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Algebraic Problems in Graphical Modeling Mathias Drton Department of Statistics University of Chicago

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Page 1: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Algebraic Problems in Graphical Modeling

Mathias Drton

Department of StatisticsUniversity of Chicago

Page 2: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete


1 What (roughly) are graphical models?a.k.a. Markov random fields, Bayesian networks,. . .

2 Gaussian models on undirected graphs

Determining conditional independences Maximum likelihood estimation

3 Gaussian models on directed graphs

Model (Markov) equivalence Parameter identification

[Drton, Sturmfels and Sullivant: Lectures on Algebraic Statistics, Ober-wolfach Seminars Series, Vol. 39, Birkhauser, Basel, 2009]

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Page 3: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

What (roughly) are graphical models?

Data Realizations of random variables X1, . . . ,Xp

Statistical model Family of candidates for joint distribution of(X1, . . . ,Xp)

Graphical model Statistical model associated with a graph thathas X1, . . . ,Xp as nodes

Points of view (i) Density function factors over graph:

f (x1, x2, x3) = g(x1, x2)h(x2, x3)

(ii) Non-adjacent r.v. ‘somehow’ independent:

X1 independent of X3 given X2

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Page 4: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

What are graphical models good for?

Very literal application: Inference of networks

(Sachs et al., 2005, Science)

Suitably sparse graphs yield scalable models.(e.g., think of computing with 100 binary variables)

Graph helps structure computations.

Combinatorial answers to statistical questions.

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Page 5: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Gaussian/Multivariate normal distribution

Let µ ∈ Rp be any vector.

Let Σ ∈ Rp×p be a positive definite matrix.


The distribution with probability density function

f (x) =1√

(2π)p det(Σ)exp


2(x − µ)TΣ−1(x − µ)

, x ∈ Rp,

is called the Gaussian or multivariate normal distribution withmean µ and covariance matrix Σ; in symbols Np(µ,Σ).

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Page 6: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Undirected Gaussian models

X1 X2

X4 X3

Inverse covariance matrix

Σ−1 =

σ11 σ12 0 σ14

σ12 σ22 σ23 00 σ23 σ33 σ34

σ14 0 σ34 σ44

Because exponent of the Gaussian density is

zTΣ−1z =4∑



σijzizj ,

we have the density factorization

f (x1, . . . , x4) = g12(x1, x2)g23(x2, x3)g34(x3, x4)g14(x1, x4).

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Page 7: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Reading off conditional independences

If Xi and Xj are non-adjacent in the graph, then

Σ−1ij = 0 ⇐⇒ Xi⊥⊥Xj | Xk : k 6= i , j

Are there other conditional independences?


XA⊥⊥XB | XC ⇐⇒ rank(ΣAC×BC ) ≤ |C |,

for pairwise disjoint sets A,B,C ⊂ 1, . . . , p.

Theorem (Global Markov property)

If Np(µ,Σ) is in a graphical model, then

C separates A and B in the graph =⇒ XA⊥⊥XB | XC ,

and equivalence holds for generic distributions in the model.

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Page 8: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Reading off conditional independences

If Xi and Xj are non-adjacent in the graph, then

Σ−1ij = 0 ⇐⇒ Xi⊥⊥Xj | Xk : k 6= i , j

Are there other conditional independences? Check

XA⊥⊥XB | XC ⇐⇒ rank(ΣAC×BC ) ≤ |C |,

for pairwise disjoint sets A,B,C ⊂ 1, . . . , p.

Theorem (Global Markov property)

If Np(µ,Σ) is in a graphical model, then

C separates A and B in the graph =⇒ XA⊥⊥XB | XC ,

and equivalence holds for generic distributions in the model.

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Page 9: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Reading off conditional independences

If Xi and Xj are non-adjacent in the graph, then

Σ−1ij = 0 ⇐⇒ Xi⊥⊥Xj | Xk : k 6= i , j

Are there other conditional independences? Check

XA⊥⊥XB | XC ⇐⇒ rank(ΣAC×BC ) ≤ |C |,

for pairwise disjoint sets A,B,C ⊂ 1, . . . , p.

