deploying oracle 11gr2 rac on rhel6 1.1

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  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Deploying Oracle RAC 11g R2

    Database on Red Hat Enterprise

    Linux 6

    Best Practices

    Roger Lope! Principal "o#t$are Engineer


    %ersion 1&1

    Dece'ber 2(1)

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    1801 Varsity Drive™Raleigh NC 27606-2072 USAPhone !1 "1" 7#$ %700Phone 888 7%% $281&a' !1 "1" 7#$ %701P( )o' 1%#88Resear*h +riangle Par, NC 2770" USA

    in.' is a registere/ tra/ear, o in.s +orval/s Re/ 3at4 Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' an/ the Re/ 3atSha/oan logo are registere/ tra/ear,s o Re/ 3at4 9n* in the Unite/ States an/ other*o.ntries

    (ra*le an/ :ava are registere/ tra/ear,s o (ra*le

    9ntel4 the 9ntel logo an/ ;eon are registere/ tra/ear,s o 9ntel Cororation or its s.

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Co''ents and .eedbac,

    9n the sirit o oen so.r*e4 e invite anyone to rovi/e ee/

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Table of Contents

    1 5'e*.tive S.ary 1

    2 Reeren*e Ar*hite* 5nvironent 2

    21 Reeren*e Ar*hite* (vervie 2

    22 Netor, +oology %

    2% 3ar/are Details $

    2$ &ile Syste ayo.t E Dis, Sa*e Details #

    2# Storage ayo.t 7

    26 Sa Sa*e 7

    27 Se*.rity &ireall Settings 8

    28 Se*.rity S5in.' "

    % Reeren*e Ar*hite* Conig.ration Details 10

    %1 Setting (S 3ostnae 10

    %2 Netor, Conig.ration 11

    %21 Conig.ring @et*@resolv*on ile 11

    %22 SCAN via DNS 11

    %2% 9P ?V9P via DNS 1%

    %2$ P.

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    %%1$ Setting Shell iits or the Bri/ an/ (ra*le User %0

    %$ Storage Conig.ration %2

    %$1 Setting . DF-F.ltiath %2

    %$2 Partitioning Devi*e Faer Share/ Dis,s %6

    %$% Conig.ring (ra*le ASF Dis,s %7

    %$%1 (ra*le ASFi< Alternative Conig.ring ./ev R.les %7

    %$%2 Conig.ring (ra*le ASFi

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Aen/i' +ro.

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    1 Executive Summary9+ organiGations a*e *hallenges o otiiGing (ra*le /ata

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    2 Reference Architecture Environment+his se*tion o*.ses on the *oonents .se/ /.ring the /eloyent o (ra*le RACData

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


     2.2 Network Topology +he netor, toology .se/ in this reeren*e ar*hite* *onsists o to .

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     2.3 Hardware Detail+he olloing are the ini. har/are re.ireents to roerly install (ra*le RACData

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    "$itc* Hard$are


  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    0able 2&&2 .ile "yste' Layout se*iies the ile syste layo.t or the to servers .se/ inthis reeren*e ar*hite* +he layo.t ens.res the /is, sa*e re.ireents to roerly installthe (ra*le Bri/ 9nrastr.* an/ (ra*le Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


     2.' #torage %ayout 

    0able 2&7&1 "torage Dis, Layout #or Re#erence Arc*itecture shos the storage /is,layo.t or ea*h vol.e




    %olu'e "ie RA/D roup0ype




    "ie o#%irtualDis,

    v/01 /

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


     2.) #ecurity* "irewall #etting+his se*tion o*.ses on rovi/ing the /etails re.ire/ to r.n iptables s.**ess.lly or an

    (ra*le RAC Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    /nter#ace "ource Address Destination Address

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    3 Reference Architecture Configuration


    +his reeren*e ar*hite* o*.ses on the /eloyent o (ra*le RAC Data

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    3.2 Network /onfiguration+he netor, *onig.ration o*.ses on the roer set. o a .

