deseret evening news. (salt lake city, utah) 1909-05-08 [p ... · j-h the great countrj paper of1...

J- H The Great Countrj Paper of1 the- West Issued Mondays and Thursdays and ontains All the Cream of the Daily and Saturday News LOCAL BRIDFSi- s Convalcseu Wlllan Mack is reported convalescent a iffi CrO s hospital bloilj is Crciniitiil The remains b- iTdwaid Rlchoids won cremated i- lDeiner vesterdaV In accordance vvltli his libt espiexsed wish Tor Chuicli rnnd JSenufll MJs- illalllo F Gclbnit ivlil give nn elo- cutionary entPitalninrnt Monday oven Ing In the Baptist chinch in aid of the chin cli building fund Leo AVau limletl Lee Wan the took fatally Injuied at Hock wns butlod from D Uvans Chapel with Interment in the Chinese section ot City ceme tei- yalitt N MmiHRcr I uncst T- 1iitt Is tiding as manager and as- sibtant secreUiv uf the Altaclub dur- ing ¬ Mi Volmeis abSorito on tho Pa- cillc cgast Mi Volmel will not rc- tiiin for several v celts j Now v I1 fjuiieiliitendent C E- Klocvci of tho Press NW Yoik is lif SjallVLake todaV oiuhls- vva > tn Sun iriaiicNto vvheio ho goes to lelievtj Iiiill Cowlcs a supeiintcn- of thcPacIllc coast headtuaitcisi James A Jolloek JSujs Home James A jpollwk a piomlnent broker oi this city Oms iiurclmsed a winter homo In Jasaden t contnlnlnjr- It 1s said elglHoon looms including a- Jrv spacious living 100111 Tho pio- jeitV Is located at Uollcfontnlno and St TOlm avenue and Wasfoimcily the homo of Colonel John Cambcrt Women Cluulnie Petition The leading vvonicn clubs of Silt Lake arc Ululating a petition to bo present- ed ¬ to thoSeoilncllMondaj uisking tnem not vto lease tHo Waim bpllngb pio- portv again to private paitles Tho petitioner propose to erect a public bath hoti80and hucu park andplay ground theiu hs soon as the present loaso cxplics- SU livers UoniHnihul Ivan Peters Alt ek Dav is and Clutiles Kopilas throb loiolgnors whowcio iriestedi- at i Jfunav because of alleged Intcr- cieiice with smeller laboieia who had not paitldpattd In the strike weio airulgncdi before Juatlee Cliiules- Holm vestesday They enteiedtplcas of not gulltv and wero lemanded to tho- oustody iOC Ihb sheriff in delault oC- G00 ball- OoininlllLe THctls TonlRli Tho memorial committee of the G A H- vlll hold a meeting at the Grand Army hall at 3 oclock this evening at which airaiigoments foi tho pro pei obseivanco of Memoilal dajt will bo coiiBldeiedtThoiOomnilUeo com- posed of mejnbeis of both posts and ooiptj and of the G A R A full attendance ot members Is ea- inetly desired Ono Milk JJlniit Vlll lilslil Tilove- npioprlctoi itofMaiios met last night in the office pf the Woods Cioss dahy lit 54 noith Second West streot to tho new mlk ordinance vvhleh- cs tho dalrj menT to liise bottle s ex- i oly fdi the dellvctv of milk Ten Ot the dairymen declared that the oidlnanco vns an excellent ono One dairyman vuib opposed to It1 and In- tendsto llghMheeiiforcmont- of tho piovislons TKUSTCO1 Transacts a general trust bualnesi and paya 4 por cent Interest on lsav- Ings deposits JOSBPH P SMITH President ANTHONtH LUND VIcePrest- O C BECBE Cashier COAJDiCO 55 SO All kindsof coal well sciconcd and Diomptly delivered nUSINESSiOHANGE- S M Taylor Co successors to- JoseplnTi Taylor undertakers and em- balmers same address 2513B East First South J F WAIiK rLOUIj CO- At GoabePlits Diug Phones 140 COLORS FOR CITY fSGHOOIS- SnccltilCommittee ol tlicKoaril SctClcs- Sev ui ilt1 > l imlos The spoUal commlttcu of tho binrd- pf education elcclilcd yCsteulaj aitei noon on the colois selected bv IB- uf < Jhe oltytf lUfcdiouls The Homiovllle- I ivnklin Fremont Jackson Qnocin- aytlveif idi and Watciloo aohoolo have not made llfulr selections II P Iltn- dcrson and Pnibf BjioinCummlngs act Ll as theboaid olarbltiators and veic willed on to decide bevcuu disputes Tbu colois appioved ieio- Biyant Tloso and giiiy- Kmeison Ifecn and gold Praiit Orangeund bitjvvn Hamilton Buff and blue Lafayette VhIto and gttcn Lincoln Ited and blue Longfellow Light blue and blacU- Iftvvell ltcd and white f Oiiulrrji Onuigo and black Poiilai Giove Red and gold buninet Blue and White Training White uid orange Wasatch Blue and gold Washington Blue and grav- Wcbbter PurplctT uul white High Ked and black UTAH WEMEN IN COLLIERS Colliers WeeUv under todajs data carries an illustiated btory on lie Woman Who Votes by Sarah Coin stock in which appear tho portialii of- foui well known residents of Salt Lake andj foul of Colorado and Wyonimy- 3hc Utah r l traits Include Mrs Em- mellne B Wells Mrs Bathshoba Smith Mi Siifca Young Gates and ono of Mis Alice Morrlll Home sunounded by hot familj BUBSER A LUCKY MAN- Fred Bub ° cr a lattoiei emplojcl on- U f Vonnont buildins had a nauov- qscapc fioni seiioim 4t not fatal m- jur > about 8 30 this morning He vvan wheeling a load of brick along a fcat fold when he suddenly lost his bnlauco and fell to the floor below a distance of about 0 fet In some unaceoutit able mannei the falling bricks missed the man and he foitunateiy alltliteiiU- JXHI his feet He wai considerablv- Jariftl and was taken to Ills hom In- a1 hack REOPENS TONIGHT 15yMuv Ilorenec rtlanuKc- rTlrst class vaudeville ijeiutes lret from the factory classic illustrated s6ngs and full orchehtia Almasion lOc Childien 5c ISome Incidents Humorous and Otherwise That Come UnrJer Desk Sergeants Eye TRUE STORIESOF CITY JAIL Amlncloim sTIiefls Wltlilu TlcclncK of- l olleei Jfcndqunrtcrs 1Uw IxniJ- liinillcs iOti lrcerons Dniiilcs- It Isi naluially to be expected that tliloves uie to be found in jail or at police liradcfuaitcis but It requlrrb a little stretch 9f the Imagination to- tltlnk that they would ply thelrtradut- heio But even Hie stern treatment of confinement tbehlml stone jvalls and vvlndovva Bccms lo hae little effect rin soirie cases jn curing ihe dls- ica < ot itching flngeiF Theieare nian > instances on record at the police station which tend to thjk old adage that theio Is honor oveti among tthievcs and it has Jbcon pjo < n time alidKagaln that one iprisonet will nolhesltate to steal not Orilj from a fellov prisoner bdt from sthe police themselves the chance ol eio ituclf lit is not so verv longjagp that three patrolmen cumc in oft ttliclr beat1 to- Hiul that somes any had Sbrpken into their lookers and cleaned thorn not only of the civilian clothes but ot- fctia unlfoinis as fiU- iHE HAD HJS NUHVK- Tho most audacious case on iccordt- hovv ov er is that of tho man whotiied- to short changn De k Sergt Lenl This man taken into custody as a- susplclonscharactet trledon a chaigo- ot vagrancy hifd a lltttf o6i 2r on him when airested and eaichcd at the statUjn Thisnonojar Is done Initho- cisejof all5 poisons booked and held lnth <rjail was placcdui an envelope and1 icturned to ihlm upon his iclease ill was thctiHthat heattempted to tutu itho trick that vvoTild have left Soigt- iLtn ii 10l short ill hlsi salaij jchqck if- ilhCjffamfliliad v oikedvsuccessfitllj The stigeantcaiefully counted out the jinoneyiandipf 3sedritfoei tho de k Ito man began counting and save ithe soiRoaiit1 1 scriro bv calllnir tontlon Ho thofaet that them was Std iinlHsltig While countjnirfthe monov- fhe hid cleveiolv vlalmccl a 10 gbtd- jplecc amli about the onl > thing that tllu dpstc GIKC Hit was the pics- ippcq ot anothei ofllcei who had boon Lthe mionef cuuntcd outr In tho first STEAL ilJROM KACHi OTH13R- In thp jail itself thfevciykimong die pilsoiiers Is all of apetty nalurojandI- H conllned nn ilnlj to tho appropria ¬ ion ot anothetjs clothes since all valuables are iemoved < fiom thejprlbon- Cl beforeIhi Is placed In ithe cell Thp man who would steal thp coat tor shirt oft nnothpi mans back1 Is- no Infietiuent inmate of the prison Not long ago while Jallet Wilkinson isatUn thocouitroom scanning thojlong- iovvof julsonois which he hacrbrought- hi foi ihunlnir Jht was > struck with the stianso iippearancG df two of them Oii the piecedlng night a man had been brought tn eoatless but In the couitroom that man vvoio ajcoat whllo- It was another niaiitwho appealed In- lls shirtsleeves Tho oilglnal coalless- tnttn had stolen his cellmates coxt- befoio going into iho cotutioom DIPLOMATIC SEIlGfiANT- i The popularjbolIC that when a diunk 011 man is hp is thrown into Jail liy Ibntte forcp is unoro Invaiiably Swiong than light It isi true that sthtio are cases hein a man IB 0- 1rither hm to bo diaggcd or cnriudl- into tho cell house butmoic trenoially theHttusk9tsfacrompllshod bVii fino tattj- Ono night t inther iclldrcssed man vvas found on thestreets