Theorem (Global Markov property)

If Np(µ,Σ) is in a graphical model, then

C separates A and B in the graph =⇒ XA⊥⊥XB | XC ,

and equivalence holds for generic distributions in the model.

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Page 10: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Maximum likelihood estimation

Optimize the log-likelihood function

Σ−1 7→ log det(Σ−1)− trace(Σ−1 · S),

where S is a data-derived positive definite matrix.

How difficult? What is algebraic degree of ‘likelihood equations’?


The following two statements are equivalent:

(i) The ML estimator in the Gaussian graphical model associatedwith the graph G is a rational function of S.

(ii) The graph G is chordal.

More on ML estimation −→ Caroline Uhler

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Page 11: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Maximum likelihood estimation

Optimize the log-likelihood function

Σ−1 7→ log det(Σ−1)− trace(Σ−1 · S),

where S is a data-derived positive definite matrix.

How difficult? What is algebraic degree of ‘likelihood equations’?


The following two statements are equivalent:

(i) The ML estimator in the Gaussian graphical model associatedwith the graph G is a rational function of S.

(ii) The graph G is chordal.

More on ML estimation −→ Caroline Uhler

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Page 12: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Maximum likelihood estimation

Optimize the log-likelihood function

Σ−1 7→ log det(Σ−1)− trace(Σ−1 · S),

where S is a data-derived positive definite matrix.

How difficult? What is algebraic degree of ‘likelihood equations’?


The following two statements are equivalent:

(i) The ML estimator in the Gaussian graphical model associatedwith the graph G is a rational function of S.

(ii) The graph G is chordal.

More on ML estimation −→ Caroline Uhler

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Page 13: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Directed graphs





Structural/regression equations:

X1 = ε1,

X2 = λ12X1 + ε2,

X3 = λ13X1 + λ23X2 + ε3,

X4 = λ34X3 + ε4,

with independent errors εi ∼ N (0, ωi ).






1 −λ12 −λ13 00 1 −λ23 00 0 1 −λ340 0 0 1



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Page 14: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Directed Gaussian models





Gaussian distribution in directed graphicalmodel if

Σ = (I − Λ)−TΩ(I − Λ)−1

for Λ ∈ RE and Ω 0 diagonal.


f (x) =


fi(xi | xpa(i)

)= f1(x1) f2(x2 | x1) f3(x3 | x1, x2) f4(x4 | x3)

Are models associated with different graphs different?

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Page 15: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Directed Gaussian models





Gaussian distribution in directed graphicalmodel if

Σ = (I − Λ)−TΩ(I − Λ)−1

for Λ ∈ RE and Ω 0 diagonal.


f (x) =


fi(xi | xpa(i)

)= f1(x1) f2(x2 | x1) f3(x3 | x1, x2) f4(x4 | x3)

Are models associated with different graphs different?

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Page 16: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Model equivalence

Useful to obtain implicit description of the image of

φG (Λ,Ω) = (I − Λ)−TΩ(I − Λ)−1.

Model cut out by conditional independences: d-separation


The images of φG1 and φG2 for two acyclic digraphs G1 = (V ,E1)and G2 = (V ,E2) are the same if and only if G1 and G2 have

(i) same skeleton, and

(ii) same unshielded colliders (induced subgraphs u → v ← w).

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Page 17: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Model equivalence

Useful to obtain implicit description of the image of

φG (Λ,Ω) = (I − Λ)−TΩ(I − Λ)−1.

Model cut out by conditional independences: d-separation


The images of φG1 and φG2 for two acyclic digraphs G1 = (V ,E1)and G2 = (V ,E2) are the same if and only if G1 and G2 have

(i) same skeleton, and

(ii) same unshielded colliders (induced subgraphs u → v ← w).

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Page 18: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Model equivalence

Useful to obtain implicit description of the image of

φG (Λ,Ω) = (I − Λ)−TΩ(I − Λ)−1.

Model cut out by conditional independences: d-separation


The images of φG1 and φG2 for two acyclic digraphs G1 = (V ,E1)and G2 = (V ,E2) are the same if and only if G1 and G2 have

(i) same skeleton, and

(ii) same unshielded colliders (induced subgraphs u → v ← w).