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    /oain s.i' ithin the reeren*e environent4 the /oain is cloud/lab/en"/bo#/redhat/coman/ SCAN nae is db-oracle-#can

    An e'ale DNS entry or the SCAN is as ollos

    db-oracle-scan IN " 1%.1&.1').,(IN " 1%.1&.1').,'IN " 1%.1&.1').,,

    An e'ale o the DNS entry or the SCAN to ena

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5O0E +he reeren*e environent resolves the olloing 9P a//ress to the olloing hostnaes

    /P Hostna'e

    10161$2#% /

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    An e'ale o the DNS entry or the SCAN to ena

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    (n ea*h no/e4 as the root .ser4 e'e*.te the olloing *oan/ hi*h *reates a ile nae/bondin"/con ithin the etcmod!robe/d  /ire*tory nee/e/ to *reate a ,de'3c1e857+*'yes'&75*8'bond0' 

    # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em


    re#arc*+#eedbac,-red*at&co' 17  $$$&red*at&co'

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Ater all the netor, s*rits are * restart the netor, servi*e on ea*h no/e via the*oan/

    # service network restart!hutt/ng don /nter3ace bond% @ OK A!hutt/ng don loo0bac2 /nter3ace @ OK A:r/ng/ng u0 loo0bac2 /nter3ace @ OK A

    :r/ng/ng u0 /nter3ace bond% @ OK A

    (n*e the bond0 /evi*e is * on ea*h no/e4 .se the ping *oan/ to veriy

    *onne*tivity as ollos

    (n no/e one la

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    # cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em" /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/em".bkup# cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em4 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/em4.bkup

    # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em"


    # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em4



    5O0E +he F+U siGe is set to "000 or the ena

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5O0E that all rivate 5thernet intera*es ie em3 an/ em44 are set to /ierents.).1).1').,)C ,&B+'C bytes o3 data.&' bytes 3rom 1>).1).1').,) /cm04seD=1 ttl=&' t/me=%.1+( ms

    (n no/e to la).11.1').,1 B1>).11.1').,1C ,&B+'C bytes o3 data.&' bytes 3rom 1>).11.1').,1 /cm04seD=1 ttl=&' t/me=%.1(+ ms

    # ping 1;.1.14.!1ING 1>).1).1').,1 B1>).1).1').,1C ,&B+'C bytes o3 data.&' bytes 3rom 1>).1).1').,1 /cm04seD=1 ttl=&' t/me=%.1&' ms

    /P Et*ernet /nter#ace Host

    1"2111$2#1 e% /

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    3.2.6 NTP Configuration+he ntpd rogra is an oerating syste /aeon hi*h sets an/ aintains the syste

    tie4 syn*hroniGing ith 9nternet stan/ar/ tie servers6 +he ntpd rogra oerates

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    3.3 O# /onfiguration

    3.3.1 Accessing the RHN Repository9nstr.*tions on ho to register a syste an/ anage s.

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    (ra*le Bri/ 9nrastr.* 112 an/ (ra*le RAC Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    3.3.3 Configuring Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)SELinux  is an ileentation o a an/atory a**ess *ontrol ?FAC e*hanis /eveloe/)%,( )%1(3/lterINT "55ET @%%A

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    OTT "55ET @),)&&%A-" INT -s 1%.1&.1').,1F() -/ bond% - "55ET-" INT -s 1%.1&.1').,)F() -/ bond% - "55ET-" INT -/ em( - "55ET-" INT -/ em' - "55ET-" INT -m state --state RE6"TE7JE!T":6I!E7 - "55ET-" INT -0 /cm0 - "55ET

    -" INT -/ lo - "55ET-" INT -s 1>).11.1').%F)' -d )(%.%.1.% - "55ET-" INT -s 1>).11.1').%F)' -d ))'.%.%.),1 - "55ET-" INT -s 1>).1).1').%F)' -d )(%.%.1.% - "55ET-" INT -s 1>).1).1').%F)' -d ))'.%.%.),1 - "55ET-" INT -/ bond% -d )(%.%.1.% - "55ET-" INT -/ bond% -d ))'.%.%.),1 - "55ET-" INT -0 tc0 -m state --state NEW -m tc0 --d0ort )) - "55ET-" INT -0 tc0 -m state --state NEW -m tc0 --d0ort ''( - "55ET-" INT -m state --state NEW -m tc0 -0 tc0 -s 1%.1&.1').,' --d0ort 1,)1 -"55ET-" INT -m state --state NEW -m tc0 -0 tc0 -s 1%.1&.1').,' --d0ort 11,+ -"55ET

    -" INT - REE5T --reect-/th /cm0-host-0roh/b/ted-"

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    3.3.6 Setting Shared MemoryShare/ eory allos ro*esses to **ate ith ea*h other &

    (n*e the age siGe is * *al*.late S;+ALL as ollos

    6 &6AL 'A+ )$ B6ES  PA*E8S)

