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Department OF athletics• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hUnter YUracheKDirector of Athletics

Department HigHligHts/initiatives During 2010-11• Operated within a balanced budget per the implementation of zero-based budget at the conclusion of 2009-10• Completed the NCAA Cycle 3 Certification Report• As part of the Gender Equity Plan, added two positions (full-time head women’s tennis coach and full-time women’s

golf assistant coach) and began the implementation of adding women’s lacrosse as the Department’s 18th sports program

• Implemented the Student-Athlete Class Attendance Policy• Established the “Champions for Life” enhancement program • Purchased “Grades First” software which will streamline tracking attendance and progress reports for student-ath-

letes as well as being a tool to communicate with professors about travel issues• Completed the Baseball/Softball Hitting Facility• Gained approval for architectural designs for major renovations to the baseball and softball facilities• Showed increased growth in all three areas of revenue generation — ticket sales, donations and sponsorships• Signed a five-year agreement with Russell to be the department’s official outfitter• Implemented a Sportsmanship Statement, which was signed by all athletics department staff members and made

more visible, namely on and season tickets• Established the “Champions for Life” Cup, recognizing the sports program which made the most contributions to-

wards community service in 2010-11• Established a Letterwinners Club

Winning athletic programs do not happen by accident. Alumni, donors, faculty/staff, students, sponsors and volunteers who share the vision for Chanticleer Athletics to be the premier FCS Division 1 Department of Athletics, are vital to our success. As I have said many times, our student-athletes are at the heart of our program. It is our goal to develop each of our student-athletes into Champions for Life through their academic, athletic and community successes as Chanticleers.

My second season as Director of Athletics at Coastal Carolina University was filled with several success stories created by our student-athletes: • NineBigSouthRegularSeasonorTournamentChampionshipswon.• SixteamsadvancedtoNCAAPost-SeasonTournaments.• Ourwomen’sGolfadvancedtoNCAANationalChampionship.• Men’sGolfer,SebastianSoderbergadvancedtoNCAANationalChampionship.• Ourmen’sprogramwontheBigSouthConference’sMen’sAll-SportsChampionship.• TheDepartmentofAthleticswasfeaturedonfrontpageofUSATodaysportssection.• TheMen’sBasketballheldthenation’slongestwinningstreakat22gamesanddefeatedBCSconferenceteam,winningatLSU.

Asmuchasweenjoyandexpectthosesortsofaccomplishmentsonthefieldsofplay,maybeevenmoreimpressivearetheaccomplishmentsofourstudent-athletes away from competition.

• Ourstudent-athletesachievedacumulativeGPAover3.0• Twohundredandfivestudent-athletesearnedaGPAof3.0orhigherforthe2010-11academicyear• FifteenChanticleerstudent-athletesrecordedaperfect4.0GPA• Twostudent-athleteswerenamedBigSouthScholarAthleteoftheYearintheirrespectivesports.• Eighty-fourstudent-athletesgraduatedduringtheWinterorSpringCommencementExercises.• Onestudent-athletereceivedtheBigSouthConference’sprestigiousChristenberryAward.

Additionally, our student-athletes continue to amaze me with their contribution of countless hours to the local community for various service and outreach initiatives.



HunterYurachekDirector of Athletics

Department OF athletics• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

mission statementTheCoastalCarolinaUniversityDepartmentofAthleticsprovidesourstudent-athletestheopportunitiesandpreparationtoreachtheirpo-

tential as responsible and productive citizens through academic, athletic and personal success. In providing student-athletes the opportunity to achieveexcellenceinthesethreeareaswearedevelopingChampions for Life.

visionChanticleer Athletics wiLL become the premier Division I FCS Department of Athletics in the country.


ics or compliance. Department staff and coaches encourage student-athletes to maintain a balance between athletics, academics and the social aspectsofthecollegiateexperience.Athleticparticipationhastheabilitytoprovideanaddeddimensiontotheoverallcollegeexperienceofastudent and to benefit the student in their personal and professional challenges.

Diversity statementThe Coastal CarolinaUniversityDepartment ofAthletics, throughourmissionof developingChampions for Life, embraces diversity

among its student-athletes, coaches, and staff. As a Department of Athletics, we are committed to creating an inclusive community regardless of socioeconomicstatus,religion,gender,ethnicity,age,disabilitiesandsexualorientation.

guiDing principles:EachdaythefollowingprincipleswillbethefocusoftheDepartmentofAthleticsstaff:• eduCate our student-athletes on the importance and value of academic success and earning a degree from Coastal Carolina University.• invest the resources necessary to develop competitive sports programs that compete for conference, regional and national champion-

ships on an annual basis.• Create and implement programming to teaCh personal growth characteristics and opportunities to each of our student-athletes.• deveLoptheathleticdepartment’sannualoperatingandcapitalprojectbudgetsbymaximizingcurrentfundingstreamsandcreating

new revenue opportunities.• Commitment to integritybydevelopingandmaintainingacomprehensiveinternalandexternalcomplianceprogram.• finanCiaL stabiLity by implementing a zero based budget process that identifies and addresses actual unit and sport program funding

requirements.• Createanenvironmentwherethespiritofgender equity and respeCt for diversity are fundamental components of the decision makingprocess.

• unity through the creation of a family environment that values each and every employee.• embraCe our Community through public service projects and initiatives.

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

the sasser cUp

sasser cup (since 1985-86)

champions in teal — runners-up in Bronze2010-11 — Coastal Carolina2009-10 — Coastal Carolina2008-09 — Coastal Carolina2007-08 — Coastal Carolina2006-07 — Coastal Carolina2005-06 — Coastal Carolina2004-05 — Coastal Carolina2003-04 — Coastal Carolina2002-03 — Coastal Carolina2001-02 — Coastal Carolina2000-01 — Coastal Carolina1999-00 — Coastal Carolina1998-99 — Coastal Carolina1997-98 — Coastal Carolina1995-96 — Coastal Carolina1992-93 — Coastal Carolina1991-92 — Coastal Carolina1990-91 — Coastal Carolina1989-90 — Coastal Carolina1988-89 — Coastal Carolina1987-88 — Coastal Carolina

Women’s all-sports aWarD (since 2003-04)

champions in teal — runners-up in Bronze2009-10 — Coastal Carolina2008-09 — Coastal Carolina2007-08 — Coastal Carolina2006-07 — Coastal Carolina2005-06 — Coastal Carolina2004-05 — Coastal Carolina2003-04 — Coastal Carolina

men’s all-sports aWarD (since 2003-04)

champions in teal — runners-up in Bronze2010-11 — Coastal Carolina2009-10 — Coastal Carolina2008-09 — Coastal Carolina2007-08 — Coastal Carolina2006-07 — Coastal Carolina2005-06 — Coastal Carolina2004-05 — Coastal Carolina2003-04 — Coastal Carolina



TheChanticleerwomenplaced third in theAll-SportsAward,winning theBigSouth regularseasontitleinsoccer,tennis,golfandindoortrackandfield,whileplacingsecondincrosscountryandoutdoortrack&field.


coastal carolina has won nine sasser cups, has never finished lower than fourth in the sasser cup standings and has finished either First or seconD each year since 1995-96.

In the Division I Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup — which measures how an NCAA Divi-sion I institution competed in postseason championships, COASTAL CAROLINA fin-ished 106th, which was the highest finish among Big South schools for the year. Coast-al earned points for its participation in the NCAA postseason for football, Men’s Soccer, Baseball, Women’s Golf and Men’s Golf.

Department OF athletics• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

in 2010-11 ... coastal carolina atHletics:• PlacedsecondoverallintheBigSouthSasserCupStandings,capturingtheMen’sBigSouthAll-Sport

Trophyandplacingthirdonthewomen’sside.• Women’sbasketball’s KATIEWHITEwon theBigSouth’s ChristenberryAward forAcademicExcel-

lence.• WonnineBigSouthTeamChampionships:BASEBAll(regularseasonandtournament),FOOTBAll


• FiveteamsearnedNCAAChampionshipberths:BASEBAll,FOOTBAll,MEN’SGOlF,MEN’SSOCCErandWOMEN’SGOlF.MEN’SBASKETBAlladdedasecondstraightNationalInvitationalTournamentpostseasonberth.Individually,16OutdoorTrack&Fieldstudent-athletesqualifiedfortheNCAAChampionships,includingninemenandsevenwomen.

