of the Politecnico di Mi lano. His research interests include digital Signal processing ond remote sensing. R.F. Hrlll ssel1 , Delft University of Tecllllo{ogy, Tllijssl>rueg 11, 2629 lA, Delft, Tile Netherlallds, E-lIIail: [email protected]

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