degree** the san francisco call. › lccn › sn85066387 › ... · first shot inthe revolt,...

T STEAMER 6LYMPIA, WHICH IS WREGKED^ONBLIGH ISLAND:WITH JIO6 PERSONS | -; : ABOARD :t ;5; 5 . . SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, DECEiCBER; 12^ -191& Alaska Steamer, With 106 Persons, Wrecked PEICE FIVE CENTS. VOLUME CIX.—NO. 12, {"HOT* Chief Lees Applied the "Thir7\ Degree** to a Prisoner Will Be Told in « The Sunday Call Next Sunday in the j^ Series of Articles Concerning the Great \y Detective. : : : : :i : /-: :ji The San Francisco Call. f THE WEATHER YESTERDAY— Highest temperature. 60; lo&est Saturday irighU 54. FORECAST FOR TODAY— Fair; light i northwest wind. j FOUR JAILED FOR HAVING STOLEN GOLD Vessel Strikes Treacherous Bligh ' Island in Dead of Night and Grave Fears Are Felt for the Passengers DISTRICT COURT MEMBERS ARE ABOARD BRAZILIAN REVOLT COSTS 400 LIVES Edward^J3. Aldrich, the sen- ator's "Son, director, vice presi- dent and general manager of the Intercontinental. 6.200 shares, par value $6:0,000. Senator Nelson W. Aldrich di- rector, 25,000 shares, common, par value $2,500,000; about 5,250 shares of preferred, par value J525.000. The Aldrich holdings, so far as known, in the Intercontinental <crude> rubber company are: Four other Aldriches appear also on the stock register of the rubber trust. In Nelson *W. Aldrich's name stand 340 shares of the first pre- ferred stock, worth $37,400 at last Saturday's closing price on the New York exchange. Inspection by a representative of the World of the stock register of the United States rubber com- pany the $75,000,000 manufac- turing rubber trust—shows that Senator Aldrlch has a very sub- stantial pecuniary Interest in the Increase in the tariff on manu- factured rubber male by Aldrich's company. "Neither I nor any member of my family has ever had any pe- cuniary interest as to whether the rates on manufactures of rubber were 30, 35 or 300 per cent, or whether crude rubber was on the free or dutiable list. 1 * NEW YORK, Dec. 11.—The World says: Last July Nelson W. Aldrich, erstwhile boss of the United States senate that helped enact the present Payne-Aldrich tariff law, denied the charge of Joseph L. Bristow, a progressive republican senator from Kansas, in the following letter to Con- gressman McKlnley of Illinois, chairman of the republican con- gressional committee: [Special Dispatch to The Call] Millions in Rubber Trust Stock Owned By Senator Aldrich BANKER PERISHES PURSUING AN ELK Judge E. 'Ei\Cushman, ivho^Tvitfcdthet members' of third. distfict\c6urU is > : .:. . vy> . ' ;: ;\u25a0•. on; wrecked^ s learner ,y; : , >iv. Y. ; trivial, most of the demands made by the men in the last .mutiny having been granted by 1 -the government. According to the newspapers, the causes leading'to the second revolt are The chamber of deputies met today to discuss a special session. A strict censorship is being maintained, but conditions are entirely normal. The scout ship Rio Grande do Sul -.fired the first shot in the revolt, turning its guns on the city. The heavy bombardment by both -land batteries and: warships caused a panic in Rio Janeiro early yesterday, and frightened and wounded people fled in all directions. . \u25a0Martial '. law has been - declared for SO 'Jays in the federal district and Nictheroy. * Toward midnight several boats put out;from the island and'men could be seen swimming toward the mainland. The: destroyers on watch made them all prisoners. Two land .batteries, two ..warships and several '"destroyers took part l in the bombardment, and twice in the en- gagement an armistice wa» allowed for the removal of the dead and wounded. Firing ceased entirely late in the even- ing. -but no actual surrender of the rebels occurred. . . , .• Two hundred citizens \u25a0were either killed or wounded while watching the bombardment. Many government build- Ings were damaged,", including the treasury, the foreign office and the;de- partments of' public works and tele- graphs. .";; ; { , The mutineers, who composed a bat- talion of the marine corps, numbered about 600 men. Of these 200 were killed or wounded. The others were taken prisoners by the destroyers while attempting to escape from the island In the night. RIO JANEIRO. Dec. 11.— Government troops are again in control of the gar- rison on Cobra Island, and the second mutiny of the naval forces has ended with a heavy casualty list. 200 Citizens Are Killed While Watching Bombardment; Mutiny Is Subdued Corbin was last seen November 19, when he left Harry Lamberton, a fel- low hunter, near Rea's pass, telling Lamberton that he purposed to'rSmain out throughout the night hoping to pet an elk. The condltio nof the body showed that death had occurred several days ago, probably from exposure. His horse was found dead near Corbin's body, and it is the belief of the woods- men of the country that Corbin was wandering aimlessly about the moun- tains until the snow became too deep to travel further, when his horse fell and died. BOISE, Idaho, Dec. 11. Four weeks from the date on which he was last seen, the body of Bert E. # Corbin, a prominent Boise man. and vice presi- dent of the. Union savings and trust company, was found Friday 12 miles from Big Springs, Idaho, the point where Corbin's party had made camp a monlli ago, according to news brought here today. Bert E. Corbin of Boise Is Found Dead in Snow Near His Horse's Body The following committee is planning a mass meeting > to be held 'next; week: Mrs. A. A. Fowler, Mrs. E. E.'Blodgett, Mrs. W. F.- Li Hick, Mrs.; J.V. Haley, airs. G.- S. Wells, Mrs. E. IJ. L. Pellier and Miss \u25a0\u25a0 Margaret Hale. Mrs. E. C. 1Hurff, .