dennis floyd jones, ph. d - west virginia university...dennis floyd jones, ph. d west virginia...

Dennis Floyd Jones, Ph. D West Virginia University • College of Physical Education and Sports Science • Associate Professor 375 Birch St., Morgantown, WV • P.O. Box 6116• Room 213• [email protected] • (412)965-5163 PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Dr. Jones is an associate Professor in the College of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences; Department of Sport Studies, and teaches in the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. His specializations include: Sport Management Processes, UG and MS, Sport Marketing, UG, Capstone UG, and Issues in Sport Studies. He additionally recruits and supports online master’s students, sponsors the undergraduate sport management majors club, and supervises 35 advisees in the Sport Management program. Dr. Jones is the founder and Executive Director of Youth Enrichment Services Inc. (1994-present), a self-funded, non-profit youth, sport, academic, and career teen mentoring organization whose mission is to provide socially and economically disadvantaged young people opportunities to obtain success through non-formal education. YES also successfully operates a Juvenile Diversion Program for 10-14 year old adjudicated youth living in Allegheny County. YES has won numerous national, state, and local awards for its program success, most recently a $125,000 Annie E. Casey Grant to conduct a research project designed to evidence its program models and move them towards policy status. Furthermore, Dr. Jones has extensive international experience. He is the progenitor of ISMC, International Sport Management Consortium; this group of experts has extensive experience and interest in advancing sport management scholarship, business opportunities, and partnerships mainly in East Africa. Dr. Jones has helped create the African Sport Management Association, (ASMA), whose specific goals are to advance the economy of sport in Africa via regulation and certification of sports agents who visit the Continent to export the talented footballers, and marathoners. This is a multimillion dollar industry that is growing rapidly. Sport for entertainment, and commerce in Africa is the next Nexus for sport managers. Lastly, Dr. Jones is helping to design and establish the (JASM) Journal of African Sport Management Association, which when published will be a practitioner and research-based publication that can possible inform and empower local African coaches, managers, athletes, and businesses to understand the growth of sport and the needed regulation and expertise to institutionalize the sports agency, certification, academic credentialing of those professionals who oversee, and direct policy for sport in various African countries. Dr. Jones has hosted visiting scholars from Nairobi (Kenyatta University, Uganda, (Kymbago, University), Benin, and Abuja, Nigeria. Dr. Jones has some experience in China having traveled on two separate occasions to participate as an invited lecturer to Shanghai, Macau, and Hong Kong. His earlier collaborations with UPEL University in Maracay, Venezuela, created the opportunity for Rosa Lopez, D’Amico, and International Sport Management scholar, to join the Sport Management faculty as a lecturer.

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Page 1: Dennis Floyd Jones, Ph. D - West Virginia University...Dennis Floyd Jones, Ph. D West Virginia University • College of Physical Education and Sports Science • Associate Professor

Dennis Floyd Jones, Ph. D West Virginia University • College of Physical Education and Sports Science • Associate Professor

375 Birch St., Morgantown, WV • P.O. Box 6116• Room 213• [email protected] • (412)965-5163


Dr. Jones is an associate Professor in the College of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences; Department of Sport Studies, and teaches in the undergraduate and graduate curriculum. His specializations include: Sport Management Processes, UG and MS, Sport Marketing, UG, Capstone UG, and Issues in Sport Studies. He additionally recruits and supports online master’s students, sponsors the undergraduate sport management majors club, and supervises 35 advisees in the Sport Management program. Dr. Jones is the founder and Executive Director of Youth Enrichment Services Inc. (1994-present), a self-funded, non-profit youth, sport, academic, and career teen mentoring organization whose mission is to provide socially and economically disadvantaged young people opportunities to obtain success through non-formal education. YES also successfully operates a Juvenile Diversion Program for 10-14 year old adjudicated youth living in Allegheny County. YES has won numerous national, state, and local awards for its program success, most recently a $125,000 Annie E. Casey Grant to conduct a research project designed to evidence its program models and move them towards policy status. Furthermore, Dr. Jones has extensive international experience. He is the progenitor of ISMC, International Sport Management Consortium; this group of experts has extensive experience and interest in advancing sport management scholarship, business opportunities, and partnerships mainly in East Africa. Dr. Jones has helped create the African Sport Management Association, (ASMA), whose specific goals are to advance the economy of sport in Africa via regulation and certification of sports agents who visit the Continent to export the talented footballers, and marathoners. This is a multimillion dollar industry that is growing rapidly. Sport for entertainment, and commerce in Africa is the next Nexus for sport managers. Lastly, Dr. Jones is helping to design and establish the (JASM) Journal of African Sport Management Association, which when published will be a practitioner and research-based publication that can possible inform and empower local African coaches, managers, athletes, and businesses to understand the growth of sport and the needed regulation and expertise to institutionalize the sports agency, certification, academic credentialing of those professionals who oversee, and direct policy for sport in various African countries. Dr. Jones has hosted visiting scholars from Nairobi (Kenyatta University, Uganda, (Kymbago, University), Benin, and Abuja, Nigeria. Dr. Jones has some experience in China having traveled on two separate occasions to participate as an invited lecturer to Shanghai, Macau, and Hong Kong. His earlier collaborations with UPEL University in Maracay, Venezuela, created the opportunity for Rosa Lopez, D’Amico, and International Sport Management scholar, to join the Sport Management faculty as a lecturer.

Page 2: Dennis Floyd Jones, Ph. D - West Virginia University...Dennis Floyd Jones, Ph. D West Virginia University • College of Physical Education and Sports Science • Associate Professor



EDUCATION Ph.D., 1988, University of Pittsburgh Major: Health, Physical and Recreation Education Area of Concentration: Sport Administration; Higher Education Administration Area of Concentration: Sport Pedagogy and Teacher Education

Master of Science, 1979, West Virginia University Major: Sport Sociology and Sport Psychology Bachelor of Science, 1977, Concord University Major: Physical Education (K-12), Speech, Secondary Education (7-12) RESEARCH INTERESTS Currently assessing the impact of juvenile alternatives to detention programs on participants ages 10 to 14. 18 month research study is funded by the Pennsylvania Psychological Association. Principal investigator, Dr. Patricia Piercy, Duquesne University, Co-Principal Investigator, Dr. Dennis Floyd Jones, West Virginia University. PRE-Ph. D. EXPERIENCE 1989-1992 Extension Specialist, Family and Youth Programs’ Division, West Virginia University Design, develop, direct, and evaluate Youth Enrichment Services Program for Socially and Economically disadvantaged young people ages 5-13 Multidisciplinary six week summer program. Designed to enhance academic skills, computer literacy, fitness and health, and self-concept, program was awarded two President Bush, “points of light” Service awards for West Virginia.

1984-1989 Coordinator 4-H Program, Allegheny County, Penn State University (College of Agriculture)

1982-1984 Physical Education/ Program, Director Youth Programs, YMCA of Pittsburgh

1979-1982 4-H Youth Agent, Extension and Continuing Education, West Virginia University (Mercer County, West Virginia)

1978-1979 Graduate Teaching Assistant, College of Physical Education, West Virginia University

1977-1978 Teacher/Coach, Clifton Forge High School, Virginia School District (Physical Education Educator, First Aide, Health, Coached Wrestling, Baseball)

1976-1977 Student Teacher, Bluefield High School, Mercer County, WV (Gymnastic and health educator)

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1987-1988 Graduate Assistant Intern, Deans Office, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh PUBLICATIONS

(Peer Reviewed) Fisher, C. & Jones, D. F. Blue Print for the Sports Agency Business, submitted to the International

Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. (2015)

Flett, R., Brown, R., & Jones, D. F. Conducting Program Evaluation Best Practices and Frameworks, submitted to the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. (2015)

Jones, D. F., Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N, Bowman, N., Wanderi, P. Thairu, M. Toward a Model of an Integrated Use of Smartphones in Sports: The Case of Marathon Industry in East Africa, submitted to the European Sport Management Quarterly. (2015)

Jones, D. F. & Gilbert, D (2014). Sport and Community Development in Africa: The Role of the African Sport Management Association. Applied Recreational Research and Programming, 4.

