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  • 8/17/2019 Denormalization Transformation Software Manual.docx


    Bentley i-model View Builder

    Contents1 I-model view and Bentley i-model View Builder.........................................2

    2 Create, save and load i-model Views.........................................................3

    3 Build View Table.........................................................................................5

    3.1 D-Tree..................................................................................................5

    3.2 Set u View !olumns..........................................................................."

    3.3 #oll-u !olumns...................................................................................$

    3.% Custom Columns.................................................................................&

    3.5 'ivot !olumns......................................................................................(

    3." )n-ivot Columns..............................................................................1*

    % 'review #esult..........................................................................................11

    5 Deloy i-model view +or DBC !!ess.....................................................12

  • 8/17/2019 Denormalization Transformation Software Manual.docx


    1 I-model view and Bentley i-model View Builder

    i-model view is a set o+ dynami! virtual tables o+ i-model business data. It !an

    1 be a !on!etual trans+ormation o+ i-model business data,2 rovide a relevant view o+ t/e data to an ali!ation by en!asulatin0

    t/e !omleity o+ underlyin0 i-model s!/ema and ullin0 data +rom

    multile !lasses, and3 be used to imlement VD odel View De4nition o+ a Standard

    s!/ema lie I6C.

     T/e +ollowin0 0ra/ s/ows /ow CBie Sa!e table is ulled +rom an I6C i-


    Bentley i-model View builder is a tool to !reate i-model views and review

    view result. It starts wit/ an i-model based on its built-in s!/ema. T/e view is

    ali!able to ot/er i-models wit/ t/e same s!/ema. T/e +ollowin0 0ra/

    s/ows /ow t/e CBie Sa!e view is !reated +rom I6C i-model.

    2 Create, save and load i-model Views view 4le is in t/e +ormat o+ ml. It !ontains all t/e table de4nitions based on

    a !ertain s!/ema.

    1 )se an i-model as re+eren!e to build t/e view. 7/en Bentley i-model

    View Builder is oen, it will romt to oen an i-model to start.

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    i-model s!/ema will s/ow u w/en i-model is loaded.

    2 en and Save View de4nition usin0 6ile menu.

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    3 ana0e view tables usin0 89ew:, 8#emove: and 8#ename: buttons

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    3 Build View Table

    3.1D-TreeView table de4nition de4nes table !olumns and /ow t/e rows are 0enerated.

    It is reresented as a D-Tree de-normali;ation tree. T/is tree /as all

    ne!essary !lasses and t/eir relations to roou may also insert a !lass by ri0/t !li! on a 9ode in D-Tree and

    sele!t it.

    2 Sele!t t/e relations/i +rom t/e #elations/i Drodown bo or use

    8'arent !/ild relations/i: !/e!bo to indi!ate a se!ial relations/i

    on an ed0e, w/i!/ is 'arent-C/ild !lass relations/i.

  • 8/17/2019 Denormalization Transformation Software Manual.docx


    7/en a View is 0enerated, t/e tool will tra!e t/ese relations/is +or

    ea!/ instan!e o+ t/e arent node. Constraints may aly to t/e

    relations/i, w/i!/ a?e!ts t/e row 0eneration@

     T/e 8#eAuires related instan!e: !/e!bo a0s t/at instan!e +rom t/e

    related !lass must eist to 0enerate a row in t/e view. t/erwise no

    row is 0enerated.

     T/e 8S/ared relations/i: !/e!bo indi!ates t/e !/ildren nodes s/are

    t/e same relations/i wit/ t/e arent node but only one o+ t/e !/ildren

    nodes may /ave instan!e +or ea!/ arent instan!e. 7/en 0eneratin0

    t/e view, one row is 0enerated +or t/is set o+ related !lasses.

    I+ a !lass /as bot/ 8S/ared relations/i: and 8Instan!e must eist:

    !/e!ed, 8Instan!e must eist: is alied to t/e set !ontainin0 t/at

    !lass an instan!e o+ one o+ t/e !lasses in t/e set must eist +or t/e

    row to be reorted.

    3 D-Tree node !an be moved around wit/in D-Tree window by dra00in0

    and droin0% To remove a D-Tree node, use t/e remove button in D-Tree 7indow. T/e

    w/ole bran!/ will be removed.

    3.2Set up View olumnsView !olumns !ome +rom !lass D-Tree node roerties. T/ese !olumns may

    !ome +rom multile !lasses in t/e tree. In many !ases, not all roerties o+ 

    t/e !lasses in a D-Tree are needed in t/e view.

     To in!lude a !lass roerty in a view,

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    1 Sele!t t/e Class in t/e D-Tree 7indow, a list o+ roerties will s/ow u

    below2 C/e! t/e roerties to in!lude in t/e view. I+ you would lie t/e

    roerty name to s/ow di?erently, set it in t/e verride 9ame tetbo.

    3.3!oll-up olumnsCon!etually similar roerties +rom sub-!lasses may mer0e into a sin0le

    !olumn. In t/e above eamle, t/e value roerty in I+!uantityrea is !alled

    reaValue w/ile t/e value roerty in I+!uantityen0t/ is !alled

    en0t/Value. 7e !an use rollu to mer0e t/em into a sin0le !olumn !alled

    8Value:. 7e do t/e roll-u by settin0 t/e #oll-u 'roerties bo 8Value@

    en0t/Value, reaValue:.