X1 X2 X3 ≡ X1 X2 X3

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Page 19: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Model equivalence

Useful to obtain implicit description of the image of

φG (Λ,Ω) = (I − Λ)−TΩ(I − Λ)−1.

Model cut out by conditional independences: d-separation


The images of φG1 and φG2 for two acyclic digraphs G1 = (V ,E1)and G2 = (V ,E2) are the same if and only if G1 and G2 have

(i) same skeleton, and

(ii) same unshielded colliders (induced subgraphs u → v ← w).

X1 X2 X3 6≡ X1 X2 X3

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Page 20: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Hidden/unobserved variables

Hidden variables: Project to principal submatrix of Σ

Example: ‘Verma graph’


X3 X5X2 X4

Are models still cut out by conditional independence?

Verma graph: Relations in Σ2345×2345 generated by

σ23σ24σ25σ34 − σ22σ25σ234 − σ23σ224σ35 + σ22σ24σ34σ35

−σ223σ25σ44 + σ22σ25σ33σ44 + σ223σ24σ45 − σ22σ24σ33σ45.

More on related topics−→ Jan Draisma, Kelli Talaska & Thomas Richardson

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Page 21: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Hidden/unobserved variables

Hidden variables: Project to principal submatrix of Σ

Example: ‘Verma graph’


X3 X5X2 X4

Are models still cut out by conditional independence?

Verma graph: Relations in Σ2345×2345 generated by

σ23σ24σ25σ34 − σ22σ25σ234 − σ23σ224σ35 + σ22σ24σ34σ35

−σ223σ25σ44 + σ22σ25σ33σ44 + σ223σ24σ45 − σ22σ24σ33σ45.

More on related topics−→ Jan Draisma, Kelli Talaska & Thomas Richardson

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Page 22: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete

Hidden/unobserved variables

Hidden variables: Project to principal submatrix of Σ

Example: ‘Verma graph’


X3 X5X2 X4

Are models still cut out by conditional independence?

Verma graph: Relations in Σ2345×2345 generated by

σ23σ24σ25σ34 − σ22σ25σ234 − σ23σ224σ35 + σ22σ24σ34σ35

−σ223σ25σ44 + σ22σ25σ33σ44 + σ223σ24σ45 − σ22σ24σ33σ45.

More on related topics−→ Jan Draisma, Kelli Talaska & Thomas Richardson

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Page 23: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete


Parametrization map φG for an acyclic digraph G is injective.

Statistical inference about all parameters possible because wecan recover = identify all λij and ωi from the cov. matrix Σ.

What about hidden variables?

Identifiability questions can be answered by studying the ideal⟨σij−[(I−Λ)−TΩ(I−Λ)−1]ij , i ≤ j observed

⟩⊂ R[Σ,Λ,Ω].

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Page 24: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete


Parametrization map φG for an acyclic digraph G is injective.

Statistical inference about all parameters possible because wecan recover = identify all λij and ωi from the cov. matrix Σ.

What about hidden variables?

Identifiability questions can be answered by studying the ideal⟨σij−[(I−Λ)−TΩ(I−Λ)−1]ij , i ≤ j observed

⟩⊂ R[Σ,Λ,Ω].

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Page 25: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete


Example: ‘Verma graph’


X3 X5X2 X4

Ideal contains in particular

λ45σ24 − σ25,λ45(σ22σ33σ44 − σ22σ234 − σ223σ44

)+ σ23σ25σ34−

− σ23σ24σ35 + σ22σ34σ35 + σ223σ45 − σ22σ33σ45.

More on identification−→ Luis Garcia & Rina Foygel (Gaussian models)−→ Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta (Discrete models)

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Page 26: Department of Statistics University of Garcia & Rina Foygel(Gaussian models)! Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta(Discrete


Example: ‘Verma graph’


X3 X5X2 X4

Ideal contains in particular

λ45σ24 − σ25,λ45(σ22σ33σ44 − σ22σ234 − σ223σ44

)+ σ23σ25σ34−

− σ23σ24σ35 + σ22σ34σ35 + σ223σ45 − σ22σ33σ45.

More on identification−→ Luis Garcia & Rina Foygel (Gaussian models)−→ Jason Morton & Marco Valtorta (Discrete models)

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