deming2devops - history of management

Deming to Devops History of Management Tuesday, November 12, 13 Kind of the history of nondeterminsim Check out these two books... Thread of NP to what we call Devops

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Deming to Devops


Page 1: Deming2Devops - History of Management

Deming to DevopsHistory of Management

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Kind of the history of nondeterminsim Check out these two books... Thread of NP to what we call Devops

Page 2: Deming2Devops - History of Management

Charles Robert Darwin

On the Origin of Species - 1859

Tuesday, November 12, 13

First Im gonna do a head fake...Kind of really starts with Darwin... He put a stake in the heart of Determinism.. Orgin of species in 1959 Sets the stage for a big change of way of thinking at the turn of the 19th century...

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Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann

Statistical Mechanics -1870

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Boltzman is so facinated in what Darwin did with biology and NP He decides to try and apply it the properties of gases Becomes the father of statistical mechanics... Statistics and Physics... exact becomes probable...

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Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck

Planck Constant - 1900

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Planck is playing around with Boltzman stuffKind of almost accidentally discover quantum physics ...Another stake in the group for NP... Discovers how to measure the unmeasurable... again statistics...

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Albert Einstein

Photoelectric Effect - 1905

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Albert uses the Planck constant to solve a problem and wins a nobel prize for hisPhotoelectric Effect .. Quantum Physics is a foot..

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Walter A. Shewhart

Statistical Process Control - 1924Tuesday, November 12, 13

A physicist working at Wester Electric is frustrated about the quality of manufacturing phones...Applies statistics to manufacturing in a non determinstic way and createsSPC... codifies the observable variation into two camps speacial and xxx correlation.. using STD...

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William Edwards Deming

Deming’s Speech at Mount Hakone, Japan 1950

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Deming a disiple of of Shewhart and his variation ideas. Sent over the Japan to help rebuild after WW2In 1950 Hakone 80 of the wealth of Japan and in 5 years..

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Eliyahu M. Goldratt

Theory of Constraints - The Goal1984

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Eliahu Goldratt.. Wow many ppl have read the goal.. TOC is a strong underlay of Devops... flow... bottlenecksGene Kim’s Phoenix Project is a rewrite of the goal...

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William Edwards Deming

System of Profound Knowledge - 1993Tuesday, November 12, 13

In 1993 Deming put his 60 years of brilliance into a book called New Economics Creates the SoPK includes systems thinking, variation, pdsa and culture bias

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Martin Fowler

Agile Manifesto - 2001

Tuesday, November 12, 13

The agile manifesto in 2001 Martin is one of the 14 signers....More importantly Marin is w/Thoughtworks who are an important part of the lean and .. to becomes the devops story.. i.e., Jez Humble .. contious delivery

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David J Anderson

Kanban for Software - 2003

Tuesday, November 12, 13

David J Anderson is a lean agile dev manager struggling with devs flow issues...He reads Goldratt’s “The Goal” and the light bulb goes off... Kanban for software...

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Steve Bell

Lean Enterprise Systems - 2005Tuesday, November 12, 13

Steve bell writes Len Ensterprise and the wins a shingo prove for his Lean IT book w/Mike OrzenMakes the transition of lean to IT from manufact to software to now IT

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Steve Blank

The Four Steps to the Epiphany - 2005

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Step in Steven Gary Blank... Writes a book about the war stories of the dot bomb 200 fiasco Defines mapping to gemba get out of the officeSmall changes ,, customer dev methodology

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Eric Ries

The Lean Startup - 2011

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Eric Ries is a student of Blank and applies his ideas at a startup called IMVUHe also is a Deming fan and really applies Lean and Deming ideas Now a defacto standar fo entrprenuers and even intrprenuers

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Simon Sinek

Start With Why - 2011

Tuesday, November 12, 13

If you have not read Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” I deamnd you pull out your kindle righ now.. Golden circle .. What/How/Why... We need to start with why...

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Gene Kim

The Phoenix Project - 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 13

Gene is the modern day hero of IT. How do we change the life of millions of IT professionals. The goal instead of enclaves and robots. it’s java stacks and sys admins.. Bottlenecks...

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The Godfather

Devops 2009 - TBDTuesday, November 12, 13

And of course the godfather... coined the term. creates a movement and more important has been an excellent guardian and facilitator of the movement.