in a condition lintvmadoitluMlalli tho better place for him over night When taken befoie- fhe doslc sergeant to bo bonked his VMath at the Indignity put upon him ikopb Inci casinsr vns just con fclgnlnR tho Ofllrprs andiallthqsdepart- mentTto Sheoliwhon ho stoppedsudden- Iv to heniivhat SorgCLenzt was saying in quiet suave tone This is a pretty nice gentlemanly follow Jallei and IfjrupHs youdbetlei give him the blue loom no t to tho pallor Tho angiy mood vus fist disappcar- llng ln a blinkr look ot astonishment which vvaH intensified as tho soigeaut went on And saj see that clean sheetsjiuc put on the bed and leave an ordor- foi a good poiterhouse steak to be fixed loi him In the momtner Thatll- fl him up all light By this timethe inebriate liad pulled himself togcthet and naw things In a- new light The police were allf right alter all not what be thought they vveie and he began a stream OfUhanks- as profustas hud been his maledictions Thothought of the icstfulnoss of tho- cleansheeted bed In tho soothing at- mosphoio of thoi blue loom and pro- spect ¬ tit the tender julcy steak In tho- moinliiK had nn Invigorating as well ih a soboilng pffectr and vIth a wll- lhg 5>tep UIQ mairfollowcd tho jailer to the jail And tlipn the surprise It tho- piospect of Avhat he thought he was going to get halfsobeied him tho sight of what he was getting completed tho- vvoik What he said w hen lie vas pushed Into the duinkcell more aptly descilbcd as a conciete tank with Ita little nairow wjndow leeklng1 smell and bate wooden bench for bed Is to- be left unropeatea but even Sorg- tLeuI heard him Still xthe man was got into the jull without the us e of forte H F BEIGGSLECTUEES- HeibertT1 IBiiggs ofiSan Prancisro- In bis talkIn the FouiteenthTvnrd as- sembly ¬ hall jesteiday afteinoon ad that noniOpeiatUo and common isenso- mcasuies aie taking tho place 1b opera- tions ¬ andllrostlc drudgeiT inthe homes of tho land a matter of great signif- icanceto ¬ tho wclfaroand health of the home We aro too busy ith the knife li sald to study natuie lavva Which when known will minimize tho use of the knife Mr Briggs talks at the same placetodayxt 2 and 730 p m DEATH BATE INCREASES April JleMOit of lloaid of Health Show s Unusual Condition Tho death late rdccieased lu the inonth of Apul aecoidlng to the month- ly ¬ ippoit of tho boaid of health The deaths numbered 123 as against 140 foi March This makes the uwago death late of actual icsldenta for cncli 1000- populatlcvn for the month just ended 01 Jishtvtlireo jot the elcsith1 vver <3 males and 43 females Pneumonia claimed the laigest numboi of letitus 20 in all Nino dled of scarlffffever- andjl died from iolfnt deaths There verqJG3 bltths S6 nules and 6t females andi 62 mairiago licenses issued Scarlet fever led the list of conta atul InfectlouH dlseases reported fThc 20Ccascs > f contagious andrintec- tlous diseases > erc ellshlb- luted as fallows Smallpox 37 scarlet lever S3 dlpli- ftthcrla 25 meislest 10 tuberculosis 1- pneuhionlci chlckenpoxt CJ inuinps 2 vvhooplntrcoush 3 tojal 061 The uinigtifaiv houses or GCS as follausfTor scarlet e- ivcr S5 fofdlphtlietin t for smallpox for pulmonary tuberculosis t The chemist mode ISO ional tlio provision Inspector 101 inipeetkmy- rondefnnlnir only two pounfN of food Kpllovvliif Is th report of the sanitary department f Nuisance complaints rocetvcil and at- cnd rdlo 123 Garbage complAlnt rfi- celved and attended to 15U and inspections iriade 269 F vviltten iiotlcJh served 13i cesspool Vaults and grease trapa cleanoel 602 notices to connect with sewer 70 sewer connections made 110 Inspections for sower destroyed ot and manure disposed garbage fetation horses1- ijdpstroypd a crematory 10 colts if- ovvs < calves 2 dotrs 187 sniep 1- iSUAIIES Afifi RECORDS As an allround laxatlvo tonle van- dhealthbuilder no other pills can corn pare with Dr Kinds Now Life Fills They tone and regulate stomach liver idrid kidneys puilfy itjio blooclj streni then tho jierve euro ponstlpatlon Dyspepsia Biliousness achcChlll and Malaria ary thorn 25cat Z ML 112114 south Main stiect Salt Lake City- REOPENS TONIGHT K Max ITorcncc fnmytci That class vaudeville tpictutcs dteO from the factorj classic lllustmte- s < ngs nnd ifull oichcstia AdmKMoii lOc Children EC- All kinds of Scads Bailey i Soni- tCo 63 East 2nd iSo A T Ilioinus- Vilh mill Xq b for the Postmastei AM Tfiomas who it turned from nn extended trip to the east lattevpnlnRbilngi news of jnnny- Vhingesiand improvements In theipost- olllce Tho plans toi the new 0foot addition on the weat vvhlcli in to bo- inlsed foui stoUes aio on the sway here foi appioval by aiions ofllcers now occupjlng the iboms which it Is- pioposed to change Thej at 6 expect cd not latci thart Monday andvasisoon- nsithov aio approved the vvllllbc 10- tuined to Washington and the oik will bo staitod as soon impossible Mr Thomas also brings good news to the clerks in the qnco Those who have ibqorij ln the sorv let moioithan a- jcu andiwho iccelve less than 110- 0ajjcar will have theli sulailcs In- Urcasqd and about onehalf of Hhoso now receiving fiom 1100 to 1200 a- caiwill > dKoJhavoHubstantitUlncrcas- es Additional cleiKs will itifOsbe plac- idtnHhe inalh offlce nboutjJuly il andi- sl < new subhtatloni clcikn me to bo Appointed A tfew substation is to bo established atiSevcntliiSouth and fjtite streets M i Thoinas also fcajs a- Viettei deliveij will bo made vhen the new clerks ni S put on Ho then hopes to bo able to make two complete dellv- eilcs a day In neails all of the tei- iltorv within 0110 and omxhalf 7nllo- fi Jm the postofllce The new addition and tho changes contemplated Intho piesent anangcj gicatlv jellcvc the piesent congested stale of the poslofllcc The north Pl6vatoi Is to be taken out and the space occupied by It all the way up AUll bo tuincdijinto offices On the first Hoot it will bo the place ifoi tho- postmnsteisr piivjto olllce and1 on the second llooi tho elevator space 111 be made Into anotliei loom foi tho United States attorney The noith loriidoit- vvill ulso bo qxtendcd JO fuithe- tucstfand the stamp indovvf ill be it its extreme end on the north side The presnnt location of the stump Avlnelovr- jv ill be occupied by the geueial dellv- ef department The eashlci s ofllce will alp jbc moved to theSMatkut sttcet side ofthe building and the offices now oct upicd- by the caslilei vill be glvpn toi tho mono ordor division ind tho loom now occupied by the money oidot division will bni divided between that division and the legislij division Theic will also bo a general change in tlfo bise- monti and largo aultt for thestorage- of coal willbe constructeel undeineuth the new addition J- Jhls Is 1 new pitiparatton tnd i Rood one it Is especially nluablo as a euro foi chronic and musoulni iheuma- tl m md foi the iclicf fiom pain which It iffonls In acute inflammatory rheumatism those tvvho luco juseJi it hive lnarlnblj Hpokcii of in the hiphost tirms of praise Jjame buck ilciine shouldci and stiff neolc me due to iheumatiim- of tho muscles iisuillj broughtf on by epos ro to cold or dinip and ire ulck- Ij cured bi nppljiiiK this liniment fiee- ly and inassnKinK the affc ted parts orencss ofthr muscles whether Induc- ed ¬ 1 violent exercise or JnJurj Is- allnjed b > this liniment For bulp by all satisfaction Foi real delight Make lour own dre s Yes you can do It And savcinoney too Thej make It easy At iKeister College 75 Center Flower and Garden Seed Ballsy Sons Co G3 Bast 2nd So- SaltjXiokeThoto and Supply Co- Kodaksnnlshtngframlng 142 Main St SCHOOL CHILDEEN ATTENTION This company will give a flrst prize of 10 00 n second > n7 i of 55 00 ten Iprizes each 51 00 and ten prizes each fl 00 Savings Account for the best cs- sajs written bv the children attending public or private schools The con- test ¬ will close on Juno tho flist and all ossajs must be received on or be- foio tho close of business on that date In order to receiv e consideration Fnll portion unfurnNhed on appli- cation ¬ SALT LAKE SECURITV TRUST COMPANY No 2 Up Main ntieet- CALITOENTA EXCITRSIONS Via O S Ti S P- Mav 6th to 13th inclusivp San Fran icl co and return 31 50 To San Fran- cisco ¬ and return one way la JPort land J4B 30 To las Angeles and ie- ttn n 53S 75 To Los Angeles and roturn ore vvaj via Portland Soi375 TlckeLs limited to October 31st Stopovers City Ticket Office 201 Main Street OGDEN AND BETUR1T 100 Via > K GtSunfln > 51aj Trains leave fcalt Lake JLO25 a m and 100 p m- REOPENS TONIGHT llj Max Florence 3Iin scr First