demonstrator training manual 2012

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  • 7/28/2019 Demonstrator Training Manual 2012


    Raising the bar in Good Taste!


    In-Store Tastings ~ Trade Shows ~ Brand Promotions ~ Special


  • 7/28/2019 Demonstrator Training Manual 2012



    Welcome To The Team!With over 30 combined years in event management, LUMA EVENTS was born!

    Based out of Oakville, Ontario we are a socially responsible, fully staffed andTXDOLILHGDJHQF\WRIXOILOORXUFOLHQWVQHHGVRQDSURYLQFH -wide basis. EveryLUMA EVENTS representative is Smart Serve Certified and professionallytrained in order to provide our clients with the very best in customer service.

    At LUMA EVENTS, we offer tasting experiences to the public at selected LCBOand Beer Store retail outlets. With continued clients, our team has proven to besuccessful in this growing market. Go towww.lumaevents.comfor a completeclient list.

    Our Demonstrators are friendly, outgoing, mature, and can execute thesetastings seamlessly. As a Demonstrator you will provide quantitative andqualitative data for the supplier and will report directly to yourLUMA EVENTSsupervisors.


    Policies/Procedures Pages 2-4

    How To Run Your Tasting Bar Pages 5-7

    A-Z ChecklistPRINT ME Page 8

    Tasting Update Example Page 9Tasting Bar Examples Page 10

    Compensation & The Schedule Page 11

    Our Clients Page 12

    LCBO/Beer Store Guidelines Pages 13-19

    LCBO Store Search Page 20

    Demonstrator Tasting Invoice Page 21

    We look forward to having you on our team!

    Janet Wieland Natalie Wilcox Melissa ArmsterManaging Director Recruiter Event Coordinator

    [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (phone) 519-496-3958 (cell)905-825-0207 (fax)[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/28/2019 Demonstrator Training Manual 2012




    1) Smart Serve

    Smart Serve Ontario is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing anddelivering a responsible service training program to all individuals who servealcohol beverages or work where alcoholic beverages are served in the Provinceof Ontario.

    $OO'HPRQVWUDWRUVPXVWKDYHVXFFHVVIXOO\FRPSOHWHGWKH6PDUW6HUYHSURJUDPand are able to present to the Store Manager the following: an original SmartServe Identification Card and one piece of Photo identification both in their name.

    To access the Smart Serve Program on-line:

    Online Training Program (Individual purchase)This online training program promotes responsible alcohol beverage service. Theprogram is designed to be taken on the Internet. Cost for this program: $34.95+ HST.

    2) Serve Ability Online Training

    In order to partake in the in-store tastings at the LCBO it is required that ourdemonstrators complete the Serve Ability Online Training. In order to completethis online training visit the The online training is designed for self-study on the topic ofserving customers and takes approximately 45 minutes to view and complete.

    3) 19 years or Older

    All Demonstrators MUST be 19 years or older to execute a tasting. This is an

    industry standard throughout all Alcohol companies in Ontario. It is a seriousoffence to serve liquor to any person under the age of nineteen (19) or who isintoxicated.

    4) Professionalism

    As a Demonstrator, you must present yourself in a professional manner at ALLtimes. Unprofessional appearance, punctuality, use of a cell phone or texting inview of the public or inappropriate behaviour in conducting the tasting, will resultin a tasting being cancelled, and at our discretion, the contract terminated.Reminder: We are guests at the LCBO and under no circumstances should youargue or give attitude to the LCBO staff.

    5) Attire

    7KHDSSURSULDWHGUHVVFRGHLV%XVLQHVVFDVXDO preferably black) withcomfortable shoes. And any items (e.g. aprons, shirts) provided by theSuppliers. Please NO jeans, track pants, open toed sandals or flip flops, noslingbacks.
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    6) PunctualityThe demonstrator should arrive in accordance with the standard hours of the shiftand should not leave early. During the tasting their focus should be on customerservice so using cell phones for chat or text if forbidden.

    The LCBO managers have been instructed to cancel any tastings if theDemonstrator is not on time.