• TheWOMEN’SGOlFsquadplacedfourthattheNCAAEastregionalandbecamethefirstteaminBigSouthhistorytoqualifyfortheNCAAWomen’sGolfChampionships.

• TheMEN’SBASKETBAllteamwonitssecondstraightBigSouthregular-seasontitle,becamethefirstteaminBigSouthhistorytowinatleast25gamesinconsecutiveyears(winning28in2009-10aswellas2010-11),becamethefirstteaminBigSouthhistorytowin16leaguegamesandalsoheldthenation’slongestwinningstreakat22games.

• TheFOOTBAllteamwonitsfourthBigSouthChampionshipineightyearsasaprogram.TheChanticleers,whowerethefirstandonlyBigSouthteamtoearnanNCAAFCSPlayoffberth,earnedtheleague’sfirsteverautomaticbidtotheNCAAFCSPlay-offs.Indoingso,CoastalbecamethefirstBigSouthteamtohostanNCAAFCSPlayoffgame.

• TheBASEBAllteamwontheBigSouthregularseasontitleandtheBigSouthTournamentforthefifthstraightseason,becom-ingthefirstschoolinleaguehistorytowinfiveconsecutiveBigSouthTournamentchampionships.

• TheWOMEN’SOUTDOOrTrACK&FIElDteamwonitssixthBigSouthChampionshipsince2004.• FiveAll-Americans:TwofromFOOTBAll(DavidDuran,DannyBonifas),twofromBASEBAll(TommylaStella,Mattrein)and


Southpicksand52BigSouthPlayersoftheWeekin2009-10.)• FiveAcademicAll-DistrictIIIselections:OnefromWOMEN’SBASKETBAll(KatieWhite),WOMEN’SSOCCEr(ColleenSchohl)and


• FiveBigSouthAthletesoftheyear:BASEBAllPitcheroftheyear(Mattrein),BASEBAllPlayeroftheyear(TommylaStella),FOOTBAllDefensivePlayeroftheyear(AndraeJacobs),WOMEN’SGOlFPlayeroftheyear(JessicaAlexander)andWOMEN’SINDOOrTrACK&FIElDMostOutstandingFieldPerformer(KierraGabe).

• ThreeBig South Coaches of the year: FOOTBAll (DavidBennett),WOMEN’S GOlF (KatieQuinney) andWOMEN’S OUTDOOrTrACKANDFIElD(AlanConnie).

• OneBigSouthFreshmanoftheyear:WOMEN’SGOlF(CourtneyBoe).ThreeBigSouthAll-Freshmanhonors:WOMEN’SSOCCEr(KateWilkinson)andtwofromMEN’SSOCCEr(JustinPortilloandPedroribeiro).



• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

Department OF athletics heaDlines

Five nameD all-american• Coastal Carolina’s football squad produced two All-Americans in second team pick Da-

vid Duran (pictured left) and Sweet 63 team pick Danny Bonifas.• The baseball program had two named All-Americans, including Matt Rein and Tommy

La Stella.• The men’s basketball team produced honorable mention All-American Chad Gray.

men's BasketBall sets recorDs• Coastal Carolina (28-6) made its second straight trip to the NIT after earning an

automatic bid by winning the Big South regular season title with a 16-2 mark inside the conference. The Chanticleers opened league play with 15 straight vic-tories and went on to set an all-time Big South record for conference wins in a season.

• It’s the second straight season that Coastal Carolina has captured the Big South regular season title and the first time since the 1990 and 1991 seasons that the Chanticleers have won consecutive league titles.

• The Chanticleers were also a perfect 9-0 on the road in conference this season and became just the second team in league history to accomplish that feat. In addition, the Chants are also the first team in conference history to win five Big South road games by at least 20 points.

• Coastal Carolina featured the longest winning streak in the nation when it won a school-record 22 straight games.

• Coastal won 28 games in each of the last two years, becoming the first Big South team to win at least 25 games in back-to-back seasons.

Women's golF reacHes neW HeigHts• Women’s golf finished in fourth place at the NCAA East Region-

al and became the first team in school and Big South history to compete at the NCAA Championships, finishing the season 24th in the NCAA. It was the third straight year Coastal has earned a berth at an NCAA Regional.

• Chanticleer sophomore Jessica Alexander was the individual medalist at the Big South Championships, the Big South Player of the Year, All-East Region and finished third at the NCAA East Regional. Courtney Boe was tabbed the Big South Freshman of the Year while Katie Quinney was Big South Coach of the Year.

BaseBall continues conFerence Dominance• The baseball team won the Big South regular sea-

son title and the Big South Tournament for the fifth straight season, becoming the first school in league history to win five consecutive Big South Tournament championships.

• Scott Woodward set Big South career records for runs scored and hit by pitches while Anthony Meo set a Big South for lowest career ERA.

• Coastal reached its fifth straight NCAA Regional and 10th in the last 11 seasons.

soDerBerg aDvances to men’s golF ncaa • After finishing in a tie for second at the NCAA East-Virginia

Tech Regional, sophomore Sebastian Soderberg earned an individual berth to the NCAA Championships.

• Soderberg, a two-time All-Big South honoree, became just the third Chanticleer (along with Dustin Johnson and Zach Byrd) to earn All-Atlantic Region by the Ameri-can Golf Coaches Association.

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

Department OF athletics heaDlines

Hogan nameD Women’s soccer coacH• Paul Hogan became Coastal’s fourth women’s soccer coach in the program’s 11-year history after taking Colorado to the

NCAA Championships six times in his ten years as an assistant coach with the Buffaloes.

russell atHletic Becomes oFFicial outFitter oF tHe cHanticleers• Coastal Carolina University announced on March 31 a partnership with Russell Ath-

letic to become the designated apparel outfitter of the University’s Department of Athletics, beginning in August 2011.

• The announcement was made jointly by Coastal Carolina’s President Dr. David De-Cenzo and Director of Athletics Hunter Yurachek along with Senior Director of Mar-keting for Russell Brands/Team Sports Skip Nickle.

• Over the five-year partnership, Russell Athletic will also provide the funding to create and develop a Russell Team Shop within the new University Bookstore planned for the Student Recreation and Convocation Center.

gilmore Wins 900tH career game• On May 17, Coastal Carolina defeated UNC Wilmington, 12-3, at Watson Stadium/

Vrooman Field to give Gary Gilmore his 900th career coaching victory.• Gilmore became the 22nd active coach in NCAA Division I to reach the milestone.

FootBall Hosts playoFF game• After winning its fourth Big South title in eight years as a program, Coastal Carolina

established numerous firsts.• Coastal Carolina earned the Big South’s first automatic bid to the NCAA FCS Division

I Championship.• Coastal Carolina was the first Big South team to host an NCAA FCS Division I playoff

game, welcoming the Western Illinois Leathernecks.• Coastal Carolina became the first Big South team to win four league titles.• Coastal Carolina is still the only Big South team to play in the NCAA football postsea-

son, earning the league’s first and only at-large berth in 2006.

ellis Wins 600tH career game• On January 8, Coastal Carolina won a critical Big South road game at Liberty, 70-67,

to give Cliff Ellis his 600th career coaching victory.• Ellis became the 26th coach in NCAA Division I to reach the milestone.

Davis steps DoWn as Women’s tennnis coacH•Coastal Carolina women’s tennis head coach Jody Davis resigned from his position as head coach to remain exclusively

as the university’s Director of Campus Recreation. Davis recently completed his 15th season and ends his career with a 241-90 overall record and a .728 winning percentage.

