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Department Name (View > Master > Slide Master to edit) Presentation Title (View > Master > Slide Master to edit) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a Vehicle for Faculty and Departmental Advancement Cross Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Presentation Title (View > Master > Slide Master to edit)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a Vehicle for Faculty and Departmental Advancement

Cross Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

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2013-14 SoTL ScholarsJennifer Friberg, CSDAnu Gokhale, TECMaria Moore, COM

Cross Chair in SoTLKathleen McKinney, SOC

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SoTL Defined

At Illinois State, we define SoTL as:

systematic reflection on teaching and learning

of our ISU students made public

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SoTL and Educating Illinois

To provide rigorous, high-impact experiences for students (Goal 2), ISU promotes mission-consistent growth in

research (Strategy 2) by enhancing the university’s

commitment to the scholarship of teaching and learning (2.2.F)

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SoTL as Scholarly Research

• Inter/Intra-disciplinary in nature• Peer review process

SoTL work by ISU faculty

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ISU Support for SoTL

• Cross Chair & SoTL Scholars• Funding & Grants• Awards & Recognition• Professional Development• Website materials

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Value of SoTL to ISU

• Tenure & Promotion• Accreditation• Program Review• Awards & Recognition

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