Jones, D. F. Beatty, J. Taylor, R (2013). Violence in the NFL and its Economic Influence, submitted to: Journal of Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual.

Jones, D.F., (2013). Invited to contribute chapters to marketing textbook, International Sports Marketing – Principles and Perspectives. Topic: Status of sport marketing in Africa and competition of the African sports business.

Jones, D. F. Bowman, N.D. Wanderi, P. Thairu, M. (2013). Integrated Model of Smartphone Infrastructure in Sports: A Platform for Advancing the Marathon Industry, submitted to: Impimeleo- The Electronic Journal of African Sports

Olushola, J.O., Jones, D.F., Dixon, M.A., & Green, B.C. (July 2012). More than basketball: Determining the sport components that lead to long-term benefits for African American girls. Sport Management Review

Jones, D.F. & Mak, J.Y. (2011). A Case Study of Consumer Satisfaction: Canaan Valley Resort. Applied Recreational Research and Programing Annual

Jones, D. F. Mak, J.Y., Mombi, T., Pilsudski, J., Cheung, S., Lopez, R., Mwisukha, & J., Wanderi, P. (2011, in press). Global Perspectives on Sport Management as an Academic Discipline. International Sport Studies. International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport.

Jones, D.F., Pegoraro, A. Historical View of Female as Non-traditional Mascot at Division 1 Football University. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. (Submitted December, 2011)

Jones, D. F., Pegorao, A, Graham, D. A Mascot Make over: The Case of A West Virginia Mountaineer Reactions from consumers and Implications for Sport Marketers, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. (Submitted, December 2011)

Nadeau, J. Pegorao, A. Jones, D. F. O’Reilly, N. Carvalho, P. (2011) Community Reflections and

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Attendance in Professional Sport: Diversity and Team-Market Congruence. The Journal of Sport Management

Jones, D. F. Pegoraro, A , Graham, D., Nadeau, J., O’Reilly, N., (Accepted for Publication, 2010) Non-Traditional Roles for Women in the Sport and Athletic Industry: Women as University Mascots, published in the Acadia University library vol. 31, No. 23, 2010.

O’Reilly, N., Nadeau, J., Perograro, Jones, D. F. (November, 2009) NHL Small Market Expansion: Diversity, Player Selection and Club Profitability, Instructor Manual. In the Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases, fourth edition. H F (Herb) Mackenzie, ed. (Toronto, ON: Pearson Canada, 2010).

Jones, D. F., Brooks, D.D.& Mak, J. Y. (2008) Examining Sport Management Programs in United States Sports Management Review, 2008, 11, 77-91 @ 2008 SMAANZ

Jones, D. F., & Mak, J. Y. (May 2007) A Case Study of School Age Female Minority Athletes Who Became Pregnant. Michigan AHPERD Journal (1)

Jones, D.F., A Historical Review of Cumberland Posey: Black Entrepreneur and Sport Management Pioneer: Submitted on December 2006 to the Journal of Sport Management Pedagogy

Jones, D.F. Downey, V.P., Thomas, and S.B. Thomas Testing a Pilot Program for 8-14 year old Sedentary Girls Journal Universidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador Dialogica, Revista Multidisciplinaria Instituto Pedagogico.

Jones, D.F., & Jones, P.A. (May/June 2002). Five Year Comparative Analysis of the Impact of a Grant Funded Academic Program on an Inner City Girls Basketball Team (JOPHERD).

Hall, A. E., Jones, D. F & Jones M. H. (Accepted for Publication, 2003). Combining the stages of change model with social marketing principles to increase physical activity among public housing residents. Negro Journal of Education

Hall, A. E., Kuga, J. A., & Jones, D. F. (Feb 2002). A multivariate sample of college students. Journal of Sport and Social Issues.

*Jones, D. F., (Revised December 2001). A seven year analysis of curriculum development of summertime learning programs comparative differences.

Jones, D.F., Hall A. E., & Jones, M. (spring 1999). Combining the stages of change model with social marketing principles. In Research Quarterly, Published abstracts.

Housner, L. D., Alghren, B., & Jones, D f. (spring, 1998). A review of selected expert coach's qualitative assessment of experienced and inexperienced coaches practice sessions. Applied research coaching athletics annual

*Jones D. F., Lerner, B.S., & Jonson, S. R. (March, 1996). Locus of control differences among improvised participants of a six week summertime sports program. Abstracts of completed research. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Supplement, 67(1)

*Jones, D F., (June, 1996). Back to the future! Multidisciplinary summertime learning program for disadvantaged children. Journal of Extension, 34(3).

*Jones D. F., Housner, L. D., Kornspan, A. (June, 1996). Interactive decision-making and

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instructional behavior of expert and novice basketball coaches during practice. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.

Jones, D. F. (1995, Feb.). Project Y.E.S., a break from tradition. Journal of Physical Education. Recreation and Dance.

Jones, D. F. (1993, January) Expert coaching takes practice. Strategies. Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 5-8.

Jones, D. F., Housner, L. D., & Johnson, A. (1995, March). A comparative difference between expert and novice basketball coaches during planning of a practice session. Journal of Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics.

Winn, G. L., Jones, D. F., & Bonk, C. J. (1993, December). Testing the social stress prevention model in an inner city day camp. Transportation Research Board National Council No 1401, pp.106-110, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.

Winn, G. L., Jones, D. F. & Bonk, C. J. (1993, spring). Raising traffic safety awareness among impoverished youth. Journal of Safety Research.

Winn, G. L., Jones, D. F., & Bonk, C. J. (1992). Taking it to the Streets: Helmet use and bicycle safety as components of inner-city youth development. Clinical Pediatrics. The peer reviewed journal for the clinician, pp.672-677.

Manuscript Published Non-Adjudicated

Jones, D. F., Bonk, C. J., Fertman, C. Patton, D. A. (1991) & I. Y.E.S. it works: A Multidisciplinary

model of youth development through informal education. River East School Division, Special Issues Perspectives on Exceptionality, 3(1), 76-92.

Bonk, C. J., Paige, J. H., & Jones, D. F. (1991). Expanding project Y.E.S. Through creation of learning center complex and computer-based social awareness Lab River East School Division. Special Issue Perspectives on Exceptionality, 3(1), 93-115.

Jones, D. F. (1989). 4-H helps urban teens cope and grow school of Education. Newsletter, (2) 12.


Abeza, G., Norman, O., Jones, D. F., & Benoit, P. Presented at the NASSM Conference, September 8-13, 2015, Dublin, Ireland.

Hanks, S., Morton, C., Kuhn, S., McMillion, M., Jones, D. F., White, T., Harris, M., Chester, A. Social Media Intervention for Adolescents to Improve Healthy Lifestyles. Presented at the 115 Annual Conference of the American Public Health Association, October 31-November 4, 2015. Chicago, Illinois.

Jones, D. F., Abeza, G., O’Reilly, N, Bowman, N., Wanderi, P. Thairu, M. Toward a Model of an Integrated Use of Smartphones in Sports: The Case of Marathon Industry in East Africa. Presented at the Administrative Scientific Association of Canada Conference, June 2015. Novia Scotia.

