department of rural development and land reform : 2013/14 annual performance plan presentation to...

Department of Rural Development and Department of Rural Development and Land Reform : 2013/14 Annual Land Reform : 2013/14 Annual Performance Plan Performance Plan Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform MP Shabane Director-General: Rural Development & Land Reform 9 April 2013

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Department of Rural Development and Land Department of Rural Development and Land Reform : 2013/14 Annual Performance Plan Reform : 2013/14 Annual Performance Plan

Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform

MP Shabane Director-General: Rural Development & Land Reform

9 April 2013

Presentation Overview Presentation Overview • Purpose: To present the Department of Rural Development and

Land Reform 2013/14 Annual Performance Plan and amendments to the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform

• Key thrust of the APP: Contribution of the DRDLR in addressing the triple challenge currently facing South Africa namely, poverty, inequality and unemployment with specific bias to rural areas. It also takes into account the Department’s response to the National Development Plan (NDP) and the New Growth Path (NGP).

• Integration of key documents: APP takes into consideration the DRDLR 2011-2014 Strategic Plan, 2013/14 State of the Nation Address (SONA), NDP, NGP and the revised Outcome 7 Delivery Agreement.

• Outcomes Approach: DRDLR remains the coordinator of Outcome 7 and contributes to Outcome 4, 6, 9 and 10.

• Amendments to the 2011- 2014 Strategic Plan (alignment purposes)

Introduction Introduction

• We present this plan in year 2013 which marks the Centenary of the 1913 Natives Land Act. This plan, together with the Legislative programme that the Minister presented to the Leader of Government Business, contain several interventions that the Department will undertake, as a package of many measures government will implement, to contribute towards reversing the legacy of this law.

• The development of this APP was guided by the National Development Plan as the main framework that will guide the implementation of government programmes such as the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) , the New Growth Path (NGP), specifically as it relates to the second job driver on agriculture, agro-processing and rural development, the Outcomes Approach (particularly Outcome 7) and the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform’s 2011 – 2014 Strategic Plan.

Introduction (cont.) Introduction (cont.)

• The APP is also informed by inputs from oversight Departments, i.e. National Treasury, Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) and the Department of Performance Monitoring & Evaluation (DPME).

• The 1st and 2nd drafts of APP was submitted to National Treasury to ensure that the budget is aligned to the targets; to the Department of Performance Monitoring & Evaluation to ensure alignment with Outcome 7; and the Auditor-General for SMART review.

• Feedback from the mentioned institutions was positive

Amendments to the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan Amendments to the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan

• In 2012/13 the Department reviewed its strategic objectives. The reviewed strategic objectives are reflected in the 2012/13 APP.

• Audit findings have been raised in this regard- nonalignment between the Department’s plans has been cited in audit reports.

• Amendments are therefore made to ensure alignment between the Department’s 2011 – 2014 Strategic Plan and the Department’s APPs.


Vision, Mission & Strategy Vision, Mission & Strategy • No changes are made in the Department’s strategic direction. Our vision, mission and strategy remain as follows:

VisionVibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities

MissionTo initiate, facilitate, coordinate, catalyse and implement an integrated rural development programme

StrategyAgrarian transformation

Strategic Goals and Objectives Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal Statement Strategic Objective Statement

Strategic Goal 1: Corporate governance and service excellence through compliance with the legal framework achieved by 2014

1.1 Compliance with relevant legislation and policies governing the management of the public sector by 2014

Strategic Goal 2: Reformed policy, legislative and institutional environment by 2014

2.1 Rural development and land reform policies and legislation developed by 2014

Strategic Goal 3: Effective land planning and administration that is biased towards rural areas

3.1 An integrated land planning, spatial information and administration system to promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014

Strategic Goal 4: Integrated institutional arrangements for effective cooperative governance and stakeholder participation by 2014

4.1 Integrated service delivery facilitated through the coordination of government and development stakeholders by 2014

Strategic Goal 5: Increased access to and productive use of land by 2014

5.1 Strategically located land acquired and allocated by 2014 5.2 Land rights restituted or alternative forms of equitable redress awarded to claimants by 2014 5.3 Recapitalization and development support provided to land reform beneficiaries and rural communities by 20145.4 Tenure security for people living on commercial farms and communal areas provided (New)

Strategic Goal 6: Improved access to affordable and diverse food by 2014

6.1 Profiled rural households enabled to improve their food security by 2014

Strategic Goal 7: Improved rural services to support sustainable livelihoods by 2014

7.1 Socio-economic infrastructure facilitated to improve access to services by 2014

Strategic Goal 8: Improved access to sustainable employment and skills development opportunities by 2014

8.1 Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 2014

Key Priorities for 2013/14 Key Priorities for 2013/14 Restitution •Re-opening of the lodgment date for land claims to accommodate those communities or individual who missed the 31 December 1998 cut-off date and to also provide for the exceptions to the 1913 cut-off date to accommodate historical landmarks, heritage sites and descendants of the Khoi and San who lost their land long before 1913.•Settling 230 land claims and finalising 208 backlog land claims