• chairman of the central committee, is the generalissimo of the anti-week forces. - The aid .of the school children of the city has been enlisted. > " , . \u25a0: : SAN. JOSE, Dec. 11.—The "hustlers' union," composed of clubwomen of this city, has declared war, on \u25a0• weeds,, in' the streets. Owners who fall to clean up their "premises willibe' waited upon Monday by a delegation of women aiid politely requested to get busy. paign to Clean Streets [Special Dispatch to The Call] "Hustlers' Union" Plans Cam- SAN JOSE WOMEN TO WAGE WAR ON WEEDS [Special Dispatch io The' Call]-' vV ;•* WASHINGTONTi ; Dec. ' 11.—An im- portant, conference of.'Calif ornians was held , tonight C at v headquarters at.' the' New Willard. I/The exposition'. commit-^, tee was- present", as : well' as -.all mem- bers of . the -congressional .delegation except McKiniay; The cpnf erpes~ { dis- cussed 4 the" whole f situation ,' as it . has unfolded, tip ;.to. date. < and decided, to make a strenuous effort to bring^up consideration pt the Kahn resolution this week'in the house. The plan is -to jask 'for a rule'calllng up the Kahn resolution with leave, to off er/an ''amendment \ substituting New Orleans; fbr^'San .^Francisco. 'This will bring, tho :\u25a0: whole ; matter -. before- -the ouse for '. debate .\an'd^ final V vote. The California {of'congress have polled- thec house" /'carefully, -and say that, they San -Francisco resolution,; will;, prevail 1 if ' it .- c»n*be* brought 1 - to> a> vote., ,", ;].'. ... ,: .. _\u0084 ;_• "., ..\u25a0 j jThe ...NewVOrieans, delegation now. in TVashlngtoh'also^had'a' conference to- day with*. Louisiana .members of con : gress. They KOt;-wind. of what the Californians ; proposed to do and it -is supposed "that * they \u25a0 are. preparing to niake a fight for -delay." Some *ot 'the stfongest/New'Orleans boosters' are ab- sent ahd' here are anxious; to wait" until they caY- marshal all, their forces. "'.*:'*'-*•' i .*• .'\u25a0.-\u25a0'* SENATE FAVORS THIS CITY : . Senatorß/ Perkins .;?: and Flint A, have canvassed the'- senate and . say . there \ is no-; doubt whatever that ; San Francisco can sweep 'the upper^ house* whenever the x question comes -sto a. vote.- They want; the house to act.first.; however, as any" action the; seriate' might take now' Vduld be ineffective;' anyhow and the senate is ha turally.reluctant J.o act In. amatter already ; pending , in the house. : \u25a0 '•- ' - '-The California'nW . are" full.; of confi- dence and anxious to get ; a test vote before;, the-'- holiday ' recess. \'~ Among members .of congress .-generally It is not 'jthought ; that - the exposition ques- tion can be determined before the mid- dle -of|January, at the earliest. - ] NEWORtEANS ADMITS f MISTAKE J The Call forniarts Vre elated ' over the attitude of the New Orleans newspapers which) ares;;toiadmits that a mistake i was ; mad ce v wh>n' ! NeW;- Orleans permitted , lierself to abe ..maneuvered into^a position. 'of - disclaiming .any; in- tention sto5 to ask; congress j for- an ; appro- priation. Newj Orleans States of December 9,. says editorially: ! ' '^OSmM \u25a0: I "California* now .promises > that she will : not ' seek national, •assistance^ Louisiana' has taken .the position -that the whole burden, ought be placed on any community': where .the "event to -be celebrated -^is'" national and 'the enterprise is to be furthered commercial in '" character and of \u25a0 concern 8 to the whole- country. This is the view' we bell eve .'congress will take, 'it will con- sider/ fundamentally -whether the gov- And^Decide Matter This^Week After; Debate Congress -Will Be Asked 4o;Take Up Kaihh Resolution CALIFORNIANS EXPECT TO SECURE EXPOSITION VOTE Continued on ; Page \2, Column \1 CYCLONE AND FLOODS CAUSE DEATH AND DEVASTATION IN WESTERN SPAIN Tetrazzini's opening performance wil lbe the scene of a large gathering of music lovers at the Dreamland 'rink tonight. The advance sale of tickets has been large. ' Until 7 o'clock this evening they will be on sale in the O'Farrell street store of Kobler & Chase and after that at the Dreamland box office. couraging to Management Advance Safe of Tickets En- LARGE CROWD EXPECTED TO GREET TETRAZZINI conditions, he added, were good, and there was no reason why the coming year should not be a banner one In the prosperity of the nation. He said that he planned to spend much of the win- ter In and about San Francisco In the interests of the. Mills estate. Ogden Mills, son of the late Darius O. Mills, arrived from the east last evening and is staying at the Fair- mont. Mills said that he was in the west purely on business.' Business diction of Prosperity Believes Conditions Justify Pre- OGDEN MILLS COMES TO CITY ON BUSINESS When some people talk we are re- minded of a dictionary with the defini- tions missing. steamship company's steamship Otym- pia was wrecked on the Bligh island reef. 40 miles from Cordova, Alaska, Owing to the closing of the military cabin offices at night, assistance could not be summoned from Valder. only 20 miles distant from the scene of th« wreck. No tugs were in the harbor here and it was necessary to telephone to Katalla. 