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Sin*e the o S;++A  an/ S;+ALL *al*.late/ are saller then the alrea/y set4 no*hanges to those araeters are a/e ithin etc##ctl/con/ 3oever4 an entry or S;++$) isre.ire/ on any o the (ra*le RAC Data'*&*(&2ernel.shmall = ')>'>&*)>&

    2ernel.shmmn/ = '%>&

    9n or/er or the *hanges ta,e ee*t ie/iately4 on ea*h no/e r.n the olloing *oan/

    # sysctl -p

    5O0E A .ll listing o all the ,ernel araeters o/iie/ ithin the etc##ctl/con  ile *an

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    9n or/er or the *hanges ta,e ee*t ie/iately4 on ea*h no/e o the (ra*le RAC Data

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    3.3.11 Increasing File Handles+he ,ernel araeter %S/%)LE -+A  sets the a'i. n.

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5O0E (ra*le AS+Lib /oes not oen ile /es*ritors or ea*h /evi*e4

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    (SD)A gro. ?5BA /eterines (S .ser a**o.nts ith D)A rivileges

    (S(P5R gro. ?&PE' an otional gro. *reate/ to assign liite/ D)A rivileges ?SS&PE' rivile/ge to arti*.lar (S .ser a**o.nts

     +he olloing are the re*oen/e/ syste gro.s *reate/ or the installation o the (ra*leBri/ 9nrastr.* an/ art o the gr/d .ser

    (SD)A gro. ? AS+5BA rovi/es a/inistrative a**ess to (ra*le ASF instan*es

    (SASF gro. ? AS+A5+)$ rovi/es a/inistrative a**ess or storage iles via the SSAS+ rivile/ge

    (S(P5R gro. ? AS+&PE' an otional gro. *reate/ to assign liite/ D)A rivileges ithregar/s to ASF to arti*.lar (S .ser a**o.nts

    (n ea*h no/e ithin the (ra*le RAC Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    ithin the etc#ecuritlimit#/d==-"rid-oracle-limit#/con  ile4 on ea*h no/e o the (ra*le RACData

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5O0E hile the ulimit *an

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    # cp /usr/share/doc/device-mapper-multipath-0.4.;/multipath.conf /etc/

    % the s*si i/ o the lo*al /is,?s on the syste

    # scsi2id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace -device/dev/sda(&%%,%+b1%%1%(%(,('('(&(&'&(%1)%%

    $ Un*oent an/ o/iy the

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    .igure )&&1&1 8ultipat* De4ice 'pat*b i/entiies the *.rrent .ltiath alias nae4 siGe4)5, an/ dm /evi*e/ +his inoration is re.ire/ or the ali*ation o a *.sto alias toea*h vol.e as shon in ste "/

    5O0E D.e to the siGe o soe the /is,s )rr4e/ght 0r/or/t/es3a/lbac2 /mmed/ateno40ath4retry 3a/luser43r/endly4names yes

    5O0E +he stan/ar/ otions *an

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


      /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,+,a%3&,1%1%%%%%%  al/as redo


    /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,>&a%3&,1%1%%%%%%  al/as ocr$ote1

    mult/0ath /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,a)a%3&,1%1%%%%%%

      al/as ocr$ote)mult/0ath

    /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,b'a%3&,1%1%%%%%%  al/as ocr$ote(

    10Restart the device ma!!er multi!ath /aeon

    # service multipathd restartok5topping multipathd daemon< N O P5tarting multipathd daemon< N O P

    11Veriy the device ma!!er  aths an/ aliases are /islaye/ roerly )elo is ane'ale o one device ma!!er  /evi*e lae+,ac,1%1%%%%%%C dm-1% J!")()'3cs/e=1+&G 3eatures=1 Dueue4/34no40ath hhandler=% 0=rQ-U- 0ol/cy=round-rob/n % 0r/o=1(% status=act/$eQ Q- (%%( sdd +'+ act/$e ready runn/ng

    Q Q- (%1( sdh +11) act/$e ready runn/ngQ Q- '%%( sdt &,'+ act/$e ready runn/ngQ V- '%1( sd &,11) act/$e ready runn/ngV-U- 0ol/cy=round-rob/n % 0r/o=1% status=enabledQ- (%)( sdl +1*& act/$e ready runn/ngQ- (%(( sd0 +)'% act/$e ready runn/ngQ- '%)( sdab &,1*& act/$e ready runn/ngV- '%(( sda3 &,)'% act/$e ready runn/ng

    3.4.2 Partitioning Device Mapper Shared DisksPartitioning o the device ma!!er  share/ /is,s is only re.ire/ hen .sing (ra*le AS+Lib