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Jones, D. F. Teed K. Measurement of International Athletic Migration and the Curricular Needs of Future Sport Management Professionals. Presented at the Second International Conference of the African Sport Management Association, November 7t- 9th Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Jones, D. F. Sport for All! The African Sport Management Association Can Bridge the Gap! The Second International Conference of the African Sport Management Association, November 7th-9th, 2013, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Keynote Address

Jones, D. F. The Role of the African Sport Management Association, Building Collaborations and Partnerships with East African Sport Managers, choices, and Consequences; the way forward, presented at Global Sport Forum, Ohio University, April 2013

Jones, D. F. STEM Comes to P.E. Integrating Sport Science into the P.E. Curriculum to address the Academic Disparities of at-risk Students, AAHERD, St. Louis, Mo. 2014

Barnett A.L., Jones, D. F., DeVito, A.E. Fighting Phones in the Class? Turn Students Phones into Assessment Tools, 2014, AAHPERD St. Louis Mo.

Jones, D. F. 2013 AAHPERD Conference, “Best Practices for Diverse Student Populations, 1/2 day workshop

Jones, D.F. et al. (2012). Best Practices for Diverse Student Populations. Submitted to 2013 AAHPERD Conference.

Jones, D.F. (Spring 2012). How Boston Power Outage of 2012 Enriched Cultural Awareness. Submitted to AAHPERD 2013, North Carolina.

Lee, S., Bang, H., & Jones, D.F. Recovering trust: What would be effective strategies in times of different negative incidents? Presented spring 2012, NASSM Conference, Seattle, Washington.

Jones, D.F. (Spring 2012). Partnerships and Sport Development. Presented in McDowell County for Reconnecting McDowell.

Jones, D.F. Building International Partnerships through Research Grants Joint Entrepreneurial Projects and Professional Associations, 10 day trip to East Africa March 20-March 30th, 2012.

Jones, D. F. & Soita, P.W. (Fall 2012). International Sport for Peace Shared Vision: Partnerships with Selected East African Communities, Presented Fall 2012, West Virginia University International Research Symposium

Jones, D. F., Soita P.W. Faculty Student Exchanges, Sport Management Certificate, Diploma, Online Courses, design and creation of JASMA. Journal Presented International Sport Management Consortium of the African Sport Management Association. November 11-12th, Erickson Alumni Center, Co-Sponsored by ICPE.

Soita, P.W. & Jones, D.F. Do sports-based interventions work? A Preliminary Report Card from the Great Lakes Region of Africa, Presented November 13th, Sport in the Global South II, George Mason University.

Jones, Floyd (West Virginia University), Andro Barnett, Anna DeVito, Mary Ann DeLuca, D. Five Year Analysis and Outcome Data of Innovative Hybrid Sport Management Extended

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Learning Masters’ Degree at West Virginia University, Presented at WV AAHPERD Conference. (2012)

Jones, D.F., Communication in Diverse/multicultural Environments. NASPE Diversity and Inclusiveness

Task Force. (2012) Jones, D.F., Soita, P., The Role of the African Sport Management Association in advancing sport research,

Sport economics, sports performance and recreation in Africa. NASSM Conference. (2013)

Jones, D.F., Soita, P.W., (November 14, 2012) Advancing Technology to Aid in the Economic Growth of

The Sport Industry in East Africa: The Business of Marathons. George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.

Barnett, A.L., Jones, D.F., DeVito, A.E., Using Sport Autobiographies to Understand Graduate Sport

Management Students. AAHPERD Convention, Charlotte, NC. (2012).

Jones, D. F., Bowman, N. D., Muigai, n. a., Wanderi, P., Thairu, M. (December 2, 2011), Integrated Model of Smart phone Infrastructure in Sports; Proposed as a Platform for advancing the Marathon Industry in East Africa. African Sport Management Association National Conference, Kampala, Uganda.

Jones, D.F. (Invited Keynote Speech) (December, 3, 2011) Future Sport Management Focus: Can We Save Our Communities and Make a Profit at the Same Time? Keynote Address at African Sport Management Association National Conference, Kampala, Uganda

Joyce, O. Green, B.C. ,Jones, D.F., Dixon, (June, 2011) Ballin” Examing the Components of Sport Based Intervention which leads to Holistic Benefits for African American Girls”, NASSM, London, Canada.

Jones, D.F., Beatty, J.J, Taylor, R.A.(July 5, 2011) Player Size, Violence in the NFL, and Its Economic Influence. Administrative Science Association of Canada. Montreal, Canada

Jones, D. F. Mak, J.Y.., Wanderi, P.(June 8, 2011) Global Perspectives on Sport Management as an Academic Discipline. International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport. Shang Hai, China

Jones, D. F. Pegoraro, A, Graham, D., Nadeau, J., O’Reilly, N., (Accepted for Publication and presentation), 2010) Non-Traditional Roles for Women in the Sport and Athletic Industry: Women as University Mascots, ASAC conference June, 2010, Regina Canada

Jones, D. F. Mak, J.Y. , Green, B.C., Wanderi, P. Watler, D. & Edwards, A. Global Perspectives on Sport Management as an Academic Discipline, March 16th 2010, AAHPERD Conference , Indianapolis Indiana

Jones, D.F. , Williams, M. Jones, P.D. Gender Specific Programs to address Negative Influence of body Image” to be presented in March 16th 2010, for AAHPERD National conference

Joyce, O., Jones, D.F., Green, B.C. Jones, ,P.D, Sport Participation , Mentoring, & Life Skills: Examining long Term Effects on the Well-being of African-American Women, to be

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presented at 2010 NASSM conference Tampa

Jones, D. F., Wanderi, P., Mombi, E. Kim, SIU, Piatkowska, M., Mak, J., Comparative Analysis of Sport Management from a Global Perspective, Symposium, June 6th 2010, ISCSPE , Nairobi, Kenya.

Olushola, J., Dixon, M., & Jones, F. (Submitted2011) “Why ‘She Got Game’: Examining the Components of Sport Programs that Create Long Term Benefits for African American Girls”, Empirical 30 minute presentation, Accepted for NASSM for presentation London, Canada

Clements, R., Jones, D. & et al, (Submitted,20101 Diversity Training in Physical Education, NASPE Division, AAHPERD for Symposium presentation San Diego, CA

Jones, D., Pegoraro, A., (June, 2010) A Mascot Makeover: The Case of the West Virginia Mountaineer Reactions from Consumers and Implications for Sport Marketers, oral presentation 30 minutes Sport Marketing Association,( submitted)

Jones, D.,(2010) Building International Relations, Invited lecturer St. John’s University Division of Hospitality, Tourism and Sport Management, Invited Presentation St. John’s University, New York

Jones, D., (2011) Mitigating the Impact of Social & Psychological Trauma to the Social Fabric of the African American Community, Invitation, October 27th, Wyndham Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Jones, D. F. Global Perspectives on Sport Management as an Academic Discipline, Accepted for presentation 2010 AAHPERD

Jones, D. F. , Williams, M. Jones, P, Gender Specific Programs to Address Negative Influence of Body Image, Accepted for Presentation 2010 AAHPERD NASSM Conference

Jones, D.F., De Haan, D., Breeze, N. (September 2009) Comparative analysis of the sport management programmes in the United States and the United Kingdom. European Sport management Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 15-20th, 2009

De Haan, D., Breeze, N., Jones, D.F. (September 2009) Examining the Internationalisation of Sport Management Undergraduate Degree Programmes in the United Kingdom. European Sport Management Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands September 15-20th, 2009.

Jones, D.F. (2009) Research Concepts and Models in Support of Youth Sport as Development. Distinguished Scholar Invitation to the University of Texas at Austin, Department of Kinesiology. September 10th-12th, 2009.

O’Reilly, N., Pegoraro, A., Nadeau, J., Carvalho, P., Jones, D.F. Community Reflections and Attendance in Professional Sport: Diversity and Team-Market Congruence. Presented Case Study at the 2009 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) in Niagara Falls on June 8th.