    You are to arrive in-store 15 minutes before your start time in order to get setupso that you are ready to pour your first sample at the scheduled start time. It isimperative that you make every effort to adhere to this policy.

    If you are going to arrive late, please CALL YOUR STORE immediately to notifythem and make sure that you contact your Event Coordinator or Supervisor. Ifyou are sent home, your tasting will be treated as a no-show and you will not bepaid.

    7) Tasting Notes

    All tasting notes for the products we demonstrate will be provided well in advanceof the scheduled tasting.

    8) Tasting BarThe Demonstrator should not leave the tasting bar unless all of the top of the barhas been completely cleared and any opened bottles are stored underneath thetasting bar. The Demonstrator should not leave the tasting bar to bring customersfrom inside the store to the tasting bar.

    9) Tasting SuppliesThe in-store Tasting Guideline makes it clear that the Demonstrator must bring

    everything required for the tasting other than the tasting bar and the product ( cups/napkins etc...) If the Demonstrator does not bring all that isneeded for the tasting, the tasting will be cancelled and the Demonstrator senthome. This will be treated as a no-show and the Demonstrator will not be paid.

    10) In-Store Tasting RequirementsRegardless of any other training, our Demonstrators must have seen and readthe In-Store Tasting Requirements (included in this manual). If this is not thecase the Store Manager will cancel the tasting, this will be treated as a no-showand you will not be paid.

    11) BreaksDemonstrators are not HQWLWOHGWRDOXQFKEUHDNDVWKLVLVRQO\DIRXUKRXUtasting. Bathroom breaks are acceptable.


    Due to the wide scope of stores throughout Ontario, it is preferred that all'HPRQVWUDWRUVDUHKDYHDYDOLGGULYHUVOLFHQFH

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    13) Contacting Your SupervisorPlease ensure that you have your supervisors contact information with you at allevents. This is essential should you run into a problem.

    14) Luma Application and ContractAll Demonstrators will need to thoroughly read and understand the DemonstratorGuidelines that are included in this package and send in the Luma Applicationand Contract. Please, feel free to ask us is you have any questions.

    15) Food RequirementIn the LCBO In-6WRUH7DVWLQJ*XLGHOLQHVLWFOHDUO\VWDWHVWKDW$IRRGLWHPPXVWbe available on the tasting bar during every in-store tasting. All food items mustbe offered as individual servings on the tasting bar, as well as hand cleanser andQDSNLQV Making sure to have single serve snacks and hand sanitizer are crucialas a Store Manager may cancel the tasting, this will be treated as a no-show andyou will not be paid.

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    How To Run Your Tasting Bar

    All LCBO tastings will run:

    Thursday 4:00PM to 8:00PMFriday 4:00PM to 8:00PM

    Saturday 1:00PM to 5:00PM OR 11:30PM to 3:30PM OR 4:00PM to 8:00PMSunday 12:00PM to 4:00PM

    All Beer Store tastings will run:

    Friday 4:00PM to 8:00PMSaturday 1:00PM to 6:00PM

    Demonstrators are required to contact their assigned store 24 hours in advanceof your tasting and have the LCBO staff put the product in the fridge or freezer.

    All Demonstrators MUST arrive at the retail store 15 minutes prior to the start of

    the tasting. Introduce yourself to the Store Manager or his/her assistants. In theevent you are going to be late, contact that store and inform the Store Manager,as they will be expecting you.

    What You Need To Take With You

    x Sample cups (smallest cups you can find, Staples sells 3.5oz clear plasticcups)

    x Foodx Bowl/Dish (to put food in)x Bottle/Wine openerx

    Bottle of water (only water in a clear bottle may be consumed at thetasting bar)x Demonstrator Invoice Formx Tasting Notesx Penx Copy of Training Manual (it's a good reference guide and has important

    numbers in case there is a problem)x Any marketing material (ex. product information cards) you were given x Large coloured beer cup to use as a spittoon (if sampling wine) x Your Smartserve card and ID in case LCBO staff ask to see it x Hand sanitizerx Napkinsx Tongs for food in bowl or portion cups to put the food in

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    Setting Up Your Tasting Bar

