denudation: rivers and ice...weathering def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures...

Chapter 2. Denudation: Rivers and Ice DENUDATION: process that lowers level of land - caused by rivers, glaciers, waves & wind - involves processes of WEATHERING & EROSION

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Page 1: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Chapter 2. Denudation: Rivers and Ice

DENUDATION: process that lowers level of


- caused by rivers, glaciers, waves & wind

- involves processes of WEATHERING &


Page 2: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also


Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by

physical pressures and chemical reactions

2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical

1. Physical Weathering

- also known as Mechanical Weathering

- rocks broken into smaller fragments

- involves forces in physical environment

Page 3: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Types of Physical Weathering

I. Expansion/Contraction

- rock expands when heated suddenly

- contracts when cooled quickly

- results in cracking of rock

Page 4: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Types of Physical Weathering (cont)

II. Exfoliation

- associated with release of internal pressure within


- caused by erosion of overlying material

and heating and cooling

- outer layers of rock “peel away” like layers of

an onion

Page 5: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also


Page 6: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Types of Physical Weathering (cont)

III. Frost Fracture

- in climates experiencing temp fluctuations

- extreme heat and cold causes cracks in rocks

- water seeps into cracks and freezes

- water expands during freezing

- cracks widen until rock splits apart

Page 7: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Frost Fracture: Talus Slope

Page 8: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Frost Fracturing

Page 9: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Types of Physical Weathering (cont)

IV. Root Wedging


- plant roots pry rock joints apart

V. Burrowing animals

- expand existing rock cracks through tunneling

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Root Wedging

Page 11: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Root Wedging

Page 12: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Chemical Weathering

Def: breakdown of rock minerals by

chemical reaction

- usu related to action of rainwater when

it comes into contact with rocks

- 3 main processes occur:

i. Solution

ii. Hydrolysis

iii. Oxidation

Page 13: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Chemical Weathering (cont)

I. Solution

- contaminants in rainwater create

carbonic acid

- erodes minerals in rock causing it to decompose

- ex limestone


Page 14: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Carbonation: This form of weathering occurs wherever seeping ground

water circulating through the sandstone dissolves the calcium-carbonate

cement between the individual grains, causing the rock to crumble to sand.

Page 15: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Chemical Weathering (cont)

II. Hydrolysis

- carbonic acid in water dissolves silicates

in rock producing soft clay

- clay turns to soil

Page 16: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Hydrolysis: iron-bearing silicate minerals weather to

form clay

Page 17: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Chemical Weathering (cont)

III. Oxidation

- oxygen in water reacts with metallic

minerals in rock

- reaction produces new minerals called


- reddish-brown stains on rocks are iron oxides


- pale-greenish stains are copper oxides

Page 18: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also


Page 19: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also


Def: the breakdown of rock into smaller fragments

and the movement of these fragments to other


- moved by wind, water, ice, gravity

- running water a main agent of erosion

- rain water flows over Earth’s topography

- collects in RIVERS

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Erosion and Gravity

Page 21: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Erosion (cont)

- land area from which a river receives its water


- basins of different rivers separated by heights

of land called DIVIDES

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Drainage Basin

Page 23: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Example of a Watershed

Page 24: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

River Erosion

- river system erodes high land and carries

material to fill lower land

- rate at which area is lowered or eroded depends

on a # of factors:

1. Resistance of underlying rock

2. Volume of water

3. Vegetative cover

4. Gradient of river bed

Page 25: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

River Erosion (cont)

- rivers concentrate energy and erode river bed

both vertically and laterally

-VERTICAL EROSION: river erodes bottom of

river channel

- LATERAL EROSION: erosion of the river banks

- this produces MEANDERS in river channel

Page 26: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

River Erosion (cont)

- erosional processes include:

1. Hydraulic Pressure -- water pressure

2. Corrosion -- erosion of rock by solution

3. Abrasion -- grinding away of rock by rock

fragments and particles carried in water

Page 27: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Life Cycle of a River

