democracy in vedas

Democracy in Action AV3.4 Road Map for Governance Elected Head of State 1.आ आआआआ आआआ आआआआआआआआ आआ आआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआआ आआआआआआआआआ आआआआ आआआआआ ! आआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआ !! आआआआआ 3.4.1 You have again obtained control of Governance. Shine like the sun with your talents to initiate strategies for growth of public welfare. By your policies be acceptable to every body on all sides. Be fair to all 2.आआआआआ आआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआआआ आआआआआ ! आआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआआ आ आआआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआआ !! आआआआआ 3.4.2 People have entrusted you to the top position as the most competent. Take total control of all the five sides –east, west, north, south, above and below land- to provide deterrent protection from enemies and

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Post on 08-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Democracy in  Vedas

Democracy in Action AV3.4Road Map for Governance

Elected Head of State1.आ त्वा� गन्�‌ रा�ष्ट्रं� सह वार्च�स�दे�हिह प्रा�ङ्� ‌ हिवाशां�� पहि�रा�कराट्�‌ त्वा� हिवारा�ज ! सवा��स्त्वा� रा�जन्�‌ प्रादिदेशां� ह्वयन्�!पसद्यो� न्मस्य� भवा�ह !! अथवा� 3.4.1 You have again obtained control of Governance. Shine like the sun with your talents to initiate strategies for growth of public welfare. By your policies be acceptable to every body on all sides.

Be fair to all2.त्वा�� हिवाशां� वा'ण��� रा�ज्य�य त्वा�मिमम�+ प्रादिदेशां+ पञ्र्च दे�वा-+ ! वार्ष्मम�न्�‌ रा�ष्ट्रंस्य कक/ दिदे श्रवास्य ��� न् उग्रो� हिवाभ्ज� वास!हिन् !! अथवा� 3.4.2 People have entrusted you to the top position as the most competent. Take total control of all the five sides –east, west, north, south, above and below land- to provide deterrent protection from enemies and for equidistribution of bounties among the people.

International base & Education 3.अच्छ त्वा� य��/ हहिवान्+ सज��� अग्नि6न्र्दू��� अजिजरा+ स� र्चरा��� ! ज�य�+ प/त्राः�+ स/मन्स� भवा��/ बहुं� बलिं=> प्राहि� पश्य�स� उग्रो+ !! अथवा� 3.4.3 Have your representatives travel to other nations and their representatives call and hold you in respect. Your policies may create amity among people and provide avenues for moral and intellectual development of the younger generation of girls and boys.

State Priorities4.अश्विAन्� त्वा�6न्� मिमत्राः�वारुण�भ� हिवाA�दे�वा� मरु�स्त्वा� ह्वयन्�/ !

Page 2: Democracy in  Vedas

अधा� मन्� वास/दे�य�य क' न्ण/र्ष्मवा ��� न्� उग्रो� हिवा भज� वास!हिन् !! अथवा� 3.4.4 First address the subject of public transport ,Mitra- the social welfare subjects, Varun – the law order, secret service- home ministry, Marut- defense matters . Then forcefully attend to commerce finance, real estate matters for legitimate equidistribution.

Rule of Dharma5.प्रा�वा�+ शिशांवा� �� द्यो�वा�प'शिथवा- उभ� स्��म�‌! �देय� राज� वारुणस्त्था�ह स त्वा�यमह्व��‌ स उप�देम�हिह !!अथवा� 3.4.5 (VaruN stands for the omnipresent quality of Almighty, it will be a far cry to establish the King and his administration as if keeping a watch over all his behavior like the omnipresent Almighty ) Establish the rule of Divine law for all people to follow in their life to live by Dharma , for the land and environments to be in complete harmony.

Public welfare & MIS6.इन्द्रे�न्द्रे मन्/र्ष्मय�33: परा�हिह स� ह्यज्ञा�स्था� वारुणK+ स�हिवादे�न्+ ! स त्वा�यमह्वस्त्वा� सधास्था� स दे�वा�न्यक्षत्स उ कल्पय�हिNशां+ !! अथवा� 3.4.6 King shares his throne with Indra- Public works and Varun –complete intelligence. Thus guided by these two he conducts the business of governance. Democracy in Operation7.पथ्य� रा�वा�-ब�हुंधा� हिवारूप�+ सवा��+ सङ्गत्य वारा-यस्�� अक्रन्�‌ ! ��स्त्वा� सवा��+ स�हिवादे�न्� ह्वय��/ देशांम-म/ग्रो+ स/मन्� वाशां�ह !! अथवा� 3.4.7 People of all shade in the society, followers of Truth and prosperous in myriad forms, have elected you to be their King. Cheerfully discharge your duties for full term-100 years.

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