design audit_ part c.2 bridges

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  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges



  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    Areas for EvaluationPercentage


    I. Adequacy of Field Investigation (20%)

    1. Survey Data (Topographic/Hydrographic/Drainage Survey) 10%

    1. Geological/Geotechnical Data 10%

    II. Efficiency of esign !anage"ent (#0%)

    1. Completene and !uality o" De ign #naly i and Calculation 1$%

    . #de&uacy o" De ign Tool $%

    '. Competency o" De ign ngineer / #rchitect $%

    . *roper Document +anagement Sy tem $%

    III. $uality of Plans ( 0%)

    1. Compliance to D, $- erie o" 1 $ 1$%

    . Completene o" Dra ing /Detail '$%

    &otal '00%

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    V. Checklist of Questionnai es

    V.C Co!"leteness an# Qualit$ of Desi%n Anal$sis an#Calculations &&& 15%

    C.1 Highways

    C.2 Bridges

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    ontents e 2o 2/#

    '. ydrologic Analysis

    a. Determination o" drainage area

    3. Determination o" de ign di charge

    c. 4ain"all data

    2. ydraulic Analysis

    a. Determination o" de ign "lood level (D56) di chargeand velocity

    3. Scour #naly i

    C.2 Bridges

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    #. esign of *u+erstructurea. Structural de ign analy i o" uper tructure

    . #ll po i3le load com3ination per ##SHT, 3. De ign o" main mem3er

    +ain girder ("or 4CDG *CDG S*G) 7ottom chordtop chord and diagonal ("or Tru 7ridge)

    c. De ign o" Secondary +em3erDiaphragm /cro 3eam ("or 4CDG *CDG S*G)6ateral 3race ay 3race ("or Tru 7ridge)

    d. De ign o" Dec8 De ign o" dec8 la3De ign o" "loor 3eam and tringer (Tru 7ridge)

    e. De ign o" railing

    ". De ign o" e9pan ion :ointg. De ign o" 3earing /anchorage device

    h. De ign o" ei mic re trainer (i" any)

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    ,. esign of *u-structures

    a. *tructural design analysis of su-structure

    . #ll po i3le load com3ination per ##SHT,

    . Sei mic #naly i 3a ed on current ##SHT, peci"ication

    and D.,. 2o. ;$ erie o" 1. Determination o" ground acceleration coe""icient ( ite

    peci"ic tudy "or ma:or pro:ect ). Calculation o" uper tructure ectional propertie "or

    computer model. Calculation o" oil pring "or "oundation upport. 6i&ue"action potential analy i

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    ,. esign of *u-structures (cont.)-. esign of A-ut"ents

    . Com3ination o" orthogonal ei mic "orce

    . De ign o" a3utment coping

    . De ign o" a3utment ha"t/column

    . De ign o" a3utment "oundation ( hould 3e 3a ed on aGeotechnical 4eport)

    . De ign o" 3ac8 all

    .De ign o" ing all. De ign o" a3utment protection or8

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    ,. esign of *u-structures (cont.)

    c. esign of Piers

    . Com3ination o" orthogonal ei mic "orce

    . De ign o" pier coping

    . De ign o" pier ha"t/column(main re3ar and con"inement rein"orcement)

    . *la tic hinging analy i o" column

    . De ign o" pier "oundation

    ( hould 3e 3a ed on a Geotechnical 4eport). De ign o" hear 3loc8 (i" any). De ign o" cour protection or8

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    . etailed $uantity alculations

    a. timate o" &uantitie "or uper tructure

    3. timate o" &uantitie "or each *ier

    c. timate o" &uantitie "or each #3utment

    d. Summary o" !uantitie

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    V. Checklist of Questionnai es

    V.' Co!"leteness of D a(in%s an# Details &&& 20%H.1 Highways

    H.2 Bridges

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    Content e 2o 2/#

    1. over *heet

    a. 6etter head/logo o" proponent o""ice

    3. 2ame and location o" pro:ect

    c. 2ame and ignature o" o""icial ith de ignation ho prepare/ u3mit/recommend and ill approve the plan

    . &a-le of ontents or Inde of *heetsa. =nde9 o" Sheet

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    '. /icinity !a+

    a. 6ocation o" propo ed 3ridge ith re pect to e9i ting road road>ection to n etc.