- as rivers erode and lower the landscape, its

drainage pattern and channel shape change

- rivers are thought to pass through stages

- Youth, Maturity and Old Age

- at each stage, river has certain characteristics

Page 28: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Youth Stage

- youthful rivers typically found in highland

or mountainous areas

- steep, V-shaped valley

- straight channel & uneven riverbed

- fast, turbulent flow; high erosional force

- rapids & waterfalls common

Page 29: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Mature Stage

- high relief has been lowered

- river bed has gentler slope, slower river flow

- river may have many branches or TRIBUTARIES

- river valley broad, flat with well-developed


- valley widens and MEANDERS more evident

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Page 31: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Risks of Living on a Floodplain

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Old Age Stage

- relief around river extremely flat, valley very broad

- river bed has almost no slope, slow flow

- muddy water due to poor drainage

- meanders very pronounced


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Formation of Oxbow Lakes

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Formation of Oxbow

Page 35: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Depositional Features of Rivers

- As agents of erosion, rivers transport weathered material

- silt, sediment, sand, gravel, rocks carried along

- this material eventually gets deposited

- Where?

- along river bed, banks and at mouth of river

- DELTA is depositional land form

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Delta Formation

- every river carries its STREAM LOAD

- materials it transports

- when energy of river lessens, materials get dropped

- energy greatly reduces at mouth of river

- this is where river enters its reservoir (lake, sea, ocean, etc.)

- sediments build up here -- form DELTA

- pattern of sediments-- big items deposited first

Page 37: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Conditions That Favour Delta Formation

- large load of sediment

- shallow sea at river mouth

- sheltered coasts with weak tides and currents

- absence of large lakes along the course of the river

which will siphon off the load

Page 38: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Types of Deltas

3 types:

1. Arcuate Delta

- symmetrical, fan-shaped

ex. Nile River Delta

2. Digitate Delta

- asymmetrical; bird’s foot shape

ex. Mississippi River Delta

3. Estuarine Delta

- no particular shape

- seen as tidal mud flats at low tide

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Nile Delta: Arcuate

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Mississippi Delta: Digitate

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Rio de la Plata Estuary in South America

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Rio de la Plata Estuary in Argentina and

Uruguay looking west - east

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River Erosion Slide Show

Geography - River Erosion » SlideShare (share powerpoint presentations online, slideshows, slide shows, download presentations,.url

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- ~ 1 million years ago, earth experienced drop

in average temperature

- no agreement on how or why temperatures changed

possible reasons include:

1. Change in earth’s orbit

2. Decreased output from sun

3. Volcanic dust blocking out sun

Page 45: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Glaciation (cont’d)

- as earth temps decreased, water cycle changed

- more water trapped on Earth as snow

- snow built up over time and formed ice

- called GLACIERS

- 2 types: 1. Continental 2. Alpine

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Page 47: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Alpine (Mountain) Glacier

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Continental Glacier

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Continental Glaciation

- large sheets of ice cover large land areas in

high latitudes during cooling periods

- called glaciers ADVANCING

- when temp on earth warm, ice sheets melt


-exs. Greenland and Antarctica

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Page 51: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also


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Greenland From the Air

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Continental Glaciers (cont’d)

-as glaciers retreat, depositional landform features

created by meltwater

- these features include:

- outwash plain

- terminal moraine

- erratic

- drumlin

- esker

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Outwash Plain

Page 55: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Outwash Plain

Page 56: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also

Outwash Plain

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Terminal Moraine

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Page 59: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also


Page 60: Denudation: Rivers and Ice...Weathering Def: breakdown of rock and minerals by physical pressures and chemical reactions 2 types: 1. Physical 2. Chemical 1. Physical Weathering - also


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Alpine Glaciation

- occurs in high elevations

- glaciers grow on side of mountain

- gravity pulls glacier down through valleys

- creates U-shaped valley and other features:

lateral, medial, terminal moraine



hanging valley


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Alpine Glaciation

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Lateral Moraine

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Lateral Moraine

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Medial Moraine

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Terminal Moraine

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Cirque and Tarn

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Hanging Valley

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Hanging Valley

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Hanging Valley

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Western Brook Fiord

Gros Morne

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Western Brook Fiord