    A display of product should be already constructed on the plinth of the tasting barunit. IfNOT, inform the Store Manager and he/she will have the staff constructone.

    x Be sure proper price cards are displayedx Always sample beer, coolers, liquors and white wine chilledx Arrange product sheets and any consumer giveawaysx

    Arrange the survey behind tasting bar to track customer feedbackx Arrange food on trays and get your sample cups ready DO NOT pre-

    pour samples and leave them on the tasting bar. As customers approachthe bar and ask for a sample, then you can pour into a cup onecustomer at a time

    x Display 12 bottles/cans of each product on the tasting bar. Labels shouldbe facing forward toward the customers.

    Start of The Tasting

    Obtaining Starting Numbers

    At the beginning of the tasting, the LCBO staff member will give you startingnumbers on the product you are sampling. Insert the numbers on yourDemonstrator invoice.

    Executing The Tasting

    x ,I\RXGRXEWDFXVWRPHUVDJHIRUDQ\PRPHQWEHVXUHWRFKHFNWKHLU,' x Do your best to smile and make eye contact with customersx Ask the customers if they would like to sample the FREE product see

    below for the serving size maximum limitsx Each customer is allowed a maximum of two samplesx Track customer feedback on the Invoice provided

    x If you need to step away from the tasting bar you must remove allproducts (food/product) and put it behind the counter. An LCBO staffmember must be informed that you are stepping away momentarily andwill be returning

    x If at any point during the tasting you have difficulty with a customer,always be polite and let the LCBO staff know they are there to supportyou

    Serving Size Maximum Limits

    Maximum servings are based on alcohol content by volume and these levels also

    apply to mixed drinks.

    WINE 16 to 23% 14.2 mL oz

    BEER 1 to 15.9% 28.4 mL 1 oz

    SPIRITS 23.1% or greater 7.1 mL oz

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    You are to complete and submit the Demonstrator Invoice, all valid datedreceipts and any other paperwork relating to your tasting/event, no later than theTuesday following your tasting. Payment will be released to you within one weekfollowing your tasting. Exceptions mat apply to Statutory holidays, Civic holidays

    etc... Instructions on how to do so are located on the Demonstrator TastingInvoice a copy of which is located in this manual.

    PLEASE NOTE: Any liquids consumed by you at the tasting bar must be in aclear plastic bottle. DO NOT pour any liquids (soft drinks/water) into a samplecup. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you allowed to consume ANYalcoholic beverages during the demonstration. If you would like to taste thewine or beer you are sampling in order to be able to give a better description of it,please tell the manager that you are going to take a taste. Do this before yourtasting begins and head to the back of the store to try it. Remember to take allopened bottles off the top of the tasting bar whenever you leave it unattented.

    Conclusion Of The Tasting

    x As the tasting concludes, you must clean the tasting bar completely.Empty the ice out of the sink and pour ice and water into the floor sink(ask the LCBO staff where this is located in the back). Put away food andsupplies and empty the garbage and take it to the back. It isn't necessarybut if you have some extra time it is always nice to put any unopenedproduct back on the shelf.You must give all unused product back to theStore Manager as well as any opened product. Under no circumstancesis opened product to be removed from the store by you. The StoreManager and/or their assistants must destroy all opened units at the end

    of the tasting

    x Inform the Store Manager that the tasting is over and he/she will provideyou with a copy of the LCBO Tasting Update (example on next page). Thetasting receipt shows you how many bottles were used during the tasting.The bottles are charged back to the agent we are representing

    Obtaining Closing NumbersAt the end of the tasting, the LCBO staff member will give you closing numberson the product you are sampling. Insert the numbers on your Demonstratorinvoice.


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    A-Z Daily Checklist

    Set up :

    1) Before you leave make sure you have:x

    Cups(for sampling and snacks)x Snacks

    x Napkins

    x Ice(if needed)

    x Hand Sanitizer

    x Hard Copy of Tasting Invoice and product notes

    2) Arrive 10 minutes before your shift in full uniform.3) Introduce yourself to the store manager and staff; inform them who you areand that you will be sampling ____.