50 miles east of here, to get a boat thai^ could go to the assist- ance of the Olympiads people. The launch Corsair left Katalla early this morning. "Word was also sent to Sew- ard. to the westward, to disrvtch the mall steamer Dora to the Olympiads assistance. The Dora was due at Sew- ard early today and should already be on the way to Bligh island. Ready to Launch Boats The rock on which the Olympia struck is one of the numerous r«efa that surround Bligh island and make it the most dangerous spot in Prince William sound. It is at the entrance to Ellamar bay and is but 20 miles from Valder. the port which the Olym- pia was seeking to make. Owing to the difficulty with which wireless communication with the Olym- pia was maintained. Operator Hayes was unable to give any details con- cerning the grounding o? the vesseL It Is believed, however, that its ma- chinery must have broken down, leav- ing .It at the mercy of the storm. Operator Hayes said that the boats were all ready for launching, but that the fury of the storm made this too dangerous an undertaking except as a last resort. It is believed the people will stay by the steamship until help arrives, unless they are forced to take to the boats before the sinking of the ship. Fate Pursues Passengers SEATTLE, Dec. 11. The Alaska CORDOVA, Alaska, Dec. 1 1. The Alaska steamship company* s steamer Olympia, ivith 106 persons aboard, is ashore on Bligh island. Prince Wil- liam sound. A furious storm is raging. No xoord has been received from the rvireless operator on the Olympia since this morning, and grave fears are entertained for the safety of those on the wrecked vessel. There are 52 passengers aboard the Olympia, most of whom boarded the vessel here last night. Among those who sailed from here for Valdez and Seward are United States District Judge E. E. Cushman and wife, and the following members of the third district court, who are on their way to Valdez, where court convenes tomorrow: United States District Judge E. E. Cushman and wife. Secretary I. Hamberger, wife and two children. District Attorney George %R.% R. Walker. Assistant District Attorneys Guy Brubacker and J. L. Green. Stenographer Don Stewart. Clerk of Court L. M. Lakin. Deputy Clerk Thomas S. Scott. Stenographer J. Hamilton. Deputy Marshals J. H. D. Bouse and Brown. All the above are members of Judge Cushman's court. The .crew of the Olympia consists of 54 officers and men, Captain J. T. Daniels being in command. " -The "Olympfa "sailed from Cordova at 6 o'clock last night, having arrived from Seattle earlier in the day. Although the night was clear and a full Vmoon shed 'a bright light, navigation was made dangerous by aSO mile galej which was blowing from the north. Between 12 and 1 o'clock this morning the operator on duty at the navy wireless station picked up the distress signal of the Olympia. He answered at once. Operator Hayes, on the Olympia, then sent an urgent appeal for help, saying that the Olympia had struck on Bligh Island and —\u2666was in an exposed position. Heavy- seas were breaking over her, making the position of those on board all the more perilous. The message from the Olympia was received with difficulty. The men in charge of the naval wireless station express the opinion that the grounding of the vessel had in some way caused a short circuit, which interfered with the sending of the wireless messages from the steamer. In spite of this difficulty, communi- cation was maintained with the dis- abled ship until 4 o'clock this morn- ing, since which time no call has been picked up from the ship. It is hoped that the silence of the wireless means nothing more serfous than the giving out of the batteries or the breaking of the dynamo, but on account of the furious storm which is raging the most conservative are compelled to- atl- mit that the Interruption of wireless communication may mean that , the steamer has succumbed to the pound- ing of the waves. Aerograms Are Suddenly Interrupted as Oper- ator at Sea Tells of Seas Breaking Over Ship Held in Perilous Position on Unlighted Shoal *-*.Gray* was' one of, the best known shipping men In San Francisco. He had charge of the Pacific coast business of the Kosmos line, which operates a line of -steamers between this coast and (German ports. 'v : At-the family > home it was stated that Mrs. Gray" would return here on the first' train. REDTVOOD CITY. Dec. 11: Lendal Morton Gray, who was killed In an automobile accident near Gonzales to- day, had been on a trip to Paso Robles hot springs for his health and was returning' to '.his' home here. He had been: for a number of years general agent of. the -Kosmos steamship com- pany, T7ith offices at 158 California street, San Francisco. Gray was 41 years" old. (He Is,sur- vived by his, widow and a son. Trip Taken fforr r Health auto. : .The Grays were returning from a visit to Paso Robles. Gray sat at the wheel and was sending the machine along at a rate of 30 miles an hour when he came on a sandy stretch. The wheel was wrenched from his hands, the machine skidded, turning com- pletely over, and Gray was pitched headlong to the side. of the road. Mrs. Gray, and Rooke. fell from the auto, but sustained only a few brnises. When they reached the injured man's side he was unconscious, and he died within a short time.'" His skull had been' frac- " GONZALES, Dec. 11. Hurled from his machine as it skidded and turned a complete somersault, Lendal Morton Gray, agent. of the Kosmos steamship company, was killed today on the road two miles south of Gonzalcs. Gray's wife and his. chauffeur, James Rooke, who were with him in the machine, escaped with slight Injuries, but Gray's favorite dog met the fate of his mas- ter by being caught beneath the big Steamship Agent Is Killed and Wife and Chauffeur. Are Slightly Bruised AUTO CRASH FATAL TO LE NDAL M.GRAY The detectives subjected their pris- oners to rigid examinations in an effort t^ Sain information that would lead t'tae apprehension of the rest of the gang. The Woodsons admitted that The prisoners were all taken to Mof- fatfs rooms in the post office build- ing and kept in different rooms so that they could not communicate with each other. They