derivatives of elementary weaves

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  • 7/27/2019 Derivatives of Elementary Weaves


    Chapter ThreeDerivatives of Elementary Weaves

    These weaves are constructed by means of

    developing elementary weaves.

    They are derived by changing the floats, number ofshift, direction of diagonal lines, from plain, twill, and

    sateen/satin weaves, and retain their structural features.

  • 7/27/2019 Derivatives of Elementary Weaves


    3.1 Plain weave derivatives

    3.2 Twill weave derivatives

    3.3 Satin/sateen derivatives

    The derivatives of elementary

    weaves include:

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    3.1 Plain weave derivatives. 3.1.1 Rib weaves

    3.1.2 Hopsack weaves

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    3.1.1 Rib weaves Rib weaves are obtained by extending the

    plain weave in either warp or weft direction.

    Two kinds of rib weave:

    warp rib weaves

    weft rib weaves

  • 7/27/2019 Derivatives of Elementary Weaves


    1. Warp rib weaves

    Warp ribs are

    constructed by inserting

    several picks insuccession into the same

    shed of an ordinary plain

    weave. This forms a ribeffect across the fabric.

    (see Fig. 3.1)

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    Regular warp rib

    The same number ofpicks are inserted in each

    successive rib, giving thefabric a regular appearance.

    See Fig. 3.3

    This figure shows 3 picks

    are inserted into each shed

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    Irregular warp rib

    A variation in the width ofrib is achieved by inserting

    different numbers of picks

    into each successive shed. See

    Fig. 3.4.

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    The warp rib weave diagram is

    drawn as the following steps. 1) Calculating the weft repeat Ry :

    Ry = numerator + denominator

    Ro = 2

    2) Drawing the first endaccording to the fraction given.

    3) Drawing the second endopposite to the first one.

    Example: 2/1 irregular warp rib

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    2. Weft rib weaves

    Weft ribs are constructed

    with several warp threads usedas one when interlacing with

    each pick in succession. They

    form a vertical rib effect in the

    fabric. (See Fig. 3.5 two ends areused as one)

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    Regular weft rib An regular number of ends are used to

    form each rib, giving the fabric a regular

    appearance. See Fig.3.6

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    Irregular weft rib A variation in the width of the rib is

    achieved by varying the number of ends in

    each successive rib, as shown in Fig. 3.7.

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    The weft rib weave

    diagram is drawn as following 1) Calculating the warp repeat


    Ro = numerator + denominator

    Ry = 2

    2) Drawing the first pickaccording to the fraction given.

    3) Drawing the second pick

    opposite to the first one.

    Example: 2/1 Irregular weft rib

  • 7/27/2019 Derivatives of Elementary Weaves



    Warp rib weaves produce ribs running weft-way

    Shown in Fig.3.1

    Weft rib weaves produce ribs running warp-wayShown in Fig.3.5

  • 7/27/2019 Derivatives of Elementary Weaves


    Applications Rib gives a more flexible cloth than plain weave

    and has many applications.

    Fabrics are woven in silk, cotton, wool and

    man-made fibers. Their end uses range from dress

    fabrics, coats, suits, millinery, ribbons and wedding

    to upholstery and drapery.

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    3.1.2 Hopsack weaves

    Hopsack weaves are constructed byextending the plain weave both vertically

    and horizontally. See Fig. 3.8

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    Regular hopsack Regular hopsacks are woven with the same

    number of ends and picks and the same yarn count.

    Equal warp floats exchange with equal weft floats.See Fig. 3.9

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    Irregular hopsack

    Different units of hopsack are arrangedin one repeat, with the distribution of warp

    or weft floats being equal or apredominance of either. See Fig. 3.10

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    The irregular hopsack diagramis draw in following steps.

    1) Calculating the repeat:


    = Ry

    = sum of the numerator +sum of the denominator

    2) Drawing the first end and first pick based on the


    3) Based on the first pick, drawing the ends which have

    warp float same to first end.

    4) Drawing the other ends opposite to the first one.

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    Hopsack weave fabrics are

    less stiff than plain due to

    its fewer intersections, andthey have smooth and

    lustrous surface. Hopsacks

    are suitable for Apparel,drapery, and are often used

    for selvedge of other fabrics.

    Regular hopsack sample

    Irregular hopsack sample

  • 7/27/2019 Derivatives of Elementary Weaves


    Home works:

    Drawing the weave diagrams

    1. 2/2 warp rib;

    2. 2/2 weft rib;

    3. 2/2 hopsack;4. 3/3 hopsack;

    5. warp rib

    6. 3/1 weft rib,7. hopsack

    8. hopsack





