democracies unit 3 chapters 8, 10, & 12 mrs. tucker world history victor valley high school

Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

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Page 1: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

DemocraciesUnit 3

Chapters 8, 10, & 12Mrs. Tucker

World HistoryVictor Valley High School

Page 2: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

Peninsulares Creole Mulatto Russification Junker Realpolitik

Kaiser Conservative Liberal Zionists Radical Nation-State

Vocabulary Terms

Page 3: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

Your DefinitionIcon/GraphicPicture/ Chart/Diagram


Example/Synonyms Non-Example List Antonyms/ Opposite List

Frayer Method

Page 4: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

People born in Spain, small small percentage of population special rank and privileges;

Spaniards Colonists


Page 5: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

Spaniards born in Latin America & lower rank;

Colonialist-born European-Born


Page 6: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

Persons of mixed European and African ancestry;

Mixed-Origin Europeans or Africans


Page 7: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

Forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in Russian Empire; autocracy, orthodoxy and ‘Russian-ness’

Forced Culture Diversity


Page 8: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

Prussia’s strongly conservative, wealthy landowning class;

Landowner landless


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“Politics of Reality” tough power politics with no room for idealism.

Realist Idealist


Page 10: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

Emperor of Germany or the Second Reich;

Wilhelm I PresidentWilhelm II Prime Minister


Page 11: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

Usually wealthy property Owners and nobility who want to preserve the traditional monarchies of Europe;

Traditional Liberal, Radical


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Mostly middle-class business leaders and merchants who wanted more power to parliaments, with only educated and landowners would vote;

Receptive Conventional


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Favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people – believed that all governments should practice ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity/brotherhood;

Extreme Moderate/Conservative


Page 14: Democracies Unit 3 Chapters 8, 10, & 12 Mrs. Tucker World History Victor Valley High School

One who is for the Movement for a Jewish homeland, most likely in Palestine;

Theodor Herzl Orthodox Jews


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Sovereign state made up of a land and people who share similar history, culture, religion, and language;

Greece Russian EmpireGermany Austria-HungaryItaly