were taken'out one st. a time for their meals in the res- taurant at 62 Seventh street and al- lowed to sleep at night on couches in the post office building. Then followed the arrest of J. T. Woodson. known as "Little Tex," at the Palm hotel, northeast corner of S'xth and Howard streets. The place is run by Mrs. McGee, motherinlaw of Sheriff Thomas Finn, who chanced to be in the place at the time. G. M. Woodson! who is known as "Bis Tex," was found in a GhacE at the rear of 2114 Point Lobos avenue. Smith was arrested at Fifth and Market streets. Mrs. Smith was the first taken Into custody. Late in the afternoon a squad of detectives proceeded to her apart- ments. She was alone at the time and <jui«tly submitted to arrest. In the rooms were found a vice and the rasps used for filing the gold. Mrs. Smith xras taken to police headquarters and searched by the matron, who found $1,500 In currency on her... Prisoners Were Separated The Smiths and their tools, the Wood- ton^, were arrested Friday night. Two other opium fiends were taken into custody at the time, but they were released yesterday, the purpose having been to hold them, so that they could not spread the information of the ar- rest of the leaders of the gang. The information leaked out and the rest of the Rang received their warn- ing. The police are still endeavoring to run down those who were Impli- cated with Smith and his wife. As sf>on as Moffatt discovered that it was not a .federal, rasp, lie tele- graphed to the officials at Washington and was advlsod to turn the informa- tion he had gather over to the police and co-operate whenever possible. Pla^s had been laid for the capture of the -entire gang;. It was proposed to arrest the local members, subject them to a thorough examination, thus fc+t confessions, if possible, from the chief offenders here and then arrest the ringleaders. Gang Was Warned Wh^n th* local operations of the p^ns W«r« discovered, Moffatt thought th<» gold was being stolen from the federal assay office or th«» mint, or was b^ir.g secured from the debasing ,of ooins. It did not take long, however, to unrover the fa<t that the Smiths WW* making trips to the safe deposit vaults in the Bank of Italy brinch in Market street, whence tliey took bars of bulJion, one at a time, to their rooms in tlip Haystnn apartments at -1i Sixth street. With rasp?, Smith reduced the liars to filings and. then had the Woodson* sell tiie loose goM. Pr> far xs «"ousd bf learned, gold of th» value of $1,0r>3 was sold by the brothers. They found that a couple known as >". L. Smith and wife had several Thousan-Is dollars worth of bullion in a f^afe depopiti vault and were employing Tiro brothers, G. M. and J. Woodson, both opium fiends, to dispose of the jroM after it had been reduced to fil- ings by Smith, who is also an opium Send. Sold $3,093 of Gold For almost a month the secret service men have been working on the case. They gained their first informa- tion accidental^*. After that they began to ferret out the gang that had perpetrated one of the most mystifying rrimes that has developed on this coast in year?. DUE to the vigilance of Chief Secret Service Operative Harry MofTatt and the local police de- partment, three men and a woman were landed in the city prison last night and nearly $7,000 worth of bul- lion, supposed to be' a part of the $59,000 worth of sold stolen from ihe steamer Humboldt last September «n route from the Tanana gold fields to Seattle, is" now in the possession of Moffatt. E. L. Smith and Wife and Two Men Captured in Raid on Lodging House Humboldt Was Robbed While Bringing Treasure From Alaska Last September Secret Service Men Recover $7,000 of $59,000 Bullion Taken From Steamer Continued on Pnge S s Column 6 Always tell the truth but it is some- times advisable to use a long; distance phone. V-- U -" '\u25a0- \u25a0 , - JTall wasi 27 -years- old,, arid-left ta" wife, . father- and two/brothers. ,. fc - .: -. . Hall was standing in the bathtub, and, endeavored ;to turn* on * the '.water with one hand "while he turned the switch of the, electric globe ; with the other. The . water; pipe sort circuited the\ current, -.and; his body recelved,the full charge. ';.'- The force or the' charge threw him out of the^tub -and against the wall. Death was instantaneous. " Eckley Hall Victim of Short Circuit : STOCKTON, Dec. 11.—Eckley Hall, a contractor of /this -city,, received an electric shock while' taking \u25a0 a bath at his {home .'this', evening- which caused his. death. ELECTRIC SHOCK KILLS MAN IN BATHTUB V -MADRID, Dec 11.— : Spain .was visited today .by a cyclone, in which many per- sons were : killed ?'and injured,* and S the low -.lying districts " "; : -'. Lower. 'Seville « is- submerged and; feared ; theY entire 'city/ will*? be -under water >soon.'.' -A railroad* bridge at > Al-' cala; has ; been; destroyed' and numerous villageetare in : a;. critical: situation, r Railroads Miave , been :i washed'^ away at.:Cacere^ leja, Vlllaeeca\;and : ''Malaga. '.'Several bodies'\were'fFeen^'",flpating^t'down'Xthe river, at"S Vailadolid.*:*-; Reports *vhaye reached >here lof shipwrecks along I the coast:" \u25a0;•/;•. ;-:'.,' ' \: Italian Riviera^Suffersr : ROME; Dec; 11.—The; Italian ' Riviera has : \u25a0.suffered greatly / ; from .*\u25a0 recent storms. \ 'Miles '} L of /Cultivated flowers naye 1 .- been .'devastated. - San,; Remo is flooded and \u25a0 many -residents " were com- pelled ;in'/the 'night -to /escape from windows .-oh' ropey ladders,.jtheir r houses being fwitii. water.. -Several persons . have~^beeri : drowned."' The hill on -Iwhich the >: villa"ge;.of . Pentenuoyo stand's'^ is rapidly* undermined.

