dennis interview

Do you have a hobby? I have a few hobbies. Well, I used to have hobbies before I had children but now my children take up all my time. Um, exercising, trying to stay in shape. Golf, golf is one of my big hobbies right now. If you could go on a trip anywhere to do anything, what and where would it be? Well you know we actually never had a chance to take a honeymoon, so I would take my wife on a honeymoon. And there was an island off the coast of Africa that we wanted to go to and that’s where we’d go. And I can’t think f the name of the island right now because , well I forget!

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Dennis Interview


Page 1: Dennis Interview

Do you have a hobby? I have a few hobbies. Well, I used to have hobbies before I had children but now my children take up all my time. Um, exercising, trying to stay in shape. Golf, golf is one of my big hobbies right now.

If you could go on a trip anywhere to do anything, what and where would it be? Well you know we actually never had a chance to take a honeymoon, so I would take my wife on a honeymoon. And there was an island off the coast of Africa that we wanted to go to and that’s where we’d go. And I can’t think f the name of the island right now because , well I forget!

Page 2: Dennis Interview

What kind of guy were you in high school? Were you a nerd,? jock,? Punk? heartbreaker? I think I was probably a mixture of a lot of different things. I played all sports: I was on the football team, I played baseball, and then ran track when I decided that’s what I wanted to do. But I was also in all the AP classes and I was in the school plays! So I was probably a mixture of everything….an all-around type of guy I guess.

What is your favorite midnight snack? I don’t eat carbs after 9 (laughs) Cereal. I am a cereal guy.

Page 3: Dennis Interview

How often do you floss? Everyday.

Do you ever forget to brush your teeth? Absolutely, I do forget….unfortunately. (laughs) Normally it’s when we have had a late night with the kids sometimes I’ll forget before I go to bed. I shouldn’t admit that to anybody.

Do you have kids? Yeah

Do you enjoy your job? (sarcastically) No it’s the worst job in the world! (laughs) Of course I love my job.

Page 4: Dennis Interview

What is your favorite color? My favorite color is green. No particular reason – it always has been since I was young.

How do you feel about skydiving? I’d LOVE to skydive! I was actually scheduled to skydive last time I was in Las Vegas, but because of the winds, they had to cancel.

What is the craziest food you have ever eaten? Huh,…….I don’t know if its “crazy: frog-legs, we’ve had frog-legs. Alligator….I eat sushi all the time but that’s not really crazy.

Page 5: Dennis Interview

How did you propose to your wife? I proposed to my wife ice-skating in Rockefeller Center at Christmas time in New Work.

What is the first thing you notice when you meet someone new? Their smile.

Can you do a handstand under water? I don’t know?! I haven’t tried in years.

What do you feel like is your most impressive moment? Probably when I got my scholarship letter to college.

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Your most embarrassing moment? I don’t get embarrassed too easily so that is a tough one. It is very hard for me to get embarrassed. I can’t remember a time I wanted to crawl under a rock or anything. I just deal with things.

What is a recent thing that made you laugh really loud? (lots of laughs here) I don’t know if I can say it because it actually throws somebody under the bus! Um, a former friend and colleague did something that was pretty hilarious but I do not think I am at liberty to say. But it still makes me laugh. It was a couple of weeks ago. I can’t say.

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Did you ever play any pranks and if so, what was your best one? I did play a prank on my mother when I was young, a teenager. It was the best prank and the worst prank at the same time. Because, I put Alka-Seltzer in my mouth (don’t try this at home) and a fell on the floor, started “foaming at the mouth”. I “got” everybody that was there, but it was a really, really stupid thing to do. It was good and bad at the same time. Really, bad though. She was not happy with me.

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Are you a morning person? No, I am not. But I don’t sleep much so I guess that really doesn’t count.

Would you ever consider getting your legs or eyebrows waxed? Ummm, no to both.

Have you ever thought about entering an eating contest? And what would you “eat” if you did”? I have never really thought about it, but I would eat pumpkin pie.

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Do you believe that you should choose “C” when in doubt of and answer for a test? I think you should always try to make the most educated guess. If you don’t know,, the abracadabra.

Where did you grow up? Oakmont, PA

Where did you attend high school and college? Riverview High School in Oakmont and Penn State University.

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If you could go back to one “grade” in school or “season” of life – which one would it be? I would redo high school.

What would you do differently? Hmmm, I wouldn’t have sat out of football my 10th grade year and played golf. I had to because of a medical reason but I would not have listened to them and would have played.

What is your favorite genre of music? I listen to everything. My favorite would probably be like pop/rap type music. But ,the Rolling Stones are my favorite band.

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How involved are you in the politics or the government? Involved? The most I get involved is voting. I read the news for government and politics for policies. Almost everyday I am on a news website.

What TV show do you watch most often? I watch Modern Family, which is a great great show; and I watch (when it’s on, and it’s not on right now) Justified.

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Are there any TV shows you SECERTLY watch? (NJ Housewives, Design Star, The Hills) Umm, you know there is none that I really like, make it a POINT to watch, but if JERSEY SHORE is on and I am not doing anything, I will keep it on because I think it is absolutely ridiculous.

Is your favorite patient EVER Alexandra Hutchins? I love all of my patients!