class vaudeville piclufes ducct from the factory classic Illustrated songs tina full orchestra Ailmlsslon lOc Children 5c Located on 14th East and llth South Stiwts overlooking the city lind conimandlnff a lew ob the whole valley Cement walks mid1 city water Lots are jselllner very fast bficause theprices aic- MO low VOT this mdntli Easy terms No- tioublo itOitOiow piopertyCall on- orj write to- IS nast South Temple S- tJn TilSTninpleton- hoipepovvei lunabout top Side cuitnlns torln apion mud npron sc- nrratorsa7andvoll ttvents dol- lors worth iovv paits neddsioverhaiillnp dud pnlntliHr incutcash offer Inkes It- AVrUeJlT2J NevVs PLENTY OPNATIVjrSQUASHiSECD Salt lIquivnnlIPotatoes1Giirclcn SCOd- sSearsJ ionly Co 11 AND RUNABOtj- lcu combined Uhorsfcpowti Una IIPPCJI- i nce good condition elli to highest blUilei QOII p West South Itniplc St- iT M MODI R HOHSLb IN- olltheast of cltj M lerms eas- Hebci > J Gi Jilt g Co tRenl Lstnte- SN VP 7 OR JMA7T AND grocciv living looms Itxvv lent good buslneaf stock nt liuolce Don t tm this Lnqultc 876 eht nd aouth St- ftNAPlOR AfAN ND Vi fPU LIV- no lent tood business stock at Invoice Don t niKs this West Side Phnjmacv S7t es t 2nd South ADOBI S ALL SIZES AM KINDS 3a F 3rd South St- ONl I Its D MAHOGANY piano been used onh short time sold for S4t now onl > lift SI Main St USE HYLLS CANKER1 RLMED A- curoifor dlphtherln Give It to jour chil- dren ¬ slin irn well 4t Is a pieventlvc Sold b> Ml druggists A NUMBER or USED AUIOMO- bllcs at 13 to T original prjce Every- one tboroughlv ovcrhsuled mid In Al condition fahai manAutomobile Co 45 4 State St- HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHTjYND sold Lorsen Nealaon Sol South State bt Bell phone42t23 NEW AND SECONDHAND FURMi- ture Stoves and will exchange bu or sell any old thing Washburnl Furniture Co 3 West 1st South Bell 5252 Ind 1166 ONE TON OP SCRATCH PAPER IN quantities to suit buyer at 10 cents per Call at tho Job Deut iDeseret News IWILL SELL YOU JAT A BARGAIN vacant lots a cottaguCor a model house In any of JameslrK ShaW Co Suite300 D trWalkor Bid OLD NEWSPAPER FOR1 etc llcent a pound soldsln K Its bundle atithls office Lowr rates given for 2aOand5JOOlbs GRAMaE COAL ND TEED CO- Phonos ISiT Yard Bcll80 103 E 2nd So- E PV DEAL Goal KlndlinK nnfl Block1 Wood 158 E Third South Both phpliea- J B HENDERSON iCOM CO wholesale and1 retail 551 State Phones IOCS Rlgl t prices and prompt delivery HARVEY tCO IIOJWEST SO TEM pln Bell MZ Tnd 121- 4CAELPAL l URNISHE- DIndutrlal mnnufactuilnjr mining oil gnsand i lilw stock and bond ilsiues sold direct to tnvestois commission tbns- Is Samuel Griham t Co Selling iProk eis IScw lork Life Bldg Monti col- Cnnmla TOR RENT aUrTLL BROTH Kb COMPVNY j 1 South Main Oiini mod fine t SoilOth4EStk 27 M 3 im miHl buiiKilow Gr S Gth Stiett i 2000 1 im mod iai so yam S3S roster Av e i S3 00- i vA ith South Stieet 4 rm modSlS GO- jim mod br line R2 L 5th SO im vvatei 3o ISDcinnelson stCt i TU1TLE BROTHERSCOMPANJEJ T T South Main Street r RQQfif MODERN CBLLARU G < 4 and illKlitimncadftmlsed street 32S South 10th JEabt lemplctoii or 38- SoitliylQia Jst- MCI LI UNTbRNISIIEOltOOMS 49 South Main bt Huoperi Eiaredge Bids ApplviflS cmplcton Bldff Rosblter X Roasltcr- CHDAILFURNIbHKD ROOMS WITH or ivlthout5housekceplnsl2West lstSo- S1ORI AND CROOM HOUfaE AD- diCB 22S B St i- WE HANDLF REN1ALS OF ALI kinds If vou h iv u a house to rent list It with us Hebcr J Giant S Co Real I stitc- S HOUSbS II JJ O ANi xi CO- Ileil Fat ate B ROOAIt MODERN HOME TURNISH- cd 7U 2nd Ave PhonoMain 2532 z PIANOS YOUNGIBROS 23tWjlBt 3o LARGE PADDED VANS AND GOOD srace In a clean warehouse by Smith Transfer Co 112 West 2ndvSoutli Ind 1007 Bell 3559 WARM SPRING FOUNDRi CO Foundry and machine work mine and smelter work a speclilty Ofico and worKS 10SS N 2Dd W S Li Bell 100T- CEMEN Jl WORK MATERIAL work andfpnces right Steiuei S35 E3rd- bouth St- WEiDO ALL KINDS OF CONCRETE work reinforced plain and ornamental Toe Imjlllo Sons Co 773 W 8th So- Ind phone 112112 Call us up- SAMUELHOLMES MAKES AND RB pairs steam 3 boilers tanks smoke atacku etc rear lSS JW S Temple Phone 341- 7JOHNSONS WINDOW SHADE AD- Juater regrulateai light and ventilation saving ayes and health Johnson Son 174 Tasttnd South Salt Lteejity- D W JAMES CO PLUMBING steam and hot water contractors 67 Eat First South Street PATTERNS ANDjMODELSifMADB IN wood brass Iron and aluminum Prompt dellera EstImatoB > fflven Keystone tPat tern and model Works No 247 > Ree JSt- J g Whltecar Prop HYWATER GROO 144141 WEST South Temple Hot air furnaces roof- Ing guttering I cornice skylight ete- iMcCORMICK GRAY CO OFFICE 301 D F Walker Blk Bell chone 349- 1If about to build ato u KEYS FITTED LTHE WORK Brazlnir Walter af Jones lie 24rRlch- ard f Street BURTON COAL LUMBER CO Both phones iSOS ManufacturersjiOviTar- rcd Felt Jlooflng Pitch and Creosote TURNACDS CLKNED AND RE- palred smoky chlmncjs cured roofs repaired and painted Harry Fennel Phona 1a Ind- E H EARDLEY i BRO 64 P O Place Electricians TDRS HAVE 1Ot R FUR5 RFAIODELED repaired djodind cleaned Seal ot- ter ¬ beaer Persian lamb astrakan and other ifurs made to orfler R Sten- zel Fur Coo7 B 3rd So Both phones WASTED ZlIJsL- b WAITED A lliousojid men to help us fllid but- ton number 12fl to to the muni who flnds It CUlmer Taint GlosB Co- GKN1S itJMOK THIS r IS WETAI- revei > lOdv has beon waiting for the Im- jproy ed ilK Impel lal SelfHeating Plai- Jron uon Invention sells Itseirfbeali- itlfully nnde nickel plated alwajshot always icloan coats onl > c etc lOporatu all housewives dressmakers tnllor and laundries buy on sight botl men and uomen agents coining monev- solne poslUvol > making JM jiei daj AVritcsorcnll fit oncofor particulars and teriltory Flat Iron Co 178 South TemplofSt Salt Lake Clt- GOQD SI VlHEff SHORT HOUKS- ptrmonent agrcoablo ttvorl foi U f- aGovornment under service rules rxamlnntlons oon o pull needed Booklet 44 glvlngSauestlons at po- Bltlona and advice about them free for tho Asking Unusual Induce- ments ¬ now Onl5 school that guannt- ecs Washington Civil Service School Washlnston D Q- AGHNlb 10 SJ LL A TlAllMH S- remcilj that will cuio ins cise or cattle lUHt on nlfalfi or clovei feed col- Iesi than cents a cuio iHetills foi f 0c and SI bottle Toims to agent Toi full pnttloulrtis address with stamp C II- Kinelmit Gen Del hilt Like Cltj Utah AIUS1 15I > lliliING JO- li iin indcapal Jq of acting as olm rep lesentdtlvc no cnnvismg or soliciting good inromc assuicd Address Nitlonn- lCoopentlve Jlcaltj Co nj Maiden ldg itshliiMOn D C INTERNAL RIVENUE EAMINA- tlons will be held In this and other Stpt 1 Man men needed Full Dirttculnip flop Ahk foi Booklet ashliiKton Civil bcivlco School IliKton D C- CAPABLL itLSMA N fd iCOVJH Utah with stuplp line High commls- sldns 3100 monthlv Tdvuncf Pel- matient position to rigntr man Jc s M- Imlti Co Detioit Mlcli- VOUNGMAN lOfCARB 01 lawn ind harden Applj 13C B t- THRDt foAM SMFN vJIUSI nous iln staiillng nust hivo the- qulvalent of a high school education undoi Ji jears of age Call at once from Tito Oip m 351 U So aeniplc THE UNITEb TRADL SCHOOLiCON- liactlng Co conductf a tride school and mta men to lenm plumbing brick avlng 01 Plcctrlcnl1 trade No cxpensci- nnd lumdieds have learned In a few months Steads work guanntced Ad 1 Los Angeles TWO OR rimer KXPERIENCLD- nnwspapy iollcltois good ipropo ltlon- or commission Appli to Clrcula- or Jlils ofnce- RAILWAY JIAIL CLURKS SALARY tSOO to 51 400 nxamlnntlon In Salt Like ito > th Common education sufficient Candidates prepired free At rite Imnie lately rranKIIn Institute Dept 21- Stoohi stei NfY if- WA TIIDLADi JO RDPRLSLNT- us at liomo pood position good triny and talloi fault freo in 00 dajs 1 v- erlelicc unneqessirv rcllible flini d- reRsJ 13 MCUriulj Co Cliie 110 GOOD GIRL I OR GrNCRAb HOUSL work Apply No UGf Bransfoid Aptb GOOD NURSE GIRL rROM9 A M- oiSp m dollj CalHSmW GthsSo Bell xy a- TOR COOXIN < 5 REPRLSEN- atlve contioU tapli lino JlargQ con umptlon position worth 2500 yearl to man with business acquaintance ot to- lUstlei ConsolIditPd Mfg Co Rochcs- cr JN 1 L rROAfiOWNERlOO ACRrfa- evviland for growlngi H Ji IiH Rlov 42 N Jthi A cst S Ut Lake Cltj Boll honc 2901- 3ItARDl CARNA1ION PINKb lOc DQZ bvynnci flOth List 3rd bo- WE HAVE lOPPORiUNirirs 1OR Ills to do housewoik mlddlo aged lOUKekcepi s1 and a aalesm in- We deslre work forbookkeepti < stpn- giaphers ind clerks Presiding Bishop s- fflcc 14 Noitlu Main St CltJ- STAR11 ADYIING CLEANING AND risslng establlBhment unlimited