Land Reform •Recapitalisation of 730 land reform farms to improve productivity •Acquisition and allocation of 311, 917 hectares of strategically located land •Tenure reform policy

Rural Development •Continue with the CRDP roll-out in 23 prioritized poorest districts •Increase job creation through infrastructural projects and rural enterprises•Progress with Phases 2 & 3 of CRDP

Policy & Legislation Initiatives Policy & Legislation Initiatives for 2013/14 for 2013/14

While the key legislative mandate of the Department remains the same, the Department will be working on the following policy and legislation initiatives: Policies 1.Restitution Policy Framework2.Rural Development Policy Framework3.Rural Development Agency Policy4.Rural Cooperative Financing Facility5.Policy Framework on Communal Land Tenure

Legislation1.Deeds Registries Amendment Bill 2.Sectional Titles Amendment Bill3.Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill 4.Land Valuation Bill 5.Land Protection Bill 6.Land Management Commission Bill 7.Communal Property Associations Amendment Bill 8.(Amendment) Extension of Security of Tenure Act


Programme 1: Administration Programme 1: Administration Performance

Indicator Reporting

Period Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 1.1 Compliance with relevant legislation governing the management of the public sector by 2014


% of budget spent Quarterly 100% 25% 50% 75% 100%


% of invoices paid within 30 days

Quarterly 100% 90% 95% 100% 100%


% of external audit findings resolved

Quarterly 100% - 50% 75% 100%


% of funded vacant posts filled

Quarterly 10% - - 10% 10%


% of the organisational renewal plan implemented

Quarterly 70% 55% 60% 68% 70%


% alignment of the Departmental Annual Performance Plan with the National Development Plan

Bi-Annually 80% -   40% 60% 80%

Programme 1: Administration (cont.)Programme 1: Administration (cont.)Performance

Indicator Reporting

Period Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 2.1: Rural development and land reform policies and legislation developed by 2014


Number of pieces of legislation submitted to Cabinet

Annually 8 Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Bill

Deeds Registries Amendment Bill  Sectional Titles Amendment Bill

-  Land Valuation Bill  Land Protection Bill  Land Management Commission Communal Property Associations Amendment Bill  (Amendment) Extension of Security of Tenure Act  


Programme 1: Administration (cont.)Programme 1: Administration (cont.)

Performance Indicator

Reporting Period

Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 2.1: Rural development and land reform policies and legislation developed by 2014


Number of policies submitted to Cabinet

Quarterly 5 Restitution Policy Framework

Rural Development Policy Framework  Rural Development Agency Policy  Rural Cooperative Financing Facility

-   Draft Framework on Communal Land Tenure   

Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services Services

Performance Indicator

Reporting Period

Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 3.1: An integrated land planning, spatial information and administration system to promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014


Number of Spatial Plans formulatedand supported to achieve Spatial Equity and Sustainability

Quarterly 37 Spatial Plans completed (SDFs, Precinct Plans, Land Use Schemes, Local Area Plans, EMP s)

Spatial Analysis and Synthesis

Draft SDF Consultation 37 SDFs Finalised and Approved

Quarterly Research Report on the National SDFcompleted

Project Start-Up

Inception Report available

Consultation Research Report on he National Spatial Development Framework completed


Integrated National Spatial Information Management System (INSIMS) established to ensure interoperability

Quarterly Solution of the Integrated National Spatial Information Management System designed

Needs analysis and specifications conducted

Business process mapping finalised

Solution design commenced

Solution design completed

Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Programme 2: Geospatial and Cadastral Services Services

Performance Indicator

Reporting Period

Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 3.1: An integrated land planning, spatial information and administration system to promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014


Average number of working days taken to process registerable diagrams, general plans and sectional plans

Quarterly 14 14 14 14 14


Operational E-cadastre

Quarterly E-cadastre available and implemented

Solution piloted

Solution piloted



Strategic Objective 8.1 Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 2014


Number of people trained in geomatics 

Annually 65 - - - 65

Programme 3: Rural Development Programme 3: Rural Development

Performance Indicator

Reporting Period

Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 4.1 : Integrated service delivery facilitated through the coordination of government and development stakeholders by 2014


Number of functionalCouncil of Stakeholders

Quarterly 58 8 15 15 20

Strategic Objective 5.3 : Recapitalization and development support provided to land reform beneficiaries and rural communities by 2014


Number of projects implemented through the Animal and Veld Management Programme completed

Quarterly 182 39 41 56 46


Number of hectares irrigated

Quarterly 5,000 - - 2,500 2,500

Strategic Objective 6.1 Profiled rural households enabled to improve their food security by 2014


Number of households producing their own food

Quarterly 2,200 100 750 600 750

Programme 3: Rural Development Programme 3: Rural Development

Performance Indicator

Reporting Period

Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 7.1 Socio-economic infrastructure facilitated to improve access to services by 20147.1.1

Number of bulk infrastructure completed

Quarterly 8 - 1 5 2


Number of households with basic services infrastructure

Quarterly 7,278 100 1,208 2,370 3,600


Number of public amenities completed

Quarterly 26 - 4 12 10


Number of ICT projects completed

Quarterly 19 1 4 9 5


Number of economic infrastructure projects completed

Quarterly 17 1 4 7 5

Programme 3: Rural Development Programme 3: Rural Development (cont.)(cont.)