    +his reeren*e ar*hite* rovi/es instr.*tions to * either (ra*le AS+Lib or udev  r.les Partitions or ea*h /evi*e aer vol.e are *reate/ to *oly ith either otion

    (n the irst no/e o the (ra*le RAC Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    (n*e the artitions are *reate/4 veriy a nely *reate/ /evi*e aer /evi*e is *reate/ orea*h An e'ale o veriying the db1!1 artition as ollos

    # ls -l /dev/mapper/db1p1lrrr. 1 root root + "0r 1& 1,1, Fde$Fma00erFdb101 - ..Fdm-11

    5O0E A nely *reate/ artition re.ires the alias nae olloe/

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    # for i in ocrvote1p1 ocrvotep1 ocrvote"p1 db1p1 dbp1 frap1 redop1Q doprintf 'Rs RsSn' 'Di' 'DTudevadm info --Fueryall --name/dev/mapper/Di $grep -i dm2uuidU'Q done ocr$ote101 E 74I7=0art1-m0ath-(&%%c%33%%%dab3e,>&a%3&,1%1%%%%%%ocr$ote)01 E 74I7=0art1-m0ath-(&%%c%33%%%dab3e,a)a%3&,1%1%%%%%%ocr$ote(01 E 74I7=0art1-m0ath-(&%%c%33%%%dab3e,b'a%3&,1%1%%%%%%db101 E 74I7=0art1-m0ath-(&%%c%33%%%d*e*a+,'a%3&,1%1%%%%%%

    db)01 E 74I7=0art1-m0ath-(&%%c%33%%%dab3e,&)a%3&,1%1%%%%%%3ra01 E 74I7=0art1-m0ath-(&%%c%33%%%d*e*a+*'a%3&,1%1%%%%%%redo01 E 74I7=0art1-m0ath-(&%%c%33%%%dab3e,+,a%3&,1%1%%%%%%

    2 Create a ile la

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    % ithin ==-oracle-a#mdevice#/rule# ile4 *reate r.les or ea*h /evi*e siilar to thee'ale

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    ude$adm4test 74!!EN7E7=%ude$adm4test 7E;6INK!=Fde$Fma00erFdb101 Fde$Fd/s2Fby-/dFdm-name-db101Fde$Fd/s2Fby-/dFdm-uu/d-0art1-m0ath-(&%%c%33%%%d*e*a+&'+,ac,1%1%%%%%%Fde$Fbloc2F),(11ude$adm4test I74

    8 Conir ea*h /evi*e has the /esire/ erissions on ea*h no/e ithin the *l.ster# ls -lh /dev/dm-Jbr-r----. 1 gr/d asmadm/n ),(J 1' "ug 1 1&%) Fde$Fdm-1'br-r----. 1 gr/d asmadm/n ),(J 1, "ug 1 1&%) Fde$Fdm-1,br-r----. 1 gr/d asmadm/n ),(J 1& "ug 1 1&%) Fde$Fdm-1&br-r----. 1 gr/d asmadm/n ),(J 1* "ug 1 1&%) Fde$Fdm-1*br-r----. 1 gr/d asmadm/n ),(J 1+ "ug 1 1&%) Fde$Fdm-1+br-r----. 1 gr/d asmadm/n ),(J 1> "ug 1 1&%( Fde$Fdm-1>br-r----. 1 gr/d asmadm/n ),(J )% "ug 1 1&%) Fde$Fdm-)%

    5O0E 9 the /esire/ erissions are not visi

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    $ 9nstall the ASFi< ,ernel o/.le a*,age ?kmod-oracleasm4 ASFi< li

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    8 R.n the olloing oracleasm *oan/ to that oraclea#m is ena

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    Reload/ng d/s2 0art/t/ons done5lean/ng any stale "! d/s2s...!cann/ng system 3or "! d/s2s...