field iiormou pioilts noicapitil needed Wo each vou tho secrets by mall iJPnrtic- tiaisjficeBcn VondeiCo Dept 2r Char SIX o exceed 16 Hcbei J Grant t Co Real state CEMENT WORK MATERIAL ork and prices right Stolner i3o L 3rd 011th- NO ORK 1OO SMALL IsONL 1OO- argc I red J Snanei1 con i actor No S SaddleyJCourt Bellj5410z GOOD lE VMSlN EVHOUbEl AO- ead > work tood paj Appl > Sullivan 38rHrstAvc 136111 64- 5WEWATyTO BUY GOODlHAY IN- ar lots State price and kind Huivey- S Co Salt lLake City- JtENiANDiWOMENTO LEARN BAR ler trade only rf ew weeks required peclal Inducements now Particulars ree Moler KCollesei13 Com Street UTfH JUNIC CO HIGHEST PRICE > alfl lfor scrap Iron rass bottles rub ¬ ier copper brasa etc 840 to SCO So 4thi Phones 22- 3ORANITDILAUNDRY YOUR ROUGH ryatfGc pound Forest 57 Ind 809 SECONDHAND FURNITURE CAR- ets stoves bicycles Star Furniture o 35 States Strft Tel 983 k ASS MLR tMJTiiirijtsr CLASS nrro- ienceh wants will go imj- wlierc Addichslli2l cue of Npv- t17ATNTING AND 1 NELSON ILTASTiPIRrSOUTH- St tBoth phones 3790 L tlmatcs freo and alliwork promctli executed FOR THE orPIOB- T1PEWRITLRS ALIJIAICES RENT cd irepalred echanged bought and sold Utah Typewriter Exchange Co 62 West SecondSSouthUStreetl CABINETS FOR EVERY KIND OF office QlobeWernlcke Acents- BreedentOffloe Supply Co 60 W 2nd So VISITING CARDS WEDDING INV- Ttatlonsiand ornamental pennanshlp Lu- fayette > Glles L D S Business College New and Second Hand Safes Cash trade or terms iSorenson Stoiitt Co 4- 1to 61 East Third iSouth Street NATIONAL CASK REGISTERS O- cesr Groahell sales accnt for Utah Es port cash register repairing No 221 Main FJTX > VERS GARDENS ETC FINE jGERANIUMv PLVNIS ALL slzfs PorterWalton 31S go State St- KNUDSON TsOVELTi AlFG CO So South State St Mowers sharpened CEMENT WALKS NvByhower 17S3 Go- ronrst Infl 1701- K L KER S SON 842 17 3rd South Bell 1372 Ind 2076 Cut flowers HAtRDRESSING 3LNICGRINGI- LADIKS AND GENTS MANICURING andmaasiKlnK younhumo 01 here Mrs H Jones Room 11 at 212 Main Street Opposite Kenyon Hotel Phone 18S3k- iHalri dressinrt shampooing iiianlcur- Ing facial massage Mrs A C Rockett All work done at jour home irirst class work guranteed Bell 2201 S3- 4StateViStreet LADIES TURICISH BATHS EXPERT lad attendants Taca massage nanicuralnfr hilt dressing Sanita- rium ¬ parlors 62W 3rflTSo Bell 669 Ind 181 EVERYBODYiiT04BUY1iMATTRESSE- Smadeilbylthei TheyaretheJbcst Worciiph6l8terJyoiu r floor GuaranteeVsatl3factlohjskotitp- atronsjphano SSMy Amerlcnn Vacuum r v- worlcsjcoldblaBtifeatherreaOvhthV HOME PAPERI CIiT3ANINGi GO- bler prlceB1 iOJflcas TO iV fl- ecindl NATIONALyHOUSE iCIiEANlNGiiCO- E9lK 1stSouthK 42t 0MndJ 973r SWallPaperCanlnK7- 5HOUSECiEANER- iOfTSillst SouthjVBdsemeht iBelliphono- vod flfsj- Safflcoj ittti UjliCHJll lSSMiidgc BUlldJng r you jlllkeV theriij rEvcry- ilhlnprpcuiiranteedi Wolf theiTaylor iSOD > jjCJy iVvv fry iRoprns1 rrC- AERIAGES iflrs- IsttJW BhoneBj4143TAbeMpeklng iJ- vT > rt Av STABLE UAXIES AND i Gerits3Snildle5lTorSc- siforw GRAY MEDIUMi qUI iRewiirdi NotifyiSccncer r OT compQtcntenglneer8iJissequlppedfor4allii- kinds Iritendencefofjmlne imlllfipoweriornirrl gallon project phones j JTIll l7 on imlnlnK Imlnernl ipro pertiesX BrooksjArcadef BpthVphqne- 3bratloniandiisunerheiitedjiilrKMnrtlniSan ItariuniiCo a HOME FOR CONPIN- EmentSklllfulecareJahdJattentlon Chlld- drenfadopted J 1111 help wlthllirht housework Ind 1079 CANCERS REMOVED WITHOUT THE knife 318 South 8th West Bell 1777r- CHRONICiand nervous diseases spinal troubles female complaints Dr P E- Erlckson chiropractor 34 Constitution DR niilKABRTII P WISM ER Suite 416 Sec K Trust BldR Ind 153- LDont suffoi with bunlanB corns and in- erovvlnR toenails but come and bercl- levediat 4D MainSt rRoom 9 NOTICES OP STOCKHOLDERS iJIEETTNGi f The resulai meetlntr of the shareholdP- TB of the 71ons SaylnpH yjank and rrustiCompanv will botlield atithe com ¬ panys office Nos rl 3nnd C Kust Terfl- Io Streetr Salt Lnke City Utah on Monday June 7th 1009 at H oclockia- m fcrjthc election of directors nnd for such business as mav come be- fore ¬ the meeting U JOSEPH r SMITH O C BEEBE Cashier Dated May 4st 1009 SECOND HAND AUCTION ETC iWIIEN YOU WANT AN AUCTION sale consultEf M Onion Call up 1733on nil Phone LACKS O O D SECONDHAND Store removed IOM2GJW IstSo Highest irleea paid for Becondband furniture WANTED TO rBUY 2ND stoves andifurnlturerIn 43LBeIl E- lMARGETTS EVANS BUY AND7 sell new and secondhand furniture Fair reatmentHo all 113 South West Temple HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT Z sold Xarsen Nealsori 231kSouthStnte Sell phone 2132k HIGHEST PRICE PAID TOR SEC jndhand household coods 315 Statot- 3tATel 9S3k- SECONDHAND AND MISFIT lothlnB boucht and sold LAVINSK- Ya W1 2nd iSouth Bell phono C25- 9ALLjICINDS SECONDHAND CLOTII- nff trunks ivallses best prices paid 2J- Jom St Send postal card Phono 3771j SECONDHAND GAS RANGES WANT d at oneo Phona Bell 4S4I SIGNS AND SCENERY Chas Peterson 20 Jllchards St Both hones scenery banners badces brass alcns palntstnnts IS HAMMOND ZHI Atlus Block- ASSAXERa DENTISTS J THOMAS DENTISO- i eet GAMBLE Ostcopn- g iphones Ind G12 Dni IjStreet Ihd Phones ST path 35 Merc iBlk I3ell 801 > Ring P STRATTON JOstcorath 5j- Beff ° BotlS15hols R 2 r 3- t3uidlnK 312 y NoC1 1G- i COLUMBIA OPaiCAL CO J M p St manufacturing nnd relnll jOccullsts nic ctlDtforN fll p sitmo GflyjQBi GOGI od f ouiiii Ic i icl Id t9 duplicated jtjrlnainc nn tircil p- VtjATNERS DRESSMAKCr- J JHAJJUJKS inCT CURTAVSI- SJOGK Or AlIfjINERl lO BLcTofa eel out rcilullcss of cost how cahts- mlriorb etc riss McKeincss 3 I i l frouith Sfijith Int Factory Litest st > le- no bt Hilts at prices JHatsiiremodoled Fanainas lileached Wc fICnovv RcdonellnK Clean nsrand reblochlng ercclnllstB In tlit biislnpss Smith Bros Co StateJSt SPLENDID SHOWING OFFSPRING millinery Repair work a specialty Mrs Ernst US E 2nd South Infl 24 LEARN T0r BE OUR OWN MIL llner six prlvatedessonsitench jou how For Information calinMaln 1237k Bell Snows CpllCKo of Dressmaklnc and Ladles Tallorinfr Elltei Drpsr Farlora 3 Union Ave Phone 1 WANTED PUPILS TO LEARN BEST cuttlnp system Mme Phillips 208 W So Temple Bell 438 z Dressmaking Elite Dressmaking and ladles Tailor Ing 3 Union Ave rear 321 South 3nl East JPhonetl79v Mrs J jL Malonc MRS W P LYNN PROFESSIONAL lace maker cleanses and nil kinds lacea curtains especially In Phone 1817- MONEYlro O 4N- NOTFS OP SALARIEDPrOPLBl- UsIness conccrnsabouRhti without secur- T jehcapqst rates easiest namentC principal cities D II Toil man S3S AtlisiBloclr t DON T BE AlBANICRUPT WALLACE U D V Walker Bide Phones 1063 j- JTHB COUNTTRECORDStPROVE WB make more real estate loans than an- vthreecompetitors combined jeart- biiblness with only onoToreclosure Rus- eell L Tracy 11 iE 1st South MONEYTOIOAN ON nUSINrSS OR RESIDENCE PROPERTY Apolv T B- CAIND J209 HooperJBlder Reinfono2325 MOVING STORAGE VETO SMITII TRANSrER CO CLBvi padded vans and careful men 112 Wi- 2nd South St Ind 1007 Bell 36C9 Storage A jL TRAZIER HOUSEMOVING raising and repairing Phono Bell 73 z- KIMBALLS VAN i STORAGE COi 10 W > FlrstySoutli7 Street Both jphoncs SMITHS TRANSFER t CO lAROB- hnd cleam Vnirehouse 112 WestJ2nd So- Ind 1007 Bell 35o- 9KOOMS HOTELS BTOr- Tj LINCOLN HOUSE 200 ROOMS200 i- i35e Rates andtSOc jPaulIIoln Prop HOTrL DALT NEW EUROP1BA hot and < cold water to rallrondi1 ticket orPce 2 E trd So- PhonesfBell 1908 Ind M2IO Rooms 75e U- PLIVINGSTOJviE MOVKD III- elnB shop to 10 Edison Avc formerly Franklin A> e- DR < HODGE DENTIST REMOVE to Elko Hotel Corner 3rd So and Malre- r REPAIRTNG TTINING STOVE i CASTINGS ETC j AND mowers sharpened gun and lto- tl > R Smith 337 W Ibt SOutj li- lREPURrixAIalce new nlljklnd ft furniture Ind <31 Bell < o LININGS AND GRAES for ammakes G D Lovett- I No 7th W BQ11I2T04 1C Ind 2313 s ROYAL SHOE REPAIRING CO W South West lemplo Both uhones Bell I7ES Ind C17 Give us attrlol Mpn- iewed 75cfLadles t c heels 3c jer heels Done while you wait A work guaranteed V- vE O LINDGREN 3UCN3RD SOUTH Icht coods at rlRlit prices Watchmai ° t- mtl jeweler WatcheB cleaned or main Cartel JcnelryCo 324 South Main gt- J S Merrill piano tuner repaiier anf- ljollsher direct fiom factories of- ft ork guaranteed IncL 21- Hif F CLARKE Tailor 11C W So- DE3ERET SCAVENGER CO ear 427 E Sth Souths Bell Phonc- nd 3114 Goodwlnr Mgr UTAH SCAVENGER CO- lllnsrswortb 3rd Mitr Office S60 S- ojast Both phones 1619 City Scnvencer Co Phones 079 Bell g87 > A SALT iTAKF SCAVENGER CO K P- J Place InoV Phone 198 Mala i