    4) If the cart is not out, ask if you can help bring it out and set it up.5) Provide them with your tasting number and ask them to provide you with youropening number.6) Check that a garbage pail is easily available on either side of your tastingbooth.7) Ask for any cold product (if needed) that you are sampling and make surethere are 8-10 warm cases for display.8) Purchase ice and load basin with ice and product. You should be using onebag of ice for your shifts.9) Set up your tasting cups beside the sink and snacks, hand sanitizer andnapkins out front.

    10) Display product on the left and munchies on the right side of the cart. Displaya few bottles surrounded in ice in the basin as well.

    Tear Down :

    1) Empty munchies bowl, return all warm product to staff and dump anyremaining product.2) Drain water in the sink and tub below (ask staff where is best to do that) andwipe down all countertops.3) Ask for closing numbers and your tasting receipt. Get tasting invoices signedby the store manager.


    1) Keep your completed tasting invoice and all related receipts in a safe placeuntil scanned/faxed to Luma Events.

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    Tasting Update Example

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    Tasting Bar Examples

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    The rate of payment for a 4 hour tasting is $60.00. All other events, such as, wineshows, beer festivals, or bar promotions are negotiated prior to the event.

    Demonstrators will be paid on the successful completion of each Tasting orEvent and reimbursed for any APPROVED expenses required for each tasting orevent. If you are sent home for not following our policies and procedures, you will

    not be paid. You are to submit to Luma Events your completed DemonstratorInvoice, a copy of the Tasting Update, and all valid/dated receipts no later thanthe Tuesday following your tasting. Completed Invoices MUST be submitted nolater than 7 days after the scheduled tasting/event including all receipts to avoida $25 administrative fee, which may be deducted at the discretion of LumaEvents.

    Payment will be released and mailed within one week following yourtasting. Exceptions may apply on Statutory/Civic holidays.

    Your expenses should not be greater than $15.00 unless otherwise approved. A

    valid dated receipt must be submitted. Payment will not be issued without theproper receipt of all documentation.

    Incomplete or unsigned invoices will not be accepted and will be returned to youto complete.

    Please note:You are considered a sub-contractor and not an employee. Luma Events has noresponsibility to make deductions for, or pay, benefits, health, welfare andpension costs, withholdings for income taxes, employment insurance premiums,workplace safety and insurance premiums, Canada Pension Plan premium,payroll taxes, disability insurance premiums, or any other similar charges.

    There are two ways to send in your documents:Fax 905-825-0207Scan by e-mail [email protected]

    The Schedule

    The promotional schedule will be emailed to you roughly a month in advance.You will receive a weekly reminder of any upcoming tastings you are scheduledfor. It is very important that you double check these e-mails, to avoid any

    confusion as to where and when you are working. Below is a sample of theschedule that is sent by e-mail:

    Location Date Time TastingNumber

    Product(s) Store City Store Address Store Phone#

    417 12-Jan-12 4-8PM 074593 627802 Yellow Tail Chardonnay WATERLOO 571 King Street North 519-884-8511

    378 21-Jan-12 11:30-3:30PM 074599 341131 - Fetzer Merlot OSHAWA 400 Gibb Street 905-723-5721

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    Our Clients

    Our clients are important to us! We pride ourselves on givingthem the very best in Customer Service, Brand Awareness andSales Results.

    Our goal is to give our customers the very best tastingexperience and leave them with a positive impression on thatproduct.

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    LCBO Store Guidelines

    LCBO - Demonstrator Qualifications


    It is a serious offence to serve liquor to any person under the age ofnineteen (19) or who is intoxicated.

    ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH/&%2V&KHFNSURJUDPVXSSOLHUVDJHQWVRUWKHLUWKLUGparty demonstrators must verify the age of any person who appears to be underthe age of twenty-five (25). If the person is under the age of nineteen (19) orcannot provide acceptable proof of age they must not sample.

    Six forms of photo identification are prescribed in regulation to the Liquor LicenseAct7KH/&%2V%

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    the following website address:

    4. The demonstrator is responsible to the Store Manager or their designate forthe execution of the in-store tasting and must be fully aware of and apply theIn-store Tasting Requirements.