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Page 1: Degree** The San Francisco Call. › lccn › sn85066387 › ... · first shot inthe revolt, turning its guns on the city. The heavy bombardment by both -land batteries and: warships


;5;5 . .


Alaska Steamer, With 106 Persons, WreckedPEICE FIVE CENTS.VOLUME CIX.—NO. 12,

{"HOT* Chief Lees Applied the "Thir7\Degree** to a Prisoner WillBe Told in

« The Sunday Call Next Sunday in thej^ Series of Articles Concerning the Great

\yDetective. : : : : :i: /-: :ji The San Francisco Call. f THE WEATHERYESTERDAY—Highest temperature. 60;

lo&est Saturday irighU 54.FORECAST FOR TODAY—Fair; light

i northwest wind. j



Vessel Strikes Treacherous Bligh'

Island in Dead of Night and Grave• Fears Are Felt for the Passengers



Edward^J3. Aldrich, the sen-ator's "Son, director, vice presi-dent and general manager of theIntercontinental. 6.200 shares, parvalue $6:0,000.

Senator Nelson W. Aldrich di-rector, 25,000 shares, common,par value $2,500,000; about 5,250shares of preferred, par valueJ525.000.

The Aldrich holdings, so far asknown, in the Intercontinental<crude> rubber company are:

Four other Aldriches appearalso on the stock register of therubber trust.

In Nelson *W. Aldrich's namestand 340 shares of the first pre-ferred stock, worth $37,400 at lastSaturday's closing price on theNew York exchange.

Inspection by a representative

of the World of the stock registerof the United States rubber com-pany

—the $75,000,000 manufac-

turing rubber trust—shows thatSenator Aldrlch has a very sub-stantial pecuniary Interest in theIncrease in the tariff on manu-factured rubber male by Aldrich'scompany.

"Neither Inor any member ofmy family has ever had any pe-cuniary interest as to whetherthe rates on manufactures ofrubber were 30, 35 or 300 percent, or whether crude rubberwas on the free or dutiable list.1


NEW YORK, Dec. 11.—TheWorld says: Last July Nelson W.Aldrich, erstwhile boss of theUnited States senate that helpedenact the present Payne-Aldrich

tariff law, denied the charge ofJoseph L. Bristow, a progressiverepublican senator from Kansas,in the following letter to Con-gressman McKlnley of Illinois,chairman of the republican con-gressional committee:

[Special Dispatch to The Call]

Millions in RubberTrust Stock OwnedBySenator Aldrich


Judge E. 'Ei\Cushman, ivho^Tvitfcdthet members' of third. distfict\c6urU is> :.:.. vy> . ' ;: ;\u25a0•. on;wrecked^ s learner ,y; : , >iv.Y.;

trivial, most of the demands made by

the men in the • last .mutiny having

been granted by1-the government.

According to the newspapers, thecauses leading'to the second revolt are

The chamber of deputies met today

to discuss a special session. A strictcensorship is being maintained, but

conditions are entirely normal. Thescout ship Rio Grande do Sul -.fired thefirst shot in the revolt, turning its gunson the city. The heavy bombardmentby both -land batteries and: warshipscaused a panic in Rio Janeiro early

yesterday, and frightened and woundedpeople fled in all directions. .

\u25a0Martial '.law has been-declared for

SO 'Jays in the federal district andNictheroy. *

Toward midnight several boats putout;from the island and'men could beseen swimming toward the mainland.The: destroyers on watch made themall prisoners.

• Two land .batteries, two ..warshipsand several '"destroyers took partlinthe bombardment, and twice in the en-gagement an armistice wa» allowed forthe removal of the dead and wounded.Firing ceased entirely late in the even-ing.-but no actual surrender of therebels occurred. . . , .•

Two hundred citizens \u25a0were eitherkilled or wounded while watching thebombardment. Many government build-Ings were damaged,", including thetreasury, the foreign office and the;de-partments of' public works and tele-graphs. .";; ;{ ,

The mutineers, who composed a bat-talion of the marine corps, numberedabout 600 men. Of these 200 werekilled or wounded. The others weretaken prisoners by the destroyerswhile attempting to escape from theisland In the night.

RIO JANEIRO. Dec. 11.—Governmenttroops are again in control of the gar-

rison on Cobra Island, and the secondmutiny of the naval forces has endedwith a heavy casualty list.

200 Citizens Are Killed WhileWatching Bombardment;

Mutiny Is Subdued

Corbin was last seen November 19,

when he left Harry Lamberton, a fel-low hunter, near Rea's pass, telling

Lamberton that he purposed to'rSmainout throughout the night hoping topet an elk.

The condltio nof the body showed

that death had occurred several daysago, probably from exposure. Hishorse was found dead near Corbin'sbody, and itis the belief of the woods-men of the country that Corbin was

wandering aimlessly about the moun-tains until the snow became too deep

to travel further, when his horse felland died.

BOISE, Idaho, Dec. 11.—

Four weeksfrom the date on which he was lastseen, the body of Bert E.

#Corbin, a

prominent Boise man. and vice presi-

dent of the. Union savings and trustcompany, was found Friday 12 milesfrom Big Springs, Idaho, the pointwhere Corbin's party had made camp

a monlli ago, according to newsbrought here today.

Bert E.Corbin of Boise Is FoundDead in Snow Near His

Horse's Body

The following committee is planninga mass meeting >to be held 'next;week:Mrs. A. A. Fowler, Mrs. E. E.'Blodgett,Mrs. W. F.-LiHick, Mrs.;J.V. Haley,airs. G.- S. Wells, Mrs. E.IJ. L. Pellierand Miss \u25a0\u25a0 Margaret Hale.