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Page 1: Deseret Evening News. (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1909-05-08 [p ... · J-H The Great Countrj Paper of1 the- West Issued Mondays and Thursdays and ontains All the Cream of the Daily and




CountrjPaperof1 the-


Issued Mondays and Thursdays

and ontains All the Cream of

the Daily and Saturday News


s Convalcseu WlllanMack is reported convalescent aiffi CrO s hospitalbloilj is Crciniitiil The remains b-

iTdwaid Rlchoids won cremated i-

lDeiner vesterdaV In accordance vvltlihis libt espiexsed wish

Tor Chuicli rnnd JSenufll MJs-illalllo F Gclbnit ivlil give nn elo-

cutionary entPitalninrnt Monday ovenIng In the Baptist chinch in aid ofthe chin cli building fund

Leo AVau limletl Lee Wan thetook fatally Injuied at Hockwns butlod from

D Uvans Chapel with Intermentin the Chinese section ot City cemetei-

yalitt N MmiHRcr I uncst T-

1iitt Is tiding as manager and as-

sibtant secreUiv uf the Altaclub dur-ing


Mi Volmeis abSorito on tho Pa-cillc cgast Mi Volmel will not rc-

tiiin for several v celts j

Now v I1 fjuiieiliitendent C E-

Klocvci of tho PressNW Yoik is lif SjallVLake todaV oiuhls-vva > tn Sun iriaiicNto vvheio ho goesto lelievtj Iiiill Cowlcs a supeiintcn-

of thcPacIllc coast headtuaitcisiJames A Jolloek JSujs Home

James A jpollwk a piomlnentbroker oi this city Oms iiurclmsed awinter homo In Jasaden t contnlnlnjr-It 1s said elglHoon looms including a-

Jrv spacious living 100111 Tho pio-jeitV Is located at Uollcfontnlno and

St TOlm avenue and Wasfoimcily thehomo of Colonel John Cambcrt

Women Cluulnie Petition Theleading vvonicn clubs of Silt Lake arcUlulating a petition to bo present-


to thoSeoilncllMondaj uisking tnemnot vto lease tHo Waim bpllngb pio-portv again to private paitles Thopetitioner propose to erect a publicbath hoti80and hucu park andplayground theiu hs soon as the presentloaso cxplics-

SU livers UoniHnihul Ivan PetersAlt ek Dav is and Clutiles Kopilasthrob loiolgnors whowcio iriestedi-ati Jfunav because of alleged Intcr-cieiice with smeller laboieia who

had not paitldpattd In the strikeweio airulgncdi before Juatlee Cliiules-Holm vestesday They enteiedtplcas ofnot gulltv and wero lemanded to tho-oustody iOC Ihb sheriff in delault oC-

G00 ball-

OoininlllLe THctls TonlRli Thomemorial committee of the G A H-

vlll hold a meeting at the GrandArmy hall at 3 oclock this eveningat which airaiigoments foi tho propei obseivanco of Memoilal dajt willbo coiiBldeiedtThoiOomnilUeo com-posed of mejnbeis of both posts andooiptj and of the G A R Afull attendance ot members Is ea-inetly desired

Ono Milk JJlniit Vlll lilslil Tilove-npioprlctoi itofMaiios met last night inthe office pf the Woods Cioss dahylit 54 noith Second West streot to

tho new mlk ordinance vvhleh-cs tho dalrj menT to liise bottle s ex-i oly fdi the dellvctv of milk Ten

Ot the dairymen declared that theoidlnanco vns an excellent ono Onedairyman vuib opposed to It1 and In-tendsto llghMheeiiforcmont-of tho piovislons

TKUSTCO1Transacts a general trust bualnesi

and paya 4 por cent Interest on lsav-Ings deposits


COAJDiCO 55 SOAll kindsof coal well sciconcd and

Diomptly delivered

nUSINESSiOHANGE-S M Taylor Co successors to-

JoseplnTi Taylor undertakers and em-balmers same address 2513B EastFirst South

J F WAIiK rLOUIj CO-At GoabePlits Diug Phones 140


SnccltilCommittee ol tlicKoaril SctClcs-Sev ui ilt1 > l imlos

The spoUal commlttcu of tho binrd-pf education elcclilcd yCsteulaj aiteinoon on the colois selected bv IB-

uf< Jhe oltytf lUfcdiouls The Homiovllle-I ivnklin Fremont Jackson Qnocin-

aytlveif idi and Watciloo aohoolo havenot made llfulr selections II P Iltn-dcrson and Pnibf BjioinCummlngs actLl as theboaid olarbltiators and veicwilled on to decide bevcuu disputesTbu colois appioved ieio-

Biyant Tloso and giiiy-Kmeison Ifecn and goldPraiit Orangeund bitjvvnHamilton Buff and blueLafayette VhIto and gttcnLincoln Ited and blueLongfellow Light blue and blacU-Iftvvell ltcd and white

f Oiiulrrji Onuigo and blackPoiilai Giove Red and goldbuninet Blue and WhiteTraining White uid orangeWasatch Blue and goldWashington Blue and grav-Wcbbter PurplctT uul whiteHigh Ked and black


Colliers WeeUv under todajs datacarries an illustiated btory on lieWoman Who Votes by Sarah Coinstock in which appear tho portialii of-

foui well known residents of Salt Lakeandj foul of Colorado and Wyonimy-3hc Utah r l traits Include Mrs Em-mellne B Wells Mrs Bathshoba SmithMi Siifca Young Gates and ono of MisAlice Morrlll Home sunounded by hotfamilj


Fred Bub ° cr a lattoiei emplojcl on-U f Vonnont buildins had a nauov-qscapc fioni seiioim 4t not fatal m-

jur > about 8 30 this morning He vvanwheeling a load of brick along a fcatfold when he suddenly lost his bnlaucoand fell to the floor below a distanceof about 0 fet In some unaceoutitable mannei the falling bricks missedthe man and he foitunateiy alltliteiiU-JXHI his feet He wai considerablv-Jariftl and was taken to Ills hom In-a1 hack

REOPENS TONIGHT15yMuv Ilorenec rtlanuKc-

rTlrst class vaudeville ijeiutes lretfrom the factory classic illustrateds6ngs and full orchehtia AlmasionlOc Childien 5c

ISome Incidents Humorous and

Otherwise That Come UnrJer

Desk Sergeants Eye


Amlncloim sTIiefls Wltlilu TlcclncK of-

l olleei Jfcndqunrtcrs 1Uw IxniJ-

liinillcs iOti lrcerons Dniiilcs-

It Isi naluially to be expected thattliloves uie to be found in jail or atpolice liradcfuaitcis but It requlrrb a

little stretch 9f the Imagination to-

tltlnk that they would ply thelrtradut-heio But even Hie stern treatmentof confinement tbehlml stone jvalls and

vvlndovva Bccms lo hae littleeffect rin soirie cases jn curing ihe dls-

ica < ot itching flngeiFTheieare nian> instances on record

at the police station which tend tothjk old adage that theio Is

honor oveti among tthievcs and it hasJbcon pjo < n time alidKagaln that oneiprisonet will nolhesltate to steal notOrilj from a fellov prisoner bdt from

sthe police themselves the chanceol eio ituclf

lit is not so verv longjagp that threepatrolmen cumc in oft ttliclr beat1 to-Hiul that somes any had Sbrpken intotheir lookers and cleaned thorn notonly of the civilian clothes but ot-fctia unlfoinis as fiU-


Tho most audacious case on iccordt-hovv ov er is that of tho man whotiied-to short changn De k Sergt LenlThis man taken into custody as a-

susplclonscharactet trledon a chaigo-ot vagrancy hifd a lltttf o6i 2r onhim when airested and eaichcd at thestatUjn Thisnonojar Is done Initho-cisejof all5 poisons booked and heldlnth <rjail was placcdui an envelopeand1 icturned to ihlm upon his icleaseill was thctiHthat heattempted to tutuitho trick that vvoTild have left Soigt-iLtn ii 10l short ill hlsi salaij jchqck if-

ilhCjffamfliliad v oikedvsuccessfitllj Thestigeantcaiefully counted out thejinoneyiandipf 3sedritfoei tho de k Ito

man began counting and saveithe soiRoaiit1 1 scriro bv calllnirtontlon Ho thofaet that them was Std

iinlHsltig While countjnirfthe monov-fhe hid cleveiolv vlalmccl a 10 gbtd-jplecc amli about the onl > thing that

tllu dpstc GIKC Hit was the pics-ippcq ot anothei ofllcei who had boonLthe mionef cuuntcd outr In tho first


In thp jail itself thfevciykimong diepilsoiiers Is all of apetty nalurojandI-H conllned nn ilnlj to tho appropria ¬

ion ot anothetjs clothes since allvaluables are iemoved < fiom thejprlbon-Cl beforeIhi Is placed In ithe cell

Thp man who would steal thp coattor shirt oft nnothpi mans back1 Is-

no Infietiuent inmate of the prisonNot long ago while Jallet Wilkinson

isatUn thocouitroom scanning thojlong-iovvof julsonois which he hacrbrought-hi foi ihunlnir Jht was > struck with thestianso iippearancG df two of themOii the piecedlng night a man hadbeen brought tn eoatless but In thecouitroom that man vvoio ajcoat whllo-It was another niaiitwho appealed In-

lls shirtsleeves Tho oilglnal coalless-tnttn had stolen his cellmates coxt-befoio going into iho cotutioom

DIPLOMATIC SEIlGfiANT-i The popularjbolIC that when a diunk011 man is hp is thrown intoJail liy Ibntte forcp is unoro Invaiiably