Jones, D.F., O’Reilly, N., Nadeau, J., Pegoraro, A. NHL Small Market Expansion: Diversity, Player Selection, and Club Profitability. Presented Case Study at the 2009 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) in Niagara Falls on June 5-10th

Jones, D.F. & Cohen, E. The Impact of Two Different Survey Methodologies on Audience Estimates

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of Major League Play by Play Sport Broadcast. Presented at the 2009 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) in Niagara Falls on June 5-10th

Jones D. F. & Jola, Z. Presented at the 16th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES) Macu China July 23-26th, 2008

Devito, A, & Jones D. F. Do we eat our young? Presented at AAHPERD conference Fort Worth Texas, April, 2008

Jones, D.F. & Cohen, E., Improving Radio Play by Play: Audience Measurement in an ROI World: Submitted abstract to NASSM on November 1, 2008 Submitted to NASSM for presentation

Jones, D.F, Armstrong, K. L., & Ruck, R. Cumberland Posey: Black Entrepreneur and Sport Management Pioneer. Submitted Abstract to NASSAM on October 31, 2006. (Work Completed)

Jones, D.F. West Virginia University, Mak, J.Y. Marshall University, O’Reilly, Laurentian University, Nadeau, J., Carleton University. Attracting Minorities to a Major League Baseball Park. Submitted to NASSM on October 23, 2006 (Work in progress)

Jones, D.F., Bravo, G., Presented at International Conference, 4 to Congreso, Regional Latinoamericano de la ICHPER-SD, on September 20-22, 2006 at San Carlos, Edo Cojeded- Venezuela

Jones, D.F., Bravo, G., Devito, A, Edwards, A., D’Amico, R., & Barnett, A. Online Masters Degree Comes to the Sport Management Discipline, Ready or Not! Presented at the Sport Management Council Day at AAHPERD in Salt Lake City, UT on April 27th, 2006.

Jones, D. F. & Bravo, G. (2006). Sport Management Education in West Virginia. The Impact of the On-line Master's Program. WVAHPERD

Jones, D.F. & Ridpath, D. Sport Management in the Curriculum. Presented October 27, 2006 at WVAHPERD

Jones, D.F., Ridpath, DD.B. Mak, J., Reed, D. & Clopton, A. Sports Management Panel Discussion. Presented October 27, 2006 at WVAHPERD

Jones, D.F. (Peer Reviewed) Cumberland Posey: Early Pioneer of Sport Management Field, Presented at the From Jack Johnson to Marion Jones: Gains Made-Struggles Remain” Symposium Ithaca College. January 21, 2005

Jones, D.F. & Bravo, G. (2005) Sport Management Education in WV. The Impact of on-line Masters Program. Abstract submitted for presentation at the WVAHPERD 2005 Convention. Flatwoods, WV

Jones, D. F. Online Sport Management Comes to Sport Management, Ready or Not, Multi-University Initiative to Bring First Class Masters’ Degree to rural State Professionals, abstract accepted for presentation , 2006 AAHPERD Convention

Jones, D.F. Brooks, D.D. & Mak, J.L. The Status of Sport Management Programs In North America; Evidence for Expansion and Growth, Presented at the Regional meeting of The International Society of Comparative Physical Education and Sport, October 12-18th UPEL

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University Campus Maturin Venezuela

Jones, D. F. Six Invited presentations UPEL University, Maracay Venezuela, June 1-22nd (See attached Itinerary)

Jones, D.F. GAP: A Pilot Intervention Model. Presented at the Higher Education Workshop for WVAHPERD Convention October 21, 2005 Flatwoods WV

Jones, D.F. & Mak, J. (Peer Reviewed) Presented @ NASSM Conference May 27th 2003 Marketing to Minorities in Major League Baseball, Ithaca, NY

Jones, D.F., Mak, J.A. Abstract (Submitted November, 2003) to NASSM for Peer Review to be presented @ the 2004 Conference, Atlanta, GA A Descriptive Analysis of North American Sport Management Programs, A 21st Century Look At The Future

Jones D.F., Mak, J.A. Abstract (Submitted July, 2003) for Peer Review to AAHPERD Research Consortium to be presented March, 2004 New Orleans A Comparative Analysis of Sport Management Programs in Higher Educational Institutions in the US, New Orleans, La

Jones, D. F. Presentation, October, 22-23, 2003 West Virginia Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance State Conference Flatwoods Sport Management Higher Education Section Presentation The Importance of Assessment

Jones, D.F. Invited Research Presentation for The Pennsylvania Conference on Juvenile Justice, November, 5-7, 2003 Harrisburg PA The Impact of Intense Mentoring Programs for Children Undeserved by the System

Jones, D. F. Managing Nonprofit Organizations in the new century, Strategy for Success Marketing is the Key to be presented @ the WVAAPERD conference July, 2002

Jones D. F., Jones, P.A., Abney, R., Stratta, T. M., Mincey, D., Marketing and Fund-Raising Strategies for Girls and Women’s Sports Programs To Be Presented April, 2002 NAAHPERD Conference, San Diego CA.

Jones, D.F. Invited Lecture Arbitron Research group “Competition VS Cooperation in the Workplace” Frederick MD. May, 2002

Jones, D. F., & Piercy, P. (2001). Juvenile Diversion Program: Accepted Peer Review presentation at the 4th Annual National Prevention through Recreation Services School Conference, January 25-27, 2001 Phoenix, Arizona.

Jones, D. F., (2000, January). Presentation Historical Overview of 10-year assessment of Summertime Learning Programs and Mentoring Programs. At the 3rd National Prevention through Recreation Services School Conference, January 27-29, Fort Worth, Texas.

Presentation Sex and Success: What happens When High School Female Athletes Become Pregnant? Presented at the National AAHPERD Conference, Orlando, FL, and March 2000.

Jones, D.F., & Hall, H.Ed. Combining the Stages of Change Model with Social Marketing Principles to Increase Physical Activity Among Public Housing Residents. Presented in Boston, MA, 1999, National AAHPERD Conference.

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Jones, D.F., (November, 1998). Invited presentation Steel on Ice, Inc., 10th Anniversary Celebration, and Keynote Speech. Fitness, Fun and Thoughts for You as Role Model. Edgewood Country Club, Pittsburgh, PA.

Jones, D.F. (November 1998). Standards of Excellence in Coaching - Do You Measure Up? City of Pittsburgh Wellness Fitness Mini-Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.

Jones, D. F., (April 1998) from play day to payday: Changing faces of girls and women’s sports. National Conference, Reno, NEV.

Jones, D. F., Hall, A. E. (Feb. 1998). Marketing fitness programs to single mothers living in public housing. Fort Wayne IN: Midwest District AAHPERD Conference.

Jones, D. F., (March, 1997). The impact of summer sports programs for children underserved by the system. Presented at 1997 National AAHPERD Convention, St. Louis, MO.

*Jones, D. F. Lerner, B. S., Johnson, S. R. (April, 1996). Locus of Control Differences among Impoverished Participants of a six-week Summertime Learning Program. Presented at National AAHPERD Research Consortium. Peer Reviewed Poster Session, Atlanta, GA.

*Jones, D F., Lerner, B. S., Oster A. (April 1996). Teaching Life Success Skills through Sport Symposium Presentation for National Youth Sport Coalition. Presented at National AAHPERD Convention, Atlanta, GA.

*Jones, D. F., Lerner, B. S. (January, 1996). Locus of Control! Key Focus of Successful Physical Education and Sports Programs for at Risk Children. Workshop presented at Midwest District AAHPERD Convention. Dearborn, MI.

*Jones, D. F., Wright, T. (Submitted August, 1996). Children Underserved by the System: Community Based Collaboration for Multidisciplinary Summertime Learning Programs for 1997 AERA Convention, St. Louis, MO.

*Jones, D. F., Presentation Quality Education for Minorities. Washington, D.C.: Project Y.E.S.

*Jones, D. F., & Brooks, D. D., (1995, Dec.). Two paradigms. Invited lecture West Liberty State College.