    3. =mportant landmar8 /e9i ting tructure .c. Topographic/6ocation *lan ( ite plan) in appropriate cale

    d. Contour

    e. 6ocation o" 7orehole

    ". Direction o" tream "lo

    g. Stationing

    h. 7ench mar8

    i. #

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    ,. eneral 1otes

    Design Criteria

    a. Code and peci"ication

    3. High ay 6ive 6oading

    c. Hydraulic Data

    d. De ign Stre e


    a. Code and peci"ication

    3. +aterial Speci"ication• Concrete• 4ein"orcing teel 3ar• Structural teel• ,ther ( peci"y)

    c. Con truction *rocedure/Se&uence

    d. Special *rovi ion/=n"ormation i" any

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    e. 5oundation De ign Criteria uch a ?

    >. #llo a3le 3earing capacity o" oil under "ooting>. @ltimate/allo a3le 3earing capacity o" pile>. 4e&uired em3edment to hard trata>. 4e&uired te t

    Gene al Notes ) Const uction *cont.+

    . *u""ary of $uantities in &a-ulated For"a. =tem num3er

    3. De cription o" Aor8 (or =tem De cription)

    c. @nit o" +ea urement

    d. !uantitie "or #3utment *ier and Super tructure eparately*re ented

    e. Total "or all item involved

    ". ,ld &uantitie and revi ed &uantitie eparately indicated in ca eo" revi ed plan or a > ta8ed plan

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    . eneral Plan and Elevation

    a. Span /6ength

    3. 7ridge Type

    c. Stationing (*ier 7ac8 o" 7ac8 all )d. Directional ign/in"ormation ign

    e. Ground *ro"ile ho ing the elevation o" ordinary ater levelma9imum "lood level and de ign "lood level

    ". Type o" "oundation (3ored pile 4.C. pile Steel H>pilepread "ooting etc. indicate al o the length and re&uiredcapacity)g. 5ini h grade elevation

    h. 6ocation o" a3utment and pier

    i. 6ocation o" drain and grouted riprap and other 3ridge protection or8 :. #pproach road at lea t one hundred (100) meter "rom 3ac8 o" 3ac8 all "or 3oth a3utment

    8. *o ition/ pacing o" drain

    l. Clear road ay and ide al8 idth

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    3. Foundation Plan and 4ayout

    a. 7oring 6og

    3. levation and tationing o" 3orehole

    c. 2>valued. De cription and oil cla i"ication

    e. *lan o" "ooting ho ing i

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    5. etails of *u+erstructure

    For RCDG

    a. levation ho ing dimen ion girder rein"orcement railingand railing po t rein"orcement

    3. *lan ho ing dimen ion la3 rein"orcement diaphragmrein"orcement location o" drain railing and railing po tdi tance 3earing location

    c. Typical road ay cro ection hal" ho ing dimen ion and hal"ho ing la3 rein"orcement ide al8 rein"orcement and

    railing rein"orcement

    d. Cam3er diagram

    e. 7ar 3ending diagram and chedule

    ". Typical ection o" girder dec8 la3 and diaphragm ho ingdimen ion and re3ar

    g. timate o" &uantitie

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    5. cont etails of *u+erstructure

    For prestressed girder bridge

    a. Separate detail o" girder ho ing po ition o" pre tre ingca3le and end anchorage

    3. Do el and diaphragm location

    c. Detail o" *re tre ing ca3le and end anchoraged. 4e&uired :ac8ing "orce and net pre tre ing "orce

    e. Girder ection detail one at end 3loc8 one at intermediateand one ho ing girder dimen ion

    ". Cam3er diagram

    g. Typical ection o" girder dec8 la3 anddiaphragm ho ing dimen ion and re3ar

    h. 7ar 3ending diagram and chedule

    i. timate o" &uantitie

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    5. cont. etails of *u+erstructure