    5O0E 9 the iss.e ersists ater a res*an o the (ra*le ASF /is,s4 a re

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    3.4.4 Optimizing Database Storage using Automatic System

    Tuning+he tuned a*,age in Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' 6 is re*oen/e/ or a.toati*ally t.ning

    the syste or *oon or,loa/s via the .se o roiles 5a*h roile is tailore/ or /ierent or,loa/ s*enarios s.*h as

    • enterrise-storage

    • oer savings

    • high netor,

    9t is re*oen/e/ to *reate a *.sto roile ith the sae settings as the enterrise-storageroile

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    2 5na dm-) dm-)% dm-( dm-' dm-, dm-& dm-* dm-+ dm-> sdasdaa sdab sdac sdb sdc sdd sde sd3 sdg sdh sd/ sd sd2 sdl sdm sdn sdosd0 sdD sdr sds sdt sdu sd$ sd sd sdy sd@ OK A!tart/ng tuned @ OK A

    8 Veriy that +3P is no /isa

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5O0E 9 at any oint in tie a revert to the original settings are re.ire/4 the olloing*oan/ *an

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    4 Oracle 11gR2 Configuration

    4.1.1 Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure (Required for ASM)

    +he installation o the (ra*le Bri/ 9nrastr.* or (ra*le RAC Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    • 5/it the cvu8coni" ile as ollos

    # sed -i Bs/+27559&*2),5,)*4/+27559&*2),5,)*6/B/u01/app/grid/grid-software/grid/stage/cvu/cv/admin/cvu2config

    $ As the gr/d .ser4 start the (U9 via the *oan/

    # /u01/app/grid/grid-software/grid/run,nstaller!tart/ng Oracle n/$ersal Installer...

    5hec2/ng Tem0 s0ace must be greater than 1)% :. "ctual (&>% :assed5hec2/ng sa0 s0ace must be greater than 1,% :. "ctual 1&(+( :assed5hec2/ng mon/tor must be con3/gured to d/s0lay at least ),& colors."ctual 1&***)1& assed

    5O0E to 55? ith the - otion as the gr/d .ser ro the *lient server4 otherise

    the olloing error ill o**.r# /u01/app/grid/grid-software/grid/run,nstaller  !tart/ng Oracle n/$ersal Installer...

    5hec2/ng Tem0 s0ace must be greater than 1)% :. "ctual (&>% :assed5hec2/ng sa0 s0ace must be greater than 1,% :. "ctual )%'*> :assed5hec2/ng mon/tor must be con3/gured to d/s0lay at least ),& colors

    5ould not eecute auto chec2 3or d/s0lay colors us/ng commandFusrFb/nFd0y/n3o. 5hec2 /3 the 7I!6"9 $ar/able /s set.

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    ◦ Cl.ster Nae db-ora-clu#ter 

    ◦ SCAN Nae db-oracle-#can/cloud/lab/en"/bo#/redhat/com

    5O0E +he SCAN Nae is the nae registere/ ith the DNS Server asseen in "ection )&2&2 Con#igure "CA5 4ia D5"

    ◦ SCAN Port 1@21

    ◦ Un*he*, Configure GNS

     $$$&red*at&co' : re#arc*+#eedbac,-red*at&co'

    Figure Orcle &lug n' &ly (in'ow

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    10ithin the /luter Node nfor$ation in/o4 *li*, the Add 

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    11ithin the sae /luter Node infor$ation in/o4 sele*t the SSH Connectivity

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    1$ithin the Create ASF Dis, Bro. in/o4 rovi/e the olloing

    • Dis, Bro. Nae

    • Re/.n/an*y evel

    ◦ E  6E'$AL  re/.n/an*y rovi/e/

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    +o /islay the aroriate *an/i/ate /is,s i not alrea/y /islaye/4 *li*, on the C%ange&iscovery Pat% 

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    18 ithin the "ailure olation #upport  in/o4 sele*t hether to .se or not .se the9ntelligent Plator Fanageent 9ntera*e ?9PF9 +his reeren*e ar*hite* sele*tsthe &o not use Intelligent Platfor! "anage!ent Interface #IP"I$ ra/io

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    ▪ Pa*,age cvuFdisk-1.0.;-1  An r a*,age re.ire/ or the

    installation o the (ra*le Bri/ 9nrastr.* 9 the rere5uiite /heck  in/o /oes not rovi/e a &i'a

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5O0E hen r.nning the root/#h on no/e to o the *l.ster4 the olloing C('SD 4402D 6he(SS daemon wa# #tarted in exclu#ive mode but ound an active (SS daemon on node db-oracle-node1, number 1, and i# terminatin" An active clu#ter wa# ound durin" exclu#ive#tartu!, re#tartin" to oin the clu#ter/C  essage aears rior to the s.**ess.l installation othe (ra*le Bri/ 9nrastr.* or a Cl.ster +his essage is not an error hen r.nning (ra*le

    Bri/ 9nrastr.* 1120%4 an/ *an

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5O0E 5verything sho.l/ have a target an/ state o &$L)$E  e'*et or anythingen/ing in /"#d/ Blo