Swiong than light It isi true thatsthtio are cases hein a man IB 0-1rither h m to bo diaggcd or cnriudl-into tho cell house butmoic trenoiallytheHttusk9tsfacrompllshod bVii fino tattj-Ono night t inther iclldrcssed manvvas found on thestreets in a conditionlintvmadoitluMlalli tho better place for

him over night When taken befoie-fhe doslc sergeant to bo bonked hisVMath at the Indignity put upon him

ikopb Inci casinsr vns just confclgnlnR tho Ofllrprs andiallthqsdepart-mentTto Sheoliwhon ho stoppedsudden-Iv to heniivhat SorgCLenzt was sayingin quiet suave tone

This is a pretty nice gentlemanlyfollow Jallei and IfjrupHs youdbetleigive him the blue loom no t to thopallor

Tho angiy mood vus fist disappcar-llng ln a blinkr look ot astonishmentwhich vvaH intensified as tho soigeautwent on

And saj see that clean sheetsjiucput on the bed and leave an ordor-foi a good poiterhouse steak to befixed loi him In the momtner Thatll-fl him up all light

By this timethe inebriate liad pulledhimself togcthet and naw things In a-new light The police were allf rightalter all not what be thought theyvveie and he began a stream OfUhanks-as profustas hud been his maledictionsThothought of the icstfulnoss of tho-cleansheeted bed In tho soothing at-mosphoio of thoi blue loom and pro-spect


tit the tender julcy steak In tho-moinliiK had nn Invigorating as wellih a soboilng pffectr and vIth a wll-lhg 5 >tep UIQ mairfollowcd tho jailer tothe jail And tlipn the surprise It tho-piospect of Avhat he thought he wasgoing to get halfsobeied him tho sightof what he was getting completed tho-vvoik What he said w hen lie vaspushed Into the duinkcell more aptlydescilbcd as a conciete tank with Italittle nairow wjndow leeklng1 smelland bate wooden bench for bed Is to-

be left unropeatea but even Sorg-tLeuI heard him Still xthe man wasgot into the jull without the us e offorte


HeibertT1 IBiiggs ofiSan Prancisro-In bis talkIn the FouiteenthTvnrd as-


hall jesteiday afteinoon adthat noniOpeiatUo and common isenso-mcasuies aie taking tho place 1b opera-tions


andllrostlc drudgeiT inthe homesof tho land a matter of great signif-icanceto


tho wclfaroand health of thehome We aro too busy ith theknife li sald to study natuie lavvaWhich when known will minimize thouse of the knife Mr Briggs talks atthe same placetodayxt 2 and 730 p m


April JleMOit of lloaid of HealthShow s Unusual Condition

Tho death late rdccieased lu theinonth of Apul aecoidlng to the month-ly


ippoit of tho boaid of health Thedeaths numbered 123 as against 140 foiMarch This makes the uwago deathlate of actual icsldenta for cncli 1000-populatlcvn for the month just ended

01Jishtvtlireo jot the elcsith1 vver <3

males and 43 females Pneumoniaclaimed the laigest numboi of letitus20 in all Nino dled of scarlffffever-andjl died from iolfnt deaths

There verqJG3 bltths S6 nules and6t females andi 62 mairiago licensesissued

Scarlet fever led the list of conta

atul InfectlouH dlseases reportedfThc 20Ccascs > f contagious andrintec-tlous diseases > erc ellshlb-

luted as fallowsSmallpox 37 scarlet lever S3 dlpli-

ftthcrla 25 meislest 10 tuberculosis 1-

pneuhionlci chlckenpoxt CJ inuinps2 vvhooplntrcoush 3 tojal 061

The uinigtifaiv housesor GCS as follausfTor scarlet e-

ivcr S5 fofdlphtlietin t for smallpoxfor pulmonary tuberculosis t

The chemist mode ISO ionaltlio provision Inspector 101 inipeetkmy-rondefnnlnir only two pounfN of foodKpllovvliif Is th report of the sanitarydepartment f

Nuisance complaints rocetvcil and at-cnd rdlo 123 Garbage complAlnt rfi-

celved and attended to 15U andinspections iriade 269 F vviltten iiotlcJhserved 13i cesspool Vaults and greasetrapa cleanoel 602 notices to connectwith sewer 70 sewer connectionsmade 110 Inspections for sower

destroyedot and manure disposed

garbage fetation horses1-ijdpstroypd a crematory 10 colts if-

ovvs< calves 2 dotrs 187 sniep 1-

iSUAIIES Afifi RECORDSAs an allround laxatlvo tonle van-

dhealthbuilder no other pills can cornpare with Dr Kinds Now Life FillsThey tone and regulate stomach liver

idrid kidneys puilfy itjio blooclj strenithen tho jierve euro ponstlpatlonDyspepsia BiliousnessachcChlll and Malaria ary thorn25cat Z ML 112114 south Mainstiect Salt Lake City-

REOPENS TONIGHTK Max ITorcncc fnmytci

That class vaudeville tpictutcs dteOfrom the factorj classic lllustmte-s


ngs nnd ifull oichcstia AdmKMoiilOc Children EC-

All kinds of Scads Bailey i Soni-tCo 63 East 2nd iSo

A T Ilioinus-Vilh mill Xq b for the

Postmastei AM Tfiomas who itturned from nn extended trip to theeast lattevpnlnRbilngi news of jnnny-Vhingesiand improvements In theipost-olllce Tho plans toi the new 0footaddition on the weat vvhlcli in to bo-

inlsed foui stoUes aio on the swayhere foi appioval by aiions ofllcersnow occupjlng the iboms which it Is-

pioposed to change Thej at 6 expectcd not latci thart Monday andvasisoon-nsithov aio approved the vvllllbc 10-

tuined to Washington and the oikwill bo staitod as soon impossible

Mr Thomas also brings good newsto the clerks in the qnco Those whohave ibqorij ln the sorv let moioithan a-

jcu andiwho iccelve less than 110-0ajjcar will have theli sulailcs In-

Urcasqd and about onehalf of Hhosonow receiving fiom 1100 to 1200 a-

caiwill> dKoJhavoHubstantitUlncrcas-es Additional cleiKs will itifOsbe plac-idtnHhe inalh offlce nboutjJuly il andi-sl < new subhtatloni clcikn me to boAppointed A tfew substation is to boestablished atiSevcntliiSouth and fjtitestreets M i Thoinas also fcajs a-

Viettei deliveij will bo made vhen thenew clerks ni S put on Ho then hopesto bo able to make two complete dellv-eilcs a day In neails all of the tei-iltorv within 0110 and omxhalf 7nllo-fi Jm the postofllce

The new addition and tho changescontemplated Intho piesent anangcj

gicatlv jellcvc the piesentcongested stale of the poslofllcc Thenorth Pl6vatoi Is to be taken out andthe space occupied by It all the wayup AUll bo tuincdijinto offices On thefirst Hoot it will bo the place ifoi tho-postmnsteisr piivjto olllce and1 on thesecond llooi tho elevator space 111 bemade Into anotliei loom foi tho UnitedStates attorney The noith loriidoit-vvill ulso bo qxtendcd JO fuithe-tucstfand the stamp indovvf ill be itits extreme end on the north side Thepresnnt location of the stump Avlnelovr-

jv ill be occupied by the geueial dellv-ef department

The eashlci s ofllce will alp jbcmoved to theSMatkut sttcet side ofthebuilding and the offices now oct upicd-by the caslilei vill be glvpn toi thomono ordor division ind tho loom nowoccupied by the money oidot divisionwill bni divided between that divisionand the legislij division Theic willalso bo a general change in tlfo bise-monti and largo aultt for thestorage-of coal willbe constructeel undeineuththe new addition J-

Jhls Is 1 new pitiparatton tnd i Roodone it Is especially nluablo as aeuro foi chronic and musoulni iheuma-tl m md foi the iclicf fiom painwhich It iffonls In acute inflammatoryrheumatism those tvvho luco juseJi ithive lnarlnblj Hpokcii of inthe hiphost tirms of praiseJjame buck ilciine shouldci andstiff neolc me due to iheumatiim-of tho muscles iisuillj broughtf on byepos ro to cold or dinip and ire ulck-Ij cured bi nppljiiiK this liniment fiee-ly and inassnKinK the affc ted parts

orencss ofthr muscles whether Induc-ed


1 violent exercise or JnJurj Is-allnjed b> this liniment For bulp by all

satisfactionFoi real delightMake lour own dre sYes you can do ItAnd savcinoney tooThej make It easyAt iKeister College 75 Center

Flower and Garden Seed BallsySons Co G3 Bast 2nd So-

SaltjXiokeThoto and Supply Co-Kodaksnnlshtngframlng 142 Main St

SCHOOL CHILDEEN ATTENTIONThis company will give a flrst prize

of 10 00 n second > n7 i of 55 00 tenIprizes each 51 00 and ten prizes eachfl 00 Savings Account for the best cs-

sajs written bv the children attendingpublic or private schools The con-test


will close on Juno tho flist andall ossajs must be received on or be-foio tho close of business on that dateIn order to receiv e consideration

Fnll portion unfurnNhed on appli-cation



No 2 Up Main ntieet-


Mav 6th to 13th inclusivp San Franicl co and return 31 50 To San Fran-cisco


and return one way la JPortland J4B 30 To las Angeles and ie-ttn n 53S 75 To Los Angeles and roturnore vvaj via Portland Soi375 TlckeLs

limited to October 31st Stopovers CityTicket Office 201 Main Street

OGDEN AND BETUR1T 100Via > K GtSunfln> 51aj

Trains leave fcalt Lake JLO25 a mand 100 p m-

REOPENS TONIGHTllj Max Florence 3Iin scr

First class vaudeville piclufes ducctfrom the factory classic Illustratedsongs tina full orchestra AilmlsslonlOc Children 5c

Located on 14th East and llthSouth Stiwts overlooking thecity lind conimandlnff a lew obthe whole valley Cement walksmid1 city water Lots are jselllnervery fast bficause theprices aic-MO low

VOT this mdntli Easy terms No-tioublo itOitOiow piopertyCall on-

orj write to-

IS nast South Temple S-



hoipepovvei lunabout top Sidecuitnlns torln apion mud npron sc-nrratorsa7andvoll ttvents dol-

lors worth iovv paits neddsioverhaiillnpdud pnlntliHr incutcash offer Inkes It-

AVrUeJlT2J NevVs

PLENTY OPNATIVjrSQUASHiSECDSalt lIquivnnlIPotatoes1Giirclcn SCOd-sSearsJ ionly Co 11