*Jones, D. F., (Invited). Presentation: Collaborative Research on Families Schools. Communities Presented at International Roundtable, San Francisco, CA (1995).

*Johnson, S. R., Kornspan, A. S., Lerner, B. S., & Jones, D. F. The Home Advantage in Professional Baseball: A Retrospective Analysis. Midwest District AAHPERD Convention, Chicago, IL. (February 8-12, 1995).

Jones, D. F., Lerner, B. S. Strategies designed to motivate students and create cultural awareness. Midwest, AAHPERD District Conference Convention Chicago, IL. February 8-12, 1995.

*Jones, D. F. (Invited) Pre-conference Workshop Alternative Physical Education Program, National Meeting AAHPERD Portland, OR. (April, 1995)

*Lerner, B. S., Johnson, S. R., Kornspan, A. S., and Jones, D. F. The Home Advantage in Women’s

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Gymnastics. Presentation to at the Midwest District AAHPERD Convention, Chicago, IL. (February 8-12, 1995)

Jones, D. F. (Invited) International Roundtable Refining and Testing a New Concept in Summer Intervention National Conference AERA New Orleans (April, 1994).

Jones, D. F. "A New Paradigm on the Horizon" Midwest District AAHPERD Conference Lakeview Conference Center and Resort (February, 1994).

Jones, D. F. (Invited) Pre-conference Workshop on Creating Summertime Learning Programs as a Collaborative Partnership with Colleges, Communities, and Local Community Schools. WAAHEPRD State Conference Canaan Valley Resort (November, 1994).

Jones, D. F. (Invited) The New Paradigm for Summertime Learning Faculty Research Colloquium for Graduate Students (September, 1994).

Jones, D. F. Comparative Analysis of Results between Race and Sex of Participants in a Six Week Summer Enrichment Program. American Alliance Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance, National Conference Washington, DC. (March, 1993)

Winn, G. L., Jones, D. F. Testing the Social Stress Model in an Inner-City Day Camp Transportation Research Board (T.R.B) National Conference, Washington, DC. (January, 1993)

Jones, D. F., Behavioral Analysis of Expert and Novice Basketball Coaches During 30-Minute Practice Sessions: What Verbal and Nonverbal Cues Tell You About Expertise in Coaching Midwest District of the American Alliance for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance Conference, Toledo, OH, (February, 1993).

Jones, D. F. Multiple Measures to Develop an Intervention Program at Multiple Housing Site. Paper presented at the National Association Extension 4-H Agents, Winston Salem, NC, (October, 1993).

Herman, J.A., Jones, D. F. Project Y.E.S. Summer Academic and Career Enhancement Program. Paper presented at the Tenth National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Pittsburgh, PA: Building Bridges to the Future, (December, 1993).

Jones, D. F., Bonk, C. J. & Winn, G. L. Y.E.S. It works: A Multidisciplinary Model of Youth Development Through Summer Day Camps presented, National meeting for AAHPERD, Indianapolis, IN. (April, 1992).

Jones, D. F., Bonk, C. J. & Winn, G. L. Microcomputer Software Presentation: Collaborative Writing Packages. National meeting for AAHPERD, Indianapolis, IN (April, 1992).

Jones D. F., Bonk, C. J. Winn, G. L., & Fertman, C. I. National Meeting AAHPERD. Seventy-Five Minute presentation "Project Y.E.S. for Academic, Fitness and Self-Concept Development". Minneapolis, MN, (April, 1991).

Jones, D. F. Project Y.E.S. Model for Working with High Risk Urban Youth in West Virginia. West Virginia Association Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance. Presentation State Conference. (October, 1991)

Jones, D. F. Ninety Minute presentation on Issues Facing Urban Youth in W.V. Project Y.E.S. Two

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Year Empirical and Comparative Data Review. State Sociological Association (September, 1991)

Jones, D. F. (invited) V.P.I. Two Hour Seminar Cultural Sensitive/Program Diversity Strategies for Faculty to Use in Reaching Cultural Diverse Populations (August, 1991)

Jones D. F. and Fertman, C. I. One Hour Research Paper "Comparative difference between At-Risk Youth Self-Concept Scores on Pre and Post Data Sets from Participation in Summer Day Camp Mid-West District AAHPERD Wisconsin (February, 1991).

Jones, D. F. Staff Training Seminar for Southern Division: Cultural Diversity/Strategies for Working with Urban Populations Charleston, WV (September, 1991).

Jones, D. F. Staff Training Seminar Southern District Teaching Strategies. And Curriculum Models for Fitness. Intramural and Recreation Programs for Residents of Charleston's Public Housing Projects. (August, 1991)

Midwest District Presentation - Jones, D. F. et al.: Topical Research Presentation: Comparative Difference of At-Risk Children's Self-Concept Before and After Presentation in Summer Y.E.S. Day Camp. Development of a Model (1991).

Seminar Presentation for West Virginia University Regional Research Institute, February, 1991: West Virginia At Risk Urban Youth: New Research Directions and Programs Initiatives.

Presentation at the West Virginia Dropout Task Force Conference: Yes! It Works: A Multidisciplinary Model of Youth Development Through Informal Education, March, 1991.

Research Papers - Presented at WVAHPERD State Conference: "Project Y.E.S. - A Model Program of High Risk West, West Virginia Youth." (1991)

Presentation of "Urban Youth Research in West Virginia" at the state meeting of the West Virginia Sociological Association (1991).

Paper presented at national conference, spring, 1990, Denver, Colorado "Career Patterns of Selected Scholastic Basketball Coaches" - see methodology section.

Comparative Differences of At-Risk Children's Self-Concept Pre-and Post- Camp self-concept Scores submitted to Midwest AHPED for spring, 1991.


2015 Jones, D. F., Co-PI, Campbell, S., Leppma, M., & Bishop, J. Minority Health Empowerment Plan. Submitted to Statewide Grant-HHS Grant. Amount Requested: $405,000

2015 Williams, T., Gould, M.K., Williams, K.J., Jones, D.F., Leppma, M., & Bishop, J.C. State Partnership Initiative to Address Health Disparities. Submitted to Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. Amount Requested: $800,000.00. Not funded.

2013 Jones, D. F. PI, Gilbert, D. and Lies, G. Co-PIs, United States Depart Sports Division: Community-Based Solutions for Building Capacity for African Youth Sports, $233,444.00, Submitted March 2013

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2013 Jones, D. F. “ The CYPA Project: A Mobile Phone Platform for Youth Engagement and Healthy Behavior”, submitted to USAID 2013, Reference: Annual Program Statement (APS) for Development Innovations Ventures (DIV) #APS-OAA-12-000004, $100,000.00

2013 Jones D. F. PI, Medical School, HSTA Program : Mentoring the Next Generation, Benedum Grant, subcontract, received $19,993,00

2012 Jones, D.F. (July 30, 2012) U.S. – Kenya Collaboration for Youth Sports Engagement. Submitted to Sports United Division of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs open grant competition, International Sports Programming Initiative.

2012 Jones, D.F. Learning from their Differences Cultural X-Change between Teens in rural Wetzel County, WV, and urban Pittsburgh, PA, grant proposal submitted to Benedum Foundation.


2010 Jones, D. F.(2010 funded) Proposal for African Delegation: Official Visit to West Virginia University

2011 Jones, D. F. National Center for Juvenile Justice, Step One approval for Quality Improvement Initiative for 2011

2009 Principal Investigator and Presenter for Administrative Sciences Association of Canada; Researched and presented findings and Case Study on Diversity in Sport, Issues of Diversity and Profitability and Diversity, and Marketing and the Impact of Minority Fans and Fan attendance.