    For Steel Girder Bridge

    a. General vie ho ing girder elevation plan (top and 3ottomvie ) location o" plice pacing o" ti""ener anddiaphragm /cro >3eam

    3. Detail o" main girder mem3er ho ing ection :oint andplice

    c. Detail o" cro 3eam ay 3race lateral 3race and ti""enerd. +i cellaneou detail uch a 3earing teel 3olt ei mic

    re trainer e9pan ion :oint and cam3er diagram

    e. Speci"ication o" teel material 3olt and elding

    ". Typical road ay ection ho ing girder dec8 la3 and cro > 3eam / ay 3race ith dimen ion and re3ar

    g. Detail o" dec8 la3

    h. Schedule o" rein"orcement

    i. timate o" &uantitie

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    5. cont. For *teel &russ *u+erstructure

    a. General vie ho ing elevation plan top and 3ottom vieith dimen ion and :oint num3er

    3. Summary o" tre e in ta3ulated "ormc. 6i t o" dra ing "or detail o" tru pan

    d. Cam3er diagram

    e. General 2ote ( peci"ication deadload liveload concrete la3rein"orcing teel tructural teel 3olt /rivet elding :oint

    pecial provi ion )". Detail o" tru mem3er ho ing all ection :oint

    connection 3earing 3olt and mem3er de ignationg. Detail o" tringer and "loor 3eam

    h. Detail o" ay 3racing and lateral 3racing

    i. Detail o" dec8 la3 ho ing dimen ion and rein"orcement :. Typical road ay ection ho ing dec8 la3 and

    tringer /"loor3eam8. 7ar 3ending diagram and chedule

    l. timate o" &uantitie

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    6. etails of Piers

    a. *lan 5ront and Side levation hal" ho ing dimen ion and

    hal" ho ing rein"orcement 3. *o ition o" 3earing centerline o" :oint centerline o" pier and

    eccentricity i" any

    c. *o ition o" ri er /3ridge eat

    d. levation o" Top o" Coping and 7ottom o" 5ootinge. 5ooting/*ile cap plan and elevation hal" ho ingrein"orcement and hal" ho ing dimen ion pile locationdimen ion and e timated length o" pile hall al o 3e ho nin ca e o" pile "oundation

    ". 6ocation o" con truction :ointg. 7ar 7ending Diagram i" nece ary ho 3ar 3ending chedule

    h. timate o" &uantitie "or each pier

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    '0. etails of A-ut"ents

    a. *lan and "ront elevation hal" ho ing dimen ion and hal"

    ho ing rein"orcement 3. *o ition o" 3earing anchorage and hear 3loc8

    c. *o ition o" ri er or 3ridge eat i" any

    d. Developed ide elevation ho ing ing all rein"orcement

    e. Section ho ing 3ac8 all coping ha"t and "ooting

    (rein"orcement and dimen ion)". 5ooting/*ile cap plan and elevation hal" ho ing

    rein"orcement and hal" ho ing dimen ion pile locationdimen ion and e timated length o" pile hall 3e ho n inca e o" pile "oundation

    g. 6ocation o" con truction :oint

    h. 7ar 7ending Diagram i" nece ary ho 3ar 3ending chedule

    i. timate o" &uantitie "or each a3utment

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


    ''. 7iver Protection Wor8s 9 if any (7efer to ydraulic ivision hec8list)

    '2. etails of Piles> Steel pile> Concrete pile> 7ored pile

    '#. !iscellaneous etails

    a. Detail o" drain

    3. Detail o" railing and ide al8

    c. Detail o" e9pan ion and "i9ed 3earing

    d. Detail o" ela tomeric 3earing pad

    e. Detail o" e9pan ion dam

    ',. &e"+orary *tructures: if anya. Detail o" Detour 7ridge

    3. Detail o" Crane ay

    c. Detail o" Co""erdam

  • 8/19/2019 Design Audit_ Part c.2 Bridges