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    % As the oracle .ser4 lo*ate the (ra*le Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    8 ithin the ntallation Option in/o4 sele*t Install data.ase software only an/ *li*,Next

     $$$&red*at&co' 7: re#arc*+#eedbac,-red*at&co'

    Figure +n*tlltion Option (in'ow

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    " ithin the rid ntallation Option in/o4 sele*t Oracle +eal Application Clustersdata.ase installation ra/io

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    12ithin the ntallation %ocation in/o4 sele*t the aroriate (ra*le

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    ▪ Clo*, Syn*hroniGation *he*,s the (ra*le Cl.ster +ie Servi*es an/rovi/es ithin the &etails

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    4.1.3 Creating ASM Diskgroups via the ASM Configuration

    Assistant (ASMCA)Prior to the *reation o an (ra*le RAC /ata

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    % ithin the /reate Dik roup in/o4 *reate the olloing /is, gro.s as ollos

    • Dis, Bro. Nae

    • Re/.n/an*y level

    • Sele*tion o the /is,s to

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5O0E +o /islay the aroriate eligi

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Cli*, the OK 

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    8 ithin the Data6ae "ile %ocation in/o4 sele*t the aroriate storage tye an/storage lo*ation &or the .roses o the reeren*e environent the olloingsele*tions are a/e

    • S6&'A*E  6 PE   Automatic Stora"e +ana"ement FAS+G

    • S6&'A*E  L&(A6)&$S  :#e &racle-+ana"ed %ile#

    ◦ 5 A6ABASE  A'EAD H5A6A5*

     $$$&red*at&co' 66 re#arc*+#eedbac,-red*at&co'

    Figure !t$*e File 0oction* (in'ow

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    " Sele*t the "ultiplex +edo 0ogs and Control )iles 

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    11ithin the Recovery /onfiguration in/o4 sele*t the re*overy otions aroriateor the /ata

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    12ithin the Data6ae /ontent  in/o4 sele*t the *oonents to

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    4.1.5 Enabling HugePages+ransarent Pages ?+3P are ileente/ ithin Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' 6 toirove eory anageent

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    $ A// the n.

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    5 Logging into an Oracle RAC Database

    11g Release 2 Instance (

    +his se*tion o*.ses on ens.ring on*e the (ra*le RAC Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    6 ConclusionRe/ 3at has a history o *reating sol.tions that in*l./e (ra*le Data

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix A Re4ision History

    Revision 11 De*e

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix B Contributors1 )rett +h.r

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix C D8 8ultipat* Con#iguration.ile# Th/s /s a bas/c con3/gurat/on 3/le /th some eam0lesJ 3or de$/ce ma00er

    # mult/0ath.# Fmult/0ath.con3.annotated## REE:ER "3ter u0dat/ng mult/0ath.con3J you must run## ser$/ce mult/0athd reload## 3or the changes to ta2e e33ect /n mult/0athd

    ## :y de3aultJ de$/ces /th $endor = 8I:8 and 0roduct = 8!F(>%.8 are

    ## blac2l/sted. To enable mul/t0ath/ng on these de$/esJ uncomment the## 3ollo/ng l/nes.#blac2l/st4ece0t/ons # de$/ce # $endor 8I:8# 0roduct 8!F(>%.8# #

    ## se user 3r/endly namesJ /nstead o3 us/ng WWI7s as names.de3aults   user43r/endly4names yes

    #### ere /s an eam0le o3 ho to con3/gure some standard o0t/ons.###de3aults   ude$4d/r Fde$  0oll/ng4/nter$al 1%  0ath4selector 8round-rob/n %8  0ath4grou0/ng40ol/cy mult/bus  getu/d4callout 8Fl/bFude$Fscs/4/d --h/tel/sted--de$/ce=Fde$FSn8  0r/o alua  0ath4chec2er readsector%

      rr4m/n4/o 1%%  ma43ds +1>)  rr4e/ght 0r/or/t/es  3a/lbac2 /mmed/ate  no40ath4retry 3a/l  user43r/endly4names yes#### The /d l/ne /n the 3ollo/ng blac2l/st sect/on /s shon as an eam0le

     $$$&red*at&co' 96 re#arc*+#eedbac,-red*at&co'

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    ## o3 ho to blac2l/st de$/ces by /d. The ) de$node l/nes are the## com0/led /n de3ault blac2l/st. I3 you ant to blac2l/st ent/re ty0es## o3 de$/cesJ such as all scs/ de$/cesJ you should use a de$node l/ne.## oe$erJ /3 you ant to blac2l/st s0ec/3/c de$/cesJ you should use## a /d l/ne. !/nce there /s no guarantee that a s0ec/3/c de$/ce /ll## not change names on reboot B3rom Fde$Fsda to Fde$Fsdb 3or eam0leC## de$node l/nes are not recommended 3or blac2l/st/ng s0ec/3/c de$/ces.