• Davis posted winning records in each of his 15 seasons and a stellar 100-31 (.763) record in league play, including a 35-9 mark over the past seven regular seasons.

•Davis guided the Chanticleers to two Big South championships (2001, 2011) and two NCAA Tournament appearances (2001, 2007). He ended his career in style by leading the Chants to the 2011 Big South regular season championship.

• During Davis’ tenure, the program has seen unprecedented honors and awards earned by individuals. These accolades include six Big South Player of the Year award winners, four Rookie of the Year honors, 40 All-Conference players and three Big South Scholar-Athlete of the Year award winners. Davis was named Big South Coach of the Year five times, which included his selection as the 2011 Co-Coach of the Year. He was also named the 2006 South Carolina Coach of the Year by the United States Tennis Association (USTA) of South Carolina. The USTA Southern Section has a comprehen-sive awards program that annually recognizes excellence on and off the tennis court.

• The Chanticleers have also excelled academically under the director of Davis, which includes making the Intercolle-giate Tennis Association All-Academic Team (3.2 GPA or higher) for the 12th consecutive season. In addi-tion, Davis has had 64 of his players recognized as an ITA Academic All-American (3.5 GPA or higher).

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

champiOns in acaDemics

84 ccu stuDent-atHletes graDuate in 2010-11BetweentheFallandSpringsemestersof2010-11,atotalof84ChanticleerStudent-Athletesre-

ceived their degrees from Coastal Carolina University.Therewere74student-athleteswhograduated in thespringsemester.Heading the listwere12

student-athletes that graduatedwith honors, having a cumulative GPA of 3.5-3.749 (Cum Laude),3.75-3.999(MagnaCumLaude)or4.0(SummaCumLaude).

COLLEENSCHOHL(finance)andKATIEWHITE(accounting)wererecognizedwithAcademicDepart-mental Awards. Departmental awards recognize students who have shown outstanding academic ac-complishments and have contributed to the academic quality of the department. Candidates are nomi-nated and selected by the college faculty.

Schohlalsoreceivedthe2011FacultyDistinguishedStudentExcellenceAward,anannualawardhonoring a student who has achieved both a high academic average and a record of campus/commu-nityinvolvement.Schohlearnedabachelor’sdegreeinfinancewitha3.96gradepointaverage.

katie WHite receives top Big soutH acaDemic Honor

The Big South Conference honored Coastal Carolina’s KATIEWHITE (women’s basketball) with theprestigious GeorgeA.ChristenberryAwardforAcademicExcellence.Whitepostedaperfecta4.0forhercollegiate career, majoring in accounting.



TheChanticleers’15totalawardwinnersaremorethananyothercurrentorformerBigSouthinstitu-tion.OtherCoastalCarolinaChristenberryAwardswinnersincludeMikaelaTerry(2009-10),MarcieVeitch(2008-09),FelicitasMensing (2007-08),AnthonyFranklin (2006-07),BrittanyNelson (2005-06),KeithGarramone(2003-04),KaraKoppel (2002-03),TomasMalik (1996-97),RonaldOhrel (1991-92),BjorkiJohannesson(1990-91),ThomasHenderup(1989-90),ThomasDrake(1987-88),HerbertJolley,Jr.(1986-87)andDonaldPokorny(1985-86).

kimes anD WHite are Big soutH scHolar-atHletes oF tHe year

Forthesecondconsecutiveyear,theBigSouthVolleyballandWomen’sBasketballScholar-AthletesoftheYearwereChanticleers.Lastyear,JillNyhof(volleyball)andAmandaStull(women’sbasketball)weretherespectivehon-orees.For2010-11,CHELSYKIMESwastheBigSouthVolleyballScholar-AthleteoftheYearandKATIEWHITE was theBigSouthWomen’sBasketballScholar-AthleteoftheYear.


• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

champiOns in acaDemics

oates aWarDeD ncaa postgraDuate scHolarsHipWomen’sTrackandFieldSeniorSIERRAHOATESwasawardedtheEthnicMinorityandWomen’sEnhancementPostgraduate



theirinitialyearofpostgraduatestudies.Theapplicantmustbeseekingadmissionorhavebeenacceptedintoasportsadministra-tion or other program that will help the applicant obtain a career in intercollegiate athletics.

Thegoaloftheenhancementprogramistoincreasethepoolofopportunitiesforqualifiedminorityandfemalecandidatesinintercollegiate athletics through postgraduate scholarships.


the2010BigSouthIndoorTrackandFieldChampionships.Sheplacedthirdoverallinthelongjumpatthe2011BigSouthOutdoorTrackandFieldChampionships. sierrah oates

coastal stuDent-atHlete acaDemic Facts• In the Fall of 2010, 34 student-athletes posted a perfect 4.0 GPA — earning CCU Presidential Honor Roll honors, while

32 accomplished the feat for Spring 2011.• For the 2010-11 academic year, 205 Coastal Carolina student-athletes posted at least a 3.0 GPA to earn Big South Presi-

dential Honor Roll recognition. • In the Spring of 2011, 96 student-athletes earned Dean’s List recognition (at least a 3.5 GPA for the semester), while 139

student-athletes recorded Dean’s List recognition in the Fall of 2010.• Overall student-athlete cumulative grade point average of 3.010, as compared to 2.895 for the general degree-seek-

ing students.• Cumulative grade point average of all women’s teams is 3.270, compared to a 3.028 of female degree-seeking students.

Cumulative grade point average of all men’s teams is 2.867, compared to a 2.749 of male degree-seeking students.• Of Coastal’s 423 student-athletes, 225 (53.2 percent) posted a GPA between 3.0-4.0 for the 2010-11 academic year.• All nine women’s sports programs have a team cumulative GPA over 3.0 and four men’s sports programs (golf, cross

country, tennis and soccer) have a team cumulative GPA over 3.0.• Coastal Carolina had the fourth-highest 2009-10 NCAA GSR (Graduation Success Rate — which includes the freshman

class of 2003) in the Big South Conference at 83 percent. (Radford 87%; Winthrop 84%; High Point 84%; COASTAL 83%; Charleston Southern 81%; VMI 70%; Liberty 69%; UNC Asheville 64%.).

Five earn acaDemic all-District; siX teams HonoreD For acaDemics



TheCoastalCarolinaMEN’SANDWOMEN’SCROSSCOUNTRYTEAMS,THEMEN’STENNISTEAM and the MEN’SANDWOMEN’SSOCCERTEAMS wereeachrecognizedfortheirexcellenceintheclassroombytheirrespectivecoachesassociations.

JESSICA ALExANDER, ALICIA GRIER, BRITTANY HENDERSON AND COURTNEY BOE ofwomen’s golfwere eachnamedtotheNGCAAll-AmericanScholarteam,whileMATTGORDON,YUSUKEKUSADAANDDORIANSOVIC ofmen’stenniswereeachnamedITAScholar-Athletesfortheirexcellenceintheclassroomandonthecourse.




• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

champiOns in acaDemics

Danielle Agnew (women’s soccer)Katie Ahaus (women’s basketball)Lauren Alejo (volleyball)Jessica Alexander (women’s golf )Melissa Arango (women’s track)Matthew Ashley (football)Tyler Askew (men’s track)Simone Autry (volleyball)Kindra Bailey (volleyball)Caitlin Baker (women’s track)Julia Baldwin (women’s soccer)Brooks Barbaree (football)Zachary Barr (men’s track)Jessie Benchley (women’s soccer)Megan Bickford (volleyball)Peter Billingham (men’s tennis)Courtney Boe (women’s golf )Lexi Bolesky (women’s tennis)Jamaul Boswell (football)Daniel Bowman (baseball)Zach Boyer (football)Caitlyn Brooksbank (women’s tennis)Elijah Brown (football)Hannah Brown (women’s soccer)Jamie Brusa (women’s track)Miki Bunea (women’s tennis)Kristen Burpoe (women’s track)Shelby Butz (women’s soccer)Austin Cain (football)Chris Carter (football)Kira Carter (women’s basketball)Richard Cayonne (men’s soccer)Leo Christofides (men’s tennis)Alyssa Clark (women’s soccer)Amanda Clark (women’s soccer)Ben Collins (football)Kayla Cook (women’s basketball)Jordan Coons (baseball)James Coughlin (baseball)Kristin Cozzens (volleyball)Cody Craig (football)Levi Curnutte (men’s soccer)Jazmin Daigle (softball)Robert Daniels (men’s soccer)Jamel Davis (football)Ashley Day (women’s soccer)Robert Delviscio (men’s track/cross country)Jessica Dennison (women’s track/cross country)Dominique De Wit (women’s tennis)Jacob Downey (men’s soccer)Austin Eanes (men’s soccer)Ryan Edlich (men’s track)Delarius Edwards (football)Andre Enoch (men’s track/cross country)Taylor Epley (women’s basketball)Drew Ernst (men’s golf )Rodrigo Ferreira (men’s soccer)Jason Flanagan (men’s track)Doug Fleming (baseball)Robert Flinn (football)Michelle Fowle (volleyball)Tim Franklin (football)Tucker Frawley (baseball)Ashley Frederick (softball)Bridget Garrity (women’s track)Jackson Geary (baseball)Lindsay Gill (volleyball)Matt Gordon (men’s tennis)

Courtney Grambley (women’s basketball)Berkeley Graves (men’s track)Rohen Gresalfi (men’s soccer)Alicia Grier (women’s golf )Jordan Griffin (men’s basketball)Cameron Griggs (men’s track)Lauren Grochowski (women’s basketball)Eugenia Guerra (women’s golf )Frankie Hall (football)Chad Hamilton (football)Keith Hardwick (baseball)Brian Harrison (football)Kelvin Hart (football)Tamara Hawkins (softball)Cyprian Hedrick (men’s soccer)Danny Heidecker (men’s tennis)Bobby Hemphill (football)Brittany Henderson (women’s golf )Tyler Herb (baseball)Maria Hesketh (women’s tennis)Keith Hessler (baseball)Aramis Hillary (football)Dexter Holman (football)Paul Holmes (football)Courtney Howell (softball)Marcellus Hunter (football)Olivia Irick (women’s basketball)Ronnie Jackson (men’s track)Jared Jenkins (football)Jason Jensen (men’s track)Jessica Johnson (women’s soccer)Elizabeth Kassuhn (softball)Seanna Kautz (women’s track/cross country)Jenna Kazmierczak (women’s track)Arthur Kelley (football)Lemuel Kennedy (football)Sammie Kennedy (football)Chelsy Kimes (volleyball)Christopher King (baseball)Kyle Kling (men’s track/cross country)Kourtney Kowal (women’s tennis)Mikaela Kristofersson (women’s tennis)Yusuke Kusuda (men’s tennis)Meghan Laffin (volleyball)Tommy La Stella (baseball)Mary Lawrence (women’s track)Gabrielle Lee (women’s track)Erika Lightsey (volleyball)Marcus Lott (football)Anna Lowe (women’s soccer)Caitlin Lupo (women’s track)Shanika Maddox (women’s basketball)Sarah Maples (softball)Emily Marchini (women’s track/cross country)Donald Martin (baseball)Niccolo Mastromatteo (football)Deborah Mattern (women’s track)Kelsie Mauck (volleyball)Tyler McCarthy (football)Michael McClure (football)Sean McCormick (men’s soccer)Chad McField (football)Maggie McGavin (women’s soccer)Zach McGehee (football)Melissa McGwin (volleyball)Sam McLaurin (men’s basketball)Daniel Merriman (men’s soccer)Anthony Meo (baseball)Carlton Mitchell (football)

Rafael Monteiro (men’s soccer)Dexter Moore (men’s basketball)Austin Morgan (men’s soccer)Ali Morin (women’s soccer)Diana Mortlock (women’s tennis)Sophia Nappi (women’s soccer)Anjulia Nicholson (women’s track)Shelby Nicosia (women’s track/cross country)Danny Nieman (men’s basketball)Sara Niles (women’s soccer)Shane Norris (men’s track)Sierrah Oates (women’s track)Kenneth Page (football)Samantha Palka (volleyball)Karen Pavlick (women’s soccer)Cacia Pierre (softball)Chelsea Pineda (softball)Ashley Pisone (softball)Justin Portillo (men’s soccer)Leah Presnar (women’s track)Alexx Puckett (women’s basketball)Anthony Raffa (men’s basketball)Mondrag Ramirez (women’s track)Janel Reeves (women’s track/cross country)Kent Rogers (football)Alex Russell (men’s soccer)Amanda Russell (volleyball)Joe Russell (men’s soccer)Nicole Saggiomo (softball)Jeffery Salley (football)Kristoffer Sandtroen (men’s soccer)Jacob Scheuer (men’s track)Colleen Schohl (women’s soccer)Jordan Schwartz (men’s soccer)Ryan Siegel (baseball)Samantha Simile (women’s track)Melekia Simpson (women’s track)Taylor Slagle (women’s golf )Travis Small (football)London Smalls (women’s track)Henry Smith (football)Owen Smith (men’s soccer)Thomasina Smith (women’s track)Dorian Sovic (men’s tennis)Megan Spencer (women’s soccer)Jocelyn Starinshak (women’s track)Christina Stern (women’s soccer)Chelsea Strange (women’s soccer)Victoria Strengari (women’s soccer)Cass Stuart (softball)Tyler Swanson (men’s track)Stephanie Taylor (women’s track)Samantha Teijelo (women’s soccer)Shelby Thomas (women’s soccer)Anna Tupy (women’s soccer)Darren Tymczak (men’s track)Kara Vonatzski (softball)Stoan Waldroup (football)Brandon Watson (men’s soccer)Jacques Watson (men’s track)Thomas Wells (men’s track/cross country)Katie White (women’s basketball)Marcus Whitener (football)Olivia Williams (softball)Marquel Willis (football)Charlie Winegardner (men’s golf )Trevor Witcher (football)Rich Witten (baseball)Rindi Wood (women’s track/cross country)

2010-11 Big soutH presiDential Honor roll205 Coastal Carolina Student-Athletes Posted at Least a 3.0 GPA for the 2010-11 Academic Year

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

champiOns FOr liFe enhancement Do not be mistaken, winning is important. That is why there are scoreboards. Fortunately, Coastal Carolina has seen its fair share of wins and championships. However, for the student-athlete, there has to be more. Not every student-athlete will play professionally. In fact, the odds are significantly stacked against most student-athletes. While there were some programs in place to help current Chanticleer student-athletes deal with life in college as well as prepare them for life after their playing days, Director of Athlet-ics Hunter Yurachek began an initiative to better organize and group those programs under one umbrella to ensure Coastal Athletics will build “Champions for Life.” “There are so many things athletics can do to prepare a student-athlete for life after college,” Yurachek said. “In many ways, playing sports in college puts student-athletes in an ad-vantageous position over most students when it comes to being prepared for a jobs due to the time management learned when juggling academics and athletics, the ability to work in a team setting and the quick thinking skills they have attained through practice and competition. But life is not all about sports and there are many other facets of life student-athletes need to learn to fully be prepared for life after college.” The mission of Coastal Carolina’s “Champions For Life Per-sonal Development Program” will provide student-athletes a means of education through career development, academic ex-cellence, personal development and athletic commitment. The program seeks to assist in developing student-athletes with the necessary academic and social skill traits to become “Champions for Life” in conjunction with the University’s curriculum. The “Champions for Life” program is under the direction of Coastal Carolina Associate Athletics Director/Senior Woman Ad-ministrator, and former Coastal Carolina softball student-athlete, Cari Rosiek. “I am pleased to address the needs of a diverse population of student-athletes by assisting with their personal growth aca-demically, athletically and in the community,” Rosiek said. “The Champions For Life Personal Development Program assists stu-dent-athletes in the transition from college life to professional life by providing building blocks for a rewarding career.” The first phase of the program, Academic Excellence, assists student-athletes while they are at Coastal, supporting the aca-demic progress of the student-athlete toward intellectual devel-opment and graduation. This is accomplished by new student orientation, course advising, academic monitoring, tutoring ser-vices, objective based study hall and progression toward degree completion advising. The second phase of the “Champions for Life” program is Ca-reer Development, which encourages the student-athlete to de-velop and pursue career and life goals. Most of these programs fell into what was called NCAA CHAMPS/Life Skills program. Coastal has teamed with Career Athletes, a service that provides Coastal Carolina Athletics the unique ability to secure thousands of meaningful career opportunities for all Coastal alumni ath-