2005 Co- Principal Investigator Received Amount ($80,000) Benedum Engineers of Tomorrow submitted by the College of Engineering

2005 Co-PI Benedum Foundation Follow up grant for Engineers of Tomorrow Program designed to recruit low income minority rural and Appalachian youth from West

Virginia communities to attend summer camp program designed to introduce them to the discipline of Science Technology and Math (STEM)

2004 Co-PI is responsible for recruitment, selection, planning community based activities to prepare students for summer program (See budget attached)

2004 Principal Investigator (Received $30,000) (Gap) Girls At Play! A Pilot Research Project designed for 8-14 Year Old Adolescent Overweight Girls” Submitted to National Institute of Health as a Pilot under the EXPORT Grant Developed by University of Pittsburgh Center for Minority Health

2003 Principal Investigator (2) (Submitted November 2003) ($600,000) FIPSE Higher Education Innovation Grant Gary Winn, D. Floyd Jones, M. Jariedi, West Virginia University Mathew J. Watts Hope Development Corporation West Virginia Workforce Development

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2003 $30,000 National Institute of Health Grant (received June 2003) from the University Pittsburgh Center for Minority Health to fund GAP program A Pilot program for Sedentary African American Girls 8-14 (2)

2003 $100,000 Grant (Submitted December, 2003): Principal Investigator West Virginia

Workforce Investment Act Set-Aside Funds for innovative projects, An Innovative Approach to Intense Mentoring for A Career Development Initiative to be Implemented in Charleston and McDowel County. (2)

2001 John I Shott Foundation grant proposal submitted for $34,090. Title: Testing A Family Peer Mentoring Program on Selected High Risk Families in Three Southern West Virginia Counties March 2001

2000 Piercy, P. A., & Jones, D. F. Received $8,519 from Pennsylvania Psychological Foundation (PPF) to evaluate impact of mentoring program D2000.

1999 Receive $2,500.00 Planning Grant Office Provost.

1998 Received $5,000 People’s Gas Foundation for Teen Mentor Training.

1995 Collaborated with Hagerstown, MD on a Summer Enrichment Program for 6-8 grade students. Program funded from school board and private donations. Program title Jump Start - Plans are to increase number of middle schools for summer 1996.

1994 Principal Investigator received $69,000 contract to design, implement and evaluate Six Week Summertime Learning Program for 75 Public Housing children, ages 5-19. Program included $5,000 Grant from United Way and $4,000 grant from Federal Healthy Start Inc.

1993 Principal Investigator received $49,722 Drug Elimination Grants Federal Housing Authority Sub-Contractor Project Y.E.S. Develop and Implement Summer Academic and Enrichment Program for 50 children ages 5-23 living in Public Housing Projects in Bluefield West Virginia.

1993 Principal Investigator received $35,946 Drug Elimination Grants -Federal Housing Authority Sub-Contractor Project Y.E.S. Develop and Implement Summer Academic and Enrichment program for 50 children, ages 5-13 living in Public Housing Projects in Fairmont WV.

1992 Principal Investigator received $69,434.70 in subcontracted Housing and Urban Development grant as principal investigator on a multi-disciplinary research team. Research conducted in Bluefield, WV.

1992 Principal Investigator received $51,700 in subcontracted Housing and Urban Development grant as principal investigator on a multi-disciplinary research team. Research conducted in Fairmont, WV in summer, 1993.

1992 Co-Investigator received $2,200 from West Virginia Humanities Council as member of Brooks, Jones, Barnett, Martin and Banks research team to further investigate and

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document via video the socio-historical impact on Afro-American Athlete.

1991 Principal Investigator for $50,000 Grant received from Governors Drug Free Communities to design, develop and implement Multidisciplinary summertime learning program of Project Y.E.S. in East Wheeling.

1991 Principal Investigator received grant$500 from Senator John D. Rockefeller to design

research instrument to evaluate Project Y.E.S.

1991 Co-Investigator received $2,000 Grant from West Virginia Humanities Council.

1991 Principal Investigator received $8,600 from Wheeling Private Industry Council to hire 8 teens and one supervisor to help conduct summer Y.E.S. Program.

1990 Principal Investigator received grants totaling $17,520: Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation, $5,280; from Charleston Housing Authority, $5,270; from Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity, $4,000; from Charleston Mayor's Office, $2,500; and Senator John D. Rockefeller, $500. Funding was used to implement and evaluate two 10 day summertime learning projects for children living in public housing.

1988 $5,000 Scholarship/Research Grant for Internship and Dissertation Research.

1987 $1,000 Research Grant, University of Pittsburgh School of Education, Dissertation Research

1987 Development programs, established "Latch Key" Hotline, directed development of "Self-Care Latch Key" programs in cooperation with Equitable Gas and Penn State University.


2013 Designed and developed an electronic Journal (JASM) Journal of African Sport Management,

2013 August travel to Nairobi Kenya to meeting with ASMA Executive committee, Kenyetta U. and US State Department Officials to discuss expanding role of WVU-CPASS, and sport management program to partner with African Institutions to advance sport management scholarship.

2013 ISMC- International Sport Management Consortium – Developed a consortium of like-minded Universities that have faculty who are actively committed to building partnerships with the continent of Africa. The goal is for the consortium to be faculty driven, focused on Scholarship, Sport Development, resource sharing, grant funding, and faculty/student exchange

2011 Coordinator of International Sport Management Consortium (Drexel University, Davis & Elkins College, St. John’s University, West Virginia University)

2011 Co-editor for ASMA Journal 2011 Co-editor for ISCPES 2010 Reviewer for NASSM Conference abstracts 2010 Associate member graduate faculty 2010 Appointed to the 2005 Received three separate grant awards to pursue Faculty Exchange with UPEL of Maracay

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Venezuela 2005 Initiated On-line Master’s Degree for sport management program 2005 Developing Writing Course for Sport management Program 2002 Associate Member graduate Faculty 1992 Regular member graduate Faculty INSTRUCTION

2015 SM 487 S- 25 Students SM 486 S- 60 Students SM 485 F- 50 Students SM 487 F- 17 Students Advising Undergraduate Advising Spring 2015 (35) Undergraduate Advising Fall 2015 (35)


SM 487 S- 23 Students SM 486 S- 58 Students SM 485 F- 55 Students SM 487 F- 20 Students Advising Undergraduate Advising Spring 2014 (34) Undergraduate Advising Fall 2014 (34)


SM 487 S- 23 Students SM 486 S- 63 Students SM 485 F- 61 Students SM 487 F- 21 Students SM 495 F-8 Students Advising Undergraduate Advising Spring 2013 (34) Undergraduate Advising Fall 2013 (34)


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SM 486 Spring 2012 SM 487 Spring 2012 SM 485 Fall 2012 SM 487 Fall 2012 Advising Undergraduate Advising Spring and Fall 2012 Undergraduate Advising Spring 2012 Undergraduate Advising Fall 2012

2011 SM 486 Spring 2011 (63) SM 487 Spring 2011 (27) SM 495 Spring 2011 (6) SM 485 Fall 2011 (64) SM 487 Fall 2011 (22) SM 495 Fall 2011 (2) Advising Undergraduate Advising Spring 2011 (34) Undergraduate Advising Fall 2011 (34)

2010 SM 487 Fall 2010 (25) SM485 Fall 2010 (61) SM 486 Spring 2010 (61) SM 487 Spring 2010 (23) SM 486 Spring 2008 (57) SM 487 Spring 2008 (27) SM 485 Fall 2008 (54) SM 487 Fall 2008 (27) SM 485 Sport Management SM 616 Sport Marketing Research SM 487 Issues in Sport Studies (W) S SM 495 Independent Study (12 Students) SM 486 Sport Marketing SM 487 Issues in Sport Management Advising 2005 SS 485 Sport Management SS 616 Sport Marketing Research SS 380 History and Philosophy of Sport (44 students) SS 486 Sport marketing (45 students)