    ##blac2l/st   /d (&%%,%+b1%%1%(%(,('('(&(&'&(%1)%%  de$node 8PBramQraQloo0Q3dQmdQdm-QsrQscdQstC@%->A8  de$node 8Phd@a-A8mult/0aths   mult/0ath   /d (&%%c%33%%%d*e*a+>>d+,1,1%1%%%%%%  al/as db1    mult/0ath   /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,a*d+,1,1%1%%%%%%

      al/as db)    mult/0ath

    /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,>&a%3&,1%1%%%%%%al/as ocr$ote1


    /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,a)a%3&,1%1%%%%%%al/as ocr$ote)


    /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,b'a%3&,1%1%%%%%%al/as ocr$ote(


      /d (&%%c%33%%%dab3e,3'd+,1,1%1%%%%%%  al/as redo 

      mult/0ath   /d (&%%c%33%%%d*e*a+dbd+,1,1%1%%%%%%  al/as 3ra 


    # de$/ce # $endor 85O"[ 8# 0roduct 8!;11% B5C5O"[8# 0ath4grou0/ng40ol/cy mult/bus# getu/d4callout 8Fl/bFude$Fscs/4/d --h/tel/sted--de$/ce=Fde$FSn8# 0ath4chec2er readsector%# 0ath4selector 8round-rob/n %8# hardare4handler 8%8# 3a/lbac2 1,

    re#arc*+#eedbac,-red*at&co' 99  $$$&red*at&co'

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    # rr4e/ght 0r/or/t/es# no40ath4retry Dueue# # de$/ce # $endor 85O"[ 8# 0roduct 8!"1%%% 8# 0ath4grou0/ng40ol/cy mult/bus

    # #

    Appendix D iptables Con#iguration .ile# Generated by /0tables-sa$e $1.'.* on on "ug , 1>)%,( )%1(3/lterINT "55ET @%%A).1).1').%F)' -d )(%.%.1.% - "55ET-" INT -s 1>).1).1').%F)' -d ))'.%.%.),1 - "55ET-" INT -/ bond% -d )(%.%.1.% - "55ET-" INT -/ bond% -d ))'.%.%.),1 - "55ET-" INT -0 tc0 -m state --state NEW -m tc0 --d0ort )) - "55ET-" INT -0 tc0 -m state --state NEW -m tc0 --d0ort ''( - "55ET-" INT -m state --state NEW -m tc0 -0 tc0 -s 1%.1&.1').,' --d0ort 1,)1 -"55ET-" INT -m state --state NEW -m tc0 -0 tc0 -s 1%.1&.1').,' --d0ort 11,+ -"55ET-" INT - REE5T --reect-/th /cm0-host-0roh/b/ted-"

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix E Huge Pages "cript+he olloing h.geages s*rit is ro +.ning Re/ 3at 5nterrise in.' &or (ra*le E (ra*leRAC

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix . Oracle Database Pac,ageRe=uire'ents 0ext .ilecloog-00l



     $$$&red*at&co' :( re#arc*+#eedbac,-red*at&co'

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix ;ernel Para'eters$m.sa00/ness = %$m.d/rty4bac2ground4rat/o = ($m.d/rty4rat/o = +%

    $m.d/rty4e0/re4cent/secs = ,%%$m.d/rty4r/tebac24cent/secs = 1%%2ernel.shmma = &+*1>'*&*(&2ernel.shmall = ')>'>&*)>&2ernel.shmmn/ = '%>&2ernel.sem = ),% ()%%% 1%% 1)+# 3s.3/le-ma needs to be set to at least &+1,*'' 3or the Oracle R"5Installat/on.3s.3/le-ma = &+1,*''3s.a/o-ma-nr = 1%'+,*&net./0$'./04local40ort4range = >%%% &,,%%net.core.rmem4de3ault = )&)1''net.core.rmem4ma = '1>'(%'

    net.core.mem4de3ault = )&)1''net.core.mem4ma = 1%'+,*&# set to the a00ro0r/ate 0r/$ate eth de$/cesnet./0$'.con3.em(.r043/lter = )net./0$'.con3.em'.r043/lter = )

    re#arc*+#eedbac,-red*at&co' :1  $$$&red*at&co'