letes nationwide. In addition, student-athletes are required to attend such functions as University job fairs and resume writing assistance. As noted, student-athletes need to not only be prepared ac-ademically and professionally, but have Personal Development skills as well. This part of the program promotes a well-balanced lifestyle for student-athletes by encouraging emotional well-being, leadership, personal growth and decision-making abili-ties. Within this program, the Department of Athletics focuses on senior exit interviews, which helps the department address areas of concern by the student-athletes; dealing with the me-dia, both the press and social media; being engaged in the com-munity and hosting seminars. Each semester, a sports team is required to attend at least two life skills sessions. In addition to the programs mentioned, future programs can and will include topics covering violence prevention, preparing for your financial future, gambling and college athletics, stress and coping skills, you and the law while in Horry County, life coaching and dining etiquette. Finally, there is Athletic Commitment, which builds philo-sophical foundations for the development of athletic programs that are broad-based, equitable and dedicated to the well-being of the student-athlete. This a commitment from the members of the Department of Athletics to give its student-athletes the best possible experience while at Coastal Carolina through maintain-ing compliance with the NCAA and Big South, proper sports medicine coverage for all student-athletes, strength and con-ditioning, promoting each sports program through marketing and media relations and providing financial backing through the Chanticleer Athletic Foundation.

Team Champions for Life Session InstructorBaseball Mental Training Brian CainCheerleading Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIverFootball Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIverMen’s Basketball Nutrition Dwayne BeamMen’s Golf Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIverMen’s Soccer Nutrition Stacey Beam Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIverMen’s Tennis Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIver Interviewing and Resume Maureen HuberMen’s XC/Track Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIverSoftball Self Defense Thom Mezzapelle Nutrition Dr. Sharon ThompsonVolleyball Nutrition Dwayne Beam Mental Training Joe MazurkiewiczWomen’s Basketball Media Training Matt Hogue Nutrition Dwayne BeamWomen’s Golf Car Maintenance Tire Town Chris KingWomen’s Soccer Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIverWomen’s Tennis Nutrition and Recovery Practices Barry Lippman Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIverWomen’s XC/Track Nutrition Dr. Sharon Thompson Drug and Alcohol Education Dr. Winston McIver

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

champiOns in the cOmmUnitY

stuDent-atHletes make cHristmas possiBle For local Family

TheCoastalCarolinaStudent-AthleteAdvisoryCommittee(SAAC),withhelpfromtheDepartmentofAthleticsandtheCCUcommunity,raised$3,200,aswellas received food and clothing, to allow five local children to attain everything on theirChristmas“wishlist.”

TheSAACbeganitscampaigntohelpitsfamilywithadonationdriveduringthemen’s basketball gamewith Charleston Southern, a game the ChanticleerswontostarttheBigSouthseason1-0.

Theadoptedfamily fellvictimtoadevastatinghousefireand lostallof itsclothes and had no means to provide their children with a Christmas.

stuDent-atHletes continue “soap For souls”

Lastyear,CoastalCarolina—aswellasalltheschoolsintheBigSouthConfer-ence—collectedminiaturesoap, shampoo, conditionerand lotionwhile trav-elingwith their teamsthroughout theyear.CCUstudent-athletescollected100pounds of products, which went to Catholic Charities of Conway.

Thisyear,CoastalCarolinasteppedupitseffortsandcollectedjustover240pounds of products.

DeaF/HarD oF Hearing Day at Watson staDium a success

CoastalCarolinaUniversityanditsnationally-rankedbaseballprogramwelcomeddeafand hard of hearing students from the Horry County School system to a picnic prior to the Chanticleers’11-1winoverBallStateatWatsonStadium/VroomanFieldonMar.4,2011.

ThisisthesecondyearCoastalhasbroughtthesestudentstoabaseballgame.TheideawassparkedduetoChanticleercenterfielderScottWoodward,whoisamemberofthedeafand hard of hearing community.

TheeventiscoordinatedbyKarenHoward-Goss,CoordinatorofAccessibility&DisabilityServices at Coastal Carolina.

Afterthesocializingandlunch,HorryCountySchools’SuperintendentDr.CindyElsberryand Carolina Forest High School student Larry Lewis threw out ceremonial first pitches. ThecrowdwasthentreatedtoaspecialrenditionoftheNationalAnthemasDianaReyes,ateacheratOceanBayElementary,andNicoleJustice,interpreteratOceanBay,sangandsigned.

otHer community service projectsTheCoastalCarolinaUniversitystudent-athletesparticipatedinnumerouscommunityserviceprojectsin2010-11.Belowareprojectsadoptedbytheteams.

• Miracle League (Baseball, Men’s Soccer, Football) • Shepard’s Table (women’s basketball)

• River Sweep (softball) • Chant for a Day (football)

• Waccamaw Elementary (men’s basketball) • CROW program (Football and volleyball)

• Dig Pink (volleyball) • Hit for a Cure (softball)

• Myrtle Beach Track and Field Club Day (men’s and women’s track & field)

Department OF athletics• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

stuDent recreation & convocation center taking sHape• Projected cost of $35 million and size of 130,000 square

feet (including Student Recreation Area).• Scheduled to open in 2012• 3,500 seats• Home of Volleyball, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basket-

ball• Locker Rooms for three sports• Office Space for three sports• Meeting Rooms

BaseBall & soFtBall practice Facility completeD• Opened May 2011• Cost $1.2 million• Full artificial surface infield (17,424 square feet)• Suspended netting system allows for multiple hitting stations

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

champiOns in the Department

stuDent-atHlete eXcellence aWarDsTheCoastalCarolinaDepartmentofAthleticshostedthe“Student-AthleteExcellenceAwards,”sponsoredbyTimeWarner,attheCrownReef

ResortonApril25.ThenightculminatedwiththeChelsy Kimes and Chad Gray being named the Female and male athletes of the year; Colleen sChohl being named the Presidential student-athlete of the year; and sara niles and Kyle KlinG being named the Female and male scholar athletes of the year.

Thelinda C. Vereen academic excellence award was awarded to the Women’s GolF team, as they represent CoastalCarolinaUniversityDepartmentofAthleticswiththehighestcombinedgradepointaverage.Theprogrampostedasolid3.57GPAandhaswonthisawardin2004,2005and2010.Also,theteamwonthe2011BigSouthConferenceChampionWomen’sGolfChampionshipwhilefeaturingtheleague’sPlayeroftheYear,CoachoftheYearandFreshmanoftheYear.

Theindividualawardsportionbeganwiththestudent-athletesshowingtheirappreciationtodr. don roCKey and wife mrs. Christine roCKey who were named this year’s student-athlete Faculty members of the year as voted upon bytheStudent-AthleteAdvisoryCommitteeandpresentedbyitspresidentSaraNiles.TheStudent-AthleteFacultyMemberoftheYearawardisgiven to the Coastal Carolina University Faculty member who has supported student-athletes academically, athletically and personally.

chelsy kimesFemale athlete of the


chad graymale athlete of the year

sara nilesFemale scholar athlete

of the year

kyle klingmale scholar athlete of

the year

colleen schohlpresidential student-athlete of the year

2010-11 Women’s golf team with linda vereenlinda c. vereen academic excellence award

Faculty members of the year Don and christine rockey.

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

champiOns in the Department

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

Department OF athletics revenUe anD sUppOrt“the official Website of chanticleer athletics”


Likewise,sinceCoastaldidnot host a NCAA BaseballRegionalorSuperRegion-al, page views and visitors in June suffered.