    5. The demonstrator must be familiar with the product they are demonstrating

    and able to answer general questions from customers. Though it is not arequirement, we encourage all demonstrators to have completed at leastLevel I of the LCBO Product Knowledge Correspondence Course or anotherrecognised wine, spirits and beer educational program.

    6. At the discretion of the Store Manager the demonstrator may sample theproduct once to ensure product quality. This must be done out of customerview. Abuse of this privilege will result in the immediate termination of thetasting.

    7. Each customer is allowed one sample of each product to a maximum of two

    samples in total.

    8. The customer is not required to make a donation to charity for the samplesand there should be no donation box on the tasting bar.

    9. The serving size maximum limits are:

    (maximum servings are based on alcohol content by volume and these levelsalso apply to mixed drinks)

    Sample Sizes by Alcohol

    23.1% or greater 7.1 mL once16 to 23% 14.2 mL once1% to 15.9% 28.4 mL 1 once

    10. In the case of mixed drinks the product with the highest level of alcohol isused to determine the sample size.

    11. Clear plastic glasses must be used to conduct the tasting (if you wish to useglass please check in advance with the Store Manager about safety concernsand washing facilities). Plastic glasses are to be used only once and thrownaway they are never to be washed and reused. It is the responsibility of the

    demonstrator to bring glasses to use during the tasting; the LCBO will notprovide them.

    12. A food item must be available on the tasting bar during every in-store tastingand we strongly recommend that individual servings be used.

    13. Hand cleanser and napkins should always be available at the tasting bar.

    14. Spittoons must be provided on the tasting bar.
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    15. Samples are not to be pre-poured and left on the tasting bar.

    16. The demonstrator must be available at the tasting bar whenever it is inoperation. If the demonstrator needs to leave the bar a tent card shouldprovide these details: "Tastings will resume at ...o'clock". The demonstratormust advise LCBO staff that they are leaving the tasting bar, remove allproducts and place them under the counter.

    17.Under no circumstances is product to be removed from the store by atrade representative or a demonstrator. The product must be used onlyfor in-store tasting and all opened product leftover from the tastingmust be destroyed by the demonstrator as a part of the bar clean-up.

    18. The Store Manager may choose to cancel a tasting if there is any lack ofprofessionalism by the supplier/agent or third party demonstrator. Forexample unprofessional appearance (for LCBO staff full uniform includingname badge is required and for non-LCBO staff business casual asdefined by the LCBO), punctuality, use of a cell telephone in view of the

    public or inappropriate behaviour in conducting the tasting. If a cancellationoccurs the LCBO will invoice the supplier/agent for rental charges and anyproduct(s) used.

    19. We ask that all demonstrators refrain from using heavily scented perfume orcologne when conducting tastings as this may interfere with product tasting.


    Reconfirm the tasting date(s) and time(s) and discuss any special requests

    with the Store Manager two (2) weeks prior to the tasting date.

    Ensure that your demonstrator knows the product and can answer questionsfrom customers.

    Provide interesting POP material in take-away format such as good foodmatches and cooking suggestions. Confirm that the POP material requiredfor the tasting has been delivered to the Store before the tasting date(s).

    Create an attractive display of food and beverage on the tasting bar counter.

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    The Beer Store Store Guidelines

    The Beer Store - Demonstrator Qualifications

    13. Demonstrator Qualifications

    13.1. All demonstrators must have successfully completed the Smart Serve

    Program (reference

    13.2. The use of employees of The Beer Store to conduct tastings on behalf of abrewer is not permitted.

    13.3. Demonstrators must understand the Guidelines, applicable laws and theprinciples of responsible serving and sale and conduct tasting activity inaccordance with them.