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix H Li'its Con#iguration .ile

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix /

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix "a'ple ;ic,start .ile# Red at Q Oracle !olut/ons K/c2start !cr/0t

    /nstallurl --url=Y0lace-d/stro-url-herelang en4!.T

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix ; Con#iguration .ilesAll *onig.ration iles *an

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix L 0roubles*ooting ORA+F Errors+his se*tion o*.ses on .sing the *oan/ line tool4 A.toati* Diagnosti* ReositoryCoan/ 9nterreter ? A5'()4 to tro.+)J )%11J Oracle andFor /ts a33/l/ates. "ll r/ghtsreser$ed.

    "7R base = 8Fu%1Fa00Foracle8adrc/

    $ At the A5'() rot4 sho (ra*le 3oeLs availa

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    B/nc/dent=(&,*COR"-%*'', ece0t/on encountered core dum0 @semt/medo0BCU1%A @!IG!EG;A@"77R%7'(1%%%%,*:"A @5%(:(1)E"

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1



  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    adrci( Fuit# cat /tmp/utsout2"L"214012.adoFFu%1Fa00ForacleFd/agFrdbmsFracdbFracdb1F/nc/dentF/ncd/r4(&,*Fracdb14dbrm

     4*&))4/(&,*.trc----------------------------------------------------------6E;E6 "96O"7-----


    7um0 3/leFu%1Fa00ForacleFd/agFrdbmsFracdbFracdb1F/nc/dentF/ncd/r4(&,*Fracdb14dbrm4*&))4/(&,*.trc

    Oracle 7atabase 11g Enter0r/se Ed/t/on Release 11.).%.(.% - &'b/troduct/on

    W/th the art/t/on/ngJ Real "00l/cat/on 5lustersJ "utomat/c !torageanagementJ O6"J

    7ata /n/ng and Real "00l/cat/on Test/ng o0t/onsOR"56E4OE = Fu%1Fa00ForacleF0roductF11.).%Fdbhome41!ystem name 6/nuNode name

    Release ).&.()-(,+.el&.+&4&';ers/on #1 ! Tue an )> 11'*'1 E!T )%1(ach/ne +&4&'Instance name racdb1Redo thread mounted by th/s /nstance 1Oracle 0rocess number *n/ 0rocess 0/d *&))J /mage Z

    )%1(-%+-)1 1%(,1%.+>) !E!!ION I7B11(.1C )%1(-%+-)1 1%(,1%.+>) 56IENT I7BC )%1(-%+-)1 1%(,1%.+>) !ER;I5E N"EB!9!L:"5KGRON7C )%1(-%+-)1 1%(,1%.+>) O76E N"EBC )%1(-%+-)1 1%(,1%.+>) "5TION N"EBC )%1(-%+-)1 1%(,1%.+>)

    7um0 cont/nued 3rom 3/leFu%1Fa00ForacleFd/agFrdbmsFracdbFracdb1FtraceFracdb14dbrm4*&)).trc1 Error !tac2

    OR"-%*'', ece0t/on encountered core dum0 @semt/medo0BCU1%A@!IG!EG;A @"77R%7'(1%%%%,*:"A @5%(:(1)E"

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


     # D87*2?&*/bin/adrciadrc/ ips create package problem 1 correlate all5reated 0ac2age 1 based on 0roblem /d 1J correlat/on le$el all

    5O0E Pro

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1


    Appendix 8 Re#erences

    0ECH Gnix "e'ap*ores and "*ared 8e'ory Explained /D 17766&1Ihtt@@/o*sora*le*o@*/@511882K01@install112@e2$%21@reKinstallht

    Oracle rid /n#rastructure! Oracle Docu'entationhtt@@/o*sora*le*o@*/@5182$8K01@/o*@install112@e1676%@ora*lerestarthtC3D&DA9Bhtt@@/o*sora*le*o@*/@511882K01@install112@e10812@*on*etsht

    0uning Red Hat Enterprise Linux .or Oracle Oracle RAC by "cott Crot! "r&Consultant! Red Hathtt@@re/hat*o@[email protected]@2010@[email protected]@/e*o/ing-the-*o/e@ri@s*ott-"$#[email protected]>

  • 8/21/2019 Deploying Oracle 11gr2 Rac on Rhel6 1.1