Outof165schoolsthatuseCBSInteractivetohosttheir athletics websites, Coastal Carolina ranked70th in page views and77thinuniquevisitors.

However, in terms of revenue, Coastal ranked49thingrossrevenuefromits online store, making $40,117 in 2010-11 for an increase of 43 percent over 2009-10 ($28,125).

page vieWs 2009-10 2010-11 % GrowthJuly 104,758 240,051 129%Aug 375,044 399,124 6%Sept 460,144 552,530 20%Oct 433,684 472,625 9%Nov 412,403 572,427 39%Dec 296,187 323,770 9%Jan 397,700 428,941 8%Feb 572,166 631,387 10%March 664,290 677,189 2%April 464,707 469,669 1%May 491,338 408,968 -17%June 635,544 315,674 -50%TOTALS 5,307,965 5,492,355 3%

unique visitors 2009-10 2010-11 % GrowthJuly 9,694 32,945 240%Aug 34,759 46,790 35%Sept 48,481 68,189 41%Oct 45,925 54,196 18%Nov 42,950 68,427 59%Dec 42,950 41,014 -5%Jan 39,820 50,043 26%Feb 54,196 74,979 38%March 68,084 85,639 26%April 50,209 57,117 14%May 53,227 53,335 0%June 86,875 52,372 -40%Avg/Month 577,170 685,046 19%

revenue generation (tickets/sponsorsHip/Donations) 2009-10 ACTuAL 2010-11 ACTuAL V A R I A N C EFOOTBALL TICKET REVENuE (Gross) • Season $ 151,670 $ 161,206 $ + 9,536 • Single Game $ 96,456 $ 139,761 $ + 43,305 • Total Revenue $ 248,126 $ 300,697 $ + 52,841

BASKETBALL TICKET REVENuE (Gross) • Season $ 23,296 $ 25,840 $ + 2,544 • Single Game $ 13,500 $ 22.269 $ + 8,769 • Total Revenue $ 36,796 $ 48,109 $ + 11,313

BASEBALL TICKET REVENuE (Gross) • Season $ 6,200 $ 34,202 $ + 28,002 • Single Game $ 25,651 $ 35,000 $ + 9,349 • Total Revenue $ 31,851 $ 69,202 $ + 37,351

TOTAL TICKET REVENUE (Gross) $ 316,773 $ 418,278 $ + 101,505

SPONSORSHIP REVENUE (Gross) $ 250,000 $ 400,000 $ + 150,000

TOTAL TICKET REVENUE (Gross) $ 566,773 $ 819,378 $ + 251,505



C A S H D O N AT I O N S $ 1 3 2 , 0 1 3 I n c r e a s e o f 1 7 %

P L E D G E PA Y M E N T S $ 7 0 8 , 4 9 7 I n c r e a s e o f 1 8 2 %

G I F T- I N - K I N D $ 2 0 1 , 8 4 4 I n c r e a s e o f 1 9 4 %

P L E D G E S $ 5 , 5 0 3 , 7 0 6 I n c r e a s e o f 2 , 3 2 5 %

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

men’s cross country (7th at Big soutH cHampionsHip)Big sOUth all-cOnFerence team Kyle Kling

Big sOUth all-acaDemic team Kyle Kling

Other hOnOrs:• Kyle Kling: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Cross Country Runner of the Week (Oct. 27)• All-Academic Team by the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA)

Women’s cross country (2nd at Big soutH cHampionsHip)Big sOUth all-cOnFerence team Emily MarchiniJamie BrusaChristian Johnson

Big sOUth all-acaDemic team Janel Reeves

Other hOnOrs:• Jamie Brusa: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Cross Country Runner of the Week (Sept. 8)• All-Academic Team by the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA

Kyle KlinG

andre enoCh

sPenCer lanGe

emily marChini Christian johnson

jessiCa dennison

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

FootBall (6-6; 5-1 1st Big soutH)•wonfourthleaguechampionshipineightyearsasaprogram•hostedfirstfcsplayoffgameinschoolandBigsouthhistory•finished27thinthefinalsportsnetworkandcoachespoll

First team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceTE - David Duran LB - Andrae JacobsDB - Josh NormanDB - Dominique DavenportLS - Danny Bonifas

secOnD team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceQB - Zach MacDowallRB - Eric O’NealWR - Brandon WhitleyOL - Seth SmallsOL - Jamey CheatwoodDL - Kent HarperPR - Niccolo Mastromatteo

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamMarcus Lott

Big sOUth DeFensive plaYer OF the YearAndrae Jacobs

Big sOUth cOach OF the YearDavid Bennett

Other hOnOrs:• Tarvorris Jolly: Big South Conference Special Teams Player of the Week (Sept. 27)• Zach MacDowall: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Offensive Player of the Week (Oct. 18)• Jamel Davis: Big South Conference Defensive Player of the Week (Oct. 18)• Dominique Davenport: Big South Defensive Player of the Week (Nov. 1)• Andrae Jacobs: Big South Conference Defensive Player of the Week (Nov. 8)• Zach MacDowall: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Offensive Player of the Week (Nov. 15)• Matt Hazel: Big South Conference The CRONS Brand Freshman of the Week (Nov. 15)• Zach MacDowall: The Sports Network National Offensive Player of the Week (Nov. 15)• Zach MacDowall: College Sporting News Football Championship Subdivision National All-Star (Nov. 15)• Coastal Carolina Defense: Big South Conference Defensive Player of the Week (Nov. 22)• Niccolo Mastromatteo: Big South Conference The CRONS Brand Freshman of the Week (Nov. 22)• Dominique Davenport: Football Championship Subdivision Senior Scout Bowl Participant (Dec. 11)• Zach MacDowall: Football Championship Subdivision Senior Scout Bowl Participant (Dec. 11)• David Duran: Named to Phil Steele’s FCS All-American second team (Dec. 27)• Danny Bonifas: Named to the College Sporting News Sweet 63 All-America Team (Jan. 20)

daVid bennet t

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

volleyBalll (14-18; 7-9 5th Big soutH)•wonathirdstraightscholar-athleteoftheyearaward

First team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceChelsy Kimes

Big sOUth all-Freshman teamMeghan Laffin

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamChelsy Kimes

Big sOUth vOlleYBall schOlar-athlete OF the YearChelsy Kimes

Other hOnOrs:Megan Bickford: Big South Conference Defensive Player of the Week (Sept. 27)Meghan Laffin: Big South Conference Freshman of the Week (Oct.4)Meghan Laffin: Big South Conference Freshman of the Week (Nov. 15)Chelsy Kimes: First Team Academic All-District by CoSIDA/ESPN (Nov. 4)Megan Bickford: Second Team Academic All-District by CoSIDA/ESPN (Nov. 4)

Women’s soccer (10-8-2, 6-2-1 1st Big soutH)•wontheprogram’sthirdregularseasonBigsouthchampionship•wontheprogram’sfirstgameoveraBcsschoolBydefeatingclemson,1-0

First team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceAnna Tupy

secOnD team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceKate Wilkinson

Big sOUth all-Freshman teamKate Wilkinson

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamColleen Schohl

Other hOnOrs:• Jessica Barton: Big South Conference Defensive Player of the Week (Sept. 21) • Anna Tupy: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Soccer Attacking Player of the Week (Oct. 26)• Amy Haggard: Big South Conference Defensive Player of the Week (Nov. 2)• Colleen Schohl: First Team Academic All-District by CoSIDA/ESPN (Nov. 2)• Hannah Brown: Big South Conference All-Tournament Team (Nov. 7)• 2010 National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) College Team Academic Award (Nov. 20)

anna tuPy

Chelsy Kimes

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

men’s soccer (12-8-2, 5-2-1 2nd Big soutH – Big soutH tourney cHampions)•earnedaBerthinthencaatournamentfortheeighthtimeinprogramhistory