     T/e +ormat is des!ribed by t/e +ollowin0 0rammar@

    EstartF -G EentryF H EentryF EstartF

    EentryF -G Jtar0etK @ EroertiesF

    EroertiesF -G JroertyK H JroertyK , EroertiesF

  • 8/17/2019 Denormalization Transformation Software Manual.docx


    7/ere EstartF is t/e start symbol, EentryF is symbol reresentin0 a !olumn-

    value ma, EroertiesF is a symbol reresentin0 t/e values to be used +or a

    !olumn, Jtar0etK is t/e strin0 se!i+yin0 t/e name o+ t/e !olumn to reort t/e

    values in, and JroertyK is t/e strin0 t/at se!i4es t/e roerty t/at !an be

    maed to t/is !olumn. 9ote t/at JroertyK must be t/e a!tual name o+ t/e

    roerty, not t/e roerty label. I+ more t/an one value is +ound +or t/e 0iven!olumn, only one o+ t/em is reorted.

    3."Custom Columnsi-model View Builder allows addin0 !al!ulated !olumns into a view. T/is is

    done on t/e Custom Columns tab. Custom !olumnLs value deends on t/e

    values o+ ot/er !olumns.

     To add a !ustom,

    1 Cli! 89ew: button on t/e Custom Columns tab. dialo0ue s/ows u

    +or t/e !olumn name.2 Sele!t t/e !olumn +rom t/e list and edit t/e eression. 6or t/e

    eressionLs +ormat and suorted oerations, see

    /[email protected]!rosot.!omMen-! .

  • 8/17/2019 Denormalization Transformation Software Manual.docx


    8Cal!ulate +ter 'ivot: a?e!ts w/et/er t/e eression is !al!ulated be+ore

    alyin0 a ivot or univot oeration or a+ter.

    C/e!in0 t/e In!lude Time Stam Column will in!lude a se!ial !olumn wit/

    t/e name 0iven in t/e tet bo. T/e value o+ t/is !olumn is set automati!ally

    to be t/e time at w/i!/ t/e Auery was run. T/e time stam !olumn is0enerated be+ore ivot.

    3.#$ivot olumns'ivot oeration transoses roerties lie nameMvalue airs automati!ally into

    !olumns. tyi!al use o+ 'ivot !olumns is t/e dynami! roerties de4ned in

    I6C model.

    6our attributes are needed to mae u a 'ivot de4nition@

    • #ow ID, w/i!/ de4nes ID used +or a row. 6or eamle, 9ame in I+!Sa!e

    in t/e above samle.• 'ivot Column 9ame, w/i!/ de4nes w/ere we !an 4nd t/e names o+

    dynami! roerties. 6or eamle, 9ame in I+!'/ysi!alSimleuantity in

    t/e above samle.• 'ivot Column Value, w/i!/ de4nes w/ere we !an 4nd t/e values o+

    dynami! roerties. 6or eamle, reaValue i+ I+!uantityrea or

    en0t/Value in I+!uantityen0t/.• 'ivot Value eration, w/i!/ de4nes /ow we deal wit/ t/e values o+ a

    dynami! roerty. T/e oerations !an be@ Sum, vera0e, Count, in,

    a, et!.

     T/ese attributes are set t/rou0/ t/e +ollowin0 )I.

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    i-model View Builder automati!ally list all t/e otential /eaders 4nd in t/e

    !urrent i-model and you may use a di?erent !olumn name +or it. >ou !an do

    t/is by settin0 t/e verride 9ame bo.

    3.%&n-pivot Columns)n-ivot oeration transoses roerties +rom !olumns to rows as

    nameMvalue airs. T/e oeration is de4ned on 8)nivot: Tab.

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    1 C/e! to sele!t !olumns to un-ivot.2 Se!i+y t/e !olumn name o+ label o+ t/e label-value air to !reate in

    abel Column 9ame.3 Se!i+y t/e !olumn name o+ value o+ t/e label-value air to !reate in

    Value Column 9ame.% Customi;e t/e value o+ name usin0 verride 9ame.

     T/e 8=nable )nivot: !/e!bo needs to be !/e!ed +or t/e univot

    oeration to be run. I+ t/e 8Do not eand i+ null: !/e!bo is !/e!ed,

    /eaders t/at !ontain null are not univoted t/ey are simly not reorted.

    )n-ivot is always alied a+ter t/e ivot i+ bot/ otions are enabled.

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    " $review !esult'review tab s/ows t/e data o+ !urrent sele!ted table in t/e view +rom t/e

    loaded i-model.

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    # Deploy i-model view 'or (DBC )essBentley i-model View !ould be eosed t/rou0/ i-model DBC driver simly

    by droin0 t/e View de4nition 4le under Bentley DBC ali!ation data

    +older. n 7indows $ t/e +older is usually@C@N'ro0ramDataNBentleyND0nDBCDriver7in"%NueryNview +or "% bit DBC


     T/e +ollowin0 eamle s/ows t/at CBie View is available alon0 wit/ I6C

    !lasses and i-model 0eometry !lasses w/en an I6C i-model is oened t/rou0/

    DBC in =!el.