    13.4. Demonstrators must be familiar with the product they are presenting and beable to answer questions from customers.

    13.5. While conducting tasting activity, demonstrators must be attired to thePLQLPXPVWDQGDUGRIEXVLQHVVFDVXDORU better.

    )RUWKHSXUSRVHVRIWKLVSURJUDPEXVLQHVVFDVXDOLVGHILQHGDVIROORZVfull length (or at least below the knee), solid coloured pants, a collared, long orshort sleeved solid coloured shirt (buttoned or Polo/golf shirt) and open or closedtoe / closed heel shoes. Clothing must be clean, undamaged and well pressed. Adecorative treatment may be utilized on the shirt only and can reflect thebrewery, tasting brand, or a reference to the Tasting Program.

    13.5.2. Jeans, sweatpants, shorts, skirts, leggings and spandex clothing are notpermitted. Shirts with bare shoulders are not permitted. Sandals are notpermitted. Headwear is not permitted (head covers that are required for religiouspurposes or to honour cultural traditions are permitted).

    13.6. Tasting in each store will be conducted by a maximum of onedemonstrator.

    14. Tasting Process/Activity

    14.1. The brewer must provide a demonstrator and all the necessary materials

    (e.g. beer, ice, food item(s), food container(s), utensils, poster etc.) for eachtasting. Note that packaged ice is available to be purchased in each of theprogram stores. Snack foods qualify as a food item for the purposes of tasting.

    14.2. A food item must be available and attractively presented on the tasting cartduring each tasting session.

    14.3. Food storage, preparation and serving are the sole responsibility of thebrewer.

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    14.4. Each customer is allowed one beer sample only and must be legal drinkingage.

    14.5. The maximum serving size of the sample is 89 ml or 3 oz.

    14.6. The Beer Store will provide clear or opaque plastic cups for each tastingsession. Each cup will be single use only and, once used, must be discarded intothe garbage bin provided.

    14.7. A display of the tasting brand in packages and/or containers may beconstructed on the wing shelves of the tasting cart provided that these displaysare stable and secure.

    14.8. Packaged product and empties in boxes may be placed on the flooradjacent to the base of the cart provided these displays are below and within theperimeter of the cart wing shelves and do not pose a safety hazard.

    14.9. The brewer is responsible for any damage to the tasting cart that occursduring a tasting session. The Beer Store reserves the right to charge the brewer

    for the cost of repairing any damage to the tasting cart and/or cleaning thatmay be required.

    15. Demonstrator and Responsible Serving

    15.1. All demonstrators must have successfully completed the Smart Serveprogram and be able to present to the store manager both a Smart ServeIdentification Card and one piece of photo identification (both in theirname). Failure to produce this identification prior to the start of the tastingwill lead to the immediate cancellation of the tasting.

    7KH%HHU6WRUHV5HVSRQsible Sale Policy is in force for all tasting activity.It is a serious offence to serve liquor to any person under the age ofnineteen (19) or who is intoxicated.

    15.3. Proof of age:

    15.3.1. Before providing a sample of product, tasting demonstrators must verifythe age of any person who appears twenty-five (25) years of age or younger. If aGHPRQVWUDWRUKHVLWDWHVIRUDPRPHQWUHJDUGLQJWKHFXVWRPHU s age then thecustomer must be challenged. If the person is under the age of nineteen (19) orcannot provide acceptable, proof of age the customer must not be served.


    x $GULYHUVOLFHQVHLVVXHGE\WKH3URYLQFHRI2QWDULRZLWKD photograph ofthe person to whom the license is issued

    x A Canadian passportx A Canadian citizenship card with a photograph of the person to whom the

    license is issuedx A Canadian armed forces identification card

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    x A photo card issued by the Liquor License Board of Ontariox A BYID card issued by the Liquor Control Board of Ontariox Any government issued document displaying a photograph of the person

    and his/her date of birth

    15.4. If in doubt as to whether or not a customer is, or appears to be intoxicated,the demonstrator is to discreetly evaluate WKHFXVWRPHUVFRQGLWLRQ,IVWLOOLQdoubt, do not serve the customer.

    15.5. The store manager will provide a Challenge/Incident Report (Appendix 9) toall demonstrators at the start of each tasting. This report must be completedwhenever a customer is asked to produce proof of age identification or ifservice is refused to an intoxicated person. This report must be returned to thestore manager at the conclusion of the tasting. Demonstrators are required toimmediately report all challenges resulting in refusal. TBS storemanagers are always available to support demonstrators in challenging andrefusing customers.