Performance Indicator

Reporting Period

Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 8.1: Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 20148.1.2

Number of people trained to improve rural livelihoods

Quarterly 3,400 200 1,150 900 1,150


Number of jobs created through rural development initiatives

Quarterly 3, 540 

340 1,150 1,150 900


Number of youth enrolled into the National Rural Youth Service Corps Programme

Quarterly 4,600 - - - 4,600


Number of youth skilled through the National Rural Youth Service Corps programme

Quarterly 4,600 - - - 4,600


Number of rural enterprises supported

Quarterly 90 10 30 30 20

Programme 4: Restitution Programme 4: Restitution

Performance Indicator

Reporting Period

Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 5.2: Land rights restored or alternative forms of equitable redress awarded to claimants by 2014


Number of land claims settled

Quarterly 230 21 49 81 79


Number of backlog claims finalised

Quarterly 208 21 62 94 31


Research on the opening of new restitution claims finalised

Annually Research report completed

- - - Research report completed

Programme 5: Land Reform Programme 5: Land Reform Performance

Indicator Reporting

Period Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 3.1: An integrated land planning, spatial information and administration system to promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by 2014


Number of land parcels confirmed as vested

Quarterly 533 120 135 145 133

Strategic Objective 5.1 Strategically located land acquired and allocated by 2014


Number of hectares acquired

Quarterly 311,917 57,791 91,815 93,051 69,259

Strategic Objective 5.3: Recapitalisation and development support provided to land reform beneficiaries and rural communities by 2014


Number of farms newly placed under recapitalisation

Quarterly 344 62 100 106 76


Number of existing farms under recapitalisation

Quarterly 386 110 106 109 61

Programme 5: Land Reform Programme 5: Land Reform Performance

Indicator Reporting

Period Annual Target


Quarterly Targets

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Strategic Objective 5.4: Tenure security for people living on commercial farms and communal areas provided


Number of labour tenant applications settled

Quarterly 76 7 22 28 19


Percentage of reported eviction cases resolved

Quarterly 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


Percentage of reported land rights cases referred to Land Rights Management Facility

Quarterly 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Strategic Objective 8.1: Skills development and sustainable economic opportunities created by 20148.1.7

Number of jobs created in land reform projects

Quarterly 1446 139 419 493 395


Number of farmers trained

Quarterly 628 104 158 201 165


Overview of the 2013/14 Budget and Overview of the 2013/14 Budget and MTEF MTEF

• The department’s 2013/14 MTEF budget is the financial expression of its 2012/13 APP.

• The 2013/14 budget and APP processes ran concurrently to ensure consistency between the two plans – all budget amendments by NT were also incorporated in the APP to ensure that there is no mismatch between budget allocations and the set targets

Overview of the 2013/14 Budget and Overview of the 2013/14 Budget and MTEF MTEF

ProgramProgram 2013/14 BUDGET2013/14 BUDGETR’000R’000

1. Administration940,652

2. Geo-spatial & Cadastral Services508,504

3. Rural Development 1,227,423

4. Restitution 3,388,048

5. Land Reform 3,395,113

Total Total 9,459,7409,459,740

Overview of the 2013/14 Budget and Overview of the 2013/14 Budget and MTEF MTEF Economic ClassificationEconomic Classification 2013/14 BUDGET2013/14 BUDGET


Compensation of employees 1,676,908

Goods and services 1,375,183

Provincial and local governments 141

Dept agencies and accounts 2,481,290

Foreign governments and international organisations 1,400

Public corporations and private entities 133,639

Non-profit institutions 2,849

Households 3,772,055

Buildings and fixed structures -

Machinery and equipment 14,827

Software and intangible assets 1,448

Total Total 9,459,7409,459,740

Conclusion Conclusion

•The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform commits to ensuring that the targets reflected in this APP are achieved thus making a positive contribution to the country’s development agenda.

•Measures will be put in place to ensure that the implementation of our strategy, plans and expenditure is effectively monitored, evaluated and reported. The Chief Directorates: Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation and Management Accounting will play a vital role in this regard.

•The department’s governance structures are to play a critical role as well in this area. These include the Back Office, the Audit Committee, Strategic Management Committee, Risk and Compliance Committee amongst others.