AND RUNABOtj-lcu combined Uhorsfcpowti Una IIPPCJI-

i nce good condition elli to highestblUilei QOII p West South Itniplc St-

iT M MODI R HOHSLb IN-olltheast of cltj M lerms eas-


J Gi Jilt g Co tRenl Lstnte-

SN VP 7 OR JMA7T ANDgrocciv living looms Itxvv lent goodbuslneaf stock nt liuolce Don t tmthis Lnqultc 876 eht nd aouth St-

ftNAPlOR AfAN ND Vi fPU LIV-no lent tood business stock

at Invoice Don t niKs this West SidePhnjmacv S7t es t 2nd South


ONl I Its D MAHOGANYpiano been used onh short time soldfor S4t now onl> lift SI Main St


curoifor dlphtherln Give It to jour chil-dren


slin irn well 4t Is a pieventlvcSold b> Ml druggists

A NUMBER or USED AUIOMO-bllcs at 13 to T original prjce Every-one tboroughlv ovcrhsuled mid In Alcondition fahai manAutomobile Co 45

4 State St-

HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHTjYNDsold Lorsen Nealaon Sol South Statebt Bell phone42t23

NEW AND SECONDHAND FURMi-ture Stoves and will exchangebu or sell any old thing WashburnlFurniture Co 3 West 1st South Bell5252 Ind 1166

ONE TON OP SCRATCH PAPER INquantities to suit buyer at 10 centsper Call at tho Job DeutiDeseret News

IWILL SELL YOU JAT A BARGAINvacant lots a cottaguCor a model houseIn any of JameslrK ShaW

Co Suite300 D trWalkor Bid

OLD NEWSPAPER FOR1etc llcent a pound soldsln K Its

bundle atithls office Lowr ratesgiven for 2aOand5JOOlbs


Phonos ISiT Yard Bcll80 103 E 2nd So-

E PV DEAL Goal KlndlinK nnfl Block1Wood 158 E Third South Both phpliea-

J B HENDERSON iCOM COwholesale and1 retail 551 State PhonesIOCS Rlgl t prices and prompt delivery


4CAELPAL l URNISHE-DIndutrlal mnnufactuilnjr mining oil

gnsand i lilw stock and bond ilsiuessold direct to tnvestois commission tbns-Is Samuel Griham t Co Selling iProkeis IScw lork Life Bldg Monti col-




1 South MainOiini mod fine t SoilOth4EStk 27 M3 im miHl buiiKilow Gr S Gth

Stiett i 20001 im mod iai so yam S3S roster

Av e i S3 00-

i vA ith South Stieet 4 rm modSlS GO-

jim mod br line R2 L 5th SOim vvatei 3o ISDcinnelson stCt iTU1TLE BROTHERSCOMPANJEJ

T T South Main Streetr RQQfif MODERN CBLLARU G < 4

and illKlitimncadftmlsed street 32S South10th JEabt lemplctoii or 38-SoitliylQia Jst-


South Main bt Huoperi Eiaredge BidsApplviflS cmplcton Bldff Rosblter X


CHDAILFURNIbHKD ROOMS WITHor ivlthout5housekceplnsl2West lstSo-


WE HANDLF REN1ALS OF ALIkinds If vou h iv u a house to rent listIt with us Hebcr J Giant S Co RealI stitc-



cd 7U 2nd Ave PhonoMain 2532 z


LARGE PADDED VANS AND GOODsrace In a clean warehouse by SmithTransfer Co 112 West 2ndvSoutli Ind1007 Bell 3559

WARM SPRING FOUNDRi COFoundry and machine work mine andsmelter work a speclilty Ofico andworKS 10SS N 2Dd W S Li Bell 100T-

CEMEN Jl WORK MATERIALwork andfpnces right Steiuei S35 E3rd-bouth St-

WEiDO ALL KINDS OF CONCRETEwork reinforced plain and ornamentalToe Imjlllo Sons Co 773 W 8th So-

Ind phone 112112 Call us up-

SAMUELHOLMES MAKES AND RBpairs steam 3 boilers tanks smoke atackuetc rear lSS JW S Temple Phone 341-

7JOHNSONS WINDOW SHADE AD-Juater regrulateai light and ventilationsaving ayes and health Johnson

Son 174 Tasttnd South Salt Lteejity-D W JAMES CO PLUMBING

steam and hot water contractors 67

Eat First South Street

PATTERNS ANDjMODELSifMADB INwood brass Iron and aluminum Promptdellera EstImatoB >fflven Keystone tPattern and model Works No 247>Ree JSt-J g Whltecar Prop

HYWATER GROO 144141 WESTSouth Temple Hot air furnaces roof-Ing guttering I cornice skylight ete-

iMcCORMICK GRAY CO OFFICE301 D F Walker Blk Bell chone 349-1If about to build ato u

KEYS FITTED LTHE WORKBrazlnir Walter af Jones lie 24rRlch-ard f Street

BURTON COAL LUMBER COBoth phones iSOS ManufacturersjiOviTar-rcd Felt Jlooflng Pitch and Creosote

TURNACDS CLKNED AND RE-palred smoky chlmncjs cured roofsrepaired and painted Harry FennelPhona 1a Ind-

E H EARDLEY i BRO 64 P OPlace Electricians


HAVE 1Ot R FUR5 RFAIODELEDrepaired djodind cleaned Seal ot-ter


beaer Persian lamb astrakanand other ifurs made to orfler R Sten-zel Fur Coo7 B 3rd So Both phones


WAITED A lliousojidmen to help us fllid but-ton number 12fl to to themuni who flnds It CUlmerTaint GlosB Co-

GKN1S itJMOK THIS r IS WETAI-revei > lOdv has beon waiting for the Im-

jproy ed ilK Impel lal SelfHeating Plai-Jron uon Invention sells Itseirfbeali-itlfully nnde nickel plated alwajshotalways icloan coats onl > c etclOporatu all housewives dressmakerstnllor and laundries buy on sight botlmen and uomen agents coining monev-solne poslUvol > making JM jiei dajAVritcsorcnll fit oncofor particulars andteriltory Flat Iron Co 178

South TemplofSt Salt Lake Clt-

GOQD SI VlHEff SHORT HOUKS-ptrmonent agrcoablo ttvorl foi U f-aGovornment under service rulesrxamlnntlons oon o pull neededBooklet 44 glvlngSauestlons at po-Bltlona and advice about themfree for tho Asking Unusual Induce-ments


now Onl5 school that guannt-ecs Washington Civil Service SchoolWashlnston D Q-

AGHNlb 10 SJ LL A TlAllMH S-

remcilj that will cuio ins cise or cattlelUHt on nlfalfi or clovei feed col-Iesi than cents a cuio iHetills foi f0cand SI bottle Toims to agent Toi fullpnttloulrtis address with stamp C II-Kinelmit Gen Del hilt Like CltjUtah

AIUS1 15I > lliliING JO-li iin indcapal Jq of acting as olm replesentdtlvc no cnnvismg or solicitinggood inromc assuicd Address Nitlonn-lCoopentlve Jlcaltj Co nj Maiden

ldg itshliiMOn D C

INTERNAL RIVENUE EAMINA-tlons will be held In this and other

Stpt 1 Man men needed FullDirttculnip flop Ahk foi Booklet

ashliiKton Civil bcivlco SchoolIliKton D C-

CAPABLL itLSMA N fd iCOVJHUtah with stuplp line High commls-sldns 3100 monthlv Tdvuncf Pel-matient position to rigntr man Jc s M-

Imlti Co Detioit Mlcli-

VOUNGMAN lOfCARB01 lawn ind harden Applj 13C B t-

THRDt foAM SMFN vJIUSInous iln staiillng nust hivo the-qulvalent of a high school education

undoi Ji jears of age Call at oncefrom Tito Oip m 351 U So aeniplc

THE UNITEb TRADL SCHOOLiCON-liactlng Co conductf a tride school and

mta men to lenm plumbing brickavlng 01 Plcctrlcnl1 trade No cxpensci-

nnd lumdieds have learned In a fewmonths Steads work guanntced Ad

1 Los Angeles

TWO OR rimer KXPERIENCLD-nnwspapy iollcltois good ipropo ltlon-

or commission Appli to Clrcula-or Jlils ofnce-

RAILWAY JIAIL CLURKS SALARYtSOO to 51 400 nxamlnntlon In Salt Likeito > th Common education sufficient

Candidates prepired free At rite Imnielately rranKIIn Institute Dept 21-

Stoohi stei NfY if-

WA TIIDLADi JO RDPRLSLNT-us at liomo pood position good trinyand talloi fault freo in 00 dajs 1 v-

erlelicc unneqessirv rcllible flini d-

reRsJ 13 MCUriulj Co Cliie 110

GOOD GIRL I OR GrNCRAb HOUSLwork Apply No UGf Bransfoid Aptb

GOOD NURSE GIRL rROM9 A M-oiSp m dollj CalHSmW GthsSo Bellx y a-


REPRLSEN-atlve contioU tapli lino JlargQ conumptlon position worth 2500 yearl to

man with business acquaintance ot to-

lUstlei ConsolIditPd Mfg Co Rochcs-cr JN 1

L rROAfiOWNERlOO ACRrfa-evviland for growlngi H Ji IiH Rlov

42 N Jthi A cst S Ut Lake Cltj Bollhonc 2901-

3ItARDl CARNA1ION PINKb lOcDQZ bvynnci flOth List 3rd bo-

WE HAVE lOPPORiUNirirs 1ORIlls to do housewoik mlddlo aged

lOUKekcepi s1 and a aalesm in-

We deslre work forbookkeepti < stpn-giaphers ind clerks Presiding Bishop s-

fflcc 14 Noitlu Main St CltJ-

STAR11 ADYIING CLEANING ANDrisslng establlBhment unlimited fieldiiormou pioilts noicapitil needed Woeach vou tho secrets by mall iJPnrtic-tiaisjficeBcn VondeiCo Dept 2r Char

SIXo exceed 16 Hcbei J Grant t Co RealstateCEMENT WORK MATERIALork and prices right Stolner i3o L 3rd


NO ORK 1OO SMALL IsONL 1OO-argc I red J Snanei1 coni actor No S SaddleyJCourt Bellj5410z