    15.6. TBS staff are prohibited from sampling during working hours and also while

    in uniform.

    16. Demonstrator: Other Responsibilities

    16.1. The demonstrator is responsible to the store manager for the execution ofthe in-store tasting and must be fully aware of and apply the guidelinesthroughout the session.

    16.2. Demonstrators must be aware that the store manager has the authority tosuspend or cancel a tasting for any of the following reasons:

    16.2.1. Failure by the demonstrator to provide an original Smart ServeIdentification Card and one piece of photo identification both in their name.

    16.2.2. Contravention of the Guidelines, applicable laws or any TBS policy by ademonstrator.

    16.2.3. Contravention of the principles of responsible sale by the demonstrator.

    16.2.4. Unprofessional behaviour on the part of the demonstrator (e.g. use of acell phone or mobile device in view of customers or inappropriate behaviour inconducting the tasting).

    16.2.5. Failure by the demonstrator to meet the minimum attire standard ofEXVLQHVVFDVXDO as set out in Section 13.5.

    16.2.6. The store manager has serious cRQFHUQVDERXWWKHGHPRQVWUDWRUVDELOLW\to perform the tasting.

    16.2.7. There is insufficient stock available to complete the tasting session ineither the tasting brand or the default brand.

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    16.3. The demonstrator must be available at the tasting cart whenever it is inoperation. Demonstrators are permitted to leave the cart for short breaks of 15minutes or less. Prior to leaving the cart, the demonstrator must remove all beercontainers (bottles or cans) from customer access by placing them within thecart. Demonstrators must also advise TBS staff that they are leaving the tastingcart and display the TBS-VXSSOLHGFRXUWHV\VLJQTasting Will Resume in 150LQXWHV$SSHQGL[RQWKHFOLSERDUGSRVLWLRQHGLQFXVWRPHUYLHZRQWKHWRSof the cart.

    16.4. Demonstrators are encouraged to politely engage customers by offeringthem the opportunity to sample their product and answering any questions theymay have.

    16.5. Demonstrators are prohibited from:

    16.5.1. Providing customers with inducements to taste or purchase in the form ofvouchers, free merchandise, contest entries, etc.

    16.5.2. Any form of solicitation of customer information or feedback.

    16.5.3. Sampling the products of other brewers and from offering comparativecommentary to customers on anotherEUHZHUVSURGXFWV'HPRQVWUDWRUVPD\only offer a sample of the brand to a customer and may not attempt to switch orinfluence customers that have already picked up, ordered or purchased anotherbrand.

    16.5.4. Selling product directly to customers. The store manager must completeall sales.

    16.6. At the conclusion of each tasting session the demonstrator must:

    16.6.1. Remove remaining beer stock and supplies from customer view, storingthem securely within the cart.

    16.6.2. Return empties to the store manager for refund value.

    16.6.3. Remove and discard all refuse as directed by the store manager.

    16.6.4. Thoroughly clean the tasting cart and discard the ice and water asdirected by the store manager.

    16.7. At the conclusion of the tasting period, the demonstrator must remove allopened cases from the store premises. Upon request, store managers willprocess as appropriate either a refund or a Return to Brewer transaction (Section12.2) with a credit value for unopened packages returned by demonstrators atthe conclusion of the tasting period.

    16.8. Demonstrators will, at the request of TBS, distribute informational materialand/or survey forms to customers participating in sampling.

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    LCBO Store Search

    The easiest way to find your store is to access your store location on-line:

    x Log ontowww.lcbo.comx Select your language preferencex Click on Store Search (located at the bottom right of the page)x

    Scroll down and select City Wide Search by clicking in the circle providedx Select the city you require from the drop down arrowx Click on find storesx Once the search result is complete, a listing of all the LCBO stores in that

    city will pop up.x Find your store number and select it.

    The address, phone number, hours of operation, and store features will pop up.(See sample below) You can also click on Show Map and it will map out thestore location for you.


    and the map. You can add it to your Demonstrator Binder for future reference.
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