First team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceRoss KellyAlex Russell

secOnD team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceScott AngevineJustin Portillo

Big sOUth all-Freshman teamJustin PortilloPedro Ribeiro

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamAlex Russell

Other hOnOrs:• Rodrigo Vianna: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Soccer Player of the Week (Oct. 12)• Joe Anderson: Big South Conference All-Tournament Team (Nov. 14)• Scott Angevine: Big South Conference All-Tournament Team (Nov. 14)• Ross Kelly: Big South Conference All-Tournament Team & MVP (Nov. 14)• Alex Russell: Big South Conference All-Tournament Team (Nov. 14)• Ross Kelly: Men’s Team of the Week (Nov. 15)• 2010 National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) College Team Academic Award (Nov. 20)• Alex Russell: NSCAA All-South Atlantic Region Second Team (Dec. 13)• Joe Anderson: Selected 19th overall by the Vancouver Whitecaps in the second round of the MLS Supplemental Draft (Jan. 18)

Women’s inDoor track & FielD (Big soutH runners-up)all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceCaitlin Baker (pentathlon runner-up)Darriale Henley (60m Champion)London Smalls (60m runner-up, 200m 3rd)Erica Peake (200m Champion)Santresa Jamison (400m Champion)Vondeeshia Humphries (4x400m Champion)Thomasina Smith (4x400m Champion)Ashley Davis (4x400m Champion)Jerica Howard (4x400 Champion)Kierra Gabe (high jump Champion)Sierrah Oates (long jump Champion)

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamMikaela Terry

w Omen's mOst OUtstanDing FielD perFOrmerKierra Gabe

Other hOnOrs:Erica Peake: Big South Conference Women's Indoor Track Athlete of the Week (Feb. 2)Erica Peake: Big South Conference Women's Indoor Track Athlete of the Week (Feb. 9)Kierra Gabe: Big South Conference Women’s Indoor Field Athlete of the Week (Feb. 9)Darriale Henley: Big South Conference Women’s Indoor Field Athlete of the Week (Feb. 17)

ross Kelly

ashley daVis

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

men’s BasketBall (28-6, 16-2 1st Big soutH – Big soutH tourney runners-up)•nitfirstround•tiedschoolandBigsouthrecordswith28winsoverall(alsowon28in2009-10)•setBigsouthconferencerecordwith16leaguewins•firstteaminBigsouthhistorytowinfiveleagueroadgamesBy20points•firstteaminBigsouthhistorytowinatleast25gamesinBack-to-Backseasons•heldthenation’slongestwinningstreakat22games•rankedashighasno.26inBoththeapandcoachesnationalpoll•defeatedlsutoclaimprogram’sfirstBcsconferencewinin17seasons

First team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceChad Gray

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamSam McLaurin

Other hOnOrs:• Desmond Holloway: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Basketball Player of the Week (Nov. 22)• Mike Holmes: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Basketball Player of the Week (Dec. 20)• Cliff Ellis: Wins his 600th career game in a victory at Liberty (Jan. 8)• Desmond Holloway: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Basketball Player of the Week (Jan. 24)• Desmond Holloway: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Basketball Player of the Week (Feb. 7)• Chad Gray: Big South Conference All-Tournament Team (Mar. 5)• Sam McLaurin: Big South Conference All-Tournament Team (Mar. 5)• Anthony Raffa: Big South Conference All-Tournament Team (Mar. 5)• Cliff Ellis: One of 16 finalists for 2011 Hugh Durham National Coach of the Year Award (Mar. 23)• Chad Gray: Honorable Mention All-America (Mar. 29)

Women’s BasketBall (10-19, 4-12 9th Big soutH)•wonasecondstraightscholar-athleteoftheyearaward

secOnD team Big sOUth all-cOnFerenceSydnei Moss

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamKatie White

Big sOUth w Omen's BasKetBall schOlar-athlete OF the YearKatie White

Other hOnOrs:• Sydnei Moss: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Player of the Week (Feb. 1)• Katie White: First Team Academic All-District by CoSIDA/Capital One (Feb. 3)• Katie White: Recipient of the Big South’s George A. Christenberry Award for Academic Excellence (April 28)

Chad Gray

sydnei moss

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

BaseBall (42-20, 20-7 1st Big soutH – Big soutH tourney cHampions)•firstBigsouthprogramtowinfivestraighttournamenttitles•reachedfifthstraightncaaregional•garygilmoreearnedhis900thcareerwininavictoryoveruncwilmington

First team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceSP - Anthony MeoSP - Matt Rein2B - Tommy La Stella3B - Scott Woodward

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamTucker Frawley

Big sOUth plaYer OF the YearTommy La Stella

Big sOUth pitcher OF the YearMatt Rein

Other hOnOrs:• Josh Conway: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Pitcher of the Week (Mar. 8)• Jim Birmingham: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Pitcher of the Week (Mar. 15)• Tommy La Stella: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Player of the Week (Mar. 28)• Daniel Bowman: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Co-Player of the Week (Apr. 4)• Anthony Meo: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Pitcher of the Week (Apr. 4)• Matt Rein: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Pitcher of the Week (Apr. 19)• Anthony Meo: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Pitcher of the Week (May 2)• Tucker Frawley: CoSIDA Second Team Capital One Academic All-District 3 Baseball Team (May 5)• Anthony Meo: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Pitcher of the Week (May 9)• Matt Rein: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Co-Pitcher of the Week (May 16)• Tommy La Stella: One of 36 semifinalists for the Dick Howser Trophy by the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Assoc. (May 20)• Keith Hardwick (MVP), Daniel Bowman, Taylor Motter, Rich Witten, Hayes Orton and Anthony Meo: All-Big South Tournament (May 28)• Anthony Meo: Louisville Slugger National Player of the Week by the publication Collegiate Baseball (May 30)• Tommy La Stella: Second Team Louisville Slugger ALL-AMERICAN by the publication Collegiate Baseball (June 2)• Matt Rein: Third Team Louisville Slugger ALL-AMERICAN by the publication Collegiate Baseball (June 2)• Anthony Meo, Hayes Orton, Tommy La Stella: NCAA Clemson Regional All-Regional Team (June 6)• Major League Baseball Draft Picks: Anthony Meo (2nd Rd), Scott Woodward (7th Rd), Tommy La Stella (8th Rd), Taylor Motter (17th Rd), Daniel

Bowman (38th Rd)• Tommy La Stella: Second Team ALL-AMERICAN by the publication Baseball America and National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association (June 15)• Tommy La Stella: Second Team ALL-AMERICAN and First Team All-Atlantic Region by American Baseball Coaches Association (June 23)• Anthony Meo and Matt Rein: Second Team All-Atlantic Region by American Baseball Coaches Association (June 23)• Tommy La Stella: First Team ALL-AMERICAN by (July 14)

tommy la stella

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

soFtBall (25-33, 7-11 5th Big soutH)secOnD-team all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceSS: Chelsea Pineda

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamSarah Maples

Other hOnOrs:• Jesse Winans: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Player of the Week (Feb. 21)• Brooke Donovan: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Player of the Week (Feb. 28)• Brooke Donovan: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Player of the Week (Mar. 7)• Brooke Donovan: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Player of the Week (May 2)• Ashley Bagwell: Big South Conference Crons Brand Pitcher of the Week (Feb. 21)• Ashley Bagwell: Big South Conference Crons Brand Pitcher of the Week (May 2)

men’s golF (3rd Big soutH)•finished7thatthencaaeast-virginiatechregionalparticipant•seBastiansoderBergtiedforsecondatncaaeastregionaltoQualifyforncaa’s•seBastiansoderBergtiedfor81statncaachampionships

all-Big sOUth cOnFerence teamSebastian Soderberg

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamSebastian Soderberg

Other hOnOrs:• Sebastian Soderberg: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Golfer of the Week (Feb. 19)• Sebastian Soderberg: Division I PING All-East Region by the Golf Coaches Association of America (May 31)