GOOD lE VMSlN EVHOUbEl AO-ead > work tood paj Appl > Sullivan38rHrstAvc 136111 64-

5WEWATyTO BUY GOODlHAY IN-ar lots State price and kind Huivey-

S Co Salt lLake City-

JtENiANDiWOMENTO LEARN BARler trade only rfew weeks requiredpeclal Inducements now Particularsree Moler KCollesei13 Com StreetUTfH JUNIC CO HIGHEST PRICE

>alfl lfor scrap Iron rass bottles rub ¬

ier copper brasa etc 840 to SCO So 4thiPhones 22-

3ORANITDILAUNDRY YOUR ROUGHryatfGc pound Forest 57 Ind 809

SECONDHAND FURNITURE CAR-ets stoves bicycles Star Furnitureo 35 States Strft Tel 983 k

ASS MLR tMJTiiirijtsr CLASS nrro-ienceh wants will go imj-wlierc Addichslli2l cue of Npv-


1 NELSON ILTASTiPIRrSOUTH-St tBoth phones 3790 L tlmatcs freo andalliwork promctli executed


T1PEWRITLRS ALIJIAICES RENTcd irepalred echanged bought and soldUtah Typewriter Exchange Co 62 WestSecondSSouthUStreetl

CABINETS FOR EVERY KIND OFoffice QlobeWernlcke Acents-BreedentOffloe Supply Co 60 W 2nd So

VISITING CARDS WEDDING INV-Ttatlonsiand ornamental pennanshlp Lu-fayette > Glles L D S Business College

New and Second Hand Safes Cashtrade or terms iSorenson Stoiitt Co 4-1to 61 East Third iSouth Street

NATIONAL CASK REGISTERS O-cesr Groahell sales accnt for Utah Esport cash register repairing No 221



FINE jGERANIUMv PLVNIS ALLslzfs PorterWalton 31S go State St-


South State St Mowers sharpened

CEMENT WALKSNvByhower 17S3 Go-

ronrst Infl 1701-

K L KER S SON 842 17 3rd SouthBell 1372 Ind 2076 Cut flowers


LADIKS AND GENTS MANICURINGandmaasiKlnK younhumo 01 here MrsH Jones Room 11 at 212 Main StreetOpposite Kenyon Hotel Phone 18S3k-

iHalri dressinrt shampooing iiianlcur-Ing facial massage Mrs A C RockettAll work done at jour home irirstclass work guranteed Bell 2201 S3-4StateViStreet

LADIES TURICISH BATHS EXPERTlad attendants Taca massagenanicuralnfr hilt dressing Sanita-rium

¬parlors 62W 3rflTSo Bell 669 Ind


EVERYBODYiiT04BUY1iMATTRESSE-SmadeilbyltheiTheyaretheJbcst Worciiph6l8terJyoiu


floor GuaranteeVsatl3factlohjskotitp-atronsjphano SSMy Amerlcnn Vacuum

r v-



bler prlceB1 iOJflcas TO iV fl-ecindlNATIONALyHOUSE iCIiEANlNGiiCO-

E9lK 1stSouthK42t 0MndJ 973r SWallPaperCanlnK7-


iOfTSillst SouthjVBdsemeht iBelliphono-

vod flfsj-Safflcoj ittti UjliCHJll lSSMiidgc BUlldJng r

you jlllkeV theriij rEvcry-ilhlnprpcuiiranteedi Wolf theiTaylor iSOD

> jjCJy iVvv

fry iRoprns1 rrC-


IsttJW BhoneBj4143TAbeMpeklng iJ-vT > rt

Av STABLE UAXIES ANDi Gerits3Snildle5lTorSc-

siforw GRAY MEDIUMi qUIiRewiirdi NotifyiSccncer


OTcompQtcntenglneer8iJissequlppedfor4allii-kindsIritendencefofjmlne imlllfipoweriornirrlgallon projectphones j JTIll l7

on imlnlnK Imlnernl ipropertiesX BrooksjArcadef BpthVphqne-

3bratloniandiisunerheiitedjiilrKMnrtlniSanItariuniiCo a

HOME FOR CONPIN-EmentSklllfulecareJahdJattentlon Chlld-drenfadopted


1111 help wlthllirht housework Ind 1079

CANCERS REMOVED WITHOUT THEknife 318 South 8th West Bell 1777r-

CHRONICiand nervous diseases spinaltroubles female complaints Dr P E-

Erlckson chiropractor 34 Constitution

DR niilKABRTII P WISM ER Suite416 Sec K Trust BldR Ind 153-

LDont suffoi with bunlanB corns and in-

erovvlnR toenails but come and bercl-levediat 4D MainSt rRoom 9


fThe resulai meetlntr of the shareholdP-

TB of the 71ons SaylnpH yjank andrrustiCompanv will botlield atithe com ¬

panys office Nos rl 3nnd C Kust Terfl-Io Streetr Salt Lnke City Utah on

Monday June 7th 1009 at H oclockia-m fcrjthc election of directors nnd forsuch business as mav come be-fore


the meeting UJOSEPH r SMITHO C BEEBE Cashier

Dated May 4st 1009


iWIIEN YOU WANT AN AUCTIONsale consultEf M Onion Call up 1733onnil Phone

LACKS O O D SECONDHANDStore removed IOM2GJW IstSo Highestirleea paid for Becondband furnitureWANTED TO rBUY 2ND

stoves andifurnlturerIn 43LBeIl E-

lMARGETTS EVANS BUY AND7sell new and secondhand furniture FairreatmentHo all 113 South West Temple

HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT Zsold Xarsen Nealsori 231kSouthStnteSell phone 2132k

HIGHEST PRICE PAID TOR SECjndhand household coods 315 Statot-3tATel 9S3k-


Ya W1 2nd iSouth Bell phono C25-

9ALLjICINDS SECONDHAND CLOTII-nff trunks ivallses best prices paid 2J-

Jom St Send postal card Phono 3771jSECONDHAND GAS RANGES WANT

d at oneo Phona Bell 4S4ISIGNS AND SCENERY

Chas Peterson 20 Jllchards St Bothhones scenery banners badces brass

alcns palntstnnts


ZHI Atlus Block-




GAMBLE Ostcopn-g iphones Ind G12 DniIjStreet Ihd PhonesSTpath 35 Merc iBlk I3ell 801 > Ring

P STRATTON JOstcorath 5j-Beff

° BotlS15hols R 2 r 3-


312 y


i COLUMBIA OPaiCAL CO J M pSt manufacturingnnd relnll jOccullsts nic ctlDtforN fll psitmo GflyjQBi GOGI od f ouiiii Ic i icl Id t9duplicated jtjrlnainc nn tircil p-


SJOGK Or AlIfjINERl lO BLcTofaeel out rcilullcss of cost how cahts-mlriorb etc riss McKeincss 3 I i l

frouith Sfijith

Int Factory Litest st> le-no bt Hilts at prices

JHatsiiremodoled Fanainas lileachedWc fICnovv RcdonellnK Clean

nsrand reblochlng ercclnllstB In tlitbiislnpss Smith Bros Co StateJStSPLENDID SHOWING OFFSPRINGmillinery Repair work a specialty MrsErnst US E 2nd South Infl 24

LEARN T0r BE OUR OWN MILllner six prlvatedessonsitench jou howFor Information calinMaln 1237k Bell

Snows CpllCKo of Dressmaklnc andLadles Tallorinfr Elltei DrpsrFarlora 3 Union Ave Phone 1

WANTED PUPILS TO LEARN BESTcuttlnp system Mme Phillips 208 WSo Temple Bell 438 z Dressmaking

Elite Dressmaking and ladles TailorIng 3 Union Ave rear 321 South 3nlEast JPhonetl79v Mrs J jL Malonc

MRS W P LYNN PROFESSIONALlace maker cleanses and nilkinds lacea curtains especially InPhone 1817-

MONEYlro O 4N-

NOTFS OP SALARIEDPrOPLBl-UsIness conccrnsabouRhti without secur-T jehcapqst rates easiest namentC

principal cities D II Toilman S3S AtlisiBloclr t

DON T BE AlBANICRUPT WALLACEU D V Walker Bide Phones 1063 j-

JTHB COUNTTRECORDStPROVE WBmake more real estate loans than an-vthreecompetitors combined jeart-biiblness with only onoToreclosure Rus-eell L Tracy 11 iE 1st South


CAIND J209 HooperJBlder Reinfono2325


SMITII TRANSrER CO CLBvipadded vans and careful men 112 Wi-

2nd South St Ind 1007 Bell 36C9 Storage

A jL TRAZIER HOUSEMOVINGraising and repairing Phono Bell 73 z-

KIMBALLS VAN i STORAGE COi10 W >FlrstySoutli7 Street Both jphoncs

SMITHS TRANSFER t CO lAROB-hnd cleam Vnirehouse 112 WestJ2nd So-

Ind 1007 Bell 35o-



i35eRates andtSOc jPaulIIoln Prop

HOTrL DALT NEW EUROP1BAhot and < cold waterto rallrondi1 ticket orPce 2 E trd So-

PhonesfBell 1908 Ind M2IO Rooms 75e U-


elnB shop to 10 Edison Avcformerly Franklin A> e-

DR< HODGE DENTIST REMOVEto Elko Hotel Corner 3rd So and Malre-


ANDmowers sharpened gun and lto-


R Smith 337 W Ibt SOutj li-

lREPURrixAIalce new nlljklnd ftfurniture Ind <31 Bell < o

LININGS AND GRAESfor ammakes G D Lovett-I No 7th W BQ11I2T04 1C Ind 2313



South West lemplo Both uhones BellI7ES Ind C17 Give us attrlol Mpn-

iewed 75cfLadles t c heels 3c

jer heels Done while you wait A

work guaranteed V-


Icht coods at rlRlit prices Watchmai ° t-

mtl jeweler

WatcheB cleaned or mainCartel JcnelryCo 324 South Main gt-

J S Merrill piano tuner repaiier anf-

ljollsher direct fiom factories of-

ft ork guaranteed IncL 21-Hif F CLARKE Tailor 11C W So-

DE3ERET SCAVENGER COear 427 E Sth Souths Bell Phonc-nd 3114 Goodwlnr Mgr



Mitr Office S60 S-ojast Both phones 1619

City Scnvencer Co Phones079 Bell g87 > A


J Place InoV Phone 198 Mala i