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SS 493F Practicum (Sport Management Club, 45 students) Advising (105 Advisees)

2002 SS 380 History and Philosophy of Sport- 46 Students SS 486 Sport Marketing- 56 Students SS 493F Practicum- 55 Students Advising (76 Students) SS 485 Sport Management- 52 Students SS 616 Sport Marketing Research- 12 Graduate Students SS493F Sport Management Club- 57 Students SS495 Independent Study- 15 Students Taught SS71 Sec 01, 50 Students Sec 02, 54 Students SS186, 50 Students SS 180 History, Philosophy, and Ethics in Sport SS316 Sport Marketing Research Taught SS71 Sec 01, 50 Students Sec 02, 55 Students Taught SS186 Sport Marketing Research Taught SS391 H Organizational Behavior and Management Theory Taught SS186 Sport Marketing, 45 Students

1999 Taught SS71 Sec.01, 50 Students Sec.02 49 Students Taught SS186 Sport Marketing 45 Students Taught SS391H Organizational Behavior and Management Theory- 15 Students

1998 Taught SS71 Sec. 01, 55 Students Sec. 02, 50 Students SS185 Sport Management, 48 Students

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SS316 Research Methodology in Sport, 15 Students, Co-taught SS391 Organizational Behavior and Management Theory

1997 Taught SS71 Sec. 01, 45 Students Sec. 02, 45 Students Taught SS391 Graduate Course Leadership and Organizational Behavior Taught SS71, Sec. 01, 45 Students Taught SS186, Sec.01, 24Students

1996 Taught SS71, Sport in American Society Sec 0l, 80 students Sec 02, 50 students Taught SS391H, Leadership and Organizational Behavior 11 graduate students Guess Lecture, Letter of Evaluation Peer Class Visitation Program, Membership Listing of Professor as Participant Letter of Thanks for Class Lecture Copy of Class Contract Class Evaluation Forms

1995 Taught SS71, Sport in American Society (Spring) Sec 01, 60 students Sec 02, 50 students

1994 Taught SS71, Sport in American Society Sec 01, 60 students Sec 02, 50 students Taught SS198 African American in Sport Sec 0l, 17 students Taught SS391 Leadership, Organizational Behavior and Management Theory 12 Graduate students

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Taught SS71, Sport in American Society Sec 0l, 60 students Sec 02, 60 students

1992 Taught a 1 hour orientation course Taught S.S.71 Sport in American Society Sec 0l, 50 students (M/W/F 9-9:50) Sec 02, 50 students (M/W/F 3-3:50) Co-Taught S.S.198 Afro-American in Sport Socio Historical Review 20 students (T/Th 9:30-10:45) Taught SS 67 Introduction to Sport Studies 50 students (T/Th 1-2:15) Taught SS 71 Sport Sociology 65 students (T/Th 9-10:15) Taught SS 391 Master Level Organizational Behavior/Management Theory Enrollment one (1) (First year offered)

1991 Taught SES 71 Sport Sociology (Spring) Sec 0l, 80 Students Taught SES 67 Introduction to Sport Studies

50 Students SS 198 African Americans in Sport (Developed only) Taught SES 71 Sport Sociology Sec 01, 70 Students Taught SES 71 Sport Sociology Sec 02, 70 Students

1990 Taught SES 71 Sport Sociology (Spring) Sec 01, 65 Students Taught SES 71 Sport Sociology Sec 0l, 60 Students

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Taught SES 71 Sport Sociology Sec 02 60 Students Taught PPE (45) Softball, 43 Students Taught PPE Volleyball, 42 Students

1989 Taught SES 71 Sport Sociology Sec 0l 80 Students Taught SES 67 Introduction to Sport 79 Students Taught PPE (45) Softball, 44 Students Taught PPE (46) Volleyball 43 Students Student Teacher Supervision PUBLIC SERVICE 2015 Executive Director Youth Enrichment Services Inc. , provides placement for SM sport management Student interns (2 slots per summer, paid @ $15.00) hires WVU – and CPASSS graduates, (10) in the past 6 years, funds annual WVU Career Day for over 460 rural, urban at-risk students and families

Faculty Sponsor for undergraduate sport management 2014 Executive Director Youth Enrichment Services Inc. , provides placement for SM sport management Student interns (2 slots per summer, paid @ $14.00) hires WVU – and CPASSS graduates, (8) in the past 5 years, funds annual WVU Career Day for over 400 rural, urban at risk students and families

Faculty Sponsor for undergraduate sport management 2013

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Executive Director Youth Enrichment Services Inc. , provides placement for SM sport management Student interns (2 slots per summer, paid @ $10.00) hires WVU – and CPASSS graduates, (7) in the past 5 years, funds annual WVU Career Day for over 200 rural, urban at risk students and families Faculty Sponsor for undergraduate sport management 2012 College International Committee Curriculum Committee Technology Committee Search and Screen Commitee Midwest District Committees Youth Enrichment Services Inc. Reconnecting McDowell Annie E. Casey Foundation 2011 University Committees P.E. Committees Online Master Management Search Committee International Exchange Committee Midwest District Committees Youth Enrichment Services Inc. 2008 University Committees P.E. Committees Online Master Management Search Committee International Exchange Committee Midwest District Committees 2006 University Committees P.E. Committees On-line Master's Project SM International Exchange Project University Committees P.E. Committees Faculty Review Committee Youth Standards Committee University Committees P.E. Committees

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Faculty Review Committee 2002 University Committees P.E. Committees Standards Team Student Recruitment Serve on Various School and University Committees Fall Minority Recruitment Standards Team Research Consortium Fall Minority Recruitment 200 Student Member Standards Team Research Consortium Selected to Write National Standards for Youth Serving Agencies-Member Core Team Join Research Consortium Texas A&M University Fall Minority Recruitment 200 Students 1998 Fall Minority Recruitment, 260 Students 1997 Fall and Spring Recruitment Weekend, total 300 students on Campus. Chair for School Committees, including Promotion and Tenure Participated in television program on Career Opportunities in Sport. 1996 Membership West Virginia University Community Partnership Committee. 1995 Presented recruiting presentation at college visitation day, Pittsburgh Marriott, December. Presented recruiting presentation for cooperative extension 4H Football Day at Creative Arts Center, September 9. 1995 Planned and Implemented All Day on Campus visit of 60 high school students from Hagerstown, MD, Wheeling, and Pittsburgh. Served on search committee for School of PE. 1994 Co-directed on campus career and leadership day, November 1994 with Center for Black Culture and Research. Over 100 participants attended from Pittsburgh, Charleston, and Fairmont. 1993 Conducted on campus career and leadership training program for 35 teenagers from Fairmont,

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Wheeling and Morgantown, West Virginia Feb

Sponsored West Virginia University Career Day, September 25, for 120 teens from Bluefield, Wheeling and Pittsburgh

Member Black Community Concerns Committee Workshop Presented for Center for Black Culture and Research Topic: Career Enhancement of African American Athletes at West Virginia University

Invited to appear in President Bucklews Service to the State Publication as a result of 1993 Project Y.E.S. in Bluefield and Fairmont Public Housing Project

Voted to new 1 year term as member of West Virginia University Faculty Senate Serve as Faculty mentor for undergraduate students

1992 Member of Faculty Senate. Member of Black Community Concerns Committee Sponsor, campus student ministry review student handbook listing of sponsors. Participating in two on-campus recruitment activities. Set up display and manned display for H.Y.P.E. Day and a program for first generation children. Picture appeared in fall, 92 copy of Alumni Magazine.

1991 Sponsor, Officer, and/or Member of University-sponsored group’s organizations Sponsored weekend minority high school student career exploration and leadership development, spring, 1991. Member - North American Association for Sport Sociologist Man of the Year Award

1990 Member committee for Health Science Seminar. Also, directed presentation to prospective student this past summer. Presentation to Passkey group, October 22, 1990 Minority sponsorship and participation in national teleconference and campus recruitment visit by prospective high school students.