• Mrs. E. C.1Hurff, .• chairman of thecentral committee, is the generalissimo

of • the anti-week forces.-

The aid .ofthe school children of the city hasbeen enlisted. >

" , . \u25a0:

:SAN. JOSE, Dec. 11.—The "hustlers'union," composed of clubwomen of thiscity, has declared war, on \u25a0• weeds,, in'the streets. Owners who fall to cleanup their "premises willibe' waited uponMonday by a delegation of women aiidpolitely requested to get busy.

paign to Clean Streets[Special Dispatch to The Call]

"Hustlers' Union" Plans Cam-


[Special Dispatch io The'Call]-' vV ;•*


11.—An im-

portant, conference of.'Californians washeld ,tonight Cat v headquarters at.' the'

New Willard. I/The exposition'. commit-^,

tee was- present", as :well' as -.all mem-

bers of. the -congressional .delegationexcept McKiniay; • The cpnferpes~


cussed 4 the"whole f situation ,'as it. hasunfolded, tip;.to. date. < and decided, tomake a strenuous effort to bring^upconsideration pt the Kahn resolutionthis week'in the house.

The plan is -to jask 'for a rule'calllng

up the Kahn resolution with leave, to

offer/an ''amendment \ substituting NewOrleans; fbr^'San .^Francisco. 'This willbring, tho :\u25a0: whole ;matter -. before- -the

ouse for '.debate .\an'd^ final Vvote. TheCalifornia {of'congress havepolled- thec house" /'carefully,-and say

that, they San -Franciscoresolution,; will;,prevail1 if


brought 1-

to> a> vote.,,",;].'. ... ,:.. _\u0084 ;_•"., ..\u25a0

j jThe...NewVOrieans, delegation now. inTVashlngtoh'also^had'a' conference to-day with*.Louisiana .members of con:gress. They KOt;-wind. of what theCalifornians ;proposed to do and it -issupposed "that

* they \u25a0 are. preparing toniake a fight for-delay." Some *ot 'thestfongest/New'Orleans boosters' are ab-

sent ahd' here are anxious; to

wait"until they caY-marshal all, theirforces. "'.*:'*'-*•'i .*• .'\u25a0.-\u25a0'*

SENATE FAVORS THIS CITY:.Senatorß/ Perkins .;?: and FlintA,have

canvassed the'- senate and .say . there \ is

no-; doubt whatever that ;San Franciscocan sweep 'the upper^ house* wheneverthe x question comes -sto a. vote.- Theywant; the house to act.first.; however,as any" action the; seriate' might takenow'Vduld be ineffective;' anyhow andthe senate is ha turally.reluctant J.o actIn. amatter already ;pending ,in thehouse. :

\u25a0'•- ' -

'-The California'nW . are" full.; of confi-dence and anxious to get ;a test votebefore;, the-'- holiday

'recess. \'~ Among

members .of congress .-generally It isnot 'jthought ;that

-the • exposition ques-

tion can be determined before the mid-dle -of|January, at the earliest. - ]NEWORtEANS ADMITSf


J The Call forniarts Vre elated'over the

attitude of the New Orleans newspaperswhich)ares;;toiadmits that amistake iwas ;mad cev wh>n'!NeW;- Orleanspermitted ,lierself toabe ..maneuveredinto^a position. 'of- disclaiming.any; in-tention sto5 to ask; congress jfor-an


priation. Newj Orleans States ofDecember 9,.says editorially: !' '^OSmM

\u25a0: I"California* now .promises > that shewill:not '

seek national, •assistance^Louisiana' has taken .the position -thatthe whole burden, ought be placedon any • community': where .the "eventto-be celebrated -^is'" national and 'theenterprise is to be furthered commercialin

'"character and of \u25a0 concern 8 to the

whole- country. This is the view'webelleve .'congress will take, 'it willcon-sider/ fundamentally -whether the gov-

And^Decide Matter This^Week After;DebateCongress -Will Be Asked 4o;Take Up Kaihh Resolution


Continued on;Page \2, Column \1


Tetrazzini's opening performance

wil lbe the scene of a large gatheringof music lovers at the Dreamland 'rinktonight. The advance sale of ticketshas been large.

'Until 7 o'clock this

evening they will be on sale in theO'Farrell street store of Kobler &Chase and after that at the Dreamlandbox office.

couraging to ManagementAdvance Safe of Tickets En-


conditions, he added, were good, andthere was no reason why the comingyear should not be a banner one In theprosperity of the nation. He said thathe planned to spend much of the win-ter In and about San Francisco In theinterests of the. Mills estate.

Ogden Mills, son of the late DariusO. Mills, arrived from the east lastevening and is staying at the Fair-mont. Mills said that he was in thewest purely on business.' Business

diction of ProsperityBelieves Conditions Justify Pre-


When some people talk we are re-minded of a dictionary with the defini-tions missing.

steamship company's steamship Otym-

pia was wrecked on the Bligh islandreef. 40 miles from Cordova, Alaska,

Owing to the closing of the militarycabin offices at night, assistance couldnot be summoned from Valder. only

20 miles distant from the scene of th«wreck. No tugs were in the harborhere and it was necessary to telephoneto Katalla. 50 miles east of here, toget a boat thai^could go to the assist-ance of the Olympiads people. Thelaunch Corsair left Katalla early thismorning. "Word was also sent to Sew-ard. to the westward, to disrvtch themall steamer Dora to the Olympiadsassistance. The Dora was due at Sew-ard early today and should already beon the way to Bligh island.

