demo scenario jumpstart - eurocontrol€¦ · hit the edit

1 Demo Scenario Jumpstart Document history Version Date Status Author Changes 0.0 27/03/2015 Draft Tim Initial version Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Starting Jumpstart ................................................................................................................................... 2 The Jumpstart Window ........................................................................................................................... 2 The scenario ............................................................................................................................................ 2 The flight ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Flow ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Meteo...................................................................................................................................................... 4 DNOTAM ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Ibl soft meteo .......................................................................................................................................... 5 CNS .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Visualization ............................................................................................................................................ 6

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Page 1: Demo Scenario Jumpstart - Eurocontrol€¦ · Hit the Edit


Demo Scenario Jumpstart

Document history

Version Date Status Author Changes 0.0 27/03/2015 Draft Tim Initial version

Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Starting Jumpstart ................................................................................................................................... 2

The Jumpstart Window ........................................................................................................................... 2

The scenario ............................................................................................................................................ 2

The flight ................................................................................................................................................. 2

Flow ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Meteo ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

DNOTAM ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Ibl soft meteo .......................................................................................................................................... 5

CNS .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Visualization ............................................................................................................................................ 6

Page 2: Demo Scenario Jumpstart - Eurocontrol€¦ · Hit the Edit


Introduction This document will describe a demo scenario for use with the Jumpstart DC. The Jumpstart DC is a

SWIM discovery and demonstration tool for windows. It can be used to visualize data that is

available to you. We will go through a scenario where we will plan a flight, load data and visualize

the relevant data. This document can be used to discover the possibilities of Jumpstart. If after

reading this demo scenario you want more information about the Jumpstart DC, there is a Quick

start user manual available to start exploring yourself. Also an advanced manual and developer

material will be made available in the near future.

The Quickstart manual can be found in the SWIM registry by clicking here.

Note: This scenario if for demonstration purpose only! Jumpstart is not intended for operational use.

Note: In this guide we will assume you have a working version of Jumpstart. An installation guide is

available for you to correctly install the software.

Starting Jumpstart Go to the folder where you installed Jumpstart. In this folder go to:

Jumpstart_DC/bin/debug/Jumpstart_DC.exe and run this file as an administrator. In the pop-up, click

on clear all and ok. The program should now start and load data (for example airports, routes,

waypoints,…) When the data is loaded you can start with the demon scenario.

The Jumpstart Window You will now see the main window of the Jumpstart DC. On the top of the screen you see several

tabs of which everyone has a specific function. The functions of every tab will not be explained here

but can be found in the Quickstart user manual. This manual is only intended to give you an idea of

what is possible with this software.

The scenario For our demo scenario we will prepare a flight from Amsterdam (EHAM) to Chicago (KORD). This

demo scenario can be executed with every flight, however not all functions are available for every

airport or flight. We will demonstrate here how to load weather data, NOTAM data, flow data and

much more. We will then combine all this data and visualize it on a map.

The flight We select the flight management tab and enter ‘KORD’ in the field Aerodep/set field. After clicking

on the Flight list by aerodrome button all the filed flightplan are shown. By selecting ‘both’ in the

Role field, we will see both departing and arriving flights. We select the flight from EHAM to KORD,

click on ICAO path and on Show path. The flight path is now shown on the map and it includes the

waypoints, navaids, routes, etc. You can zoom in and zoom out here and more information about

the navaids and waypoints is available.

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In the same tab (under the ICAO flight path), several tick boxes are available to display extra

information on the map.

If you select AMBD, hit the ‘show path’ button and zoom in on the Chicago airport, you will

see a detailed overlay of the airport on the map, including runways, taxiways, etc.

If you select TOD and hit the ‘show path’ button, all the obstacles that are in the pre-loaded

datasets will be displayed. You can zoom in on them and hover over the object to get more

information about that specific obstacle.

You can show SID’s, STAR’s, etc by ticking the box ‘Proc’. You can select here what you want

to display and in which datasets the information is. The SID and STAR for the selected flight

will be shown after hitting the ‘show path’ button (if they are available).

Figure 1: The overview of the flight path

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Flow Click on the flow/regulations. Clicking on ‘get regulations’ will download all available regulations via

the NM B2B. The regulations appear in the banner (which can be paused and stopped by the control

underneath it) and they appear in the grid. By clicking on show regulations they will be visualized on

the map.

Meteo Click on the meteo/METAR tab. To download the METAR information, you have to hit the ‘get

Metar’ button. The Metar information is now downloaded but still needs to be converted to the

iWXXM format. This can be done by selecting all the Metar information and by hitting the ‘decode

Metar’ button. The Metar is now in the correct format to be displayed on the map.

If you go back to the flight management tab, you can select the tick box in front of Meteo (at the

bottom, under the ICAO flight path) and select the ‘Metar around flightpath’. If you hit ‘show path’

again, the Metar information will be displayed around the flightpath on the map.

DNOTAM Jumpstart has a function to access digital NOTAM from the FAA. To retrieve the DNOTAM, click on

the ADR/Events tab. In the field ‘Data set’ you can enter a name for the dataset you will create, eg

‘DN-KORD’. Now center the area you want the DNOTAM of (right click on the KORD airport and hit

center’. Click on the WFS button and select ‘FAA FDS… Search by lat long map center’ (lower grid).

Figure 2: AMBD data, STAR data and obstacle data as an overlay on the bing map

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Hit the Edit <- Grid button and hit execute. The DNOTAM are now retrieved and stored in the

dataset you created.

To display the DNOTAM, go back to the flight management tab and tick the box next to events.

Select ‘all datasets’ and select the radius you want. If you click on show path again, the DNOTAM will

be displayed on the map.

Ibl soft meteo In Jumpstart, go to the General/WMS. In the Grid you can select one of the maps. By clicking on

‘retrieve and add to map’ the overlay map will be displayed over the bing map. All kind of different

maps can be added.

CNS In the CNS/Surveillance/Generic tab in jumpstart we can retrieve surveillance data from FlightAware.

You can create an area with the map controls and then hit the ‘Start streaming’ button. The ADS-B

data from FlightAware will then be displayed in Jumpstart. If the flight is known at NM, the flight

path can be drawn by right clicking on the airplane and select ‘Draw ICAO flightplan path’. Airplanes

from different carriers can be shown in different colours by selecting the tick box ‘’Highlight’.

Figure 3: visualization of the ibl soft maps

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Visualization The overall picture containing all the information we retrieved looks like this:

Figure 4: visualization of FlightAware data

Figure 5: overall visualization

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Figure 6: overall visualization