Women’s golF (Big soutH cHampions)•firstteaminBigsouthhistorytoQualifyforncaachampionships•finishedfourthatncaaeastregional-firstevercoastalteamtoreachncaa’s•placed24thinthenationalchampionship

all-Big sOUth cOnFerence teamJessica AlexanderCourtney BoeKaitlin Higgibotham

Big sOUth w Omen ’s gOlFer OF the YearJessica Alexander

Big sOUth w Omen ’s Freshman OF the YearCourtney Boe

Big sOUth w Omen ’s cOach OF the YearKatie Quinney

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamAlicia Grier

Other hOnOrs:• Jessica Alexander: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Golfer of the Week (Oct. 15)• Courtney Boe: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Golfer of the Week (Oct. 28)• Jessica Alexander: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Golfer of the Week (Nov. 4)• Jessica Alexander: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Golfer of the Week (Feb. 17)• Jessica Alexander: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Co-Golfer of the Week (Mar. 16)• Courtney Boe: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Golfer of the Week (Apr. 7)• Jessica Alexander: Individual Medalist at the Big South Championships (Apr. 13)• Jessica Alexander: National Golf Coaches Association (NGCA) All-East Region (May 21)• Jessica Alexander, Brittany Henderson, Alicia Grier and Courtney Boe: NGCA All-American Scholar Team (July 11)

jessiCa alexander

ashley baGWell


• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

men’s outDoor track & FielD (Big soutH runners-up)•ncaachampionshipsparticipants:Jacqueswatson(highjump),Jasonflanagan(javelin),coreyJameson(100-meters)andkylekling(10,000-meters).thechanticleers4x100-meterrelayteam:Jameson,chrislawson,ryanedlich,lennysteed,tyleraskew

all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceJason Flanagan (Javelin runner-up) Kyle Kling (10,000m runner-up)Tyler Askew (Long Jump 3rd) Charlie Tidwell (Hammer 3rd) Jacques Watson (High Jump Champion)

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamKyle Kling

Women’s outDoor track & FielD (Big soutH cHampions)•ncaachampionshipsparticipants:deborahmattern(javelin),kierragabe(highjump)andericapeake(200-meters),4x100-meterrelayteam:ashleydavis,darrialehenley,ericapeake,melekiasimpson

all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceDeborah Mattern (javelin Champion)Caitlin Lupo (javelin runner-up) Darriale Henley (4x100 Champion, long jump runner-up) Sierrah Oates (long jump 3rd)Shantelle Patterson (hammer 3rd)Kierra Gabe (high jump runner-up, triple jump 3rd)London Smalls (4x100 Champion, 100m 3rd) Erica Peake (4x100 & 4x400 Champion,100m & 200m runner-up) Ashley Davis (4x100 Champion)Santresa Jamison (4x400 Champion, 400m runner-up) Vondeeshia Humphries (4x400 Champion, 400m 3rd) Christian Johnson (1500m runner-up)Anjulia Nicholson (discus 3rd)Jerica Howard (4x400 Champion)

Big sOUth cOach OF the YearAlan Connie

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamSierrah Oates

Other hOnOrs:Deborah Mattern: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Outdoor Field Athlete of the Week (March 23)Deborah Mattern: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Outdoor Field Athlete of the Week (April 7)Kierra Gabe: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Outdoor Field Athlete of the Week (May 18)Coastal Carolina 4x100m relay team: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Outdoor Track Athlete of the Week (May 18)Kierra Gabe: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Outdoor Field Athlete of the Week (June 3)

deborah mat tern

jaCques Watson

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

hOnOrs BY spOrts prOgram

men’s tennis (11-8, 4-2 3rd Big soutH)Big sOUth tennis Flight champiOnsSinglesNo. 2 - Yusuke KusudaNo. 6 - Dorian Sovic

all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceSinglesMatt Gordon

DoublesMatt GordonPeter Billingham

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamYusuke Kusuda

Other hOnOrs:• Danny Heidecker: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Tennis Player of the Week (Feb. 1)• Matt Gordon: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Men’s Tennis Player of the Week (Feb. 16)• Matt Gordon, Yusuke Kusada and Dorian Sovic earned ITA Scholar-Athlete status (July 13)

Women’s tennis (21-6, 7-1 1st Big soutH – Big soutH tourney semis)Big sOUth tennis Flight champiOnsSinglesNo. 2 - Miki Bunea No. 5 - Diana MortlockNo. 6 - Maria Hesketh

DoublesNo. 2 - Mike BuneaNo. 2 - Diana Mortlock

all-Big sOUth cOnFerenceSinglesMiki BuneaLexi Bolesky

DoublesLexi BoleskyMikaela KristoferssonMiki BuneaDiana Mortlock

Big sOUth all-acaDemic teamMiki Bunea

Other hOnOrs:• Miki Bunea: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Tennis Player of the Week (Feb. 16)• Mikaela Kristofersson: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Freshman of the Week (Feb. 16)• Mikaela Kristofersson: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Freshman of the Week (Feb. 23)• Diana Mortlock: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Tennis Player of the Week (Mar. 22)• Mikaela Kristofersson: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Freshman of the Week (Mar. 22)• Lexi Bolesky: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Tennis Player of the Week (Mar. 30)• Miki Bunea: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Tennis Player of the Week (Apr. 6)• Miki Bunea: Big South Conference Choice Hotels Women’s Tennis Player of the Week (Apr. 20)• Mikaela Kristofersson: Big South Conference The Crons Brand Freshman of the Week (Apr. 20)

mat t Gordon

miKi bunea

• 2010-11 coastal carolina University Department of athletics Year in rev iew •

coastal carolina athletics . . . . Developing champiOns FOr liFe.

ncaa appearances anD Big sOUth champiOnships


sasser cUp winner -- all-spOrts champiOn 6 6

BaseBall (11)1991, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,


Men's BasketBall (2)1991, 1993

Men's Cross Country (2)2002, 2003

WoMen's Cross Country (7)

1996, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007

FootBall (2)2006, 2010


2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005*, 2006*, 2007*, 2008,

2009, 2010, 2011

WoMen's GolF (6)2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,

2011 *

Men's soCCer (8)1993, 1995, 2001, 2002, 2003,

2004, 2005, 2010

soFtBall (4)1998, 2000, 2001, 2006

WoMen's tennis (2)2001, 2007


Reg. SeaSon: 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1999, 2002, 2005,

2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011TouRney: 1986, 1991, 1992, 2001,

2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Men's BasketBall (9)Reg. SeaSon: 1988, 1989, 1990,

1991, 2010, 2011TouRney: 1990, 1991, 1993

Men's Cross Country (3)1993, 1995, 1996

WoMen's Cross Country (12)

1988, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008

FootBall (4)2004, 2005, 2006, 2010

Men's GolF (13)1988, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002,

2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

WoMen's GolF (5)1992, 1998, 2005, 2009, 2011

Men's soCCer (18)Reg. SeaSon: 1986, 1987, 1989,

1999, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2009TouRney: 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1995, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2010

WoMen's soCCer (4)Reg. SeaSon: 2003, 2007, 2008,


soFtBall (11)Reg. SeaSon: 1990, 1992, 2001,

2002, 2003, 2006TouRney: 1992, 1998, 2000,

2001, 2006

Men's tennis (6)Reg. SeaSon: 1994, 1996

TouRney: 1988, 1989, 1993, 1994

WoMen's tennis (4)Reg. SeaSon: 2001, 2011

TouRney: 2001, 2007

WoMen's indoor traCk & Field (5)

2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

WoMen's outdoor traCk & Field (6)

2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011

Men's outdoor traCk & Field (2)2003, 2006

VolleyBall (7)Reg. SeaSon: 1987, 1989, 1996,

2008TouRney: 1996, 1998, 2009

WoMen's indoor traCk & Field (6)

1998, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007

WoMen's outdoor traCk & Field (11)

1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010,


Men's outdoor traCk & Field (8)

2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

VolleyBall (3)1996, 1998, 2009

* - advanced from regional to national championship