deformation and annealing textures of drawn al–mg–si alloy tubes

Deformation and annealing textures of drawn Al±Mg±Si alloy tubes Hyun Park, Dong Nyung Lee * School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, South Korea Abstract The deformation and annealing textures in drawn Al±Mg±Si alloy tubes were investigated by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron back-scattering diffraction EBSD). As-received tubes, drawn at a thickness/diameter strain ratio of 3, had the {1 1 0}h001i and {1 1 2}h111i textures as their main components, which are also measured in the rolled sheet. During annealing, precipitation took place on grain boundaries and dislocations before recrystallization was completed. As the annealing temperature increased, the deformation texture was weakened and randomization of the orientation distribution progressed with the weak {1 0 0}h001i component. After annealing at 6008C for 20 h, the grains with h100i orientation parallel to the radial direction grew abnormally. The annealing textures are related to precipitation and abnormal grain growth. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Deformation; Annealing; Texture; Precipitation; Recrystallization; Abnormal grain growth 1. Introduction During deformation processing, metallic materials under- gone two typical processes, deformation and heat treatment. Conventionally, metals are deformed to the required shape and heated at high temperatures annealed), and the grain structure and texture of the annealed metals are altered [1]. In order to improve the properties of annealed materials, there are numerous examples for the need to control the microstructures, in particular the texture, of the materials. Most metallic materials consist of a number of grains with their own lattice orientation. If the materials are deformed or heated to a high temperature, the grains are arranged in particular crystallographic orientations, this situation of the material being stated as having `texture'. Materials with texture have anisotropy of mechanical, electrical and mag- netic properties. For example, a mild steel sheet consisting of grains, for which the h111i directions are normal to the rolling plane after annealing, has a good deep drawability and in silicon steel abnormally grown grains with Goss orientation allows high permeability in transformers. Despite extensive research efforts, there are still many important questions concerning the origin and control of texture, which remain unsolved. Although macro-textures, as determined by X-ray diffraction, provides valuable infor- mation about the material as a whole, they are of limited use in investigating the nature of the annealing processes and the manner in which texture develops during the processing. Recently, the advent of techniques, such as SEM, TEM, etc., for determining local orientations and relating them to microstructures, has enabled great advances to be made in the understanding of annealing phenomena [2±6]. In this context, the evolution of the deformation and annealing textures of a drawn Al±Mg±Si alloy tube has been investigated by the analysis of microstructures and textures. Optical and TEM microstructures were investi- gated and the X-ray diffraction technique and the SEM based electron back-scattering diffraction EBSD) method were used to measure the global and local textures, respec- tively. 2. Experimental procedure The material used in the investigation was an Al± 0.7%Mg±0.4%Si alloy, which conforms to AA6063 Al alloy. As-received 6063 aluminum alloy tubes were pro- duced by extrusion followed by one-pass drawing with 30% reduction in thickness and 10% outer-diameter reduction using a back-tapered plug Fig. 1). The drawn aluminum alloy tubes were annealed at 300, 400, 500, and 6008C for 3 h isothermally, and at 500 and 6008C for 2 h.The drawn and annealed tubes were cut longitudinally and unbent into a ¯at sheet for TEM and X-ray diffraction analyses as shown in Fig. 2a). For optical microstructure and EBSD measurements, as-drawn and annealed tubes were cut and mounted so that the long- itudinal cross-section could be perpendicular to the mount-normal direction as shown in Fig. 2b). Journal of Materials Processing Technology 113 2001) 551±555 * Corresponding author. Tel.: 82-2-880-7100; fax: 82-2-885-9671. E-mail address: [email protected] D.N. Lee). 0924-0136/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0924-013601)00658-6

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Page 1: Deformation and annealing textures of drawn Al–Mg–Si alloy tubes

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