Director of Youth Enrichment Service "Teen Mentor" program. Recruited volunteer (Kitty Dooley-WVU Law graduate) to sponsor group for one year. Project includes life skill training, career counseling and leadership development.

Work with admissions office to initiate recruitment efforts for Teen Mentor group. Memo regarding Camp Y.E.S. designed, conducted and evaluated by Dr. D. Floyd Jones. Nominated for inclusions into Who's Who Among Rising and Young Americans. Nominated by the Governor for appointment by the President for training to serve as a member of Selective Service Local Board No.8.

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1989 Member of Search Committee for Director, Center for Black Culture (Memorandum) Member of Committee for Dedication/Open House, Center for Black Culture Letter from Mc Grady and copy of program Letter from Dean Douglas

Service to WVU 2015 WVU Sport Management Master’s Blended Program (Recruitment & Development) 2015 Serve on University and College Committees 2015 Recruitment and Career and Academic Development Program 2015 Spring Awards Banquet for Mentors (HTSA) Co-Host, Planner and Leader 2015 North American VP for African Sports Management Association 2015 Fall Recruitment Career and Event for 465 2015 Recruit and Train 30 College Students to become Certified Peer Mentors 2015 Co-Editor of JASM (Journal of Sport Management) 2012 International Consortium Conference 2012 Sponsor of International Study Abroad Trip to Ghana 2012 Sports Management Career Day 2011 Faculty Sponsor for Sport Management Club 2011 Faculty Sponsor for Christian Student Fellowship 2011 Member of Black Faculty Association 2010 Service to College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences 1998 Service to School of Physical Education Committees 1997 Sponsored two University Recognized Student Organizations 1996 Ex Officio Member Student Recruitment Retention/Assessment Committee 1996 Chair, School of Physical Education Diversity Committee 1996 Conducted Presentation and Student Recruitment at West Virginia University

College Information Night - September 30, 1996, Greentree, and Pittsburgh, PA. 1996 Participated in One-on-One Mentoring Program since 1995-present Chair, School of Physical Education Ray O. Duncan Reading Room

Faculty Sponsor Christian Student Fellowship Faculty Sponsor Black Graduate Students Member University Multicultural Committee

1995 Member - Promotion and Tenure Committee Chair - Ray D. Duncan Reading Room Committee Chair - Diversity Task Force Member - Grants and Contracts Committee Faculty Sponsored Student Christian Fellowship Organization

1994 Member Grants and Contracts Committee Member Library Committee

1993 Chair School of Physical Education Faculty Grantsmanship Committee Member Duncan Library Committee Member Outstanding Teacher Recognition Committee Member Liberal Studies non-Teaching Degree Committee

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1992 Member or Chair of School of Physical Education or Department COMMITTEES University and CPASS Committees Health and Wellness Technology International Committee Chairman, Faculty Grantsmanship Committee Member of Faculty Service Committee 1991 Co-Chair Academic Standards Committee (spring, 1991), Member (fall, 1991), School of

Physical Education. 1991 Member - Teacher Evaluation Committee 1991 Faculty Advisor - Campus Student Christian Fellowship. 1991 Serve as advisor of students in PPE program (spring, 1991); Sport Studies program (fall,

1991) conducted course scheduling and meetings as needed with advisees. 1990 Serve as advisor to 6-12 students, office hours are posted. Students make appointment two

times per semester or as needed. 1990 Appointed co-chair of Academic Standards Committee for spring, 1990-91. 1990 Co-chair of P.E. Week 1990, planned and coordinated activities and events. 1990 Member of School of Physical Education committees: Teacher Evaluation and Publicity 1989 Letter from Dean Douglas PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 2011 NA Regional Contact, Executive Council for ASMA 2011 American Contact for ASAC 2011 Midwest District Committees – AAHPERD Chair of Constitution and By-laws Committee Co-Chair of Social Justice Committee

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2010 African Sport Management Association original member, organizer NASSM Abstract Reviewer 2010 Midwest District AAHPERD 2008 Midwest District AAHPERD 2008 NASSM 2008 AAHPERD 2008 Administrative Sciences Association Canada 2001 Midwest AAHPERD 2001 AAHPERD Member 2001 National Association Parks and Recreation Association 2000 National Association Parks Recreation Association 2000 AAHPERD 2000 National Association Parks and Recreation Association 1999 Member Midwest AAHPERD 1999 AAHPERD member 1998 Section Chair Midwest AAHPERD 1997 Past V.P. Midwest District AAHPERD Planned 1997 Convention, Fort Wayne, IND. 1997 Member American Educational Research Association 1997 Member SIG-AERA Families Community, School 1997 Member West Virginia AAHPERD 1996 V.P. Midwest District AAHPERD 1996 Member AAHPERD 1996 Member American Educational Research Association 1996 Member SIG-AFRA Families Community, Schools 1996 Member West Virginia AAHPERD 1995 V.P. Elect Sports Division Mid-West AAHPERD Chair - Membership Mid-West AAHPERD RA. W.V.AAHPERD Participated in Leadership Workshop Pokagon, IN Member - International Research Consortium

Member - NASPE, WUAAHPERD, AAHPERD, AALR, Research, American Educational Research Association (AERA)

1994 Participated in Leadership Workshop, Angola, IN. Developed Research Seminars for Midwest District Conference, Lakeview Resort Vice-President Professional Association WVAHPERD Higher education Division

Program Chair for State Conference. Set up all workshops and research presentations for higher education division Chair of Higher Education Division Midwest District AAHPERD. Set up all workshops for division Member International Research Consortium Chairman Membership Committee Midwest District AAHPERD Chairman Membership Committee Midwest District AAHPERD Nominated for President Elect WVAHPED

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Chairman Higher Education Division, Midwest District AAHPERD Nominated Vice-President Sport/Athletic Division Midwest AAHPERD Member: NAP EHE, NASPE, WVAHPERD, AALR, Research

1993 Vice-President State Professional Association WV AHPERD, Higher Education Division Chair Midwest District Membership Committee Member: N.A.P.E.H.E., NASPE, WV AHPERD, AALR

1992 Vice-President state professional association WVAHPERD Serve as member of Board of Directors that plans state conference for membership. Conducted training program for summer recreation employees regarding fun, competitive balanced recreation, physical education and sports programs for residents of local communities.

1991 Attended Midwest District Conference for AAHPERD. Member - American Educational Research Association. Member - North American Association for Sport Sociologist.

Vice President-Elect - West Virginia Association Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

1990 Attended national AAHPERD meeting, spring, 1990 in New Orleans, LA. Attended North American Association Sport Sociologist Conference, fall, 1990, Denver, CO

AWARDS 2011 Inducted to West Virginian All-Black Schools Sports & Academic Hall of Fame 2011 Invited Keynote Speech @ ASMA Inaugural National Conference 2008 Fifty-Two Weeks of Peace Awarded by Mayors Office City of Pittsburgh 2008 NAACP Homer S. Brown Award for Community Service 2002 William H. Moore Award for Excellence 2002 Unsung Hero Award PA, Governors’ Award 1997 Selected Outstanding Scholar School of Physical Education 1995 Selected to represent Midwest District AAHPERD as Outstanding Young

Professional of the Year. 1994 Project YES presented 1994 National Association of Housing and Redevelopment

Officials Merit Award for program innovation. Presented to Fairmont Housing Authority Honor Award Second highest award presented by WVAHPERD

Presidential Citation - Presented by President of WVAHPERD Special recognition sponsored by school of Physical Education to recognize honor award achievement. Appeared in President Bucklew's service to the state publication for community based service programs located in Bluefield and Fairmont, WV

1993 Outstanding Grants man of the Year Award 1992 Outstanding Grants man of the Year Award