demo bsp

1 BSP code to work with drop down list box Layout code: <%@page language="abap" %> <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %> <htmlb:content design="classic+design2002+design2003" > <htmlb:page title="BSP Extension: HTMLB / Element: checkboxGroup" > <htmlb:form> <htmlb:checkbox id = "chk" tooltip = "Click the checkbox" text="<%=checked%>"(checked is a string type value) on Click = "My CheckboxClick" /> </htmlb:form> </htmlb:page> </htmlb:content> OnInPutProcessing code: DATA: chkbox1 TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_checkbox, chkbox1 ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data( request = runtime->server->request name = 'checkbox' id = 'chk' ). DATA: event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event. event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ). IF event->name = 'checkbox' AND event->event_type = 'click'. CASE event->id. WHEN 'chk'. checked = chkbox1->checked. IF checked EQ 'X'. checked = ' Selected'.(Pass this "checked" value to layout) ELSE. checked = 'Not Selected'. ENDIF. endcase. endif.

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dro down box in


Page 1: demo bsp


BSP code to work with drop down list box

Layout code:

<%@page language="abap" %>

<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>

<htmlb:content design="classic+design2002+design2003" >

  <htmlb:page title="BSP Extension: HTMLB / Element: checkboxGroup" >


            <htmlb:checkbox id            = "chk"                      

                        tooltip       = "Click the checkbox"                 

                         text="<%=checked%>"(checked is a string type value)

                        on Click       = "My CheckboxClick" />





OnInPutProcessing code:


DATA: chkbox1 TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_checkbox,

chkbox1 ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data( request =

runtime->server->request name = 'checkbox' id = 'chk' ).

DATA: event TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_event.

event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).

IF event->name = 'checkbox' AND event->event_type = 'click'.

   CASE event->id.

     WHEN 'chk'.

       checked = chkbox1->checked.

       IF checked EQ 'X'.

         checked = ' Selected'.(Pass this "checked" value to layout)


         checked = 'Not Selected'.




Page 2: demo bsp

Layout Code:-

<%@page language="abap"%>

<%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>

<htmlb:content design="classic+design2002+design2003">

  <htmlb:page title = "First Page ">


<htmlb:dropdownListBox id = "myDropdownListDay"

                  tooltip  = "Quick info for myDropdownListBox">


LOOP AT t_mod INTO fs_mod.


                  <htmlb:listBoxItem   key = "<%=fs_mod%>"

                                       value = "<%=fs_mod%>"/>








In  Event-handler - on Initilalization.

SELECT modul FROM zemployee INTO TABLE t_mod.

sort t_mod.

delete adjacent duplicates from t_mod comparing modul.

In Page Attributes:-

Fs_mod type types_mod

t_mod type fs_module.

In Type Definition:


  BEGIN OF types_mod,

    modul TYPE zemployee-modul,

  END OF types_mod,

  fs_module type

  standard table

            of TYPES_MOD.

Page 3: demo bsp


Layout------The code below is pure HTML and not HTMLB so you will need to remove thehtmlb code that SAP insert automatically.

<htmlb:content design="design2003"> <htmlb:page title = " "> <htmlb:form>

<html><page><FORM NAME="formlist"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr> <td align="RIGHT"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="keywords" size=60> <INPUT type="submit" name="OnInputProcessing(search)"> </td><% data: it_ekko type standard table of ekko initial size 0, wa_ekko type ekko.

select ebeln up to 10 rows

Page 4: demo bsp

from ekko into table it_ekko.%>

<td><SELECT NAME="typelist"> <% loop at it_ekko into wa_ekko. %> <OPTION VALUE="<%=sy-tabix%>"><%=wa_ekko-ebeln%> <% endloop. %> </SELECT> </td>


OnInputProcessing-----------------case event_id. "declared in page attributes as type STRING when 'search'.* Sets value of parameter, i.e. gets value from screen navigation->set_parameter( name = 'keywords' ).

* Gets value of parameter, so can be moved into abap field* Note: gd_keywords declared in page attributes as type string gd_keywords = navigation->get_parameter( name = 'keywords' ).

* set and get user option, gd_option(type string) will contain index* of line selected navigation->set_parameter( name = 'typelist' ). gd_option = navigation->get_parameter( name = 'typelist' ).

* If you create page 'courses.htm' with a field called keywords within* page attributes then the value entered in this page will be passed* through. navigation->goto_page('courses.htm').endcase.
