depression monetary policy objective: analyze the monetary policy of the great depression

Depression Monetary Policy Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

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Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Depression Monetary Policy Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

Depression Monetary Policy

Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

Page 2: Depression Monetary Policy Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

HistoryPanic 1893

Overbuilding of RailroadsRun on gold supply

(populism)Banks closed

Panic 1907NYSE fell 50%Run on banksBanks closed

Page 3: Depression Monetary Policy Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

The FED1913 – Federal Reserve

Act Response to Panic of

1907 Run on Banks

Created a central bank to run monetary policy for US Goal

maximum employmentStable pricesInterest rates

Make sure Banks DON’T FAIL for no reason

Page 4: Depression Monetary Policy Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

Monetary PolicySavings during 20s


Banks reckless with money invest in stocks

Less money = less loans

Fed allowed banks to fail

Could not loan money – no gold to support loan

Page 5: Depression Monetary Policy Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

Hoover’s approach

Leave it alone approach

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

Cut taxes for rich – lead to deficit for government

Then raised taxes when saw the problem Including a tax on checks (2

cents = 30 cents today)

Page 6: Depression Monetary Policy Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

HooverAsked business not

to cut wages

Increase government spending

1932 started to have public works projects – too late

Page 7: Depression Monetary Policy Objective: Analyze the Monetary Policy of the Great Depression

FDR’s RoleFDR closed banks

for 3 days

FEDS put billions of dollars back in circulation

Got rid of Gold Standard