Ready to Launch BoatsThe rock on which the Olympia

struck is one of the numerous r«efathat surround Bligh island and makeit the most dangerous spot in PrinceWilliam sound. It is at the entranceto Ellamar bay and is but 20 milesfrom Valder. the port which the Olym-pia was seeking to make.

Owing to the difficulty with whichwireless communication with the Olym-

pia was maintained. Operator Hayes

was unable to give any details con-cerning the grounding o? the vesseLIt Is believed, however, that its ma-chinery must have broken down, leav-ing .It at the mercy of the storm.Operator Hayes said that the boatswere all ready for launching, but thatthe fury of the storm made this toodangerous an undertaking except as a

last resort. It is believed the people

will stay by the steamship until helparrives, unless they are forced to taketo the boats before the sinking of theship.

Fate Pursues PassengersSEATTLE, Dec. 11.

—The Alaska

CORDOVA, Alaska, Dec. 1 1.—

The Alaska steamship company* s steamerOlympia, ivith 106 persons aboard, is ashore onBligh island. Prince Wil-liam sound. A furious storm is raging. No xoord has been received from

the rvireless operator on the Olympia since this morning, and grave fears areentertained for the safety of those on the wrecked vessel.

There are 52 passengers aboard the Olympia, most of whom boardedthe vessel here last night. Among those who sailed from here for Valdezand Seward are United States District Judge E. E. Cushman and wife,

and the following members of the third district court, who are on theirway to Valdez, where court convenes tomorrow:

United States District Judge E. E. Cushman and wife.Secretary I.Hamberger, wife and two children.District Attorney George %R.%R. Walker.Assistant District Attorneys Guy Brubacker and J. L. Green.Stenographer Don Stewart.Clerk of Court L.M.Lakin.Deputy Clerk Thomas S. Scott.Stenographer J. Hamilton.

• Deputy Marshals J. H. D. Bouse and Brown.Allthe above are members of Judge Cushman's court.The .crew of the Olympia consists of 54 officers and men, Captain J. T.

Daniels being in command." -The "Olympfa "sailed from Cordova at 6 o'clock last night, having

arrived from Seattle earlier in the day. Although the night was clear anda fullVmoon shed 'a bright light, navigation was made dangerous by aSOmile galej which was blowing from the north.

Between 12 and 1 o'clock this morning the operator on duty at thenavy wireless station picked up the distress signal of the Olympia. Heanswered at once. Operator Hayes, on the Olympia, then sent an urgentappeal for help, saying that the Olympia had struck on Bligh Island and

—\u2666was in an exposed position. Heavy-

seas were breaking over her, makingthe position of those on board all themore perilous.

The message from the Olympia wasreceived with difficulty. The men incharge of the naval wireless stationexpress the opinion that the grounding

of the vessel had in some way causeda short circuit, which interfered withthe sending of the wireless messages

from the steamer.In spite of this difficulty, communi-

cation was maintained with the dis-abled ship until 4 o'clock this morn-ing, since which time no call has beenpicked up from the ship. It is hoped

that the silence of the wireless meansnothing more serfous than the giving

out of the batteries or the breaking ofthe dynamo, but on account of thefurious storm which is raging themost conservative are compelled to- atl-mit that the Interruption of wirelesscommunication may mean that , thesteamer has succumbed to the pound-ing of the waves.

Aerograms Are Suddenly Interrupted as Oper-ator at Sea Tells of Seas Breaking Over ShipHeld in Perilous Position on Unlighted Shoal

*-*.Gray* was' one of, the best knownshipping men In San Francisco. Hehad charge of the Pacific coast businessof the Kosmos line, which operates a

line of-steamers between this coastand (German ports.

'v:At-the family > home it was stated

that Mrs. Gray" would return here onthe first' train.



Morton Gray, who was killed In anautomobile accident near Gonzales to-

day, had been on a trip to Paso Robles

hot springs for his health and wasreturning' to '.his' home here. He had

been: for a number of years general

agent of. the -Kosmos steamship com-pany, T7ith offices at 158 Californiastreet, San Francisco.

Gray was 41 years" old. (He Is,sur-

vived by his, widow and a son.

Trip Taken fforrrHealth


:.The Grays were returning from a

visit to Paso Robles. Gray sat at the

wheel and was sending the machine

along at a rate of 30 miles an hour

when he came on a sandy stretch. The

wheel was wrenched from his hands,

the machine skidded, turning com-

pletely over, and Gray was pitched

headlong to the side. of the road. Mrs.

Gray, and Rooke. fell from the auto,

but sustained onlya few brnises. Whenthey reached the injured man's side

he was unconscious, and he died within

a short time.'" His skull had been' frac-

" GONZALES, Dec. 11.—

Hurled from

his machine as it skidded and turned

a complete somersault, Lendal MortonGray, agent. of the Kosmos steamship

company, was killed today on the road

two miles south of Gonzalcs. Gray's

wife and his. chauffeur, James Rooke,

who were with him in the machine,

escaped with slight Injuries, but Gray's

favorite dog met the fate of his mas-

ter by being caught beneath the big

Steamship Agent Is Killed and

Wife and Chauffeur. AreSlightly Bruised


The detectives subjected their pris-

oners to rigidexaminations in an effort

t Sain information that would leadt'tae apprehension of the rest of the

gang. The Woodsons admitted that

The prisoners were all taken to Mof-fatfs rooms in the post office build-ing and kept in different rooms so

that they could not communicate witheach other. They were taken'out onest. a time for their meals in the res-taurant at 62 Seventh street and al-lowed to sleep at night on couches inthe post office building.

Then followed the arrest of J. T.Woodson. known as "Little Tex," at

the Palm hotel, northeast corner ofS'xth and Howard streets. The place

is run by Mrs. McGee, motherinlaw ofSheriff Thomas Finn, who chanced to

be in the place at the time. G. M.Woodson! who is known as "Bis Tex,"

was found in a GhacE at the rear of

2114 Point Lobos avenue. Smith wasarrested at Fifth and Market streets.

Mrs. Smith was the first taken Intocustody. Late in the afternoon a squad

of detectives proceeded to her apart-ments. She was alone at the time and<jui«tly submitted to arrest. In therooms were found a vice and the rasps

used for filing the gold. Mrs. Smithxras taken to police headquarters and

searched by the matron, who found$1,500 In currency on her...

Prisoners Were Separated

The Smiths and their tools, the Wood-ton^, were arrested Friday night. Twoother opium fiends were taken intocustody at the time, but they werereleased yesterday, the purpose havingbeen to hold them, so that they couldnot spread the information of the ar-rest of the leaders of the gang.

The information leaked out and therest of the Rang received their warn-ing. The police are still endeavoringto run down those who were Impli-cated with Smith and his wife.

As sf>on as Moffatt discovered thatit was not a .federal, rasp, lie tele-graphed to the officials at Washington

and was advlsod to turn the informa-tion he had gather over to the policeand co-operate whenever possible.

Pla^s had been laid for the captureof the -entire gang;. It was proposed

to arrest the local members, subject

them to a thorough examination, thusfc+t confessions, if possible, from thechief offenders here and then arrestthe ringleaders.

Gang Was Warned

Wh^n th* local operations of thep^ns W«r« discovered, Moffatt thought

th<» gold was being stolen from the

federal assay office or th«» mint, or wasb^ir.g secured from the debasing ,ofooins. Itdid not take long, however,to unrover the fa<t that the SmithsWW* making trips to the safe deposit

vaults in the Bank of Italy brinch inMarket street, whence tliey took barsof bulJion, one at a time, to theirrooms in tlip Haystnn apartments at-1i Sixth street. With rasp?, Smithreduced the liars to filings and. thenhad the Woodson* sell tiie loose goM.

Pr> far xs «"ousd bf learned, gold ofth» value of $1,0r>3 was sold by thebrothers.

They found that a couple known as>". L. Smith and wife had severalThousan-Is dollars worth of bullion in af^afe depopiti vault and were employing

Tiro brothers, G. M. and J. T» Woodson,

both opium fiends, to dispose of thejroM after it had been reduced to fil-ings by Smith, who is also an opium


Sold $3,093 of Gold

For almost a month the secretservice men have been working on thecase. They gained their first informa-tion accidental^*. After that theybegan to ferret out the gang that hadperpetrated one of the most mystifyingrrimes that has developed on this coastin year?.

DUE to the vigilance of ChiefSecret Service Operative HarryMofTatt and the local police de-

partment, three men and a womanwere landed in the city prison lastnight and nearly $7,000 worth of bul-lion, supposed to be' a part of the$59,000 worth of sold stolen fromihe steamer Humboldt last September«n route from the Tanana gold fieldsto Seattle, is" now in the possession ofMoffatt. •

E. L. Smith and Wife and TwoMen Captured inRaid on

Lodging House

Humboldt Was Robbed WhileBringing Treasure From

Alaska Last September

Secret Service Men Recover$7,000 of $59,000 Bullion

Taken From Steamer

Continued on Pnge Ss Column 6

Always tell the truth—

but it is some-times advisable to use a long;distancephone. V--U-" '\u25a0- \u25a0 ,

- JTall wasi 27 -years- old,, arid-left ta"wife,. father- and two/brothers. ,.fc- .: -..

Hall was standing in the bathtub,and, endeavored ;to turn* on *the '.waterwith one hand "while he turned theswitch of the, electric globe ;with theother. The . water;pipe sort circuitedthe\ current, -.and; his body recelved,thefull charge. ';.'- The force or the' chargethrew him out of the^tub -and against

the wall. Death was instantaneous."

Eckley Hall Victim of ShortCircuit

:STOCKTON, Dec. 11.—Eckley Hall, acontractor of /this -city,, received anelectric shock while' taking \u25a0 a bath athis {home .'this', evening- which causedhis. death.


V -MADRID,Dec 11.—:Spain .was visited

today .by a cyclone, in which many per-

sons were:killed ?'and injured,* and S thelow-.lying districts


"; :-'. Lower.'Seville « is- submerged and; it.isfeared ;theY entire 'city/ will*?be -underwater >soon.'.' -A railroad* bridge at >Al-'cala; has ;been; destroyed' and numerousvillageetare in:a;.critical: situation,

r Railroads Miave, been :iwashed'^ away

at.:Cacere^leja, Vlllaeeca\;and :''Malaga. '.'Severalbodies'\were'fFeen^'",flpating^t'down'Xtheriver, at"S Vailadolid.*:*-;Reports *vhaye

reached >here lof•shipwrecks along Ithecoast:"

•\u25a0;•/;•. ;-:'.,'


Italian Riviera^Suffersr: ROME; Dec; 11.—The;Italian


has :\u25a0.suffered greatly /;from .*\u25a0 recentstorms. \ 'Miles '}

L of /Cultivated flowersnaye 1.- been •.'devastated. - San,; Remo isflooded •and \u25a0 many -residents

"were com-

pelled ;in'/the 'night -to /escape fromwindows .-oh' ropey ladders,.jtheir r housesbeing fwitii.water.. -Severalpersons .have~^beeri :drowned."' The hillon -Iwhich the >:villa"ge;.of . Pentenuoyostand's'^ is rapidly* undermined.